Food I Eat When NOT Filming | KOREAN BBQ & Story Time

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ah cloudy that's there that's always a nice surprise I've seen the comments a lot of people asking me what do I eat when I'm not filming well today I'm gonna show you what I do when I'm not filming yeah I'm gonna film it does that make sense honestly on the days I don't film I really don't know what I'm eating because I have nothing planes so typically I'll wake up and usually I'll go for a run or a bike ride before I food but today I woke up late on extra hungry self first tour how you doing okay buddy let's get a little workout in there you go I'm filming an ice cream show right now so a lot of heavy cream I've kimchi water I got fried rice this looks good Oh a rotten cucumber onion ginger ooh turn street eat up so I have that available on mochi ice cream not sick oh it's frozen ice cream put in a pinch I will eat ice cream for breakfast if I'm really that hungry one of these left bubble tea ice cream Trader Joe's bun I have a Wagyu steak the cheesy Korean hot dogs fish balls haunted ghost in there I always want steak but it's always frozen like I never know what I should prepare my steak or defrost it because I never know what I want to eat and what I want to eat it it's frozen I mean I could defrost in the microwave but it's like a good steak should never see the inside of a microwave and I think I'm gonna just start out with this bubble tea ice cream well I think I'm melted hmm this is nothing one of my favorite things also a big shout out to hello freshmen sponsoring this video that's something I always like to cook when I'm not out filming on video and that should be getting here I think today this is messy corner this is all my cooking stuff that I keep in my bedroom I don't sleep here but my food in my pots and pans do of my Italian section here then I got my snacks over here follow Mike Xin GCHQ instagram and I'll do another giveaway and I'll give away some Kit Kats ah instant noodles don't feel like that chicken skin they send me a bunch of this stuff I haven't tasted it yet I want you guys somehow there tonight when I do have it Lily sent me all these great things from Japan I got all these great shopping and instant noodles I guess this is so so good Sakura Oreo my Oreo a foot Iran is one of my favorite favorite ramen is out there this is the mission of start instant noodle this is one of my favorite this one and the tons onion this one my favorite too instant noodles in Japan probably my favorite tunas noodles in the world and I'm not filming a video with with all this because now just eat at all in one day and I can't I got to make this supply last this took like a month or two months to get here from Tokyo we're probably one of them today that well I was thinking about it I think what I'm really craving for and I haven't had in a long time there's a nice bowl of I think that's what I'm gonna get mmm tell me some shrimp summer rolls oh this so the soup spilled everywhere oh that sucks I'm sorry leave the soup spill I feel bad for the gun I feel bad for the soup I want to know one of them okay sorry boy your car man yeah thanks man appreciate it so the key with getting floods and lover awards to go is the yes you gotta heat it up and I always get two orders of thought and I always ask for extra noodles just in case something like what happened today happens and also one water is never enough [Music] a little light on the soup I go through literally I think a third a bottle of this each time I do [Music] it's a fine job poor devil Donna I feel the artistic side of me come out when I'm around great food all right don't judge me on the amount of sriracha I like to add to my that's a great William Shakespeare once said if chillies beat the food of love poor on something like that also it's tough for me to eat without watching something and my favorite shows are not filming the episodes anymore could I go to my backup shows you haven't seen Piccard yet engage captain hmm there's gonna be a private moment yeah I could have done three waters [Music] sorry for the audio I'm on my phone right now but go for a right every single there's this really cool trail right by my house and I think that's like my favorite part about living Murray Redmond there's just like what's the call lack some not something somebody it's a trail that leads all the way to see I was like 20 miles long it's right by a river just back there so I get about an hour a bike ride in a day and that's an additional two sometimes I'll go running at night and then I'm gonna go home and do my weight training right now but yeah that's how you burn off the Trader Joe's [Music] I think this is the first time that salad has made a featured appearance on my shelf so yeah I do you sell it I do heat vegetables not my favorite thing to eat obviously I'd rather have a hot pot I can't do that anymore the dumpling died of all six and the hot pot died of 2010 and the Popeye Friday night they just can't happen all that much anymore so I got to work out more now cuz I just did two hours of work out and I'm eating this just spicy tofu salad some chicken I'm adding some kimchi pour some spice in some almonds not too shabby you know for vegetables of course broccoli was not invited that's just big no-no like this originally had broccoli kick that sucker right out mmm not invited here that's my dinner party so yeah this is what I typically will eat on my off day like one of my meals will be something like this [Music] now I'm just gonna look over some scary stories and as I spend my evenings research for tomorrow I have a icecream shoot tomorrow clown neighbors this nice thing here in their balcony just kind of relaxing I like the climate this why I like best about this part the country it's just nice cool evenings you know and it's my favorite part just figure out what I should film next all right see you tomorrow [Music] that's sad and sad this makes me hungry so ooh well she's still alive well that just made me happy happiness also makes me hungry by the way good morning let me show you what we're cooking today my fish ball fell out of the freezer there you go buddy hide in there so last night I realized that my fridge for some reason I didn't close it all the way and everything melts it my freezers are just like pooping out fish balls so all my ice cream but look at this all my ice cream melt is so now it's all deformed and stuff and pizza meltus I'm gonna have to try to heat everything as fast as I can so I took out most of the meat already I'm gonna try to eat that this is just a melty mess right now in my fridge so breakfast will be steak [Music] take the ruin my fries are cooking all right slightly toasty because I was trying to film and cook at the same time it's an excuse but it's it's it's really true I'm usually really and typically the way I cook steak is not completely stovetop I typically will sear it on the stovetop I'll put the other about 450 you know go in for about 10 minutes it's just perfect well last have to wait for the oven to preheat right hmm definitely overdone a little bit but still good fry that's crispy perfectly seasoned much healthier then will you get on the outside I promise this is not a commercial for a air fryer but I freaking love my air fryer I love it I love it a lot of people been asking me what brand I have I got the chef minute I feel like everyone needs one of those in your life so many things my egg rolls potatoes sweet potatoes you can do yams seriously much healthier just as tasty all right Nick about to my sad drama see ya dinner oh one more thing kimchi home fries trust me it's dinner time I have to cook all the barbecue Korean barbecue meat I have in the fridge don't want them to go bad and does just be a waste so bring him Big Bertha out I've been saving the Korean barbecue me for like a like a special occasion so I guess this is it I guess this is the special occasion I mean it is fourth of July so I guess that works always so exciting a lot of people asked me last time why I put the meat on before I turn on the grill um that was because purely because I wanted a nice photo with all the meat on here usually you will wait for the grill to heat up first and put the meat on just gonna rub some butter all over it now I think we are ready that's my favorite thin slices of beef yeah smell that butter already has some bug oh geek also this is kind of sad I'm running out of hemp sheep the stir-fry some kimchi up with the barbeque got my pickled garlic ah let's celebrate huh hmm I feel like this noodles dumplings hotpot there's like juicy central food items asked if I don't have for a long time like I just don't feel complete as a person does my favorite a lot of char on a thin slice of beef we really haven't had a story time in quite a while so I kind of want to make this video it's like a partial story time I mentioned it before a story about how I shouldn't be a library now like I should have died a lot of people have been messaging me asking me to tell the story I've been wanting to tell it for a while so I figured this will be like a half regular video have story time kind of thing and I'll tell you guys why me sitting here right now eating Korean BBQ in front of you should not have happened like I shouldn't be alive right now it's so hard to talk with delicious barbecue in front of you no okay so this happened when I was about six or seven years old and I remember this incident so incredibly vividly mainly because yeah it's what's definitely one of the most traumatic experiences I've ever had in my life so happen was me and my parents used to live in these government housing because my mom was actually a high-level so one night I was out playing with one of my friends my best friend at the time his name was Wang Chuang we were playing oh I said this guy shows I mean he was like the bully of our class like he was way bigger than us always with bully O's around and he saw us and right away he started running after us and chasing us basically your need to beat us up so we were young at the time we got really scared she this big guy running at us there really there's no way to kind of escape him because he was also weight faster than us then I thought of an idea so in front of our residential area there's just like mini highway it's like a little highway it was always full of cars and trucks and it's really hard to actually cross this road because it is kind of dangerous so I told my friend I'm like hey follow me let's run across the road there's no way he'll follow us it's too dangerous so we literally just like it was like it wasn't even Frogger because we didn't even look at the traffic we just ran and at that point it was kind of evening time so all we saw word or the head lice is just screaming past us so we run across the road and we're like okay good both of us are safe we didn't get hit by car and the guy didn't follow us over you know I story I even remember his name his name was chili like we were way more afraid of him than we were getting hit by a car evidently so he run across the road and nothing happened and we thought we were safe then we saw shilling he also ran across the road after us he also made it safely to the other side he start chasing us again in one CH one my best buddy was like we gotta go back let's run back right now so he just took off and I took off after him but then I hesitated for just one second I paused just one second and all of a sudden I feel the force of a car or something just strike me and I remembered this again vividly I remembered being knocked in the air and flipping around in the air not even exaggerating a little but I remember seeing my buddy want Ron he was laughing and pointing at me I remember that and then I feel myself just hit the ground like I feel myself hit the ground and bounced from the ground like that's how hard and that's how high I was I hit the ground and I didn't just like land there I like I like bounced and I get it because at that point like it was getting dark and the drivers they probably have a hard time seeing obviously I just started across the road in busy traffic so I remember like every single car on that world coming to a halt every single car coming to a halt and I was surrounded by people including the truck driver everyone thought everyone's surrounding me and I could hear people saying call the ambulance like get a doctor and I remember you mean hearing people say it's over like it's it's done hit this kid guy hit too hard by a car and it was it's done but to me like I don't feel anything like I'm just like laying there and then in the truck drivers like putting me in his arms he's a psych he's like okay to the hospital get you to the hospital and the only thing in my mind was I don't want to get in trouble with my mom that is the hierarchy of fear in an Asian kid it's like getting hit by a car school bully your mother only thing I thought about I was like I was like I'm fine I'm fine leave me alone I'm fine I got to go home so my mom doesn't doesn't get worried and she doesn't yell at me but nobody would let me go because they're like no no no you got hit you got really hard and I stood up I'm immersed in about I know I miss you I miss you like I'm but I'm I'm totally fine so I'm gonna go like it's fine in the truck dogs are you sure you sure you're okay and then I'm fine so I grab my buddy and we started to go home and I asked him I said hey why did you laugh when I was flying through the air and he said I laugh because you flew so high in the air and that was funny but that goes to show like again how high up in the air I was not bite the truck so I go home you know and I'm home and I moms like okay you're back like I'm like yeah and then you know like this thing called like after like after fear I guess in China it's called hope ha it's like like you weren't scared when something was happening to you but afterwards you're like you freaked the heck out so that's what happened to me so I'm laying in bed and all of a sudden like this is like hours later I was almost and I'm like oh my god it is freak - like hit by a truck like I got hit by a truck and she started freaking out and she took me to the hospital that night she took me to the hospital but they examined me not a single scratch on me like nothing on me you couldn't tell I went through anything again I remember vividly the impact I remember how high I flew up in the I shouldn't be alive like everyone on the road stopped everyone thought I was done and I didn't have a single scratch on me like the doctor's like didn't even believe I got hit by a car because it's like we went to hospital like check him out because he just got hit by a truck doctors like really my Chuck there really seem like I have that track man I got hit by a truck all right I don't believe in coincidences I think everything happens for a reason I believe that obviously I meant it to something in my life maybe it's just I don't know meant to eat Korean barbecue in front of you all right now that's why I didn't die I got hit by a truck I don't believe things just happen for no reason I definitely believe there's a reason for everything looking at my life now I I do believe there's a purpose to it so I think you know that's why I didn't perish during that crazy accident but that was the closest I've ever come to death I mean that was legit something so serious and I think him back upon it when I was growing up I was thinking back up about it at least I should there's some bones should be broken like skin something not a single thing I mean maybe my superpower is unbreakable I don't know but did get a paper cut this morning so that's yeah that's that's not what it is also the point of this video I was trying to show you guys what I eat when I'm not filming usually I don't need this but because of my freezer malfunctioning and stuff and the nails fourth of July is a special occasion but the first day is typically what I wait I won't wake up and I'll just see what's in my freezer or fridge that and also depends on my hunger level like how hungry am i if I can't wait I'll just do some instant noodles if I can I'll cook up some meat but my basic diet up today is I eat a lot of protein that's why I eat a lot of meats that's why even in my salad I will add so much extra protein and I don't typically eat more than twice a day sometimes I even do once a day you know I'll just have like one humongous meal and then I'm done because I do believe intermittent fasting does help but usually when I'm filming I don't have the luxury to do that so there you go this is typically where my food life looks like when I'm not filming a video although I am filming a video but I would have ate this weather I'll swim anywhere now alright Big Bertha just me and you now 750 calories Lulu burger 1,400 calories chicken sausage rigatoni 800 calories ffs hosta and wha [Music] good morning woke up a little late and luckily the hello fresh delivery got here so breakfast is gonna be chicken sausage rigatoni oh that is really good hmm I know I praise hellofresh a lot another reason I really love this service coming to my door is I actually get to cook something I don't usually carry in my kitchen I don't have pasta in my kitchen hmm goody time meal without having to leave my house if you guys watch the show for a while you know I'm pretty honest about how things taste wouldn't tell you if it's good of is not which is not surprising because hellofresh has more five-star recipes than any other meal kit also I talked about how much times this thing saves me I'd really go to the grocery store now this thing won't come to me I know exactly the amount of calories I'm putting in my system which also helps me on my day off like this is considered a non filming day so I know exactly what I'm putting my system for breakfast which is a lot but this way I'll come back later on today really quick and easy usually recipes cook in about 30 minutes so you're always really hungry like me not a problem so even though I'm not traveling around filming right now I still would like to control how often my Fox comes to my door because some weeks I might be filming a lot more some weeks I might have a lot more frozen dumplings or instant noodles so if I don't want it to show up I'll just pause it's super flexible as you saw hello fresh is pre-portion so it's less work for you and less food waste and of course giving back to the community is really important so how I'm fresh don't need a 2.5 million meals to charity last year and they're stepping it up even further this year especially with the whole corona pandemic happening right now so if you want to give this a try and go to the grocery store less which I would really recommend like I'll go now and I'm masked up I'm still paranoid but if you want to give this a try just go to hello fresh comm use my promo call to 1080 you'll get $80 off with purchase including free shipping on your first box alright guys that was a little look inside my life and what I usually eat what I'm not filming it honestly this is like I'm not even kidding about this is like the highlight stuff by week when my box shows up because it's just that out of mystery of what am i eating today and also it cuts your selection from all the restaurants in the area to like to like 3 recipes I'm not really good at this as you're making yourself this help hmm also as always thank y'all so much for watching be safe out there everybody you later [Music]
Channel: Mikey Chen
Views: 801,004
Rating: 4.9324708 out of 5
Keywords: korean bbq, pho, viet food, vietnamese pho, pho noodle, noodles, noodle soup, korea, korean, korean food, kbbq, bbq, barbeque, cook, cooking, kitchen, fry, soup, eating, food, meat, beef, pork, rice
Id: HK6cVutDqMg
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 23min 12sec (1392 seconds)
Published: Thu Jul 09 2020
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