STEAMING Dim Sum + BEST & WORST Foods I've Ever Had

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hi good morning I just wanted to dump some lights sorry sorry now that's just my way of saying let's go get some of them some I'm not wandering from the same restaurant as last time this place looks pretty good home style dim sum and this got everything steamed pork bun okay show my of course hogao sticky rice and lotus leaf shrimp rice roll chicken feet oh this is my favorite soybean skin soybean skin roll beef shred for sure woo yes please welcome to Seattle Chinatown the International District I got half a duck and a half of a soy sauce chicken they were sold out of stuff and we got to go pick up our dim sum oh I don't even get back in the car dim sum place like MIT early the next door [Music] [Applause] it almost feels so nostalgic seeing the dim sum being cooked in those little bamboo steamers [Music] [Applause] [Music] it's almost like seeing your best friend for the first time after quarantine it's almost a little too much and this is a pretty full dim sum fees now I got all the popular items I got the hog all the shrimp dumpling I got to show my I got the pork bun now the key is trying to keep it warm and I think what I'm gonna do I'm gonna put a gas burner and I'm gonna just steam some of the dim sum [Music] let's gonna steam my own themself I missed you so much roast duck is one of my favorite barbecue items and this thing you can't even eat the bones I don't think I've had this for a while this is a crispy I think it's a crispy pork dumpling there's definitely a crispy oh look how flaky and crispy all inside it's just mochi a scrapper oh look at that that's basically a crispy mochi dumpling I don't think I've ever really had this before maybe because it was coming by in the dim sum car just look monstrous but okay you need to try this wow this is way better than I thought it was gonna be its like slightly sweet mochi the crunch is remarkable boss speak to me again baby oh yeah you know what I like to hear I'm actually really surprised it tastes this good cuz if you think about it like sweet crispy mochi with pork inside right away it doesn't really sound all that appealing to me but wow it's a crunch the savoriness flavors good textures even better Wow if you've never had a room who name has a little marble inside the first time I got it like I actually try to take the marble out mmm tastes like grape and fun oh I think my steamed dim sum is ready typically I love you dim sum with chili sauce and mustard but some reason no mustard this is my favorite dim sum in the world tofu skin is it's basically a tofu skin dumpling super chewy juicy tofu exterior that's soaked through with that nice juice from the poor crunchy vegetables inside one thing I love about them some is just the array of different textures this is the probably the most popular dim sum I'm it broke the shrimp dumplings was my aunt like a monster shipping here hmm they thought one shrimp would be too lowly so they put 2 in here I love the way they think I never really liked this item that much I get it because it's something that you have to get more eating dim sum I just want to bring up because sometimes this is not good it tastes like a dry meaty brick but here it's actually juicy another classic cha shell Bao fluffy bun stuffed with sweet smoky roast pork well I was closed down so usually I feel like this dish kind of died this is the steamed rice noodle with shrimp and this you gotta eat as soon as it comes out of the steamer and this thing's been yeah this doesn't look good my mouth feels a little little rougher than usual cuz it's been sitting out way too long but overall still texture is good and of course the Phoenix foil that's why we call chicken feet weak Chinese people like to make it sound fancy you imagine if like Harry Potter went to get his want instead of like that like a phoenix feather the one that chose ham was one with a chicken feet and every time he uses a just makes him hungrier and hungrier of course this is something not a lot of people are used to it well it's really really good you guys should try especially those of you with that foot fetish and plesance one of the only foods in the world that as you eat it it gradually flips you off there's like the chickens last act of vengeance alright as you guys know I've been traveling for many many years now and one of the most frequent questions I get is what is the best food you have ever had that is absolutely I don't think I can answer that because there's certain foods that connect more with you because of flavored or certain foods that connect more with you because you saw how I was done you heard the story behind the food there's different ways that food resume with each different person so I will do a series I will do a series and this is the first episode of the best and worst foods I have ever had because I can there's no way I'll limit it down to once all limit it as much as I can but the foods I'm about to talk about I think every single one of them is life-changing it's completely life just one of those things where you walk in you put it in your mouth your next hour would be you know what I could die now yeah if this was my last meal I'd be happy and by life changing I mean when you take a bite all the foods in the same category that you've had before that bite in that instant as good as you thought they were you realize we're just duty we're some thing where you take goodbye to you just you just can't even talk like the whole world floats away and you realize that you will miss it and pine after it for the rest of your life more in food wars terms your entire wardrobe including underwear it just breaks apart and these are not in any particular water so let's get started first thing that popped in my mind when I thought of the best food I've ever had in my life a5 Wagyu from Japan I've said this before that I've been to steak houses in the US and I have uttered the words melt in your mouth I really didn't know my steaks but my first bite of a5 Japanese Wagyu I just still remember we went to a ryokan me and my girlfriend at the time we went to a ryokan it was like around Christmas time and I remember that was the only real con that had a single room laughs like everything was booked out so I booked that room it was the most expensive hotel room I've ever stayed in my life it was ridiculously expensive especially when you include the meal the meal we chose was the most expensive Alki sake set mainly because at that point you spent so much money on the room anyway you're like you know what give me the beef and I never before that I really heard of or had any inkling what a five Wagyu was so we're sitting there at dinner and the lady came into the room and cooked up the FI Wagyu and I see it how my wool that's pretty it's like something snowed on the beef this beef look like Mount Fuji was that beef hit the grill the sizzle the fatty beef he still that permeated the air is something I could still see so vividly in my mind and when I took that first bike the first thing that popped into my mind was Golden Corral you know why because I couldn't believe I ordered the words of melt in my mouth at a Golden Corral but this steak made every single steak I ate before that completely irrelevant it's literally like meeting your food soulmate like you've been on so many days you searched heaven and earth for the perfect significant other and to this day I think if anybody ever asked me about one food they they need to try but they need to have on the top of their bucket list I would always tell them a five wagon and honestly it doesn't even really matter what type of a5 Wagyu just go get any one of them next was my first authentic four experience in Vietnam well not my first I had [ __ ] when I got to Vietnam the first day I think but the second place I went to I think the place is called a fool wrong that place oh my god I I see them willing the massive pots what I can really only call beef elixir in the front I smell it like a block away it's still like I wasn't prepared for when that soup hit my lips I mean I loved fun like you cut me open I'll bleed hot oil and I'll bleed [ __ ] for something I can eat every single day for the rest of my life I will never get tired of it I told you guys about my dumpling died of O six I had a food diet work I would go out like at lunch time invites you large bug come back home put it all together you eat that five hours later dinnertime do the exact same thing I did that for like months because first Shih Tzu right actually not anymore in New York but back then was like six bucks for a large flaw what I'm eating this I feel good and insulted at the same time you guys know Brenda for my team saw her cousin that was one of his favorite places so he took us there I will not forget the first sip of that thing like if you see the video like I am eating on like bed bin every single person like you guys kind of try to stop my life it is just something like that I have never been able to taste after that like you know when you had there's because there's a lot of good foot up there's a lot of good foot places and you try you're like oh it's pretty good but this was like the Japanese 85 wag you of [ __ ] it doesn't even compare plus it was like three bucks it was so good we risk being late for our flight to eat at that place again oh by the way the editions are telling you guys the best places I've ever eaten that I'm gonna tell you guys the worst places I have you ever eaten that and this is something you won't see a lot of the videos and there's a reason for that now get to it but the next one of the best foods I've ever had lashauwn from Cebu the roast pig as soon as I want this was this was C and thi walked in all I could hear what's cleaver hittin a pile of meaning you hear the slight crunch as the cleaver blade broke through that crunchy skin and pulverized fruit juicy meat to this day that remains the best roast pig I have ever eaten in my life I mean just effect that it's awful massive Pig and I've had entire pics where the skin tastes like a tire so rubbery and I'm sharable but the skin over there as soon as it hits your mouth you crunch through it it's like a little melty pork ship and all the herbs and spices just like floated its way into every single inch of that meat so not only do you get to enjoy that magical skin when you take a bite of that meat is so juicy and so incredibly aromatic Tuesday everywhere I go I see the worst hog heaven and I see it a lot at barbecue places I think back when I was actually in pork heaven in Cebu next upgrade to pork a little roll fun from Taiwan oh my god when you go to kill those real fire ants how are especially my favorite place chief um it's just something you can't even imagine like I get there and I see the ball rise I see like little bits looks like ground pork sitting on top of my rice I see a little bit of white a little bit of darkness I remember taking photos of them and taking videos of it and after like a minute I see like part of my meats disappear now I'm just like thinking what kind of evil wizardry is this it was like a porky tease or something little did I know the fat melted from the pork and is soaked into the rice down below I think in all Taiwan that would be my number one most recommended thing to get if you were ever over there next up the Japanese bacon vault you guys if you see my Japan videos you know i rave about the stuff that japanese bacon boy this one place i've got was caught a link it down below but first of all it's all locals i think it's different now because a lot of people that watch the video go there now but it's all locals and there's a line out the door every single time before it opens and you go to the kiosk you order your pork it look I know it's not bacon okay I know I just like calling it that it's a bacon boy just sounds more magical so you get your ticket and God get extra juice extra sauce you give it to the guy and they're cooking it right in front of you they're cooking it they're grilling the porgy get this extra big bowl of it I never see anybody else get it I don't know why because God like how could you not the maximum portion of this dish and then they give it to you you look so pretty it looks like a flower like a bacon bouquet and it's really funny because they put this little like condescending like piece of green veggies on the edge of the bowl where it kind of acts like I don't know that the diet coke you order at all you can keep buffet or something you know like trying to make yourself you know a little better I'm just like the braised pork in Taiwan the juice from the meat soaked into the rice below and they drizzled that extra portion of meat juice on top the meat grilled perfectly with that beautiful charm mark all for a perfect amount of shoe and melt eNOS yeah at the same time you can taste that hot grill the smoke everything that's good in the world in every single bite of that juicy porky you just gobble that thing up and all you want to do it is skip forward in time so you can come back for dinner and do the whole thing again all right the next one I just had it a year ago it's something I can't believe I've never had before but when I drove through Texas drove through Austin the beef ribs in Austin Texas it's something that everyone should at some point in your life put it in your mouth you don't even need to true it just just put in your mouth and close your mouth and that thing will just evaporate oh my god the first place I went UT reflux oh the beef rib it's just I I literally try I think I tried just just not using my teething you don't have to I've never had a more tender rib in my life and there's just something so special about what they do down there because it's not like it's it's a billion of different spices it's just salt and pepper and smoke and that's it I mean the only thing I'll say negatively about it is that the fattiness will eventually be too much for you you can't keep on eating this thing so that's why where you go you got to get some pickles or kimchi or something vinegary something acidic to kind of assist you and cut down the fattiness because that giant piece of rib you gotta show the respect it deserves and it's the whole thing deserves to be in your stomach but those are some of the best foods I've ever had let me tell you some of some of the worst I want to preface preface this by saying what I say is the worst it it may not be the worst for everybody it's just that for me like I really did not like it also I don't showcase a lot of foods that I don't like on the videos mainly because I'm not doing these videos to hurt anyone's business okay like there's many times I will be on a food stall or going through some local restaurants around the world and I didn't like something I filmed it but I didn't end up using it purely because I don't want to damage any ones livelihood I mean they're just trying to make a living I'm sure there's a lot of people that like what I didn't like so I never want to impact how another person makes their living so going back to Taiwan the same place where I had the braised pork over rice I had a brain soup if you like brain then then I'm sure it's great for you and it's funny because like I was there and I was like I want to try everything on the menu I'm like what's a good soup and the lady was like it's the bring soup Amaya premium precip I'll try to brace her but she's like are you sure you want to try a brain soup like yeah I mean I'm stupid so I need some more brain and then she even told me she's like I don't think you'll like it I'm like no I'll try it and I tasted it it was just a lot of people like brain because it's really creamy and to me it was just way too creamy it was way too creamy it was like eating something that's that's even softer than jello which like I still like a little texture but brain was just it's just you even think about a no I'm not feeling it so I try the brain not a fan especially not in soup I think because things are already wet I mean maybe if you fried the brain the texture changes a little bit so it's not too soft but when it's surrounded by water it becomes even softer I did not love that all right the next one and follow me I'm gonna feel bad about this one by I've got to say it so my family used to own the golden China restaurant in Quincy Illinois and it was very much a American Chinese restaurant right so it had your typical crab rangoon generals chicken you know all the usuals you'll find in a very westernized Chinese restaurant and I mean that these types of restaurants a lot throughout my life and of course I ate at my own family's buffet a lot but when I drove through Quincy this is like a couple years ago I was moving to California I think so I drove through Quincy and then I was like you know what we kind of fun to stop in my um my parents all restaurants see how it is so I went aside and it was really funny because the chairs were the same like the tape like even our fish tank they kept our fish tank but the food I had there and I again I've eaten a mini westernized Chinese restaurant before but I don't think I've had food that bad before at any Americanized Chinese restaurant I mean nothing had flavor like the hot and sour soup wasn't sour it wasn't spicy oh just like soup all the food I had was at a try or too sweet that was probably one of the worst Chinese food meals I think I've ever had in my life I'm saying all those now because I think that place closed already so I'm not impacting anything but I went in for the buffet and I remember eating like like a half a plate and I'm just like I'm good and after that I went to get out of Italian place for zoli's which I really like looks like a cheaper red Nikki err Olive Garden all right the last one talk about that I really really hated was the pork chop sandwich from Macau and going into Macau that was probably one if not the most hyped up food in the entire city so yeah that probably has something to do with it but I was really expecting something good but it's just like this this fried pork chop there was no flavors a big bow in them at all and you know was like was like watching Aquaman it was confusing it was boring and eventually just put all my taste buds to sleep and to this day I have no idea and I see a lot of other food show hosts and travel vloggers eat this thing and proclaim their love for it what I look I'm not trying to insult anybody from Macau or anybody who really loved this that's your own opinion I just don't get it like what is so good about it and I'm for sure never understood to hype over it and yes is something that if you go to Macau you should try it because it is like one of those cruise that you just gotta try give it a try but like I I don't I mean how do you how do you agree with what I'm saying like there's something off with my taste buds like I don't I don't understand it and to this day is one of the most overhyped rules I've ever had that's why it's making his list Oh still a couple things I haven't tried yet ah [Music] sticky rice this smells so good I never forgot about us I think I love smelling this even more than I like eating this these sesame balls with red beans in the middle these are really handy if you're super hungry they will fill you up and they are delicious fragrant crispy outer shell chewy mochi Street red bean this is also really helpful if you're about to go on a long plane ride and you want to avoid using the bathroom you need a couple of these you won't be going for a week finally this is the salted egg bunt huh I never had one that's like it looks like this before usually there's a shape of a bow who I used to back in my chopsticks so mmm oh my god it inside I'm gonna sorry sweet salty egg filling you know when people say it's the insides that count very very very true outsides good too is flaky is soft well this place makes a really good sultanate button mmm highly recommend anyway guys I thought I started listing out so my most recommended places from around the world so if you are traveling now we're about to travel soon still stay safe we really don't want to have another round of all this as always take yells so much for watching see you later [Music]
Channel: Mikey Chen
Views: 517,278
Rating: 4.9309578 out of 5
Keywords: seattle dim sum, best dim sum, dim sum, dim sum seattle, dimsum, homemade, cook, cooking dim sum, steaming, steam, kitchen, eat, eating, food, restaurant, best food, chinese food, chinese cook, chinese cooking, cooking, worst food, travel, traveling, tourism, tour, tourist, airline, hotel
Id: wUe6cEXTcqg
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 21min 18sec (1278 seconds)
Published: Fri Jun 12 2020
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