- Beating The Game (MAX LVL) Grim Reaper | JeromeASF

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oh my god oh my god well it's that time of the week again where we try to get to the very top of the fly or die boards it's not gonna be an easy one every time it is an absolute ride but this time around I know we can do I mean we literally did it no more than like three weeks ago so let's see what happens last time we try though estimate I had a lot of bad luck but this time no one's gonna know it's me that's because we're gonna be a secret agent I'm thinking of a name what's the name no would ever guess that I was no no they're gonna guess that one let's go with ya secret you guys have no idea who I am I'll tell you that right now if I see you you'll never know you're up Z you'll never know also this world doesn't have a lot of people on it it's interesting we might have a chance list I know right that's gonna be so hat I'd be so happy Blaine are you here can you give us random facts I don't you had a peanut butter and fluff sale uh-oh that's what the marshmallows know I never really had one of those who say I ever had a peanut butter banana sale no I love peanut butter banana sandwiches I've actually never had them yeah I never have always either there so I don't really have a lot of peanut butter sandwiches growing up there's both peanut butter sandwich peanut butter sandwiches are dope but what's the ripeness of the banana juice like green or is it practically brown isn't right well yes but I actually like the bit of sour that comes with an unripe banana I actually just like to dunk my bananas in blue cooking dye and then I just leave it there for about a week and then I a blue bananas surprise me I don't do this don't do that it's unhealthy yeah maybe I don't know that sure who knows with all the preservatives they put in things nowadays higher actually I wouldn't do it tell me that Grim Reaper already oh no so that means he's just harassing people for the sake of harassing people because I'm just the Dragonfly so I'm not worth much to that's so sad it's fine [Music] Seagal was so fat and that loved it [Music] thank God is 50 percent of his body drops I wouldn't go oh boy I don't know why I'm having so much trouble like controlling my bird this today it's it's not easy miok flying's a little delayed so that's fun oh there's a Phoenix please go away oh my gosh the devil just flew right by me must be heading to Georgia I think so that was my precious violin you gotta take lessons from two violin Jimmy all right that is so as a fight I want nothing to do with there was a pterodactyl fighting of Phoenix okay I'm just gonna fly right on by this and see you guys never ah it's like alright y'all have fun with that there's currently a red bird chasing me that's not pleasant well there's a red Reaper really don't want to have to deal with you oh the guy who killed me has almost a million points he's at the top of the leaderboard god alright now I need water bed okay okay I mean I know I could drink the swamp water but is it it really doesn't refill it too quick does it no no please I'm so sorry killing people water having a good time having a good time [Music] I'm good cat don't you can cats too don't eatin cats hey I ate the cat cuz the cats were giving me good XP yeah I was an eagle now you already you guys level up so fast now I am a snowy owl the secret ingredient is in the comb Jerome ASF yes and I'm on fire and this devil is gonna kill me now see I used the code every time that is true you can't use the code Rome is set for 40% bonus yeah you get a little booster ooh well I think a 40% boost and I think it less like March 31st or something like that so oh nice yeah he kept me extended it for me was supposed to end in February and then I asked the the Creator I was a cake and I like have you ever been so far as to ever hi I've stolen a penguin from this other snowy owl whole another penguin oh hello other penguin oh you were you were just smoking us Jerome I am eating all the penguin O's and you guys have no idea who I am secret agent man the games actually a lot more peaceful when people don't know who you are when I instantly just straight-up play like Jerry in this game I would die so quick I wonder why people don't like me Oh started as a dunk about you naming yourself Jerry but then you made it a dunk on your own self can we get a high five for a self dunk I mean come on Otto good old self dunk self dog so how about them dunkaroos huh how about how about that pizza can I be honest know what Oh gem said it can't be I know you could be not of course you could be honest that's all we like around you I've never had what oh okay I was told this was in a giving place and accepting but you were told wrong I could speak my truth and not have to worry but I've been here before you were very misinformed then I'll tell you that right now have you ever been here before drop see I mean yeah but I was hopeful just everytime and then I'll always have my hope so that's they can dream ok this other snowy owls a jerk no I it was never a snack like in my home as a kid how I don't know I just never never had them dunkaroos drop like I saw you I saw your tweet when they're coming back I was like oh that's cool but I don't oh great what's next you've ever had Lunchables neither alright I've ever Lunchables I was about to say remember the kid cuisine Oh kid was een that's what I'm talking about the brownies oh yes I really think Lunchables took the cake though as like the ultimate like yo bring to school item like if you had that for lunch you were like oh man your parents are awesome okay what type of pizza that was the only one it was the only choice what you talking about fake sandwiches with them regular white crackers I'm sorry but you know like that was like yeah oh all the ones hurt pretzels character princess kebab oh yeah I don't know what you're talking about now what is a kebab oh no it's it's a newer thing it's it's like different meats and cheeses and you put them on pretzel sticks and you eat no how about 100 G's that just sounds like the crackers with extra steps yeah I want the Lunchables but it tastes better because you know there's salt on the there's salt on crackers too weird question but I mean obviously you never did it at lunch time as a kid because you'd bring it to school and you just you know you take the little bread thingy slap the tomato sauce of the cheese the the pepperoni on it call today but theoretically like would it taste better if you like microwave dinner baked did in the oven or any anything or like and like it was okay like it didn't really like add to it you know no fair enough yeah I don't I didn't know I was just like the man like I've never like you know I never did that as a kid I say I only did it once and I was like I'm not worth the time I'll just eat it cold god I can't get anything cuz these people are stealing all my stuff you're a butt you're a butt sir have you ever thought about the fact that maybe not all of it is your stuff no it's my stuff my fire dye domain Hoka Hoka so I'll occasionally have Lunchables for lunch like now cuz they're sold in the like little market we have on campus I haven't had a lunchable probably since I'll say elementary school it's been it's been a minute I probably had one like two months ago I survive solely on Lunchables my sole form of subsidy yeah also not recommended yeah bad fellas ice TM I'm doing what's called the lunchable diet I just eat Lunchables until I die oh no yeah no one said diets had to be effective at anything [Music] oh sure I can suspect that you're playing flyer die which means random facts yes we do blade is horrible we s played for random facts and he was like terrible YouTube star as a dating site what I did not know that no actually Wow can we just bring that back what was the premise of it like you post a video of yourself and be like hey like I'm cool look at me I'm not like some crazy person remember hot or not that way now YouTube today hey like you'd like judge a photo you're like is this person hot or not it was called to induct up inspired by hot or not where people just look at like a short video that someone put online and then decide if they want to date them ah I had no idea I didn't know YouTube started out that way you know that reminds me of a really obscure like seventies or eighties commercial but I'm just gonna keep it in see your friend effects are so much better than blades where he just disappears hell's gonna say the non-existent ones that blade has cuz he doesn't even see oh space monster please leave me alone how much points do I get for eating a snake that's not bad and you get bragging rights cuz you eat a snake I almost left the site and lost my progress snake gives you twice as many points as a dead fish YUM oh manufacturing company called YouTube like the letter U and then tube was getting a lot of their traffic and YouTube tried to sue them but they're like no this is a manufacturing company that makes you shaped tubes lowercase or uppercase use this Phoenix is chasing uppercase that'll actually surprise a lot of people this is not like legal advice so obviously you know don't don't take it as such about trying to get in trouble here however I believe it to be true that you can have the same name as a company so long as you're operating in a you have a reason the name so not just for stealing their brand trying to take their traffic and also so long as you're operating in a different space than then so as long as you fit both those bright lines you can carry the same name as another company but you need to make that it needs to be those big distinctions you can't operate in that other companies field at all hey Jerome what's your company now see that would be stealing off a brand because you have no practical reason to make sure romance of LLC even if you're just making pizzas or something you can't you have no practical reason for that now if your last name was as food and your first thing was Jerome that I mean yeah yeah you can totally that's plausible well it's not legal advice so don't listen to me entirely but having a bad time you what if I had a company that was based out of Jerome and they made lights lines and cardboard you know I don't know what they would do with that one mat I currently don't there's a town called Jerome though it's in like is it I want to say Arizona I think the fact that I can't tell you but if you tune your attention to nice and private I can't cuz I don't know what monitor is gonna pop up when I'm on display capture here that's fair I'm 12 on the leaderboards though [Laughter] can I have random facts a different one yeah North Korea and Cuba are the only two places you can't buy coca-cola oh I said you can't buy Pepsi I was about to say it doesn't surprise me at all because Pepsi also during the Cold War Pepsi was selling in the Soviet Union Wow they actually know this is crazy for a while Pepsi corporation had one of the top 20 largest armies in the world yes they cuz they this is not a made-up thing the Soviets didn't have the cash to pay them for the shipments of Pepsi and so they literally gave them old like outfitted military vessels so PepsiCo PepsiCo own I think it was a submarine and like a destroyer ship and like one other thing I'm not making this up you know you look at wait a minute the soda wars are real I think they would have won that if there was but ya know you can look it up actually Matt do you mind looking it up real quick what was the number of like the trade was insane they gave them so many like just destroyers and I don't know why Pepsi accepted that trade besides memes like what are you gonna do with that they were like yeah I'll get a tank whatever they want they have a tank but yeah they have one of the largest navies in the world at some time like like top 20 navies in the world at some time it's probably so in let me get the full article here it says here in April 9th of Oh a hold on I hate when you get a really good excerpt on Google and then you go to the article and it's like 40,000 million yeah yeah okay so in spring of 1989 Pepsi and the Soviet Union signed a remarkable deal helps to became the middleman for 17 old sub submarines three warships including a frigate a cruiser and a destroyer which a complete crap just wanted like the metal so they like tore it all apart but what it's a he'll like I'll give you some soda just give me them old washed-up submarines you got okay that's amazing I was just so that is crazy I was trying to be conservative so like I know like a submarine like know who's so interesting the plot thickens it wasn't just to give them some Pepsi the Soviet Union allowed them to open up five more Pepsi Cola plants in the sorry double the amount of Pepsi Cola plants placed in the Soviet Union that's some hustle right there got a respek like Pepsi then was noted saying we're disarming the Soviet Union faster than you are actually very funny geez well that's my random fact for the day you're all welcome woodpecker I don't know what happened to play period we have no idea what happened in that's what happens though strange facts is a dangerous place I'm also being a Sikh a secret agent right now Matt so my name isn't like any derivative of Jerome or Jerry or drom or J slam or Jelani oh my god yes now Pepsi briefly became the seventh largest military in the world seventh largest oh man yeah I knew is up there I see I was trying to be conservative with it cuz whenever you give a back and you overinflate it you look you look like a butt and no one believes it so I like under inflated it I was like one submarine top 20 top seven they were like that's crazy some of these say sixth-largest my thought was you jerome i it was Jeff boy I can't tell you how many points I have for fear of you guys finding out my name are you pro gamer eight zero eight six five six five five seven no I don't really believe them are you pro gamer zero eight six five six seven eight five five seven no ask him one more time yes no you're not lying no okay related to reasons we can't discuss but originally coca-cola was free because the founder knew that people would be hooked on it and come back for more so for a very short time Wow : for free and then they started making it cost money Wow my yeah some of my family lives where coca-cola was first created in Georgia yeah that's cool yeah I'm guessing another HQ is in Atlanta but I'm guessing that's not where it all began right it was probably I know yeah it's about like two hours south is fairly close I've been to the UH I've been into the coke Cola headquarters and I've also been to the secret vault not like the tour but like the secret secret vault they have they have us they have a secret vault that has every single piece of coca-cola advertising anything ever created saved in that vault everything anything is really cool I have videos on my old phone I could see if I can dig them up cuz he let us film there and all that I don't really know if I can publicly release them I could show you guys some yeah they let us they let us film it for a reason and like everything you could think of just like like advertisements for like 1920s like every single bottle that was ever manufactured for like any purpose just crazy krabby patty formula though no they didn't have the krabby patty formula sadly but like some of these advertisers are so cool like it was like historical like I usually it was a really crazy stuff man in that yeah they even had like the coca-cola they had a coca-cola couch I can't remember what like TV show or something it was for but like that was even there like anything you can imagine a coca-cola couch there's the coca-cola secret multi was very cool I went there with team crafted back when that was the thing and it was September of 2013 when I went yeah yeah it's really cool that was almost seven years ago drew don't remind me I'm an old man not fair seven years ago I was 13 I really want to know who thee now I appreciate him don't get me wrong don't think this is complaint or anything I find it funny and I appreciate it but I want to know who these time-traveling fans I have are because still to this day I'll have fans that'll pop up me like what are you gonna record the next Hunger Games a Bayesian Canadian let me check November of 2013 maybe was seven years ago my guy I know I don't but it's just funny or they'll just be like hey when's the next team crafted cops-and-robbers April 2013 this happened so long ago like what time capsule like how how did you end up here does the government know about your whereabouts no you left the time machine sir you're exposing yourself you need to stop we don't want you found out by the government oh gosh when you're ready oh yeah let's do it if you had to guess I'll make it easier which artist do you think made the most popular song on Spotify right now isn't it Liz Oh didn't she win like a bunch of awards is it Billy eyelash the most popular song right now on Spotify yeah post-post melon it's not gonna be is it is it an American yes it is an American okay cuz there's a chance it could have not and it's none of those people right not even gonna try this popular song most popular song like of all time or just right now right now roast Belen term you know you got it okay I'm gonna give you guys it's ed Sheeran oh okay well he's big a popular I was expecting like some yeah insurance not American dance climbing up the ranks it was number one yeah I dropped a little bit but I think it's coming back because she had a like she was doing a promo thing recently like with Ellen and she did the song live and her voice actually sounds like that it's no auto-tune or anything that's her natural singing voice so it's really interesting it's amazing cuz yeah that song I remembered that was gaining mega popularity at the beginning of September probably like end of August right like some around there yeah it's coming up on the 1 billion view mark on the youtubes oh my goodness it's crazy when you hear about videos like that like wiz khalifa has that song see you again I think that has more views than my entire career is insane Gangnam style has 3.5 billion views and it's just so weird to see on YouTube it doesn't even show it just says 3.5 with a capital B for the vs I think that sits up there really yeah I am nearing on across all my channels though number one right now at 6.6 billion across all my channels I'm nearing on it should hit it in the next like two three months two billion total views which is pretty insane it's a lot scary content 2 billion times is you know 210 times the entire population of the world it's not 200 million if 2 out of every seven people watched one of your things once I thought I thought that there is only like 200 million people I'm American excuse juror onus is like I thought we were the only people here there's three yeah what let's let's uh check drop see I think there's 370 million people in the US yeah say I couldn't remember if it was 400 million or not yeah it's like 370 I think might be less Center now there should be another census this year like one that they release for general information census I thought well they do it every year but like every ten years they do like the big census like the big one yeah so this year would be a big one I thought they already did that I thought it didn't fall does it fall on like the the decade like 10 20 I thought they didn't like a random yeah I don't know I know you're right it is every 10 years I just didn't know it was every like on the 10-year dot like zero you know ending in zero let me see if so that's pretty cool it's be the first one that I actually fill out I guess cuz I was a kid you know I was 15 the last one that would mean I'm assuming my parents do that how does that even work I don't it's it's in 2020 do you like I guess my parents did I don't know it would have been something they got in the mail and filled it out and then sent I have to do you like BLS ones from the Bureau of Labor Statistics but that's for like company stuff in those censuses I think are done yearly more or less yeah say those are done more often no yeah the next sentence that sentence sentences sentences is this year that's what I thought I thought it fell on the year that's really cool it'll be the first one I get to fill out too if you like forget to fill them out they like come to your house God will just throw it out man no I can't think that long yeah they really do it's illegal yeah it definitely is illegal of course yeah it's a totally illegal not to yeah you have to bank I mean they need to keep track of people I think it's literally in the Constitution as well if they get like it's an enforceable thing like that's that's not that's not going away the census I could be wrong but I think it falls on one department yeah like that's not going anywhere that's that's here to stay fill out that form I'm gonna have to start looking at mountain homes they'll find you fail they won't find me they'll find a strange man named Jimmy job as many as I need to get away from the government okay the worst first I don't even know I I know your real name veil is one of two names I don't know which one I know I can't remember which ones your person which one's your middle okay okay but you like to be called your middle but you want celebrity called neither of them get to be called veil are you Ryan introducing yourself as a five year old kindergartner out of a bunch of kids and that name that's that's very even my last name got dunked up hey Vail I just saw you oh are you all Shh wait don't worry I didn't even see the name but I know what he is around yeah the cover is e pro-gamer zero eight six five six seven eight five five seven I need to no I don't think so his name seemed shorter how do people do emojis this guy just like waved enter answer hit me up I don't want to hit it just in case I said a woodpecker on fire how many what you're doing in your real life you know seagulls I said your real life are you eating seagulls for dinner tonight zero yes I'm very hungry you want to share no I don't know what I'm eating for dinner tonight I'm very sad so I'm going away so I don't want to make more dishes for myself they're just gonna sit in the sink and get great I have five tubs of pasta why I've already been working I made way too much baked jalapeno mac and cheese I'm still eating it days later days have gone by and I'm still eating it I don't even know if it's healthy anymore to eat and I'm still eating it it's probably I'm a backdrop see up on this one it's probably not I'm gonna keep eating it yeah you can't stop me only only God is food poisoning can stop me if I ever become a food critic that needs to be my like motto [Laughter] unintentionally hilarious so mad well the facts are we working with it I have a sad fact for you speak no we don't want say thanks boo happy facts for you all right yeah but what facts pretty percent of American adults are a beast oh I'm sorry said it's the sedentary lifestyles we all live now what do you talk about I get my blood pumping through fly or die that's great I'm really happy for you I'm gonna be honest I got distracted for a minute because dropsy is absolutely right this woman sounds exactly like she sounds oh yeah she sounds exactly like she doesn't a song it's insane like I've never heard a singing voice like that more interesting facts let's see there was a pumpkin Reaper trying to eat me that's my interesting fact sometimes sometimes the pumpkin eats you so how are you guys all doing right now I'm dead I've died so many times this the top people are not kind on this server no they are not nothing flashbacks being stuck as a snowy the entire time it's not fun Jerome what are you right now uh the the Diavolo [Music] your didn't totally look up and see what name I am oh no sorry the hot tea scared me you say I could look at the lid are you on the list right now no are you lying to me no okay ban the film The Grapes of Wrath because it started waking the people up that even the most poor Americans could start to afford a car so the state banned it wait what it Wow like The Grapes of Wrath the film yes ban in the Soviet Union because it started waking people up that a capitalist USA allowed even for people to afford cars oh that's it let's be real do Americans really afford cars are we just borrowing the bank's cars perspective put it like that yeah they just let us try it yeah after like 40 years no more than that I want to know a credit score you have to get a 40-year loan on an automobile full forty year loan on the house what kind of credit you got listen the Batmobile is expensive okay and what credit are you keeping from the American people you're in a mythical store a mythical credit score bill that was the only one with a 900 credit score doesn't even exist if you're the number one credit score in the United States you get special privileges is that what's going on your veil is that what we can't know your real name is so good i prestige you can see the 50 year loan I got on my television yo man look at these shoes only got like 20 more payments off so Eisenhower introduced the Soviet some Soviet Union general to coca-cola and the general liked it so much that he really wanted it but he was known for only drinking vodka so coca-cola made a clear coca-cola so he could pass it off as vodka Wow I feel like it probably wouldn't be that hard since I imagine coca-cola not the coloring yeah I was gonna say I imagine just the lightness the coloring really well a lot of sodas are like clear basically they just add that coloring in yeah you tell me Mountain Dew isn't naturally green I don't think the word natural is to be found on that bottle anyway maybe I shouldn't say that but I just I highly doubt it I haven't had a mountain doing a very long time but I also don't really drink soda anymore so something again it's good well it's just I remember the stat I think I gave you the last flier diet if you drink a can of soda a day it's something ridiculous like over 10 pounds of physical weight so if you drink a can of soda every day for a year it's about like tennis pounds of physical weight that you have to lose every single year additionally I think it was something like 36 pounds because it adds up to be like 4 bags of like that sugar which is like 9 pounds yes like 30 whatever it is it's it's a good number it's a number that's just not worth it so I stopped drinking soda like public 7 I think 7 years ago is when I stopped that was like I was like I don't need like III play too much video games I don't need to burn off more calories and I'm just sitting here you don't I mean like it's like you don't need to add to what's already not the greatest exactly now if I was like a track star run miles a day I'd really alright maybe I got some leeway calories I can throw in there now but even then when you're really fit like that having those like really simple sugars can mess you up oh yeah like I thought that there's complexions corn syrup like making like the taste and all of that but they add like actual just sugar to it all right I've got some interesting actually worse for you on both sides we're getting really deep here I've found a list of interesting durum ASF facts no we don't know oh most of these are fake in 2013 drum shortly adopted a rabid squirrel that ran away five minutes later it's true it's true I don't remember this but it was probably I can prove this by the fact that Jerome has said he tweeted in 2013 fun fact I adopted a wild impossible drive for five minutes an hour ago and then he ran away hashtag the more you know hashtag miss you little man no I don't want to know what other pets I forgot about you trying to remember this squirrel Jerome Zeus Channel is clearly outdated not only does Jerome have a personal channel where he likes to play Minecraft and Pokemon no no no no ghost ghost ghost ghost go away and say haha I could sit in this clap for 22 minutes get your camping to your pal you get out of here you've also expanded your gaming horizons by owning three other channels on YouTube namely drum Ace baby baka and Jerome well what makes Jerome so special is that he can be pegged as a gamer with an impeccable sense of humor that they post a video of you with a hammer out front of some house like it really is cops and robbers yeah that's my most popular video as almost 10 million views and it's just how to build a house I remember I just grabbed a hammer and I was like Mike you take a picture of me smack in the house fluffy back back in 2013 sky used to call me fluffy yeah yeah I think he still does that we had frequently film videos together and you'll still just call me fluffy his descriptions he used to put everyone's names and their channels and I would just be fluffy so it's strange so people on my channel would all call me Jerome but anywhere else like pretty much on like it's on Adams channel or made the other team crafts guys see what I'll just call me fluffy that would be my name amazing all right Matt what's the next one sorry I just found this really like interview that Jerome did on this channel with only 700 subscribers so I thought that was interesting drums son son is a Pisces I mean yeah yeah born March 9 these facts are usually very wrong but these actually are turning out to be kind of on the spot still questioning the rabbit squirrel but I just try to remember the context on that I really want to go through Jerome's Twitter went all the way back to like 2012 oh this could be juicy behind the brand deal Jerome ASF oh that I did with my friend Chris Linda interviewed me for that yeah I remember that one that was not too long ago that was like a year and a half ago maybe two years ago 2017 three years ago drew reminding me that I'm old I'm scared I think I have against you guys is your youth and you're gonna hold it [Laughter] that ain't right the fun facts about life with Jerome I don't I don't have a book a lot you have a book that book the facts about life by Jerome SF 36 pages paperback I can order it a physical copy please order this book do it what I'm so good for you that's not a robbery from industries Oh Jerome hey that is not me I've no idea no remember the world yeah I'm so looking at this [Laughter] that is weird [Music] let's see if I can't preview this book [Music] what listen preview of a 36 page book isn't gonna be much if I can get like one right in there like if like it's just like someone like it's definitely just some I need flash player so I'm going to please I'm assuming it's just some kid it's probably something like ten-year-old kid who made ax this is a small story about some facts and some symbols the story was made by me Bayesian Canadian not spelled critically and I think it's probably just some kid who made a bootleg book I really do I bet they didn't even get the nose right come on well I will have to look into this later I don't I have another question that comes from way back asking is Ashley Marie gaming dating Jerome ASF no no she was another youtuber friend of mine but I think that's usually how that goes when you had you tuber that's true so they always do that yeah but no that is true I a little Stepan's what's it what do they call it when they write creepy stories that you don't want to read Oh yep yep there's a lot of those no he's not talking he's talking about a different kind of creepy veil yeah Oh number 10 you're number 10 Congrats dude captain glass boom yeah there reminds me of a quest line oh there's mr. disappear before the facts we asked you for facts that you disappeared for an hour french fry ha ha I want a don't let him bribe you with french fries we want fun facts if it's good french fries look there but no and what's their deep fried get out of here can we get the fun facts now please yeah blade you've disappointed us I just want the fun we asked you for fun facts that you disappear into the night and I'm a fun fact please blade no pressure or anything no lots of pressure we got one fact banging your head against a wall for one our birds are 50 calories don't do that it sounds like you could also burn 150 brain cells yeah a lot more than 150 brain cells also your resting cat a caloric whatever is probably automatically what is it like it's got to be like 30 or 40 calories an hour at least I think that's highly dependent on a lot of things like your heart rate and everything that's true that's very fair people don't realize those sleeping takes up a lot of calories your brain uses a ton because it's repair people say I'm lazy just working out yeah I'm working out guys its aggressive sleep calisthenics come on I swear I'm entering the coma for health what you know the 29th of May is officially known as put a pillow in your fridge day can I know why it spans back to the early 1900s where families would place a piece of cloth in their larders I mean in there what if you put a pillow in the fridge with it I mean you probably really nice to caladium Europe in the u.s. to bring luck and wealth to the household huh though sometimes in Texas I wish I could just straight-up sleep in the fridge there's a picture of my mom that we have from one summer in Texas that she opened the freezer and she like took out the stuff that was in it like put in the fridge for a moment and actually just sat in the freezer American adults okay adults believe that chocolate milk comes from brown cows oh I've heard that and honestly I just say I've heard that statistics and my theory on it is if somebody asked to be straight up on the street performing like a survey census if I knew where trust I would tell yeah I would I would purposefully and correctly answer that question i 100% oh my god those people did a joke but everyone else I mean that's still a lot of people the original Space Jam website is still alive the one original what the original Space Jam website that was originally published in 1996 alive unmodified no I love this I love this so much I don't even really why why do they make a website for at the time that wasn't really correct me if I'm wrong at the time that wasn't even like a viable source of advertising in 96 was it the internet I think you're right your own I mean like dirty on their own heads just about more attractive to females oh god plate okay Matt maybe can you take another hour hi somewhere and not give us your facts I'm trying to read facts about the Looney Tunes on the blade this a guy yes his facts scare me he's talking about goat pee during your lifetime you will produce enough saliva to build ah see what I'm sayin Vale now go on teen percent of Google searches each day have never been googled before really well I guess that specific key phrase though right right and that said he's never been Google before 16 percent of them I'm dead really youtube term is how to kiss you want some thanks madam keep that right at the top of my list home but that's actually it's probably like a bunch of like 14-year olds you know that's wait okay never mind is that they're nervous and so they're trying to figure out yeah you do research all yeah it's gonna say I thought about it's like okay wait never mind that's kind of cute speaking of cute I'm a cosmic bug good I'm dead Oh Navy has started using Xbox controllers for their periscopes I mean yeah we're all gonna die that's the only thing we can hope for oh oh you're out you're millennial humor well maybe they should slow this down wait I can't roast YouTube on YouTube YouTube's copyright checking software skins over a hundred years of video every day Wow but that's incredibly because of submissions right I don't know I don't know either that's crazy [Music] well can't be touching that guy there's a big hole the webcam was created just so that an engineer could watch a pot of coffee in the office to tell when I was done brewing that's like that guy who set his like he put like his iPhone like he took it with him to the bathtub and said his iPad in front of his TV so he could play video games well I mean I would totally do would that guy did to watch the coffee pot approximately 10 to 20% of us power outages are caused by squirrels yeah that's very that's very believable yeah I hate squirrels oh how do you hate squirrels I had a petty squirrel get into my pits you're gonna say that yeah come on dude I don't even care they get into my trash what do you not have a plastic bin they open it squirrel I think you're talking about raccoons squirrels aren't strong enough to open a plastic bin they have salmon original um the original like Internet was the next computer you know next right that was when Steve Jobs got fired from Apple so he made like a company with some other company called next to compete with Intel and apple anyway the original internet was a next server and I'm literally looking at a sticky note taped over top of the power button that says this is the Internet do not power down because it was literally one computer at one time on a college campus Wow so look at us now no I didn't find a cure for AIDS the Mayo Clinic made glowing glow-in-the-dark cats oh oh wow would you give that to me for later specific protein that was fluorescent green they use this protein to find out if their tests worked at the animal glowed the outcome was successful well then that's a good sign meant hypothetically where would I get a glow-in-the-dark cat um Chernobyl I was gonna say I won the radioactive cat three percent of the Isis I'm a big alien I'm eating all the things right now nice take place yours is penguin urine what wait what about penguin urine why most of your facts involved urine or saliva could we like nearly three percent of the ice in the Antarctic glaciers is penguin urine gross how do you measure that oh yeah I don't know about that one that one I think they just tested a pee filled glacier there's no way but not only that - like I'm sure yeah the top layer of it is that because like for facts I'm sure if you would in the wild the top layer of topsoil is probably like 1 to 2 percent animal pee but like if you dug down like surely the glacier isn't 3% pee that's that's insane you know big these glaciers are yeah there's literally a whole bit about I'm only showing the top speaking of bits you guys went to a funny bit where I read a safe but embarrassing fanfic about Stephen Jerome just snow oh my god second am I gonna get secondhand embarrassment from them I'm gonna get first time bears but no I can't handle say well I'm glad said said Jerome but he was cut off by someone gasping I looked over to where I could where it came from to see Preston pointing above me and Steve I looked up and realized why he gasped above me and Steve was the mistletoe it was tradition on Christmas that gets the person under the mistletoe with you I looked at Steve that kissed his cheek I heard everyone gasp I looked up and saw it Steve's entire face was red and patted Steve's shoulder you just ruined everyone's day it's and that's me what do you be shooting well he's invested that everyone guys yeah I really liked how they named the chapters on this book though the table of contents goes my idol saved my life but not for long chapter one my helper Chapter two I saved someone chapter three telling Mitch chapter four kidnap Jeff my father's coming home to the rescue chapter seven she awakens listen I have bad history because pokey play not sure if that rings any bells for anyone I'm considering it still exists yeah you mean poke alb I do mean pokey as soon as I said I was like Alessa wrong one cos one of the quests was a quest line written by Steve no no it was for our favorite ship known to man [Laughter] things I've seen I want to take it back okay pro-gamer is trained really hard they can't wait I swear it's Jerome it's not me who has to be pro-gamer if not me drum you'll like this one there's an island in Japan you can visit that's inhabit only by friendly bunnies I know I've heard of this place he sounds very nice is there also in the Caribbean somewhere that pig island where there's just a bunch of wild pigs that live on the island are very friendly in the ocean yeah in the Caribbean somewhere there come on like quite the popular tourist place just because people want to take Instagram photos Eiland it's one of those places i really wonder like on a serious like economic note do you think it's at all notice uses tourist industry do you think it's like at all noticeable to like the tourist industry like just people going to like take instagram photos like instagram traveling oh for sure absolutely especially because like airlines will promote that nowadays they'll ask you to like tag where it like the places you go and I guarantee that like cities and all of that will capitalize and like make those specific places like one specific example I could think of is actually Disney not that Disney really needed any more promo but there's one wall in Magic Kingdom in Tomorrowland like where all the space stuff is that like it wasn't famous at all before but like some people just started taking Instagram photos at it and now it's known as the purple wall and like it's a specific spot for pictures I have made an interesting discovery I have a fanfic of my own oh no nice private or nice posture updates I don't even know if I need to send it it's pretty tame that means it's just starting it's gonna actually I'm gonna read it to you because it's pretty close opening closed book okay one day at TS the streamer do began a stream after starting extreme something unexpected happened when viewer X turning to $5,000 and slid into his DMS looks like it's going somewhere and you're like oh god this could be weird yeah that's exactly what I'm thinking many years of a strong relationship getting closer to them they eventually formed a bond purely on friendship and morals without any shenanigans during their relationship viewer X fun plugged Matt's router from his computer while you're streaming Jerome Mattias remembered this sixty years later when they're both on life support Mattias brought this moment and joint their life support every thrown his foot and got infected to his brain and he died talking about I'm gonna start reading my love to D no no we're done with fanfics two weird facts that aren't blades weird facts I don't win pop no okay okay I've got weird Texas facts the state flowers the yellow rose state flowers a blue bonnet the two flowers [Music] there's a blue bonnets and then you okay over there no I also want to make a strong point here to show how far less stressful this game is when I just choose a nickname that has nothing to do with me and I'm not gonna be targeted the whole time it's a much piece of more peaceful games a data 2d for that one there is one Texas ranch that's bigger than the entire state of Rhode Island nice the King Ranch of South Texas covers a thousand square miles one point I've been there one Texas town renamed itself to get free cable the town of dish out of dish in Denton County used to be called Clark but one day in 2005 Dish Network made Clark an offer it couldn't refuse in exchange for renaming the town dish each of its 201 residents received free basic television that's why okay one Texas town rescheduled Halloween because it conflicted with football bit that bit sounds about right it's a legal of milk someone else's cow in Texas well sure why would you go milk and some but that's just a weird practice there is a dialect of German that's only spoken in Texas Texas has a huge amount of German cultural influence thanks to the influx of German immigrants who came into state in the mid 19th century Texas German is still spoken today I could miss Texas doesn't sound like a real place sometimes there's only one place called earth in the world and it's located in Texas there's a city named her well straight to the point Texas is more than twice the size of in Germany wait yeah clocking in at two hundred and sixty eight thousand square miles Texas is larger than every country in Europe and can easily fit a handful of European countries within its borders so right now I'm a ghostly Reaper and I have to kill people um times would be like that Boop well I just kind of feel bad don't feel bad but I don't want to kill people you'll be fine bro I think about it this way it's you or them and that you should choose you there's another ghostly reaper here and he was tried we both just tried to take a look at each other like now's a bad idea do you think you could beat that big boss underground ever I've beaten the spider boss zombie boss I had to kill to get the ghostly reaper yeah I mean you could beat all the bosses there varies no so there's a big boss the very end once you're the final form and he can really get you I mean I I've become the final form like two three weeks ago I don't remember having to be the final boss no it's like after the final form there's another boss at the final form can barely beat oh I didn't know that but I will give it a try I if I get to that point right now just need to find willing sacrifices or unwilling ones basically to see sacrifices pterodactyl guy that I was just chasing so I've gotten zero kills since becoming this thing this is not going too well wolf can you just go back to the start and find a bunch of the noobs yeah but they're they're quick they're quick voice why that's where I'm gonna go all right I'm gonna try the Arctic see what happens there but yeah one of the things you can do to get good experience is to go to the Jurassic area and try and eat the small pterodactyls all the baby pterodactyls amen you want to get them gains or what it's so annoying oh oh oh I missed them I'll get back at you later I'm gonna eat those snowy owls okay why does a ghost need oxygen that is a fair question to be fair I've never heard a space ghost except for the one that's coast-to-coast huh I'm just saying all the ghosts I've heard over on earth so we didn't I mean maybe they need oxygen you know you're not wrong but sure there's got to be some water ghosts like pirates and stuff you know so did you just you don't know space ghost coast to coast no oof am I supposed to know what that is yes oh I'm sorry that I don't I am a failure [Music] okay I need there's got to be someone here that I can eat dude where there's always a million snowy owls oh I've seen that Matt there's the man of culture I don't know where all the snowy owls are hiding right now but this is uh not good snowy I will please could I just guy just please it'll be okay please snowy owl I would like to eat aha Turkey I got busted down to a fly oh geez you got sent all the way back yeah I think I ran out of choose your character uses oh no it feels big sin but have no fear I am butterfly now my butterfly fluttering butterfly what are you right now dropsy um well I'm not playing hmm and then they died again so I've just been watching the guy who killed me no I died I think seven or eight times all right I'll tell you guys the truth I'm potato chip courses on the board he's uh other bigger Grim Reaper I got 22 minutes I could sit in this cloud yeah that's what I thought thank you oh oh you wanna you want to come back and wait it's okay you can wait buddy all he said was a heart well I don't like you so go away it is unrequited just trying to be nice come on oh he's not even chased me with a scythe what do you made wants to be it wants to be friends yeah just wants to give you a little trim off the top no he's trying to kill his hair yeah come on I did it I accident I killed a duck that was like very very injured or something maybe the stork I don't know now I'm killing a duck yeah yeah kill that duck I mean you don't get much xp for killing ducks and stuff but it all adds up I suppose I think it was like pretty much the last real thing I have to be this then I become a pumpkin which is instantaneous to becoming a pumpkin Reaper and then I'm gone after that I just have to get to the real Reaper I think so I'm a pigeon I'm pretty much all done here nice dude I mean well it's all dependent on these me getting kills really so it could could be quick am i killing a high-level thing like literally we're talking like boom or this could take like 20 minutes well just wish me luck or feed me I mean I'm not much to eat right now I'm just a duck I'm just a bill I'm a duck bill cuz I'm sittin here yeah shoutout to school house brought do they show that anymore in schools I was wondering that I really hope they do too that was like a highlight this one of the few things I actually remember from like my history classes when I was younger his schoolhouse rug [Music] no hi blue bird blue bird can I please kill bat can i please kill there's a fly that just waved so I'm trying to karate chopping haha don't karate chop over just waving he's got to go mail [Music] alright there's got to be someone out there that I couldn't killeth someone who's afk or or they lagged out or some come on do you want to eat a bluebird I'll eat anything at this point I say to duck and gave me 190 XP I'm desperate man okay I am parrot boy come eat me where would you like to be eaten oh I would prefer to never be eaten but here we go okay I just flew past the swamp of going towards mid okay I'll I'll meet you there then I'm gonna fly towards that area ooh [Music] oh man the parrot can eat food so fast oh yeah I mean he's a you know he's bulky he's beefy he's got a big old beak I am now a stork I have a delivery for you Jerome what where where are you hi kami me hey potato-chip Jaime thank my misery 430 points is that the is that the one where you can only kill people yes that that's why I'm stuck I it's just gonna be and let's be real Kelley people's not easy you got to get lucky and find someone who's injured you can't just like hunt someone down like that guy I just killed because he literally just like randomly what afk all right well you did come over here and kill me again then huh yeah you won't be that much XP I just killed you well I mean I'm a stork again okay it just knocked me down to pair of Brooke [Music] where we last were hmm I'm not sure cuz it kind of spawned me in a weird place wish there were a map here German did you know you were born in the same place as another famous youtuber Kipkay New Jersey yeah do you remember Kip Katie back in the day I rings a bell but you used to make like DIY videos like on oh yeah hey we're making this video that you can do at home those channels were awesome okay so are you before or after the ocean Oh way before the ocean I don't know get cool yeah I'm like just right of the swamps really okay I will be right there Jer bear the troops you met Mitch in the fourth grade yeah he moved to my town from 4th to 6th grade so I grew up with him he was like a childhood friend and oh is this true he brought if I want to spark bad memories okay he broke my skateboard ramp and I did not like him if that's what you're gonna ask no watch these does she mean sometimes why don't we just not say whatever it is you're about to say so too deep now or too deep now we're in a relationship with a youtuber named Jasmine no I think I saw you drunk she was not a youtuber well famous birthdays got some facts wrong I don't say Mosul's online fact things are so wrong they say I speak Korean fluently but this this whole thing is such a terrible like little family life section it says you were in a relationship with a fellow youtuber named Jasmine but later ended the relationship you also ended a relationship with a woman named Luis and the last line of the family life thing just says he has a sister period in the war who writes these things man I don't del here the number 30 second most popular person on famous birthdays com4 born in Jersey oh god I don't want this number 13 for web stars born in Jersey interesting and the number sixth most famous person born on March 9th sites exist I don't know this person min yoongi oh the 26 year old rapper [Music] and bow-wow is pretty high up there drums competing gets bow well Obama I was born on March 9th yep Oh Bow Wow but if you would like to hear all the people that you're beating that's your beating TV actor Sierra Ramirez TV actor Matthew Gray and I don't know who any of these people are some chicks are how do you go kill them me Thank You Vale hey tuber how much locker I'm like a third of the way there it's not easy usually Steve's like a super high up there thing is let's be eat him I know you guys are all disappointments you're also more popular than a mere go who's fish Vespucci Amerigo Vespucci the man who discovered America and no I don't think so and snow this website 14:54 to 15 12 explorers number 44 is the most famous people fourth on your birthday I'm gonna put Amerigo Vespucci it who makes these things America is literally named after a mere ago I mean I didn't know that Amerigo Vespucci yes that's the man is named after I don't know what to tell you germs pretty popular I play minecraft I'm not stop you can't say you're not popular no like this vision squad oh god let's move on okay maybe we need to stop doing fun facts the fun facts were fine till Mets are like a fanfiction and getting weird on us I just want to know when you're gonna do next video with husky mudkips alright on the list it's right there it's on the schedule you didn't see it alright let's look up the most uninteresting thing and find interesting facts about it 10 incredible facts about dirt 1 tablespoon of soil has more organisms in it than there are people on planet Earth that's pretty cool actually it's actually kind of interesting ok 10 incredible facts about the sloth wait sloths are great it takes a minimum of 500 years to form one inch of topsoil without sloths there would be no avocado books whoa that's the extinct giant ground sloths were some of the only mammals that had digestive systems large enough to process the huge avocado seeds whole they feasted on the fruit and then disperse the seeds far and wide all tree sloths that we see today evolved from him and they were thought to be over 80 different types with Megatherium we're from arc yeah Wow and slicer three times stronger than this guy oh no oh my god it is true whoa this can't be right I'm gonna assume it's true but 15 tons of dry soil per acre passed through one earthworm each year 15 acres no 15 tons of soil pests like each year an earthworm consumes and then unconsumed 15 tons of soil that's 30,000 pounds isn't it I know that's a lot of pretty resilient do you know how how torn up I'd be if I had to eat and then poop out 15 tons of soil here well that's all they do all day is even poop that's all I do all day is an earthworm your spirit animal I think so feed me and I think I already told you guys this fact so this is the fact that I always find interesting is that pigs have like little bees inside of them what why like beat like wasps pollinate figs so when you eat a fig there's a very high chance that there's a wasp inside of it what do you mean no stop okay I love figs I don't think I've ever like just had thanks like I've had Fig Newtons I don't like Fig Newtons I love Fig Newtons so you're saying like fig wasp so you have a chance getting stung by a wasp no they're dead that's why whenever you eat figs are usually ground up so you would never notice you know whenever she eats a fig I might add this little things I wish I never knew yeah gropes figs aren't technically a fruit they are an inverted flower so the fig blooms inside its pod as you know flowers need to be pollinated so they could reproduce but since a figs flower is hidden inside itself means a pollinator in this case the fig wasp needs to crawl inside the fig to bring the pollen directly to the flower this relationship with the is so special that without the fig wasps there would be no figs and without the figs orbino fig wasps we're waiting I'm willing to take the dive on yeah tell me it's cuz of fig lovers that we have wasps no only fig wasps which don't spit don't sting us um okay well they can see any type of wasp tonight even wasps wasps were terrible but Hornets oh my goodness female wasps know they need to lay their eggs inside a fig so they crawl inside both male and female figs to try to do that the female wasp burrows inside the figs through a narrow opening called the costal if she arrives in a male thing she's a brew able to lay her eggs in an ideal of our environment then dies her eggs hatch while with meals hatching first the male wasps burrow a tunnel out of the fig and the females fly out fool fertilized eggs carry pollen and start renewing this cycle so really perfect you only have a chance of getting a couple like mama wasps that went in there lay eggs and then died mad but that is still gross that's not like a the way you phrased that was like oh yeah it's not that bad guys I mean to be fair I'd eat cockroaches if they taste is deliciousness no no that's the end of the episode right then and there but also I'll give you some more fun facts if you google facts about Durham ASF the facts of Cup is how old is drum ASF girlfriend drum ASF girlfriend 20 19 how old is Beijing Canadian Beijing Canadian age Durham ASF dropsy how tall is Beijing Canadian how old is dropsy we're destroy him live right now I don't like I don't like that last one where's that where's home visits drop see age 20 19 drops record on June 14 2002 as an american youtuber creating somewhat weekly gaming content are you on that yeah I don't one of the mods brought that up to you they're like oh we made a page for you and I was like you what how old is bale yard fill yard fandom value of a whole fandom page this guy twice I wanna fight me so bad bill did you know you're an American gaming youtuber based in Texas yes go away other ghosts be gone with you we didn't make it this far to lose to you pal you work with other youtubers including blade dropsy Jerome retro pronghorn and site music 88 bales best friend blade aka blade hail started his channel in 2013 Wow so I can't be be this is so who wrote this this is interesting I don't bother reading any of those things cuz 90% of the time the Royals also know this is very this is very accurate he branched away from Minecraft into other games such as Just Dance Borderlands Pokemon sword and shield he also has startup to separate minecraft servers and I'm not gonna say those that's advertising well they're not even up anymore do ya know it also says that Vale is a builder for a pixelmon server called pokey play where he's an admin as well buddy well mannered guy who knows his memes and pop-culture very well yeah there are worse things to be known for you want to know what's worse no no article for retro prom home was not found' [Laughter] doesn't have one either is that why the guy called you both random people I suppose so the Blues challenge Oh I need to get iid I need something to help me out here I am over halfway now to getting to the pumpkin my next ring has literally bacon they like I'm gonna let you kill me so much bro I know you don't have like a corner of the press saying this is what happens if you google the retro pronghorn wiki the pronghorn a species of a Tara dial mammal indigenous to the interior Western and Central North America though not an antelope is often known for colloquially I don't know what that works locally North America yes the American antelope wrong buck prone antelope prairie antelope and simply antelope because a closer resembles the antelopes of the old world I'm an antelope of the old world anyway I'm just saying these animals are more famous than I am and it's really killing my vibe I mean I would why would you need to be famous for you to vibe though just vibe you know what fail you're right yah eat [Music] oh here's another ghost hey guy you lookin for a showdown yeah you better run we could kill each other the big ghosts and it's always a weird like awkward standoff when we look at each other because it's not just me there's two others that are stuck at this exact spot yeah I've run into him a few times had to dodge him as a demonic imp why are you eating woodpeckers go eat the eggs dude i guess he probably just doesn't know where they are that's fair I didn't know where they are in the beginning either would you guys like some egg facts I mean depends on the type of egg eggs contain the highest quality protein you can buy really yep yep no tracks but they're also high in cholesterol though you could tell if an egg is hard-boiled or raw because if you spin it if it's hard-boiled then it spins very easily but if it's raw it'll wobble yes around have you guys ever tried the scrambled egg but just shaking it really fast yes it never works which is impressive what you could do that no that's the thing it just won't scramble like I've shaken an egg so hard to see if it'll like the free scramble it's like it just does they have devices though that like sticks a little like off-centered pin in the top and it like Weeble wobbles inside and like like scrambles it inside the shell but what's the point yeah like I don't need a device to scramble my eggs I just want to shake it real hard and see what happens yeah I'm with you then I'm with you oh the guy in first place is just harassing people I'm trying to get an actual higher tier mob for you to eat draw veil I didn't I ate a raven I became a pumpkin but I still need a higher two things I'm eventually gonna become the pumpkin ghost okay yep mint I have found a tutorial on how to do it using only a t-shirt how are you doing it like a bolo just like you you kind of you remember like you know when you spin something like you spin a rope and you pull it tight real fast it like spins faster cuz the like centrifugal force yeah who didn't like the sleeve of a shirt and then you spin the sleeve like a jump rope in between your arms then you pull it tight and it's like it puts like a ton of g-force on the leg I was game chases the inside I was getting chased by a the the top guy for so long okay good I thought I was gonna get deviated he's really no yes you don't like the heat raishin you've got a hydrate what what I'm watching this video on how to scramble an egg inside the shell this video has gone off the rails this video was never on the rails you're just a real pain buddy guy there's a Reaper who was camping the pumpkins so that US pumpkins can't eat them so where are the pumpkins they're in the swamp okay I'm going through the swamp I'll try to distract and now there's another Reaper chasing me [Music] bully bully bullies so if I put an egg in a centrifuge that should work great probably how fast would you have to spend an egg just to cook it from the sheer speed alone I'm now on the second to last thing and all I need to do is kill that's it and I'm done I beat the game mmm build it up and mess me around where's you say okay what is this particular guys feel there's one guy know this but this guy is literally just chasing me around the top guy on the board it's like just anyone else wants to stay the top I don't want his title I don't want number one in the world I just want to beat the game listen to him this is all he has well that's depressing he was the first state to have a publicly available submarine ride what why does this not surprise me at all the fasiq River the Passaic River yeah yeah they had a submarine in there the on the outside the first drive-in movie theater yeah I didn't know that yeah have you been to a trim no I need to bring those back I doubt it even this first one where I live you know what I mean I wish this guy doesn't live in Jersey he's missing out cuz New Jersey is considered the diner capital of the country with an estimated 529 diners oh we have a lot of diners yeah just go up and down the highways there's a bunch on that me my friends go to sunset diner on 22 time to eat diner at the Somerville circle Sterling diner in Long Hill we used to go all over for Doug there's dyers everywhere well and I also guess this one in New York is like right in one place but New Jersey is the most densely populated state in the country yes yeah we pack it like a sardine can no I was gonna say is like that that's like such a strange thing to me like diners like down here you might find water too no we used to go there's one sunset diner I don't know if they still have the policy but they're open 364 days a year they only closed for Christmas Christmas yeah but 24 hours a day so they're just non-stop Wow yeah like we've gone there like 4:00 in the morning before like you guys hungry yeah just like my favorite is like eighties diner style see that's what I want to go I've never been to a diner like that like one properly decorated with crow and stuff like yeah I want to go you see we all we had like a bunch of TT diners in Maryland I don't know what that means really well I assume there's please there's got to be at least two dudes it's like a Hilton Doubletree I'll meant to trees come on is it gonna be explained to me or is it just oh that's weird I killed her I killed her I killed the number-one guy and I took his place you're a jerk and you got what you deserved yes potato chips is king hit the Lights I know chips what's my name man of potato chips goodbye you've ever seen Oh actually wait Matt what were you telling the truth was there actually a mega bus all right so we're gonna look out for this ghostly angel apparently that's the boss I just looked it up he is underground in a pit of fire I've seen the pit of fire I just can't place in my head where exactly that is we're all gonna try and look for it though and hopefully I can get to it and try and take out the the last boss I want to say it's near like where the graveyard stuff is I'm at the graveyard right meow that was your right drop see you're right yeah I see the green fire jerilyn it's time oh my gosh oh my gosh so wet any hints Matt on how to beat this guy there is height him around a lot and don't take more than a couple hits cuz he can three hit you yeah I can tell that by now I did a little bit of him but he's oh my gosh he actually a gross he's not like the other things like he was following me yeah oh my god oh my god okay okay okay I'm still alive I've got a third up I don't know if I can do this guys I'm gonna try my best but no no no no Clank oh my god he's gonna get to me there's nowhere to hide from this man can't run away will he heal if I run away to heal up for a bit I have no idea try it yeah try it got to lose you've been doing this for an hour might as well try it okay I left his chamber I'm healing he heals up all the way so I can't leave his chamber so I have to kite him in this area here oh my gosh this is insane so whenever you eat you heal right yeah okay so what I'm gonna do is I'm gonna come over there and I'm gonna just be here a little lunch box oh he got me well GG to the demonic angel we beat the game luckily and maybe next time we could beat that boss what it unit oh my
Channel: JeromeASF
Views: 1,283,938
Rating: 4.8888259 out of 5
Keywords: Minecraft, JeromeASF, youtuber, modded, mod, minigame, custom, challenge, mod pack, hilarious gameplay, funny moments, how to, minecraft mod, minecraft roleplay, pranking, prank, trolling, troll, mods, gameplay, tutorial, parody, no swearing, no cursing, animation, lets play, xbox, mini-games, mini games, showcase, minecraft animation, custom map, traps, funny, 1.12, playthrough, comedy, flyordie, flyordie io, fly or die io, io games,, .io, io, io game, fly or die fast, max level
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 94min 45sec (5685 seconds)
Published: Sat Feb 29 2020
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