Stop Throwing Away Expired Food - You're Wasting Money!

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safe cities fam what is up it is brad and bobby about to go into the grocery store to do a video about food waste because 30 of the food we buy in this country ends up in the garbage and that literally is over a hundred billion dollars of waste and there's a lot of confusion among us consumers because you see different labels in the grocery store some say best by date when you see best buy that purely means that's the best flavor and quality but it's still good way beyond that so i'm going to show you what that means then there's a sell by date sell buy is not for us it's actually for the grocery store for their inventory system so we're going to go around the grocery store and tell you exactly how long you can keep milk eggs dairy bread pasta meat chicken all that stuff past the best by dicks i don't want you guys wasting your money and i don't want to uh throw away perfectly good food before we go into the grocery store you know the drill my friends like subscribe share the only way the channel keeps growing is by you spreading that flavor city love but i also want you to check out using my link down below in the description box thrive market has everything you would get at any grocery store but for cheaper typically you save about 32 per average compared to going to the store and the box comes to your door you never have to leave the house if you don't want to listen they've been sponsoring the channel for six years and i got you guys a sweet promo code to try it out click my link down below you get 25 off your entire first order you get a free gift up to a 31 dollar value and it's 30 days risk free if you don't love thrive market cancel get your membership feedback but i love thrive market i want you guys to try them out because they're a great supporter okay less talking more shopping let's go in there and check out some sell-by dates whatever you do do not throw away your eggs by the use by date you'll be doing yourself a huge disservice eggs these are my favorite the grocery store we'll have a sell-by date this is april 22nd all eggs are still good another four to five weeks after that so you have plenty of time plus you'll know an egg is bad if you crack it and it smells funky but just keep in mind that is not the expiration date you still have another four to five weeks after that for yogurt you typically have two weeks after the sell by date here so this has april 20 so just under a month but even after that you have two weeks before it starts to really go bad but once again use your nose and smell it but once you open this container so if you buy it today and open it i wouldn't go more than 10 days for that and the same is true for a non-dairy yogurt you still have a good two weeks after the sell-by date and i believe some of these say like this once opened eat within seven days so you can even go longer if there's no mold but it's the same principle as dairy yogurt it's never any fun throwing away the carton of milk but to be honest you have a pretty long time so these are actually the best bobby approved milks at the store they're 100 grass fed and uh whole milk is ideal but this is the best by date of may 5th which is a ton of time right now it's march what is it 18th or something and this this is a little shorter here this is april 26 and this is april 7. so obviously the first pointer is when you have the choice look pretty deep i wouldn't buy the april 7 one mounted by the april 26 one but here's the cool thing even at may 5th you don't throw it away if your jug is unopened you're gonna have another seven days past that if your milk is open if you buy this today what's today's date brad uh march 2010 march 25th hold on you want to get some milk go ahead talking about expiration dates what's today's date march 25th like i was off by a few days so if you buy this today march 21st you have until may 5th plus three days may 8th even if it's open so open it today it's going to be good until may 8th plus two or three days after expiration so you have plenty of time don't worry about it if you want even more time with your milk don't shopping here in the fridge section go in the middle aisles all right over here is the shelf stable milk and the reason why it's shelf stable is because it's pasteurized with ultra high temperature if you go past bread over there that's high temperature short time and this makes it shelf stable because of the high heat and because of that look at this this is good until september 2021 this is not my preferred milk but in like a zombie apocalypse situation right a walking dead situation you might want to have some of this on hand and it beats the pants out of going bad in may when you have until september now for bread you typically have about three to four days after the sell-by date here so this is 4-3 i would go another four to five days uh if you wanted to extend the shelf life where would you put the bread when you put it in the fridge you don't want to do that if you actually put bread in the fridge you make it go stale much quicker that's what cold air does so just keep it in a airtight container on the content on the counter but to be honest even though i say three or four days it's until the bread gets moldy so if you have really good storage techniques keep it until the bread gets visibly moldy and then toss it up but in general it's about three or four days after the best by day let's talk about various forms of cheeses here starting with cream cheese cream cheese is pretty cool because you have a long time before it goes bad you can buy pretty much any cream cheese and if you keep it unopened you don't have to toss it out till june 24 but even past that you could wait another two to three weeks the thing is once you open this i would use it within 10 days as soon as you start to see a little funky mold growing there it's bad which is about 10 days so that's really cool for cream cheese we come over here for aged cheeses like cheddar swiss and whatnot once again because it's aged you're gonna have a really long time this guy here has a best buy date of july 12th even after that you can probably stretch it unopened another four to six weeks once it's open you'll have about i'd say even two months the cool thing with these kind of cheeses that are not soft they're firm even if you get a little bit of mold around here cut that part off plus an extra half inch to an inch and save the rest there's no need to waste it if that starts to happen to soft cheeses like brie or goat cheese you gotta throw away the whole thing it only works for hard cheeses and the cool thing about parmesan which i can't see right here uh parmesan will last unopened another probably two to three months after the expiration date and even after you open it you're gonna get at least six to eight weeks out of there and once again if you get a little mold cut it away save money my friends don't toss it but bagels are the opposite actually bagels will number one last you about five to seven days past their best by date but if you stash these in the refrigerator they're going to last you about 14 days these are actually one of the better bobby uh approved gluten-free bagels because they're made with extra virgin olive oil they do have a touch more sugar than i like but regardless all bagels keep them in the fridge for an extra 14 days past the best by day pasta has an incredibly long shelf life and do not throw it away when you go by the best buy date for example this says best buy 9 23 i would say you can go two yes two more years beyond that to the year 2025 as long as you store it in a cool dark place uh this is great to have on hand obviously for emergency situations if it were me i would go for the chickpea shells gluten-free complex carbohydrate i love these i used them in the cookbook and these are good until 22 but you can go another two years so june of 2024 for this of course if you have fresh pasta you only have about seven days past the best buy date for that canned food has an insanely long shelf life but it gets even longer once you understand you don't have to throw it away even though this can of bean says best buy july 2022 you have another four years past that so keep it on hand for the zombie apocalypse once again just make sure your cans hello make sure your cans are not dented or anything that'll uh hinder the uh the shelf life hello hello beef and chicken both pre-packaged and from the meat counter there here's the deal if it's pre-packaged beef whether it's ground beef or steaks you generally have only two days past the best buy so by 4-7 i would either use it or freeze it same thing is true for pre-packaged steaks down there and for chicken it's pretty much the same rules you want to cook it or freeze it by a couple days after the sell-by date so by april 7th you're going to want to cook this or freeze this the cool thing is that some grocery stores especially walmart when you get close to that sell-by date they're going to discount it heavily i've seen some amazing deals there and some people have preconceived notions that it's old it's bad i shouldn't use it of course you can you have up until two days after that sell-by date so take advantage of those savings and cook it or freeze it big big money savings but when it comes to the fresh chicken and fresh beef over in the butcher counter there that's different you have to use that or freeze it within two days after buying it it's not the same as this stuff here you have a long time for cereal past the best by date on the box for example this is one of the new and best in class cereals at the store this one says it's good until 10 of 2021. you have eight months after that for an unopened box still once you open it you still have another four to six months just keep in mind anytime you open anything you have to store it correctly so something like this you want to keep it tightly closed in a non-human environment in the dark not in the sunlight otherwise it's not going to last as long but you open this and still have another four to six months that's great for oatmeal down yonder you're gonna have two years past this date right here so it's a 2024 then unopened and stored properly oats are going to last for you but once you cook these i would only keep them in the fridge for two days otherwise they go bad really quickly but two years passed stored properly either unopened or opened that's awesome spices are very interesting let's find my favorite spice ever here smoked paprika it'll say on here that it's best by date is 2023 and that's pretty darn accurate but here's the deal spices ground spices start to lose their flavor after three months of being ground so yes it's still technically going to be good in 2023 but spices you want full flavor right you want the essential oils to be fresh so i only buy enough for three months and then i'll buy more and i don't know how long this is bidding on the shelf for so i'll go to a spice shop where it's very fresh there and buy one or two ounces of this and one or two ounces of dried herbs like this i wouldn't buy these they're more expensive you're paying for the glass you don't know when they've been ground or bottled buy two ounces find a local spice shop and then buy again once you're out when it comes to fresh produce or buying stuff that's pre-packaged in the fresh produce area just use your senses when it starts to smell bad or get slimy it's usually time to go more importantly i have a whole video how to wash and store your vegetables to preserve their shelf life so when this video is done search on youtube flav city produce washing it's a great video with lots of tips can i just say brad and i are drinking this amazing mushroom root beer check out the label here it's super super clean it's made by the gts oh my gosh we're crushing this during this video but uh that is it my friends that is uh how to navigate the grocery store when you see that dreaded sell by date best buy date use by date don't freak out don't throw it out i'll put all of my information down below in the description box look at brad so chivalrous um that way you know for each one how long it's good after the use by data if you want to see more videos like this it's super fun right leave a comment down below i'll but for brad myself rose desi baba donnie the whole crew we leave you like we always do hashtag keep on cooking maya love and peace
Channel: FlavCity with Bobby Parrish
Views: 155,820
Rating: 4.9540629 out of 5
Keywords: food waste, expired food, expired food eating, expired food can be eaten, expired food safe to eat, sell by date, sell by dates on food, sell by dates, sell by date on eggs, sell by date on steak, sell by date on bread, sell by date vs best by date, use by date, use by date on eggs, use by date on ground beef, use by dates on meat, flavcity, bobby parrish
Id: v7U86hbbauE
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 12min 22sec (742 seconds)
Published: Sun Mar 28 2021
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