USPS / Border Patrol Scam Exposed (New Scam)

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a week or two ago i got this voicemail submitted by a viewer that featured some scammers pretending to be the united states border patrol working with the usps saying that a package was seized in their name and it was very suspicious hi this call is from us customs and border protection the reason of this call is to inform you that package has been seized which is under your name by u.s customs and border protection due to a criminal activity so please give us call back to us customs and water protection when you call them they start grilling you and just asking tons of information about where you live your name your social security number stuff like that and they're trying to establish some sort of control over the situation make it seem like they're real officers now u.s customs and border protection has seized a suspicious parcel which was shipped using usps service under your name now they scanned the parcel and they found out that it was containing drugs cash was 100k and if you pick driving licenses they claim there was 20 or so different packages in your name that the border patrol stopped that had drugs and stolen credit cards and fake ids in it and now you're gonna have to go to jail you were under surveillance and all your movements your phone calls your social medias posting were monitored by fbi as you were considered as threat to national security and we have gathered inner evidence which will continue in front of judge and jury mammals you are a threat to national security so we're just going to have that okay do we have any questions before we proceed any legal step against your name sir yeah what gives i i didn't do this why are you trying to arrest me is there any drug addict around you well you know two blocks from me there's this one house i don't know they have far too many flamingos in the front of the house i think they're compensating for something that's all i'm gonna say but i'm not sure okay so what you're telling me is that you are not involved in this and you don't know anything about this is that correct correct if you tell the officer you didn't do anything wrong he will transfer you to his boss who helps you rectify the situation okay so like let me just transfer this call to my senior executive officer how may i help you u.s customs and water protection hi yes yes i'm not i i i don't really know exactly what what i'm supposed to tell you but he said that he was transferring me they want you to go to the store and buy gift cards that way they can steal your money plain and simple so here's an edited version of the call ending with me calling the scammer out i hope you learn a couple things and enjoy it maybe even get a couple laughs okay now the information mr sanders that you are verifying with me okay i just verified this information with the department of treasury and i found out that there are no criminal allegation against your name in the past which are against the government or are related to the money laundering and the drug trafficking so on the basis of that the government is giving you two options okay on the basis of that the government is giving you two options right now to handle the situation to handle the problem the options are option one which is by going public and the second option maintaining the privacy i'm gonna explain you both option you have to tell me what option you like to go with okay okay yeah the first option is the public which means that there will be an article and tomorrow if it has to go public i mean that's what do you mean what are you talking about no yeah i'm explaining you the option mister listen to me which means that there will be an article in tomorrow leading newspaper with your photo picture on it about the incidents that your involvement in the drug trafficking and in the money laundering which means all of your property and your bank accounts will be phrased by law enforcement and you have to prove the source of the assets you have which will take approximately six months of your time to get it resolved and all your tradition will be informed you borrow any money in the form of a loan for the mortgage i'm 66 years they will not wait anymore for their money to recover this is the option one public that if you will select the option one public then in tomorrow newspaper your photographer i'm not doing it and everyone will see that involvement in the drug trafficking and in the money laundering and the second option will be the private which means that this thing the is i i read the newspaper yeah and so do my friends say well i'm telling you i didn't do this wait are you telling are you saying are you telling me that in the paper that it's going to say that i did it or that i helped catch the criminals because i no dude in the newspaper it says that you did this drug trafficking okay well i didn't do that so you shouldn't put that in the newspaper now that's my connection that would be fake that's now the second option is for you maintaining the privacy which means that this thing is between you and the tracer department and your resolvement will be done in the next 48 hours without anyone knowing it but in that you have to maintain the privacy that no other party should know you just have to follow my rules and regulation and i'm gonna make sure you are out of the case in the next 72 hours okay so may i know what option you like to go with you like to go with the public or the private i i want to go with the private obviously i don't want people to know i have any involvement in this i i didn't do nothing okay now as you select the option number two the private you know that your state id and your social security number is the prime evidence of the case we are going to block your social security number and your state id to stop all the ongoing crime which is going under your name so that person cannot use your social security number anymore as the person whoever is using yeah you understand now correct that we will put a block on your information your social so that whoever is using your if you choose to go public turn the page seven hundred and six if you choose to go private is like a drug trafficking and money laundering now as i told you that we also found out there are several bank accounts open under your name in which you have six to seven hundred thousand dollars on your name now the government like to freeze that money as that money is not belongs to you okay so we will we like to put a phrase on that account right now because all the money hold your voices right there officer what did you just say to me that i don't own any of my money anymore that's my money sir if you listen to me and if you let me speak i can explain you everything step okay just listen to me this is not your money sir six to seven hundred thousand it's your money so you were telling me that you held seven hundred no no sorry i thought i thought you were talking about something i thought you were talking about my money and my chase account sorry go ahead no carry on i found out we found we found out six to seven hundred thousand dollar on your name which government like to put a phrase on that because that money is the illegal it's a black money okay we turn from the drug trafficking from the crime so we want to put a phrase on that but the law enforcement people are not able to put a phrase on your accounts right now because once we put a phrase under your name and your social security number you will also lose your all the money which you have in your account and in your credit cards in your ira and your 401k and i don't want that thing happen to you as i know whatever the money you have in your account in your chase bank account and in your ira 401k money market it's your money it's your hard earned money and it's your life savings i don't want you to lose it so i want you to safeguard all of your funds and all of your liquid assets which means the treasury department gonna take over your all the assets under them for 48 hours by moving your all the money into the treasury department right now okay okay how am i supposed to do something like this how am i supposed to do that yeah what do you what you have to do is right now listen to me you need to go to your bank and you need to withdraw the money in the cash once you have the money in the cash with you which you can purchase from the government certified store once you purchase the card you have to provide me the card registration number i can register that number with the department of praisery and once i will register all the cards with them the department of praisery will send you a resolution letter to the nearest government building i will give you a confirmation for your appointment you have to go there collect your resolution letter and the certificate from the department of praisery in the government office which is declaring that the money you have in the digital cards are clean money and you are out of the case okay like this is just in a basic information i'm giving you right now but i'm gonna stay on the line with you and i'm gonna give you all information step by step okay oh okay yeah i've never done anything like that i've never done anything like this i would definitely be interested in you know working with you so why is it that i have to what what is it that i have to do with the cash yeah you have to convert that money into the digital card which you can buy from the government certified store i'm gonna give you the store address where you can go right now and buy a digital card from the store once you buy the card you have to provide me the card registration number i'm gonna register that card under your name and i'm gonna give you all the information step by step okay and once i registered the card i'm gonna give you the address of the department of treasury where you can go and submit the cards there and once you submit the cards they're gonna open a new bank account for you the government gonna give you a new bank account in which you will get your all the money back written and you will get a new social security card at your mailing address okay in the next 24 to 48. okay so now it's just like the supplements and now you want to go you like to go with the private then you have to carry your photo id driving license cell phone card charger he's gonna give me cardboard get in the car and let me know that sir i'm in my car what is my next step i'm gonna give you all information step by step now okay because well i i hear if i've got i'm gonna have i'm gonna have to go to the bathroom voice before before we do anything else yeah you can you can get in the car once you get ready carry your photo id driving license cell phone charger to charge your cell phone in the car if you don't have a battery carry your debit card with you get in the car and let me know that sir i'm in my car what is my next step once you're in the car i'm gonna give you the address where you have to go okay but what i'm telling what i'm telling you is i have to go to the bathroom okay then i'm honestly on the line not a problem i'm gonna stay on the line with you not the problem okay yeah you can listen you can't mute the phone okay you can stay on the line with me okay you can't mute the cell phone sir and you can't uh you have to just keep the phone in your handy so whenever if i have any question as i'm making your paperwork's here on my system okay in front of me i'm making your paper works to resolve the problem so if i have any question i will ask you at that moment that's the reason i'll tell you to keep the phone on the speaker like why you are not comfortable with this me i know the reason why you are not comfortable i i i don't really like to go to the bathroom it's in the privacy of my own home i prefer not to have to yeah and you can keep the phone you can keep the phone okay and uh you can keep the phone on your bed okay you can go and get ready yourself get in the car and let me set the phone down i'm on the line then i'll go to the bathroom and i'll come back in a few minutes okay you need to get how much time how much time you need it depends on if i i can't get a good read on it as you get although it's harder so it could be it could be two minutes it could be 20 minutes it kind of depends yeah hello hello hello mr sanders can you still hear me i'm sitting in my truck right now yeah mr uh yeah mr sanders are you still connected uh yeah i mean i'm here sorry okay yeah may i know where are you right now i'm at my house uh i'm at the house where are you okay so i'm gonna i think i'm gonna go with yeah i want you okay but i want you to carry your photo id driving license with you photo id cell phone card charger to charge your cell phone in the car and your debit yeah hey i can hear you okay okay uh i got my photo id and everything because i drive i always use my photo id you have to buy a digital card from the publix okay so you have to go and drive yourself towards the store once you reach there i'm gonna let you know what to do so start your driving towards the public once you reach there tell me that's the publix that's like five minutes away yeah you can go there once you reach the parking lot let me know what do you what what do you want i thought i thought i was i thought i was supposed to go to my bank no i didn't but you have to go to the public correct so from the publix you can buy a digital card from with the use of your bank debit card you can you can pay them with the debit card correct uh yeah of course hold on a second although let me turn the music though i i bet you can't even hear me no more hello yes yeah i'm here enough the music you on i have i had you on speakerphone before but now i just got you on the normal the normal phone i understand you can hear me turn off the music i love the music sir oh okay sorry yeah where are you right now you reached the publix yeah i'm in the public's packing spot like i'm in a packing space listen what you have to do in the chase bank checking account you have 750 correct yeah i got 750 yeah yeah okay then it might be like uh let's say round figure 700 correct honest work that's sarcasm yeah 700 okay that's sarcasm okay yeah what do you want me to do with it how much what do you what do you want me to do with it with the 750 now listen yeah you have to go inside the publix go directly into the prepaid and the gift card section once you stand in front of the gift card let me know that sir i'm standing in front of the gift card what is my next step is honestly a little bit shocked that this guy's going to show what card you have to take from the public okay i mean obviously i have more of another account okay so a digital card from the publix now you go inside the publix go into the gift card section once you stand in front of that he's gonna take more than 750 dollars he's just saying well your checking has 750. once you stand in front of the giveaway let me know i'm a little concerned so i have 750 dollars in my checking but i have 36 000 in my savings so what you have to do for that okay but right now whatever the funds you have in your checking just move that thing okay and we will remove your everything one by one okay i will tell you how to move that thing your savings okay but right now just try to move your funds what you have in your checking account right now i'm gonna update you everything step by step okay so you can go inside the store oh right because you don't have a debit card that you said you want to stand in front of the gift card let me know yeah once you stand in front of the gift card let me know once you stand in front of the gift card it's a little windy outside so i wanted to make sure you could have mm-hmm i a little windy out there but i'm walking around the store now mm-hmm okay and went yeah asking me you were asking me to get what was it again sorry i i i couldn't quite understand yeah look for the gift card section look for the gift card section inside the store it's the pre-paid in the gift card section yeah i'm sorry i'm asking you about the the part where i'm supposed to give you the money for the case we're working on i'm not talking about them yeah what do you say what are you talking about the gift cards are you in front of the gift cards right now no no i'm not i'm not in front of the gift cards right now though right right now i'm over there like the producers the fruit and veggies and everything look for the gift card section once you stand in front of the gift card once you stand in front of the gift card let me know yeah okay i have to um they're gonna have to give me a couple minutes do you see any cards there's a whole bunch of different cards yeah they have like yeah work hard i mean yeah can you tell me the name of the card can you tell me the name [Music] disney world starbucks they have circuit city arby's build-a-bear playstation olive garden five guys uh pokemon they've got applebee's the xbox google play cards chipotle red lobster uh uh did they have a look for that did they have a target target or did they have nike over there or target did they have a target i'm sorry are you asking you you want nike gift cards like what yeah are you yes are you do you see any card over there which is a target target gift card like a target store target gift card oh no i don't have any tag yeah look for it you will find there what do you want to make it for yeah do you do you see any night card over there nike like yes sir listen uh you have to just look for the target gift card or a nike gift card over there okay or else you can tell me the name what cards you see there okay so i'm gonna tell you which card you need to take it look i see a foot locker i see one for foot locker locker do you see any other cards beyond you know government payments sir it's a target you know about the target you know about that there's actually a uh there is a sign here that says something about uh gift card fraud okay so what kind of gift card do you want i thought you said i was getting in a government a government pad not a gift card listen sir listen you have to look for the target target gift card okay nike gift card there's this big red sign that says beware of government imposter scams listen no government listen listen ask you to purchase a gift card did they say scam what is this listen to me sir i'm asking i'm telling you to move your money into the gift card because you know listen listen to me i'm telling you to buy uh move your money into the target or this type of companies because this is the digital companies right now as you know there are many digital companies nowadays in the market okay so the government has a tie up with the companies right now with the digital companies as there are many like 250 companies there are more than 250 digital companies nowadays in the market you know that very well listen impossible no employee from the government listen listen if you if i want to take out the money from you i cannot i'm standing outside publix right now hi man hi okay i like your dog i like your dog it's a very cute dog yeah one dog sorry there's a lady with her dog walking by um okay listen there's a big there's a big sign of him a big sign it says government imposter scam beware of government imposter scam no government employee from the irs the social security department the police you name it is ever going to ask you for a gift card so let me you explain to me right now i've been on the phone with you for an hour and you i'm over here at publix and you're asking me to buy you a gift card why is that you tell me listen because your social yeah let me explain you your name has not related with any of the digital currency right now okay so your money will be saved your money will be saved it says right there you tell me why would publix have a sign that says does that no no hold on let me let me just call you back let me call you back i'm not able to hear you okay do you think he's just giving up like oh oh no he's not okay announcement hello yes i can hear you what i am telling you is that i am telling you to buy a digital card because your money as i told you that we want to safeguard your funds correct now your money will be safe in the digital part right now because very clearly on the sign no government employee will ever ask for a gift card that's what it says and now here you are a government employee asking me for a gift card and now i i'm once again asking you i'm once again axing you tell me on what universe and what world that makes any bit of sense so you told me to go to publix correct because you have a partnership with publix and these digital cards and yet publix has a sign that contradicts exactly what you want me to do that doesn't make any sense to me can you explain that to me officer if you if you're even an officer can you explain that to me because i'm sitting here living here i'm nervous you know i'm trying to trust the process the process is starting to not make any sense to me i don't let me explain yeah there are second options there are second option for you that what you have to do is you have to get all the money in the cash whatever you have it on your name once you have some sorry this guy said turn off the music this is why you are when you are playing me some other guys driving by in this car i'm sorry it's not me go ahead what you have to do is you have to get the money in the cash whatever the funds you have it okay once you have that all the money in the cash with you okay you have to move that money into the digital cards and the reason i am telling you to get the money into the digital cards because i told you that i want you to safeguard your funds right now okay which branch of the government do you work for i forgot who do you work for it's u.s customs and border protection okay let me ask you something where are you located right now where are you located it's in the new york where in new york new york new york sir what time is it for you what is saying what time is it what time it is it's 4 50 and what's your zip code do you want me to give you the address of our office yeah what's your zip code yeah you can write it down the address to take a pen and paper and i can give you the address of our department right now and give me a zip code it's one zero zero zero seven okay so you're you're down there in new york where uh let me what do you you live there then you live in new york city yes sir wait no i can't give you my personality why you want my house address i'm not understanding that okay my personal information who's the vice president of the united states what you are asking me vice president of the united states what yeah hello yes you can i can hear him typing can you tell me when you pay your taxes what's the last day to pay your taxes what's the last day to pay your taxes in the united states what do you mean why you are asking me this type of question no no you tell me right now or i'm hanging up what's tax day sir why you are asking me this question i'm not understanding you're a lawyer that's why because i think you're a big filthy liar not not unlike other people in the government you you're telling me to get you a gift card for for a bunch of money for you and yet you don't even know tell me what tax day is tell me what i'll give you a hint it's in april what's tax day it's july 31 is the deadline sir of 2020. no no no no no see you looked that up nobody knows you're a fraud that's what you are you're a crook you're telling me okay i'm sending the police there to arrest you okay bye have a nice day let me send the cops here where are they gonna come they're going to come to publix they're going to come to your house tell them to come to publix and arrest me that makes a lot of sense for an old man named jeff as if i'm actually a guy named jeff sanders standing in front of publix right now and i'm not comfortably sitting in my living room laughing at how ridiculous the situation is tell yeah tell the police officers to come over and get me mr hotshot government official you have no clue you don't have the slightest idea where i am do you so are you are you trying to play now you so you played the game all right i think technically i have one if it was a game but but yes it was a game yeah so how long have you how long have you been pretending to be a part of the us border patrol border patrol yeah so you played the game how about you know what did you come up with this script did you come up with this script no no have you ever gotten this far before have you ever asked someone to go to publix before or was this your first time so you were the first person i'm the i'm the first person to go to publix for you no sir no yeah you were the first person okay that i love that you i love the way you play uh-huh thanks what do i what do i want to get do i want a gift card no no how did you manage this thing that uh you were on the conference call with that mr sanders the fake name yeah i went on craigslist i i i went on craigslist and i hired an actor i hired an actor on craigslist he was an old guy oh you hired an actor yeah i paid him 50 bucks so you you hire you paid him 50 bucks to win for acting yeah which is more than you're gonna make today huh okay okay okay why do you lie why are you trying to rip old people's eyes what lie i don't understand that
Channel: Kitboga
Views: 795,630
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: scambait, scam, prank call, call center, robo calls, fraud, improv, social engineering, usps, mail fraud, gift card, scammers, justice, exposed
Id: kx2GIFDFnDc
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 36min 0sec (2160 seconds)
Published: Sun Oct 04 2020
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