FNAF Sister Location: Spring TRAPPED! (+ Ballora Easter Egg)

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come on it was not cuz it took to an no no you got this you got the tiles there's no splashing sock I would have it if I knew what the problem whoa hey hey that's that's kind of creepy okay let's click it that's gonna happen what is this it's like Valora with the puppet head on top or that ghost head is it just there is it just we've earned an achievement trophy you died at the hands of Elora magnetized Wow that's disturbing creepy hello internet welcome [Music] hey guys and welcome to GT Live where stephanie has got a the pimple pumpkin we've got the pimple pumpkin today is a celebration of five nights at freddys and those of us with skin problems fear not pumpkins got your back we're continuing our playthrough today at five it's a phrase yeah so we did the epically long livestream of five nights at freddys we've broken it down into chunks and we're pre recording these to make it seem a little less janky King tells that for truth in advertising ready go I'm being extra cautious this time because I don't want to have to read you the whole Freddy minigame right I didn't maybe but you you know what that was the end of the night wait wait wait wait wait wait wait wait wait hold over in a mask we've been shuffling it be still that to quiet you've been sleeping for quite a while I think they noticed that you never left the building last night the cameras were searching for you but they couldn't find you I have you hidden - well I oh so we did make it through night we did make it we don't well we didn't go home and eat our popcorn so I like in wiggle don't know frame I'm not going to hurt you I am only going to keep you for a little while try not to bagel though you're inside something that came from my old pizzeria I don't think it was ever used at least not the way it was meant to be used haha too dangerous it's just big enough for one person to fit inside is it spring from him just barely it I was will say I think it's a puppet it does look at the eye room do you know why they call it a scooping room it's because dummy this is the room where they use a scooper I thought that would be obvious scoobert the one who's never had a fun name for something the scooper it sounds like something you would use for ice cream or custard or sprinkles it sounds like something you would want at your birthday party to ensure that you get a heaping portion of every good thing I wonder though if you were a freshly opened pint of ice cream how you would feel about something with that name thankfully I don't think of freshly opened pint of ice cream feels anything at all oh it sounds like someone else is in the building she so first off watch the step what happened to it this just seems like these things can't go a day breaks it down we just get this over with - all we don't have to be to get it on the road we can go Jason can you understand the words that meant scooper yeah that's definitely a pooper scooper oh oh oh where I like a conveyor belt something Oh Laura Laura so no you're totally right we are in the other math you'll notice there's a mouse on the bottom here interns in the station puppet yeah and I do have the option to wiggle presumably revealing myself to these guys in the middle of the scooping room I don't think I'm supposed to do it though even though it to me the opportunity oh no oh no oh no there's something very important that I've learned how to do over time do you know what that is talk how become sentient end oh you ever play make-believe never pretend to be one way when you are really the other I wonder if here the little girl or ourselves as Laura never learns but I do well they think there is something wrong on the inside the only thing that matters is knowing how to oh oh oh hey hey guys that eyeball it is an oval I'll open the faceplates for you that way they can find you on the cameras nope no need no you have to do is wait no need I know it's okay alright and you keep the spring-locks wound up Oh your breathing and your heartbeat are causing them to come to love you you don't want them to get too loose trust me oh man okay so okay so where we are in a spring offsuit uh-uh Oh No okay so where there's lutely down slowly okay oh boy I don't know how far is too far with these things oh this okay this one's red this one's red so I need to survive until they find me basically oh I'm totally gonna die okay so many of them oh no what scrolling ah so okay cheese that's it that's a good okay so let's talk about what all just happened all right so we did indeed get through night three was a scripted event that foxy catches us at the end yep so foxy catches us but it's really baby who kidding yourself save that you kidnapped us and put this in a suit yeah in a way a spring lock and hop it's super weird here it is a bit weird that way they can find you on the cameras I didn't know all you have to you but how do you avoid the ghost I'd recommend that you keep the spring-locks wound up your breathing and your heartbeat are causing them to come loose you do it want them to get too loose trust me how do you how do you do that but what uh I can wiggle oh I have to wiggle oh oh yeah okay so what I'm home there you go okay chemical wiggle so are you okay yeah okay oh I can wiggle no so oh I'm so good I'm so so dead but wiggle a wheelie no I can't why because wiggle is because every time I wiggle the spring-locks what is that thing what is it I don't know well we'll talk about it but okay it's a little girl but that's what it is so it's the give-and-take mechanic of you have to keep the spring-locks Wow but you'll have to wiggle so they find you okay I have to wit no you have to but also that Adia yes air yeah okay wow that's a cool mechanic okay that's really intense great so you're always undoing whatever you've just done exactly all right so you wiggle once you see them but you got to keep the the spring-locks wound all right which is tough man okay all right I'll open the faceplates for you if you want that baby fine you're right about the whole like it seems weird that the puppet would have a titty like a spring logically right why would you have a spring lock puppet I think Anakin and from the old pieces he unlocks wound up whoa your breathing and your heartbeat are causing them to come loose you know why you got all wet wait on this trust me okay around the side part of these guys do up are you still don't you keep an eye on items here yeah there is there is wiggle a wheel so you carefully what farewell good got ribbon come on I'll see anyone else see anyone was appear healthy go so top got it oh yeah you see ladies here do you know I'm not seen a letter here got wiggle we okay - yep who's in the suit oh god I'm so creepy and weird these are the food with all I've got me come on oh oh gee did you oh oh why are there so many my god oh there are so little bagel oh oh damn okay all right fine oh my gosh Oh buddy okay who wiggle wiggle wiggle wiggle wiggle wiggle wiggle wiggle wiggle okay it got a wiggle screen lock I am kind of curious what happens when the spring lock kills me right cuz we've never actually seen a death by spring well first person we have seated in day shift at freddys as an a tender spider nine seven nine points out on Twitter keeping spring locks in pre at place is this day shift at Freddie OH fan game face where you like click on like really poorly Photoshop spring now all you have to do is so here I want to see that I want to see back in my death by spring now I'm curious flounce it has wiggle and and you're pretty long at heart they're at cost right and create up just curious okay I'm just getting a sense you joe Theriot to hear you wow-wow-wow missing air and ocean I'm utility so maybe that's the only way to die is by me that he'll be that would be weird hey hey hey bread ha ha tense hmm start wiggling Hey I'll open the faceplates for you that way they can find it we look like wiggle her will oh we will peace wait what what what what I'd recommend that you keep this here the books gonna go okay so is that I feel it is a bit disappointing that that's the only way that you seem to die in that right scenario oh hey it's our favorite gal her favorite game okay so it's zero - and people have said it should be - five four three or something yeah okay so what do I get yeah and a three yeah this one yeah okay this time we will absolutely get all of it is wait no don't do that one first oh it's a really short joke guys it's a really fun yeah to buy clothes Oh sticky keys for you no one wants you sticky keys come on Mouse Oh the third no no not mg all right ignored stickies on ignoring the sticky keys for now I'm so disappointed [Music] I know I'm so upset about effectively so but I'll be like yeah there's no way that's it it's a really hard job to me cuz it's so stiff it's really tough like this I don't know I wonder if they're gonna know you have any old waiting you have to be like really careful about engine it's like those megaman unlimited yeah it's like one of those just have to like one first green actually has zero kids on it there it is oh oh hey this okay so there huh okay you all four whoa you can't jump between screams oh this just goes on and on goal oh but you can you even give Cup I guess you can give cupcakes to all the kids because you can use more of the the ones that hit multiple ones huh that's interesting okay okay so so we've learned a little bit more about the mini game so that's good yeah I am still very curious about how that's gonna work right here USA you guys think about that Jason you guys all think about that okay all right cool I'll open the faceplates for you Batman there for you on the cameras now all you have to do is wait okay I recommend that you keep the spring-locks wound up your breathing and your heartbeat are causing them to come loose you don't want that to get too loose trust me there are so many of them there are so so many what do I see him tears come on get off what got this this is oh no wait no no no control no come on no no no yeah get out get on my suit no wiggle wiggle turn it okay try again I mean luckily this is one that you can restart a lot of times like very in very short supply so that's good but geez okay all right so this is taupe that's all yeah various plates for you that way they can find you on the cameras now all you have to do is wait I'd recommend that you write this movie the core mechanic about game your breathing and your heartbeat are causing them to come loose you don't want them to get too loose trust me so here's my new strategy start at the top so I can want at the bottom because the bottom is where they start coming in from yeah we got him I'm not seeing you a little bit to the other side is wiggle there yeah come on come on okay so as soon as his hand is on the suit Oh check the other side let's need anyone right I'm not seeing anyone back down there ok the way the way the way the month get all get ah ah ah sucks ah we will we will yeah I know it's already I know so alright cheese so yeah all right I'll open the faceplates for you what that way they can find you on the cameras now all you have to do is wait all right yep but I'd recommend that you keep the spring-locks why are so many yeah breathing and your heartbeat are causing them I mean Reza this is day four he's right so if this is truly a five nights at freddys style game then work like this is kind of the endgame technically what of it you're here yeah but is it feel like we just started at Moonshadow two one one three the eyes on the mouth start right for the puppet I think it's entered let other animatronic and Abed you all like rumored where you where you have to see you see you hopefully he's on hey there you at ship salty says damn you sticky keys downright sticky keys I don't want to actually use sticky keys that's like right come on where that where that I'm not seeing anyone at sneak burglars like maybe your fun time foxy uh okay there's one hey shake good yeah at blue verse recommends one cupcake per kid in the mini game well you can't you have to make a meal I think you do it has to be to some mm-hmm there are all those ones in a row I think you can take care of those for usually gotta be like teeth lift guys shake it off shake it off shake it off No No maybe I know ya website maybe he's a friendly hey shake shake shake oh hey those guys the worst okay another round at this we're gonna we're gonna do it okay okay did anyone figure out the proper okay so that you you must have to like jump from the other screen doors and waited if you want it okay three now I got so lucky the first time it is such a hard chosen a mechanic is so stupid oh well I mean it's not like I'm making a whole lot of progress getting through all right sister location okay we get we should go back the other way though okay what because when you're when you're jumping from from platform to platform toward the end you can hit a bunch of these guys with one of those are all right yeah yeah yeah you can hit them all but I think Oh yeah then you don't get yeah then you go get the other one everyone you like can't waste any of them yeah no obviously city girl anyway you know I don't we try following the the green another section yeah I know but I was oh my gosh stop it here no I'm saying like if you if you find yourself in this situation again where you can't beat it you should try but the thing is my my concern is actually running all the way back to get that first cupcake I agree I how are we gonna possibly do that did you have to start maybe I think you have to grab that one purse and hit the ones that you know we're singles you basically have to know which one you need to hit everything with you have to do is wait what I'd recommend that you keep the spring-locks wound up your breathing and your heartbeat are causing them to ignore the ones in the middle the ones on the sides are the ones - I don't know - this is what I feel is going to be what I told you - it looks like the ones that come in the middle are because you are in the red zone on these windy the ones on the sides are the ones you want to wiggle Wow I'll wiggle for anyone who's willing to pay for you don't matter only wet only wiggle for the ones on the side not the middle only we go for the ones on the side that's what the whole chat is saying you're like that one wiggle there you go what does sticky keys even do right I know exactly dopa game we don't wiggle want put it on the side reason danger says the same thing ah let's see middle ones don't wiggle so star when they're in the suit don't wiggle don't wiggle middle low B dweeb I'm Sookie Chan yes you love that okay he's in the suit oh so don't wiggle win there okay no you'll need to wiggle your nose yeah there you go so the ones in the suit you don't know evil for because you'll tip them off kinda anybody so creepy right right so you let them crawl on you ah that's that is creepy as heck oh why is this so weird yeah that is the absolute okay so you want to wiggle to get him off though wiggle get him out you know there you go started ahead we've all done for him I think he has to get to that certain point before you actually knock him off no I agree so yeah yeah deal with it there oh no he's just so he's just a regular one great great we're getting we are getting better or you know who knows he just did we should double check that the first half the stream yeah yeah okay ha Jason's like I done told in the face up for you that's a naked one come oh I do like this idea of turning at the top and working my way down also yeah I'd recommend it keeps the spring-locks your talk to people on Twitter I am going to talk to you about it yeah absolutely because they were the ones who gave us the advice about not wiggling in the middle then to get to where we will burn up in the middle ah let's see are they bidi BAPS I don't know what that is it's it's one of the names that Scott I'd like trademark right oh yeah here's one wait till they're really high up you got a wiggle when the side ones come lunar eros you didn't see him that was the longest one let's see they look spiders they're creepy as heck no we were so close that he's in Khalifa Christine dad Isis your your clothes Christine Daae a guy a for the family a visit from the rose very cool Oreos for life just had some Foss Pizza sounds great right check you're right Archie terraces click the I I tried did we okay wiggle okay good yeah alright the dark clods asks does Valera do anything not yet me I mean other than kill us a few times earlier you know the huge uh-huh another third time in the middle right oh come on that that is so weary voice is first stream well I would have for you book oh there we go oh please I have any of the locks is a full rotation yeah okay yep ah ninja 101 one these are big buggers Eleanor mid-set yeah check the other side baby's voice reminds me of ASMR ah yeah and then there is a guy climbing up on your right oh yeah yeah switch over yep there you go go get out Oh the red zone is hot oh not it Kylie says this is so creepy I completely agree this is very uncomfortable this that's like a middle one in the shake oh no come on I come on you're really close no hard you're really close good job so close oh my God we're so close I feel so hey sorry sorry I'm not being as funny and talkative as usual I'm so fixated on the game I feel like I'm like hey man you gotta focus you gotta focus like Jason you're the best Jason's a sweet open the faceplate ah I'm on that last one yummy they can find you on the cameras I think sometimes a little give a couple tabs on each screw like just yeah just maintain three main roundup yeah your breathing and your heartbeat are causing them to come loose okay you don't want them to get too loose yeah yeah yeah what no that's crazy the burden of oh this is nice I just pulled down click and just move my mouth to the next location okay I don't actually have to like reek lick every single thing oh man efficiencies everywhere all geez so you do have to do cuz I was also that time I tried shaking one side typically Oh instead of go instead of going back and forth but that was except it had to actually go back and forth to shake them look at the real commander says when they are next to you move when they're under you don't move yeah yep go clockwise and hold F battle clockwise until I don't know what I mean ah let's see okay Tom in the bill yeah I see them inside than that so we'll wait for a second here this is an interesting point um and I think yeah this is an interesting point and I think one that I like assumed but maybe worth saying actually at fire warrior Jedi baby says her diner and she knows about the spring-locks I'd notice that's right maybe um maybe the one you're in is from that she she performed on stage there she said she said she performed once on stage and it would have probably been in one of the diners come on y'all yeah sure good good good okay I feel I'm feeling a little bit better now right resource management okay over the side there we go there we go go look up look up hey hey get back get back get back get back get back inside yes go go go go go go all right all right Oh getting low bad Rhett okay Oh go okay this side too Oh Oh a little bit yeah you are looking so strong oh this is this is legitimately very hard I am surprised at how challenging a man well hey we're doing really well after this we'll make it through like most of the game anyway so yeah here we go one more time I did between this and the damn cupcake minigame I am determined tied your oldest out so so Petra 13 says thanks for you that way they can find you on the cameras this uh everything about the crawling guys entering the suit is uncomfortable to look at it even think about it's so true I'm like I got like the creepy-crawlies watching them you keep this pretty really disturbing your breathing and your heartbeat are causing them to come loose hey in case you guys didn't see the beginning of the stream you can always scroll back or we're in the process of trying to upload the first part of the stream yes so that'll actually live channel so that will go up almost immediately on the GT live channel as just a regular video and you can start there and then we'll be processing and getting the other ones up as fast as possible - that's be up on the channel soon right yeah we're working on it in the back are we working on it okay we're working on it yeah hey buddy get off get off my suit come on okay stop that one good he was high you got really high I also just want to point out that we are two and a half hours into this stream at this point and we thank you to the 62,000 people who are watching right we're gonna order with us we're gonna do this Yeah right oh just a recap though for people who are late to join the stream stuff you want to recap some of the findings that we've had okay focus on this so um yeah and then even in the very first few minutes of the stream we realized that this focuses on characters who are in the books from the silver eyes book and sort of meld some of the characters from the previous games with some of the characters from the book scott has told us sort of the Internet in general no no not us we were not one of the people who got in this game early now there were we know who you are we know who got this game really um so hashtag chilling hey just a little bit no no that's it's good it's good um that way we can start theorizing earlier - so Scott said that both the previous games obviously as well as the book are canon and so if this follows the book it follows sort of like a parallel kind of world or sort of an alternate ending to the original game well I know that they're so creepy crawling in there we know that we we might have heard the first ever voice of purple guy my it seems like we hear purple guys yeah remember the first time the creator of some of these suits we know that some of the suits have some unusual functionality that we're still discovering which is probably the functionality of eating people and maybe coming alive and murdering people we know there's a little girl who is really fascinated with boo Laura but is not allowed to go near her presumably because she's really dangerous um but it sounds like and what we're sure it sounds like she might have died and then everybody's caught up and that was one round of you dying so we may have discovered a code in what baby told us right so there's these there are a lot of numbers in sequence that we're looking at and entering in some of the codes because there are a lot of funky number pads and punch keys around some of the offices and so we have some of the codes written down um we also have a sheet that might help us get through the minigame so that's I recommend that you keep the spring-locks wound up and we're taking everybody rushing so keep chatting and sending them oops yeah we're really determined to solve this cupcake yeah Toulouse trust so it pops up every once in a while very clearly you have like a certain number of cupcakes that you have to use and I and I hate all the children I think we can parse them out I think this will work because I haven't seen some some like breakdowns on Twitter and stuff I think we've got it all right side oh so you have to shake twice to get them off with her at a certain point yeah Oh garbage my mouse skill was not strong passes I was all I was literally off the table with the mouse here we go here we go mom do this we got to survive hey baby the yet you kidnapped us but then you look at Catholic rap ah yeah like I thought we were I thought we were bros I thought you were showing me this for the reason I'm like trying to help you out I don't know the voice actor sheet said menacing but also Jake a friend also seductive shake shake shake shake shake shake shake your spring lock shake your spring locks shake shake shake gear so did you bring nah shake your spring aha everybody go shake shake everybody go shake shake you crawling up on me buddy all right everyone's like don't look down don't look down got it yeah shake shake shake shake shake shake shake your spring love shake your free love all right go go go there's definitely a certain point in this mini game where everything like you've everything is Franks it really starts to like ramp up like right now actually yeah you and you feel it while you're playing the sectional here that red don't look down don't look down let me deal with it it's nothing to be done yeah okay good come on come on buddy come on come on buddy oh no this one get him Oh get get get get down get down get down get down get down get down get down get down go on girl go on get down girl come on happened Oh poop on a brisket ah at crazy monkey 27 is the stream going to be uploaded all in one part or multiple videos it'll be multiple videos cuz this one is so long but they'll be coming out really quickly after each other darn so as soon as one spring lock hits all the way that's when you die the ones growing into your suit contrary to popular belief you don't have to do anything with those guys oh wow this just reloaded automatically okay you've been hanging out on Twitter for a man waits for you that's right I can find you uh why don't you go to one side of the other and let's relax people have 10mm and paste wait I'd recommend that you keep the spring-locks wound up your breathing and your resource management is the key to this part oh is it thank you Pro temp Pro tems trust me a number of people think that the suit urine is entered the face opens up in four sections well it's a number of them boyo but it does say this wasn't used properly back into the old pizza rest right time come on get off right cuz when you shake you lose a lot of ground on the spring-locks yeah you lose a lotta ground and so I'm wondering if maybe I'm not doing it correctly or what at dear vice baked you a cake for good luck well thank you that's pretty nice that's very good yeah and an has a little Lego representative in front of it that are you that mean I'm not sure it might be I totally see the result it might be a dear advice it does look like you though it shares our rugged masculine oh yeah that rugged man that's true that is me in a nutshell well you can do it matte pan I believe in you says smooshy duck that's a you're golden all right yeah good I've seen a couple people suggest that you are you don't need to spend quite as much time on each spring lock just like run over them I mean yes spread the love but for those the problem is you have to wind up cuz win it again when you shake you lose so significant ground under their winding right that while I agree that I just want to do them a little bit you have to wind up a good amount to counteract how much ground they're gonna lose every time you shake yeah so it's a it's a it's a balancing act certainly to like rubber bands to keep these things in place your look let's just follow ah there's no Manny hey buddy so let me just wise up suit go all ah all right this work is hard right okay the rage is over 9000 says Irish dragon 15 um I just I'm so eager to beat this section no I just want us to get through this section if we get through this section I'll feel good about right yeah because they were on the right so well huh it's not when they hit the top no it's the screws you got scared by because you're screwed yeah the spring lock no no remember you can't get you can't just die from the spring-locks they it's too many of the locks being read I know how many also climbing how many of us on the right side one of them was all the way around was it yeah was it yeah open the face please this is all that ha ha find you on the cameras what now all you have to do is wait all right come on come on I'd recommend his book donkey lost spring Lux Fleming going what do anything in your heart what do you think of hanging out partying you don't be arising having a good old time those folks on spring locks you can do it bro says blaze blaze vade what are those little creeptastic puppets even therefore says this at the state's crack well not this piece it's unclear ah not explained ah man with Rob this is hi I still I also don't have a clear idea of how I am allowed to let them yes right before they fall off or before they attack me yeah because we that time I let him get to potty but yeah looking at it so II don't know I'm gonna find me on the cameras now all you have to do peaceful I'd recommend that you yeah yeah York thanks for donut baby baby anything in your heartbeat are causing them to come loose you don't want them to get too loose trestle know anything on Twitter um yeah we have Harley Bern and boto Blitzer who are both having OH our first live stream but are asking for shout out there you go shake I believe in you guys does Devon clutch um let's see ha at meet that mu towel all says first I watch all Salad Fingers episodes okay and now sister location there goes my sleep yeah you're not having a great deal of Aaron athlete programming right now snap sister location features intensive clicking says papier Lockhart the most clicking and anything Afghan clicking actually this is less clicking a more just hold down your mouths and move it around the spring white Irish dragon 15 says there's so much rage in this part Pat Riley 2003 the clicking noise in this game we're probably going to be the death of me but I wish you luck the thing that just kills me is the fact that like these guys are just crawling in the suit with you it's so weird you don't bug get hold up yeah everyone's just saying don't stay on one part too long that's the advice guys learning shake guy at the top on your right yeah it on good eye good eye at mr. Draghi dr says shake that funky spring lost white boy shake that fungus bring loud wine boy check that fungus bring that right leg that folders bring my boy lay down ill boogie and shake that fungus bring the good guy actually don't ha don't you don't do that alright you die at eternally trash says good luck the screaming is so loud oh my lord okay go oh oh I know I know what am I supposed it I am literally this this face this is the face of displeasure this is the face of even boarded so much we've made it so far so far oh we made it we made it so far but you get I know dolled on this one thing we can do it's just frustrated like the rage it is real he was unnecessarily like touchy they can find you on cameras hey can I also say that I just love the fact that like a screen hey I see Jason looking at YouTube and like the red bow they already have like drew ending outs of me got access the game early but it's just funny that like the game came out hours ago it's like here's the true ending you don't yeah please addition all Easter egg and we're struggling with the spring-locks great great no no that's what I'm saying like I'm jealous yeah jealous ah let's see you got to practice the spring-locks yeah I bet he edited a bit of that out oh we will talk to him afterwards how long this really took him see welcome welcome everybody you know give it to how long it really takes to play through some of these yeah cuz the markiplier releases his video or whatever you know you're gonna get it the first time that would suck no but everyone they could be edited that way like that's the thing is when it comes to gaming channel especially like markiplier is like 420 modes and stuff like that you know he's doing that for hours right and so the idea of you know we're showing you everything in real time right so this is it friends I would go this is this is the grind right here see this is the grind of hey just get good at ECW dances says I'm not as worried about how scared I would get playing this rather the patients I'd need again I think that's totally true is naffed patients edition we go no did it get all scuffed it let's stop the strongest round for me I think Pat will take the crown says captaincy girl there you go I know I'm booed on a diet coke for GT live o @ j p-- strudel that sounds great I ran out of Diet Coke ah that sounds great ha ha this is really funny at this beats crack also says this is just like yesterday's sit and survive isn't it oh this is literally yet and survive we are sitting and trying to survive sort of surviving surviving dole right I know it seemed climate I wonder what those creatures are doing in this suit says the lazy trouble oh no I can tell you what they're doing do please don't this is my first time sitting down watching a stream having a blast thanks for being awesome and then you're gonna ask this why T and this is a little bit different of a stream since we're so you know it's a much longer streaming all right I'm very focused on gameplay come on ah okay now left one nothing we fall yeah and you have to shake four times you have to do one two three four before they fall anything right it's just a matter of like practicing this is that right only no practice I think it's just luck might be luck I think it's just rest and change huh it's oh you know what it could be in the faceplate you can crank up your mouths like number of clips per second you do that ooh I wonder if I'm just thinking your piece play dpi yeah I'd recommend that you keep the spring-locks wound up no actually so multiple clicks is not as fast as just holding it down and letting it run itself you don't want that to get to ya there's no there's no comparison don't rage bro so ray I know this is a very reggie mini game here so my question though is is are we gonna like revisit all these mini games at a certain point all they all one-off yeah feels almost like I think they're all one-off - I they are - this is like story mode yeah I feel we're going through a campaign basically yeah I feel like this game is really a bunch of kind of mini games all late to get them all linked together by you know this overarching story but it doesn't feel like there's that it's not the typical snap like hey sit in a room and maintain all these resources it's like overcome challenge one yes there will come challenge to overcome challenge three also I'm seeing mad Pat and I saw one person that it was like matpat fail compilation number one you need to use sticky keys maybe that is the secret that favorite is sticky keys right so I'm now determining then I'm also gonna let them get a lot closer to the top before I shake them off so hopefully I'm knocking both down at the same time and I've been trying to do that I'm gonna like make it a very very conscious effort this time to make sure that I'm like right at the top and then when I get that one guy over there though don't you think what do you do for your ego that should have this knocked off everybody yeah let me it should yeah I'm also being very good now that I know that it takes four times to knock them off and being very conscious about that - yeah where don't we same time just go 1 2 3 4 and then be done you know so let's go still close all right climbing anyone get you high I love getting like oh sorry ok ok this section and then they haven't given me the cupcake me game again while either mi yeah right oh if I'm gonna die a bunch of times at least get me out of a mini game come on all right open the faceplate do you have a solution for the cupcake mini game ah I do I very much worked it out so I think me I think there is a solution for it okay um okay I thought I will give you the option so you don't have to take it at all but I will give you the option of come loose when we hit in three hours on the stream if we haven't beaten it practicing up to get past this part and then we can stream forward I like I like that you're like oh you're your bequeathing me that option I'm I'm just offering it to you you don't have to take I totally understand sorry hey here's the first part of the stream mafia okay it should be just about done with the export all right here we go here we go favorite yeah so so you guys know the first part of the stream is going up on the GT live channel like ASAP we've been trying to capture it as we go so that way for those that since we knew this would be a longer one that way those of you who missed the beginning can go back and watch all the little story elements cuz there's a lot of story elements right up front that you're presented with so so you got that going on okay all right all right here we go here we go spring locks man so this is how spring-locks operate huh man you always wanted to know well now you know and now you know how much of a pain in the butt they are why would you ever choose to make this right the way that you operate your mascot outfits before I finish up both of them hopefully can't check no time no time check the fact that I'm still alive seems to indicate that maybe it was come on see on the right to the other right red down down below about guys that's right yeah so this is a section you said to get through yeah just a couple of clicks of he seemed in default they focus yeah yeah keep going Pablo yes oh oh oh yeah all night five oh my gosh finally that was brutal one Rises yeah oh yeah also remains the tension between scorned lovers my baby what you suck haha that was so lame Clara like I haven't heard that a million times okay well how's this I'm taking the car the joke's on you with a rental well the joke's on you I set the thermostat to 90 before I left good I like it warm good because I also get tired oh well in the passion the tension elementary tracking pump everywhere it is citing conclusion huh halfway now - alright alright apparently we got to spend the night so I am continuing to go back yeah I know I just went through this experience why this is unlike the other games where it was like oh it's just a gameplay mechanic this one more than the other come back to your last day on the job laughs that is a nice day of your first week right some of the most valued qualities that we like to see a new employees are determination fearlessness and a genuine disregard for instinctive self-preservation you've earned your winery illness which will be given to you in the form of a delightful gift basket the cost of which will be taken out of your next paycheck yeah gift baskets containing fruit nuts flowers and of course the ever-popular cash basket using the keypad below please enter the first few letters of the gift basket you would like to receive I would like to receive the screw-you basket right yeah it seems you had some trouble great I see what you were trying to type and yeah auto cream or you see what I was trying to tighten by electing exotic butters oh that does that but I'm actually on board not right exotica butters I'm aware that there are still two technicians on site today Oh try to avoid to interfere on with their work possible also feel free to ask them why they are still there and encourage them to go home ha oh no are there ever about actual dead bodies in the game it's the first time that we did encounter a dead body and snap or maybe we'll meet Mike oh well maybe we'll meet purple guy yeah they technician it could meet purple guy right this could be it also my god you guys were totally right about the keypad it is one two three four five six seven eight nine zero it is so okay give me the we're gonna so the code that we tried earlier okay let's try it that's right here all right now that we know that we're the keypads are so two three two three four two zero down middle one three four two zero two three five one four four four three two zero nope shoot why you think Jason you have an idea again just because I'm the first time you hit zero I'm not sure if you hit that eight or the zero I think I hit zero here one more time all right two two three two three four two zero okay two three five four four three two one shoot what about okay home pound pound ah there's its got it we will find it or someone online is gonna find what to do it you want to put in the number of kids from the from the game from the me game no I think the game is more just I really want to beat that game you know anyway moment when we die again cuz they never leave me well here we go alright anything any fun messages I'm a lotion trip I'm looking Angela listen I was talking with this oh let's check on Bell aura and make sure she's on her stage yeah bet she's not nuts I bet she's like right up against the glass I bet she's not oh oh it's on free fella now let's check on fun time foxy someone hung himself oh also did he also hang himself oh no great it looks like everything is as it should be in fine auditorium your test today will involve more maintenance work circus baby had a rough day and is in need of repair oh no you will be required to reach the parts and service room by once again sneaking through funtime auditorium ah as always please proceed with caution we know this drill oh man I wonder if night five you have to like take all over the planet or you maintenance pintos okay alright dead cute 1313 says they give you a gift basket of money taken out of your paycheck yeah you know how it is you know employers right Jason at white at why underscored not underscore YouTube says low-key thought it was exotic said erotic butters hahaha erotic butters are slightly differs a little different those go less well on popcorn and better on like backs and inner thighs Oh Oh Jessica what yeah give me back the yes chickie give me back the ghost minigame Oh bring luck I want the cupcake minigame I want another cracker come in again it was the middle mask gone oh no you can remind on those livestream a couple people who said odd on Twitter who said it I don't know art if the stream is really far back for us oh man the mask is gone interesting okay so yeah the mask how do we not notice that cuz I was talking about exotic flutters yeah where's the damn erotic butter good good I at stickman 212 at shadow of Alan and at mic 1 9 9 in the channel he gave gifts and gave life there go made a path Freddy move over here hearts and surveys great job reaching parts and service Circus baby has been deactivated for an unknown reason how's your job to make sure she is structurally stable and secured to the conveyor ok our technicians will take it from there we prefer them okay so this is the first time we're seeing her do we have to do the same procedure probably can you hear me oh I'm pretending remember how I said I could pretend the cameras are watching I must be careful not to move something bad happened yesterday something bad always happens I don't want it to happen again there is something bad inside of me I'm broken I can't be fixed odo I'm going to be taken to the scooping room soon but it's not going to fix what's wrong with me what is bad is always left behind well you help me I want you to save what is good so the rest can be destroyed and never recovered but you must be careful Melora is here in the room with us allora will not return to her stage Valora will not return to her body you must be careful you must remain calm and listen to my voice we go feel there is a button on my cheek you must find it and press it back okay we got a snake hole oh look at the number pad there is a passcode that you must enter before you can retrieve me enter the code carefully six Oh what so [Music] so that was the what's that before oh I know glory then here she did won't return but USA boards are verbal aura it's it's just her like innards did she say energy uh yeah so first off the mass isn't back on okay which is interesting all right after the test Xbox ago were you maintenance Pinto so did I just take too long is that what it was or no I think it's much like the puppet I think you need like with the buggy Bonnie yeah yeah I think you need to scare it away sure you scare it away and then go to the number bad enter a couple that way yeah he did yeah do we know and we think it's no she was giving us a new code yeah six right so six and none of that started with six right hey no no the highs that code ever got to five yeah which is also interesting right because could mean what goes in a different place okay all right all right ready ready here we go so I'm slowly working my way through uh through Foxy's room we go wait for it wait for it so what do we think what do we think happened let's let's talk about this what do we think happened what what exactly goes on in the scooping room there you go got it all right any thoughts moving on why arts in surveys scooping room great job reaching parts and service okay circus bamboo has been deactivated for an unknown reason they take out your job to make sure she is structurally stable and secured to the conveyor but not our technicians will take it from there okay at slide never like you are supposed to enter the code Thanks yeah good one good one remember how I said I couldn't pretend just like you there is a pass code that you must enter before you can retrieve me okay enter the code carefully your way yep we goat seven seven oh it's changing why I why so oh wait here we go here we go okay take me through it okay okay what are we gonna do got it okay grab the pig one first room pick one first one first okay go all right hit him twice good boy good okay now go keep going just pass all these guys yo okay this one's ignore yeah ah you got it so we've got to get up onto that platform and jump down right up okay so just do your best with these guys all right damaging I know okay just give me a chance yeah nice the one time I didn't use this blue one okay yeah there that goes there okay so that uses a blue now you go now you would go get the green one yeah these do have to be the pink one actually you have to run all this way for the pay would be one really yeah we have enough time to go back yeah I mean that's the best shot that's the only way to distribute the cupcakes with it you have enough so that way the green one comes here yeah and you go back and you hit everybody on this next screen over with green that guy needs to be painting oh the biggest horror name take the cheese or hey baby you guys are all green these two are all supported good okay and then you have to save the green for for the legs closer to the end [Music] okay so you have to take me all the way and then all the way out with it we will get that tank that's a pig yeah that's pink hey guy hey guys guy can firm here we go okay so then so that's yeah you cross through here head over there these two are also green and then the last two are paper or vice versa just really matter yeah yeah for Kuiper's yeah okay so those you guys at the green and then and then you'll have enough cupcakes that's every single copy alright so we get it you have to jump up over the blue jump over the one okay we're getting there and I think it's the opposite oh I think we're as body you had look scare him straight and like scare him away I think this one it is very much you have to when you hear him slithering you don't move the mouse and I think when you stop hearing him slither is when you're okay to to enter into beekeeping okay I think big all righty stickykeys everyone's like no no sticky keys are the world all right the scooping room wait you have some guesses on this yeah look let's talk to the chat and Twitter about what your theories are well what are the bad things getting removed versus the good things yep you need to type the numbers while she's saying the numbers okay I don't know uh put in the code as she says it a lot of people are saying that re haha honimaru um let's see too many people are in the chat says party Dave never handle in the chat yeah your name is party Dave you gotta you gotta be the lightweight the party you got to do it yeah job reaching parts and service thank you circus baby has been deactivated for unknown reason rumor has a good job to make sure she is structurally stable and secured to the conveyor so this time I'll see you guys right there back fight which means I will put in the numbers as she's saying that Frostfire says sweep it under the rug it'll probably be fine ah okay there is a pass code no you must enter with yo you can retrieve ya tell me a tell me girl enter the code care yep any time six four seven five two seven five g's 5 to 1 5 to good a hat should have opened love it take the card that you find inside that should open why are you looking around her crotch that's me over there there you now you must turn back I will guide you through fun time auditorium so you can reach the scooping room right now over there I want you to destroy this body put the card into your handheld device and I can continue to speak to you we have a handheld device this is ours the lottery lotto and to your left this will send me to the scooping Chrome button to my left for sure if you like tonight I don't know about this this is starting to feel the same actions in funtime auditorium yeah well Laura is going to follow you great she will try to catch you but I will help you avoid her glory the ball she will not rival you inside the sacrum she is afraid go back now hey she's grown I'm not so grow they are the ever grande proper stop so go forward and left and left go left [Applause] that's a bit weird you're so weird what it was the F word that came to mind staff all right that was all that probably just made it more weird wait honestly wait what did you say what what see you know you're critiquing my explanations I'm just trying not to let anything else you're saying OMG though thing again pay ah monitoring me mine alright I was going forward and left I didn't realize that you had so much control over let your direction yeah yeah I don't know if you do like if it says W to go forward are you supposed to imply WASD well no I think it's W to go forward but then W plus turn the mouse slightly to the left ah it's a bit weird alright I'm not on Twitter and we are confirmed then that that is below row so we do know that my APIs is Laura after having been scooped scooped she got scooped which happened not a night for when you were correct when I was stuck in the room and after her after she was scooped those guys died so the scooping doesn't remove whatever like evil intention is in the animatronic unless the guys hung themselves cuz hanging hanging people does not seem to be like a very animatronic way to go I suppose though you know yeah let's see cereal at nappies here - it was blurry as a skeleton baby said she wouldn't return to her body great job reaching parts and service okay circus baby has been deactivated yeah unknown Rosalie let me pop it's your fellow visual honor Ching stables I can open up a date career our technicians will make it from there come on come on come on hey baby let me hear you okay there is a past know that you must enter before the credit tree I'm ready for a girl he looks to enter the code care yeah give me 9 9 to 7 it was not cuz it took too long no no you got that you got else this is no slice exact I would have it if I knew what the problem whoa hey hey that's that's kind of creepy okay let's click it what's gonna happen what is this it's like bull aura with the puppet head on top or that ghost head is it just they're just we've earned an achievement trophy you died at the hands of Elora magnetized wow that's good Irving and creepy how strange okay Timmy it might be like a deaths achievement yeah write it down break me break break it down if I look away it's this lair that's what we're all right well okay mana Torian maintenance me weird cool dude cool toy bro oh boy okay I'm gonna call out a couple people in Twitter yeah please do I'm at lunar fist Fischbach says that game grumps reference yeah man and at Cass olé olá sh lager says I came from archive land to watch my first hashtag Duty live and what better stream to watch the sister location be back alright yeah yeah hey hey that was the sound of our camera battery died yes sir that's the sound of wow this is a really long stream yeah we can't forget ready oh but don't worry didn't to say thing I just was getting back through Foxy's later we are good and we're back late so you guys everyone says go to the right instead of go to the left by the way right right right why would I I'm panicked Russ literally everyone is saying that hurt so I'm just saying I love the wreckage after reaching for nervous yeah I know the games getting mean is literally activated for an unknown reason it's your job to make sure she is literally two hours I'll secure to the conveyor our technician that will take it from there yeah what all right let's pop let's pop her face okay give me the code pin code there is a past yell that you must know I know there yep Canada tree can't wait to hear about it give it to em driving carefully yep go for it one one two five seven three eight five six four three good yeah a hat should have open rotate on the right heart now it must turn back baby sana five five five one big I just want to tell you that Philip had and I must follow my instructions in funtime auditorium well Laura is going to follow you yep if she will all right go right not left right go right everyone says go right she left is not right inside this cooking room she is afraid all right ever done right right right okay okay we're doing what you guys are saying you're going right one way forward okay stop stop go forward and left so I went right so you guys know ah darn it [Music] maybe I'm supposed to go forward stop and then turn right like her what you guys are saying shoot it's it's very odd this is this is not one okay we'll try it again we're gonna do it all right we're gonna get through it and I actually I'm quite all right dying because I want another crack at the cupcake minigame right you will get through Papageno minigame ballerina gasps I know she tell where he's going ballerinas gone so we'll see what else is going on here Serena's got to do the belly [Music]
Channel: GTLive
Views: 2,208,491
Rating: 4.9225893 out of 5
Keywords: fnaf, sister location, fnaf sister location, five nights at freddy's, markiplier fnaf, markiplier sister location, markiplier FNAF sister location, FANF walkthrough, FNAF gameplay, fnaf ballora, foxy, gtlive, matpat fnaf, matpat five nights at freddys, matpat sister location, game theory fnaf, gt live, game theory live
Id: uZkdelYlRwA
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 85min 16sec (5116 seconds)
Published: Sun Oct 09 2016
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