The Voice | Dr. Matthew Stevenson | Separate Them

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hallelujah all right really powerful series called The Voice and we have been learning the power and the necessity of hearing and learning the voice of God how many of you have been challenged in this series there is so much to be said about your ability to hear from God and really you need several months to dig into it in the way that you need to to really become disciplined in your listening to God but this is going to be very very very essential for all of you that are still learning to know the voice of the Lord and I want all of you to be making a conscious effort to discipline yourself in that how many of you understand what I'm saying okay how many of you have been listening to these messages and applying them I have also heard that apostle monique wrecked my church last week and she did so as a lady ain't none like a preacher and woman who want to be a woman praise God I ain't no bass in her voice and nothing she she handled that thing very well and I'd bless God and thank God for her and then Pastor David Wilford who is always my replacement he's a very unique anointing and we love drinking from that today is gonna be very unusual for the next couple of weeks I'll be laying horn laying hands on some prophets and evangelists ordaining can Commission them and so at a 10:30 service for a couple of weeks when I'm once I'm done preaching we'll be doing some ordinations I'd like to start the year off very often with giving birth to new ministries and Selby laying hands on some prophets today at the latter part of 10:30 after I'm done preaching and then next week as well and then we're gonna lay hands on some new evangelists and so it's good I want to do my best to discipline myself to teach this morning because I am under strong conviction about the necessity of God's people to learn in know God's voice and where you start in a journey like that is you first have to learn God's Word it's gonna be difficult for you to know his voice apart from his word and there are people who allege to know the voice of God while neglecting the Word of God but if you don't know the the Word of God you don't know what God sounds like God sounds like his word and so I want to be able to lay some foundation to you today on a very powerful thing concerning hearing God's voice and what I love about it is you're never too young or too old to know God's voice and learning to listen to God is something that can never work against you unless you resolve to do your own will but if it is your real motive in life to live in such a way that glorifies God the voice of the Lord is life to you it's literally air I would really rather not live if I could not hear from God I would much rather not be here learning to hear from God was the single most powerful skill and ability that I've ever had in my life and what I've learned is the more reliant you are on the voice of the Lord the clearer his voice becomes clarity from the voice of the Lord is not just a matter of desire it's a matter of Reliance and when you learn to rely on what God is saying it's easier to hear him you can squint and light the candles and dim the lights and that won't change the volume of God but what determines God's volume and consistency to you is the position of your heart to obey and respond to him say I hear you I'm going to give you something today out of Acts the thirteenth chapter let's go there we're going to the book of Acts chapter 13 and I'm going to be reading for you just a few verses it's literally going to be fine and I'm going to preach a bit and then we'll see what happens okay Acts chapter 13 verses one through five when you're there say I'm there and if you're not there say wait on me now it's too cold to be taking this long hurry up praise the Lord I love you Jesus acts 13 and 1 says now there were in the church that was at Antioch certain prophets and teachers as barnabas and simeon that was called Niger Lucius of Cyrene and Manaen which had been brought up with a hair at the Tetrarch and Saul and as they ministered to the Lord and fasted the Holy Ghost said separate me Barnabas and Saul for the work whereunto I have called them and when they had fasted and prayed and laid their hands on them they sent them away so they being sent forth by the Holy Ghost departed unto solution and from Vince they sailed to Cyprus final verse and when they were at Salamis they preached the Word of God in the synagogue's of the Jews and they also had John - their minister father helped me to preach this in Jesus name a man I think the best way to structure this is to preach it a little bit and then give you my title in the middle okay so let's do it that way allow me to break some homiletic rules real quick I love the power of miracles I am a man that believes in miracles I don't think that you should tell people you are a Christian if you don't believe in miracles everything about our Christ and our story has been miraculous down from how he got here to what he did what he got here to the odds he defied to the things he overcame to what he was able to achieve it was all the power of the miraculous there is nothing void of supernatural activity when studying the way Jesus bills thing he does everything he does supernaturally even down to who he selects and who he anoints and who he ordains there was nothing carnal and there is nothing natural about who he wants to use it is all supernaturally done and if this is true that it means that miracles have to be won the methods of God to communicate to the human race and to remind the human race of where they are versus where he is without the sovereignty of God in display humanity is trapped by science when your carnal science is the highest law it is the highest order it is the minds of law on how things operate and or not but when you are spiritual there is something that supersedes science and the more you learn science you learned that it really doesn't defy God it proves them when you study science you learned that science is the way that God States what he did and chronicles how he did what he's going to do forever science then therefore is the recorded actions of God in the earth and he gave us a code and a way to understand that he could only do in his strength what we would never be able to do in ours and so the sovereignty of God remains on display in the earth and I love the fact that there is no miracle in the Bible that doesn't have a message because Jesus Christ is the word everything that he does communicate something about God if you've seen me you've seen the father he walks as perfect theology a part of all we need to understand this is because there's still a lot of debate in the body of Christ about what the Word of God is and people think that the Word of God is the Bible when the Word of God is not paper in ink the Word of God is flesh and blood he called himself the Word of God and so if he is the walking word of God then everything that comes from him whether it's his mouth or his actions or his thoughts number one reveal something about the father but number two communicates something to the earth it is in this dualism that we have to approach the wedding at Cana Jesus walks up in his neck natural normal to how he does some he looks at a church and he looks past it and decides he's gonna postpone his first sermon he had nothing to prove to the Saints he was going to be seen first among the sinners because I think something in him knew they would receive him better so he goes to the wedding at Cana and once they are there and there's a lot of dabangg Korean there's a lot of gathering and some people allege that these might have been distant relatives of Jesus Christ because he was invited to the wedding reception it was the wedding feast not the wedding ceremony if this were the wedding ceremony chances are it probably would have been a different environment or a different attendee list but in Jewish tradition when you were invited to the wedding ceremony you were either a very close friend or a very close relative and we see that this is the way Jesus decides to open up proving and establishes who he is sovereignly you know the story the Bible says that they started to run out of wine started to run out of wine and the governor of the feast tells them we are out of wine if you were a drinker and if you are know anything about spending a long party nights if you didn't run out of wine if you had the last drop of something and chances are you were full of wine the whole time I mean just that that type of night I just don't want to ever see the governor of the feast tells them we are running out of wine and all of a sudden here comes Mary and Mary goes to Jesus like you we have a problem just strike with me we have a problem and a part of this problem is we're partying and we gathering but we're running out of wine so they want to imply that he's a bartender they welcome to Jesus I hey what are we what are we about to do about this scenario and Jesus actually says this I don't want to do anything cuz I don't want to accelerate my time what he was saying is if I show you who I am and what I've done I'm not exactly certain that you won't push the message faster than me and I want to tell my own story I don't want to run the risk that y'all spread a rumor and I've not yet been revealed so so I want you to be very careful about what you do with this and so Mary acknowledges this it's so funny how this plays out Mary says okay fine if he did not say no and then goes to his the people at the party and says hey whatever he tells you to do I want you to do exactly what he says do I'm not I don't make wine so I don't know how he's gonna do this but whatever he's going to say is gonna be worth following do whatever he said do say they come to Jesus and Jesus said hey bring me water pots and I want you to filled them all the way up and I don't know if he waved his hand over it or if he poured it out imported in or if he mix it with his hand but somehow they were able to come up with a brand new fermenting and a brand new upgrade from water to wine this is how he starts his miracle ministry not with the casting out of Devils not with the healing of the blind not with the opening of a deaf ear but the change the molecular restructuring of water to upgrade it to be wine so then Jesus opens up his ministry by showing you I am an advocate of water and wine the principle and the message he is when I'm getting ready to do something new it won't just be water it's going to be water and wine now the reason why that's important to you is because we really do preach and we really do teach and we really do build like we serve that either or God this is gonna make sense in my text in just a minute we act like it can only be this and not that and to have this and that somehow people feel like it's unjust or not right or distracting but my Bible tells me that there was a powerful powerful principle of - and what it meant is that when something needed to be sent he didn't do it one by one this pattern is consistent from Noah on down to the twelve when he was about to emphasize ascending it had to be done by - it could not just be one to achieve it so it makes sense to me that the way Jesus opens up the New Testament is by water and by wine now if we're proving this principle right then we're gonna find some continuity in this throughout the oat the New Testament and I found it Paul when writing to the Corinthian church talks to them about the necessity of the spirit and the word agreeing he tells him that if the word says something the spirit is going to say it and if the spirit is saying something that will be upheld by the word this is the nature of the paradigm that you and I have been giving now unfortunately the majority of the world likes you respect and receive from the water churches we have no problem with telling people that they need to be washed with the water of the world we have no problem with telling people that they need to be redeemed and that they need to be sanctified but that's water level Christianity now you need water you absolutely do you can't live without it but if Jesus's principle is right there was something just above water that it has to be if we're to see him correctly then the problem is and there are lying churches wine churches only want that which feels they don't necessarily want to pay attention to the power of sanctification and justification and redemption and the ongoing work of Calvary but the way they act is if once you gotta say that's the rest of it but they don't allow for the continuing work of water in every area of their lives so it's almost like we've got people that were born from water churches and then we got people that were born from wine churches but at the wedding at the wedding at the wedding supper of the Lamb you don't just have water and you don't just have one you have water and wine if you don't catch on yet wine was upgraded water it was the fruit of the vine that became more in every place in America and the world water is not as expensive as wine is wine is a processed thing it speaks to something growing and then being crushed and then being fermented it speaks to the strength of a thing there is no such thing as a strong water but there is a such thing as a strong wine and so what we need in our dynamics in churches is water and wine fire and blood smoke and rain we need the old and the New Testament when Jesus was pierced out of his sight came water and blood so it is an end there is an end there is an that is coming alive now I open this up to show you this paradigm and acts 13 because acts is written by the Great Physician loop and so he has no real need to exaggerate or exacerbate or lie about what he sees by profession he is a skilled person at human anatomy he understands the way the body is written and the way the body operates so he really writes with a lot of surgical precision in the book of Acts now I love the book of Acts you know it's my favorite book and I'm not gonna preach every chapter like I'm tempted to i'ma just speedball you to acts 13 it is an interesting thing that God gives us in the Word of God different models the only model that we have in the Word of God for Christianity is the book of Acts we can't say we have one in the Gospels because in the Gospels what we see is the Ministry of the Christ we don't see the Christ chin or the mini Christ unto the book of Acts so then when we're trying to figure out how to live our lives as believers and what normative Christian behavior is we've got to look at the book of Acts I started working on attacks several years ago call so you call yourself a Christian because I was a heavy revival preacher I was a heavy person who felt like the greatest days of revival were coming and you would catch me in Africa under tents and I would be in Europe ministering to thousands of people and I will be heralding the coming revival until I gave my diligence to the book of Acts and then Marcus I went into a crisis because I realized that my message was all that may be what I call revival is just normal Christianity if you look at the book of Acts nothing about that stuff seemed bizarre they weren't talked about which is being confronted they wasn't shocked about demons coming out gathering together for prayer was not an event it was normal Christianity so the real crisis is we've come so far from normal Christianity that we've gotta call it with Bible to understand it but there is a return to antiquity a return to origins and a return to the premise of our faith and it's found in the book of Acts Yoshida Laocoon de La Mirada and ro there is not a such thing as Reformation when you build the body right and God is about to release Ephesians 2:20 officers to get this thing together and it's gonna be the book of Acts not the book of war not the book of hope not the book of C or should but the book of action it's about to come alive to help you understand this you got to realize a historic designation of this book it's not the Acts of the Apostles that argument came through a Catholic rabbi who had no experience with the Holy Ghost so in King Jimmy started to translate they wanted to attribute the actions of that book to twelve men but the way it was written in the Greek is the acts of the Holy Spirit the acts of the Holy Spirit through the Apostles so then the principal character of the book of Acts is not Peter I would say it is not changed why won't you say it ain't even Paul but it is the Ministry of the Holy Ghost and at Antioch we see an origin we see a model where they're going from gathering to sending heretofore the equally see the ekklesia had been a place for people to gather it was a consortium as it were of different people to decide and to delegate but they had not yet moved into a model where they were dispersed from their gathering into sending and you will realize that this is still true in the earth you have some models of Christianity that focus on gathering let's come together let's build together let's have this conference and let's have this event and let's have this summit and let's have this training and let's all gather gather gather and what we build our glory ghettos a bunch of junkies that just love to be stuck with other people on their same kind but you can't be a Testament church without a gathering and ascendant we don't just come together to look at each other we come together to get instructions and you're not apostolic if you're not sent God wants us to gather be equipped and find out what we're supposed to be doing well Antioch was a sending church and one of the first things I see about this is that there was a diversity of ethnicity pay attention and we know that word ethnos means nation's it's where we get the concept of all nations from and the Bible says there was a man called Simeon who was niger black people were always there it meant that he was an african he was there and he was a person of color from day one so you did not just see a black church or a white church you saw a very ethnically diverse church particularly after jesus told them to go ye into all the world now you got representation from every story in every background here now here's a problem we wouldn't have seen this activity that we saw with just pastors and evangelists we wouldn't have seen it with missionaries and superintendents we wouldn't have seen it with vegans and trustees the bible said it was water and there was why i just told you that when the man starts something he starts it with water and why it makes sense that when introducing this new paradigm of ministry he's got prophets and teachers he's got education and revelation again education is water revelation is wine he does not just start it with wine because it's not healthy he starts it with water and wine which means that your revelation is only supported by your explanation of it we have got to stop divorcing education and revelation and we've got to stop receiving one without the other don't you realize that people who are hungry for revelation and don't have education they are the prime targets for the spirit of error there are a lot of people dreaming and simpson and blinking that don't know their Bible and because they don't have the filter of the Word of God then they think that every boy stay here every dream they have every feeling they get all the gas in their belly it all means something but what the Bible does its gives you a filter it's like the antenna it translates the signals into formidable understanding so that you're not out here in deception and error trying to look for Revelation without education I bless your powerful name and then there are people who only want to be educated and I'm not gonna name no name so I want you to get offended but you got churches and you got streams who just educate educate educate they don't ever ever late and you'll find in them very same movements and I must say it cuz I'm a prophet you find a very strong spirit of arrogance and pride I'm not gonna call the movements that I want you get mine but you find people who educate educate educate and all of a sudden they look at the rest of the kingdom as if they are ignorant because they've not been as educated but here's a problem if you got education with no revelation you steal ignorant you are learning in the letter but you are not learning in the spirit and the Bible said the letter killeth why won't you I said the letter killeth come on the letter killeth but it's the spirit water and wine now Paul said be very careful about what you do with your studies and be very careful about what you do with what you're learning because of knowledge puffeth up it means to be swollen with infection and there are whole movements who only emphasize education and they are swollen they don't know what to do with what they're learning because they don't value revelation revelation then teaches you how to appropriate education it is what's been revealed that shows me what I should be saying is so we see this beautiful merger of the prophetic and the teaching culture before there was a missionary culture and even before there was a generosity culture for real there was a marriage of the prophetic and the teaching anointings it was not either/or it was both an and something started to happen I'm almost gonna give you my my title in a minute something started to happen when you had prophets and teachers together do you want to know what happened number one the Bible says that they started to minister to the Lord now this is a paradigm their only water churches won't have and this is a paradigm that only wine churches won't get there is a revelation of ministry to God now I know that this is real real real weird because we live in a culture that teaches you that you only ought to minister to each other look at the songs we sing we have left God out the whole conversation we put him on hold and talk about how you look good in your gift and this is your best day of your life and all of this stuff that ain't got nothing to do with ministry to him and I did not come here to sing to you if I would have talked to you I'm gonna do your problem is that you were grown stop Yellin in an environment that didn't teach you to minister to him it literally means to spend some time acknowledging and pressing into the personality of one and it took the prophets and teachers to create an environment where the Lord could be ministered to it literally gives a connotation that I'm gonna come before you and not be I'm gonna come before you and exist cease to exist to be so it means that when we got there if we were at this Antioch gathering we didn't have no bills watch it we didn't have no kids we didn't have no titles we have nothing it literally made to see stuff or to cease to be so what happened in this environment was you got a bunch of people prophets and teachers among them who made a decision to do nothing but look him that's ministry to the Lord I don't know what they were singing I don't know what they was praying but whatever was going on was dangerous because of the next phenomena that we see now after they ministered to the Lord the Bible say they fast they fasted they fasted they fasted now this is a leadership chapter it is talking about leadership and I think that it's interesting to note that this leadership wound dr. Marcus was the womb of fasting it was the womb of fasting it was not an afterthought it was the beginning of something brand-new now why is that significant to you because Jesus shows us in his life that when a man is getting ready to enter into a new assignment he must die to self first we have got to come out of reactionary fasting or yeah that's a review I said we've got to come out of reaction and reactionary fasting we've got to start setting fasting as the principle now wise is in acts 13 because God did not want us in the book of Acts of the Holy Spirit to receive from leadership that was after the flesh it was never God's design for our leaders to be selected partly you should never be ordained because of how high your money is or because of who your family is or because how connected you are that's leadership after the flesh oh I'm about to get man now go ahead now Sam we out here did they gonna get me with the wood with the sound bites today you can't take enough tests I'm out here you can't take enough exams to be called by God I don't care what type of local license or regional license you gotta have you ain't been selected in the womb of the spirit all you got is paper and no power the real credential that you need is invisible and it don't have a stamp on it it's called the supernatural undeniable authority of God in the Angels back those that heaven has a side makes you wonder that if we have a carnal Christianity maybe it's because we have a carnal leadership process faster no leadership after the flesh now I get to my subject in this environment you got prophets you got teachers you got this Assembly's attention focused on the Lord and they are fasting they there wanting to deny themselves and all of a sudden the Holy Ghost said I told you this is his book he recognizes the water and the wine now the stage is set for him and the Holy Ghost set now this does not mean much to you if you don't really engage this critically this was the second time in all of the Bible that God said something that everyone heard the first time happened at Jesus's baptism when the heavens were open and all heard this is my son and I'm well pleased everybody heard it this is the second time it happens when they get together and fasted and prayed and minister to the Lord these prophets and these teachers the Holy Ghost said so whatever this man is about to say which is the title of my message whatever this man is about to say is going to set the tone for whatever season is next based upon the principle the first things if he says something now it is significant to understanding the complexion of the rest of the book what is the name of my message separate them separate them separate them I think it's interesting that the first thing God said to a church will separate them he didn't say welcome once welcome twice welcome in the name of Jesus Christ he said you've got my attention Antioch and in the midst of you there is something scary I have watched as an assignment is storming in this environment of fasting and I want y'all to do something for me the Holy Ghost said it I want you to do for me what you're about to do for them separate them oh you don't want to that was the first sermon series the first announcement the first thing on the Bombers and the first agenda of the day when you pop my spirit I'm going to call out to whoever needs to be separated now I know you don't like this gospel as you don't like talk about separation when you hear separation you think alienation but to be separated does not to mean be isolated it means to be sent into a season of distinction and many of you because your carnal you are still fighting the need to live in distinction but I believe what God is about to do is shake this place up and send us in because we're not if you are still of a Mina then you don't fully have the water and the wine but we are in the world and not of it because when we got together and we fasted and prayed up the Holy Ghost said separate them this is a leadership word it means that when God looks out in an Antioch Church he sees assignments that are ready to start he looked out at this murderer and he looked out at this other guy and decided it was time to separate them so what the Bible says is they gathered around and laid hands on who needed to be separated do you understand what I'm saying and they were not separated to go and be alone after this because the very next verse says and then they were found in the synagogue I wonder what the preaching of a separated man sounds like I wonder what the teaching of a separated man sounds like I wonder what the prayer of one separated sounds like there is a new anointing for distinction coming in the earth and has nothing to do with legalism and everything to do with the way I've been situated in the spirit I cannot live like you and study like you and talk like you you can be loosey-goosey but I've been separated up and not only have I been separated here Jeremiah 1 same from my mother's womb oh yeah from my mother's womb the first thing he said to me was I see in this a revelation of elevation that as God and when God elevates it is borne by him separating and what the devil has done through our culture is created a fear of separation because when we hear separation we think lonely but to be separated in this context means to be positioned in a different way to be set apart in a different way and there is a way to be around and still live separated there is a way to talk on the phone and steal talk separated there is a way to go to dinner and still each separated there is a way to be friends and still be separated and I believe what God is trying to do is send you but before he sends you he has got just you don't want to hear this many of us want to be center but we can't handle being separated and I believe God's about to do something young Saul where you can't be who you about to be separate in order to elevator and then I'm going to senior snappy people say separate separates it is not until you get comfortable with a call to separation that you can be trusted with the anointing that it is not until you have resolved in yourself that no matter what they get away with and what they're able to do and what they're able to say and what they're able to see her you will never be able to live like your assignment you have been assigned to a people and in order to be effective to who's been assigned to you you got to separate your sub hand up when you are separated are you ready there is a different sound in your mouth hell knows the voice of a separated one Jesus was separated betrayal was separated and God is about to separate all nations worship a village in Mongolian the local California there is an anointing of separation it is not isolation or elitism it is separation unto a pointer unto a purpose and unto some power was this statement from the Holy Ghost separate them I don't want them judging them I actually want them to be used in the midst of them I'm sending saw this this murderer into a new assignment and I can't send him there with the lines blurred I can't send him there in power without depositing in him a conviction by the Holy Ghost to be separated why is this an issue of the voice of God if this was the first thing he said at the first church service then it means that at the top of every season God is trying to figure out who's okay with being separated I believe the reason you might be hold back it's because you mad that you got to be separated and then you got a poacher telling you we don't take all that you're just a man you're just a woman oh you are a millennial I believe that one thing's millennial need to know Negros y'all may be smart but your carnal you are not as separated as you need to be my the rest of the world is impressed with you and your typing and your technology and your fashion heaven is looking at you because you are coming up against ours that you have not been equipped for I believe God is raising prophets and teachers that's what a grand Millennials brother head and sake Conger Ross pitamaha there is an anointing on this church to separate a generation just separate a family to separate a company to separate our children [Music] separate them I've got a different purpose for them now we don't know if this was an audible voice or this was a word from one of the prophets but we do know that after the Holy Ghost said separate them unto me separate them unto me the eldest gathered and laid hands on the ones that needed to be separated now why is this necessary heretofore everybody knew Saul for who he was heretofore his reputation was much bigger than his ministry he was just hanging out with the teachers and getting to know the prophets and then there is this announcement in this service I've got something different for Paul now what is the wisdom in this I know firsthand what it means to be mad that you got to be separated I know what it is to be angry because in your generation what is acceptable to them as profane to you I remember what it was to have the voice of the Lord call out saying you will never be like him and it took a while for the taste to leave my mouth suddenly came the young man and the hot a little ball it took a while for me to develop and arrange my appetite fancy dickish Martin told a 10-acre barriada it took a while for me to resolve that my disciplines had to be higher and I didn't always like it sometime I still don't like it but I refuse to abdicate nice operation Wow my separation contains my sanity and because of my assignment did you hear what I said and because of my assignment and because of my assignment I must live separate it's hard cuz I'm sure Saul had to offer some explanation to people who knew him and I'm sure they had to explain to their families what was happening to them but when the Holy Ghost says separate them from me it's because of how he intends to use you what will help you be okay in a season of separation they ask God what am I supposed to do next after this separation he was found in the synagogue which means he wasn't just sitting up in a closet ignoring people it was much more powerful than alienation you don't need the Holy Ghost to isolate you can do that on your own but you do need the Holy Ghost to live walk think breathe love separately to be the eighth brother to be the one that has a little different thing on them what I believe the Spirit of God is saying is his voice has been dealing with many of you about the depth of a separation and it has nothing to do with being relationally dysfunctional or were thinking that you're better than people and everything to do with paying attention to the thing he deposited in you that he uses to steer you and to dress you for your assignment if you're not careful the church will convince you that you don't have to be separated if you're not careful your friends will convince you this separation is not good and it's not for you but if you want to see why you were saved what I want you to know is that you were not saved for heaven you were saved for your assignment and the unfortunate thing about a lot of Christians is if you want to live and die and never see why Jesus saved them they live and die and never see what he intended to get out of their life the type of glory he wants to get from them and God does not get glory by having people come to heaven he gets glory by watching you avail yourself and becoming an instrument in the earth to people he wants to reach the Gentiles were hellish they didn't like Jesus they were full of every wicked thing so it took a separated person a separated ministry to be sent to them you couldn't be a Gentile trying to win the Gentiles your code of conduct your behavior your character down to your stress management so when you are separated even the way you handle life is different life happens to everybody but separated people handle life differently when life happens to you you don't go in self you pull on that separated thing Lord they're going through and losing their mind they're going through and they're frustrated but if I'd be a separated man you've got to give me power to make it through this and unseparated person will go crazy trying to figure out how to navigate through the waters and the wild with a separated one they have a different level of strength they have a different level of endurance they can live through things that kill other people a separated one is hard for us to quit a separated one has a sensitivity when other people are trying to figure out what God is doing a a separated one has it all ray in his belly we are a separated people and God is trying to deepen this in your life for the sake of your assignment this is much bigger than just what you do on day to day your destiny is being cultivated in the that is a word of the Lord was released [Music] [Music] throught the rest of his latest letters you see him coping with his separation he says stuff like God has made us apostles than the laughingstock of the universe the sentiment of a separated man you see him saying stuff like I am the least because you can't live separated and put yourself first you never see pride manifesting and the Apostle Paul because that separation was his steering wheel steered him in the direction of wisdom in the direction of clarity I know the feeling to not like having to be a separated couple separate a teenager separated welcome stuff but if you don't contend to protect that separation he will never be sent he's trying to send you that's the whole point of it he's trying to send you but he can't send you if he can't separate you lift your hands and pray and the Holy Ghost [Music]
Channel: All Nations Chicago
Views: 49,800
Rating: 4.9335179 out of 5
Id: H_X6LoPjpJ8
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Length: 45min 17sec (2717 seconds)
Published: Mon Jan 28 2019
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