Making a GIANT F-18 with a real JET TURBINE | Sailor VS | U.S. Navy

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starting in three two one uh emergency landing all right all right you guys asked for it we're gonna deliver today we have a giant foam f-18 with a real turbine engine in it thanks to the navy for sponsoring this video this is sailor versus a series where other creators and i test our skills to see if we have what it takes to be in the navy they hook me up with an aviation machinist mate which gave me some tips and points on how to get this engine into this foam jet without setting on fire it is time to design the super f-18 hornet i probably could spend some time in designs myself however other people are better at designing airplanes than i am especially with the origami folding aspects i looked online and i found one by my friend ben harper he's an excellent designer and he designed this f-18 hornet the f-18 horn he designed is a lot smaller and this is a 180 blown-up version of it so if you look online you can find these plants for free for a smaller version we are going to supersize it to make it carry this turbine in this video a little interjection here so you probably noticed the giant gash in my face well we had an accident a few weeks ago fortunately i was wearing safety glasses because you know safety first anyways back to the video [Music] starting in three two one uh i have some questions here luckily i got someone on the other end of a video call this is 81 caleb de fredes an aviation machinist mate in the navy hey caleb hey peter so i got this turbine for my friend and i'm trying to get this thing mounted in my airplane now unfortunately i'm worried about like hot exhaust gases melting this thing because it's actually styrofoam but i imagine it's probably similar to what you guys do within the navy how do you guys shield your airplanes to keep them from melting that's a great question peter so what we use in the navy is a composite frame plus cool air from the fan to help bypass the engine it helps to keep it cool what i think you can use is a layer of aluminum foil and cheesecloth maybe two layers and that should work just fine yeah i think i will try that aluminum foil because i got all this backsplash in like the rear of the airplane where i think probably melt the back of my plane if i don't at least try to take care of that what's your airframe made out of again uh it's made out of foam and paper oh that is definitely gonna melt it'll still fly around melting half of the airplane but it'll be interesting to see all right we got our heat shield let's cut this thing up and make this thing hopefully not melt hold my airplane i got our five tins and uh let's see how this works so we got cheese gloss i got a little bit of an air barrier there so hopefully just get too hot below that melt the foam it's gonna pop rivet this thing down and see if this works so now that we know the details about the heat shield i'm going to finish this thing up and get it installed [Music] one thing about electronics is we actually have a lot of them in this airplane i'm going to double check everything just to make sure the fill sticks work and the radios are solid and the links are good to make sure we don't end up as a smoldering pile of rubble on the ground now it's time to load it up and get out to the field and do this all right we're at the field we've actually got the engine running it works and uh that was horrifying that's 180 000 rpms of a turbine terror the funny thing is i've actually never messed with any sort of fuel in any rc airplane before so it's quite a step to go from electrics straight to turbine about the heat shield looks like it's working it didn't get too hot luckily the exhaust is mostly directly straight out the back of the jet we're gonna do one more quick check and then we're gonna be up in the air hey peter how'd that turbine test go it gave us some hiccups to begin with but once we got everything situated the turbine now seems to reliably fire up and i think it should be good to go now cool i hope that fall holds up and i can't wait to see it in the air i hope this thing goes well too i don't know what's gonna happen it's gonna be pretty expensive if it does crash good luck on your flight peter all right uh also before we fly it we are gonna eventually put on that catapult truck over there but first i wanna make sure the plane flies okay and that thing has a lot that can go wrong like you don't launch it playing off like an f-18 off the air carrier from the start normally they take off some of your base i think they do at least because it gives you more room for error so having a long runway is beneficial to a short launch of the catapult because something bad would happen it would be very catastrophic so we're gonna put on the sled first so i can get all the runway need to take off and the plane is gentle then it gets in the air then after we test that flight we'll put on the sled and launch it off there for like a real cat launch all right you ready i'm gonna start the engine [Music] oh wow nice take off now we're good [Music] it actually is a lot of thrust he actually has good control all right rolling in three two one oh there's the flame out [Music] emergency landing i think it looks good the cameras are actually on that shot i wanted to roll but as soon as i did the roll i think air picked up inside the fuel tank and it caused the engine to flame out so the plane is on the ground safe in the sound so let's go prepare for the cat launch next the jet is on the cat we're going to give it a go and see what happens there could be another thing that goes wrong such as insufficient launch velocity the launch tear out the airplane the airplane could flame out but i guess we're just gonna go and send it now oh not enough launch speed that wasn't a throw oh no oh no all right this thing is definitely a little bit beat up we don't really have much more daylight so we really won't be able to launch this thing again unfortunately the flight speed this f-18 model is too high that the catapult can't get it up to sufficient velocity and also this pull-up time for the turbine is way too long so unfortunately we're gonna have to like end it there with the launcher saga i'm glad the dolly car that made work because this thing definitely needs runway to get going for the most part i think it's a pretty good success the turbine flew the airplane surprisingly really fast for such a small engine and the heat shield definitely did its job thanks again to the navy for sponsoring this video and thank you 81 caleb de fridas for all your help and insight no problem peter anytime check out more sailor versus where i'll be working on a combustion module from a real fighter jet i'm going to be going head to head with the navy so i will see you over there you
Channel: PeterSripol
Views: 1,985,890
Rating: 4.8766351 out of 5
Keywords: F18, Hornet, Jet, Engine, Airplane, Model, DIY, US Navy, Navy, Sailor Vs, Sailorvs, Sailor versus, Sailor Vs season 2, Peter Sripol, Peter plane, Peter jet, Peter model, united states navy, America’s Navy, U.S. Navy, Military, Navy Mechanic, Navy Aviation, Challenge, engines, building, jets
Id: si-YlzHaSP0
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 7min 45sec (465 seconds)
Published: Sun Sep 20 2020
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