Is Organic Food Really Worth The Price?

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when you think of organic produce you think of safe healthy produce that's never sprayed with pesticides right no fun fact organic produce is actually spray but it's sprayed with USD Organic pesticides and the reason why I'm bringing up all this stuff right now is because ewg the environmental working group just came out with their 2023 list of the Clean 15 and dirty dozen it's a very comprehensive list of what produce has the most amount of chemical pesticides on them and which ones are the cleanest and when it comes to the dirty dozen you're going to go through all of them you probably want to get organic if you can and some things never change right at the tops of The Dirty Dozen are the same three that's always there it's strawberries spinach in my beloved cure not leeks kale these three always rank very high in chemical residue known as pesticides spinach and kale can have twice the amount of pesticide residue as all other produce and the problem is a lot of this produce doesn't necessarily come from the US we will import produce from other countries during the year and their laws are different than ours and they can actually use chemicals for non-organic that are banned in this country and then some of those chemicals can actually be phthalates and endocrine disruptors so really bad news the fun thing about kale is that if you look here you have kale you have kale you have kale I love kale but always look for Dinosaur Kale it's confusing because it's also called dinosaur Tuscan Lacinato and black kale it's the tender kale the green and the red are very very tough and rubbery and curly but if you can when it comes to kale strawberries and spinach you're going to want or get organic because of the amount of chemical pesticide residue but that doesn't just apply here in the produce section when you buy it and go home and make a hipster kale salad a lot of these ingredients and strawberries and spinach are used in the middle aisles let me show you I recently made a Paleo bacon and spinach quiche and it was delicious here's Frozen chopped spinach and I see an Arbitrage opportunity one pound of conventional for 279. one pound of organic chopped spinach for 269. it's actually 10 cents cheaper a pound to get organic chopped spinach and this is one of those vegetables I don't mind buying Frozen because if you try to make recipes with fresh by the time you get the water weight out of them you have to buy a lot of it this works great especially for quiches a new addition to the dirty dozen list this year well our green beans that's one vegetable I don't like to buy Frozen because when you freeze water crystals form in the vegetable and when you thought those crystals have basically punctured all of the cell walls and your green beans turn into limp pieces of green bean I prefer fresh so try to get organic with that and then hey if you want organic chopped kale it's not that lovely dinosaur Tuscan kale but it's the curly one 269 a pound is in band if you want to throw it into a stir fry there's very good options in the Frozen apartment at economical prices you'll oftentimes find kale and spinach and these kind of greens here actually it pains me sometimes when we end up at one of those hipster juice places and Dusty wants to get one of those fresh cold pressed juices for 12 it's the most expensive thing ever this is a way better option if you like these greens and this is actually one of the most Bobby approved because this is most of the greens no added fruit that jacks up the sugar buy these at the warehouse clubs Costco has an amazing deal but these are so popular and a lot of times these have kale and other Dirty Dozen members just keep in mind if possible you want to get organic and if you want to save money you can buy these at Costco grapes and raisins are always towards the top of the dirty dozen list or sprayed with a lot of chemical pesticides but a lot of us consume grapes in liquid form possibly every day without even knowing it let me show you why and the problem with wine is if you look at the back of any bottle there's no ingredients there's no macros there's nothing and that's the law it's fine but it's not fine for us to consume rumors because when you actually start to learn what goes in wine it ain't just grapes the grapes in the vineyard can be sprayed with tons of pesticides the wine when it's fermenting could have added sulfite sometimes a lot to stop the fermentation process why would you do that because you keep the sugar level higher and us Americans love sweet wine and they can also add different chemicals that alter the color of the wine so wine is one of the dirtiest drinks that we're having without even knowing it but there is a way around it without necessarily even going organic it's by going natural wine so it's the natural line almost tripped into the Cold Case right there natural wine basically means wine free of human intervention so they're not going to spray the vineyard with any pesticides they're not going to add sulfites by the way if you ever hear like sulfite free wine that's a myth it's a lie sulfites are a natural product of fermented beverage like wine but a lot of as people add the sulfites you just want the natural sulfites and that's what natural wine is now there is one step better it's dry Farm wine it's natural but done even better so this kind of wine in general no added sugar no added sulfites no chemicals and basically Beyond Organic so keep in mind if you're drinking wine Like I Do almost on a nightly basis you might want to switch from conventional wine even organic wine to a natural wine I'm taking a quick swing by these supplements aisle because seed has a monster 30 off promo code for both the adults and the kids probiotic when I get I'm going to give them some love because yes they're a three-year supporter of my channel but I've said it a million times I never buy probiotics from the grocery store heck anywhere online either because the fact is 95 of them don't work a probiotic is a living bacteria Capsule that's supposed to make it to your colon but the fact is 95 percent of them die in your tummy acids you're basically wasting your money seed Works number one it has 24 strains of custom probiotic bacteria that work for bowel movements and skin health and immune but it's designed to survive the tummy acids and make it to your colon because it's a capsule within a capsule and the outer capsule is the only one that dissolves in your tummy and because it's made of pomegranates it has fiber fiber rich foods are prebiotics and the inner capsule makes it to your colon equally exciting about six months ago they came out with a kids probiotic for kids three to seven team which rose takes every day by far the most effective probiotic on the market and my promo codes normally 15 off so if you haven't tried it yet click my link down below 30 off your first month's Supply free shipping flat rate shipping all around the world and 30 days risk-free but if you're in the market for a probiotic or you're currently taking one for kids or adults try seed Best in Class tomatoes are always on the dirty dozen list but that doesn't necessarily mean you have to buy organic why well I'll turn to my beloved Rayos marinara sauce that I buy at Costco it's not organic but it's still Bobby approved and I still use it at home all the time why read the ingredients it has Italian whole peeled Tomatoes The operative word is peel because a lot of these pesticides live on the outer skin of the produce in this example on the Tomato they peel that away for you and then it's just the juicy fruity inside of the tomato is it deal no I'd still like it to be organic but I think you're avoiding a lot of the chemical pesticides so you're okay if your tomato sauce is peeled Tomatoes you can skip the organic but when it comes to a can of crushed tomatoes I'd recommend getting ooh fire roast you to get that nice Smoky flavor I recommend getting organic because this has the peel on them but to be honest if you're buying something like a real deal San Marzano tomatoes from Italy grown in that volcanic soil from the eruption of Mount Vesuvius they're not using harsh chemicals there so you don't have to buy organic and to be honest I've never seen truly organic San Marzano tomato so you're okay in that respect and then also for pizza sauce you're gonna probably want or get organic because it's going to have the skin in there also now when it comes to the Clean 15 things like onions honeydew watermelon cantaloupe pineapple generally anything that has a hard exterior peel that you discard before you eat the fruit is safe but I do want to preface that was saying that all of these tests for chemical pesticides were done after the produce was thoroughly washed so after they were washed things like the strawberries and the kale and the spinach still tested High which is probably why you probably want to get organic in that case but there are a couple Clean 15 items that are surprising let me show you I wouldn't think that my beloved cauliflower would be on the Clean 15 because there's no skin protecting it but it is along with cabbage and asparagus why because these three produce items have a natural compound in them that actually repels a lot of the insects so they don't have to spray it too much in fact asparagus which I just made on the live stream the other day which is perfect for the spring 90 of the samples they checked had no chemical pesticides at all and if they do have the pesticides they tend to live in the Woody bottom part like that and that's a bonus to us because with asparagus you usually break off that piece because it's very hard and the top part is completely pesticides free so very cool that with these items that don't have a tough shell on them or skin you can get clean 15s so that is it from the grocery store my friends the most important thing to know is that organic doesn't mean clean it's still sprayed with chemical pesticides but what I want you to know what the video basically is when it comes to the dirty dozen those are the worst offenders for chemical pesticides so if you can try to go to organic but that's totally up to you but that is it from the grocery store my favorite place on a busy Easter Friday I leave you like I always do actually I keep on cooking mad love peace
Channel: Bobby Parrish
Views: 153,297
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: organic food, is organic food better, organic vs conventional food, dirty dozen foods, which foods to buy organic, foods to buy organic, bobby parrish, flavcity
Id: gUyez3KFarY
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 10min 4sec (604 seconds)
Published: Sun Apr 09 2023
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