Bloons TD 6 - 4-Player Budget Towers Challenge | JeromeASF

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then we're gonna be revisiting a challenge that we haven't done in a very long while and that is the budget Towers challenge only this time we're going to be going ahead and changing it up just so you probably want to draw what in the world was the budget our doubts well I'll tell you person sorry I don't know all your names I'm Fred I don't I thought your name was blade I'll be Jimbo nope no guys okay I'm Stefano Bob Leon E I need new friends well I'm Stefano Bob Leon E I'll be your friend so what we're doing is we're gonna go through the list of all those crazy Institute hours that we've earned over just the many different blue challenges we've done we are going to put them to the test to start off the game we're able to put down one single tier 1 tower pom wave 20 we could put down a tier 2 Tower wave 40 we can put that a tier 3 Tower wave 60 we can put down a tier 4 Tower and then wave 80 we can put down another tier 4 Tower the goal is to try and make it to round 100 without upgrading the towers and only using the insta towers that we have can't we do it I think we might be able to figure something out well you own I do know for sure is that you guys Rock take a look oh you opposite trending yet again thank you so much keep hitting that like button and let's go for 10,000 likes so we could get on trending again all right so guys I didn't want to ruin the surprise however I have a big surprise for you in my monkey villages I actually have two different versions of the monkey tell adjust Bureau I have a tower that goes 0-3 - and I have another goes 1/4 0 so we're gonna be able to hit any type of balloon as soon as we can get to tier 3 just when I was getting to that point sound super sound awesome probably so wait can I pull a Steve I was kind of preoccupied doing other stuff and I'm fall into this lesson I have no idea what we're doing alright so once ever gonna put down first I need to find there's a bomb tower I have that's I mean Tier one these are really just kind of about carrying us just for a little bit of time right like these aren't yeah yeah hmm a lot of good you know what I have an idea that'll help carry us for a bit what's that helicopter man yeah here we go and I guess supposedly we don't all have to put it down at once we can just wait and see if we struggle at any point in time and then you guys can put it down between now and wave 20 right I mean it works yeah blade is that a tier 1 I literally just thought the same thing but that is a big help for a face yeah like bang is that oh my goodness yeah it's gonna carry us to uh quite a number of waves until catalyst come in that is wait wait I've got one for that too what you got something to hit camos no I got another super monkey oh my goodness goodness I actually have a handful of super monkeys too but they're all higher up so they're all tier 3 I don't put down right know when I catch so right now we have nothing to hit camos hold your horses there pally oh no we done that it's okay cuz we have they don't come to wait 24 and wait 20 we're allowed to put down at tier 2 which which does counterespionage for oh that's no I don't have one that I love counter-espionage until a later wave okay I do I have a note say do you cuz I'd be so sick and help us out a ton yeah I have it I can get the counterespionage really yeah do you want me to put down I don't have anything that goes with flash bomb hmm I'm still trying to look for my team next tier 2 I don't know which one I would like they're they're all so good they're also so I have some pretty good ones I'll be honest I do too not somebody actually tier 2 good ones I should say but I have a lot of good tier 2 ones just in general for like other ones sorry tier 3 and upstart tier 3 and tier 4 I have good I have a sky shredder that I'm super excited to put down my dear - I mean does any of the tier 1 to tier 2 are they actually gonna make I mean you're super monkeys will make a difference but do the other ones they gonna make any difference at all really depends on which it is right cuz I mean a ninja McAteer - does have kind of expertise yeah espionage true but did you ever consider that you're wrong yeah okay so I'm gonna I'm gonna put something down here super quickly give me a second here oh I can't even afford it I wanted to put down and show you guys basically between your two super monkeys leave that spot open I'm gonna put another monkey village there so that you guys can all hit cammo seems a good trade-off I would say so then should I even worried about the counterespionage not at the moment no but we are gonna need something at 124 cuz I can't put that down until around 40 talking about the green space - the orange space the green space green yeah cuz I asked that I want to put in the orange space Oh route 20 we gotta put down our next ones oh yeah counterespionage hmm do you next night poor monkeys will be good it can't it camos this one though uh I think I have one forty or three that can pick camos okay so let's not put him down the struggle is real at picking a tower any tier title no would you just knew how to struggle with where to put his towers all the way at the beginning so that everybody could hit everything you could put it further down still be here in the beginning and be hitting multi look I don't need the negativity right now haha friendship oh you're gonna miss so many balloons good I still haven't put down my tier two when I'm trying either we have thirteen waves to figure it out but it's like a burger burger burger I do not know what I want oh wow that led it made it decently far until I guess you're your laser blast hit it and then the white-hot spikes yeah oh I got big news guys big news what say I have a mortar monkey that is an o2 four oh my because I had the monkey knowledge that does shattering shells you know what soft DDT's dude you gotta you gots the Steve put that meds down yeah when it's time I think that I'm gonna have to drop my zero to two druid monkey I'm gonna go ahead and put down my sniper I just don't really have many other ideas for it oh man but I also have a tier 4 perma not permit brew um whatever the top route for the alchemist is is that for real um yeah it sounds bad right yeah top prize hunger stimulus well permit bruising Lance that period uh yeah Oh Mike you know P you be at tier five towers like insta monkeys baby - yeah just very very rare really Wow huh well either wait we're crushing everyone and so does everyone think we're gonna be able to do this wave 100 I think yeah I think it'll be pretty easy yeah Wow captain positivity over there I love it Steve choking on coffee oh okay I thought you're choking on kindness there's not very positive of you come on dude we're fine plus it's gonna be wait 40 which means to your 3s come out which means I'm gonna get that first monkey village for us that's awesome thanks I thought of it myself I mean I don't know what to yeah I'll do that when I'll do that what I got this I got this this'll be fine all right I know what your thermo super are you thinking the night yeah yeah definitely you're not thinking the night nothing in the night you know what I'm thinking tonight huh so about the whole monkey Village thing what about the night village know that that night village oh whoa put that down whoo god you're gonna have to change the room we can't wear the same dress well yours has yellow stripes I got a banana farm bleep we do it why is it gonna give us life yeah I mean it'll give us one life around yeah that was waste yeah Steve what you putting down yeah cool Steve his microphone clearly clearly his microphone what are you my microphone son monkey we're gonna do nothing about the camos all right what do you mean tonight yeah they also move that stupid village no it's not a village Steve and it's a banana farm Steve the marker blows valuable area and really is put the ninja munkee down there instead well tier 4 I'm gonna actually put down a villager I had one but I ended tier 3 village and then I added to your 4 village so I just figure I'll do the tier 4 1 so I have a 4 to 0 druid that sounds good I think I broke the game yeah you didn't afford system work is gonna the rest of stuff that is really good blade I'm trying to think my one so my first tier 4 I already know what it's gonna be but then my next here for what do I want to put down there's a ton of options out there I have so many good tier fours that I don't know what to put down yeah spikes incineration spikes Tom doesn't have red hot spikes kind of ruins it well you're shattering shells Steve I thought was like a go to guarantee yeah I mean for the second one for around 80 when we get our second tier 4 yeah I think sky shredders is gonna be the one I just don't know what I want to do Oh actually should i do a necromancer cuz he has shimmer are not important cuz my monkey village will I have a monkey village to make that not important really and we have the shattering shells coming up as well no you're right you're right huh it's really hard to make them right and you right I can do a camo row seeking Robo monkey but it's only tier 3 so it'd be like downgrading it would be not maximizing my fullest potential well I have anything for camo LEDs besides yet the the night and then one wave after camelids cuz can't let's come on wait 59 one wave after that I'll have the monkey village down so we'll be fine ok yeah but I I assumed that the night could take out one waves worth of them I didn't think it'd be a problem yeah I think you're right all right I figured out what I'm placing next time what's that buddy it's a 0 for 2 boomerang monkey so it's got red-hot ranks oh that's pretty cool that's actually really cool a belt on Sharia ok hyper monkey in this very middle well I wanted him to be able to hit the camos and he doesn't take up a lot of space I [Music] mean fair Zoli so how do I put in the village it'll cover okay okay don't worry I wasn't just being an idiot I just say it was the only way to get em to hit camos I didn't really look to see what he what upgrades he had I just don't normally see a styro monkey in the middle no no I mean you're right III it was but I there was thought thing I didn't promise I don't know if it was the right kind of thinking but there was brains somewhere who are you to say about placement when you put a village the marketplace loud noises fine he's hitting things ok maybe not all right everyone's gonna get to choose their favorite tier for now and like one round and boom we got it all right I'm gonna put this down right there we go face and now I haven't call to arms shout use it call arms buh buh buh buh buh buh bah boom so I need to hook a bro back to my boy my boy my boy my robot boy alright we got all those so that's a big checkered Rooney what's next this is so smooth sailing right now this is gonna be insane I know I think I'm gonna use my Robo monkey for my route 80 but we'll see we'll see only time will tell alright has everyone had done a lot of soul searching and digging for what they're gonna put down it wave eighty I honestly still believe I don't have any super good tier fours so I'm thinking that I should probably put down 0-3 to super monkey um I'm thinking that's the best but I don't know actually I could use ero 3-0 and say the 0 3 2 because the monkey village oh he'll make camos anyway yeah hello lose the knock back ability but I don't think that's necessary yeah I'll do zero three zero super monkey then Robo monkey that is sorry Robo monkey what about you guys what are you thinking ice monkey I think 4 to zero nice Oh ice monkey which what's your route on the ice monkey I've actually got two options there I've got four to zero or zero or two oh wow I don't even know which one I'd prefer what would you guys have any input on that one because I don't really know okay four on the top is embrittlement four in the middle is snowstorm okay I would say embrittlement yeah personally I think it brittle that might be a good idea okay four on the top got it yeah yeah you stole my spot you jag Steve how could you steal a bad spot like that who are you talking to so I don't know I assumed he meant you who placed that wizard monkey me it was not me bleh I know it was your spa your name on it friendship over can we just talk about the the real hero that monkey banana farm marketplace that got us 42 lives this game MVP 43 get it right how much we're crushing it out here so will this be enough there's no tier fives in the field will it be enough to take out the final wave one huddle for sure we got it I mean I don't know all right I'm used to having at least one or two tier fives before we get into the DDT rounds it's gonna shoot it I think it'll be fine the only thing that can make it easier if we actually had a ninja monkey to help us well there is one over there yeah I think that to help us I think he's been fun of it played blade plate Steve can you target your mortar monkey to hit his marketplace that worked and it just exploded all right all right keep taking about Steve you got this I got it but I'll make sure none of them make it to you guys unless they've been shattered on oh man 46 lives now Wow really helped us out there oh let's go let's go guys we got three more waves for the DDT's I'm scared all right let's change the challenge we can all get level 20 odorous there you go I don't even have a door I don't have a door Churchill you're right just give me all your money that'll just upgrade to the night there we go problem using all the money from my farm yes plate cut of curious how much more money do you have after all that you have only eleven thousand more dollars than we do I mean that's a lot of money that's actually kind of sad to think about it in 48 ways with your three doesn't have the increased production and greater production that's fair bad no that's not fair that's still a lot of money to get there what is it twelve thousand for that No okay that's not bad then give it to you that's not bad and it's instant hour I didn't spend any money to put it down anyway so yeah no I mean like in an actual game where you would have had to spend money for it those who got wrap yeah what DDT and I didn't get it down until we've 60 oh we're killing it out here now let's go that was the first DDT's 90 ones Intel or it was 40 51 lives-- gained new one round so 40 now I don't think it's how math works you know what I trust you so I'm gonna go I'm a bit confused on this too what what is deleting the reimposing and deleting the what the reinforcements on those balloons is getting deleted what's doing in my mortar monkey nice yeah so that's why it's so fail his bore mocha shattering shells it'll knock off all the different things on on balloons Moab's but i have a monkey knowledge point that allows it to also strip DDT's which normally is the tier 5 version of that so basically it gives you its tier 5 of ability only for the price of tier 4 it's yeah mega o P that's why I have it set to hit all the way in the beginning so that no monkey is ever wasting any sort of damage on the reinforcements hmm I think blade would beg to differ I mean you could still do that same tearing of the reinforcement and do more damage to them because you're hitting them more often if you had a closer to the blade why is everybody always wrong boy I'm tearing us apart fine fine all right big wave 95 get ready I don't think it'll be a problem but just the case I'm gonna use my call to arms Wow I'll use it now guys remember that all like oh we're gonna be just fine well we weren't some of anyone's abilities please get ready to use them that was terrifying hold on one second I gotta answer this phone call what oh fail we literally lost the last wave oh my gosh five pizzas witty lives one of them pepperoni yeah actually 55 lives oh my god absolutely stuffed crust absolutely then another I want thin crust with pepperoni and pineapple talk does anybody ever call the piece of place anymore no yes the Domino's app actually lies on the Super Bowl Sunday because I wanted to good pizza place that makes the penne vodka slices a pizza that are really good yeah yeah yeah so I I had to call I had to call them because I knew that'd get swamped on Super Bowl Sunday sorry that's my story thank you for listening to his TED talk like like penne pizza is always amazing I don't think I've ever had it it's very good all right there's also a place in my town where I grew up that also makes baked ziti Pizza it's a different joint but very very good what am I not stripping the reinforcements off these guys yeah that's weird I think because they're they'll be the larger ones yeah songs I don't think you do they that's tier five only okay look you over bum off for the reinforced DDT's 99 though which will make 99 so much easier yeah hundred we get to put down our heroes right um sure consider the challenges over you can do whatever you would like also this is getting a little bit dicey here not fine Jax we can do about it we could panics good morning Val we could panic always never look take that option off the tables okay always panic we're gonna die here we're gonna die sorry slowly died it's all ogre now what happened actually genuinely someone explain to me what just happened why did we not die because we're no we don't litter why do those blues and make it to the end of that stop in place to go all right we're just kidding yeah what happened like lame boobs tonight knock back oh my god that's it it was the night I saved us played what you thought it was a bad idea I told you that I would save us one day blade I'm sorry Matt accuse you of aiding your tags
Channel: JeromeASF
Views: 298,622
Rating: 4.9645638 out of 5
Keywords: Jeromeasf, Jerome asf, pixelmon, bedwars, fortnite, battledome, doodle god, copes and robbers, galacticraft, sky factory 4, Minecraft, risk factions, cookie camp, crazy craft, bloons tower defense 6, bloons, btd battles, btd 6, btd6 tier 5, strategy, btd6, bloons td, btd6 round 100, btd6 gameplay, btd6 strategy, btd6 impoppable, btd6 5th tier, btd6 best hero, btd6 best strategy, bloons td battles, jeromee, jeromeasf, jeromeasf bloons, jeromeasf bloons td 6, hilarious gameplay
Id: B82B57YfiwY
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 22min 2sec (1322 seconds)
Published: Sun Mar 15 2020
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