Delicious Foil Packet Recipes- 3 Easy Camping Meals

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hi and welcome to our channel tonight we're going to show you how we get our foil packet dinner ready for our camping trip a good night's dinner we have three meals tonight we have ham sausage and and shrimp and we have a bacon ranch and cheddar foil pack meal and i'm going to show you how we do it to get ready for our camp and night dinner where everybody can pick what they want and eat a nice good dinner warmed up by the campfire barbecue grill or even if you're home you can use it in your oven so let's get started we're going to start with our foil packet we're going to get our foil out [Music] and with our ham we're also going to have some yukon gold potatoes and they're very delicious they're fluffy and yellow and a really good potato to have in your foil packets you want to make sure you can slice them thin so that they get cooked all the way through as you make your foil packets just slice them up and we want to layer in the packet with all of your ingredients [Music] with our ham we're gonna do ham pineapple red onions and peppers so we'll put a little bit of everything starting with the potatoes on the bottom [Music] with all of our veggies we want to make sure and de-seed them and wash them which i've already done and de-seed the peppers [Music] with our peppers and onions we want to try to slice them the same so that we can get a good even red onions are good they have a sweet flavor and they'll go really well with the ham and pineapple my favorite is the pineapple which we'll add in a bit [Music] you want to make sure and cut your onions about the same as you did the potatoes so that they'll have an even cooking time so we'll line up the onions on top of the potatoes to get them lots of flavor [Music] then we'll slice the peppers the same as we did the onions thin as we can so that they all match and cook at the same time [Music] then comes in our ham and we'll put a ham steak on top trim the fat if you like or if you don't mind just leave it on it gives it a little extra flavor as it cooks stack it high with a pineapple on top as much or as little as you like then for a little bit of seasonings we're going to put on some spicy brown mustard [Music] and a tablespoon of brown sugar now it's time to wrap it up so we just take all of the corners of the foil and wrap it into a nice packet then we'll set it aside to be put in the fire to cook or on your barbecue grill or even your oven if you're at home and there you go there's our first one the ham dinner and next up on our trio of foil pack dinners we're gonna do our cajun style foil packet starting out with our foil we're gonna chop up some more onions and peppers to add to our dinner [Music] and this one's going to be a pretty full one with peppers and onions and zucchini and squash and tonight we're going to use shrimp and sausage whatever kind of sausage you like if you like hot or mild whatever you like use what your family enjoys and our main seasoning we're going to use is a cajun seasoning we call it tony chatries at our house but uncle tease or whatever kind of cajun spice you like go ahead and throw that in so we're gonna get this squash cut up [Music] and this will feed a crowd you can feed quite a few people when you cut up all your veggies and throw them in and everybody can pick what they like if you don't like onion don't put it in but if you do add a little extra just make sure that you cut them as close to the same size as you can you can always get it from your local farmers market or your grocery store wherever you like to get your produce in the summer i hope to have my own from my garden but do what you like get any kind of produce you like this one with the cajun it's so yummy it's we got our sausage here any kind you like today we're using some turkey sausage but we like all different kinds at our house so just slice it and it's pre-cooked so you don't have to worry about it just gotta warm it through so we'll put a few slices of that on we're also gonna use some shrimp and you can use frozen shrimp that's what we prefer to do and i leave it frozen so you make sure that it cooks and it doesn't get too rubbery sometimes if you have thawed shrimp it gets too rubbery so we'll get our veggies in there get some zucchini too and i like to peel it a little bit nothing perfect but that's just the way i like it this will make a nice dinner for your family you get all your veggies in here looks nice and we'll throw in a couple mushrooms even just have them or quarter them depending how many and how big you have just get a little bit all over [Music] then we also want to make sure you get a pad of butter so we have good flavor and we'll throw that on and now for the seasonings we have our tony chatries we'll go ahead and sprinkle that on however much if you like a little or a lot we like it spicy around here so we'll put a little extra on those shrimp then a little grind of pepper and a little salt and now we're going to adjust to our best ability roll that foil packet up get it nice and tight and if you run out of room just grab another piece of foil and wrap it up with it and there's our second one [Music] i like to pre-cook my bacon so it's done for that night for breakfast just cook a little extra we'll chop it and also get some broccoli [Music] we'll get our packet going so with the chicken one we'll have our we'll start out with potato on the bottom and just like all the others you want to make sure that they're thin sliced so that they cook evenly when you're doing your dinner so we'll start out with potato on the bottom [Music] and with the potato we'll put a little butter on top so we make sure and get it all the way through this one because it's going to be a kind of thick one then we'll go ahead and throw on some broccoli okay and next up we're going to put our chicken breast we cubed it up nicely and now we're just going to add however much you like on top of your veggies you have on the bottom and we chunked it up in these little squares so that we make sure it cooks all the way through because you want me to make sure your chicken's cooked so we find it easier if you just chop it up now we'll wash our hands next up we're going to chop a scallion if you just want to use red onion feel free whatever your family likes we do like the onion and we use both the green and the whites on the onion to give it a little extra flavor [Music] just go ahead and throw your green onions on top as well as your bacon we like bacon in our house so the more the merrier now we're going to top it off with some cheese just some cheddar or any kind you got whatever you your family likes do what you want to do then we're going to use some ranch seasoning [Music] go ahead and sprinkle it pretty good on there so you get nice flavor all the way down and a little bit of pepper what's your family's favorite way to eat everybody in our family is a little different so in the comments below put your favorite foil packet or what's your favorite dinner when you guys go camping let us know in the comments below now we're going to add a little butter [Music] and that's it we're going to wrap it up and those are three easy quick meals you can make for your camping dinner or any night of the week if your family's picky you have your buffet of everything go ahead and have the kids pick what they like they might just want ham and pineapple throw a little butter in there they can have a simple dinner in just a little while now here's our last step go ahead and get those on a grill or your coals about 350 for 35 to 45 minutes let them cook don't forget to flip them every now and again and make it a good dinner everybody loves them they're really yummy a nice hot treat at the end of the night thanks for coming by our channel today and have a great day
Channel: The Montana Style
Views: 2,528
Rating: 5 out of 5
Keywords: how to make foil packets for camping, foil packet meals, foil packet cooking recipes, easy hobo meals, foil packet campfire meals, foil packet dinner, how to fold a foil packet, cooking hobo packets campfire, hobo packets, how to make foil packets for dinner when camping, camp dinner ideas, camping food, camping food ideas, easy camping meals, campfire cooking, montana outdoors, Foil Packet Recipes, 3 Easy Camping Meals, how to make foil packets, foil packet recipes
Id: hfN17MOPq50
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 11min 27sec (687 seconds)
Published: Sun Feb 14 2021
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