Dodge Hellcat Outruns Chopper in Houston Police Chase! Driver Almost Makes it

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👍︎︎ 1 👤︎︎ u/AutoModerator 📅︎︎ Sep 22 2020 🗫︎ replies

Doesn't look very used to country areas, during the on-foot phase: kindo' looks like he's thinking "someone should fix this lousy pavement & clean it up!".

He's one of those who just continues to try to run, even when he's totally surrounded & it makes no rational sense. I think some folks just have an unconditional reflex of "if someone's trying to grab me, I do what it takes to prevent 'em!" ... and in its own right I greatly admire that spirit, I sometimes wish I had a bit more of it myself!

👍︎︎ 7 👤︎︎ u/Ooudhi_Fyooms 📅︎︎ Sep 22 2020 🗫︎ replies

I remember watching this live. Like that car was GOOOONE. LOL

👍︎︎ 5 👤︎︎ u/Dungeon_Beard 📅︎︎ Sep 22 2020 🗫︎ replies

How fast could this helicopter go.

👍︎︎ 1 👤︎︎ u/warwick8 📅︎︎ Sep 22 2020 🗫︎ replies
there you go Doug we got him you see them right there there ahead of him coming up coming up to high ten here no we're going to be going southbound good afternoon everybody Melanie Lawson and our Trask own here in the Eyewitness News room we are following a car chase right now we believe it is that Dodge Charger you are looking at there let's go straight up right now - Don Armstrong who is above the scene in sky I and Don how long have we been chasing this car we've been following this for about the past two minutes actually trying to catch up with us what we understand this is a Dodge Challenger and it is a Hellcat 707 horsepower motor in this car and obviously going way faster than the speed limit here this is just outside the Beltway on i-10 we're heading eastbound now and probably about a hundred miles an hour or so if not faster so I'm turning it down but done that that vehicle is clearly going at least in 110 miles an hour that guy is moving along and those Chargers if you've ever been in one of those and drifting those things they can cruise at 150 without a problem and that's what's dangerous well that it is art and again a lot of police here in in pursuit they were ahead of him a little while ago we were going that westbound on i-10 and then he went over the Beltway and then back to the eastbound side here on i-10 we headed back out toward the San Jacinto River car and look at him leaving and out of those videos and it is so scary because he is coming so very close to all of those vehicles and they've been following him for some time now because we know that that the officers were all around him and sort of spotted him and without lights to sort of slowly fall in him almost tagging him but now we have a chase clearly underway and this guy is cruising well above the speed limit are what we're getting is in what we've heard anyway from different sources is that this car had a tracker on it we believe it may be stolen and and the police are in pursuit of this and they lost him for a while because he got so far out in front of them but the tracker helped them pinpoint exactly where he was and so they narrowed their focus down on this chase clearly using the feeder now this side over there on the emergency shoulder trying to get around all of these cars we're out here at the San Jacinto River heading eastbound on i-10 at a high rate of speed usually these things don't end well we also got reports and this is just right now is for unconfirmed that this particular person has a long gun of rifle in the car with him now we don't know whether it was just a stolen car or there was something else that happened prior to him stealing the car we just don't have all of the details yet but again heading at a high rate of speed out here on i-10 the Baytown East Freeway the sand is sent over hey Don we thought at one point that Houston police were chasing him this that's still the cases it's obviously pretty far outside of their jurisdiction now well for fear that I will lose him I can tell you that there were probably a dozen HPD cars in pursuit at one point they got ahead of him because he had made a u-turn so they were already there he passed them and I do know that their sheriff's deputies involved in this as well as the APD chopper at least one of them in pursuit with us up here with this chaise heading eastbound on i-10 how fast are you going done our current speed is about a hundred 110 so we're kind of keeping up with him and his problem is is that there's been traffic so he's had to kind of slow down to maneuver through the traffic yeah I know some of those open stretches you can clearly see that he picks up speed he probably jumps from a hundred to a hundred and thirty or so you know but this guy is moving along so so very fast but Wow just incredible speeds we just hope he just doesn't get involved in an accident here on the freeway because we know how that would result especially when you're traveling at this rate of speed but bites men at this rate of sweet he's going to be in Beaumont in 30 minutes done well that's right this car will do well over a hundred miles hour with 707 horsepower and a six-speed transmission in it this car will fly I have had the opportunity to drive one of these cars and it is almost scary and so fast oh and he's weaving in and out among other cars which is probably the most frightening part this is usually when we see some terrible accident happen as art mentioned but tell us where you are now let me get a marker for you here Mikey you tell us where we are Mike's coming up on dry throat George right so weights are rule a house yeah way past Bucky Wow and so here's the story for those of you just joining us this Dodge Charger here the white when you're looking at traveling at speeds well over 100 miles an hour I mean our pilot is traveling at over 100 miles an hour and is tough to keep up with him but we believe now this is not confirmed but we believe it may it have a tracker device in it and it may be a stolen vehicle but police have been following him for some time but the chase just began only moments ago and we've been right on top of it with sky eye pictures as he has been traveling at 100 120 miles an hour off times and weaving in and out of traffic and oh wow yeah and you're wondering he doesn't want to collide with one of those 18 wheelers that's not going to end well for him but what we do know is we believe this is a stolen vehicle a white Dodge Challenger Hellcat and as hard as pointed out it's got a lot of Howard horsepower there you can really move at pretty good speeds we're also hearing that precinct 3 may also be involved so not just Houston Police who started tracking this guy at 1600 Post Oak that was almost an hour ago now but as you can see he is well out in the East Freeway at this point well past Bucky's so all of us know where that is any state troopers do you see any state troopers around done because clearly they're gonna have to take control or at least get on this as well because he is way outside of even county boundaries isn't he yes and I have not seen any state troopers yet Wow we did where he did pass a unmarked police vehicle that had its lights on just a moment ago okay I'm not exactly sure what they plan on doing and how to bring this to an end sooner or later he's going to have to get off the freeway I assume right get into a side street can't continue to do this forever and traffic is only going to get worse done right because this eventually goes from three to two lanes yeah well you know it's been a while since I've been this far east and so I can't confirm that but I do know that that Beaumont is a ways away and but I would imagine that at some point or another they may even consider shutting down the freeway miles ahead to bring this to a conclusion we'll see well and you mentioned that there is a police helicopter following him have you been able to see any of the officers in his wake I know for a little while they lost him because he was so far out in front wow he just sideswiped it looked like that 18-wheeler yeah I I don't know Melanie I've been so focused trying to find him to begin with I wanted to point out that word that we had was is that this was a stolen vehicle and they were following him without without any emergency lights on to pull him over so they followed him for a distance and then when they felt that they had a plan in place they turned on the lights and that's when the chase started yeah and so they had been following him for some time without lights and without a high-speed chase well and this guy clearly knows we just lost her mixed - there we go we this guy clearly knows as well that he has some power under that engine he knows how to operate the vehicle this is a v8 under that thing those Chargers can clearly move at 130 consistently and it is it is a muscle car and that's what it's known for and so when you're moving along at this rate of speed I mean that's okay for this vehicle it's all I gonna get to overheat and mix you know exploding that problems but I'm just wondering about the police officers they don't seem to be anywhere near this guy and at least and immediately done well I you know I would love to pull out even further to show you a wider shot to check on that I don't want to see that for fear that I may lose him right a pilot maximun tells me that there is a vehicle police vehicle about a quarter mile back and I don't know whether you saw it flash by the screen there but there were three more vehicles emergency police vehicles that he just passed he is living along at a very good clip yeah I don't I don't know nearly as much as art does about muscle cars but we can definitely see that this guy it's really hauling it at this point done we asked you a moment ago you said you thought you were going about a hundred and ten and you're having trouble on where we are and and HPD is as well but thank goodness we've got the doubler on our camera here so we can take a picture of into the quiet of distance right yeah we remind the audience that this is not maybe he's not right on top of him are our you know the pilot he has this incredible zooming lens that can go all the way into that vehicle that it makes it appear that we're right on top but we're having a tough time keeping up with this guy you know what these things do not end well and I don't understand the mentality of these people who are continually on the road like this driving fast and weaving in and out of traffic and and and clearly not understanding what potentially could happen and that inevitably they're going to be stopped they're going to be caught and captured and that's that's in the institution and to continue our conversation without our speed I just checked with my Tillman who's at the controls of our sky I helicopter here we're currently doing 120 miles an hour and he is losing he is losing us we're at maximum speed right now but we're gonna try to keep with him as long as we can what are you guys crossing over right now where are you you know I'm sorry Mike this is the Trinity River I'm gonna be wherever okay as we continue to watch this guy and yeah he is really moving it there and obviously it looks as though he may be passing a lot of these folks on the left does that mean he's in that emergency lane or is yeah he's on that show this part of the freeway here is three lanes okay eventually two lanes made a mistake and this is this is the Lost River that we just went along a lot you know because because I'm shooting so far out ahead of us here it's taken a while for Mike to be able to tell me where exactly we are right so because you know we're shooting so far ahead of us a million questions at you we got to apologize for that as well done and as we realize you've got much bigger fish to fry at this point trying to keep up with this guy Wallace exits right three-quarters of a mile ahead all right so Wallace feels it's going to be approached in the wrong way and I can yeah I am zoomed in all the way up he assumed in any further than that we're gonna take the Wallace bill that's it but it's not here's the problem here worked we've been trying to keep we've been trying as a chopper I talking about we as the ABC 13 trying to keep up with this guy the choppers traveling at 120 miles an hour we have extended zoom lens into this guy and yet he's beating us you know what and that can't happen because you know as much as we don't want it to happen because HPD is having a tough time keeping up with this guy as well so he's cruising sometimes well over 130 140 miles an hour on some of those open stretches clearly slowing down when there's traffic close by but he's he's passing some of these vehicles like they're standing still yeah I mean that's how fast this guy is moving well and the interesting thing is the traffic continues to kind of build up there we're seeing more vehicles than we did even just a few moments ago and yet he seems to just thread the needle to just weave in and out of traffic here that's 563 anna wat and liberty that's it losing here behind the tree out all right so that's the Anahuac liberty exit that would if they took that loool exit of course it'd be going north to Liberty but if he stays on this eventually it's gonna go from three to two lanes he's gonna he's gonna eventually come to Winnie and if he's been followed still by by deputies he's way out of the of Harris County line he's already in what's the next County a callin if you could check out the next County I know you weather guys are always into into understanding where the count is he's approaching yet he's gonna be approaching Winnie and that's going to eventually take those three lanes into two you have two lanes so well in the scary part is he keeps passing these motorcycle riders what's that down of the other things I might add is that we are trying to assist the police yeah because we've got a camera on him and he has lost them so we're trying to assist the police up here as to his exact whereabouts but obviously he still continues to pull ahead we're gonna try to keep up with him as long as yeah Don we're going to let you all kind of put the pedal to the metal there and continue to keep him in sight but we can see we can see a lot of 18 wheelers obviously there's a lot of commercial traffic on i-10 East as it passes through our area but he is we think he is already approaching Winnie he's very close to the airway he's close to Winnie he's not approached it yet because you still have three lanes of traffic well he's he's a lot of traffic right now hitting a lot of traffic but eventually those three lanes would be reduced to two that's close to Winnie you're into Chambers County now you're way outside of Harris County Line but yet he continues to move you can't put spike strips that's just not feasible not doable at this point because there's so many other vehicles on the road it looks like we see some police officials there I'm not a knight yeah but you know what that might be something else as well because that guy just you know is cruising by all of this and well for him this just may be a Thursday Drive you know this is just praising what he's doing well we believe he's in a stolen vehicle which obviously is giving him incentive to move even faster but at some point you know he's going to run out of either out of Road or out of gas or worse still he might get involved in a traffic accident there and we continue to see him just weaving in and out obviously trying to elude as many people as possible can you still see the police helicopter Donner are they gone as well well melody I can't can't turn around the Lord I assume that HPD Fox helicopter is up with us there Mike just to confirm that they are here with us and they also were trying to keep up we will leave you be to go ahead and keep him in your sights there but well I think this is one of the first times where the vehicle is actually outrun the chopper yeah I don't know how other way to put it but I think that's what's happening here because it's it's tough to see him and and you could see him right there on the far left he's right there on the shoulder right now passing that box truck and going into the middle lane if you're looking at the middle of the screen that's where he is and you'll see him pull over here whoa people are pulling over there Bob he's still on the left side and he's running into a lot of traffic over here let's see what he does he's way over onto the right onto the right shoulder continuing to crews still backs that 18-wheeler and get he now back on the far left lane it's almost like he don't blend in with the traffic so it is I wouldn't say he's down much but he's certainly trying you can see him he's far on the left now yeah there he goes all the way to the right shoulder now he's squeezing by all of that traffic and he's oh it looks like he's going to be X no he's not exiting but you see how the traffic is slowed down there in front but now he is way out in lead way out there in the front now on the left-hand side and you even wonder if perhaps some of these drivers are being told either to pull over or because I think those ghosts those 18 wheelers I believe were actually rather Peugeot driving pretty slow looks as if they're trying to box him in exactly you know which makes you wonder if perhaps somebody's out there with the officers ahead you see some of the flashing lights so I think the officers are trying to slow down traffic to get him to force him off the road that's what the officers are doing there in front of him look on the far left through my foods in touch with HPD the helicopter up here Jefferson County is going to shut down the freeway so that's what we're looking at with that yeah with that in mind please keep in mind that we're still trying to play catch-up you say when this happens it's going to be a while before we get to it because what you're the picture that you're looking at right now is probably eight to ten miles ahead of us it's quite a ways it's gonna be a while for us to get there once they bring this to an end I can see the drama continues here we're going to see what happens when they shut it down I do see the police yeah we also see some police car it's actually coming from the opposite direction it looks like so they made police officers are trying to slow down traffic at this point and the warning people I think of what has taken place you see him just squeeze by on the right-hand side he's way over there on the right-hand side now this whoa now he's now he's getting back in the middle of the lane you see him you see the flashing lights flashing lights him right there to the left squeezing in between and it's almost as though all those 18 wheelers are trying to primary now he's driving off to the shoulder yeah he's trying to those 18 wheelers are trying to help yeah I think they are I'm trying to box him in well there he went he went past him now he's back into the middle of the lane and all the way off there in the front taking the lead again it was a good word that the HPD helicopter has had to pull off because they were running low on fuel so we're out there by ourselves right now oh wow okay HPD now okay we're going to be helping out HPD that's what we're doing ABC 13 helping HPD because HPD cropper running out of fuel but now you see him way out there in the front you can't but we can see him there on the far left-hand side as he continues to kind of move along EPIK there so we can continue to make out to him yeah okay bringing that screen a little bit closer now alright so if you're watching this watch in the middle of the screen and you see someone right there on the right far right lane imal trying to exit passing that box truck there he is on the shoulder and he continues to move now keep in mind this guy is traveling well over 120 miles an hour at some point because our chopper is traveling at a at a top speed of 120 and we can't keep up and as Don says he's probably eight to ten miles out as they try to hold that powerful camera he's exiting this is the whinny exit now he's headed straight to winning and by the way there is no traffic there so you wonder if the police officers have already blocked off that road but right now he is the only person on the road okay as he exits there all right no so what you're looking at now this is the exit from I 10 I ten would continue to beaumont and the whinny exit continues of course to whinny but there he is in the middle of the road taking off on that road if you stay on that road as well that'll take you all the way to Port Arthur say that 76 that's freeway 76 I believe so that'll take you all the way to Port Arthur if we lose and perhaps that might happen because here we are in Chambers County we're gonna be getting to deport from Port Arthur here soon highway 73 not 76 so it says 76 but it's 73 actually this is off to Winnie and then eventually it goes if you stay on this freeway it'll take you all the way to Port Arthur straight to Port Arthur and we're doing our very best Don Armstrong and his pilot Mike they're doing their very best accusative sign go ahead Don where were you say I was just saying that we are 19 miles west of Beaumont that's how far I was he's made it in record speed that is for sure has made it there in 35 minutes we pull ahead there at that 18-wheeler now there's not much traffic on highway 73 so this guy can I mean I've admitted I've traveled 75 80 miles an hour and 73 there wasn't a car in sight and so you get this guy with his muscle car his charger and traveling at 120 130 and he's just gonna he's gonna is gonna leave everyone in the dust but sadly I mean we don't want this guy to get away this guy has caused a lot of danger and who knows what else he could because well what we do know at this point is that the law enforcement in Chambers County is aware of him and they're also trying to kind of shut things down there but we do not know though whether or not there are still HPD officers behind him I'm sure Don Armstrong and his pilot can give us a little bit better idea but as art says he is now just right outside of Beaumont which is record time because he left 1600 Post Oak about 11:40 so a little bit more than an hour ago and we have been following him almost since that time okay now on highway 73 headed to Port Arthur already driving past Winnie and he is I've you know what honestly I've lost track of him he's somewhere over there on the right hand side I believe he's on the left he's getting into the shaded portion area there but we have been tracking this guy it's a Dodge Carter and charger one of those muscles in Challenger excuse me and just moving along at speeds that have been incredibly fast at a hundred and thirty possibly one hundred and forty at times and open stretches but weaving in and out of traffic we believe that it may be a stolen car that has not yet been confirmed perhaps police officers had a tracker on this device as well in this vehicle we see him over there on the right-hand side he's going on the right shoulder passing what looked like an attempted roadblock there from the 18-wheeler you see him now he's in the front of that 18-wheeler and he's just sort of on his own out there and let's hope they're able to put up some other type of roadblock what you need are some a cooperative 18-wheeler guys who say you know what will block it for you we saw several of them attempting to do that what we're being told is that he may be travelling in a stolen car that's at least part of the reason that they are following him but also that he may also have a long gun in the car that is what they are very concerned about and they certainly don't want to take any chances on anyone else getting caught in the middle of this as we look at these pictures as art says he is so far out in front it's almost a hard to keep up with him and especially as he moves into this very heavily wooded area there he's disappearing behind the trees but we do know he is on highway 73 he is just outside of Beaumont at this point and he continues to just elude authorities we lost HPD's Fox helicopter short while ago according to Don simply because they were running low on fuel and they had to go back so right now we are attempting to be good citizens and stay on top of this for them as well as for our own coverage all right here there is that one that's that's what it is right here these things move they move fast I mean they were a day this is the newer version of course this is probably a 2016 2017 model or or perhaps you know maybe even to 2015 but but these challengers I mean they're built with v8s that have near you know 326 cubic inch engines that are just incredibly fast and that's what he's been doing is using the muscle of that vehicle to well at least get away from HPD yeah exactly HPD ran out of gas their chopper they had to turn around and you've got to hope that he's gonna run out of gas at that point he's certainly burning it at top speed there I mean these vehicles get about 15 16 miles per gallon if you're traveling at 65 miles an hour normal you know at a normal speed this guy is probably getting six miles to the gallon traveling from Houston to Beaumont which is a hundred miles you know and he would and they hold 18 gallons and gallons Hollen is telling us so you know is he's gonna go through gas very very fast eventually he's going to run out and let's hope that Chambers County as well as others in in Port Arthur are well aware of where he is and perhaps can stop him at some point all right we see some more flashing cars there all right right we do see some flashing cars we're hoping that those are you know law enforcement officials either with Chambers County we know precinct free is also out there yeah but just to kind of catch you up on this about 1140 police officers HPD started chasing this car as we've been telling you it is at least it appears from what we can see a white Dodge Challenger Hellcat and he has been moving at speeds well in excess of a hundred miles an hour at one point our chopper was going about a hundred and twenty and they were having difficulty keeping up with him but he left the area of 1600 posto and what we've been hearing is that law enforcement are very concerned not only that he's in a stolen vehicle but also that he may indeed have a long-barrel gun inside that car and they are concerned about anyone else getting caught in the fray but as you can see there it's great distance and I believe Don told us he's about eight to ten miles away from them and they're just trying hard to keep up with him you can see him just really moving there along that what appears to be now a rural road the highway 73 it is it's west of Beaumont is well it's south of Beaumont and you takes highway 73 eventually he's gonna end up in Port Arthur he may already be there for the speed he's traveling and with at but we've kind of lost him at this point because well he's simply going too fast he really a speedy helicopter has lost the guy but the good news here is that they believe at least we've been told this reportedly there was a tracker on this car and eventually he will be found Oh God okay Don what did you hear I get out of the car and a run and he if you can look real closely right to the right behind that transmission tower he's running in an open field out there we see there are no police around police around he's running in an open field and we understand that he's bailed from the vehicle yes the vehicle is over there on the side of the road I don't know whether you can see it or not we do see it now we don't see him gone is he in a white shirt er I couldn't tell what color shirt he had on but it was a lighter colored shirt police are rolling up on this yeah we see them now coming up behind him lights flashing okay done yeah I'm trying to figure out the the logic of stopping in this area and running out in this open field I mean there's nothing out there but you got a wonderfully but you can see now that the officers are also out of their cars and they are running as well we sense what it appears to be you see several people they're running we have no idea where he is relative to them but clearly at least his time on the roads has he come to an end well he knew that it would I guess his his hope was just to outrun police and he never did because there's they're always more police than up ahead you know no matter what freeway you take for those ever considering to run away from police you know what you're gonna become okay it just it's just that's that's the the probability of you being Kotter is so so high but now he's run into the field because he ran out of gas apparently because he's not moving there the vehicle there's really nowhere to run at this point you know they're gonna get the canines out there they're gonna hunt for this guy and he's eventually going to be captured because the police are going to be out there all day well what they were able to do was enlist the services of other officers in that nearby area we know for sure that Chambers County was also challenging and we have no idea how many local police departments may have also taken up the call as well we can see some of the officers out there walking in that field looking for him now we're being able to approach the this entire area of course we're much closer now but but Don when you did you hear through radio that he had stopped the car and bailed from it and and was on took a run for it I saw I saw him bail out we were able to see him do that okay so he may be running into more than just human human pursuit there if if some of the cattle decide to take out after or not cows okay so done did HPD chop okay do we have any other helicopters up here with us now we're the only helicopter up here so Kay we may be instrumental in trying to catch this guy absolutely this is why ABC 13 is number one because we're here exclusively and we don't want to boast about this but you know what we are the only chopper there and we're grabbing this material for you and bringing it live as it happens eventually this guy is going to be found an HPD I can guarantee you they are monitoring our feed looking at these live pictures because we're searching for the guy as well and then hopefully we'll be instrumental and helping catch this guy well you can certainly see several officers there now walking the fields I saw officer in a uniform and a hat just a moment ago as we continue to scour from the sky there try to see what they are able to see Don did you say something about spotting somebody at three o'clock is that what you're saying well no I was trying to try to help Mike you know Mike is at a disadvantage because he's just using his bare eyes with a big powerful camera so I'm trying to guide him in here and I you can see several officers kind of roaming around through the field but in that thick brush it's gonna be it's gonna be difficult it's gonna be challenging done and that is the problem right now rough terrain ok are you spotting something there no you know there's debris of all sorts of stuff out here it's going to take a little while we'll find him gonna let him get away from us if we can help that there's also a ditch here you know that has water in it so there's no telling where he could be in here but he's clearly in here somewhere we'll find him yeah well he's at a real disadvantage because we can now see officers approaching from several different vantage points we also see the cattle roaming there if if he stays put and hidden then it's gonna be he's gonna be tougher to find of course but if he's on the move then he's gonna be fairly easy to notice especially from a bird's-eye view well after all that adrenaline pumping is he engages in that police chase somehow I don't think he's calmed down and he's just laying down taking it easy right now so no doubt he is out there somewhere as we continue to look along with our chopper to see if we can spot any movement you tip off as to exactly where they are because they tend to move away from from humans okay and I'm sure if he can hear the sound of your chopper he is not happy that there's still somebody hovering above him and able to give away his location done well we do see several of the cows there it looks like they wait go back done did we see something there just to your right perhaps a little bit of movement okay perhaps not my second turns at the Beaumont police helicopter is on its way here no they're about five minutes away we're okay you know we're moving pretty quick love it yes so we're really have to step aside for them we're gonna continue to look for this person I have a feeling that he's probably down here along the ditch sorry some hiding in the crevice somewhere they're going to use a FLIR camera which is one that's kind of a heat-seeking camera right and they will be able to nab him pretty quick those heat-seeking cameras are incredible for our audience just so that for their understanding if you're flying over someone I correct me if I'm wrong done but if you're flying over something a field like that anything that is distributing any type of heat which body heat is at 98 and especially Haley's mandolin what running you know you're at 98.6 and the cows of course would be distributing heat but all of those signals are noted very very clearly through their almost infrared cameras that give off that heat sense that's exactly right on and I'm sure that they'll be monitoring that very closely and have it on as soon as they arrive here and we're continuing to look gee with you yeah see on the other side of this ditch it's wide open field huh I just can't imagine that he would run out here unless perhaps I he's hiding underneath something like that but generally speaking from my experience in this the ditch would be the obvious place to harm right yeah that makes that makes perfect sense Don yep and Mike was just passing along to me that typically they on the run from the police they typically don't go any further than a hundred yards so when there is a wooded area there the police helicopters just arrived here he is right here okay so this is Beaumont Police Department our County officials out there as well I presume so look that yeah that's the Sheriff's Office that's not Beaumont City but that's the counties that's the counties a chopper and we can see there on the side of the road where he's not see who all is here there there was the car she jumps out on the passenger side DPS is here there's about eight cars so at least eight officers are in pursuit out here in this field it's just a matter of time before they catch him as we continue to kind of look and also watch the cows because as you pointed out they may actually help us spot this guy as well and we say guy we're assuming it's a man but we don't really know at this point all we know is that whoever it was was driving it in excess of 120 miles an hour much of this process here much of this chase you know what done something to consider as well it was reported that he possibly had a long gun with him for the audience that's generally you know it could be a rifle of some sort or a shotgun not sure what it is it's it's reported that he had one it's not been confirmed but as well you wonder whether he took that with him when he bailed from the vehicle that's also clearly a concern by law enforcement officers as they continue to search this field well we have one of our crew we've got a reporter and a photographer already headed out to this location of course they're not moving at the same speed he is so it's gonna take them a little bit of time to get there but in the meantime we continue to rely on our pilot Mike fair to keep their eyes peeled and we are proud to also be helping the police department we do know that HPD had to turn back at some point because they needed fuel we believe we are seeing is at the Chambers County Sheriff's Office it's Chambers County yes Beaumont is I believe in Chambers County but let me double check that but it is the County Sheriff office in there another helicopter we saw just moments ago Hey we continue to watch this and we really have to take our hats off to our our folks in the chopper we're gonna stay on top of this and we're gonna continue to update you on our website ABC 13 or ABC 13 com go there they're monitoring that's Chambers County they continue of course of course to watch this and they are out there in droves you can see them there you have County you have state troopers and you have city as well you can see all of the different colors of law enforcement a tire there and you have undercover there as well and as we've seen several people armed so they are not wasting any time now all right we need to go ahead and we're gonna continue this on line ABC 13 dot-com you can watch it right there but we've been covering this for you this long chase and it is resulted in the guy bailing from the vehicle now out there in the field you can watch it online ABC 13 comm and the good news is nobody hurt as far as we know it will be back [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] yes death yeah I was talking to you on the two-way we've got probably 30 to 45 minutes the Beaumont airports about 45 minutes I'm sorry about eight minutes away I got you art Melanie okay there they're running in I'm not exactly sure what but you know one of the things that I thought was the fact that they may be holding bat because they're worried about the long gun that I have mentioned earlier and that they that they may be waiting on getting a dog out here but let's see what what they what they do now I know that there were some other officers out here and I had lost track of them they're running this way but I don't see any of them [Music] correct yes yet there was an officer with a long gun himself now understand that they may be being directed by the law-enforcement helicopter that's up here with us that would be this this helicopter here yes correct let's just stay with him for a minute because he he's got the FLIR camera there's also an observer back here in the back so we're gonna stick with him I yeah they're looking in this brush focus [Music] right there no that's him right in the middle of the stream [Music] [Music] [Music] and I'm glad to report it looks like he does not have a weapon on him [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] well all I can see is is that police ooh with that with the assistance of that FLIR camera that heat seeking camera they found him in a roll of brush back here in the back of this field that he ran out into and I'm glad to say that we at least caught all of that on camera it was a long way away and it took us quite a time to get here to be able to actually find this guy and and you know wait we are so glad that this is finally ended it years to be peacefully safely and there were no accidents along the way and didn't cause any wrecks that we are aware of [Music] this afternoon I really have no words for what happened before the court proceeding here in Jefferson County that 25-year old man he laughed about this chase he acted as if it was a note was no big deal now that candid conversation took place inside that courtroom before the judge came he was speaking with officers he was boasting about his speeds and he marveled at how fast that Dodger could accelerate he showed no remorse as I mentioned after about this afternoon and he said that he was shopping at the Galleria he had left the Galleria and that's when police attempted to pull him over I want to go to some video from Sky i13 exclusive footage of when this chase started around 11:40 this morning now this man's name is mohamed abu Saliba he led law enforcement on that chase spanning multiple counties he raced eastward on i-10 in speeds of excess of a hundred and ten miles an hour police say he was wanted on a felony warrant out of Harris County as you can see that Dodger weaved in and out of traffic he eventually abandoned that vehicle about 15 miles west of Port Arthur on highway 73 in court abdul saliba told officers again before the judge had entered the courtroom that he had just GPS the nearest court were the nearest city that was port arthur he looked down he saw that he had about 18 miles left of fuel so he decided to pull over then he ran out into a field where cattle were and was even at one point seen talking on the phone before that takedown eyewitnesses couldn't believe what they were seeing do you know and I have any idea cuz when we were hovering over him he was on his cell phone was he talking to police you know who he was talking to who was talking to us attack you know I knew something had to be going on in front of me so I actually I could have went Iten and but I decided to go to 73 because I thought well there's a less chance of since I've been on 73 than the main interstate you know and you're and then while I right in front of me at all stop certainly a different afternoon there on highway 73 let's go up to sky drone thirteen hovering above that field right now because I wanted to point out among the many things that this 25 year old said in court he said that he was wearing a new outfit including including Louis Vuitton shoes that he was running in that field with he lost a shoe after he stepped in manure he told an officer again he just was taken here from Jefferson County back to Harris County to face a felony charge of evading with a motor vehicle he's already been given no bond [Music]
Channel: ABC13 Houston
Views: 11,124,150
Rating: 4.6252933 out of 5
Keywords: police chase, high speed police chase, police chase 2018, police chase ends, police chase crash, police chase gets away, dodge hellcat, dodge hellcat police chase, hellcat chase, dodge hellcat 2018, dodge hellcat high speed chase, high speed chase, houston police chase, crazy police chase, best police chase ever, abc13, houston, houston news, ktrk, abc13 houston, news, texas
Id: VMxjFTtTquc
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 53min 29sec (3209 seconds)
Published: Fri Apr 13 2018
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