The Top 10 Foods To Eat For Constipation Relief...With Recipes!

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leave city family what is up in his art and Bobby back in my kitchen back in my messy kitchen cuz art just said literally a second ago got a lot of stuff in your sink that's quarantine life bro I am cooking clean that's all I do all day I mean let me take breaks to make videos today's video is a special one because it's been a requests lately right I always asked you for requests on the community tab or on the Flav City Instagram and you guys wanted to know about the best foods for constipation and I feel like this could be the beginning of maybe a few videos about this because constipation is a very very common issue and there's foods that help with it but there's also supplements that help with it too so I'm gonna ask you if you want to part two about this a little bit later on and listen there's a whole slew of internet articles out there about the best foods for constipation that's not a secret right I think the secret is also telling you the best ingredients and subsections within those foods right that's what we do on this channel so that's what I want to do today go over top 10 or so foods and ingredients and what to look for for constipation relief and this video is sponsored by one of the longest supporters of this channel thrive market thrive market not only has almost all the stuff we're talking about today they also have all your favorite paleo organic keto gluten-free dairy-free whatever your dietary need is they have those products on thrive market calm for up to thirty percent cheaper than the grocery store plus what's better than the grocery store the box comes to your door you don't even have to go outside they also have fantastic pasture raised pork the likes of which you've never seen in the grocery store before I crushed their bacon on the weekend all the time and they have the price scan or app so if you happen to go to the grocery store scan any product you want and then it'll tell you if it's on thrive market for a cheaper price or a better alternative listen they're an amazing company you know I swear by them I want you to try them out so they were nice enough to give us a promo code even though they don't have to their business is off the charts right now in the description box is a link that will take you to my landing page for my top 20 or so pantry bundles and you can get up to a twenty dollar shopping credit when you are a first-time customer so check them out you're gonna love okay where to start in the top ten why don't we start with seeds and quinoa and stuff like that so right here check it out art I have like it's a dime bag of flaxseed I don't even ever seen a dime bag in my life I just assume it looks something like that we have flax seeds loaded with omega-3 fatty acids and fiber we have chucked a chia seeds loaded with fiber protein so darn good for you and iron and we have something that I love quinoa loaded with fiber it's really a superfood fantastic stuff now these are great things you all might know that but what you might not know is especially with chia seeds they have something called lectins and if you study the plant paradox from dr. Gundry you'll know that lectins and foods containing them like beans like chia seeds are anti nutrients so to get the anti nutrients that go away so your body can really soak up the nutrients I won't impact the fiber right but it will unpack the nutrients you have to soak these overnight well how can you soak them overnight you make chia seed pudding in our book in the wakey wakey eggs and Bakey chapter we have a beautiful dairy-free coconut creamy chia seed pudding so it's such an easy recipe it's also for free on my website I'll leave the link down below I'm or you can just soak him in water but they have to bloom to get rid of the lectins right so look for that another alternative to these chia seeds is something called basil seeds they're very hard to find they have no lectins at all and actually have more iron and I think more protein than she is seen so you might want to search for those and listen even though we're a keto and paleo household I just love my quinoa even though it's technically I am a seed they call it a pseudo grain in the paleo world I don't care I love it and it's really good for fiber so I would crush that now if you don't know to do with flax seeds this is where this video gets interesting right because you can use them the same way you do for chia seeds or you can do something really interesting and start getting stuff from the grocery store like I have these crackers here and I have these crackers here so these are probably one of the best constipation friendly crackers in the store they're also a key and their paleo their flappers they're made with organic flax seeds I have never seen this flavor and I grabbed it it's cinnamon and currants normally when I see that on a prepackaged product I get worried about sugar and stuff look at these ingredients right here Wow right is there added sugar no they're just getting it from these lovely currants cinnamon has a great flavor added lucuma yes please look at this Oh whopping hoho 8 grams of fiber per serving 4 8 crackers each cracker you guys it has 1 gram of fiber winner winner fiber dinner right that's what you want right there now in case you don't like flax seeds by cause by the way they do have a slightly fishy flavor but I think the cinnamon and the currents will mask that I'm not worried about it well let's go to other complex Koreans this is your second best option for a constipation friendly snack because you're gonna need snacks but you're gonna need whole grains and this is Mary's gone crackers what's so cool about this is you don't have any starches or simple carbohydrates my friends brown rice tons of fiber quinoa tons of fiber pumpkin seeds look at this brown flax seed they should call this Mary's gone : blue actually like from Saturn aha this is : blow you guys this is a fantastic snack look at the fiber per serving four crackers that's really really impressive so that's what I want you to focus on once again you can scoop these on thrive market when you click a link down below that I spit on your armor I always spit on arts I'm so sorry alright why are these important because you think of normal snacks right anything that's made with simple carbohydrates like white rice flour like a lot of cassava starch tapioca flour those are gonna bind up your stomach and add to the problems you're already having so you've got to go complex grains which is why I like this but even better if you want to make rice this is wild rice it's a wild and crazy guy like art and actually it's not even a rice it's an aquatic grass and it has a higher nutritional profile than even brown rice and the nice side effect of this is that it doesn't have any arsenic a lot of brown rice especially if it's grown outside of California California is not in thank God it can be high in heavy metals but because it's an aquatic grass it has zero heavy metals or arsenic so if you want it your complex carbohydrate and fiber in a raw source cook this for an hour if you want it in a snack form do it like this right so that's really really cool stuff now we move on to beans and legumes lentils are such a fiber rich food right but once again just like the chia seeds then you have lectins so it's in your best interest to pressure-cook them or at least to soak them overnight these are one of my favorites remember on the livestream awhile back I made the red lentil coconut curry stew and these are a red split lentils so they cook really quickly fantastic so good and good for you but here's another tip when you're getting lentils and beans you really want to get organic why well we talked about it in the glyphosate the weed killer episode because conventional beans and legumes score high in glyphosate what's glyphosate it's the active ingredient in roundup from our boys over at Monsanto's always ruining stuff that's Monsanto why because roundup is used a lot as a desiccant in the field to dry and kill wheat and oats at the end of the harvesting process and it leaches and spreads to stuff like legumes so you want to get organic now if you don't want to make my red lentil coconut curry stew it's fine I'm not gonna be offended it's delicious I'll put the recipe down below in case you change your mind let's say you want pasta right well you don't want to eat white starchy pasta made from enriched wheat you want to eat this this is probably one of the best ones once again on thrive market of course organic red lentil rotini one ingredient look at that and look at the fiber here yes yes 9 grams per serving that's what daddy's talking about right very very important because if you eat the simple carbohydrate of enriched wheat macaroni it's a tummy binder right it's not gonna have nearly the amount of fiber it's a simple carbohydrate whereas this is gonna have that lovely fiber it's a complex carb these are all foods you guys that really add water and heft and your intestines to your stool and help relieve constipation and I'm very young and I find that red lentil pasta talked about this many times is the best sub to real pasta because it has met all dente bite and texture just like real pasta really really cool stuff ok let's switch gears fun fact about our 30 al maseeh the third he has an apple every single day after lunch and we only have one kind of apple here and it's organic now why is that because first of all apples are very high in fiber don't peel them even though Dusty loves them peeled I don't like to peel them they're always listed everywhere on the internet as a good high fiber constipation relief snack the thing is you want to get organic and any number at the grocery store if you want to double check that starts in nine is organic and why is that important well if you want I recommend watching my Dirty Dozen clean fifteen video after this one's done I go through the list of the dirtiest dozen and the clean fifteen or sixteen I call them and why it's important to buy certain ones at the grocery store and apples are always on the Dirty Dozen that's a must now if you're gonna go grains we're talking about whole grains here everyone wants their bread I understand that and a lot of people get confused about bread I'm gonna show you them best bread in the market in terms of whole grains and fiber but the thing is if you're avoiding gluten which I think you should cuz gluten is inflammatory whether you're gluten intolerant or not I believe there's many studies that show glutens in Tahoe inflammatory but when you get gluten-free bread we talked about this before - we talked about everything I feel like when you get gluten-free bread they're oftentimes made with simple carbohydrates like rice flour tapioca flour cassava starch simple simple simple those are the ones that will bind you up even more this is Ezekiel buy food for life and number one it's organic which is a must because grains like this can be high and glyphosate so USDA Organic look at this it has the most simple ingredients ever and what's so cool about this everything is sprouted I'll tell you why that's so darn important in a second but that's just it's beautiful some beautiful thing hard all right and then we look at the fiber yeah I'll get that three grams of fiber per slice this is what you want in the morning right and why if sprouted better because what did I tell you about soaking things like chia seeds or maybe soaking quinoa when you soak it especially a few extra days like they do from red it is more nutritious and it's easier on your tummy to digest so this is the kind of bread you want to eat if you're eating grains that's gonna be a high fiber and really get things moving down there you can get this brand everywhere now every grocery store has it it's fantastic right now you go on any website and they always talk about prunes I love prunes and it's very important to look at the ones you're buying though because I almost feel like you always have to buy organic for two reasons number one they're made from plums and plums they're not on the Dirty Dozen but they are dirty but look at this ingredient list it's one it's organic pitted prunes very important because every other prune on the market look right well 1/2 potassium sorbate or the bee sulfur that's a preservative and what that does is Peschel II with apricots does make it look prettier and they get a little more soft and mushy but you get organic plums like just a ton of them are on thrive market Organic prunes they don't have that sorbate sorbate is a preservative and it's not the best for your stomach and your intestines and when you're already having constipation issues you're probably having a lot of stomach issues so I want you to stay away from the sulfur or potassium sorbate 'add fruit and that's true for apricots and raisins to go organic they can't use it then it's illegal and especially for your kids please don't give them any of the prunes and the apricots that have the sulfur down there it's bad news right now we don't eat oats in the house for the most part we're ki do paleo but like I said I like my quinoa and I like one of my lentils and wild rice that being said oats are a great source of fiber and they really can move through you but I would say a lot of people I think have a bloating effect too oats dusty and I notice back in the day that we used to be very bloated after eating oats and we're not necessarily in toddler to it but I think you might want to maybe take it out of your diet for 30 days see what happen stead of making this make my quinoa breakfast mole I'll leave that link down below we made that recently on the channel it was great and then introduced it and see how you feel because I feel like it could be contributing to your constipation issues but if not if you want to eat oats this is one of the coolest brands on the market and they just updated their packaging to something I've never seen before so oats there's a few things going on here USDA Organic I've never seen sprouted oh its before and look at this this is a new check mark here bio checklist non glyphosate certified so why would they put that on here I talked about an earlier conventional oat score high in glyphosate the active ingredient in roundup so you gotta go organic these guys go one step above and certify that there's none in here I'll bet the threshold is very very low so there might be a little bit but way better than conventional but sprouted steel cut oats why is that important well let me show you first there's five grams of fiber here in the rolled oats version of this there's four grams so actually steel cut oats have more fiber and sprouted this is the only brand I know that does sprouted because sprouted grains just like the bread have more nutrition your body derives for them and are easier on your tummy to digest these are so important for everyone but they're so important for my friends out there with constipation issues really really cool right I would definitely scoop these on thrive market they have a great deal - cheaper than the grocery store I check and this is one of the coolest things I've seen on the market and then let's just finish the video on kefir so check this out if you have constipation issues like I said you're probably gonna have some stomach issues I would highly recommend drinking kefir we don't drink dairy in the house so I drink this coconut milk one but if you drink dairy you want to go at this why is key for important well first of all kefir is a probiotic which drink with tons of living bacteria those bacteria are gonna help your stomach you regulate they're gonna feed the good bacteria in there and my friends I've said it before but then back one of your health is all in the gut if your gut is messed up your health is gonna be messed up it's in your best interest to foster your gut bacteria so when you're getting kefir if we're going Dairy Dairy is a must to be organic otherwise the cows are eating on GMO corn and soy this is better though a 100% grass-fed what this is one of the best brands out there but it has to be unsweetened because anytime you know Bessie here you add some sugar but let's butterfly thank you that is hilarious anytime you add added sugar there those are natural sugars you're gonna cancel out and kill the probiotic effect in your stomach because sugar actually kills gut bacteria so go for grass-fed plane and then if your dairy-free like me this is a game changer of a product this is harmless harvest coconut key fear and look at those ingredient there's a touch of cultured dextrose and I believe that is just to get the fermentation party started but it still says zero added sugars which means there's literally a touch of that and this is so gut friendly I would drink it on an empty stomach and I would also not chug it don't chug it from here cuz your bacteria will get in the bottle and it's gonna create like a fight between these bacteria and your bacteria just pour a little shot and chug it or what I do in the morning I just kind of gently chug it like that and sometimes it runs down my chin on the floor so probably better off throwing a shot glass in there anyway let me check my list to make sure I get everything Oh glad I checked my notes I didn't want to buy it but water right if you're eating a lot of water soluble high fiber foods you're gonna be drinking a lot more water than normal because you're gonna be losing a lot more water I know people love to drink flavored waters we have a whole video about that don't drink anything like Lacroix Waterloo these flavored waters use natural flavors what my friends are another word for artificial flavors the only flavored sparkling water that I approve of is made by spindrift and they use a real fruit no natural flavors no natural essences it's very important to drink those and I don't even drink those very often I just have a glass of water or a thermos of water next to me all the time it's really really important so that's it there's my deep dive into the ten best foods to have when you're constipated along with some reasons why you guys check out my pantry bundle on thrive market check out these products we just talked about on surviving market for up to thirty percent cheaper than the grocery store and that beautiful green box comes to your door so thank you guys for supporting the channel for three years plus like subscribe share the only way our channel keeps growing like we do to a million and beyond is by you spreading the love and sharing with your friends and family we got two more videos going below us right now but my man art and I will see you very soon until then we leave you like we always do hashtag keep on cooking mad love and peace arts looking at that battery level really intense because it's about to die any sex
Channel: FlavCity with Bobby Parrish
Views: 177,862
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: foods for constipation, constipation remedies, food for constipation, constipation relief, bowel movements, foods for constipation relief, foods for constipation relief during pregnancy, fiber rich foods for constipation, fiber foods for constipation, high fiber foods for constipation, top 3 foods for constipation, constipated, constipation, how to cure constipation, constipation foods, flavcity, bobby parrish
Id: cZ6Z5avYFsM
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 18min 30sec (1110 seconds)
Published: Sun May 17 2020
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