- 4-Player (RAGE Quit) Grim Reapers Are The WORST | JeromeASF

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it's that time of the week again we'll replay our favorite dot IO game fly or Die dot IO now last week we actually managed to beat the game and become top on the board this time around we're gonna see if we could do it again in a quicker amount of time that was not easy getting to the top of it but I know through our strong efforts and our ability to eat things as a bird seeds we can persevere alright I think I picked out the perfect name let's start our high drop see the fly I landed on you oh my god oh my god then why is there a Grim Reaper flying around here what a horrible spawn jeez this is gone horribly wrong already and it just started I don't like this one bit oh oh hi stork I'm eating a stork I think he's afk well that was unfortunate cheating again Jerome I'm not cheating what do you mean my cheetah the guy was can you swing again I'm watching to go spite each other I just watch them high-speed the berries I saw you there doesn't think so today did you now I don't believe you yeah I saw Steve the parrot all the smoke monster just poisoned me this is like a high-intensity Lobby isn't this jeez yeah I spawned in and instantly almost died and then got poisoned so like really rough start yes yes yes yes yes I got grabbed point proven yeah I'm not a big fan of this Lobby guys getting real out here I had to start as a fly Jerome so did I yeah I had to start as a fly many eons ago okay I'm saying I just start as a fly every day one day you'll go I mean drop see you act like this fly is not in the name of this game yeah it's a first for me and you literally become a die you die at the end of the game at one point once you become the overfed cosmic bat during oh it's just a bad joke you dot it's not a joke you eat yourself to death you become the over to new you literally become the overfed bat you become big chunga's and you die you become a ghost this is bad joke jokes like that turned us in the flier cry honestly that was a you know what I think I'm going with Steve right here is especially considering it was my I don't want to be here anymore we just we just started I don't think that's a choice you turn this ship around I can't work under these conditions hostile work environment and cherries I'm stuck underground as a stork because somebody blocked my way out I finally made it out we're good whoo acorns yummy jinuk a corns tastes good oh yes can humans technically eat acorns if you cook them if they're cooked really humans can ya know what do they taste like why didn't know whatever tell me this does actually I know because you would have tried to cook it yourself and it probably would have not been cooked the proper way oh my gosh nothing bro I'm gonna die too with swamp monster like you don't like you have no reason to try and kill me right now I'm a falcon I'll get you like minimal XP you're a nuisance sir I think he has every reason and that's the fact that XP is XP yeah life's hard out there for swamp monsters [Music] I've ever met any in my life but if I ever do I'll be sure to yell at them Oh a woodpecker I stole your woodpecker ha ha ha robot meat more pop no I want to die to a mad bad pain I almost died again this is very high octane this is like I just keep almost dying to everything at all times yeah I'm getting very annoyed with these people because they like there is no need my go stare I have hid in the clouds dude I just can't catch a break out here van I'm almost dead I'm red health right now cuz a pterodactyl not the Terri what Harry the pterodactyl is after me pterodactyls even eat like people usually I would just eat the meat shanks as him you know he's just trying to eat people he's a jerk I just watched a paper good news after all this time I'm almost to where I usually would start off at that's nice that's good I'm already at the Bluebird I just saw you feel bad yeah that was me I'm joram ah hello alright I'm back to being the turkey guys new channel rebranded jar room ASF I am eat cat hey wha pumpkin I'm gonna eat another cat Steve and you can't stop I'm hungry well that's not the response I was hoping for from an owner of cats stomach rumbling so listen to me I eat dogs I wouldn't go mmm I'm hungry I'm hungry you knew what you were getting into see this is flyer Dyer trapped here for at least out of their 45 minutes until at least I become the ghost oh sure then you actually can't just go leave you can you can live infinitely as the ghost yeah Steve can see clearly now oh no I got to go to the Arctic as the snowy owl this is where most people die the snowy owl wouldn't be so bad eating penguins and gerbils all day but people can't they're waiting for the snowy owls mm-hmm life ain't so bad where you can see your neighbors pet mat yard don't be my neighbor oh hey captain blast them oh is that what you named yourself captain Oh blast oh yeah how long of us making that joke until you have to rebrand again to Captain Oblast well I mean if we make it a thing he's gonna have to hashtag the bear thing you never read changed your name and the big question people have by the way is how many B's and Y's are in that I was just about to ask that same thing though people have asked you that five B's in like seven was yeah really I always thought it was like six B's and one why the sound though alright guys I've entered the swamp witch wish me luck I want a speedy getaway from this area and a fireball almost hit me immediately upon entering gosh this is gonna be a pain I could already tell and the dragon is now in hot pursuit okay well get it the dragon even need to eat those penguins no no I have no idea I'm just I don't even know if the dragon does he the penguins I don't think so but it's a good area for experience you know what he does eat is snowy else I think he's literally eating the penguin so that we can't that way you can clearly eat the Penguins if he's eating the penguin yeah well yes but Ken and getting XP for two different things there's something sometimes in the later ones you don't get XP for none you know living I mean non-player cuz I'm pretty sure penguins live they're not alive no dragons dragons still get experience wins the robots installed by the government just like all birds yes and squirrels are hyper intelligent species maybe chipmunks are you dropping are you trying to get a slide Rick and Morty reference in there yes thank you pop on that one I'm picking up what you're putting down but the birds thing which is a common meme online where I forgot who started it yeah there's a line that they were like if someone like tweeted out or something like that like but in all seriousness since this government shutdown is that one heard any birds out it's actually really funny birds were all shut that well the government shut down you know all the drones shut down make sense yeah try and listen for a bird on Winston I mean Sunday you want me to order I'm just a funny meme III like I said I think originated like Twitter or something I don't know all the birds are just finally made it doesn't wanna the bird next to you cuz hahaha yes see my toaster joke I beat nobody laughed at it well I just beat the snowy owl Stephen now I am going to eat meat shanks in the tropical rainforest oh why does that t-rex have half health that means something very big is here maybe I shouldn't have come to the tropical rainforest game to the wrong town think about your mistakes drum well I've never been in this area before green fire what is happening to you oh you would tell you're exploring yeah well once it wasn't you Steve no it was me it wasn't lit up was it yeah it was me that was Steve it's always sir Steve when did you become a sir he got knighted the other day oh that's yeah were you not here for that no brave is ridiculous your to convention or something like that nice give us another week and he'll be dead as well there's this raven who's being very greedy well that's what [Music] thank you for to meet you casually flying and getting some water as I was drinking my coffee and clicking with my offhand and yeah it just almost sound casual at all sound like you were tripping asking like that's very uncatchable dude very casual I was just riding my unicycle while burping the agency wasn't trying to do my taxes and I don't know how what could have possibly went wrong okay you totally said bat but I thought you said Matt it was like he's coming in hot with the Wikipedia facts don't you worry everyone should put that disclaimer at the front Matt hates why well because people are probably like where's Matt we want the facts some people only come here for the facts oh I mean that's fair carfax show me the CARFAX do you say show me the car fat haha how chunga's my car's been eaten stream gasoline it's getting real chunga's my car is out of diesel only diet I feel like that would be like the opposite of a diet yeah oh yeah that's the whole yeah yeah it's like my cars on a big mac only died it's like oh god is that is that sanitary the answer to that question would be no oh I'm poisoned and I'm in the swamps and I don't think I'm gonna gonna make it guys well there's a poor pterodactyl oh yeah I was a little upset I'm not gonna lie I feel bad for the pterodactyl named to help me oh teri the pterodactyls probably because he he doesn't realize yet that he's extinct haha why you got a big house right there drone okay we're not gonna feel sympathy for a creature that went extinct 150 million years ago my sympathies my sympathy falls at 50 million years extinction oh is that Navi elusive that ou know you've been really bad with mixing up our names recently I'm not gonna lie I do it on purpose well you got told on purpose Ron Swanson Parks and Rec have you never seen that pin if he did this not outside of recordings like Justin recordings I believe it's for the bid but he's done it outside of recordings too so he's not doing it I think it's one of my sweet you were not wrong that's one of my favorite Parks and Rec things as well as when Ron Swanson comes in with a broken coffee machine and he just goes is like the conference-room railroads all right I'm not mad I just wanna know I'll just start blaming each other and then it pans over to him like five minutes into the auger he goes yeah I broke the coffee machine things were getting a little chummy around here such a mood a little chummy her friend are you guys gonna be mad at me if I tell you that I've never seen parks in Iraq I win I know I'm actually excited for you because I would you know what do you mission Tessa now literally the cars dead serious have you guys ever heard of slab cars rebuilding scrap mechanic apparently it's a real popular lower header car in Houston and so the thing that the people do is they put giant chariot spokes on their wheels no that's awesome I want to see that I'm talking like reaching into my leg yeah I want to see it okay one second I gotta find a cloud to hide in this is very important information what do you think woodpeckers taste like bird chicken or sawdust Oh God they eat so good okay you're gonna love this I'm pretty sure that the spokes are called swingers yeah Houston is called Slab City for a reason I'm about to put a picture in the private jet is it really called Slab City I've never heard of that before yeah it's one of the names it is but look at that amazing but I wonder if your car well--we're get hit worse the car or what you're like with that person's rims get ripped off I feel that person's rims would get ripped off and you'd have like minimal damage to your right this is obnoxious I just try to get to penguins and to snowy owl swooped in for the last bites you know desperate snowy owls are out here you don't understand how desperate I am I'm in a cloud with a pterodactyl and the Grim Reaper wait they're in the cloud with you yes No I gotta say that situation just got worse and worse as you described it and what's worse is it was the help a third actor man giving directions I can help them find the way away from me [Music] did you give them directions though yeah it sounds like I gave them directions to drops you right there yeah are you Samara dactyl Steve no I'm I'm a raven I'm a blackbird I love that song by the Beatles it's so peaceful right bro am I literally stuck down here is the Raven I can't okay there we go I got out but I'm gonna die ah that that's why that mad bad at things been eatin some of my meat shanks oh I am so close to dead in this this demonic imp is just sitting here camping my cloud well now I don't know if it's an update or if I just ever paid attention or if they increase the rate of it but you heal over time now not just from eating things yeah yeah you know which I don't know I'm sure it always did that I just never paid attention but part of me thinks they might have increased the rate recently cuz it definitely seems like you can heal up a lot quicker just from not eating anything just like chillin chillin you know Sunday chill don't add me TM or no one remark oh my goodness I got out of the cloud I got away from that guy and I got a little on fire by a dragon dude there's like the dragons are the bane of my existence that is fire bunch of fireballs everywhere acted like they own the world well you try and tell a dragon that they don't own the world fine I will we're Spyro it Spyro does on the world you take that back Spyro is a gym I love spyro I actually just bought that game the cops the police station one of Spira of the Year of the Dragon Master yeah hey yeah yeah but I have the original I'm cooler actually crazy thing right I traded in some of my duplicate games literally just things that I had extras of hundred and eighty dollars oh wait why did you have duplicate games because yeah even happen like duplicate SNES games and things like that Super Nintendo 64 I just had extras because there was three of us growing up there was me my brother and my cousin and none of them wanted their games so I got everything and some of us got duplicates and by some of us I mean me okay that makes a little more sense yes copies of halo 1 but that's because my neighbor left it over my house and just mmm yeah I ended up with everything I guess they didn't want and like I don't I don't even know if you know what it is but like a Sega Nomad I have one of those and they're worth $300 dang really that's like a moderately most it's like a before Gameboy type thing do you remember that it's your handheld that Steve do you remember the brief period when we were like 15 years old when the ps3 just came out and they had the audacity to charge something like 800 bucks for a ps3 there was a brief period of time yes that I I'm not making this up I know for a fact there was a brief period of time when they just had some absurdly priced oh my god rock and a hard place rocking our place Grim Reaper's right you try to kill me the same time boom phrasing but I'm not making this up oh yeah you didn't know about that girl let that definitely happen that was a definite thing that happened let me tell you what year was that I could be very wrong here yes I guess that would be what was that 20 I want to say it was seven no but as the cemetery is great that would have been 2,000 like seven room leave me alone 2006 why would I be I like not chasing you I know it looks like I am but I'm just going for the beat shanks two thousand six thousand six two thousand six grade and how much were they cuz I could be very wrong but I think they went for 800 ps3 with a twenty gigabyte oh wait oh yeah this was in 2006 set they set them at price four hundred and ninety nine dollars and five hundred ninety nine dollars I thought I was eight hundred I mean that dramatic you're making crazy for the time and what we can get now fortune I think Jerome just got scared no I didn't have one as a kid that I was an Xbox guy cuz I pretty much only exclusively played halo for like a million years of my life so I just was like I'm just gonna get an Xbox cuz it's got Halo and Gears of War I was really in the Gears of War for a bit and I start getting old there's a war was fun I think I played Gears of War one two and I think I may have played three but I wasn't like invested in three you know like I was like like wanted to I was like yeah beat the locusts charm why worry so much alike as a kid it's kind of scary dude honestly guys because I think I I played one and two but I bought three and I played it for a submission but I really just I said I'm saying like I'm sure I beat the campaign but like not enough that I remember or even cared to remember you know I mean you wanted to yeah man no more like the same person though drops you don't understand we had the same hobbies we played the exact same games we had the same like demeanor about school and stuff like that like me and Steve were just the same guy he even has the same nose we both have big nose yeah you know it makes me feel amazing that's good I aspire to be like Jerome though you don't want this you guys are very alike the only differences Steve is actually good at skateboarding that's a that's a lie you only bro I mean obviously yeah you can you can't call herself a skateboard you can't do it Oh super overprotective as a kid not I my parents bought me my first skateboard and then my mom proceeded to one year later accidentally run over the skateboard and then air quotes and she felt horrible no this this is a funny story so she felt horrible about it because my biggest in first grade we were supposed to Obama the skateboard for reference a case this matters the store was an ash ketchum skateboard I got it from Toys R Us yeah so I'm saying so for Toys R Us popular yeah ash Ketcham skateboard like we're talking awesome stuff and anyway so it first grade you every day when we'd go into class you had to write six sentences just about anything could about anything about your day but but whatever you wanted just six sentences you know they were teaching us out of write you know your first great so okay everything seems all fine and dandy then one day I write on like what I'm like what I'm gonna be doing and and every day I was I was a bit of a wiseguy so I would always knock out the first three sentences the easiest way so let's say was Wednesday I go today is Wednesday yesterday was Tuesday tomorrow be Thursday boom three sentences done book it and I do that every day and then the four sentence this week our day was today my mom ran over my skateboard and I wrote about being so sad and then my teacher called my mom it was like you gotta do something about this yes and then my mom went out and got me a WWE skateboard from Toys R Us have someone on it no no just said WWE on it I still have the board at home it is so broken over the years and after like had God like completely beaten up a bunch we took the the trucks and everything off of it and we used to try and use it as a makeshift snowboard we'd go down like hills in the backyard or like it all that my backyard but like either around the area yeah like I just we used to call the whole net in the backyard would unless my board literally broke in half my mom ran it over and it broke in half what part of the story do you miss the fact that you just said you still have a skateboard yeah the new one that was the last one you ever got no I have many other skateboards now but I bought those myself Wow okay I'm an adult Steve I'm glad my own skateboards that my mom doesn't buy me toys r us skateboards anymore I was 23 years old you ever had no not like that was like put that one I still have that board I still have a vet home I have all the skateboards I ever had except for the Ash Ketchum one r.i.p rip Bryn started GoFundMe for an ass-kissing skateboard I really should finally like I I know exactly or dissection I've been finding and I have my other skateboards there too from all throughout the eons I don't have any of my skin come on thing is this kill you don't need this kill ghost I'm a demonic impotent ghost try to trap me underground that's unfortunate the sad thing is I don't even have my skateboard that I won in a contest like you have that sounds like a really good thing to have because my sister's ex-boyfriend gave it to one of one of his friends he was like hey can I give this away I said no and he gave it away anyways I'm sensing a pattern jerker Oni sandwich yeah he's like hey my friend needs a skateboard can I give him yours you don't use it anymore it's so like that it was like right after high school when I was working a lot he's like you don't use it so can I just give it away as like no and he did it anyways and I'm really upset about it I was like I really won that skateboard in a contest like you know how hard it was for that I trained for years for this I remember my first real board so I thought my first like actual real board was one of my older sister's friends I maybe was a similar situation put up who's here ski older sister's friends you know you just got a new board or whatever and he didn't really need the owners all beaten up it was old blind board I still have that one - that was I got that and then my first board that I got like that was a real board like on my own I was like this is back like the dawn of the Internet and I was like look mom you could trust these people and we bought a Black Label board mm-hmm I used to love skateboarding as a kid dude I used to love it too the shame I just don't have the time to do it anymore I too love the skate ball I don't like it I'm so much time I'm just too concerned nowadays the stakes are higher like you break your arm back then and then it's like oh you just don't have to do schoolwork anymore for the week that's awesome no repercussions but nowadays it's like oh I like literally can't do my job in the night star so you know I don't really but you're willing to go snowboarding yeah that's a difference and go Mach speed down the mountain at a speed that no one else wants to go yeah that's different um I'm not seeing a problem with us Steve that's snow yeah they literally call it powder who was on that day that Steven stopped talking to his friends you're not wrong yeah really I'm the pterodactyl and I'm getting so annoyed there's a ghost flying around this area just okay how's Matt still not here with the facts someone drop a line of a text we need the Wikipedia facts we need there's gonna be a riot on our hands I'm not gonna lie Matt time is worse than Charlton and Mitch time order are either one of them you guys are both bad with timing someone send up a texter Rudy let's get him out of here hello drops he just pinged in okay we need Wikipedia fades the whole episode is over the series might even end I mean I've got what are you right now I'm the devil oh geez you want a weird Texas fact yeah there is a beauty pageant in Texas that is awesome okay okay give it give it a sec give a sec I'm working up to it there is a beauty pageant in Texas that they make the contestants behead a rattlesnake [Music] people are wild do they use their open carry swords for that what if I wait no come again what why do you not know that Texas is like one of the only only states that is allowed to open carry swords around the street yeah I did read that well but you know I I'm gonna go on a limb and say it for a statements for states that have open carry of guns why would they not have well how did that happen that they banned swords general question I don't know like a logo I got no skin in the game I don't live in one of those states I'm just Gary's it's a good question maybe I you know what you're right you're absolutely right Alabama what are you thinking it's just as she's strange to me that they would ban the swords above that I don't know it's very weird oh hey look I'm uh I'll help me is a swamp monster now he's no longer a pterodactyl by the way no they grow up so fast I'm a swamp monster on the leaderboards nice oh hey I'm number 12 we hit our goal of at least getting you know was that your goal no my goal is always just to at least get top ten on the boards I try to get first place or at least try to get the max evolution but I'm you know I I am satisfied with getting top ten always mm-hmm my goal is to show up to these things my goal is to blow up and act like I don't know nobody yeah I can get behind that also how is there nobody fighting the spider do they not realize the spider boss exists and gives you like an insane amount of XP probably probably not what nutty okay teleported I was like who come who stole my kill I was like as I was just saying that no one goes here he just vanished look no no okay that was a good kill nice solid I'll so you ever realized I don't think that the XP bleeds over anymore maybe just never did but I don't think it ever did you mean like if you get XP and you level up it doesn't go on to the next one is that what you're talking about Willis yes this is precisely what I am talking about do I'm so I'm getting so annoyed with these people who just chased me across the map for no reason your Phoenix go fight the ball it's like what they want to fight you Steve I've noticed I'll fight you Steve nuisance Steve if you're looking for a fight I'll bring it to you but looking for a scrap with this demonic improve just tried to attack me it's like I'm the swamp eater we can literally kill each other you're not gonna get anything out of this yeah that always bothered me whenever I was like either the demonic hip or the swamp monster when the other would go after you it's like dude we will kill each other I will poison you or you know burn or you know I'm saying like it's like what are you doing [Music] irritating man it's crazy that even demonic imps aren't safe from the Grim Reaper okay now that is just stupid I'm watching it that same demonic imp is trying to get a different swamp eater you know it sure sure buddy we can kill each other this is this fine with me I'll sit in this cloud all day bud I can sit here a lot longer than you can I got all day and woodpecker I had to leave the spider boss because the Grim Reaper was nearby it and he can also eat the spider boss so I was like Annie could eat me too I was like I just does not worth it mommy gives good experience why don't you go after that oh I already humbled up anyway I got to the dragon so now I I don't have to work I can eat penguin nose yes I'm just gonna be firing fireballs at random things mmm-hmm Thank You fireballs fine I think out of anything in this game the one thing that I hate the most is probably the swamp monster I hate the swamp monster oh yeah I'm not a big fan of this suami Grim Reaper how how coming on the Grim Reaper I can't hit that quick the keyboard slave gets me on the Grim Reaper I can't hit that quick he's a grim reaper law let me just super speedy spambot Auto sleeper slam and Addington you with it with with the auto click this is ridiculous well you better spawn back in well now in the demonic egg eater again actually to be honest isn't that far back still it's a principle I'm a stone eater oh so you're literally you're like a second behind you then yeah I'm going to the lava area now just to prep up just to get ready just to get ready why does that butterfly I know it needs to go this way anyways if they're on a flower they get camouflage very serious yeah that's so cool I mean it makes a lot of sense but that's cool one of their ever gonna add why deprive those into the game or if it's only gonna be the butterfly um the number 2 person in the lobby maybe had in your wager room the number 2 person Peter yeah yeah to the demonic him worldwide cuz I'm here and he was camping my cloud got a situation than on our hand Steve [Music] alright now someone else is here he's another Reaper making my way down Pam Steve walking fast faces pass and I'm home bound I've been the swamp monster for a minute so I'm monsters horrible it's the pumpkin Grim Reaper yeah that that's Peter he's after you gonna go bud I can go into the lava you can I'm cool with this this guy is camping my lava out there here nobody killed me what a jerk bro this lobby is the worst lobby we've ever been in while I'm back to being the slime eater in terms of like people I'm surprised it took me that long to die considering how like just hi it's been a miserable it's been so insane why was there a pumpkin down here because he just killed me that's true murderer I'll kill you yeah Carter mmm-hmm he got away Steve he got away how you gonna just let him get away like that I [Music] couldn't control it Steve try to get him is annoying me today get out of my way no geez the bee nuisances Steve everything is being a nuisance I didn't realize that the stone eater could tank hits though oh yeah his like what does he get he gets like 50% block chance or something Steve it's everybody even be higher it might be higher I'm not sure to be honest you basically just don't die as the stone eater it's just not a thing that happens well I'm glad I didn't die because I would have been real embarrassing eating d demonic eggs okay we're gonna get back up through the ranks here guys well we're gonna rage trying cap and blasts them what's going on bud I'm about to be a demonic egg eater Wow we're all basically the same part now I am up for dropsy Ripper dropsies having a bed [Music] yeah don't stop her now she's having a bird top notes taught me please I've gotten two kills is the the slime monster which is pretty cool oh it's players yeah oh that's easy you just go where there's lots of people and you become a nuisance exactly alright this bad right now no one's killing the Yeti surprise people just aren't fighting bosses on this server I've found yeah they'd rather just be a nuisance and hit it hit uh I'm about to get a third kill I'd like for people poisoned right now this is a story of redemption we don't give up after we die we might give up if I die one more time you're very mad but we don't give up when we die one time it's like a Rocky movie except he doesn't get knocked over twice he gets knocked over once I wish I made a rocky movie that was just the biggest letdown where he makes it to like get all the training everything and you expect like some inspirational he walks up with one punch and one punch knocks him out and it's just the whole movie it's like Turner I've watched that I would to to be like whoa certainly watch it one punch man I can't want to go back every watch Rocky I thought you're gonna say one punch man no I kinda want to re-watch rocky rocky start doesn't it [Laughter] feels very bad better it's the theme music from Rocky right bacon bacon bacon bacon bacon bacon cakes I want pancakes me too bacon the moments back to where I was before I died I don't eat meat anymore so I can't eat the Bacon's hmm you can have beyond bacon I can do they make beyond bacon I don't think beyond chicken and beyond me like burgers do they make beyond bacon I don't know you tell me I'm a big fan I actually very much to enjoy beyond the food's never be fried bean on broccoli that's just broccoli whoever sold that to you at an upcharge is a criminal and a mastermind to add that you ever tried me I know just the opposite company beyond carrots it's actually sausage links orange paint and sausage elected it's so bad [Music] well I got back to the dragon so I'm back to where I was when I the Fire Nation attacked last oh you're already at the dragon now yeah I'm some smooth sailing thank you I've been trying very hard sir I'm almost back to the end hopefully I don't get killed again I try to light myself on fire with my own fireball but it didn't work you know what that's dang shame yeah I wish you had been able to do that greased lightnin why was that Grim Reaper allowed to hit me through a bush there cuz you weren't in the bush was I not actually in the bush is that with Aven I think you how would I know I didn't know there's a common problem okay cheese Steve but why you always answer questions you don't know the answer to so that I can get these reactions I would just pay they have Steve sit in the TED talk and just answer all the questions before the speech I think I'd be really good at it you say stuff with enough confidence and people believe it my friend doesn't mean you should use this power for evil yeah I have a superpower hi my superpowers like their problem with that Oh a woodpecker I will eat the woodpecker Oh a cat i will eat the cat dragons eat cat you take that back why we don't eat cats sure we do we eat cats around here that is one mad lad we found that you know a guy just I was a dragon and he was a falcon and he fought me over a woodpecker I was like that he got the spirit he does I commend him [Music] why are there two Grim Reaper's in the oh my gosh it doesn't know what where is he they're all on the snow biome go figure that's where I was about the head not going that way thank you okay so heads up there is a pumpkin Reaper just standing on top of a pyramid I mean perfect that's also where I was gonna go so I'm not told I bet you these guys are what big churches are camping the bosses a dude I had no trouble with any of the bosses at all I don't think that anyone cares about the bosses yeah I'm an M I mean did you drink enough calcium as a kid Jerome also didn't check the schedule to drop see leave for class no I don't know she just doesn't want to come and eat with us today I we're gonna wind today drop see it's gonna be a winner's day two weeks in a row what she doesn't believe in your abilitie it's gonna be two weeks in a row of winning no matter what you guys are gonna get so tired of all your a jerk the ghosts just killed a penguin slowly so I couldn't eat it he literally saw me trying to eat it he chased me away from it and then he ate it even though he doesn't get expensive oh he doesn't he doesn't any xp for that at all Vail he just was being a chunga's oh you're absolutely right stupid wait what what did I say you didn't say anything you're not steep what I mean yes he's he's Steve you're you're right blade yeah I think I accidentally let someone on fire and got a kill hello the guy named hello how are you I need the sneeze I don't do it Steve it's bad luck you got to hold it in got to make it a good load in their back get that hot tea now I'm holding it back we're good we're good it went away what if the way sneezes worked as if you didn't sneeze it just held it in like a charge ahead blow up no you held it in it you could charge it up so like there's like a guy who just charges up sneezes like a year and finds a cooler and just yeah no you guys get it yes pay eleuthero down here no not really there's one of those things I just say yeah - and then I move on just think about it okay okay I'll think about it thanks man just like six people off fire Oh Steve's that guy yes Steve is that guy Steve I don't want to hear about your extracurricular activities yeah but what did you do in your spare time oh that's you Steve back off this is my prey no I I lit him on fire no I been here before I'm done I'm done playing this game what do you why do you do this second Grim Reaper to kill me what do you have to prove I just don't think today it's gonna work everybody we got sent back to the demonic egg eater gave it our all but it's sad times
Channel: JeromeASF
Views: 283,175
Rating: 4.9239993 out of 5
Keywords: Minecraft, JeromeASF, youtuber, modded, mod, minigame, custom, challenge, mod pack, hilarious gameplay, funny moments, how to, minecraft mod, minecraft roleplay, pranking, prank, trolling, troll, mods, gameplay, tutorial, parody, no swearing, no cursing, animation, lets play, xbox, mini-games, mini games, showcase, minecraft animation, custom map, traps, funny, 1.12, playthrough, comedy, flyordie, flyordie io, fly or die io, io games,, .io, io, io game, fly or die fast, max level
Id: hf1zvfOuB1U
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 50min 49sec (3049 seconds)
Published: Sat Feb 15 2020
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