Emma Watson: In The Bag | Episode 17 | British Vogue

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I'm using the video of Emma Watson. If you listen very carefully how she said, "I don't really pack light." How she said the word "light" @0:15 has a sound of "s" at the end. Same with "I'm always freezing cold." You can also hear her use the same thing on other words throught the video. What's that called? Is it a particular accent? Or a lisp or maybe just a habit? Also its not just Emma Watson. There are other English people who I've noticed do the same thing.

👍︎︎ 2 👤︎︎ u/annaqtjoey 📅︎︎ Mar 30 2022 đź—«︎ replies
I know what so and this is my back my friends call me at the bag lady and the reason for this is that I don't really pack light so I have slope again uh who is freezing coals always so I'm always carrying a scarf I have two phones I have money my work phone I have a personal phone both of them are usually dead this is a strategy of mine it's kind of how I deal with how stressful life can be it does drive people around me a bit mad meeting my best hair scrunchie the endless debate cool not cool horrible not horrible this one's leather start make it any color I don't know [Music] tampon my mom bought me this bag it's filthy now let's travel around the world with me it's got my mittens in it vitamin C vitamin D basics my book club is reading beloved's right now by Toni Morrison she won the Nobel Prize for Literature I've been doing this for the last year it's called the 5-minute journal you get to write three things you're grateful for you get to write a daily affirmation I'm not the end of the day that's for eighty-three amazing things that happened and you get to know about better thank-you cards yeah so I'm 29 and I still carry something that looks like this it's a hot water bottle my favorite thing to do when I get on an airplane is to ask if they will fill this up for me deodorant essential it smells good it doesn't have loads of nasty crap the packaging is recycled it's vegan so some random graphs trolls better than a mess of straw right I mean I don't know if it's gonna break at some point but I hasn't yet got back makeup remover pads but you throw in the washing machine and then you have to throw so much stuff away use of my keys thanks to spray did I make that look enjoyable I don't know maybe I need to do that again anyway m/v rose hydrating mist toughest brand sunglasses you can ask them Philippi this is why you need sunglass case which I don't use that's pretty really scratched terrible have a muscle rub that says quit your bitching tooth mousse it's meant to protect the enamel on your teeth tooth mousse [Music] Sun screen yes very important especially if you live in LA or wherever actually even if you live in the UK Sun screen let's do this thing nail polish that's it tada this is why they call me the bag lady house keys scrunchie tooth ruse [Music]
Channel: British Vogue
Views: 13,518,512
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: emma watson, emma watson in the bag, in the bag, in the bag vogue, emma watson bag, emma watson vogue, emma watson british vogue, emma watson actress, emma watson interview, emma watson cover, emma watson cover star, emma watson feminism, emma watson accent, emma watson lifestyle, emma watson makeup, emma watson style, emma watson fashion, emma watson vogue interview, emma watson harry potter, hermione granger, sustainable fashion, british vogue, vogue uk
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 4min 22sec (262 seconds)
Published: Thu Dec 12 2019
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