Flight Simulator 2020 - Cessna 172s G1000 Full Flight | KILM - KMYR

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what is going on everybody captain horne23 here and today we are going to be doing a full flight in the cessna 172 skyhawk g1000 in the brand new microsoft flight simulator 2020. before we begin guys if you would like to see more microsoft flight simulator 2020 content be sure to hit that subscribe button and the notification bell so you know when i upload a new video also don't forget that i do have a discord where you can find other people to fly with including myself and the link is in the description so let's get right so starting from the literal beginning when you first get into the game this is what you're going to see now we will be taking a trip from wilmington down to myrtle beach international airport i figured we'd take a nice beach cruise and i have not even seen the beaches in the simulator yet so that'll be perfect what we're going to do is click on this world map here of course and this is just amazing like every time i click in here it's just awesome i mean i could use this as google earth i mean even i'm not sure if you guys knew but these clouds they're accurate like this is the actual this is the hurricane right here that's hitting the united states currently anyway um first what we want to do is of course select our aircraft and um the cessna g1 g1000 is going to be right down here there we go select that and we can go out of there all right and next what we're going to do is select our departure point which is going to be wilmington which is right here and now we do want to start at the gate now on another thing i don't know if you guys knew if you started a runway it's gonna start the aircraft and like be ready for takeoff and if you start at a gate it will be cold and dark so that is something i learned there i'm just gonna set ramp 30 why not as our departure here all right and our arrival is going to be myrtle beach um i'm not sure what this outer ring is maybe this is the distance the that this cessna can fly with full fuel or something like that anyway let's get down here to myrtle beach there's ocean isle so there's myrtle beach right there we're going to set it as an arrival and guys i am going to do an ifr i mean it's not going to be ifr i'm going to do an instrument approach into myrtle beach just to show you guys how it's done um what you want to do you can leave it direct like i have it here so from wilmington directly to myrtle beach that can be changed right under the aircraft section here we have vfr direct gps or we can do vor to vor which is pretty much just literally doesn't change anything because there is no vors in between this i guess or we can do ifr low altitude airways which gives us some waypoints or we could do high altitude airways which is obviously impractical for assess so of course we're just going to leave this as direct gps i will also not be using the control tower because unfortunately air traffic control in this game is a total joke like i am really disappointed in microsoft flight simulator or microsoft in general and a sobo i mean it's it's just a copy and paste from fsx they better do something to fix it's just ridiculous i absolutely do not like it at all now guys we are not going to be flying on live weather i've actually um clocked back the time here but i am going to add some clouds whenever we get close to the runway so we can do a ils approach in this g-1 1000 cessna so let's go ahead and hit that fly button and i will get to you guys when we are sitting here at the gate or parking ramp rather at wilmington airport in north carolina here and i gotta say this is a very bland general aviation ramp but at least there's some buildings over there right and a bunch of cars so anyway let's hop into the cockpit and get this puppy up and running now it's really simple to start up a cessna 172. uh you can run through the checklist if you want but there's not that many steps to starting up a cessna first thing you want to do is turn on your beacon light now this alerts people um outside the aircraft that your engines are about to start and you of course want to get the battery on in order for that beacon to start up just like that we see it on our tail right here it's flashing red all right next what we want to do is turn on our fuel pumps for three to five seconds or that's what it says in the checklist make sure your mixture is pushed all the way in and your throttle up about 25 percent just like that all right and now we can shut off this fuel pump and simply turn this switch all the way to the right and there we go okay the engine is now running and now we can turn on our avionics which is these white switches here there we go and we can release the throttle out just like that and guys since we did program our um flight plan in the world map there we do have a flight plan actually in the g1000 so that's a very useful feature same way if you're in a commercial jet and you set up a route in the world map it would automatically populate your fmc so that's pretty darn useful there all right guys next thing we want to do is get on our taxi light and we can get our nav lights on not the strobes just yet that's for takeoff and pedo heat you can turn on if you wish but you really only need pedo heat whenever it's really cold outside so if you're like flying in alaska your pitot tube is right here and it can freeze over and therefore cause your indicated air speed to be way off all right so i'm not going to turn on the pedo heat there all right and uh before we taxi we might as well go ahead and set our altitude i'm going to be cruising at 4 500 feet today um because it is generally west i guess you could say i mean it's pretty much south but um anyway we'll just leave it at 4 500 feet and generally vfr aircraft do cruise at a thousand feet plus 500. all right next what we want to do is in fact listen to the adis and i said i wasn't going to use air traffic control which i'm not but i will listen to the atis here uh is the eight it's just not even gonna play well that's weird and that's new yeah datus isn't even gonna play all right well generally guys you would listen to the aetis and get your altimeter and um just general information about the current state of the airport so it'd read clouds at probably like 4 000 feet or so scattered the altimeter i have no idea and temperature dew point all that good stuff so yeah i'm really not sure why the adis is not working at all but anyway uh i guess i will just leave the altimeter to 9 or 9 or 2 for now all right we need to get this screen up here and next what we want to do is click this cdi button to make sure it does say gps and we can see our route here via this purple line if i zoom out we see it right there very nice all right guys so with that being said we are now ready to taxi to an active runway and i don't even know where i should taxi because the 8 is not working so i'm just going to taxi straight down to that runway right there hopefully the winds are calm and it won't really matter which runway we go to all right guys so i'm gonna let off the parking brake and begin the taxi to the runway just like this and i will get to you guys when we are holding shorter now holding short of the runway and all we really have to do now is get some lights on so i will turn on my strobe light and my landing light for takeoff it looks so nice i like it a lot and then we can lower our flaps just one notch just like that and we are in fact ready for takeoff guys i got my altitude set the gps is on via the cdi button and we are ready to go all right so let's go ahead and pull onto the runway and i did take an intersection because the cessna does not need that much room at all in order to take off all right guys we are ready to go so let's go ahead and give it full throttle and i don't know why but sometimes it does tend to pull to the left and i don't know if it's because of torque or what but it just seems a little over exaggerated now see this time is pulling to the right actually all right there's 55 knots we can go ahead and pull the aircraft off the ground and yeah you can see it was like pulling to the right there all right now we're going to maintain the runway heading for now and this is all me so i'm actually going to trim it out and we are actually at our best climb rate in a cessna which is about 75 knots or 80 either one between 70 and 80 is very good climb and our flaps do go up at above 300 feet all right and we are currently at 300 feet now so i'm going to go ahead and lift those flaps up at this point we can go ahead and turn off our taxi light which is going to be right there but we are under 10 000 feet so of course we do want to keep our landing light on there we go i'm actually going to start a bank to the right here because our line is off to the right we can even tell that by this arrow here we want to be pointing towards this era to get in or out and it's a little turbulent up here so far there's quite a lot of turbulence up here man this is a very nice view i do gotta say that microsoft and the sobo really did a wonderful job on the graphics of the simulator just the trees are 3d i mean the houses are 3d everything is so nice and what's even better is this all is accurate so you know whenever you look out the window that that is exactly what it looked like from the air i mean not exactly but pretty darn dang close there all right guys at this point i am going to engage the autopilot and get my flight director on which it should be there we go all right our autopilot is on and i'm going to go ahead and get flight level change on at 80 knots and it's going to be a little wonky like it always is there and after that rcdi is on gps so i'm going to hit this nav button there and that will start getting us in route to myrtle beach check out the exterior view and one other thing about the simulator is that's beautiful it's just the clouds amazing clouds i mean the clouds just do it for me and just look at those it just looks so good i mean x-plane 11 had crap clouds fsx we had even better clouds than x-pin 11. prepared i'm not sure i never flew it but they were all 2d clouds and these are 3d volumetric clouds that are actually moving which is amazing microsoft and the sobo definitely outbid themselves here now there is a few bugs they do need to fix but that will definitely come with future updates and there's the airport that we have just departed from looking very nice from this altitude all right and our autopilot is getting us on course on this here purple line all right and our distance to myrtle beach is 58 nautical miles which is not too bad at all and it just looks so good i can just look out this window forever it's just so nice i can't wait i hadn't even done any big flights in large aircraft like the a320 or the 747 or the 787 that's going to be great flying all the way to europe in that man that'll be awesome all right guys so we're just over halfway to myrtle beach and um yeah so i leveled off at 4 500 feet here and now i want to show you guys something you see how my air speed is kind of dropping but we're pretty much level um that's because our mixture is still pushed all the way in and my throttle is also all the way in now your rpms mine are currently in the green which is good but we can push it all the way up into this white just as long as we don't go into the red and now this right here is showing the i guess the efficiency of the engine you can say so if i pull this mixture out keep an eye on this little arrow right there so as i pull it out you see it just jumped and our rpms have increased into the white so we are adjusting the mixture now you can't go too far out because it'll go back down and eventually cut the engine so you want to try to find that good balance which for me is like right when it gets pulled out just like that and we are now increasing our airspeed again and i can actually cut back on the throttle just like that all right guys um so for we are about to approach myrtle beach so we're going to go ahead and set up our rival into our garmin g1000 now that's really simple all you have to do is go to procedures here select approach i'm going to do a sure ils 18 i mean i'm not using air traffic control so i'm just going to pick a runway all right that's good there and we will go ahead and activate that approach and now it is bringing me on this route which is not what i was hoping for i was hoping we'd actually go out over the ocean but this works out fine as well all right the next thing we want to do is get our ils frequency in and i'm actually going to use sky vector for that if you guys saw in my uh g1000 tutorial so i'm going to type in the icao code for myrtle beach here and zoom right in on the airport all right and here we have it there we go i'm going to right click and grab ils or localizer runway 1 8 and you know what no i do want to come in over the ocean so i'm going to change my approach to ils 3 6 right there and we'll activate that approach instead so we can come in over the ocean just like that perfect that's what i wanted all right and so instead we're gonna look at the ils for runway three six here's our good old chart here we see we come in right here and we just come right into the runway right there all right and here's our localizer which is a 111.9 it's also shown right here in the top left of the um chart and our course 357 is also plugged in right there now i'm going to set 111.9 in my nav radios right here just like that and i'm curious to see i'm going to wait till this level is back out if my course is automatically set because when i did the g1000 video my course did automatically set on to the runway i mean um the the proper course of the runway so we're going to see i'm going to go ahead and switch it now all right i'm going to engage heading hold now that's a bug right there too you notice i press synchronize the current heading but it's over here almost east when it needs to be right here where i'm flying 1 199 so i'm just going to turn it there and engage heading hold right now i'm going to switch our cdi over to localizer and it does in fact set up that course because it's 357. okay cool and if i do try to change this course i have to be off frequency and it just switches to vr1 okay so that's important to note guys um you'll know if you've got the correct frequency plugged in by one looking at the charts and just knowing or two whenever you have that frequency active this will switch to localizer one just like that and it'll automatically set your course so we are good there i will go back on to navigation mode now and i'm actually going to adjust some cloud layers here all right i want these clouds very very low like not that low um about that is good there i'm actually going to okay did not want to do that oh i can increase the altitude there the scatter and increase that and the coverage over the ground yeah this is really look like an ils approach now but you can't see the ground all right but i would actually like to see the ocean so i'm going to raise this up just like that and wow let's get a look at this beach here looks as we would expect the ocean looks amazing we're actually going to go into the free camera here and increase my drone speed so i can get ahead of this aircraft we're gonna fly down to this beach wow look at that guys there's an actual there's a windmill spinning that's pretty cool now of all the times i've been to myrtle beach i've not once seen a windmill but um yeah wow look at this water this water texture is just amazing is there waves though it does not look like it that's unfortunate that's really unfortunate but i mean you can see visuals of waves but you can't actually see them crashing in on the beach all right and we have myrtle beach international it's going to be somewhere right over there that is some random airport there but yeah i mean overall the coast it does look very very good it's pretty much how i would expect you can see our aircraft way over there going over the ocean all right and i'm actually going to reset this these clouds here and i'm gonna make sure that we can't see anything until we land and that is not true i mean look there's a huge break in the clouds right here all right so i'm gonna set that up further let's see altitude is bottom at zero all right the scatter oh and the cover oh man there we go jeez yeah look at that that's perfect this is like super foggy this is gonna be like right down to minimums all right and oh my lord we are in a cloud now so i'm actually gosh i'm mighty if i was at the top so high there we go looks like we're gonna have a very foggy approach into myrtle beach today wow i love the fact that you can adjust the clouds when you're in the air like that all right and yep we are still going to be right down the minimums here all right guys i'll get back to you guys whenever we are actually on the localizer right guys we're pretty much uh almost on final now um we're about to intercept this chaka waypoint and if we look at the ifr or the ils chart we'll notice right here chaka at the bottom this is kind of like a horizontal view we do want to be at 1 600 feet or above that's what this line means now we are above 1600 feet sitting at 4 500 but i can tell you we do not want to be that high in order to intercept this localizer so i'm going to knock it down to 1600 feet just like that and engage flight level change and reduce my throttle just like that and flight level change will point our nose down to try and maintain that 102 knots there all right and the the gps is now turning us towards chaka and we're actually going to be um well it did say at or above 600 feet so we are going down and we see our glideslope diamond has already appeared here which is very nice and we are about to descend into nothing but white clouds they're probably going to be gray when we get down there and i still and i'm unable to obtain the altimeter i mean there's not even there's no adis or anything all right we're about to cross the chaka and i'm going to reduce my throttle further to get us closer to that 1600 mark where we want to be and we're now banking in towards chaka so this is looking very good um i don't like the way the cloud textures look right now because i increase the coverage so much all right guys and i'm gonna go ahead and switch cdi over to localizer one and engage the approach button there just like that and um wow uh yeah we see we're already going above the glide slope that's why i'm trying to descend pretty quickly here and if you look at our g1000 we can actually see the runway right there which is very neat here we go we are about to cross into these clouds man it looks like we could just about land on them all right guys and descending into these clouds i'm gonna go ahead and get that taxi light back on just like that there we go and we are coming up on the pork waypoint there if we look back at our chart here's the pork way point right here and we need to be at 1600 feet here there's no lines or anything oh actually yes there is right here 1600 or above still but we are going to be at 1600 and this is where our glide slope should take effect and we'll see that we are 3.2 nautical miles out from the actual runway when we cross this waypoint and i'm not sure that either the simulator is incorrect or the chart or something and my guess my bet is on uh oh never mind okay this is the distance from pork and i'm going to go ahead and give it some more throttle because we are a little low here i didn't realize the altitude finally leveled off [Music] all right i have plenty of air speed now we're pretty much straight in line with the localizer here i was just messing around with some settings there all right and we're coming up on pork and we can actually see the air space in the g1000 right here it's pretty neat and the uh we can't really see the altitude restrictions but we can see the orange lines right here and the purple lines that's really nice and now um you'll notice whenever we are actually we're coming up on the pork intersection and our glide slope is pretty much level we're about to hit the glide slope and we can see our runway right there and it just switched to gs and we are now on the glidesloop and whoo yep look out the windows guys how would you like to do a visual approach like this i mean honestly it wouldn't be that bad because the g1000 i mean you can just look at this screen and pretty much get yourself down to the ground but i mean come on you definitely want to do an ils approach here for sure and at pork we are 3.8 nautical miles away from the runway at this point i can go ahead and lower my flaps down one notch in preparation for landing and glideslope is holding very steady right now you guys you always want this diamond to be in the middle of these white dots essentially if it's down here that means you're too high if it's up here you're too low and of course you want this localizer to be pretty much straight on and there is a way to get the wind information on your actual g1000 here and uh yeah here we go you hit pfd and then wind and i use option three okay it is blowing us this way we do have a crosswind right now and we can leave that wind right there it's blowing at 265 degrees at four knots and okay wow we are actually getting a little bit of visuals and we can barely see the runway right there which is pretty nice yeah we can start to see the ground now that's funny when i was just up there i couldn't 500 all right there's our 500 call i'm gonna go ahead and lower flaps too for our approach into myrtle beach and i don't even have to touch anything else yeah we can see that the plane is kind of flying this way to counteract for the wind and yeah we're getting a nice view of the beach all right and i'm gonna actually disengage the autopilot when we are close enough to the runway our papi lights are white over red which is good yeah it is a little bumpy coming down here there goes our autopilot and i really don't even have to touch it too much at least very bumpy one's still hitting us about three knots and we're just gonna ease her down from here on out and touchdown there we go i'm gonna go ahead and break wow i'm getting huge stutters all right there we go finally smoothed out there we go welcome to myrtle beach international airport everyone and um i'm not sure the general aviation ramp is on this airport uh it's right over there back behind us so i'm going to turn off the runway at this next taxiway to the left i go ahead and get my flaps all the way up and there's another massive stutter amazing i hope microsoft definitely fixes that i've noticed that quite a like very often all right i'm gonna ease it onto this taxiway here all right and at this point guys we can go ahead and turn off our landing lights and taxi to the ramp which is going to be right ahead of us so this general aviation parking is very far away at this airport i love how there's just a truck sitting in the middle of the taxiway too that's amazing we're just gonna go right through it yet another bug that microsoft needs to fix oh and look at that we have a fire truck sitting on the taxiway as well amazing but anyway i'm not complaining guys this this game is phenomenal i mean we can all expect a few bugs that need to be worked out in the beginning and we gotta cut them some slack i'm just gonna park in right here there we go i'm gonna pull the plane around and we'll just park it right here very nice all right guys we're gonna set the parking brake just like that and we're gonna shut off our engine which you just turn this all the way to the left just like that all right guys all our lights can come off our avionics can go off throttles out make sure you can go all the way in parking brake is set and our batteries can get switched off and there we have it guys we have just landed at myrtle beach international airport now see this is what i wish it looked like whenever i was coming in for the landing all right guys but anyway that's going to do it for this video i hope you enjoyed the flight from wilmington down to myrtle beach international airport if you have any suggestions of what videos you'd like to see next on microsoft flight simulator 2020 be sure to leave a comment below if you're new to the channel please do like and subscribe it mean a lot to me don't forget to join the discord guys hope you guys have a wonderful rest of your day or night and i'll see you guys in the next video
Channel: CaptainHorn23
Views: 17,117
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: gtav, lspdfr, gaming, install, howto, gameplay, 1080ti, realistic, gta, xplane, xplane11, plane, sheriff, highway patrol, police, lspd, airbus, boeing, simulator, fun, game, real, x plane, x plane 11, flight sim, x plane 11 tutorial, x plane 11 ortho4xp, x plane 11 landing, x plane 11 full flight, x plane flight simulator, flight simulator 2020 vr, flight simulator, flight sim 2020, police chases, how to, gta 6, gta online, gta 5 mods, really really, boeing stock, airbus a380, simulator games
Id: hWdNPuPfH-E
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 33min 5sec (1985 seconds)
Published: Sat Aug 29 2020
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