Elizabeth Olsen Tries to Keep Up with a Professional Chef | Back-to-Back Chef | Bon Appétit

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I love this YouTube channel!

Olsen is cute too

👍︎︎ 29 👤︎︎ u/Svargas05 📅︎︎ Sep 19 2018 🗫︎ replies

At 11:35 - she's trying to cut the lemon using the wrong side of her knife lol

👍︎︎ 6 👤︎︎ u/emersonthird 📅︎︎ Sep 20 2018 🗫︎ replies

I've only seen the Gordon Ramsay one, this seems like super easy mode by comparison just based on how excruciatingly slow the pro chef went. Don't baby them, just go at the normal speed you would if you were in a restaurant! More fun that way.

👍︎︎ 7 👤︎︎ u/jammerjoint 📅︎︎ Sep 19 2018 🗫︎ replies

I'm trying to think how many women in the world that are objectively more attractive than Elizabeth Olsen.

👍︎︎ 18 👤︎︎ u/Andoo 📅︎︎ Sep 19 2018 🗫︎ replies

Carla is terrible at this ( Explaining things )

👍︎︎ 16 👤︎︎ u/derpado514 📅︎︎ Sep 19 2018 🗫︎ replies

I've had an interaction with her in real life and I'm conflicted. She is a loner and likes to hang out alone/see movies by herself, which is really cool to me, at least for a celebrity (because i do that all the time). But at the same time she has clearly never had a real job in her life because she didn't understand that I was only using a register to cash out my drawer for the day and couldn't sell her anything.

👍︎︎ 8 👤︎︎ u/screenavenger 📅︎︎ Sep 19 2018 🗫︎ replies

The videos get fun when the participant stresses when he or she can’t follow. Maybe set a rule to allow to repeat the instructions once and then continue. Still I enjoy these videos. Favourite is with Gordon Ramsey.

👍︎︎ 2 👤︎︎ u/ThroneHoldr 📅︎︎ Sep 19 2018 🗫︎ replies

This is precious

👍︎︎ 2 👤︎︎ u/Docxm 📅︎︎ Sep 20 2018 🗫︎ replies

eat mo

👍︎︎ 2 👤︎︎ u/brownpoops 📅︎︎ Sep 20 2018 🗫︎ replies
hey I'm Carla and I'm here in the bon appetit Test Kitchen with Lizzie Olsen and today we have 20 minutes to make a mixed veggie tempura and we're gonna see if Lizzie can follow along with me through verbal instructions only I know you cook on a scale of one to ten how do you rate yourself I'm gonna say about a six for my friends at home okay starting at a six but I think we're gonna be at a nine or ten great I want to learn a lot cool because we have customers coming in great okay great all right so we're gonna turn around and start cooking on three okay okay yeah one two three so the first thing we're gonna do is take this very brain looking giant mushroom yes so this is a hen-of-the-woods mushroom also called a maitake I got my squash and my lemons out of the way oh yeah whoopsies so the first thing I want you to do is just turn it over so the stem side is up got it and then just use your hands to kind of break big clusters off of the bottom okay and like kind of large pieces and then we'll go back in and we can make them smaller and I like doing this with my hands because then you get oh you're not using your paring knife no I'm only using the paring knife if it was like dry or spongy at the bottom okay we're probably used like a quarter of these okay so then just take the tray with the mushrooms on it and move that over to your right hand side and we're gonna make the batter so next thing you got your board cleared yes there's mushroom jus on it but it's fine I think that's the line from a Woody Allen movie so now you've got two bowls one is flour and one is cornstarch so put those into the larger bowl together okay we're gonna make the tempura batter now okay once you have your flour and your cornstarch yes you have a little dish that has salt and baking soda and those get combined too when what they should be in the same little bowl there's another little bowl that has salt and baking powder yeah it was to my left is it to your left it's in my bowl now but yeah there's a little bowl with white stuff that isn't salt then that's your okay and so let's just whisk the dry ingredients first all right so once the dry ingredients are whisked together take your measuring cup that's over to the right yep and those two little bottles of seltzer yeah and we're gonna measure 2 cups okay which I want to add gradually so take your whisk in one hand yeah your measuring cup in the other and then gradually whisk in you know do about four-fifths of this and then we'll check the texture it's like you know it ooh black is would you say new black ooh black it's like a thing you play with as a kid with like baking soda and water and that's what it's reminding me of cool and it should be about the consistency of heavy cream yeah okay I'm gonna try and get a little more bumps out but I think I'm almost there all right so I'm gonna put my whisk into the garbage bowl just to get it out of the way and do you feel like you're in a lump free place because we're gonna start frying em oh no I'm like a perfectionist so I'm gonna I'm think I'm just gonna say yeah okay great take one big handful of mushrooms uh-huh and put them right into the batter and there should also be a fork and a spoon and I'm going to use my hands and the fork to really gently because I don't want to break these clusters up but I want to coat all of the mushrooms with batter yep so we should be at around 350 so maybe while we're waiting we can start prepping our acorn squash great so now you need your cleaver yeah Oh God you got your acorn squash yes so put it on one side so that the stem end is like closest to your dominant hand yes got it and then just cut straight down kind of close to the stem and just shear off the that front how do you use a cleaver do you just like hit up um you can hit it you can use the like a slicing knife and just go straight down I make really fun faces when I mean when I'm like frustrated or like straining and it's not pleasant to have a camera in front of me all you need to do right now is just create like a flat edge so there's a pen stamp okay great and then we're gonna cut it into two lobes straight down okay and if you're off to one side it's fine because we only need a quarter of the squash just a quarter just two quarters so happy I have Zinda quarters as well yeah so once you have it in half got it take your spoon and scoop the seeds into that that little trash bowl that we made yes and then we're gonna leave the skin on and cut this into thin slices okay going crosswise so they're kind of like they look like little clouds to me okay do you find it easier to use a cleaver than like a chef's knife not necessarily yeah I do I'm not finding it the easiest you can switch your paring knife if you want it's okay I'm just kind of scared of big silvery things yeah it's a scary tool for sure all right so by now do you have a quarter to slice a quarter acorn it's got slice yep just about all right so go back to the mushroom yep and then using your hand and the fork again yes lift them out and let that excess batter drip off and then you wanted to just go right into the oil okay I'm using my hands cuz I am but we're not afraid of fry oil well it's not splattering the way my the way I've been frying because I don't have a thermometer so clearly I've been I might be going really high it was way too hot I wonder if I should have a quick flip it up if it feels thick yeah add more because I do I feel like mine's a little too thick Nick's tempura we got more you know cream that's that's been thickened I got it all right well it's starting look a little crowded in there from yeah Sam okay and you should have a pair of chopsticks also in that little tool container yeah it's just like the perfect thing for flipping stuff over I love a good chopstick while those are frying we got to keep going with our acorn spots okay so did you address your batter yet I did you did but I feel like I could still address it a bit matter yeah so then you want your acorn squash to go in as well okay and just same deal just get coated and batter and as soon as the mushrooms come out the squash is gonna go in okay so now I definitely do you don't have a thick batter you have a very thin matter yeah okay like watery yeah how much more cup so did you add I don't know I didn't use the measuring cup I just used what was left in the bottle cool all right that wouldn't be a little bit of the bet should we have that flour yeah do we have any mm-hmm thank you like a pinch of flour ah yeah start with like a tablespoon ish here I have a tablespoon mm-hmm thank you I don't clean oven station my hands are getting dirty I really like using them apparent did you put your squash and the oh no you're adjusting your batter yeah my watch is still in there okay am i doing something crazy yeah it's not easy being a fry cook it's like it's really not easy being a fry cook my bubbles on my mushrooms are kind of like settling down which means a lot of the moisture has been cooked out of the mushrooms and there's less of that bubbling going on uh-huh and it's light golden brown I feel like I want to start taking them out so can you just tell me what yours look like most of them look more white than golden brown and okay Apple look golden brown is this because I put I had such thick batter before I think it's just a very light golden batter which is what we're going for great okay so you have a spider a slotted messy-looking yeah I do so use that just to go back your mushrooms yeah and put them on that baking sheet that has the cooling rack oh yeah right in front reaching over and then as soon as they're all out we're gonna give them a little sprinkle of salt so are you are you using your flaky salt or your fine so I'm going to use the fine salt now and we're finished with like you saw right before we serve them and do you just do one side yeah I'm not even gonna turn them over I'm just gonna give them a little salt you do you have your acorn squash and your batter now there it's almost in there I was doing the mushrooms before the acorn all good so now oh do I have in my batter yeah we're putting it in the oil oh great okay let's go okay all right squash squash going in okay squash is going yes we're gonna want to stick together so definitely put them in one at a time and kind of try to space them out because they just want their their flat sides want to stick and they think until they float right exactly great I should get one of these kind these uh the induction I have a love-hate relationship with them I'll be honest no I I was talking up the thermometer oh yeah those are really important and I just go off bubbles and I feel like that's not I mean I think it's really nice to know what the temperature is yeah so now while those are frying and those have a good amount of liquid as well let's move on to the lemon we're gonna fry the lemon okay yeah so cut off enough from one end of your lemon to expose the flesh and we just need like five or six very thin but intact lemon slices so you're making them like little circles yeah exactly so you want it pretty thin okay like I'm having a really hard time getting a full if you can't get a full round just go a little bit thicker yep all right take a look at your squash yes may be time for turning tarnish happene really are sticking and I'm also wanna check it all right I know they want to be together they weren't they came into this world together and they want to just be fried together try to use your toothpicks to just you might have to shake them like if you have a cluster that are stuck just pick it up by one piece and give it a little shake and they should slide apart but also if you have a few that are stuck it's not the end of the world because you'll have some other ones mm-hmm are you eating um I wonder I felt like I needed to try a mushroom I would like to do that job delicious by the way schönau hmm take your perfect lemon slices I'll seal it pop out any seed uh-huh or seed shrapnel and put that into the batter too those are next okay and then very important get rid of any lemon except for the whole one and that one we're just gonna cut a couple wedges you could actually make a lemon cheek if you want - have you ever made a lemon cheek a lemon cheek yeah so no slice put it on its side and slice from one off center so that you get like the outside the outside lemon moon how to describe you're making like bartender slices no no but you can if you slice off an outer lobe of the lemon and outward in the core and outer what if elements the lobe Le Loi like the just the part of the lemon that sits on the outside edge and isn't the core okay and you're doing it the long one yeah and then you get like this kind of Halfmoon I'm like I'm getting like a full moon so make any cut type of lemon wedge that pleases you and then get rid of the rest of the lemon so just set your wedges aside that's gonna be for later great the only thing on your cutting board should be lemons in the batter I'm a messy cook I'm just getting garbage on the on the counter now I've got some ones that are that I think me to leave let's get them out okay so as soon as those are all out and they get a little salt mm-hmm okay so before we get the lemons in let's get our temperature back up and we're gonna move on to the next thing which is we're gonna make a fry cone out of newspaper so you should have a little pint glass with a piece of newspaper on your station yes and you should wipe off your cutting board so it's really dry otherwise it's gonna the newspapers gonna get wet and sludgy and stick okay so put down the piece of newspaper with a long and like closest to your belly and the short ends to the left and the right yeah okay so what we're gonna do is we're gonna take this rectangle and turn it into a cone so the first thing that I want you to do is you're right-handed yes I am okay so take from the left short side fold that over about to make about a two and a half inch wide fold and just fold that over to make a crease so then open it back up so it's flat again with a crease on the left-hand side yes okay so now take the bottom right hand corner and then pull that up and bring it up to the top long edge yes and then crease down your crease so we're gonna do that three more times on the next one when you fold it over you're gonna line up the bottom right edge yes okay so you want that actually now to fold that up and over so that it lines up with the crease that we made at the beginning and then do it again and this time you're gonna be over your fat strip that you made yeah and then go one more time so by the time you get to the fourth fold over you should have a very cone I do oh great okay so then take the bottom point and just fold it up oh no okay and so just so that it's like instead of being a point C bottom cone it's gonna be a flat bottom cone okay okay so like a Belgian freak all right yeah all right and if you have any like triangle overhanging the flat yeah just tuck it see do you do crops who knows if this is at all what you're talking about I'm gonna stand it up in the pint container or the pint glass yeah mine's like really small in the pint block okay cool as long as it holds food it's fine great great okay so lemons have to go in the oil now yep and these are gonna spatter a little bit more than the other stuff because they have so much water so just walk I think you're selling me do you even understand how people are gonna be like I can't believe you put things in to fry oil with your bare hands I know that's how I feel it just it's generally it's not safe and it's like it's not it's not safe it's not safe but you know what some people might call me a risk taker most people would it but some people might I like how they curl up or yours curling at all growling um like my they look like they're struggling my finished one is curling so now what we can do while those are frying Lizzie yeah hole your nice fried vegetables over in front of you mmm and I didn't wash is really good but I got some some guys that are getting a little brown in here oh you do oh yeah Sam whatever really brown fin lemon I'm taking them out great are we eating that oh yeah salty bitter they still have their lemony flavor I like love them all right I'm salting and you have your lemon wedges yes I have my lemon wedges nearby and the flaky salt and this version of the cone all right we're in business okay all right now the fun part oh you take your cone yeah of silence the goal at the end is that we will present like fried flowers to each other Wow in a bouquet fashion that's interesting alright so I'm just gonna start by putting some of my smaller less gorgeous pieces of squash in the bottom okay and then I'm going to put some of my more beautiful mushrooms my I really can't fit too much in mind which is sad I'd like to alright so once you have as much as you're gonna fit you can do a little flaky salt on the top guys I'm really excited to eat these and I feel really bad that mine just won't fit in this thing well we can just eat them off a try great all right and then do your little spritz of lemon I have a baby bouquet of fried food I have a very baby bouquet of fried fish it's like morphed into my child alright so we're gonna count to three again then we're gonna turn around okay okay one two three oh oh I forgot someone nice when you said lemon I thought you might squirt the one oh yeah I did oh cool well now so tray for you are you thanks thank you oh wow thank you what are you gonna go for a first wash I love the lemon yang cheers Cheers welcome to our tempura restaurant hmm yours are psaltery than mine they are mm-hmm and I think shy yet nervous was all I love these mushrooms and the affiliate of all the things the mushroom stayed super crispy come on did you hear the crunch well I have to under your mushroom uh-huh ciao hmm one two Temps yours is better than mine very life and gif I'm glad you said a f.cuz would be very inappropriate if you did up the scale one to ten how do you rate yourself I'm going to give myself an 8 okay yeah if I was gonna do like an affirmation to you I would say you nailed it to 10 what was wrong nothing please come back any time I would love to come back this is this is far better than talking about a television show [Laughter]
Channel: Bon Appétit
Views: 5,207,849
Rating: 4.9630427 out of 5
Keywords: back to back chef, elizabeth olsen, back to back, carla music, bon appetit, test kitchen, tempura, vegan dinners, how to make tempura, elizabeth olsen 2018, elizabeth olsen interview, carla, carla bon appetit, elizabeth olsen cooking, elizabeth olsen bon appetit, kitchen challenge, cooking lessons, elizabeth olsen funny, tempura recipe, elizabeth olsen vegan, vegetarian tempura, elizabeth olsen makes, vegetable tempura, food
Id: Om2oM-TDErQ
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 18min 5sec (1085 seconds)
Published: Wed Sep 19 2018
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