Florence Pugh On Her Biggest Fan Girl Moment And Most Memorable Red Carpet Look | ELLE UK

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- My favourite emoji has always been the turd. The poo that smiles. Hello, I'm Florence Pugh and I'm here with ELLE UK, and we are going to play a game of Ask Me Anything. My biggest celebrity fangirl moment was actually quite recently, Ariana Grande, ie: THE Ariana Grande made an Instagram Story and she tagged me, and then I messaged her back and then she messaged me back, and it was pretty glorious. I squealed for a good five solid minutes. She is on everyone's running playlist. Everyone's crying playlist. Her and Beyoncé were the ones that definitely helped many of my heartbreaks during my teenage years. Oh my god, Paddington. I mean Ariana Grande, amazing. But Paddington tweeted me. Well basically I made marmalade and the funny thing was, was I immediately regretted filming myself making marmalade because it was so sticky. So every single time I tried to type anything, my fingers were getting stuck to the screen. I did it and I woke up in the morning, Paddington had tweeted me. It was pretty major and I instantly tweeted him back. Yeah, we've had a really good couple of go's. Rebecca Corbin-Murray, my stylist and I, have been really interested, into colour and pops and weird shapes. Definitely the Louis Vuitton dress that was made for me for the Oscars was, I mean, dreamy. It was really interesting. It was a colour that changes in different lights. So in some pictures it looks completely blue and then in other pictures it looks green. I felt like a bit of a chameleon and it was great. The Emilia Wickstead pink and white checkered, beautiful, almost like Audrey Hepburn-y but not dress that I wore to the London screening of "Little Women" is up there as well. What do I do? When I work there's no time to do anything. Oh, I try and do something interesting or try and do an exercise on the weekends. So I try and do something weird. Where was I recently and I got to do rock climbing on the weekend. It was really good. Just to keep your life going a bit so it's not all about filming. My preparation for "Black Widow" started early, it started two months before we started shooting. And I absolutely love all of the physical stuff about that film. On day two I was throwing knives and I was just thinking, this is a great life experience. And then when we got shooting it just made everything easier. I knew how to move and I knew how to land and I knew how to play with Scarlett and just tackle her which she loved. I got some really nice advice from Scarlett. I was telling her that I was really tired and that I was gonna take a break and I remember her saying, "Why? Work." And I was like, "Yeah, no, no. "But I just want a little holiday." And she goes, "No, no, no. "Have your holiday." She was like, "But these are the times "where people are gonna wanna work with you. "So work as much as you can "and then you can rest later." And I was like, "That's actually, that's quite good. "Work whilst you can." Not the anthem but definitely a song that welcomes people to my life would be "Southern Sun" by Boy & Bear. It is one of my favourite songs and has been for a really long time. That and, nope, that's it. So my tattoo. It's the only one that I have. If I ever spoke about getting a tattoo, it was always that I was gonna get a snail, and on the day, I was at Evan Tattoo. He's in New York, he's an amazing tattoo artist. I was there with friends and we went in and they all got their tattoos done, and he said, "Are you sure you don't want anything?" And for some reason, it came out of me and I said, "I want a bee." Basically I ended up shaving part of the bum. I said I wanted it to be rounded but slightly pointy. There's very specific bees and this is a worker bee. Every single person you ever meet has an issue with their body, whether they are really really long or really really short or have grey hair or have perfect hair, every single person will have a part of their body that they do not like. We are living in an era where everything we see, every single day on our phones is not true, it's not correct, and you have to remember that. You are just a body and it grows the way that it grows, and we are ever so slightly being conditioned to believe that everything is naturally perfect, and it just isn't. My hope for you is that you give your body a rest and let it be. We all have weird bits, we do. Oh, my favourite emoji has always been the turd. The poo that smiles. Because I feel like it sums up everyone. Everyone feels a bit like a useless turd that smiles. And he's so cute. I was so bad when I was a teenager at taking my make-up off and then I remember I would wake up and have three eyelashes gone because I went to sleep with mascara on. Don't do it, just take it off. And of course, a good spot attack in the mirror is definitely completely bad news but I love it. It makes me feel great about myself. Don't do it but do it. I grew up in a very big foodie household. There were four of us. Four kids, two parents, dog, and my dad is a really good chef. He grew up in a pub. He always cooks the most amazing delicious little dishes, and I think my love for food has definitely come from him and my mom is a really good cook, but I tend to cook really rich stews or like one pan dishes. I'm a big fan of getting all the squishy vegetables out of the fridge and just putting it in a big bowl, in the pan and just making amazing flavours. Not fussy cooking at all, it's definitely flavour over finesse. And then I now have a love of ice cream making as well. So I'm gonna get nice and chubby. From all the ice cream and the cooking. Down here or here? Or here or here? Here? Please subscribe to ELLE UK down here. Pointing to my vag.
Channel: ELLE UK
Views: 1,035,091
Rating: 4.986217 out of 5
Keywords: florence pugh, little women, oscars, red carpet, louis vuitton, emoji, Scarlett Johansson, cooking, ariana grande, black widow, tattoos, body confidence, body postitivity
Id: EV6-JIdy9bU
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 6min 40sec (400 seconds)
Published: Thu May 07 2020
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