6 Tips To Master Foil Packet Cooking

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[Music] today we're going to talk about every campers best friend foil for foil packets for cooking food if you're not making foil packets at the campsite you're kind of missing out because it's a lot like the crock-pot at home you have a little bit of chopping a little bit of prepping throw in the packet throw it on the coals go do something else come back boom super delicious meal so we're gonna get into tips for foil packets today foil you're going to want to go heavy-duty and double duty you are going to want to make sure that you get a good heavy-duty foil and we absolutely recommend wrapping it not once but twice because it can be sitting in extremely hot coals can be sitting there for a long long time it's going to have a better chance of cooking your food properly and not burning it another thing about foil which side is the right side if you use foil a lot you are familiar with the fact that one side is a little bit dull or matte and one side is a little bit more shiny does it matter which side you use no it doesn't matter at all the only thing that you do want to pay attention to with some foil is going to be nonstick but you can generally tell that because the nonstick side is going to be a little bit dimpled it's not that doesn't matter at all cooking spray over butter is generally the way that we like to make foil packets butter is delicious but it's a lot harder to get an even coating on all of the foil just one thing to keep in mind when you use in cooking spray don't spray it on any open flames gets a little bit dangerous when you seal your foil package you're going to want to make sure that you get out as much air as possible if there is more air inside that can expand and you'll get a little hole somewhere and it won't cook it properly so less air extremely tight seal turn often and carefully when you put your foil packet in the coals if you want to make sure that it doesn't get burnt anywhere make sure you flip it over often be very gentle with that if you get too aggressive with it to be poke a hole in the foil and then all is lost so hopefully that's helpful when mealtime arrives at the campsite and you're going to go ahead and do a foil packet for the crew if there's anything that we missed and tips that you figured out that work really well we'd love to hear about it
Channel: 50 Campfires
Views: 61,751
Rating: 4.7445111 out of 5
Keywords: foil packet cooking recipes, foil packet meals, foil packets, foil packet chicken, foil packet potatoes, foil packet fish, foil packet cooking, foil packet smores, foil packet dinners, foil packet grilling, foil packet recipes, foil packet vegetables
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 2min 8sec (128 seconds)
Published: Mon May 01 2017
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