Foil Wrapped Chicken Dinner - Cook On The BBQ - Easy Clean Up - Rockin Robin Goes Camping!

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hey everyone it's rock and Robin from cooking Mexican recipes calm now guess what tomorrow I'm going camping so today in the kitchen I'm going to be showing you a recipe that I'm going to bring for my dinner on my camping trip so that I don't have to do very much cooking I'm going to do it all the prep here today and then when I get to my campsite and you know it's at the end of the day and I'm tired I don't want to fool around I'll just pop this on the barbecue and I'll have my complete meal already done and then we'll there won't be any cleanup or anything really unless maybe a dish if I decide to even dirty one so my recipe today is called foil wrapped chicken and so along with my chicken I'm going to toss in pretty much whatever I want to eat so what I'm going to do today is some potatoes carrots zucchini mushrooms some onions maybe some wine and pretty much whatever you want to put in there that's what's great about it and the result is a delicious home-cooked meal that's nice and healthy and it tastes incredible so I'll tell you all about it in just a minute okay so before I go over my ingredients with you let me just mention that you want to prepare all of your ingredients all your vegetables potatoes whatever you're using get everything out get it all chopped up just like I have right here and that way it makes the assembly very very easy and quick alright let's go over those ingredients okay so here is what I'm going to be using I'm going to be using some balsamic vinegar olive oil I'm going to use a little bit of white wine I had some chopped up onion already in the refrigerator so I'm going to be using that some sliced mushrooms and right here of course is our chicken I'm using chicken thighs I just think they taste the best and they cook up the best with breasts you might you know it might get a little dried out you never know it's just a little tougher to cook and also you could use fish if you want to fish works well with this recipe alright so mushrooms let's say we mention that we've got the carrots I've got my carrots already sliced up here I've got some zucchini me and some asparagus chopped up and some sliced up Gold potatoes and then for my spices I've got some fresh rosemary out of the garden that all you want to do here is peel off the leaves off the rosemary stems and then chop them up nice and fine I like to use the fresh and just taste that much better I'm also going to use a little bit of my taco seasoning I have a video for that if you want to know how to make it it has a combination of a lot of seasonings there some fresh basil and some salt and you also have to have some heavy duty make sure it's heavy duty foil and we're going to double wrap these because I'm taking them camping and I don't want to take a chance that they're going to tear and then some of the liquid leaks out makes a mess so there you have it so I'm going to show you how much I'm pulling out okay so there you have it that's probably a good foot and a half long all right and what I'm going to do is I'm going to turn it this way and the first thing we're going to do and place on there is I like to place my potatoes lay them down make a little bed and then I place oh I might do a little zucchini it's really you know very versatile here we can do pretty much whatever we really want to do okay so you got that down now I'm going to go ahead and place my chicken Oh before I do that though let me just do a little sprinkle of salt and a little rosemary I have found that in the past sometime in the beginning when I started doing this I started putting I didn't put enough seasoning for whatever reason you know don't be shy about layering it on then I'll place my chicken right on top and I'm going to do the same thing here I'm going to put some more salt I'm going to add some of my taco seasoning give a little sprinkle there give it a little zip I'm going to add some more basil and you can see them adding quite a bit right and some rosemary now I'm going to go for some of the asparagus take a handful of carrots I like a lot of vegetables so I like to load it up and I each time I put something down I tend to season it up a little bit so and then some mushrooms look at this I mean it's going to be a feast right it's so darn good and it's such a good and healthy meal it's just I love it all right I'm going to put a little bit of wine in here you don't need much now you don't want to make it too too liquidy because then you're going to have a problem with it even folding it up and having it run out I'm going to add a little bit of oil olive oil because there's not a lot of fat on this chicken because we removed the skin which I recommend that you do otherwise you I think you're going to add up end up with too much fat and then my balsamic when just a little bit of that it gives it a really nice flavor you can use you know any vegetables you want any seasonings you like liquids you could do lemon lemon juice would be nice with this and I think the last thing is a little bit add a little more onion to that okay then I'm going to add some more rosemary because I really like rosemary I think you can tell a little more basil around the edge and that's pretty much it now all we do is fold this up like a little tent so I take up the two sides like this and I just kind of fold it over making a little tent out of it sort of okay once you get the top then I go to the sides and I just roll them in okay just like that now like I said because I'm going camping I'm going to wrap it twice and so the second wrap is the same as the first and that my friend is all there is to it it's so simple so easy and like I said it's very delicious all right so that's it I will see you at the campsite all right so here I am I'm at beautiful new Hogan reservoir in Valley Springs California as you can see it's a beautiful lake and I've been out all day kayaking in beautiful 85 degree weather so now we're back at camp and I am so happy that I have foil wrapped chicken ready to go on the barbecue so I don't have to fool around I'm tired and it's just nice to relax and just start cooking so here's what we're going to do we have a barbecue here that is fueled by oopsie propane fuel so what I've got here is my barbecue is nice and hot and I've got my foil wrapped chicken right here and I'm going to place them on put the lid on it it's going to be a tight fit but we can get it to work and we're going to check that in 20 minutes so that's it and if you have a regular barbecue with briquettes you can do the same thing just you know wait till they're hot and you can even push them aside so that there are more bits more indirect heat and you create an oven effect so that works great too all right we'll see you in 20 minutes okay so you take your foil wrap chicken and what we're going to do tonight is because I don't want to wash dishes I'm just going to stick it on a plate for support and I'm just going to eat right out of the foil you can do that or you can put it on the plate whatever you want to do so dinner is served all right so here's our foil wrap chicken everything is nicely in effect I'm going to take a bite to test this out make sure everything's nice and good mmm delicious with all those spices I put in there very nice mmm very burg so that's it oil wrap chicken is super easy to make it's great for camping and you can also do it at home in your own backyard if you enjoyed this video be sure and subscribe to my channel give me a thumbs up and leave me a comment if you have any recipes for camping that make camping a lot easier be sure and leave them in the comments below we'd love to hear about them thanks for watching and I'm going to get down and finish eating my dinner and then guess what's for dessert some mores thanks for watching we'll see you next time you you
Channel: Rockin Robin Cooks
Views: 46,387
Rating: 4.881804 out of 5
Keywords: cookingmexicanrecipe, chicken, Rockin Robin, beef, vegetables, \foil wrapped chicken\, fish, Cooking, dinner, cooking videos, Recipe, cooking show, bbq, foil, video recipes, camping recipes, camping, food, easy, camping food recipes, camping food ideas, boy scouts
Id: 2Ohyar3mNto
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 9min 46sec (586 seconds)
Published: Mon Jun 10 2013
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