Eating ENTIRE Shake Shack Menu + FIRE INSTANT NOODLES & CURSED Story Time!

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[Music] hey guys what's up it's Mike Chen and today we are feasting on Shake Shack I didn't even know there's a Shake Shack near me that's about ten minutes away it's so awesome to find out there's one near me and here's why I got well basically I got everything on the menu I got every single burger all the shroom burger I cannot wait to bite into a shroom burger oh my god the chicken the fries these are my favorite fast-food fries Shake Shack fries are my favorite fast-food fries the grilled cheese I didn't know they had a grilled cheese but I got that by the way if me me my awesome plate me and this guy I'm gonna have a lot of good times together so I added some fire noodles to this meal as well let's just dig into I don't want this to get cold at all look at this grilled cheese I mean this is probably not gonna taste as good this is the snout a kitchen for a while hmm all right I mean just a simple grilled cheese but there's a lot of grilled cheese yeah I know there's always been like a huge debate regarding Shake Shack and in and out and I did a whole video on this and for me like I feel like Shake Shack burgers are more flavorful in in-and-out burgers are fresher and better value well you can't find as good of a burger for like three bucks then in and out by the way I always mix ketchup with sriracha if you've never done that before I recommend you give that a go mmm and about chicken from Shake Shack before oh I'm always impressed with fast food places actually use real chicken learn from that McDonald's like I said this is my favorite the shroom burger I mean just a combination of this amazing cheesy mushroom with the burger Wow hmm I swear that one pie just shook me up infinite amounts because every memory I have a Shake Shack has been a really pleasant one except there's one time boom by the way I've been doing several of these eating slash talking telling stories pseudo mukbang whoa I guess at this mug ball right I do a lot each types of videos and I've been cooperating like different stories like stories from my life personal stories - stories I like that I've heard I also thought I don't know if you guys know this I have a little channel called beyond science that that's how I kind of got into you - well now I started off the great wall but beyond science was the channel I worked on for a long time I love topics like that is it's all about mysteries and bizarre stuff and creepy stuff so I'm gonna start telling my favorite stories from the world of the unexplained so more ghost stories more unexplained phenomena a lot of people are mad that I stopped uploading on beyond science I'm mad at myself like I'm trying to upload a little more now but I really liked working on it so this could be like like the best of both worlds that could be eating and talking about stuff I love so I'll get into one of those topics today but before I do I want to talk about my one memory of Shake Shack that's not great I mean that is really hard to do when I'm biting into a shroom burger this has got to be one of my favorite if not my favorite fast-food burger in the world chase it I was on fire on him quarantine life may not get better than them this is also another favorite of mine the smokestack look at us Chili's bacon cheese you know I loved Shake Shack because they got a little burger diaper right here I mean catches all the all the juice and grease that when you're eating it all that juice squeeze this to the bottom and it catches it so you have that one last magnificent bite so my one bad Shake Shack memory - it filmed a bunch of Shake Shack videos and one of the first Shake Shack videos I film was for a Chinese TV show I was with the host CeCe and we went to review chance it's like long long time ago we went to review Shake Shack yeah I had to do the entire show in manager I know if I can find a show if I if I find it I'll link it down below but I do I've described burgers and manager you know hey my Mandarin is fluent but it's not to the point where like I can adequately describe things you know especially flavors you got to use so many adjectives and my adjectives vocab and men though it is this really non-existing I could say like culture which is like delicious and it's pretty much it so we did this whole episode and we ate every single thing on the menu so we went out and we literally we got like shakes as well the hotdogs that I got today a bunch of different variations of the hotdog cheesy fries to get everything on the menu I mean usually tiny asian girls he had a lot but see she didn't need that much so I had to eat like 8090 percent of everything on the table and I did so we ate everything reviewed it another camera person we had at this time turns to us I could still picture those terrifying words that he uttered that made my heart completely sink I don't think the mic was on I tell ya I saw one who's been filming for for a long long time I don't think that Mike was on I don't think the footage captured I don't think I don't think the camera was working you know how words and I supposed to hurt you yeah those who stabbed you in your very soul so they we had to redo the entire shoot then and there so we got a whole new table of every single menu item and I proceeded to eat I didn't finish it I ate more than half it because again we had to eat it and talk about it thousands of only day in my life who I have uttered the words I never want to see a Shake Shack burger ever again in my life only one time did I ever really tremendously hate on Shake Shack not today though hotdog is pretty crazy why did they split it I mean usually when people split it they pull like ketchup right here so I don't know what their excuses for some sriracha here oh you know we'll be really good you guys ever heard of a noodle sandwich like this is something you see a lot in Japan so Japanese sandwiches there's one where they put like noodle inside a sandwich what if we put the fire run on top of this hotdog what do you guys think you've all food genius or sacrilegious I dare you to try this and tell me this is not amazing I mean everything I love about Robin all that extra deep flavor cuz hotdog not a bother unless the hotdog is supremely deliciously flavorful it still lacks a little something you know but with the ramen hmm can't tell you I will never do this again alright so the story I want is how you guys say one of my favorite stories that I did on a beyond science I did a video on the most cursed objects in the world and one of these cursed items I could never get out of my head and vicious the cursed doll Roberts so the story goes that in the 1900s this is down in the Florida Keys there's this young boy his name was Robert Eugene Otto and there's different versions of the stories as to how he received this doll the cursed doll some say that was a gift from his grandfather when he came back from Germany others say that it was a birthday gift from one of their service well whoever it was obviously has this thing Chucky so of course they happen it's like 1900s am I talking about anyway bottom line is someone gave him take take a look this is the visitor puppet I mean the doll I mean I would even call this a doll I was just called as a heart attack in a sailor suit so he got this doll and he he really loved his dog you know how kids are they getting really attached to something and gene was really attached to this doll so much so that he named it after him so the doll is named Robert so Gia Robert inseparable she slept in the same room whenever we're together and then at first like jeans pair Scott yeah it's really cute really loves to doll cute kid this is adorable situation guys I mean I'm not a parent yeah I don't mean to give you any parental advice or anything but please don't give your kids creepy looking dolls I mean come on I'm just asking for a gateway to hell to open up in your bedroom so jean-robert went everywhere together and the parents were like here with them upstairs having a conversation which is normal come I talk to myself everyone talks to themselves I've talked to my teddy bear before when I was a little kid now first it was fine because it was just jeans talking to Robert but then the parents started hearing someone start to talk back in a deeper voice it wasn't just jeans little kid voice anymore as another deeper more demonic voice started to actually have a conversation with Jean I here to give parental advice I know nothing about this I never even had a dog before but if my kid ever started talking to a doll and this doll starts talking back I'm gonna have to holy fire that thing anyway so they start hearing someone talked back to Jean and then middle of the night sometimes she will be screaming screaming like don't let him hurt me don't let him hurt me the parents will rush up and just seem Jean cuddled and bed so afraid and Robert will be sitting at the foot of the bed and sometimes when these things happen like they hear like the whole room just rumbling like things falling down sounds like complete chaos going up there and they were rush up and a she will be curled up in bed terrified Robert sitting at the foot of the bed and the entire room looked like a volcano blew through it you know what I'm just gonna come here guys sucks to eat alone but if you start talking you're going down the trash chute so either this dog came to life or this kid is like the greatest prankster of his generation eventually gene grew up got married and I think his wife's name was Ann so he he brings her to live in the house with Robert and I think Ann has pretty good common sense because as soon as she saw Robert say yeah he's got to go of course Jean wouldn't throw Robert away so you locked them up in the attic but then like things started happening guests who come over to the house say they hear footsteps running upstairs they hear devilish laughter and kids who are walking by the house or go to school or on their way home often times will tell Jean that they see robber sitting at the bedroom window stir down at them upstairs but whatever someone said they saw robber came and told him so he will go upstairs and check in every single time she opened the door to his bedroom robber was sitting by the window even though gee remember for sure that he locked them up in the Attic and this happened every single time Chucky's grandfather's robber we should make another child's play movie called Robbie and Chucky anyway Robert died in 1974 but again he kept the doll up in the attic and a new family moved in and this is why I really hate old houses like really old houses because there's always something I'm telling you there's always something up with these old houses I know a new family moves in they go and explore the Attic and of course they find Robert up there the one time he actually stays in the Attic right they fire Robert they're like oh cool this is a really cool little toy for our kid know like how our parents so lacking in common sense when it comes to demonic looking creatures like this but this was back in the 70s so like everybody was moving into haunted houses even the ghosts were probably like get out the family's just like oh it's just a house settling there's nothing just a murderous doll anyway so they give this doll to their little girl and then the little girl start having nightmares constantly screaming that the stall is trying to kill her which he obviously was so finally I guess that the family gave up on the doll and gave it to a museum so even today it's in a museum in the Florida Keys you can actually go and visit Robert the doll but even though it's in a museum is behind glass people say that when they visit the doll if they're not a hundred percent respectful they insulted doll in any way well you know sometimes when they we're trying to take photos their camera will lock up and they'll be fine after they leave the museum but a lot of people say if they is so Robert or a disrespectful to him in any way something Bad's gonna happen to you there's there's feel like so many this so we're like so many document and car wrecks of people just leaving the museum after they were mean to robber or something and they'll get into a car crash and people will even to this day write letters to the museum apologizing to the dog because their lives are so bad after they were mean to robber so I really do hope I really do hope that Robert doesn't have access to YouTube I'm just saying this year is bad enough all right I don't anything worse to happen oh this is so good hmm I really really missed his burger something else that makes us so good they buttered the heck out of these buns we have time for one more story I mean dolls are always creepy so I want to follow it up with that story that I heard in college and to me this is the funniest story I've ever heard in my life so I want to tell you this story and it's a poo story so if this is gonna gross you out don't watch it but I recommend you do because it's not that graphic and even to this day I'm I'm told this three countless times even to this day every time I tell it every time I think about it it cracks me up all right a person would told me this story her name was Amanda rouse she and I went to college together I think she told me this in her junior year so thank you for the story Amanda she swears this is true okay III questioned her numerous times like this can't be real she's like no it's a hundred percent true it's a friend of hers that goes to a different school so here's the story apparently there's this guy really likes this girl like really really really into her but he's little nervous to ask her out so one day he finally works up the courage goes over asks her out and she says yes so in his mind fireworks going off prayers have been answered so happy so they plan a big date it's supposed to be dinner in a movie you know a typical date he gets all dressed up so he gets brand-new sure's brand-new pants oh it looks really good he goes and meets her at the restaurant and he's really nervous also I do want to say that this story is funny I think but it's also kind of sad and I feel bad for this guy by the same that I can't help but laughing so so they're eating at the restaurant his stomachs rumbling right it's rumbling because his really nervous is really gassy it's kind of uncomfortable so he excuses himself and goes to the bathroom he's thinking he's gonna let off some gas in the privacy of the bathroom then his stomach will feel better or less grumbling go back have a great day so he's in the bathroom and he relaxes and made the biggest donation possible to the porcelain altar he pooped so in and this is part of I didn't really understand so apparently he didn't do anything in the bathroom he's just went back in and finished dinner this is what she told me see when he goes back maybe he just wasn't like he's too in shock at this point so he goes back finishes dinner I hope to god it was a dark restaurant and minister going on their way to the movie theater but think he has a play he's like okay what if I can just go through the gap where he got his pants buy a new pair of pants and she wouldn't have to know so he's like hey do you mind if we stop by the Gap I need to go grab a sweater for my mom or whoever he needs to buy it for she's like oh yeah of course so they go to the gap and she knows someone who wears that gap so she's talking to the person she knows so she's distracted and while she's talking he goes and picks up the sweater he picks up the sweater and his new pair of pants he stuffs the pants inside the sweater so she doesn't see him buy a new pants right that'd be suspicious she goes to the Cassiar still crunchy so he goes to the cashier across the sweater to pants everything at her I'm just like please ring this up really quickly I gotta go I'm in a hurry so she rings it up puts in the bag he grabs the bag and they're off to the movie theater and they're kind of in a hurry so they take the train to go to the movie theater so on the train he grabs the bag he goes to the bathroom on the train he goes to her bathroom in decides to take off his pants his underwear all the dirty stuff and he can throw it in a garbage can because she might come to the bathroom and see so he throws it out the train window opens his bag all there was was a sweater what let me know in comments what would you do in that situation like I ran this scenario through my head I'm like what would I do I guess I would have to put on the sweater right so that's what he did he he puts on the sweater gets off at the next train stop never talks to his girl ever again and is such a is such a crazy and sad story like I feel bad for this guy like yeah it's a big day you like the girl I don't think I would have just like abandoned her I would have just been like I got a firm family emergency yeah I gotta take office say something but he never talks to her again and you you could just imagine the only thing she must be thinking for like years was that that was a stinky date sorry I had to little stinky day I told you I'm will draw I'm gonna have too much food in me anyway that's the story is crazy sad I laughed my butt off I feel so bad for the guy but like I mean this is real I feel bad but my god all there was was a sweater what is going on through your head at that moment important girl what if she really liked that guy I just want to say also that if he told her what had what had happened like been honest with her she would have been okay with it were supportive and I helped them cleaned up like I don't know whatever key you gotta marry her right I mean ladies how many of you if this is if you were in this situation it would have been like all right that's fine no big deal let me help you what do you need do we need to go back to the gap like how many of you would have been okay with this but seriously guys if you met a girl that this happened to you or something similar and she didn't like run away and disgust you gotta put a ring on that I'm still searching for mine not saying I'm doing this I'm gonna do this as a test on our first date or something but come on this is ultimate can you imagine like the 30th wedding anniversary people are like how'd you guys meet and then the girl be like well Timmy crapped his pants and the rest turned up all roses just saying anyway that's the craziest story someone's ever told me in so thank you Amanda for that story again she swears to goodness it's a real story as having to one of her friends anyway I got a ton of poop stories like I don't know I'm one of those guys I still find poop stories really really funny so I'm sorry if that's really true Vennela but I do I find it funny so that's my beyond science ish story and also a funny story to make up for that creepy doll in case you were scared so I'm still pretty hungry so I'm gonna finish this off while watching something the route I just started Naruto so I'm gonna see how it is all right thank you all so much for watching [Music]
Channel: Mike Chen
Views: 811,759
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: shake shack, shake shack burger, burgers, burger, fire noodle, fire ramen, best burger, in out burger, shake, shack, fries, lunch, dinner, food, noodle, spicy, eating, restaurant, eat, eats, dining, budget, credit card
Id: 14UIXG8LdbE
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 19min 18sec (1158 seconds)
Published: Fri May 08 2020
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