Florida Concealed Carry Laws | Attacked During Riot

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Okay So since the riots started across the country and especially here in Tampa I have been receiving hundreds of emails from students asking when they can use the gun or what to do in these situations Here is a really funny text message that I got from one student, in particular Alright, so here's what this guy wrote he said, I'm curious with all the rioting and looting and loose evens I was hilarious when I read that loose heathens in Tampa Where would the line in the sand be for lead distribution? That's pretty funny If you're in your vehicle and riders begin attacking your vehicle either with hands feet or objects like bricks bats or melee weapons I know that your vehicle is just like your home while you occupy it Just wondering since you're less than a foot away from the window and he continues saying a bunch of different stuff So a couple scenarios here Number one, if you're inside of your vehicle and let's say you know that the riots are happening in Tampa You know when the riots were going on they may happen tonight I don't know but I was thinking about going on Saturday because I thought it would be cool make some videos get some cool b-roll and then as I was thinking about it I was like man, Ryan is this really what you want to deal with on a Saturday night? because people are gonna know automatically by looking at me that I'm not I don't fit in with them, right? There, it's just gonna turn violence It's gonna be bad It's just gonna end in me getting hurt And is that really what I want to deal with? Then the answer is no. So you know, let's ask ourselves the really big questions So question number one You know, if you know there's gonna be rioting there's gonna be protests and you know we got these idiots like in Tifa and rioting and doing stupid stuff Then we need to avoid those areas because we all know that the only thing that's gonna happen is something negative There's nothin This is not a protest anymore these are riots It's both those organizations simply want violence and they want chaos That's all they want Now, once, many many years ago I was driving through downtown Tampa and I pulled up to a stoplight and when I looked over to my right I realized that there was probably 500 people marching and they were doing some kind of protest So you know when the light turned green I sped and so I didn't have to wait for them and but that was a very sudden thing I wasn't expecting it I had not heard anything about the news that there was gonna be a protest or something happening So I just really wasn't expecting it So let's say you did not know what was happening You're driving down Kennedy and all of a sudden you find yourself in just a massive massive riot What do you do? You know for me, based on his question His question was, you're in your car and all of a sudden there's a bunch of protestors and riders and they just start trying to attack your car hitting it punching it If that's all they're doing is it reasonable to believe that you're going to die within seconds? Simply because you're in your car and some whacked out in thief a person Is-- you know first of all, the intuitive person who's probably hitting it like this Because they're all limp wrists weird people I don't know I'll probably get protested or my windows shattered in my business because of this If they were hitting a window, if they're punching the window you're not gonna die from that So the best thing to do is to just drive slowly Get the hell out of the area and avoid these these whack jobs Now what if they actually had bricks and they were trying to smash the window and come in Okay so part of the castle doctrine law Florida Statute 776.013 subsection 3 says a person who is attacked in his or her dwelling residence or vehicle has no duty to retreat and has the right to stand his or her ground and use or threatened use force, including deadly force Okay and then it continues to say in Subsection 4 a person who unlawfully and by force enters or attempts enter a person's dwelling residence or occupied vehicle is presumed to be doing so with the intent to commit an unlawful act involving force or violence So one of those scumbags trying to hit my window with a brick They're trying to come in If I couldn't, you know, our goal is to choose that path of least resistance If I can't drive away, then I really would have to pull Boom Smoke that guy Introduce them to Jesus I'm gonna introduce you to Jesus one way or the other We can either do it the easy way or we're gonna do it the hard way And Tifa-- that would definitely be the line in the sand for me But you know, remember, our primary goals try to avoid stuff like this So if you know there's something happening downtown If you know there's a riot, a protest something happening we probably shouldn't be going to those areas Especially protests when we have these kind of crazy organizations who are not interested in what they say they're interested in Who really simply want violence chaos They want to riot They want to burn cities to the ground They want to kill cops These people are terrorists and they deserve to be treated as such Hey guys, thanks for watching. Let me know what you think about this video in the comments below Make sure you subscribe Give a big thumbs up and until next time Keep training and stay safe
Channel: Tampa Carry
Views: 207,452
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Tampa Carry, Florida Concealed Carry, Florida CCW, Concealed Carry Florida, Ryan G Thomas, Florida Concealed Carry Laws, Florida CCW Laws, florida concealed carry rules, florida statute 790, Florida Concealed Carry Permit, CCW Classes Near Me, riots, protest, concealed carry, gun rights, gun laws, concealed weapons permit florida, concealed carry laws florida
Id: 48IFIUk_6AY
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 5min 34sec (334 seconds)
Published: Tue Jun 02 2020
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