Choosing Your First CCW

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welcome back everybody this is eric here with iraq veteran eddie a88 today we've got a very special video for you i know we've got a ton of new gun owners out there and i'm sure a lot of you are really confused about what your first carry gun should be so i wanted to put together a special presentation to go over a few different thought processes that you should really kind of have going through your minds here as to what you might want to pick and i'll give you a little bit of my experience on it may might save some of you a little bit of headache when you're searching for guns i mean there's a lot of stuff out there a ton of different options and i know for the new gun buyer it can be really hard to kind of dial in uh what would be the perfect thing for you and i know there's a ton of information out there it's almost information overload right uh when you're looking at all the stuff that's out there for information you're trying to consume all this stuff and you're like heck well this guy thinks this this guy thinks that and you're just as confused after you've watched all the content as you were when you went into the content and believe me i get it it's nice to have options but sometimes you want to narrow it that window down a little bit so we are going to go over that here i used to work at a gun store some years back moss pawn and gun really good people i haven't been behind the counter in quite a while but i wanted the spirit of this video to be very much in the vein of being back at moss and being behind the gun counter and being at the point of sale selling guns uh just like i used to uh in the old days but i want the spirit of this video to be very much in that vein so we will go over some options i would like to take a moment to thank our friends at firearms legal protection if you are ever involved in a legal justified self-defense situation it can be a really scary type of situation to be involved in right you're worried if you did the right thing you know you don't know what's going to happen legally so the guys at flp you know when you enlist their services if you are involved in a shooting they will have their lawyers at your side to make sure that you are you know getting taken care of and getting the representation you need make sure you check them out if you do decide to go with their services use the code iv8888 and you'll get yourself a bit of a discount and tell them we sent you over there firearms legal protection flp and that's very relevant to this video obviously because we are talking about picking out a carry gun and with carrying a firearm you know also comes a lot of responsibilities right um you know a firearm is a dangerous object and we want to make sure we're treating it with the utmost uh amount of care um now this video could go down a a multitude of rabbit holes and i'm not going to do that to you just yet we're going to try to keep it real basic i do have a couple of different holster options i'm going to show you we'll talk briefly about ammunition and different cartridges but for the most part we're really going to talk about different gun designs right because the way that the actions work on various pistols and the style that you know they're meant to be carried in or the condition that they're meant to be carried in uh it it does kind of drastically change a little bit as you get into some different technologies also an important thing to consider is that not all pistols are super easy to pull back to slide on so if you're a person that doesn't have like a lot of upper body strength or maybe your hand strength isn't as strong maybe you're an elderly person and you have arthritis and it can be really hard to grip something tight like you might have a hard time opening a pickle jar much less gripping a slide on a pistol and pulling it back so believe it or not there are options for you know every single person there is absolutely no reason for anyone to not have a firearm to protect themselves and firearm is very useful tool in that regard so um what a lot of people tend to get confused about is you know they hear all this conjecture about different carry rounds and things like that different action types you know maybe perhaps um a name gets thrown out there they may hear oh well this guy bought a glock or this guy bought a beretta or a cz or whatever and they hear this name and they start to associate you know the name of the gun right so it's easy to kind of have that brain recognition start coming into play because you hear you know different guns get talked about let's just say in popular culture maybe you saw a really cool gun in a movie and you're like oh i think i might want to own one of those and that's normal right like it's awesome to see john wick running around with the fancy taran tactical customized shotguns and pistols and things like that and uh there certainly is um some truth to that right you know having a very well tuned and well set up carry gun can go a long way in increasing your survivability and let's just say a defensive situation but let's face it like most of us aren't john wick um even keanu reeves isn't john wick i guess technically i mean i do a lot of training for that movie uh to get as proficient as he as he did uh the truth is most of us are going to be going to the post office to check our p.o box or something or going to the grocery store or going to the bank or we're picking up our kids from school we're doing whatever right we're going throughout our life and we're just normal people doing normal things but we just happen to choose to be armed to protect ourselves i mean think about a gun like a life insurance policy right it's completely normal to go wow you know guns are scary i you know i'm going to treat this with respect and there are a lot of different people out there in terms of how they look at how they treat guns right some folks are raised around them and some folks know to be very careful and and some folks need a little bit more uh you know reinforcement and a little bit more training and a little bit more knowledge about what they're dealing with so just like any tool right i can hurt myself with an axe or with a with with a hammer i can hurt myself if i step the wrong way out of my truck and fall out of that three feet tall sucker and you know so there's lots of ways we can hurt ourselves so once we understand that a firearm is just a tool we can start to approach it from that aspect of going all right well in in everyday carry and carrying a gun and using a gun for self-defense what is going to be the tool that is best going to serve me and there's a lot of different options so i think the way that we can kind of start this out is and i'm assuming that someone watching this video is a layman that is you know not into guns maybe you just have a passing interest in firearms and you want to learn a little bit and you want to kind of figure out okay well what is everybody carrying right i guess that's what most of us do right we have this confirmation bias and it's a very natural human trait right what do we do okay if we want to get into something say i want to get into skiing what do we do we read articles we go online we consume information and we go all right well what are what are the pros using what are what's the average person using in terms of equipment right what kind of training does the average person get to learn how to ski you're not just going to haphazardly put on a set of skis and go just launching down the slope haphazardly towards a pine tree right so you know we we approach everything with discipline care and there's that confirmation bias that goes in there so what i want to lay out here is i'm going to tell you what i use i'm going to explain why i use it and we're going to explain some different action types so when you do go to pick out a gun you'll have a little bit better idea of what you're looking at now you can't really talk about gun technology unless you talk about the cartridges that they're chambered in so if you're new i'm just going to give you super basically you do realize and i want you to realize that these uh firearms they can be chambered in a variety of different cartridges and the real layman's terms super basic thing you need to know is that you know there is no such thing as a free lunch in physics right so you know if you start getting a big heavy caliber that shoots you know large projectiles at fast velocities i mean sure you can start getting some more recoil uh the gun's going to require a little bit more mastery obviously if the gun is chambered in a smaller cartridge it's going to generate less recoil generally which we're going to talk about some design parameters you need to think about so that's the way you can sort of approach it right if you're new to guns you probably don't need to go buy some big crazy magnum revolver or a 50 cal desert eagle or 44 magnum or something like that and honestly you probably don't need to go buy a 45 acp because 45s can have a little bit of snappy recoil 40s can have a little bit of snappy recoil i love the 40 bores i love 45s which we're going to show some of those off so let's talk a little bit just basically about technology in terms of you know we could go down the rabbit hole of how this stuff got here and and the technology that went into what we see here on the table but in the modern world walking into a gun store and saying hey gun salesman i want to get a gun to protect myself this is a pretty solid like variety here that you're going to see in your average gun shop and this stuff represents um pretty relatively um the apex of pistol technology that we have available to us i mean now granted getting into some of the fancy race guns uh just know that these guns can be highly customized and tricked out with red dots and counterweights and fancy sights and trigger jobs and springs and action you know action jobs and all of this type of stuff so just understand that we're we're going with the basic daily driver here we're not getting into the super fancy stuff although i do have a few guns here that are pretty cool so without that without going any further um let's just kind of work our way around a little bit now um i'm going to pull out a j frame revolver now a revolver in terms of the characteristic of a what we call a wheel gun or revolver this is a smith wesson wiley clap j frame this is a 38 and uh i carry this gun religiously quite a bit uh in relatively deep concealment and this this is a nice flat gun that that hides quite well uh initially one one detractor from a revolver capacity all right it is a wheel gun so this only holds five shots so this is probably not a gun for a beginner that's not to say that you know someone's first firearm that they ever buy that it's not a revolver some people buy a wheel gun for their first uh you know firearm purchase you can certainly do that if you want i would not recommend a wheel gun for a first time gun owner especially if you're going to carry it for self-defense because there are quite a few of very very exacting intricacies you have to keep in mind when you are manipulating a wheel gun especially if you're trying to reload one of these things under this rigors and stress of uh let's just say someone shooting back okay now it does take a very specialized amount of training and time and care and discipline to be deadly with a revolver in terms of being able to load and manipulate and work the gun in a fast a fast and dynamic environment such as that of a personal defense situation all right now that's not to say that this won't serve you they will uh but i probably would not recommend this as a first-time gun now i i love wheel guns i love jframe revolvers they are fantastic this is a great gun okay so i don't want you thinking it's not a worthy type of setup this is a galco holster so i wanted to show the holster that i use in this as well um this is a leather holster made by galco and it's just a belt loop holster and if you're wearing a good rigid gun belt this thing conceals pretty deep so if you just run in the store or something you pop your shirt uh you know it's a very easy gun to hide but just understand that as a wheel gun it is going to be a little bit different uh all right and here i've got a model 67-5 carry comp so this is another revolver from smith and wesson and this particular one um is really it is set up for carry it has the front night sight it's compensated this one's in 38 special as well this one is a six shot because we're stepping up in our frame size and of course this one has some non-glare coatings and stuff so very impervious to rust and the elements and arguably i mean one of the smoothest actions on a revolver you could ever feel i mean a really nice double action on this gun and uh the 67-5 this is a cool gun now is this a good first-time gun probably not you know this is for more of an experienced gun handler okay but i wanted to you know make sure you understood what revolvers were because that is one of the action types that you need to be familiar with so you have revolvers and then we get into auto loading pistols semi-automatics okay so you're gonna have to kind of bear with me a bit here so i'm assuming you're new this is meant to be a 101 type of thing for picking out your your favorite gun um i'm just going to lay out some super basic traits about these guns so you can understand what we're dealing with all right so i'm going to reach over here here's another smith all right this is the this is a scandium frame 1911 from smith and wesson uh this is a very very nice pistol you probably if you've watched any amount of movies or if you've engaged in any type of popular culture related to video games you've probably seen a 1911 it's probably one of the most iconic and familiar gun designs ever right a lot of people know the shape of this gun now granted this is a little more modern you can see the you know the sort of bob tail on the frame back here and this one has some really wicked looking serrations here on the slide so this is a very modern 1911 but the basic shape and functionality is pretty similar to the way they've always been i mean we're talking a gun that's been around since world war one okay this gun's 100 years old the basic design parameters of this gun now it's gone through some changes but what i'll just basically tell you here is this is what's called a single action pistol okay this is the magazine all right so the idea behind the semi-auto you noticed on the revolver okay we place our rounds individually into these chambers in the cylinder okay this is the cylinder all right and each one serves as its own chamber and you place the rounds in there okay and what happens when you fire revolver is the cylinder rotates okay see how that cylinder rotates when i manipulate the the revolver now when all the shots are you're out of shots you have to open this back up eject the spin shells with the ejector rod and then you've got to either use a speed loader which in a combat situation you will run speed loaders now you can already see where it's getting a little more difficult right you know in terms of manipulating but you have to understand that's a drastic difference now on the wheel gun that's how you have to work that on a semi-auto you have generally now everything we're going to show here works essentially in the same basic way you have a magazine all right the rounds are loaded into the magazine the magazine is inserted into the pistol okay and then when you cycle the slide it loads around into the chamber okay you notice the hammer is to the rear so if this had a live round in it it would be ready to shoot so when i shoot all right the hammer drops bang the gun goes off okay and in that process now it's a little more complicated than this but i'm just going to give you the super basic version the the pg super low end 101 version all right the four recoil forces of the gun exert rearward and kick the spent shell out the slide falls strips another round off of the magazine and the cycle repeats so in semi-automatic that's what we're referring to the gun loads itself it is self-loading until the supply of ammunition in the magazine has been depleted okay so this is a seven shot mag so you get one in the chamber and and seven makes eight rounds of 45 acp what we call a single stack magazine it means that the mat that the rounds stack in one single column they don't stagger so that limits you on the capacity but since the 1911 uses 45 acp it's a pretty big cartridge to keep the size of the gun slim and to make it easy to hide and easy to conceal and make it feel you know right in the hand and not have some big crazy grip on it most 1911s are going to be in a single stack configuration just to keep that size down a little bit so this is what we call a single action only pistol single action all right the hammer falls it shoots the gun that's it all right now let me explain here's a here's a browning 380 black label so i left this gun out just to put in perspective for you this is the same basic type of gun design but in 380 automatic notice the size difference okay it's a much smaller gun okay so it's going to operate the same as it's as its big brother over there but it's chambered in a much smaller cartridge so that puts that into perspective for you but both of these pistols are single action all right you have manual safety now i know you've probably heard people say oh i'm going to carry cocked and locked well that's what they mean on a single action the hammer is cocked the safety is locked right it's cocked and locked to use the pistol you pull it out of the holster you remove the safety you squeeze the trigger okay that's a single action that's the most basic type of operating mechanism for a pistol and arguably we would say one of the oldest style um of pistols right is just a basic single action a hammer that falls sets the cartridge off all right um and i wanted to also just show off this holster all right um our buddy drew at uh quick custom carry holsters he makes these holsters and uh it's just a g-code paddle and that's made for a 1911. so if you're wearing a belt you can slip this down in your pants and it'll clip behind your belt and you wear it on the outside of the belt so i wanted to show that style of holster that's a paddle holster super basic we're not going to go into a lot of detail on holsters but i just want to show you a few of the different holster options that are out there okay so that's pretty basic and then then we get into a double single action okay so i'm going to explain that um this is a cz sp01 phantom all right so here we're getting into the czechoslovakian uh variety okay we're going away from usa and getting into into the checks here and uh the cz-75 is a gun that you definitely need to know about uh it is a fantastic pistol and variants of this gun are awesome the sp01 is a polymer frame gun czs like the 75 are traditionally known for being metal frame guns the older school czs are all metal and they're super super great guns i mean i just i love these pistols so much but i'm a big fan of the sp01 phantom and this is a polymer frame gun and it's great right now the setup of this is going to be a little bit different so you still have the single action that you had in the 1911 variant that we showed you right when the slide is withdrawed the hammer is to the rear and it's in a single action mode if i squeeze the trigger bang i get around and as long as there's ammo in the magazine and there's a magazine inserted the gun reciprocates throws a spent shell out strips a new one in and i still have a single action mode when i release the trigger all right it resets and you keep shooting until the the supply of ammo and magazine's empty the difference is you have double single action so with a double action you get almost a mix of the revolver trigger and the 1911 trigger because if the hammer is down in a half [ __ ] position i can carry this gun with a hammer down pull it out of the holster acquire my sight picture all right and i can squeeze the trigger gently and look as i squeeze the trigger the hammer [ __ ] itself and then fires once i'm all the way to the rear it goes through a fire fire cycle if we look at the revolver trigger okay same thing i have a single action on my revolver or i have a double action if the hammer is down and i want to carry it like this that's fine when i pull it out of the holster and i squeeze the trigger it [ __ ] the hammer rotates the cylinder and the round fires so a revolver is double single action okay it just operates a little differently instead of using the magazine it has a cylinder that rotates just different that's all the revolvers generally have less capacity now to put that in perspective for you the 1911's like an eight shot this is a nine millimeter this particular gun uses 19 shot magazines so you can quickly see that now granted this is a full size polymer frame duty pistol with a light all right this is this is ready to rock okay this is ready to trudge around the mountains afghanistan now there actually is a funny story about that but i'm not gonna go through that in this particular video okay but this particular gun is fantastic i like it so you get to see that now we get into a double stack magazine okay so this particular style of magazine is a double stack so when these rounds load into this magazine they actually stagger in a column so when they come up to the top of the magazine they're only they're only a single stack but they stagger as they go down the body of the magazine so that allows this mag to hold 17 19 shots now they make an extended base plate for this gun that has the 19 shot this one's a 17 shot mag so to put that in perspective for you you get a lot more mag ammo capacity when you get into something like a semi-auto and nine millimeter versus a wheel gun that might have five or six shots or versus a 1911 regardless of the chambering that might only have an eight shot mag does that make sense but the trade-off okay we're getting into this we're getting into the the compromises that we have to make the trade-off is look out look at the thickness okay so a cz-75 whereby this is an amazing gun and i would totally trust my life to in a heartbeat we noticed too this is a much harder gun to hide and conceal this is a full-size duty gun notice the size of this and that's a lot going on right there versus this little slim 1911 now granted you know this browning holds a lot less rounds but look how concealable it is so it all comes down to the trade-off that you're willing to deal with right the trade-off is the smaller the gun and the single stack variety the less rounds it holds but the easier it is to hide the larger the gun the more it might hold and the more firepower and accessory compatibility that you might get but look at look at what you're trying to hide this is a big gun now are there any compromises that are somewhere in between those two things yes there are okay one way that we would go down the rabbit hole is something like a really small what we call a mouse gun this is a beretta 950 and this one's in 25 acp now some would say okay now we're going down the rabbit hole of we take this 380 and this is a pretty slim 1911. this is a small gun right but we can actually make this concept even smaller by having a single stack 25 and we got this little bitty guy now would this be a good first gun for somebody definitely not this this is a gun that is sort of a hold out last ditch close range you know maybe your main gun went down and you reach for this one because it's the only thing you got i mean i like 25s but i would not consider this the end-all do-all self-defense gun but i'm showing you where the compromises are where this you know yeah you can get super small and you get into a smaller cartridge a smaller gun and sure it doesn't kick very hard but the 25 many would say is relatively anemic for self-defensive purposes so i wanted to show an example of the trade-off now have i carried this gun before yes i have i love this little gun i can shoot it well i'm very accurate with it especially inside of like 10 feet 12 feet i can sit there and just drill those targets exactly where i want the round to go it's not that this gun isn't capable but it does require a good bit of discipline and care to carry this and actually feel like you're armed just my thought process okay now what's another way we might can compromise just a little bit okay this here is my smith and wesson shield this one's been highly customized by the folks at robar who unfortunately are no longer in business i know the young lady that does all the high power work over there on the browning high powers uh she has her own company now uh and they do amazing work but this particular one has been customized a bit however the basic function of this gun the shield is a really really popular gun reason being is because this is a very slim pistol so you get into the slim nature of a 1911 but here we have a polymer frame it's chambered in nine millimeter it holds a similar amount of rounds to a 1911 but you get a striker fire mechanism with a really crisp trigger no safety well it does have manual safety although you can get this gun in a non-manual safety version but there's no external hammers and bull crap to get caught or messed up this is a striker fire pistol with a polymer frame so see now you're getting into a slightly different goldilocks kind of zone because you've got the single stack nature of the 1911 but with some modern enhancements of a polymer frame gun that keeps the overall size of the gun nice and slim it's very slim and easy to carry it's got a good trigger it's got good sights it's lightweight so it doesn't you know it's not real cumbersome and difficult to tote around so and the cool thing about these pistols is this is an early shield there are actually a ton of different shields that they've done over the years like the shield plus so they do make a double stack version of this gun now also they have their ez shield which has a much easier slide to pull back so that's something to consider this gun is nice and slim and this is a great carry gun for somebody that just wants deep concealment and edc but that slide it is a little bit hard to pull back because it's a pretty stiff mainspring on this gun okay the recoil spring you've got to overcome that to get that slide to the rear and that may not be achievable for some folks depending on their upper body strength their hand strength maybe you got arthritis like we said before and again we're showing off a different variety of holster this is the black diamond guns and gear fat boy holster and this is a inside the waistband holster so this is intended to be worn inside your waistband up front right here okay and this is a arguably the deepest concealment there is in terms of hiding a gun is it inside the waistband holster now there's a lot of different options out there but this is just one to show you you got inside the waistband outside the waistband with the paddle a belt loop holster that that you as a leather holster which is a little more traditional style of holster all right and just know that you can get this gun in a double stack single stack and the ez model which will be showing you a shot of that so on the ez it's a single stack but the slide is super easy to work back that's why they call it the easy model so they sort of addressed the fact that some of their autos were a little bit difficult to pull back and by making the easy uh they do have a model that is a little bit easier to pull back for folks that might lack a little bit of that hand strength so just know that you know that's out there all right okay i'm gonna go here and talk about probably my favorite carry gun now uh look this is a p365 from six hour and these guns are fantastic okay there's been a lot of changes and a lot of advancements and carry guns over the years and i think this is one of the most distinctive advancements that have come out in recent years because it's such a slim gun so it's very very slim and it's very easy to conceal so look if you compare the size of this p365 to the size of this browning 380. look how similar they are i mean the width is almost the same in fact in some dimensions the p365 is actually smaller than this gun now bear in mind this gun holds eight shots and it's a single stack okay and there's nothing wrong with that the p365 utilizes a double stack mag and i actually get 15 shots in this gun and one in the chamber i can get 16 rounds in my hand in a very very very compact setup now sig makes a few different versions of this particular carry gun this is the xl model which has a longer sight radius a little bit more grip space a slightly different trigger they do make a smaller version of this gun if you if you want a little bit shorter slide and a little bit more concealability that gun holds 12 shots so i prefer to carry the xl because i get that additional magazine capacity which is great the size of this gun is very slim when you look at guns like the glock 19 which i love glock 19s that's one of my favorite carry guns i really enjoy that pistol but this gun is a game changer because you get that double stack capacity but in a really slim and small gun that would pretty much be indicative of a single stack 1911 okay hopefully that makes sense now i didn't really discuss before the striker fire mechanism now uh you know glock came out with their striker fired you know glock pistol around 1980 or so i want to think the p80 came out around 1980 and ever since a lot of companies have built striker fire guns and uh you notice there's no hammer back here or more specifically let me grab this smith okay this is a smith and wesson m p you notice there's no hammer back here all right but there is a mechanism well how does it work right so this uses a striker mechanism so when the trigger is squeezed it actually pushes a safety block up and puts a little bit of rearward pressure on the striker the striker falls it's obviously loaded by spring the spring compresses and the striker launches down the channel and this is very layman terms i'm not trying to be super specific here i'm trying to tell you basically how it works the striker falls through the channel and sets off the cartridge okay and that wasn't a thing until you know around 1980 so you got to think prior to that every single gun that you ended up seeing uh in some way shape or form in the main main stream was either a double single action single action that was pretty much what you had right ruger p89s you had all different i mean there's tons of guns out there that use that type of basic operating mechanism and that's fine but the striker fired pistol really did change things a lot well why would you want a striker fire pistol over a hammer fire pistol i mean i'm not trying to convince you to buy a striker fire pistol we're trying to lay out okay well why would this be any better well for one there's a lot less that can go wrong in terms of you know all right if this hammer is to the rear all right and i've got the safety on all right look at this look at this giant space right here all right you can get dust bunnies dirt all kind of crap in there so you know you do have some additional spaces where dirt and debris and nasty crap and sweat i mean when you carry a gun it ain't going to stay pristine forever it's going to get little bits of wear and rust and little spots on it you're going to get dust bunnies in it and scratches and all kinds of stuff and that's just that's natural right a lot of us sweat and that sweat can get down in the little cracks and crevices there's just a lot more places for fluids and dirt and nasty crap to get in this type of a gun right so it's not saying that it's a bad design or it's not a good gun it's just that's one of the inherent weaknesses of this type of a gun design when you have a hammer you got all this crap that can get down in there on a striker fire gun this channel inside of the slide is all enclosed in there so unless you would have to really get this thing in some gnarly conditions to get that striker channel filled with some gunk and make then deadline this gun to where it wouldn't work right so it just makes the gun a lot more streamlined there's not a lot of crap to catch on your clothes when you're drawing the gun think about it like this all right say i'm drawing a 1911 from concealment okay and that hammers to the rear i've got this beaver tail right here i've got the hammer i've got the safety i mean there's a lot going on i mean it's not to say that a 1911 hasn't been a great gun that has served a lot of folks in not only military but a concealed carry fashion just like this gun has this is great but that's just one thing to consider right you know there's more crap to catch on your clothes more dust and debris can make its way down into the action uh and many would argue and i would say many would argue correct that the striker fire definitely alleviates a lot of those you know sort of quirks that the double single action pistols been sort of guilty of now remember earlier i said that this cz is one of my favorite guns and it is and it's a double single action i love it they're arguably just amazing guns right so companies still make double single action guns so don't think that it's some like obsolete or or wrong type of thing to buy you know if you shoot one and you really like it then carry it you know just get what makes you happy and don't worry about it i'm just saying that in terms of a everyday carry duty you know something that can handle a little bit more abuse and getting dropped around and and the elements and sweat and dirt and all that crap that happens when you carry a gun most people i think would probably consider a striker fire gun to be a little bit more well-suited to the task of a gun being as a mechanism being more of a duty ready type of arrangement so this is an mmp um this one is a 45 acp all right so this is a double stack 45 acp all right so with the 1911 you've got a single stack mag this is a double stack mag well it holds more rounds but the trade-off it's also a fatter grip all right so it's a little bit more to hold on to so if you've got smaller hands it might not be a super comfortable gun for you to handle so i wanted to have that gun out to show you i would say overall the gun that i always gravitate to if i'm just going to go out and about in in large in public just in my everyday um business the 365 is certainly a gun that i um that i like a lot and and here's the thing whether it's a shield plus there's a bunch of other guns out there that that utilize this same basic type of functionality being let's say a very small slim thin pistol with a double stack magazine that's a fairly new thing the 365 was really like the first gun that did that and a lot of the other companies started making a ton of different guns to sort of compete with the 365 because in the gun world if you're new to guns which if you're watching this video i'm assuming you're new to this you should know that it's very competitive right and when a company comes out with something really cool and cutting edge the other companies have to do something very similar because you know they're going to lose a bunch of sales because everybody wants a new hotness and that's quite frankly that's just how it works right i mean we all naturally do that right like if if the joneses have some cool new gun we want to keep up with the joneses so that's how a lot of the market has responded to this particular pistol and uh i do like the 365. you know it's a fantastic gun it's got a great trigger it's very easy to shoot it's got good sights it also has a slide rider cut on this so if you want to run a little red dot on here you can do that that's a real popular thing with pistols right now lots of folks want to run a red dot on there and you can certainly do that now that gives you some options for technology i didn't want to discuss cartridges a lot the reason being is because i'm going to do an entire presentation just on cartridges okay i wanted to talk about just gun actions to give you an idea um also here's another belt loop holster this one's kydex okay and this is an additional sp01 phantom this is a cz-75 with a polymer frame and you can see uh this is kydex which is like a hardened kind of plastic uh you heat it up and it gets real soft and they can mold you know mold it real easy when it's soft and when it sets up it's it's real hard uh almost think like a um almost like a really really thick milk jug all right you know how a milk jug's kind of a hard plastic it's formed uh imagine that but thicker more heavy duty all right so that's that's kydex is what they call that that's a kydex belt loop holster for the 75. i want to show that holster off as well all right i'm going to end on one very distinctive and important note all right this is a smith and wesson m p 22 compact okay and this is a this is a 22 long rifle pistol all right the magazine it's a 10 shot mag holds 10 shots and this one is outfitted with a kg made swarm all right so this is a suppressor without getting down the rabbit hole on suppressor ownership and nfa don't worry about that right now just understand that as a first time gun owner if you are serious about learning how to shoot a pistol really well and and really honing your skills and and working on those fundamentals i'd almost recommend if you're not in a hurry to buy a 22 first pick yourself up a 22 rim fire pistol okay pick up a couple of thousand rounds of ammo which the nice thing about 22 is it doesn't cost a lot of money and spend some time shooting that gun they don't kick hard they're a little loud you know if you're going to shoot them without a suppressor you know you want to make sure you wear hearing protection um but low recoil easy to manipulate easy to shoot the trigger on this gun is good the sights are good and with a little bit of time you can really get to shooting this gun quite well okay there's a lot of different 22s out there this is the one that i always gravitate back to i love this smith and wesson it's a great gun we've got three of them collectively and they run and run and run and run you can run them filthy they just work okay they're great and uh you have an accessory rail on this if you want to run a flashlight or something i recommend a 22 to work on the fundamentals right train spend some time getting some trigger time in all right so let's say you pick up one of these m p compacts and you get some trigger time on it and you find out you know wow i really like this pistol a lot okay well guess what you've spent all this time shooting this 22 and you've logged thousands of rounds on it and you know this gun like the back of your hand right you can go to the gun shop and pick yourself up a shield and that's a pretty natural transition right the operating you know parameters the guns are pretty similar the size of the gun is pretty similar the frame size is pretty similar you know if you go with a double stack shield the shield plus now this one is kind of slim because it's single stack but you could go from this 22 to a shield plus and the size and overall vibe of the gun is pretty similar you're gonna get behind that nine millimeter and you're gonna be a lot more comfortable working on those uh you know fundamentals of shooting fundamentals after you've already logged a couple of thousand rounds of 22. so a lot of trainers that i have dealt with over the years that take new people out to shoot for the first time they always start them out on a 22 for almost a whole session that way they can really explain to them you know all of the fundamentals of how to shoot properly now that's not what this video is about i wanted this to be about trying to help you pick a gun now i know we went over a lot of options i guess the question you probably have in the back your head is well out of all these options i mean what's what's the best what what should i get what works for me i mean what what are my needs right everyone's needs are going to be different everyone's bodies are different we all have different size hands we all have different amounts of strength in our upper body we all are different heights you know we we all have different levels of experience so all of those things are going to come into play don't choose a tool that's so you know ungainly that you can't use it properly because if you get some uncomfortable gun that you don't want to carry you're not going to carry it the most useful gun is the one you're actually going to carry that you're going to go through the effort to actually strap on and carry every single day and be an armed member of society and protect yourself and take your safety into your own hands okay um and i think the 365 is probably one of the best options right so this is just a little phobis i'm sorry this is a blackhawk holster okay this is a little blackhawk paddle holster it has this um finger release for the for the mechanism and additional retention with this paddle here that you have to press in to get it out of the holster but it's just a little basic belt loop holster these blackhawk holsters you can buy for i mean they're not expensive right but i i think my argument for trying to maybe persuade you and what you might want to do i think the 365 and guns that are in this similar type of size range are what most people are gravitating to the shield plus the springfield hellcat you've got the p365 and all the different variants of this particular gun there's guns like the glock 43 the glock uh 42 380 and 9 millimeter respectively and then you've still got the old school single stack shields which all fit into this type of uh line just know that these guns want where whereby they are good on the capacity and they are good on the you know they're lightweight they're easy to carry they hold a lot of shots they're easy to shoot but one thing that you might want to keep sort of in the back your mind is that you know again as we said there is no such thing as a free lunch in physics you know they do they have a little bit of snappy recoil you know you do have to keep that in mind they are going to kick a little bit because you know you got such a lightweight gun right so that's just something to consider all of those factors will have to be sort of uh you know weighed and considered in terms of what you might want to do now there is light the end of the tunnel okay if you're confused about what gun you think might work for you the best thing you can do is find a gun range that rents guns okay you can go in and you can rent any gun you want probably most of the firearms on this table are available at a at a rental program at any decently stocked uh range that it has a good selection rental guns rent them all and try them out all right if you want take an instructor with you take someone with you that knows guns really well and just say hey give me the crash course let me shoot xyz start out on a 22 get a couple of different 22s different sizes different configurations and spend like a good hour shooting those 22s and get yourself comfortable have an instructor go over it with you can hire an instructor to go in for a couple of hours you know it's not a big deal shoot those guns and then go through and say hey i want to try 38 a 9 mil 45 40 whatever you want go crazy pick out a bunch of them and just try them out there might be that one gun that you're like wow man there's just something about this one like it's the sights it's the trigger it feels great in my hand it points great you know i don't know why but this one just seems like it's it's the one for me look it is completely okay to make a decision uh on buying a firearm based on just that if it makes you happy if you put it in your hand and you like it and you shoot it well and you're comfortable with it and it's got the features you want don't worry about anything else just get what you want and what makes you happy and more importantly get what you're actually going to carry and use don't buy a novelty gun right if this gun right here to you is a novelty because it's got a light and it's huge and you know this is a great pistol but for some you know when you're at the gun store you're thinking wow that's cool it's got the light on it you know this is a substantial pistol and that's cool when you're at the gun store but when you think all right now are you actually going to strap this gun on your hip and carry it every single day everywhere you go for most people the answer is probably they're going to approach this with some apprehension because it's just a large cumbersome gun think about accessories okay you're a lady you carry a purse right think about crap you have in your purse do you want this big sucker floating around in your purse no you don't right a lot of people when they're thinking about what they're going to carry every day they prioritize things based on the level of comfort based on the level of necessity you want to find the perfect balance of comfort and you want to you want to meet a necessity and i think that something like the 365 it kind of scratches those itches because it's not so cumbersome and large you know that you're going to go i don't want to carry that big sucker today but it's a level of firepower it gives you some confidence you're like wow i mean i've got even if i'm only carrying it with one mag i've got 15 shots plus one in the chamber i can get out of just about any pickle that i would find myself in going to the grocery store to go grocery shopping or to go drop off the kids or whatever so that's kind of what the vein of this video was about i wanted you to understand the sort of methodology or the or the mindset of how we shop for guns what you should look for in a firearm um and everything like that and hopefully i answer some of those questions because this is a common question that we get from a lot of people and i know there's a lot of new gun owners out there some of y'all are really confused some folks are just buying whatever the heck they can because there for a while availability was really spotty on a lot of stuff so a lot of folks wound up buying something that might not have been the right gun for them but they bought it because they thought well maybe i just need to buy this so i have something and that's that's admirable right like we we should scratch that itch if we feel like we're in danger and we need to protect ourselves but now that the availability on a lot of stuff has gotten a lot better now ammo is still a little hard to get but the guns availability have been pretty good most of the major firearms manufacturers are keeping up with the demand and most of your popular stuff out there that you want to be looking at is generally pretty available right now so don't be afraid to be picky there's plenty of options you don't have to buy the first thing you see you don't have to buy the first gun you try right be picky and spend your money wisely right there's tons of content on youtube you can consume right whether it's your favorite gun reviewers that have done videos on something watch all the videos and just draw your own conclusions you don't have to take the word of the first video you watch on a given gun design right so take your time inform yourself you know get the information watch the content and learn a little bit from what all these other people are doing and make an informed decision and be picky right because there's a ton of options and stuff's available right now so don't think you have to just take home the first thing you see in the counter like take your time inform yourself of the options and make a very weighed and careful decision and i would say beyond that get some dang training take a few classes it cannot hurt to get a little bit of training if you've never carried a gun before it's probably something you need to look into next um and then obviously you got to have a way to carry your gun so your holster uh compliment i hope that i gave you a bit of an idea of what some of the different holster options are so you got to be able to carry it safely you got to be able to deploy it manipulate it use it safely possess the judgment to use it in the right situations and if all else fails and let's say that whatever the case may be that training is going to go a long way in increasing your survivability so i'd recommend getting some training and uh and look consume all the content you know it it's out here there's a ton of information out here to help you guys learn i wanted to make this video as a primer for folks that just are complete newbies about carry guns and hopefully um you know we address that now are there some things in this video that maybe we left out that you wanted me to go over in more detail let me know in the comment section below and i'll be happy to rehash any of this stuff in more detail if you want me to go down the rabbit hole on some of these concepts a little more i'll be happy to do it for you we have a ton of other useful videos that we've made like this that are kind of in the 101 category uh we've got videos on different um you know shotgun rounds and carry rounds and so there's tons of stuff out there that we've done that is tailored for the new gun owner so we hope that you'll consume that content uh feel free to check it out and if it'll help you great that's what this video is for i want to make sure i'm helping people and doing the best that i can as an experienced gun owner to try and point people in the right direction so that they can have the best tools available to protect themselves uh big thank you to all of our patreon supporters for watching our for supporting our videos thank you for watching today's video uh if you want to support us directly you can go over to ballistic inc pick yourself up a snazzy t-shirt that's one of the most direct ways you can support us also patreon if you're on patreon and you want to throw a few bucks away you can certainly do that but regardless what you do i appreciate you watching the video and i appreciate folks who have supported us over the years many more videos on the way thanks for dropping by make sure you click that notification bell and subscribe and that you're fully subscribed so you get all of our videos so many more on the way we'll see you soon [Music]
Channel: Iraqveteran8888
Views: 1,012,308
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: iraqveteran8888, iv8888, ar15, ar, ar-15, ar 15, 2a, freedom, liberty, gun rights, gun control, top 5 guns, top 5, meltdown, guns, gunsmithing, gun gripes, life liberty and the pursuit, first ccw, first handgun, choosing a ccw, choosing a carry gun, best carry gun, ccw handgun
Id: kbz35qy7ggI
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 52min 44sec (3164 seconds)
Published: Tue Feb 15 2022
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