Foods That Cause Gas & Bloating...And What To Eat Instead

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blaze city fam what is up it is brad and bobby coming at you from the grocery store about to go in there and show you what foods can cause bloating and gas and what foods can really help you with that it's going to be an interesting video because i think a lot of people actually suffer from those two things and there are items at the grocery store that everyone knows causes gas and bloating but there's other ones that are kind of under the radar and i want to tell you why you should avoid them and what you can replace them with to alleviate that very painful annoying gas and bloating before we go into the grocery store and do the d like we always do like subscribe and share my friends the only way the channel keeps growing is by you spreading that flavor city love but i also want you to check out using my promo link down below thrive has been supporting the channel for six years i've been a customer for six years and what's cool about thrive is that anything you would get at any grocery store is on thrive market for cheaper in fact you save about 32 dollars compared to going to the store and the box shows up to your house you never have to go outside if you don't want to um but they also have a really cool app with a price scanner fire that puppy up at the grocery store scan any barcode it'll tell you if it's cheaper on thrive market or if there's a better alternative spotter alert it usually is but right now flav city fans are getting the hook up when you click my link down below in the description box you get a great promo code you get 25 off your entire first order a free gift up to 31 and it's 30 days risk-free i mean if you try it you don't love it you're like bobby it was just okay you can cancel get your membership feedback but i think you're gonna love it so check them out okay less talking more shopping let's go in the grocery store a lot of people don't realize it but sweeteners can be a huge cause of bloating and gas pain and the thing is there's so many alternative sweeteners on the market that people are turning to because they're on a low carb or a keto diet or a diabetic diet the problem is that the sugar alternatives that are zero glycemic index like erythritol xylitol and maltitol can be very bloating and cause gas because they're sugar alcohols they remain completely undigestable in the body meaning they make it all the way to your large intestine where the bacteria feed on it when they feed on them they produce gas so knowing that what do you want to do if you still want to eat a diabetic or low glycemic sweetener i would stay away from the sugar alcohols like erythritol i would stay away from the sweeteners like xylitol anything that ends in a tall stay away from and swap it out with stevia stevia is not a sugar alcohol just make sure you get pure stevia this is the kind of stuff you want sometimes it's pure stevia drops but be careful sometimes you look around here like this you might get something that says there's stevia always read the ingredients that we teach you on this channel it's erythritol first then stevia then natural flavors you guys know how i feel about natural flavors there's nothing natural about it but the erythritol is in there too you got to be very very careful so stevia is good another one that is good is pure monk fruit i don't see it here i do like monk fruit sweetener but if you're having bloating and gas pain it's not for you because it has the erythritol and the monk fruit in there i mean listen the wall of sweeteners is actually very confusing go on youtube search flavor city sweeteners i have a ton of videos for you too and keep in mind that chewing gum is often made of erythritol or xylitol also and that gets swallowed by your body and can affect bloating and gas pain too so swap out the sugar alcohols for other zero glycemic sweeteners that won't cause gas and bloating the pasta aisle unfortunately you have to avoid certain types of pasta if you have gas and bloating and it's wheat based pastas that's because wheat is inflammatory and wheat can cause bloating and gas and the thing is even if you're not insensitive to wheat or you don't really even have bloating issues i think all wheat and all gluten is inflammatory and i would try getting it out of your diet for 30 days and i think you're going to notice maybe bloating go down but inflammation go down and you're going to feel better the good news is you don't have to give up pasta you just don't want to eat wheat-based pastas you want to eat gluten-free pasta made from right things right because some gluten-free pastas like these are actually ones i love from chickpeas and lentils like this these are complex carbohydrates which are great but chickpeas and other legumes like lentils have a lot of fiber see how much fiber they have here fiber grains like this produce a lot of gas which can really mess you up so you want to stay away from these kind of uh complex carbohydrate pastas and go for something like this this is a brown rice pasta right here and this is a cassava pasta right here the cool thing about about brown rice pasta is it's low on the fodmap diet or in other words saying it's a very low bloating and low gas rice flour i prefer this this one is so dark nerd this one's made from cassava it's absolutely delicious it's the whole cassava flower it's not the starch it's cheaper on thrive market right this brand specifically if you use the price scanner on the app you'll see all these job postures are cheaper so use my promo link down below get the 25 off your first order the free gift in 30 days risk free get some low bloating and low gas pasta it is fantastic something like this says it's quinoa pasta right which is anti-bloating and anti-gas but it's made with a white rice flour is the primary ingredient that has no nutrition compared to brown rice flour like that so it's all about eating the right gluten-free pasta and the right ones that don't cause gas and bloating 75 percent of us cannot digest lactose or the sugar and milk therefore causes bloating and gas but also during the pasteurization process you scorch or burn the lactose making it even harder to digest and in my opinion also you might want to limit or completely avoid the dairy because it creates too much excess mucus in your body so ditch the dairy i think you're going to leave a lot of your bloating in your gas pan i think all of us at some point have eaten too many beans and felt very bloated and very gassy and if you're on a low fodmap diet you really shouldn't be having any beans but there are a couple beans you can eat that are easier on your tummy to digest and won't create so much bloating and those are right here black beans and pinto beans so these would be my go-to bean if i was looking for one that's more easily digestible but there is a way to prepare beans including all beans to make them easier to digest and create less gas so soak your beans overnight when you soak them uh 12 to 24 hours you sprout them when you sprout something like a bean or a seed or a grain it makes it easier on your tummy to digest and you also unlock more nutrition for your body to get out of the product and also pressure cook your beans always put them in a pressure cooker that removes the anti-nutrients or the lectins dr gundry made those very famous and also makes them super easy to digest once again low fodmap diet you don't want to do that but soak overnight then pressure cook go for these guys to make them the most digestible beans you can buy so brad and i are working on doing a lot of personal care reviews for you guys in the near future about like sunscreen bug repellent cleansers including shampoo and conditioner and this is one of my favorite brands it's a very solid company a cure i use the shampoo and the conditioner here there's a sale here right now but the normal price of 9.99 is a little steep i only buy it on thrive market and i've been talking about it so much they actually sold out for the last two weeks but it just came back in stock right now i checked get this stuff it's three dollars cheaper than whole foods when it's not on sale here and it's great use my link down below you get 25 off your first order it's even cheaper anyone is really good but this one the argan oil and pumpkin seed is fantastic scoop that for sure you can't go wrong for shampoo and conditioner it may seem obvious but you want to stay away from any kind of sparkling or carbonated beverages when you're dealing with gas and bloating that includes soda that includes kombucha i know everyone loves it it's obvious though right because uh sparkling beverages like this have carbon dioxide the bubbles that you're basically swallowing a whole bunch of gas which creates even more gas and pain and bloating so that's a no but honorable mention brad and i tried this recently it's the craziest thing it's a gt's functional mushroom root beer the ingredients are epic it has a little bit of an apple cider vinegar leftover taste but i liked it brad you weren't too keen on the root beer were you i didn't like it i liked it i liked it it was funky though but my friends that also applies to beer now i'm never going to tell you not to drink your beer but there's three things going on here that can cause major bloating and gas number one it's a carbonated beverage there's the gas number two it's made with fermentable carbs like wheat and barley and stuff like that and number three it's made of wheat gluten gluten makes you more bloated so between that the fermentable carbs and the gas man oh man you're gonna feel it in your tummy if we're up to me i drop that beer and grab some top shelf tequila and yejo which i don't know if they sell here at this location but that's what i would drink when it comes to fresh produce there are certain fruits and vegetables you want to avoid and certain ones you can eat for veggies i would avoid cabbage broccoli cauliflower brussels sprouts and instead opt for kale lettuce spinach cucumber sweet potatoes zucchini and for fruit i would avoid apples watermelon and peaches even though i love those and go for grapes and strawberries and oranges i'll put the full list in the description box but you got to be careful because those things kind of add up really quickly and create a lot of gas and bloating all right family that is it i think if you make these changes you're going to see a noticeable difference probably not just in bloating and gas but in other stuff too because the foods can be anti-inflammatory they can help with fatigue they can help with a whole bunch of other stuff so try it out let us know how you like it if you have other recommendations let brad and i know we're working on some really cool ideas right now but we always love your feedback on try thrive market my friends use my link down below get 25 off your first order get that free gift it's 30 days risk free so if i don't love it you can cancel and get your money back but i know you're going to love it but for brad myself babadani desi rose the whole gang we leave you like we always do hashtag keep on cooking may love and peace later
Channel: FlavCity with Bobby Parrish
Views: 203,283
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: foods that cause bloating, foods that cause gas, foods for bloating, what causes bloating in the stomach, gas and bloating, gas and bloating relief, gas and bloating after eating, gas and bloating every night, bloating foods, bloating foods to avoid, bloating foods to eat, anti bloating foods, foods that reduce gas, foods help stop bloating, flavcity, bobby parrish
Id: uSaVUuIM8og
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 10min 30sec (630 seconds)
Published: Sun Apr 04 2021
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