Infinite flying airplane! (walkalong gliders)

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a fortune this video is sponsored by LastPass what's up tree pool people today I'm hanging out my 12-inch Polonius's these are my biggest fans actually I've seen this really stupid video the internet where you take a paper airplane and you put between two fans it flies infinitely let's try it well that's not how this works because it somehow physics really works it when it comes to flying airplanes your typical unpowered glider trades airspeed for altitude using in some sort of descending fashion this is kind of known as like a glide ratio usually this a six to one twenty to one for sail plane can be up to 40 to one where it goes 40 foot it only drops one foot so that's usually known as like a glide ratio but I didn't notice you guys comment one thing you guys said I should make a walk along glider now what a walk along glider does is uses a principle called Ridge lips to fly an airplane sort of almost infinitely as long as your legs continue to walk this force in this video is sponsored by LastPass LastPass relieves the burden of remembering passwords stop getting locked out of your accounts and let LastPass fill in your usernames and passwords for you with LastPass you don't have to write remember or reset passwords LastPass it allows you to keep track your passwords easily so you can stay sane put your cards on autopilot with LastPass LastPass auto fills your credentials on mobile sites and apps for iOS and Android when you open app or site LastPass will fill in your username and password for you making it fast and easy to log in LastPass has unlimited password storage free cross-device syncing and even password sharing down the last path and alleviate all of your problems today thanks the last master sponsoring this part of the video now on to the rest of the build now that we're in California let's make this hot wire foam cutter so we're gonna take some nichrome wire and right around this fourth prong thing looks pretty good some really did engage in my chrome use electronic speed controller and it's a servo tester to run this thing and I'll wrap the tape around this thing to get this thing working how many times can I say think all right plug it in and now let's turn it on all right Tom here can you touch this end of the wire Siri I'm not touching you idiot it's really hot look at this geez bro I got like perfectly extraneous but it's not extrude it but it looks like it is what are you doing Peter what are you making I'm gonna work make walk along the lighters what what the liar that flies something recent a scientific explanation here right now that's really cool I need to make my gliders now see that's sweet okay let's make some sliced pieces of foam I'm gonna make this thing very very thin pross you like 1 to 2 millimeters thick first want to use these bandsaw blades and stuff some sort of fencing Takaya you know keep the lines cut straight oh yeah look at that that's looking pretty good stupid thing all right this is what we're gonna make airplanes out of slices few more of just because I don't want to do this again I probably the better way but I'm yeah all right letting a glider this is gonna be a standard looking little airplane thing I'm just gonna see if I can get this to work right now cut out the wings use a template is it really it's really small it's actually really easy to work with the stuff it cuts like butter with a sharp razor blade to use some foam to see it attach the wings okay it's looking pretty good don't blue gelatin ow sorry I didn't even trim this or did any checks whatsoever but it just flies I didn't trim this and even didn't activate it whatsoever that's awesome that smells so gently time for the first walk along the ladder test alright it's looking pretty up no flew to the wall alright start again okay it's looking pretty enough I hit the wall gasps okay I'm gonna get the hang of this thing eventually it's just a little tricky because I haven't done this in a very very long time we're make some mods and kind of like tip this board up to kind of capture some more of the air to kind of help the glider stay centered in between the boards so it's easier to kind of control here is I need to go near plane because uh the updraft that comes up and hits this hits the wing develops lift but the problem is the up drop hits the tail which push the nose down making the plane go faster so I got to make like a plane with a ridiculously tall tail time to make a few more gliders Oh Karen's also making a glider to look at this thing it works pretty well oh nice cam yeah it kind of does I want to make one more glider this time I was kind of for freewheeling propellers the reason for the propellers is it creates a bit of drag which slows the airplane down this is my new improved airplane number two so this is actually pretty amazing I'm actually really impressed with how well this one works it seems to be make the glass larger they just need to be overall easier to handle [Music] all right so we've completed the test flights of the wall Kong glider but now it's time to actually test any actually flying airplane in front of the fan so we're into it now with these experiments [Applause] this is actually really difficult it's not working very well at all oh you it was like a moment there was like a second there this fan sucks the problem with this is like a slipstream coming off this turbulent air it also it's very choppy so I wanted to make an airflow straightener to make the suck list I'm not gonna spend $5.00 this is stupid British contraption right tom produce cook trucks cruise all the best oh my god it is time to make the airflow straightener we're gonna cut this carb box because the eco-friendly way to recycle and reuse and reduce add the foam strip to straighten the airflow also how much does a glider way I can't even feel this I'm gonna go look like one and a half Oh see I can't tell whether it's because it's large you think it's lighter than yes yeah so I'm gonna go with 2.8 it is 0.6 grams 169 grams the airflow those more uniform is straight now so let's go ahead and begin the experiment [Music] unfortunately I think this isn't really working out I mean the plane is trying it's sort of staying in the slope but I think the fan is just a little bit too crappy for this to really work out yeah I think my next solution is to make the help bigger oh it's doing it it's doing it okay yeah I think I just need a bigger helping more fans so my bike I'll check my next trick we're gonna burn Katt Williams house down oh we talked about this camel is not a storm throw my energy planes like so planes can actually soar through the sky using thermal dynamic lift from the Sun heating up the ground and the daytime we're gonna artificially recreate that with candles a lot of candles right now we will summon demons with their little candle thing hover around side of it oh that oh is it clear - so we got a racetrack of candles I have a much lighter flying wing glider I just made like three seconds ago because the other plane I had melted here we go oh that's a strong updraft nothing's purposely promising oh okay we might be actually be able to depart this and then this is how we set the house on fire so this is working sort of okay but the promise like the air just kind of really hard predict what it's doing glad is having a really hard time staying like over the candles even one trimmed out correctly I'm gonna try the flame it's not much better time for the four-inch plane hopefully doesn't burn up and catch the fire [Music] alright I'm gonna make this candle roll even longer now so the other thing didn't work it was nearly impossible to get the plane to fall along a ridge but I set the plane to go in a circle and hopefully just thermals over the candles at random having had good idea of making it it was my idea it was literally my idea so hole in it look what are we doing with so many demons we selling beam as a flight oh here we go ok actually working now I think it's tied to the ceiling or something yeah that's awesome I mean all things considered it's a pretty long flight for like how how far you're driving from that's probably the the brick would fly pull the high ground that's pretty cool I feel pretty happy about that that really shows like the thermal ellipse coming off a I mean maybe if you have a few more candles in a propane torch show my little better but I could give all your house more than my experiments thank you for the wax before before waxing people pay good money at their floor wax I should be appreciative [Music] so what we got here is an actual airbox because I try to vote one at the at William Osmonds place but unfortunately Walmart fans kind of suck and I can't really regulate the speed very well plus I was in a time crunch so I came back home and built this way bigger thing Winfield oh ho it's still turbulent felt even that's not really enough oh okay that's pretty good I think right now we really build bigger ramps so we're gonna make the bigger ramp and then try this again all right so now instead of the air pool coming out as slow velocity and compounding as it goes up the ramp making the air flow faster now it's the opposite now the airflow is really high at the bottom and low at the top that'll keep the plane from flying too far down there and then coming back though all right I think I just about gave up and trying to make a self-sufficient flying airplane they just don't stick very well inside this ramp maybe if I put way more effort than I want to and this it might work we may revisit it later but probably not like most you guys keep pointing out so instead we're just gonna go and just fly these things and make a few more gliders like this is new design with four props and we're use this board and do a little more of that so technically it's still infinite flying glider considering the glider as long as you keep walking behind it or use some sort of outside force and will pretty much fly indefinitely as long as you keep going you are fin it and you probably will die though eventually do the fatigue or tiredness this is feel pretty cool [Music] [Music] yeah it's not really infinite as an it doesn't fly itself infinitely but yeah if you got a board actually you guys are to call me out for that what a big deal anyway seasons are super fun we actually made quite a few of them Sam made a few different gliders he made a thing called telling liar yeah so that's really easy to make you just got a couple simple folds and you got one of those it also works with a paper airplane - not super well because they're paper airplanes generally fly it faster so it made some tissue paper so they flew a little bit slow or woodworking but my favorite are simply like these t-tail airplanes because they perform simply the best they're also really easy to handle - now I did get the inspiration from another channel called science toy makers so you might wanna check that out I'll put a link down below that's where I originally discovered like walk along flyers like way back in the day I think y'all saw some turtles on how to make your own colliders to me you're on a hot wire cutter so if you want to do something check that out that'll be somewhere down the scription and that's a wrap [Music] [Music] [Music] thanks a lot faster sponsor in this part of the video now on to the rest of the build
Channel: PeterSripol
Views: 2,657,284
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Keywords: lastpass, lastpass login, password, password generator, lastpass chrome, lastpass download, lastpass premium, random password generator, generate password, password manager, recover, lastpas, laspass, lastpass premium features, delete account mobogram,, how secure is my password, last password, walkalong glider, infinite paper airplane, paper airplane
Id: ojwvAi_VDiE
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 16min 11sec (971 seconds)
Published: Fri Mar 27 2020
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