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welcome back everybody to Catherine's plates where it's always simple easy and delicious in my kitchen today I am going to show you how to make bacon ranch chicken foil packets these are so delicious full of flavor easy cleanup who doesn't love that you eat out of the foil packet in toxic okay guys grab your foil grab some of these amazing delicious ingredients that I'm going to show you and let's build some foil packets okay let's go ahead and get started I've preheated my oven to 425 degrees now for all of the ingredients we want to make sure that we cut them down to bite-sized pieces it just makes it easier to eat out of a foil packet right so what I have here are some red potatoes these are baby red potatoes and I'm just gonna quarter these so I'm just gonna cut them in half and then just cut those halves into halves easy manageable bite pieces I'm just gonna put them into a medium bowl right here now you can use any potato you want if you want to use a russet potato yellow potatoes just as long as they're in bite-sized pieces now if the potato is a little bigger than just a small then you know you can cut them a little smaller if you want okay so for four packets I am using at one pound of potatoes so whatever you use in potatoes you just want about one pound and that's what I have here now we're gonna go ahead now and season these up with some salt some pepper I've got eight tablespoons of melted butter and I've got a packet of ranch dressing seasoning packet here should equal about two tablespoons I'm gonna go ahead and just pour this over it go ahead now and just stir this all up mix it together why does that smell good ranch dressing and butter just kidding it does smell good though now at this point if you want to add some green beans to this some some fresh green beans or if you want to add asparagus or broccoli now is a good time to do that and get it all mixed up in there so I'm gonna go ahead now and I'm going to add some asparagus tips to this I'm just going to cut off the tips here and I'm gonna go just another round right there so what I can do with this right here is cut this like almost in half and get rid of the rough stuff and then I can use this for something else so this is plenty right here I'm gonna rinse this off and I'll be right back all right I'm just gonna shake them out of here place them in my bowl with the potatoes okay just go ahead and get this mix wait cook this up right now for me I'll be happy all right let's go ahead and get our foil ready that's about good right there I'm gonna be making four packets but I'm gonna demonstrate you one turn it upside down I've got my chicken out here now these are chicken cutlets so they're a little thinner than a regular chicken breast so if you have a chicken breast you can just slice that in half and then just place that right on your sheet here now what I'm gonna do is just salt my chicken breast and I'm gonna add some pepper I'm gonna turn it over just season the other side give it some salt now I've done zoil packets with sausage so the sausage links oh yeah just slice those into discs and put those in a foil packet YUM okay so we've got that now I'm just going to kind of create a little ball here kind of get it started while I add my potatoes and asparagus mixture here that has the ranch dressing in it so what I'm going to do is just take about a quarter of that to place it right on my chicken well doesn't that look good all right it smells amazing all right what we're gonna do now is bring up the sides bring out the two long edges and just kind of feel it here flatten it down on the sides and then just roll in the sides twice and that should give you a nice seal all right pack it one [Music] [Music] [Music] all for my packets are now ready to go into my oven that's been preheated at 425 degrees they will go in there for about 45 minutes and then we're going to finish these up okay so my packets just came out of the oven now what are we gonna do is just kind of cut a hole right in the center here we want to still make this kind of bowl shape okay look how amazing that looks YUM what we're gonna do for each one of these packets is I'm going to sprinkle some cheese right across the center of it just like that now I've got some bacon bits now this is a real bacon bits you can even like make your own bacon if you want to that's totally fine while these are cooking you know you can place a pan of bacon in there and then they can be done the same time these are done then you can just crush them up and then just put that on there but I'm just gonna use these because this is a really simple easy meal and we're looking to do I'm just going to place my bacon right across the top here and then I've just got some fresh parsley but I'm going to lay right across that because you know you want to make everything look delicious [Music] I'm going to place these back in my oven that's still at the 425 degrees for just about five minutes all we're looking to do is to melt that cheese so that bacon and that person could just ooze right in okay I'm back guys look at me bad move the potatoes are cooked all the way through and cheese the bacon where's the chicken there's the chicken right there [Music] look at that perfectly cooked I'm gonna take a bite for you guys [Music] mmm bacon ranch chicken in a foil packet you saw how simple and easy it is and I'm going to tell you what it is very delicious - there's so many variations with foil packets hmm I have another recipe out there and I'll link it down in my description box if you want to check that one out also all right let me know what you would put in your foil packet give me a thumbs up if you're new to my channel don't forget to hit that subscribe button and that Bell notification so you always know when shows like this here are posted alright y'all I will see you on the next episode
Channel: Catherine's Plates
Views: 65,422
Rating: 4.9735818 out of 5
Keywords: Easy Bacon Ranch Chicken Foil Packet Dinner, Foil Packet Dinner Ranch Chicken, Ranch Chicken foil packet recipe, recipes for foil packets ranch chicken, bacon ranch chicken dinner, easy dinner ideas using foil, making foil packets, how to make foil packets, cooking chicken in foil packets, catherines plates, cooking channel, cooking channel catherines plates, whats for dinner foil packet
Id: p_SyRbYB2tQ
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 9min 33sec (573 seconds)
Published: Mon Feb 03 2020
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