- 4-Player (LVL 9999) Pirate Grim Reaper | JeromeASF

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well it's been a couple weeks less so we played fire dot IO and honestly watch is the tragedy come on this is such a good game the only thing is this time around we have a big challenge that challenge is beat in the game without Steven Steven if he's not here today is cat peed on his router again so remember everyone just like the last flier die Wow where you got that many likes which is absolutely preposterous ain't you ever like help support Steve from not having cat pee on his rod please let's get 10,000 likes of 24 hours all right what do I want to name myself how about we go with Steven with the PA Stevens router you know I always think it's funny during when I got it do you smell fried router question steamed router you don't always think about the room what's that surely with the size and the growth of the channel recently a lot of people will be coming into this video for the first time they have no idea who Steve is and they're wondering why I stumbled upon this video and this man's talking about cat pee on routers yeah you know what that's true it's very true well I one of our guys Steve he often times has his cat pee on his router it has happened on many occasion and because of that he is not able to hang out with us all the time it's very he actually said it's it's really quite the problem he just refuses to get any like rid of his cat I know what is that what you were gonna go with uh wow I just watched a butterfly trout himself why do cuz you're Tom the cat's oh god oh god there was a a mean old pterodactyl I tried a bee but I guess this Lobby is very full but no one has that I know it's poppin' but look at me it hadn't run away from a Phoenix yeah but look look at the amount of people on the board they're like I don't know there's there's no one above a million and there's usually like at least two or three people above a million that are just going around bullying people you know fullest range oh I know wait I almost got immediately killed so the police are still here I think I just accidentally ate a pigeon I've eaten so many people not gonna lie and then in the game itself I actually have already a Hornet wait wait are you almost that you actually almost ate a real pigeon just now what did it taste like I I got it I got I gotta go I bet you pitches would probably taste like chickens right chance you know how that's like saying like rat would taste like mouth sheep and it would probably you don't think that pigeons would taste like chickens I think they taste like rats maybe more like ducks like that like texture you know I'm saying well let me rephrase it depends if it's like a city pigeon just I think if you ate like a Jersey pigeon like right out of the city wouldn't taste good what's wrong with shirt you got a prophecy pigeons no we had the best-tasting pigeons in the in the country man okay it's like chicken Street chicken yeah oh you know you're trying to tell me you've never had Street is mercury at the top of your guys leaderboard yeah murder is up there then Mars comes down first Street chicken you think you're better than us yeah Matt I mean Baltimore wasn't exactly the best place for street chicken either oh come on I bet some Baltimore people can cook up some great street chicken uh that I hold I'm gonna put something in nice and private oh no well I put the laptop next to me in the off chance I would need it in case people needed to talk to me so does it pop up on screen and we're would if we're like two minutes in and it's already getting something you already didn't spice me up in here oh wow yeah that yeah yeah that's something huh but that Steve guy yeah that Steve guy he's so funny and so smart I miss him how long do you think he fixes it like router again it's a kind of missing tomorrow at precisely 10 o'clock Oh that said it's a very long time away yeah Steve we miss you can we get better can we do what nine instead by nine well I'm not hardly earlier day I guess no get out of the way get out of the way things I was poisoned and so I had to get into the water I just got it in the nick of time I could have died oh oh I almost had a dragonfly yeah you better be gone I don't get what the appeal is like when you're those like small bugs and people like running away like frantically for the lives it's like dude it think you play the game for like 35 seconds like this does not matter to you oh I can eat meat shanks is a Falcon Falcon oh yeah Falcons eat meat shanks know if you knew that I'm dealing with this pterodactyls crowding my cloud oh oh and then I'm the eagle next and doesn't the eagle eat penguin OHS I'm just knowing how all right now the snowy owl definitely eats penguin you're the snowy owl ah not for much longer I got two dragons chasing me hey accidentally ate a pigeon again tell us what you do to the game dough Jarreau it's street chicken that better not become a thing on the channel new jersey fried street dude we should bring it up and raft dude we should make it's very well I make a fast food chain to the KFC n JSC kid new gen JFC New Jersey fried Street no NJ FSC New Jersey fried street chicken mmm fried chicken hey the stork I bit him that's rude well he had it coming where did storks live in the wild and club I don't think they live in clouds have you ever checked no I never check I remember as a kid watching this like I don't want to call it I don't wanna say documentary because that implies that it's real but it was like basically a documentary about like fire king no not tired I did start watch that last night though but about like mythological creatures that could exist so you know that they cover like the Loch Ness monster and one of them and like Bigfoot just things like that right and they had one I can't remember the name of it I've never been able to find it since thinks I was such a young kid it was like before the internet really like you know was like a thing thing and and on it they I had these weird things that floated around kind of like like sky worms and they lived in clouds yes and supposedly they moved so fast that they were unseeable to the human eye and they were Chinese like technology to capture these things and I'm like I'm gonna need some brain bleach for that one yeah I wish I could refine this this documentary are less I don't want to use the word documentary because it wasn't like real but you know I wanted refined it was interesting but I was like 10 or 11 at the time and I was like man's cutting-edge science they got cameras I can capture at like 100 frames a second like I don't remember what the exact number plus I'm just joking around here but you get the point I was just a mystery channel you remember this really yeah who's like a mermaid episode 2 I believe it I can't remember all the ones there was like a lot of yeah they were like you know they went through like all the things they're like all the things that could be it was like well they're yeah yeah I love watching like ghost hunter reality TV show oh my goodness there was a pterodactyl and a Phoenix and a ghost all hanging out near a cloud just picking on poor innocent people who are just trying to eat penguins and gerbils out here as a snowy owl do not come near the Arctic I have no choice I have to eat gerbils and I have to eat penguins that's where they live a parent I just I'm the same I've got one more I need to do and I can get out of here also like did you guys ever know that gerbils I don't think they live in the Arctic do they that's not that no gerbils live in the Arctic really yeah mm-hmm that's for the from oh can bless them oh that's a dragon killer oh I'm no longer snowy owl so jealous [Music] move Turkey move jeez from PM's wood calls in Florida wood beasts and if not you have them in Jersey well it's not like a bee that lives in wood or something yes and they live they've been eaten our siding because we have wood siding no shirt on termites unless termites are yellow and black and fly and our bees well I just died because of subtle jerky oh come on dude you just couldn't move really learn to operate the Falcon dude all right well I'm gonna die here in a second here's a picture of what they look like and I'm dead gosh dang it alright play game oh I don't want to be this guy again thanks Matt I hate it oh geez yeah Matt why would you do this to looks kind of cute but I mean look at all the sawdust all over his face has been Monday do they make honey I don't know but they don't sting tame a cool wood honey the manliest of honey this is hickory smoked honey Tigger's smokes you know there you guys ever watched Shark Tank yeah most of the Australian version for whatever an Australian version yeah what are they to sell like wallaby accessories it's basically the same as the US version but the darks are like more like realistic and less traumatic what do you mean dramatic well unlike you reckon one they'll be like one shark left and then like they'll like like just do everything for the sake of like being like dramatic I don't know like whereas like on the Australian one they're just like real no I'm with you on this dramatized TV has gotten out of hand yeah I'm watching really hell I'm watching sports sometimes I'm watching the Astros play and it's like real close-up zoomed on the pitcher's mound I was like man I really want to see what all the players are doing know you know you know one thing I I always the thing about shark tank that I was like never like a super fan of I don't like those people that go on there that clearly had zero intention of wanting to make a deal they just wanted the publicity and it's like kind of like ruins the show they're like look like there's no deal going to be made here like you want like eight bajillion dollars for a quarter of a percent of your company and you know you knew for a fact that we're gonna say no but you just here wasting everyone's time anyway well yeah devil's advocate you know they cite like they screen those people beforehand before they're on the show and also I feel like a lot of times they let people on the show if they know they're not gonna give any money just to like make fun of them like just to make it seem like they're a joke you know like some guys press he's like he's like I want to sell toilet paper clips it's for one you need to move your toilet paper when you're moving so you want to waste it so you clip it so it doesn't come unraveled and then they're like well certainly this isn't gonna sell but let's see the Sharks make fun of them oh I'm how do you get money for toilet paper clip I'd like toilet paper clips I would pick on need to have Flex tape on shark tank they don't need shark tank money flex tamed no but like I would love to see how they react like he goes in there with an actual vote he's like I saw this boat adapt if he lives-- on a boat in half and then brought a pity pool in and filled oh my goodness right but that's not all he pokes a giant hole in the kiddie pool okay these people are rude there's like oh this man in a ghost suit with a Reaper thing is just camping the cloud he waits three people to go into the cloud and then he swoops out at you well that is kind of rude actually no you're saying it out loud like very rude never stop being a rude dude come on brew boy but wait how you doing over there uh just trying to mind my own business nuh kept blowing up my dragons yeah they're very hostile today they're dragons yeah but they're not always so hostile like when I'm a dragon I'm a pleasant fella I'm a hawk right now so it's like oh what a hawk the incredible kind sorry dragon I've got a premium account I could stay in this cloud for 12 minutes and nine seconds so he just left he only had 20 seconds in him that grow some patience man shrub you sure showed him just rubbing it in for no reason well I am a raven now but the reason I brought up shark tank is because it was actually related to the bee sting at one point they had a kid on there who had made spicy honey was good I haven't tried it but the Sharks made a deal with it and it was pretty successful so I was thinking about buying some spicy honey does he source his own hunting as eby's I'm not sure like it's been like God the drain you weren't even trying dude you just were randomly flying like enjoy your limited success here pal cuz you know desert okay I got away from him never mind hey I even saw that happen Jerome I was right below you don't know who I am I've mean considering that I saw a raven get blasted in the face by a dryest could have been anyone I got away with it by the way I lose the other Raven here drop okay well you didn't you didn't see my name though right don't don't reveal my identity to these I mean I didn't read it entirely but I saw it okay good good good the dragons don't like me because I'm a erm I dived a myself dragon smell like poo and honestly they had been targeting me ever since then though oh I thought it read that Vale is bad at blasting what I would never name myself that I don't know I don't know why you just whoa they changed the map over in the far Arctic area what do you mean there's have there always been underground areas with penguins in them that was the the other last update so that was that was like it was recent that was like two three weeks ago but yeah this is a whole different ballgame it's scary though watch out cuz some of the ghosts and stuff like that could go down there and then to get trapped yes I see the dragon now and it's not fun being eated noticed nuts I would prefer it never happen okay you're halfway through Raven now you're a punk I am a I am the angry bat here man oh he's gotta kill me no I like being the angry bet because he gets eat the meat shanks but he's also strong enough to eat like the Eagles and stuff that also do it so he kind of scares them off so it's like go away these are Miami chinks yay mad bet and then I become the pterodactyl child not the smear dactyl speaking of the child did you guys watch Mandalorian like come on I need it back I want it back come back baby Yoda come back to it baby Yoda if there's ever a time where we needed you we need you now more than ever yeah you right those are two series that actually did need to come back there's the Mandalorian and the witcher it would make so much better i watched like four or five parts of the witcher and my friend's house back in late january very good I watched one part and then I had no idea what's going on by the second part so I need to rewatch it very science email it's very violent though yes the fight scenes are actually bigger in I would say better but then what you'd expect out of even Game of Thrones so yeah Headroom hello blade do you uh stop eating all the meat shanks please no I need the meat shanks so I could become a pterodactyl child well I need them too so you not want me to become a dinosaur I don't want to die to this because everyone knows that's my only dream in this world I would always become a dinosaur always has we can tell you which dinosaur life you could be in this or I wanted an Cleo because they have the big spike balls attached to their butt what if I use eBay I got a premium account I gotta sit here forever you're gonna have to go alright there you go see rub it in I don't want to be a brontosaurus because even t-rex is don't mess with those boys the humongous I just slap everybody away like what you want nothing so t-rex is do they really not even attack bronto's I mean they'll go for it because they have tiny lizard brains would end up well bone and well-formed now look here Peter I got another long wild away in this cloud I'm fresh up on water just go away [Music] well right now I am a Samaritan mara dactyls are always scary because that's like the last thing you can get before you become like the status effectors like a Phoenix or a swamp monster or whatever so you you're susceptible to all them and because you're so huge you're literally a huge target as a Phoenix just attacked me there and then those names nervy no and the Phoenix is gonna try and eat go away dude god I like literally what what is your deal dude it's the same guy every time what is your deal dude God dang it what am I now and a raven again cool it's so frustrating we'll come get the attention of this guy chased annoying and that's exactly what I was talking about a pterodactyl that's why I hate being the pterodactyl cuz you're just you've got a huge target on your back we need Steven Libby yeah we do Steve so you did a target what so that he can be the target no because me and him work together well I all work with you oh you aw he just misses Steve no one else is good enough it's just Steve you literally just asked me to distract someone for you so that you could get away it I could get eaten yeah but that's not teamwork blade that is teamwork is just the opposite of the way you want it to work [Music] hello Pig I would like to eat you thank you hello other Pig I would like to eat you okay any minute now come on give me just one more gerbil I am now mad bet that's what I am I'm an eagle now no I'm a hawk which means I can eat the meat shanks which means I could get out of the Arctic by oh well that's a pretty good thing to do I am scared I cannot move for six seconds oh my god what is that thing what are you it you can eat me geez I don't even realize that thing could eat me that is crazy what was it a demonic in a little Betty thing you with big eyes yeah it's very rare you see people as that this is named Pete no it's a it starts with a P it's in Russian uh [Music] yeah tell recording Dylan Dylan could save us tell him to get this game yeah bet you he'd be really good at it don't want to play Minecraft VR right now so but because Jerome's making me work Dylan can't play his games okay that's that's mean Oh accurate it's be nice my computer to play Minecraft VR fair I'm gonna play Minecraft er and at two years is it good she's gotten any better or is it like the same or I don't know I didn't play it two years ago Fair Play well I played two years ago is fun but I would call it gimmicky as in like it's not like I would not go out of my way to play Minecraft er like if I was making a world you know it was like a cool like one-off experience like all I was sick you know I mean I'm not gonna like make my entire Minecraft existence in there that's personal opinion I don't know be our game though Bozek feel like that's VR as a whole right now though that's fair yeah it's very fair yeah I mean I enjoy most of their games to that play but you would you elect to play them in VR format as opposed to normal format if you had the opportunity yes really I have a trailer and I've not tried minecraft VR myself yet but didn't normally the only thing that gets me with the VR stuff is more like the motion sickness so I can't play as long but the games are definitely more enjoyable people that came and eat me are just like trying to like cram people into spots it's so annoying yeah right now I'm the pterodactyl again and immediately as they got back to this area here a Phoenix just tried to attack me and I've been poisoned it just got like five kills in a row there are so many things going on yeah that's kind of this game in a nutshell no I mean like more so than usual there's a lot of people on this server okay [Music] karma was about to kill me that poor Falcon that I just ate I think I found a fan of butterfly keeps landing on me any emoting really that's awesome yeah he's gonna die though because he wasn't watching himself though oh I didn't kill him someone else did okay well that's good yeah yeah I would never hurt a fan unless they were like targeting me once they start targeting me in a game it's all bets off luckily enough I don't think Edea then will assume that I am dragons smell like poo I don't know man someone who might know no no I'm gonna die no please please please no oh by some stroke of luck I might finish up the pterodactyl run I was big pterodactyl and then died oh yeah that's happened to me already once it's a rough one there's literally a Phoenix and a dragon camping the Jurassic area over there geez oh I've got the fear I've got a fear no I got killed by Peter no that really must be down the hawk no go oh my god if I get away with this you're so bad haha sorry this is a public service announcement from Jerome your basic dude that guy is your basic and now I'm gonna get away and I'm gonna become a swamp monster and I'm gonna come back I'm gonna poison you I'm gonna ruin your life it sounds like my ex-girlfriend I'm a ravenous girlfriend with a swamp monster feels like it no the dragons not letting me get out of here dragon seriously dude like you just need to stop I just passed you blade there's not even any flake food around for me because there's so many people I just started in sightseeing it's a big mood like there's a lot to look at it's kind of interesting all right bring me your dead fish please I'm so upset I was big big boy and then I died and now I'm Raven again Raven was my favorite character from Teen Titans she was cool I like the cyborg cyborg was cool oh yeah yeah um I always saw you as a beast boy boy I met I met the guy who voices Beast Boy why yeah I think I think it's in the new one but I think he also voiced the old one too so I think he I think he bridged the gap but I could be very wrong about that how did that happen ah nah San Diego comic-con because I used to be one of the hosts of the DC kids YouTube channels I they sent me out to San Diego comic-con and they had me interview him for a way or the VC kids are you tell me if there's like I could find a video of you like doing like the Kids Choice Awards like talking on the microphone like and the next thing is then you're open up the envelope and you're like no no no no I I was host of the of like the DC kids YouTube channel so like I went to San Diego comic-con interviewed him and a handful of other people I was really hoping that you were like Steve Harvey like Miss America like Shazam Shazam as well that was interesting yeah I actually I got to meet him and talk with him he didn't like me very much but that's a story I'll tell for off-camera oh I already know I felt guilty watching the movie I mean I'm not playing around with the whole Shazam thing that did happen I doubt he remembers me out but hopefully he doesn't know dude your deal just go just go Oh Kappa B hello oh oh that is that you yeah just a humble duck Oh duck I'll try not to kill ya life is hard with no what is your actual problem what is what is your problem dude he go go go away sounds like someone's having a bad dude it's it's it's the same handful of people okay I have an idea for a fly or Die video but it'd be very difficult yeah yeah a whole bunch of people from the discord on and we just target other people in the game so like all right we're all gonna go after this person yeah and then we just die man he's dead I got away from the Phoenix luckily another dragon I mean mad are you okay I don't need to talk about it I don't want to talk about it I'm back to the hawk I eat raps sofa I'm back to the Raven DRO yeah can I eat you know I'm literally made of rocks you sure I don't think anything can really eat me I'm literally made of rocks mm-hm dinosaurs used to eat rocks to help them like masticate their food in their stomach that is true like brontosaurus just swallow them boulders where's your problem nervy I'll take you into space we'll both suffocate [Music] wait how are you gonna pull someone in his space cuz he's just like bullying me oh my god and then I come back down to earth and almost hit a pterodactyl are you eating on whisk sometimes I do be like that Matt are you Elon Musk you might as well be if you could be any of those like super genius tech guys out of all of them which one would you be okay I would be I'd be the musk you'd be Bill Gates Bill Gates cool he's a very generous heart too yeah yeah he does a lot of charity work and I really appreciate that from someone so rich and it's successful Mark Cuban I would I know he sound like a tech one but he's like really like a mega Pachulia it's also like pretty cool guy yeah and then you could get like all the like basketball tickets I think okay yes yes you could get all the basketball tickets pick up like I'm pretty sure he's just like oh I'm pretty sure he just owns like water to tea he owns the Mavericks the Mavericks that's the Dallas Mavericks yeah about the YouTube group there's a YouTube oh god yeah there is thankfully I do not believe he owns them yeah that'd be a black mark on his record yeah but I'd say Elon Musk probably I definitely wouldn't want to be Jeff bzees oh not the bzees gives me the heebie jeebies I'm almost done being a demonic bat and then I could become a demonic imp I don't really know what my responsibilities entail with that kind of promotion but a lot of impact you know what you know when you're right you're right blades it's scary you gotta get a walk with an imp oh my god did you just sigh support all right what can I eat now that I am the demonic imp I can eat a lot of everything really including bosses I think I'm gonna go and probably go fight a mummy oh not my mummy and I let you die and you're like wait a minute so this is this it you're like yeah this is this is yeah I'm gonna go fight a mummy I guess oh hi Bill I'm the law sometimes you just gotta do what you gotta do you know Dorothy afterlife was just a non-stop wave of like call duty zombies but mummies you said to keep telling the mummies forever well what if the afterlife was just non-stop scooby-doo music and you're running for Amazon fee well it's a weird world we live and I don't really and this is what the real worlds like I don't even wanna know how crazy it gets it does not stop Benny Hill music zoinks Scoob would you do a first Scooby Snack row raggy oh good this is why we need parental supervision when we record these but plays you're a parent why are you stopping this because I'm getting lots of messages not really listen to you oh I was like the meanest answer I was not expecting that I huh all right guys fine that's the end of the video bye guys don't even worry about it well I'm eating mummies now I'm dealing with this uh pterodactyl was trying to kill me in a cloud yeah that happens a lot on my way to work especially there's a lot of pterodactyls listen you joke but swooping seas in Australia what was that again someone toys I would like birds attack wood birds attack it's just the movie birds in real life drop terrifying and they just swoop down and try and eat you like this is the thing they'll swoop at your head and peck at you oh my god why are they so mean birds are mean sometimes dude but I thought all animals were supposed to be nice I've watched a lot of kids shows growing up and animals are always nice and talk this guy killed me knocked me back down to walk out started eating mummies the demonic imp can't eat anything which is kind of frustrating he can eat like you can eat bosses and then they could eat players but it's like I don't wanna I don't really want to do either of those you know but I guess I'm just gonna continually fight mummies oh man so my the only person has made it to like the mythical creatures beyond yes okay yeah it's a very big struggle like you broke out of like the struggle zone it really is it is the struggle zone up until that point like I'm on the verge of getting out but I just keep getting beaten back damn there's an eagle whose name is not food so I wanted to prove him wrong by attacking him I think yeah I think I might kill him oh my god please give me enough XP please give me XP to level oh my god it worked I leveled up to Dragon now for killing that Eagle I'm so sorry for denied I don't even necessarily know if that was you know needed or not but like it happened and you know he can't get his life back now so it's over no use crying over spilled pickled actually Stephanie worth crying over spilled pickle jars that is a very sad moment really the cookie jar nursery rhyme but a pickle jar instead who stole the cookie from the cookie jar it was veil yeah dude I I was totally the kid - still cookie oh goody bro what about like everyone else I'm sure everyone else wanted cookies no no I was more important when I was Val wouldn't steal the cookies from the cookie jar are not blade blade would instill a cookie some closure I guess he played just taking the whole jar I mean like there was never a jar hahaha there is no joke there is no jar there was only me isn't cookie in cookies there haven't been jar here in many years it's like like played there was one literally last week find the evidence prove it that's what you get there is no evidence it's the perfect crime oh my gosh as the dragon inside this pyramid people just keep flying in for some reason expecting me to let them go and I'm like dude like you're right there I'm gonna let you on fire obviously come on come on dragon listen to some dragon name - stop it stop that stop that you're killing me dragon stabbed stabbed rate stabbed wait Ash Ketchum ashtray luckily enough I I love playing as the Dragon and the Phoenix when there's no one else fighting with you over a particular boss when you have to fight over the bosses it's painful because it takes like about two ish minutes - two and half minutes them to respawn and that if someone else gets it well you're out of luck you gotta wait another two and a half minutes and that could go on for a very long time so you could be waiting and competing with other people and you might get like one every 10 minutes and you know you need you need to eat like two bosses more or less per level up between them more so it's like you could be there for such a long time I've got a dragon on my tail and that kind of means I have to go into space every five minutes there we go finally I'm a Phoenix I wanted to level up out of there cuz the irony was killing me cuz I was named dragon smell like poo and I was a dragon yeah getting what you're putting down and ya got one boss oh I was wrong by the way apparently this next boss wave it's gonna take me eating three of these bosses well we'll save our stuff for whenever you have to get like player kills and stuff yeah eat I'm sorry mr. Perret I just need to pair it all aboard the struggle bus [Music] and whoa that's a fan oh yeah his name is at these names J Deuter and that was my name remember that there was I was J dude or like maybe a month ago or so when we last played oh it's so sweet get a really good fan base girl oh you got a really good little nervy as well little nervy guys yeah world-class rapper yeah Jerome you should just like literally start doing just trash I'm sad to say I stay Derby every single day that's that's Mike that's how I do I stay in shape I'm always nervous I'm just nervous sweating non-stop and it helps to shed the weight you I'm not that's that's not please don't no that's part of the lower now Jerome ascetic put that on your wiki page through that wiki page I don't know who pieced that together but there it is is so far wrong on so many things for really dude they say I speak fluent Korean on there what yes dude I'm serious there's some wild stuff in there they said I moved to Florida with my mom I'm like no I moved out of my parents house they still live in New Jersey I back up in New Jersey now right now just you know visiting it all that high but like no I live on my own in Florida like I don't even know what's going on on that thing anymore man they just say things that I'm just like is that maybe that is my life maybe that actually is what's going on here at this point I believe anything yeah you know things are getting weird whenever you have to check your wiki to double-check your way I know dude I don't even have pictures of my pet rabbit as a baby anymore I literally have to search the words like Google Image Search Jerome Rabbit when I want to get pictures of her really yes that's boxers dude and they come up to search to roam rabbit it'll come up okay there's some really cute photos dude let me find a cloud some very cute photos on Jerome rabbit needs Google image search Wow but the first thing that comes up is a YouTube video meet my pet rabbit Oh kooky cookie Megatron bunny we know the third the Earl of Yankovic the bunny formerly known as Cookie Monster and sometimes referred to as captain cookie she's grateful oh that's their fault yeah yeah I'm seeing a whole bunch of pictures here including your skateboard picture I have a skateboard picture yeah the one the one using literally everything on my profile picture yes yeah my super secret personal profile picture that no one can see but sees everywhere I should change that by now that that that has been my profile picture for a think over a little over a year and a half now that's probably bad time yeah I change it up I'm waiting for whatever months droughts with the ahjussi he's gonna like turn it into a meme I know by the way guys I'm a cosmic insect shouldn't say that about yourself drove did you just squeal at your own joke fail no I'm proud I just I love that whenever I get a good laugh out of my own self - god I still got it it still got it I object to the use of the word squeal like makes me sound like I'm a big as like me yeah yeah I made a joke [Music] I'm just laughing at my own joke about laughing at my own jokes now my life now - an old man yeah and this is just start making bad jokes plate is this what it's like to be old I'm good not listening Wow Elise she's honest sorry I'm yelling at staff so can I yell at staff - no shut up I'm sorry bad I'm not even gonna ask cuz it's usually me who's doing something wrong and getting yelled at by the staffs I just don't feel like you know you will receive what if I yelled at them Oh fail you totally can play can you let Vail yell at them I don't need I don't even think I have an Emmy do well when was the last time you genuinely got like mad mad and I'm not talking like bad like everyone gets mad from time to time I'm talking like irate like unstoppable rage I was working at Applebee's at the time okay well let that Applebee's has since been permanently closed my goodness what did you do to then I didn't do anything it is more of a reaction to the circumstances in that place and hey I'm a pterodactyl man sounds like you might have done something to one eye I just had a real bad day I wish way for a YouTube video come on two years that time I closed an Applebee's it's like it's the it's the new prison game-mode like but instead of escaping to prison to escape the Applebee's it started off like any bankruptcy story all-you-can-eat buffet wings half off a pizza I mean it was pretty lit because they had like all-you-can-eat rip let's wait today really at Applebee's yeah they did you can do it you could get like you can only order them like five at a time but you could order like advance plates but you year riblets wings unlimited fries can you explain to me would have rib lettuce it's a small rib okay how much were they do you remember cuz I remember half off apps and I used to go for half apps a lot uh they were like you paid $15 for the all-you-can-eat like platter and then you could just keep ordering no matter what you wanted and specifically they were crosscut riblets which means instead of having the whole rib bone they would take the meat and crosscut it so that you get the cylinders in the meat instead you cut the bone and they can hand yeah yeah that would cut the bone and you would have the dude have bits of the cross cut of the bone in it but you would have a lot more meat and you would just eat around the little cylinder of vote interest sounds good I don't really meet anymore but it sounds good I mean what it wasn't my jam I was more about the sauteed shrimp honestly they had endless shrimp you could actually order endless fried shrimp what yeah they had all-you-can-eat shrimp light is that part of the fried platter thing like how much does that cost it's the same stuff same stuff you just get all-you-can-eat shrimp and would be 20 bucks or some 10 bucks 15 to 20 bucks yeah oh my god why do I not live there Applebee's dude how long can I live off of endless fried shrimp let's find out let's go thick Jerome's next blog video that time I got kicked out of an Applebee's I'll just go there once a day and just eat just carb load just fried load up on fried shrimp and then I leave and only once a day and the rest of that fast how long could I survive before I got some weird unknown disease I have 20 bags of shrimp in my freezer 20 bags of shrimp how many like how many shrimp are in the bags a lot 20 bags look we're on quarantine I don't ever know when you're gonna get another bag how many yeah how much that cost you the sriracha shrimp must have left an imprint how much that cost 20 bags out again I don't remember I mean it's like not in one shop and like we got a couple of different shopping trips but 20 bags of shrimp yeah you get some like pineapple habanero sauce marinating with them yeah I saw a duck fly by name Jerome ASF oh did he wattle way to the berry pum pum pum pum that's always cool ever we run into fans it's always cool when we run into fans and it's always not cool when they decide that they're gonna kill us and ruin our footage wait are you gonna go mat me about 20 bags of shrimp how many boxes of pasta do you have that's different don't debts that don't that that's it's a lifestyle that's a whole thing that's a lifestyle okay and shrimp isn't a [Music] lifestyle it can be maybe we're just not as fancy as blade getting 20 bags shrimp how is that fancy what l is 20 bags of shrimp not fancy guys shrimp cocktails every day it works like yeah I'm just grilling them how are you growing them like wood charcoal propane good it's the only way you do it right listen don't tell at the Hank Hill Hank Hill was a lot of good things but a griller know he was right about the medium-rare thing though yay I'm dying don't worry it's too good not a good time so it was the good dying I was the overfed thingy favorite scene and king of the hill is like dad what do they do if they ask for it well-done it's like we ask them politely but firmly to leave who's had a restaurant no that was just Hank drilling in his backyard is so funny I just think I love that is it's very subtly funny you know it's not like outlandish like Family Guy or Simpsons it's it's like you can conceivably think that all this stuff could actually happen like yeah like that's like a very like yeah I could see that like it's it's just very subtly funny I like that even when like Dale Gribble goes off on a tirade and he's just like the government's implanted chips in my breath you're just like yeah that's totally something the normal person would say oh now i rewatch that chubby I never like watched it straight through much bits and pieces but the entire like show is on Hulu really yes good sign I has that right now I'm infecting a zombie nice and I may be a ghost a Reaper can I eat you guys I'm actually a swamp monster now so I think I'm good to eat Oh that'd be huge gains but I don't want to waste that on this one cuz this one's easier can't waste that on the next a pumpkin Reaper mm-hmm blade what are you or Matt what are you can I eat you guys I am a snowy owl again yeah yeah but it's not gonna be great blade feed me where are you blade feed me Seymour currently flying to the left because that's the only place I can eat things I'm in this I've lied so many times I'm in I'm in the swamp right now I've not made to the swamp alright stop pushing me let me know when you make it to the swamp - Rumpy me - you can but I'm only a bluebird it's like which is sad considering I have legitimately been trying to level up and there's just so much stuff and I have I'm in the Arctic now blade I've just entered the swam okay I'll head back into the swing [Music] hmm now let that go [Music] yo there's a pigeon named Sunday wash okay I'm now a street chicken I'm not chicken now in Arctic during the Arctic okay yep yep yep incoming that you blow job good job of it watch out for that Reaper alright I'm in that cloud to the left there yep yep yep that's me I'm in that cloud are you ready if we're gonna jump down just gotta get away from the other Reaper that other Reaper wants be dead that's another Reaper nope this way up here blade I can't kill it we were down there I can't get it yes yes yes yes yes just thank you that caught me like a third of what I needed God dang it okay I try it's okay it's okay once I get through this one and I could go after veil that'll like help me immediately Bruce if we beat this challenge without Steve which I guess is the challenge really I'm gonna be very impressed I'm gonna say I was higher but then I just kept dying to everything it's so bad you're like starting areas it is well when you're stuck to just the Arctic or just the Dino area is like when your XP Boosh doesn't work I cannot fit in there drum you know I can't oh are you spectating me expect obviously yeah I can't fit in there one of my revenge on all those mean old dragons were harassing me all these years they do stink there's a penguin out back there yeah yes I am now I'm a call nice well if you ever want to sacrifice yourself I'm in the Arctic do you think that's worth sacrificing as a macaw drag it Spyro go away - you actually bought that game let's go on sale the other day noise I killed like a hawk or a falcon or something for 4 grand always like talk wait a minute you bought spiral what I'm gonna say I'm like they've got like a PlayStation 1 store or some not they remastered it and I'm keeping it in my back pocket you know have you're not plugged in your old systems and store for that it's called Amazon Joe I recently found out from someone who might even be one of you guys isn't it true that they had an attachment for was the n64 was the peano ps1 the ps1 had an attachment that you could buy to connect to the internet or something like that I think Matt told you that and might have been yes - I don't think ps1 had one I know Xbox the original had Xbox Live but I think it was a shadow of what it was like I only had only played it once or twice at her friend's house yeah Xbox 360 though I played Xbox Live oh yeah xbox360 was whenever we went into the Golden Age of gaming it really was though because I feel like that was when like online gaming - console players became just insanely accessible yeah the hugest thing about gaming recently is it's so easy to do it now my favorite thing is going back in time when all my friends used to be like oh yeah PlayStation network's free why would you play for the yet you're gonna scam paying for the Xbox one and now oh I could tell you now is I pay $60 a year for my xbox live membership but I get $10 a month removed from my account for PlayStation I don't know if that means I just have a bad plan or some if that's like the plan everyone has but yeah thinking about hashtag cancel and get to be honest hashtag canceled I could be wrong though doesn't what are the price sunnix I'm pretty sure that's what I'm paying gram pretty sure it's ten dollars in like 69 cents every month they get sort of like charge around here's the problem okay this Friday Final Fantasy 7 remake comes out my wallet no dude that's the one good thing about it being indoors for so long ago god I hit the robot on my mouse I'm good but the one thing I like being doors for so long is looking at my credit card and going I haven't spent anything in weeks oh I have noticed that too it's very nice so how much do the Sharks give you they don't I only get XP from living creatures I can kill them to heal myself so I can eat I can eat non living for health but not XP yeah hey I'm almost me head over to the Dino land volcano see if there's anything big over there yeah I mean the thing is - I don't even need that much more like I I need how much more is it 3000 XP that's like nothing well I mean if I hit play again I am now the eagle oh man that actually might be enough blade for results on me on the complete opposite side of the map but you know no nobody for no Bieber foo-foo Reaper no reaping Reaper no reaping no way oh my god I have two of these Hawks at near death [Music] yes let's go baby got him alright stay alive stay alive cuz I'm the pumpkin now I'm gonna cover the pumpkin ghost and then and then I'm gonna come and I could eat you and Vale and that might slingshot me to victory all right so just stay alive whatever you to do please please please please please I mean I'm just flying back to the Arctic so I'm about to beat a demonic imp nice dude keep it up keep it up fail the more you get the more likely I am to slingshot ya slingshot teamwork UNICEF deceptively powerful slingshot friendship with the power of friendship and lots of explosives we will win the power of friendship in the middle of Puteri industrial complex we can make anything happen I am back to snowy owl and I've got lit on fire by a dragon okay okay I just got to the pumpkin Reaper so I'm gonna go meet you over there no drag it go away don't eat me no dragon this by XP I am now Falcon it's better than nothing being chased by a Phoenix Wow being in the middle of the map is just not good no it's really not uh Val where can I meet you for eats I just got to Dominican so the jungle area is in a dragon Hajer I could smell like poo oh man that made my name makes so much more sense hey guys I did it I did it I did it I did it I'm to refer burn around a turn and now all right well now it's time to go and try and defeat the boss and lose epically I'm pretty sure but we are still winners here we beat we beat the challenges out Steven yeah we beat the challenge we did win so hit that like button everyone we beat the no Libby challenge Steve you are alive or now on a fly or die recording we just beat the beat flyer die without Steve and Libby challenge how does it how does it feel buddy okay bye he's ecstatic I don't know if you guys can hear the excitement in his voice he couldn't be happier that we did this without him alright well let's go and sacrifice ourselves down here done all right well it's so sad because there's a 25 minute timer for when he respawns time does ending it there
Channel: JeromeASF
Views: 357,287
Rating: 4.9447823 out of 5
Keywords: Minecraft, JeromeASF, youtuber, modded, mod, minigame, custom, challenge, mod pack, hilarious gameplay, funny moments, how to, minecraft mod, minecraft roleplay, pranking, prank, trolling, troll, mods, gameplay, tutorial, parody, no swearing, no cursing, animation, lets play, xbox, mini-games, mini games, showcase, minecraft animation, custom map, traps, funny, 1.12, playthrough, comedy, flyordie, flyordie io, fly or die io, io games,, .io, io, io game, fly or die fast, max level
Id: YKfmVw_rr4k
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 60min 12sec (3612 seconds)
Published: Mon Apr 06 2020
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