Florence Pugh Cooks Garlic Crostini | Vogue

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hey this is cooking with Flo [Music] hello Vogue I'm Florence Pugh and today I'm going to make a quick garlicky crostini you will need tomatoes preferably on the vine some garlic lots of garlic a chili anchovies if you like them and some coriander or cilantro and my favorite feta plenty of olive oil a little dash of vinegar and of course your salt and pepper and bread because that's the best bit firstly you want to get your bread going before anything else because it's going to take a fair bit of slow time in the oven and you're going to do on the diagonal some nice thin slices this is probably the one recipe well there's plenty of recipes where you can use stale bread cooking has been a huge part of my life my dad's a cook my mom is a cook my grandma's a cook well they're not all professional Cooks just my dad is grab a pan foreign both sides and it can be messy smudge it around in the pan I always like making a few mistakes because to me that's where the best food and cooking comes from so for example today I don't really know what temperature to put the oven on pop it in your oven [Music] for whatever temperature and wait until it Cooks now I usually when I'm cooking like to make a little drink so I'm going to prepare my favorite which is a martini with a Twist okay so ideally if you've thought about it you would have put your martini glasses in the freezer to get that nice bit of cold Frosty bit and you're going to wait until the very last minute to get them out whoops fill up your Shaker with ice and then fill up your Shaker with vodka it's a perfect size look at that see when you put it in the freezer you get that nice frosted kind of tip all the way around and it just kind of keeps it colder for longer which is essentially what you want you're gonna get your lemon you're going to finely just slice a piece all the way down then you're going to wipe the inside give it a swirl and pull that wonderful nectar into your glass and now we can continue cooking oops I spilled some so now I'm going to start with the tomatoey garlicky olive oily salty chili thingy that's the name we're going to grab your Tomatoes grab your garlic okay so shop Beauty modules in half half again and half again and you kind of they don't need to be neat or pretty at all they're all gonna go in a bowl you're all going to smush them together and they're just gonna go on the top of bread anyway so it's not going to be like anything fancy literally even if you don't know how to chop just mush them in some way and get them all done and it's basically going to create a nice like Pulp which is a horrible word but it's delicious I mean food is a part of it but body image for women is a is a major thing from the moment you start growing thighs and bums and boobs and all of it everything starts changing and your relationship with food starts changing I had a weird chapter with the beginning of my career but that was because I don't think I I wasn't complying and I think that was confusing to people especially in Hollywood I think women especially young women in Hollywood are obviously betting themselves in all these ways in order to get whatever opportunity that they need to get because that's just the way that it's been and when I went and did that project it was expected that you would be on whatever diet that you needed to be on and for me that was just shocking because I'd never done that before that's not to say that other people can do that but yeah I think I definitely put my foot down in that aspect I love food as I said literally you don't even need to shop just do that just smush it easy pop that in the bowl you don't want to miss out on those juices wipe my hands because I'm wearing a really nice dress and then we're going to get some garlic God that's a tough one and this one is a very garlicky recipe and so if you have any people that you're wanting to kiss just bear in mind because it's like your breath will become dangerous but that's fine that's the point of garlic a sharp knife is everything my dad taught me that when I was younger you don't even really need to do anything you just put it down whenever I go to someone's house and I'm cooking for them I will always either bring my knives or I'll get them a knife for their birthday being like yeah you really need it and actually it's because I need it when I'm in the kitchen this is a lot of garlic I think I over garlic yeah this is a lot of garlic I'm gonna put half of that in maybe a little bit more do a bit of that do a bit of this it was a lot of art maybe I'll chop some more uh chili that's another thing things go wrong and you just have to adapt like I didn't know the vinegar was gonna come gushing out and now I'm gonna adapt [Music] great it's going to self bake for a bit it's just going to be put there and it's gonna be friends with the garlic and the chicky chicky chili Tada it's all clean and it's time to take things out of the oven out of the oven plonk it down grab a garlic this is the best bit and you're just gonna scratch it on the top like that actually this is a really handy snack if you don't have anything in the fridge just wipe garlic on a toasted piece of bread and you've got yourself a very simple but very tasty garlic bread so two of my favorite loves performing and cooking kind of come in hand in hand uh time and time again I play throughout my entire career very intense uh characters and for me I'm not method I don't stay in it all day but when I get home I really need to get back to my usual self and I will always cook myself dinner or I'll cook whoever I'm with dinner as well so the best thing about this is you have all of this amazing juice now this amazing juice is going to go on every single one of these crusts the crusty bread not so crusty so you can chew it without getting bleedy gums because I hate that and then I'm going to do half with feta on the top and half with feta and anchovies on the top I forgot about my coriander just this much you're gonna fold it into a little ball and you're gonna just quickly go like this grab some feta sprinkle on each piece and you are going to put one just on the top like that definitely do half and half because not everybody likes centuries and there we have it with a bit of sprinkle of coriander [Music] I've been told since we couldn't clear Dell Water Gap that we're going to listen to some stock music and I'm gonna do my best moves to this music thank you for watching my episode here's my delicious dish and let's do some dancing I feel like I'm in a Disney Channel this is great hey this is cooking with Flo [Laughter] [Music] foreign [Music]
Channel: Vogue
Views: 5,167,222
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: cooking florence pugh, cooking tutorial, crostini, florence pugh, florence pugh cooking, florence pugh cooking lesson, florence pugh cooking skills, florence pugh cooks, florence pugh funny, florence pugh funny interview, florence pugh garlic bread, florence pugh interview, florence pugh knife skills, florence pugh vogue interview, florence pugh vogue video, garlic bread recipe, garlic bread recipes, garlic crostini recipe, vogue, vogue garlic bread
Id: 26ixBG5LCXk
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 8min 46sec (526 seconds)
Published: Thu Jan 12 2023
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