10 Most Unusual RC Models

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hello everyone and thanks for coming back how do you like to spend your free time I think we can all agree that RC cars and planes have become a part of our everyday lives driving our C's is addictive and fun whether you're driving around in your garage or take your RC with you on a camping trip we all love to be in control of a remote vehicle there's something about being in full control with little effort that keeps us hooked to these things today we'll be looking at 10 of the most bizarre powerful and outright awesome RCS the first on our list is the hero RC h nine-one-one helicopter if you're looking for a small helicopter to fly in your bedroom while lying in bed without the worry of destroying your furniture this RC might be for you not only does this economically designed helicopter help beginners develop their flying skills but it's also built in such a way to prevent it from breaking upon impact meaning you can fly and crash this thing multiple times before it begins to show any signs of damage this helicopter is packed with features such as indoor/outdoor flight capability dual mode operation binding processes and many more the main feature that makes this RC stand out from all the others is the servo cyclic control the servo cyclic control works by tilting the single main rotor blade in one or another direction making piloting much easier for you treat the second list is the vole antics a SW 28 sailplane kit opposite to the H 911 this plane is not small nor compact and you couldn't fly it in your bedroom even if you wanted to the wingspan of this massive plane is about 9 feet that means you need an open field to practice your flying skills in when buying this plane you only get the outer shell and you are required to add your own transmitter receiver and batteries if you're someone who just wants to fly a plane for fun and you aren't really into RC collecting this plane is probably not for you at a staggering price of 130 US dollars this plane is out of the budget of many people only if you take this hobby seriously then you might put that amount of cash in a plane not only do you get a plane shell for a hundred and thirty dollars but you also get a miniature pilot riding in the cockpit - money well-spent number three on our list is the amazing Space Battleship Yamato if you love water RCS then you are sure to fall in love with this battleship looking like a real Navy ship and gliding across the water like a torpedo this RC makes you feel like an army commander the Japanese creators of this amazing RC took their time on the outer details when floating over water you can see miniature antennas and cannons on the outer shell congratulations to the creators of this amazing masterpiece the fourth on our list is the UMX hyper taxi BNF this RC plane should be called the hyper rocket instead it's truly one of a kind with the ability to land and take off vertically built with carbon fiber reinforcement this plane or should I say rocket costs one hundred and seventy five dollars if your thumbs aren't fast enough to control this plane you might want to pass on flying this and leave it to an experienced pilot I am sure we can all agree destroying your brand-new 175 dollar RC on the first flight is not a nice feeling on the other hand if you know someone who loves our seas and is fascinated by how they work this would make a nice birthday gift number five on our list is the model pod racer anakin skywalker now if your star wars fan you probably know what I am talking about this amazing RC was designed in such a way that it almost defies gravity can you believe that it can fly it almost any angle upside down sideways right-side up the number of tricks this amazing RC can do is n it's lightweight and aerodynamic body allow it to soar through the sky at really high speeds it's truly one of a kind number six on our list is the RC sassy silly steamer yes you heard that correctly steamer all right it won't steam your clothes but this RC is powered by steam it might look like a piece of junk laying in your garage for years but this hidden gem is designed to work with so much detail that it is really fascinating being designed with so much detail might be a good thing but on the other hand if something goes wrong you'd have to take the whole thing apart just to clear a small tube or dislodge something how does it run on steam you ask well without going into the nerdy details two burners fueled with lighter fluid burn and heat up the water tank that water boils to produce steam which in return mobilizes the engine what is actually mind-blowing about this RC other than the fact that it runs on steam is that it never tips over its suspension is built in such a way that makes it untypical it can bend and squat in every angle and bounce back normally as if nothing happened number 7 on our list is the RC steam loco centipede it seems like steam power is the new popular thing with RCS this steam works in a magical and complicated way much like a centipede with tens or possibly hundreds of little legs it crawls in your living room or backyard like some weird robotic creature perhaps an alien spying device the legs that crawl around like a centipedes need to be designed accurately one miscalculation and the whole thing topples over the creator of this amazing piece of art used aluminum body sheets and basic hand tools such as a drill this bizarre RC has the body of a train and the feet or wheels of a centipede in my opinion the Creator deserves an award for the complexity of this creation this is the first time for me to come across an RC like this and I'm guessing it's first time for you to number eight on our list is the Millennium Falcon the smart creator of this RC attached a drone to a styrofoam hull and with some painting and decoration he made it look almost like a spaceship now if that isn't creative I don't know what is I would like to fly this thing over a neighborhood in the middle of the night and see how people react adding some extraterrestrial sound effects and a small GoPro to capture the reactions would make it ten times better the number of pranks or uses for this type of drone is endless thanks to the creative mind behind this number nine on our list is parrot mini-drone jumping sumo yes I agree it's such a long name for an RC this looks like a device you might see in those futuristic movies it has two medium-sized wheels which allows it to glide across the floor as the name suggests it's a jumping drone it spins in circles at a high speed then deploys a spring which makes it jump the jumping capability allows it to jump over High Rocks climbing stairs and much more it also has a camera attached to the front and is controlled by your smartphone or tablet this also gives you the ability to record where it is going or perhaps spy on some friends I think a great upgrade to this amazing robot would be the ability to fly if the wheels flipped vertically and allowed it to make a flight I think it would be ten times better so when you get caught spying on your friends and they try to destroy the RC you can deploy the spring and take flight somewhat like the Transformers let me know what you think in the comments below I'd love to know how you would make it better standing at number 10 on our list is the Stitz sky baby this cute RC looks like one of the old vintage planes from the 1900s it has a red and white candy theme which makes it suitable to fly at Christmas from the name you would think this RC has the size of the baby which is true to some extent it's a baby compared to other planes I wouldn't really count this as an RC because it was actually flown by a professional veteran pilot named Bob Starr after flying at speeds of over 200 miles per hour the Stitz sky baby sits in a museum for everyone to see this was labeled the world's smallest plane for a while until a Bob Starr designed his own called the bumblebee and claimed the title the last on our list is the 71 black bird model kit technically this doesn't count as an RC since it's remotely controlled but the black bird is unlike any RC plane you've ever seen the sr-71 blackbird is one of the most advanced spy planes used by the CIA a model 1/6 of the size of this amazing and complex plane was created in Israel a few years ago it weighs 176 pounds and is powered by not one but two turbines this plane needs a runway to takeoff and land as well as a radio to provide guidance it's flat and slim design makes it very aerodynamic and allows it to reach top speeds of over 200 miles per hour I think RC designs are getting a little out of hand and in the future we might actually be able to ride our own RC planes goodbye to the long waits at the airport tsa flight delays and so much more thank you for watching subscribe to the channel and see you soon
Channel: Amazing Stock
Views: 3,582,936
Rating: 3.8583198 out of 5
Keywords: rc models, rc truck, rc aircraft, rc plane, rc car, rc helicopter, rc action, amazing rc models, rc cars dude perfect, remote controlled cars, rc world record, rc crash, amazing models, 10 most amazing, remote controlled, top 5, top 10, top 15, 10 most, 15 most
Id: 4N4iUA_aNww
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 10min 29sec (629 seconds)
Published: Tue Oct 02 2018
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