We Went To War In Risk Factions | JeromeACE

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well it's about that time of the month where we get to go ahead and make our friends anger its risk factions come on guys so something about this right I mean yeah we just getting mad at each other and yell a lot and then we have to listen to Steve cry oh is that my cue awkward interaction him oh yeah it's gonna be a good time you guys want to see more like it make like you know this one hit 10,000 likes guys board games we love them do love them Steve hates them what's not to love murmur are we sure that we want to play this game to you remember the last time we played I think everyone got very mad at each other if I remember thank you and I got in a real big tiff well you were cheating South America Wow Australia is never I don't think we've never had it where there's four different people fighting for it yeah I have a freaking mess to deal with this is horrible placement in fact can we just restart let me crash the game real quick what do you mean what's wrong placement yellow what about it dude it's just as much as everyone else Mexico Mexico Mexico yeah you could do Mexico dude or Russia yeah like sicko Mexico you can do it Steve Western Canada West forbidden jello mm-hmm okay here we go I'm thinking North Africa nice dude you have a very strong foothold down there oh yeah all right [Music] yeah my turn all right wish me luck of Maties good luck Wow for troops yay all right and attack and rest in peace rest in pieces attack rest in peace what you already had charity as a continent yes all right manoeuvre time to get ready for my attack on New Jersey we need to prepare for the attack it's happening drop see the world isn't gonna be ready for what's about to happen oh I was a huge mistake what are you why would you put that there I'm just gonna just uh get my Shemesh it was a huge mistake oh my gosh well that this message Wow you didn't even get a single you could have tried harder drop see Steve I'm coming for New Jersey I just want me to are that's why I'm getting out of there I have expected on this leg I know you horrible yeah bad man why would you even do that Steve's not even mrs. I know you're never you are never gonna let New Jersey go so I don't want to fight that fight right now so you're gonna ruin my after all thief oh you're gonna regret oh that's actually receive your life is oh sorry I don't know came over me true with the placement of my troops on this map my life was over in the Steven you have just as much odds as all of us know Cappy started with three in South Africa dreams started with two in South America they had the clear advantage with that snappy music 88 you calm down I mean it's just started a veil specifically wait what what oh God slobbery slippy no it's Libby slobber oh that hurt to hear well Steve I I apologize but after your stunt there I have no option but to kick you out of the continent entirely yeah it's nothing personal it's just you know okay so next phase would allow me to shift some stuff right yeah yep okay so first I click and then I drag click one country that you want to send them from and then click the country you want to send them to term did you have like a Britney defense tie or something oh dude I really don't get how you survived to that and all the one like that drops you did against me too high no I don't want to do here I would go for oo Sealand you have a capital right next to you waiting to be taken I know I was thinking about that too well it's a great time I guess it's a dream on with you oh no how do I wait how did you have that person who goes last gets one extra card to make it fair because they get gosh what's going on with that apparently but yeah to even the odds the further down the list you are you get more cards like first as I went first so I got 0 bonus cards to start it makes it more fair because it would be a very unfair something go last and yeah and then just have the same what is happening I don't know you tell us man but I can't this it's not neighbor it's Betty it's not connected look at the dots yeah you have to attack Vale and then go to Steve yeah and are you do you want to start that bro I can't draw anything like games frozen oh my game froze oh god no also the viewers probably just went in we're talking about Steven Levy snapping at us lately and it's getting real annoying it's like that it's like that's oh my god I feel like Steven Libya if there's no where like where there's no we're good I'm telling you know what it is I'd specifically took the green this time so I wasn't the cats the cats are bad look you always get bad working from Family Guy I mean you know he does gotta have a Peter Griffin desk like I guess I have the most stronghold in Asia but that's so hard to take yeah like I'm gonna be playing an uphill battle whole game because you're going for jersey curious yeah blue is the true inheritor of New Jersey yeah bluing blue and gray both have a lot of North America a lot of times we played this game it's pretty ridiculous that I I don't think I've ever started with New Jersey or if I have it's been crash been Cappy Cappy oh it's my turn don't scare us I dare you to put your capital New Jersey no I will that I assure you to put your capital New Jersey put your cap right now our mystery capital New Jersey we just crush everybody but the smart move is to take this and then take North America cabbie why did you put your capital on my futures Europe well because Matt goes after me Oh Matt that's not a bad play to be honest it's whatever you look like you were going for Australia you have the strongest foothold in Australia damn three everybody else's little spot but you know people are gonna go before me yeah that's true yeah whatever all right not gonna put it in New Jersey no I love Cathy B and you know all right Steve music a da oh my gosh I love you too Matt call me later what is this garbage - hey you got one you got a card that's what matters okay well that was a rough one dude I'm not gonna lie hey yeah it really was rough turn one oh okay well uh my turn now I guess I don't what's the worst land well I only have many options here unfortunately some just feel your capital ha ha all right that's a good turn Oh [Music] guaranteed star card to start Oh oh my god I'm gonna hate Rome at the end of this okay I thought it crash for a second I'm just a humble cat trying to live his life all very um I've been I know that's why I did that yeah the whole is that that's been that's that that's his calling card it's true oh sure it's a mountain I'm sorry drops he's fond adieu asterisk British laughter asterisk Ali don't like this really clearly like my capital your new capital try and take the one your odds are better to retake the blue threes capital than it is to put them and try and take that six on like legitimately your capital yeah three I know but your your odds are not in your favor to take that one I'm going for the no capital strat yet something that's good stuff guys oh boy a star congratulations thank you Wow five groups well why did you get five troops cause he's second to last see that's what I was asking it just seems like a I swear the numbers weren't this high the last time you played it the full four troops make sense you get three base and one capital one where yeah that's what I was seeing the numbers seemed high there we go I feel like they they changed this game and I can promise you this games like 15 years old there's no chance they change this cake but feel like you've just started losing a lot more like not you specifically but attacker yeah it seems like it's in the defense persons hands I'm with you there [Music] so you guys like pizza or you just Panna yeah of course it's good Oh Matt you're gonna be able to take all Sealand maybe I don't want to leave my back door open fair you get bugs in the house that way yeah yeah nice you're in the relocated groups afterwards yeah now you don't want bugs in your house they eat all your cereal what what don't worry about it fail well no I oh my gosh Matt this game picks favorite he's not even like you do it was a single true now how do I move troops the next phase yes you come you won't be able to attack anymore this turn but yeah next phase you can maneuver it yeah oh yeah oh god there we go that's ridiculous man [Music] all right Steve good luck sir good luck oh man Oh Steve don't you're like really want South America I don't know what the way things have been going on geez cheese Louise I like cheese the Leaning Tower of Pisa yeah nice Steve I give your attorney four out of ten for a free I like effort yay my turn all right I also don't even know what I should be doing at this point I honestly don't understand how you have two capitals and yet you still get the same amount of troops cap no uh capitals I told you it was coming he's gonna get jurors okay okay fine do it like this then let's go oh I don't so you're sure he troops I have nothing I just have capitals I so won't say you have nothing nothing right now you're getting an extra five troops between your two extra troops and your three capitals Steve you have a continent that's true Steve your privilege is showing sorry I've always wanted to say that there you go yeah chops is about to take Europe oh my oh my oh don't talk about me making observations listen to people already have full continents you took my capital turn one we are not no put all your troops in the south but no I'm just collecting capitals guys' I'm sorry I don't like pokemon cards why would you redeem your troops this early in the game because of that because he's taking his capital back the horrible strategy oh my mean gosh scrap oh yeah Cathy if you want any chance of keeping that you need to take his other yellow yeah out of that territory why Steve right now I genuinely have nothing still and two additional why was he like like I'm the enemy you're having to cabbagey whether there's people with full continents out here look all I was saying I was giving him some friendly advice if he wanted to keep that cuz you're gonna come for New Jersey she should get you out of the continent I wasn't even trying and just wanted the Capitals need the troops wherever I can get them Jews reward I could tell you the reward of friendship is off the table oh yeah yeah I'm okay with that right now see here's the problem Kath you let Matt near you is that the problem why it's gonna crush drove why like this is ridiculous oh you're gonna wear really not well now that is it but now you are going to suffer sir that's fine look I got a key I got to make moves I want you to stay in Australia you had your move in front of you it was to take vales capital I see you much there for me to control I will tie you in crushing all these nerds what happened to well you never agreed to alliance you just said I just won't attack you this turn if you want to attack you I love you and then you said I love you call me sometime and apparently that's off the table listen man that was just an arrangement that doesn't mean anything you got a verbal what you want oh no do you want an alliance all right Steve yeah you're on the other side I would have thought that Avril could have been easy why can I not maneuver there we go why can I not I'm gonna have to clear out your troops if I want to get this monopoly over here no no that's fine I assume that does everybody unite against Europe what certainly feels that way Jerome has a lot of things he can redeem right now is the actual problem here I never said fulong against a lot of things like I have two stars a lot of you also have the two troops thing that's just dad that is if you born here me out here we can have the treaty as well I'll take my three out of Africa and you can have Africa you mean it dad yeah if you want to do truce with wipe my three out and we can continue with the truce if you think you can do that honestly I don't think I can wipe it out so that sounds good to me if you want to pull it out of there okay next turn I'll pull mine out of there that was the best I could do there we go I'll take that it was an okay turn ha what a joke you left this capital wide open nothing you are a bad man sir I would never get your trust back again I'm not gonna do it in fact if I did that I feel like he probably wouldn't talk to me for like a week straight I wasn't gonna talk to you for a week straight anyway Steve oops that hurts I know what you told Cappy to do to kick me out of America I mean look it was in his best interest yeah you told cap to kick me out of America listen man I was gonna do that anyway my president blaster should never be a thing president blast a missile thing four more years four more years now the minecraft crazy craft server you're president for four weeks sir it's full experience I heard years how about a curiosity why didn't you take Iceland to get the Europe the she could she couldn't from where she was take Europe oh well I guess you left units back she could've booth German I'm sorry bud it happens Steve drops you just full-on when I hate you mode that's all I can say I know I'm spread thin that is something I noticed their drought they sure man take your North America I'll take a leave my door open in order to take out dropsy boy I want Asia probably so well I need a way to truck my troops over so I slit and yeah thanks Lincoln all I'm saying is you can either watch for the rest of this video or we can truce I'm down to church but I'm taking Asia how am I gonna get over to dropsy Iceland you have the back door right there she left you alone and she really did you let me give you an air drop zone pin area you're literally in the continent to take her out the three in Iceland the three and Iceland up there that's you so if you just air drop them in there take out Europe I can take care of Africa dang Oh true okay now you have to protect my borders this garbage I'll be able to protect them that don't you worry six in Australia yeah that's protection I know that's a lot of true that is that is a lot of protection I think you're fine really take out his to this one the blue one the point I could try it's a tootin don't you see that was literally like I was trying to give trying to change I guess she's a turd burglar Wow all right unnecessary but I like it good work there camp I want my turn back to bed oh and feels like it's been yawns I know right just feel like if Matt was gonna do it to me now would be the time to do it to me no no no nothing hmm circle of life okay all right all right [Music] this is a friendship ruiner yeah it is oh my gosh I didn't think you were actually gonna take the whole thing in one turn people mean I'm not came quite close my friend come in close yeah mmm think I want to do here take out the one yeah do it they got the one yeah but then I'm really open for a trade that would be horrible come on three against three you can do it you got this now it's Steve's turn which is the biggest question mark I've ever seen because he has an alliance with me to the west I start to the east he's analyzed available to North I don't I'm generally they good alliances are you still good with that room yeah I didn't attack you did I nope nope is in but I'm trusting you here okay oh oh no hey there goes here Oh what is this oh my god oh my god you know you have to be rolling straight sixes to win that right like in the actual rolls he was just constantly rolling sixes oh my gosh that was amazing Steve that was tragic I'm so sorry there really was that's ridiculous that was six I mean high against boy buy this game hates me okay I I don't even know what to say that I've had nothing but while you're down through Asia and Russia pretty easily mmm-hmm I could maybe have my hand at Asia you're right it's gonna be a hard just Europe or Japan maybe I'm not gonna be able to take it all this be honest you should be able to take the room you oh he's he's going for the oh I think Africa's still your best bet but oh you're already on attack nevermind yeah I think is no one really is coming after a sure right now so it's like I could either have a place that isn't contested or just be doing constant micro battles it's like but at the same time there's a capital on the line you could add a capital well yeah what I can take a whole continent that's gonna be huge for me at some point in the future I'm sure they just say get your anyways Russians get your own there we go you trust him what Dave I'm scared what do mean I trust the easy I could have went I could have literally said you to take Africa but well I don't like to tell he's teeth [Music] yeah alright settle down now mateys yeah that's it's all I want to do Oh double star let's go they're nice those are always good yeah three troops yeah I need the troops I knew him you're gonna call in your troops yeah man I'm in a weak position over here I gotta to be four looking at the board yeah look at the board Val I think you're in a much more powerful position than you think looks smaller just because the country itself is smaller but you're you're a lot more even than you think you are well yeah but Jerome's gearing up to have a position to Alaska right now so I'm kind of worried about that so I'm just trying to survive listen I let just let me have Alaska okay but he needed the whole thing you didn't have to do with Alaska sweetish see yeah that's from I don't know what you're talking about you don't know manifested Steve are you even American [Music] if you're if you're americanese you'd know what that is I've never manifest anyone's destiny before where is my manifest destiny people at and watch movies it's gonna have to do with moon oh my god Steve do you legitimately not know what manifests that this is this is a legit question Steve this isn't a bit a bit do you not know what meant what are they talking Errol ined it's the it's the country's destiny from colonial times to expand all the way to the other coast murder the first people to come to America felt they should have each Coast connected all the way across the country so manifest destiny is the angle from the Atlantic Ocean to the Pacific Ocean I mean I don't know if you ask me it's a pretty bad book Oh meth you have like the Gumby cursor whenever it comes to yes the worst okay here we go interesting choice Matt's a problem I don't honestly I'm just gonna go on a limb insane after this which doesn't come out of my mouth too often when we play this game I don't know if anyone is quote unquote a problem right now no one's really like no one has like a mega power you know I'm saying like I'm just looking at the board like we're all kinda actually yeah I don't really I don't see like a mega power that that's the thing yeah yeah I agree with that like Bale clearly has the most troops but he also has no bonus the three of you all have bonuses but drops he's got the weakest defenses I've ever seen mouth well I didn't have much of a choice but Matt's got the one way in one way out so that's like a good defense in itself he's just I assume steve is just trying to break bonuses right now but I don't know no he's not he's going through the campaign's be cool he's be sorry don't be sorry I'm not even playing that game bro is it too late now to say sorry sorry that last one wasn't even necessary steam is ridiculous I just looked for something that had a - next - oh one sorry [Music] alright I'm like hoping I could get it this turn but I might not be able to I mean he gets an airfield if he does way I get an airfield yep huh really what for what controlling Asia oh it gives you an airfield really yeah for this one that is one of the things now Jerome is officially going to be a superpower yeah with all my ones I'm really quaking in my boots well I got that thingy with Matt going on I got nothing in place with veils so I'm just gonna protect myself well if you want to make an alliance for not going through the the Alaskans the Alaskan corridor what do you think pal here's a problem drum how many alliances are gonna make I have many alliances to be fair my alliance with Steve I mean like I'm not even in Africa anymore yeah I mean actually you know I'm not really now oh no I I've got a super zoom in okay we're good Sofia what do you think yes or no yeah I'll save ya I'll see you out of that all right cool I can move my troops off that border [Music] Matt you're my taking care of the external mains two continents that's better than one brah I think this is like the most filled out map I've seen so far for like any game we've ever played like all the continents are taken just the bow okay here we go kept the beat oh there we go my Cathy's about to have America do I have to get Greenland I don't think so yeah you need green London girl yeah but green ones not a part of America well it's North American there you go [Music] ha I'm not sure if I should move any troops right now so all right there we go well not a bad turn for you pal yeah I want to give a risk where we all make our moves at once this isn't a ham this game so usually I would love to play but while I'm asleep this group yeah would be so much fun okay all right message received Matt Matt does not want anyone coming near his country's I mean I'm just saying someone's gonna have to break an alliance eventually I think we can ascend this game in peace do you want to in wow I feel suddenly safer hi so we could we could just end the game now oh my god I got so much this is I think the power is going to Matt's head we have World Peace honestly we can be in the game I got diplomacy what's with Steve actually I'm not gonna put them like anybody I just wanted my continent oh yeah I've got piece of everybody this is great buzz bad cuz now I'm gonna be the bad guy that I don't have to Steve you don't have to if we can last one full cycle without eating each other alive we can call it who's comin there we go Steve you're here to start off the cycle are you gonna be a Gert nerds are you gonna be here if it's Steve it's me or you drop see oh you got to be a good avatar or a bad avatar why are you redeeming troops Steve are you just protecting yourself it would appear to be so are you protecting yourself yes all right why Steve oh man now I'm just kidding maybe we'll do world peace we'll see I could go for some world peace I'll be honest we've never had a game that offended oh my gosh you get seven for each oh that's huge yeah piece this together dropsy don't don't sure New Jersey turn you'll never get a turn again for the Republic oh god this is going horribly wrong oh no oh no this is Eddy terribly wait right hold it together New Jersey's almost in our grasp hold it together man oh my god oh my goodness it's an ultimate wipeout Valvano Jersey today to roll the dice well bye guys Vail he gives you an honorable last turn you wanted peace so piece this together pal I didn't want peace I was waiting for my gender let go aah for New Jersey it's over pal bon voyage valleca sweet ride Phoebe make the right move protecting up there oh I don't like this view of the mat okay there we go good turn yeah you're such a butt youngest I want to know why I took over all Akane to get the defense died it didn't give you a defense die that's not what word is it it take overall continent to get a defense die you know they change every time right of course did I after all these years you do realize that that is the case yeah of course dropsy you and I need to make money moves here oh yeah exactly exactly I need we need the brake bomber here Matt are we still working together then Matt because it sounds like they got a I don't know drum so you're like them I'm not touching Europe alright good drive not touching it I could join your alliance against man just like oh yeah lions against man stop see I won't take you out if you just go after Steve I kind of don't want to go after Steve I'm not gonna lie I got New Jersey that's all I wanted in this world so you're cool it not having Asia no I didn't say that or am I just realized you can't be part of the alliance I'm sorry why not why because I have to I have to attack someone like I'm not going another whole round not attacking so you can attack dropsy no dropsy and i have the alliance you're not part of this alliance oh maybe me and you can make an alliance instead but it's dropsy yeah we're the weaklings we're the underdogs and you don't have a Europe bonus anymore so if I stop your North America bonus as well you don't get bonuses I just don't like that Steve snapped I didn't even notice that I snapped it to be honest someone's got to stop this man man I'm not I'm I don't got anything with you all right I just got your roll I don't I don't wanna do my change you can go through me everyone I just wanted to get rid of the bonus why would I go after Steve I chose plans Matt don't listen John see I chose not to get her and she's gone I'm really enjoying playing this game except for the only reason you needed to go after me is because you didn't have New Jersey outro it's a strong troop right there dad sure that was Mike that was the best troop I had I don't know if you guys heard me or not but I hate to inform you but I'm first the frozen gosh Steve Gleason troops oh my gosh no matter reacting right now I'd say Mets oh we're about to lose Steve this game can't last about crashing it's just not doable [Music] no I should go [Music] you've left South America extremely fortified now yeah sorry guys it's so upsetting Matt you're a meanie head sir and across the matter you got New Jersey I'm not done yet no no okay okay ah interesting choice Matias yeah I'm just uh up I ripped out my headphone you guys have to give me a bit okay let's see why not that's about how I figured that would go hey you're on that trip to your buddy yeah I know I mean it's a lot of ones but that's a lot of ones you know that's what they say that yeah they yeah they say that so wait what's the attack died then how do you get how do you did eyes then what's the root of the ruling here oh I don't know I didn't get to read them oh geez yeah they're ridiculous oh god I think I'm getting the Stevens not clicking stuff Oh Matt I was doing something okay this is yeah I've been in better positions before we've been in worse positions too you got a really good attack point from Alaska yeah you could attack from the inside though no I've got plans give me give me give me I see okay give me get big tippy tippy tippy thank you and turn he doesn't want any bonuses on this map right you keep your bonuses away from me [Music] I want no man except Stephen to have bonuses well quit blitz round to the end go go go go go go go go go no it's it's pretty pop you just try to surround my troops there no it worked didn't it what are you doing troops I want one of those Hey how could they let me down like this all right decisions to make all right Matt I got an idea if we team up and take her out and we both quit the game at the same time world peace we can have world peace no guys that's an option Matt it's up to you bud we can still have world peace I think Matt should go for Alaska I think nap see we're all the penis there's an option it's on the table Steve I want you to know nobody's touched I'm here cut it's just so difficult it's got nine and nine on each point I left it well fortified see that was a strong troop yeah [Music] what do I want to dude you're on go big or go home it go through the ones and take Europe he is Europe no I mean he still he doesn't have it oh yeah yeah because of you Matt you could have taken dropsy out I don't think I could have well Matt controls most of the world [Music] [Music] okay okay good good good good stuff there Matt good stuff it's a very interesting strategy I see yeah yep yep yep yep I'm not really confident yet I have a lot of ones but it's just too many people burning troops over and over again exactly role piece as an option World Peace is an option a propeller on the just beefed up yep we're gonna be Smet we could have World Peace you know mm-hmm what do you say pal week you're ruining my church what do you what do I say peace Matt can we have peace oh okay I'm in I'm in all can we take Steven will be out no you should have him Steven must remain he is the winner Steven must be the inheritor yeah I've already dubbed me the winner of this huh you're the new Australia Steve you will be the inheritor of the world sir thank you I appreciate that there you know honestly I could really you're not just gonna take me out you're gonna leave me with two tears yeah I can pull this off sorry Rob see you're gonna have you gonna connect yourself 100 yeah yeah you got you gotta figure this one out yourself drop see look I don't make the rules around here what I just drink the coffee I don't make the rules around here except for the rule about replacing the coffee you know when you finish the pot you don't you killed it you kill you kill the Joe you make some oh you know it's Joe you make some oh I've never heard that's amazing I love it that was ridiculous you just beat that man they give you that one you beat that five and don't know how wise leave your capital with one troop with no way to put more on hue no drop see I don't think she has much option here I'm pretty sure next turn is right over and then we can have world peace met I agree why do I gotta be taken out we don't know peace what do you mean oh this whole time it's like I just want my consonants that's all I know hasn't anyone else been paying attention to dropsy doing that only taking one continent and then purposefully pitting everyone else to do her dirty work against them how did the only one who's actually noticed this no value died because she wouldn't give up New Jersey listen man if there have been like some sort of like Peace Accords of like a summit or a talk we could have had you could have had Jersey but not you just straight up killed me there is there is a summit New Jersey I grew up near there Wow Wow good good good got a fight apparently there we go was a normal god that was did you hear it was very unsettling it's still making noises alright I'm gonna end this before it where it crashes on us there we go alright from you know it must be done yes the time has come it's at the peace-offering time well almost although I'm not dead yet so no Aki's yes you must bring takis to the piece of quartz all right here we go and perfect all right one two and now maggoty roll oh you I'm never playing risk again I'm never playing risk again give me the honor of the last roll all right man are we having peace accords I'm coward piece of cord all right let's haven't been been to go bendigo drunk we're having a piece of course have been to go Matt I just want to get to Ben I ain't gonna Bendigo some helmet some Matt I'm going to Bendigo draw I'm coming to then to go Matt okay hold on it's one more trust you again there peace talks and Bendigo Matt can we have peace drum I don't I disagree to your piece Matt I disagree had I would have let you in Bendigo without tanks well now there's tanks in Bendigo yeah yeah I wish I could see what you guys talking about all right Matt peace buddy no what do you mean no are you max I took Bendigo is that it I love Bendigo you don't even know where Bendigo is it's in Bendigo that's raw things right that's it Jerome far as I can pick this alright deal you keep that I keep Bendigo alright alright deal deal we did it guys well guys tell me where Bendigo Steve you're dead
Channel: JeromeACE
Views: 415,984
Rating: 4.952796 out of 5
Keywords: risk factions gameplay, board games, youtuber, lets play, minecraft mod, mini games, no swearing, jeromeasf, jeromeasf risk, risk, jeromeasf risk factions, risk boardgame, risk animated, risk factions game, no cursing, funny, fun, jeromeace, hilarious gameplay, funny moments, challenge, jeromeace risk factions, general bacca, how to, gameplay, risk factions, troll, tutorial, animation, pranking
Id: 0U7bJ_AAEwY
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 50min 53sec (3053 seconds)
Published: Fri May 29 2020
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