73 Questions With Jennifer Lawrence | Vogue

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dramatic sky unfolding here in new york city and i gotta say this is one of the more creative places to do an interview so jen what made you want to answer 73 questions in a williamsburg mini golf course you know during the pandemic i was really jealous because my husband started golfing and he had like an outdoor activity and so i'm gonna try to get really good at it today so that i too can have an outdoor activity seems logical plus i heard a storm was coming in i was like let's get outside and this seems dangerously exciting very so when was the last time that you played mini golf never or like five years ago on a scale of one to ten how would you rank your abilities one so you're telling me there's a higher than zero percent chance of a hole in one today no well i hope i'm surprised now jen with everything that's going on between balancing your career and your personal life what makes you happiest these days uh my family and what have you done for the first time recently give birth congratulations ten years from now what will you regret doing way too much of interviews if you go resurrect one person from history and put them in the world today who would it be chris farley who's the first person who left you starstruck the verizon wireless guy i was doing a commercial in canada it was my 16th birthday and the verizon guy brought me my birthday cake i hope he can hear you now i hope he can what's one thing that you always have in your trailer jen a robe what is your favorite movie over the last five years hereditary and what is your favorite movie of all time that you never get sick of i mean the movie i've seen the most and watch for any occasion is father of the bride too now is there one type of film that you haven't done but you would love to do one day comedy now let's get a view of you from this manhattan skyline behind you i think there may be some lightning so hopefully we're insured for this moody so moody now you were discovered here on a spring break trip with your mom what else did you do on that trip um we ate at applebee's in times square and that's the reason you live here now oh yes what's the best part about living in this city the energy and what is the one recommendation you give to anyone visiting uh wash your feet when you get home and if you see bethenny frankel tell her she's not a chef that's it i love real housewives so when do people oh got it now when do people become real new yorkers either after 10 years or if you can talk trains and what do you say to anyone who insists that los angeles is better than new york city they're right los angeles is better in so many ways you have to be a real city rat to want to live here what's the craziest thing you've ever seen here um a well speaking of rats a rat about the size of a tabby cat walking very confidently through the subway not afraid of anyone well it's time to walk confidently to our next hole all right what's your favorite wine um god i don't really no i mean just like a red and what is the perfect dessert to pair with that glass of red wine not a huge dessert person but i guess like a sorbet and dinner parties or after parties after parties and speaking of after parties your first oscars after party was that as crazy as it seems what seems crazy your first oscar's after party oh yeah i threw out okay jen you work with tons of talented actors which actor is the most fun to be on set with the most fun i've ever had with actors on set is josh and liam hunger games hi boys they're great can you hear that thunder i do oh my god this is getting crazy it's getting close it's getting close now what is the best quality in a director um kindness and openness what is the best quality in a co-star kindness and confidence and what director are you really really hoping to collaborate with um ari astor leo crocs um the uh the coen brothers good names and do you still want to direct one day sure maybe i don't know there's so many better directors than me but maybe really hope you do and which of your co-stars blew you away the most during any take christian bale why um he became a completely different person and which actors work do you most admire now street now you've also worked with another legend robert de niro can you share with me your all-time favorite quintessentially robert de niro robert de niro story um he's amazing on set he's just the sweetest man in the world still very intimidating i invited him to my rehearsal dinner for my wedding obviously expecting him not to come and when he came i said bob you really don't have to be here you can go home um and he was like thank you so much oh that's good all right let's golf we got a mini golf here so what's the strangest thing a journalist has ever asked you in an interview um let me just get out of the way here well this isn't a question but when i was in china they told me that my nickname in china translates to oh interesting time to fly i think it's safe to be flying in this weather hope they don't get struck by lightning as you were saying jen um but they told me that my nickname in china translates to big elderly cousin what's the most bizarre thing that you've ever read about yourself that i've harvey weinstein now you did back-to-back films for seven years what's the most important thing that you learned about work during that time um i guess endurance hmm and what's one of your favorite memories of being on set damn it you'll get the next putt chris pratt one time told me a story on the set of passengers that involved the word cut and so i i couldn't make it through through an entire scene because every time i heard cut yes oh my god wow arnold palmer over here let's keep going so what's one memory go where oh we'll we'll mosey on down to the next hall we'll we'll figure it out all right what's one memory from shooting that still makes you laugh um memory from shooting that still makes me laugh well one time i accidentally took an ambien instead of my thyroid medication in the morning before the hunger games oh god and speaking of hunger games did anything intimidate you about your role in that first film everything intimidated me i'm not exactly like a physically like you know i'm not like i don't have any athletic prowess you know ah okay all right give it a swing i'll be behind this melting iceberg because it's a climate change themed mini golf course did it go in uh yeah yeah did it go in yeah definitely sick okay if a fan must come up to you and has to interact with you what do you suggest they say or do um any kind of like conversation that doesn't involve like can i take a picture with you is always wonderful that's an important message for your fans now jen which of your red carpet looks was your favorite which of my what was my favorite your red carpet looks i don't know i mean who's ever looked at a picture of themselves and been like i look great what do you look for in a red carpet look um to not retain water in my face and cinching lots of cinching well there may be a lot of water coming very very soon yeah and what do you try to avoid in a red carpet look um anything that exposes the top of my arms who do you think has the best style in the world sienna miller i don't have a ball oh you don't okay let me toss you a spare there you go hey oh nice catch i'll stab myself in the diaphragm well maybe it is unsafe that you're holding a metal club in this weather let me get that off your hands it's time for me to show my skills and oh sorry let's get back to let's get back to the questions do you have any advice for anyone who wants to do a pixie cut i mean first off that's mean um obviously my advice is don't do it think everything through and if i could have the internet scrubbed of those photos or not scrub just add extensions to them if anybody knows how to do that that'd be great okay final hole jen it's time for me to give this one a go i brought my lucky turquoise ball with me do you think you could provide some golf commentary and a dramatic whisper voice as i give this a swing thank you all right here he goes here i go oh he did not succeed rapid fire john what's your favorite fast food um checkers what's your favorite karaoke song any man of mine shania twain who's your favorite person in the world to facetime and why my best friend justine because she's very funny who's the first person you called after winning your oscar and what did you say to them david o'russell i'm sorry that i forgot to thank you jen can you go up to that giant earth ball thing and get a closer look well i would love to while i asked three quick questions what's that earth made of why is this golf course climate change themed and are there any other causes that you think are important um they're using reused bottle caps this golf course raises money well it doesn't raise money but it it uh donates some of the profits to climate change efforts and another organization that i'm very passionate about is represent us we got a big storm coming jen we gotta go go what if this is how we died i refuse to let jennifer lawrence die what's her favorite sport i don't really like sports but i'll say hockey because they're you know hot they look hot favorite way to spend a sunday uh in bed with my family and i think we need more real housewives material here uh who's your favorite real housewife sonia and what city should the next real housewives season be filmed in in the malibu surfing community like of the brentwood moms good idea and what three words best describe your style right now she's still trying what was the hardest costume to film in um passengers my space suit okay and what's one thing wow from beyonce hurricane this looks great do i look scared no he looks stunning let's shift gears what's one thing you wish you knew before getting married that ben affleck and jennifer lopez were going to do it again speaking of marriage who cooks more you or your husband me i'll keep an eye out for my dinner party invite and jen congratulations on becoming a mother thank you what's one word to describe motherhood there isn't that's two words okay well got me there what's the best piece of advice you've gotten about parenting babies don't get bored has motherhood changed your approach to working at all of course everything location [Music] you know when my hours all of it so how do you deal with stress not very well what's the pro and con of being back on set after these wild last couple of years um i guess the pro is everybody's you know a lot cleaner and watching their hands and everything and the the con is god i don't know i mean they're just normal working stuff being tired it's been hard on everyone it's crazy yeah but mostly me how have you seen hollywood change since time's up was launched i've seen huge changes tremendous change it's been incredible yes and more representation now you are starring in a new film called causeway yes can you give me an elevator pitch on what this movie is all about it is a story of a woman who's coming back from a very traumatic journey and she's trying to find her way in the world and she sparks a an interesting unexpected relationship with someone wow really cool i look forward to seeing it um now let's take a time portal back to your childhood okay how would you describe yourself as a kid hyper do you have any nicknames growing up nitro and fluffin i could see you as a flophome and what did you love about school and what did you hate about school um i didn't really love anything but i hated the bus and having to ask somebody if you can go to the bathroom i mean i guess i have to do that at my job too i can see how you still need to do that do you ever get stage fright yes i have tremendous stage right ah so that's why you come off as so shy well yeah so when did you first feel famous um when i went to a whole foods and there were paparazzi everywhere and i was like oh my god who are they here for and it was me that was you it was the beginning of it all and when was the first time that you felt successful when i bought an apartment in new york what advice would you give to your 14 year old self get a stylist honey do it early don't wait jen we survived this storm and we are on question number 73 okay here we go do you think you can show me a little bit of your kentucky accent before we go i mean i don't really have it anymore but if i did it would sound like this wow feels like i'm in frankfort right now frankfurt i know my kentucky cities yeah but i'm from louisville yes you are jen thank you so much for doing this interview thank you thank you so much for endangering my life
Channel: Vogue
Views: 8,448,529
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: 73 questions, 73 questions with jennifer lawrence, celeb style, celebrity, homes, jennifer lawrence, jennifer lawrence 73, jennifer lawrence 73 questions, jennifer lawrence 73qs, jennifer lawrence interview, jennifer lawrence vogue interview, jlaw, jlaw vogue interview, style, vogue, vogue interview jennifer lawrence, vogue interview jlaw
Id: uIsg5x19Xu8
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 14min 31sec (871 seconds)
Published: Tue Sep 06 2022
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