Flight 666 | Full Action Horror Movie

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[Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] ladies and gentlemen cabin crew please remain seated looks like we got a ways before we break through this thing and have some rough air coming up we're gonna leave the seat belt signs on for the time being so just sit back relax and we hope to see some of your skies here in a bit hope to punch through the storm shortly and again please remain seated keep those seat belts fastened everyone thank you so much for your patience uh we'll restart beverage service once we reach clear skies can you check the atis i want to get a read in the weather report see we might break through this thing why doesn't your dad smile in photos he never has yeah but why i don't know just not his thing even in my baby photos he would just like hold me and just be like probably something i did as a baby hey mom looks happy did they hate me they hated me they did not hate you that's just how they are oh you're just saying that no no see i love you and because i love you they love you too and even if they hate your guts they're still 2600 miles away well raisin that loved me i'm sorry it was fun yeah yeah this [ __ ] going on in my brain doesn't matter thank you for asking me to come it was perfect yeah and thank you for smiling yeah my pleasure anything no change looks like it's unavoidable projections are all over the place precipitation patterns are screaming mcc but that can't be right great it's like this thing is following us and it's your turn yes sir what can i do for you can you please tell the pilot to not crash the plane right i assure you that he's already considered that are you in the same fight as me i can i get you something my medicine it's in my back uh uh sure is it in your carry-on wouldn't you know which bin no no no my suitcase oh sir if you checked your luggage at the airport we can't get to it it's in cargo no no no no no no no no don't don't you have access to that i mean what if it's an emergency uh sir i'm sorry i i can get you a headset or a pillow blanket i i can get you some water how can i relax during could crash any minute now hey oh what a little heartbreaker how old is she almost four oh what a great age i wish i could see the look on her face when she sees you i'd be happy to see any look on her face i've been overseas deployed for 24 months now only thing i could think about was her and her mom are you a soldier yes ma'am army ranger oh so how much more time do you have left well it was delayed in paris the only flight out was to lax so we got five hours to new york and then an hour car ride and i get to see my family you're adorable she's adorable oh i'll say they're getting restless yeah well hopefully we break through this before they get restless restless well we're able to start service so anyone need anything now though oh uh yeah can you pass me one of the blankets please yes here you go you're too nice for this crew thank you [Music] wow hey don't worry i'm supposed to have it sorry i wasn't worried i'm lying i was worried [Music] there's thaddeus us air marshall anna nice to meet you likewise flight deck oh uh can i get you guys anything no i think we're good thanks alice everything get back there uh mostly we had one passenger ask that you guys not crash the plane and thought of that um all right well uh let me know if you guys need something just ring you will thanks anything all right back there yeah yeah seems good alice is just checking in would have been nice if jfk gave us a heads up on this storm before takeoff yeah i don't think they knew about it i've never seen a storm this big creep up out of nowhere we should have been able to eyeball this thing the moment we were off the ground yeah these domestic red eyes are a nightmare too i've done my fair share but after a while starts you know needing some daylight any tips all the coffee in the world my friend all the coffee in the world any plants from new york absolutely got a hot date the most beautiful woman you've ever seen oh yeah oh yeah what's your name don't know yet blanket make things better maybe i don't get people who are afraid of flying like if you can't do it why try i don't think it's flying i think it's being stuck in a compressed metal tube that resembles a penis while thinking about falling and exploding that's not an image i want to think of what a giant penis or the falling and exploding both were you ever afraid of planes i'm afraid of a lot of things but flying isn't one of them being up here it's a beautiful thing we do and look at us up here in the darkness where no one can see us still majestic birds after all this time how long has it been like three years girl please i'm i'm busy the next one it's just oh no there's something i saw what's on the wing sir please just take oh there's something out there sir you need to take okay good job please please the storm has everyone's shaking off sir please please please take your seat okay come on i can assure you that there's nothing like that out there okay excuse me oh sir i'm sorry you can't use the bathroom doesn't turn off the seatbelts sir don't close the door everything's fine everyone everything's fine excuse me what's happening uh it's it's just nerves that happens that the storm has everyone shaken up literally i take this flight all the time this is the worst i've seen it do you live in los angeles oh well my parents did we're just there on vacation um we're heading back to new york brooklyn actually it was a late honeymoon really oh well congratulations thanks um let me ask you something so what happens when a passenger is more out of control like more than that um uh generally these situations resolve themselves but um we have protocols in place for extreme situations yeah man that's scary as i said these situations usually resolve themselves nothing to fear oh it's just the stars it's just the storm you've seen things this is the rain and the turbulence sir please calm down he'll keep me off this plane she tried to grab me tried to grab the whole woman in the mirror a woman in the mirror can you help me no i've been there marshall everything's fine i'm back in your seat everyone back in your seat please i didn't i think he's having a place i saw something no i saw something in the mirror okay i'm about to restrain this passenger till we get the jfk do you have anything to calm him down yes but we've never given everybody grab it now grab it now grab a nap hey are you sure you guys are they need to help everything's fine okay i'm a us air marshal back in your seat everyone back in your seat oh my god he's a terrorist no i'm just dealing with somebody who's a little detached from reality right now mess i really need you to hurry i can hear you people and i'm not a terrorist how swallow it we still have a lot of time left on this plane i don't want to wake up and freaking out okay [Music] okay everybody in first class i need you to get up and move to the back of the plane right now please everyone else come on sorry so sorry okay good ma'am yes uh ladies thank you so much okay go ahead sweetheart thank you so much i'm so sorry uh the passenger that was giving us the issues he's been medicated that's what we want thank you so much for your patience with us i think that uh the flight should return everything's okay you can't interfere in stuff like this bran what i just wanted to help yeah i know but this isn't something you should be involved in okay i'm sorry i guess i guess i'm still in my head about my parents i don't know what the problem is you said it was okay i believe you i always believe you yeah yeah maybe next time it'll be better yeah i hope so this story is huge just blanketing everything five minutes ago it looked like we'd be out of it in 20 but at least the altimeter and fuel gauge are working lightly screwing with us yeah it looks like it but i shouldn't be doing all this at once flight deck captain it's liam uh the storm caused a passenger to freak out uh the marshall stepped in assisted but we had to sedate and restrain him restrain him is everything under control back there i think so okay good just make sure everybody's comfortable storm's the only thing i want to worry about right now got it so here you are ma'am uh sir what can i get just a water please okay miss i was wondering if you had anything else i could snack on i mean i i had the peanuts and this gentleman uh gave me his but my stomach is still rumbling oh um we're gonna start the in-flight meal as soon as the storm dies down okay but is there anything you can do if i get you one of the pre-packaged salad put that out okay all right here you go oh thank you sir for sharing your peanuts of course you think he saw a ghost no i mean i think he probably thought he saw one but come on yeah probably just crazy you know i think i saw a ghost when i was little really i mean maybe they see things you don't understand like walking down an old hallway and you see someone out of the corner of your eye but you look and they're gone or you're driving and there's someone behind you you look for them and then they're just gone is that ghost or just other people okay like this one time i remember being in my bed at night lying on my side looking out my window at this line of trees that's behind my house and i was blinking a lot because i'm trying to go to sleep and there's this guy that walks out of the woods a guy he looks like frankenstein but that's probably not right he started walking towards the house through the backyard straight towards my window until i could see the whites of his eyes and then he just stood there and looked at me oh [ __ ] what did you do i freaked out i ran to my parents room woke them up told them i saw a guy in my window and then my dad he came in and looked around but there was nobody there they even went into the backyard they said i was dreaming were you dreaming though you think i don't remember falling asleep or waking up i mean i don't i don't think you saw ghost bay i think you saw creeps i don't know have you ever seen one no but i have seen an angel okay you know that's not going to get you out of my happy wedding conversation right all right worth a try cool it you know if you give someone a salad during a store we'll be picking crouton crumblies off the floor for hours i know she is very cute this has been a flight huh i know god i hope it's the worst that'll happen well we've got charles bronson over there keeping watch we should be fine [Music] need some help over here oh my god oh man are you all right oh no give me like a towel yeah now can say anything okay okay can you breathe all right she's coming back let's get you back to your seat there you go get up easy easy i think it's in my hair check the other salads go [Music] jesus [Music] [Music] flight deck hey sorry to bother you again [Music] they're rotten i think run they're like satanic rotten full of maggots actual maggots that's disgusting your flight meals are rotten great have to leave them call lax tell them about the food comes us a call lax let them know about the food just there's not much we can do from up here so just try and keep the passengers as comfortable as you can and worst case we'll take care of them when we land what did he say you keep everyone comfortable phones aren't working we're running out of ways to keep them comfortable seriously bring on the frogs what what else was there locus darkness yeah bring on frankel shoulder straps no power to the engines there's got to be a technical bug no way we got struck no thrust altimeter's out all right we might have to keep the nose up in this glide you got eyes on the horizon ryan i i'm trying i can't tell it's up or down right now all right keep your eyes out there wait for a lightning strike [Applause] mayday midday mayday jfk center this is pan us57 we've got dual engine failure our repeat all engines out going for engine fire systems check ryan anything no come on we're an aerodynamic stall we are dead stick we've got to get the apu fired up but we are up at shit's creek come on come on still dropping we need to get these engines working we'll get them spinning the generators a run what about the rat no we're too far out not gonna work fire damn it connects please here we go [Music] um oh thank god flight lead please contact the cockpit thank you good work i've never seen a plane die like that before i have but not like that looks like you're getting to see a lot of things you've never seen before tonight oh jesus christ i think i almost had a heart attack can you start the walkthrough you okay back there oh are you okay okay uh over here yeah i think so uh that was a lot how about everyone else any injuries uh i don't i don't know i haven't started the walkthrough yet copy that looks like we're about 4 10 do we hit new york just try to keep everyone calm and comfortable let's see if we can make this a better trip from here on out last thing we need is a plane full of angry people okay thank you so much yes oh sweetie that looks bad oh my god why don't we touch you up in the restroom i'm not qualified for this thanks yes sir thank you are you okay my apologies are doing everything they can [Music] ladies and gentlemen apologies for the turbulence as you may have gathered our aircraft experienced a brief loss of power which caused the drop in altitude but everything's back in order good news is planes are made to handle situations like this we hit a rough patch of sky but it's our number one priority to get you to new york or wherever your final destination may be with us this evening safe and sound hoping to have you on the ground in just about four hours so just sit back and try to relax we'll be sending the flight crew through the cabin to make sure everyone's okay and once again we apologize for the discomfort on behalf of the airline and the crew we hope you enjoy the remainder of the flight [Music] why am i it's just a zip tie okay a zip tie what you had an episode i had to restrain you i don't understand it's for your own good listen to me you have the right to remain silent and if i were you that's exactly what i would do okay relax [Music] foreign jfk center and us57 lax center pan us57 we've lost contact with jfk do you copy [ __ ] i can't get anyone they're updating us on the pressure systems this all happened after we lost power keep trying they'll come back what about the system's check well if it ran through the book the plane can fly but after the outage uh we've got a few problems according to diagnostics the cabin pressure is good fuel's good landing gear landing gear is out comms are down and autopilot's gone yeah okay well this plane may not be brand new but it's one of the greatest ever built keep our hands on the wheel we should be just fine what about fms what happens if for some reason we lose navigation you've never flown one of these things before have you through a storm with engine failure not really keep calm kid all right i've been through worse than this keep your head on what's sad is saying about the weather report um well we're still surrounded even if we wanted to divert our path according to the data there's no way around it and we're stuck in the middle i can't see anything out there look equipment no equipment radio or no radio storms only last so long we'll be through this shortly your head keep it on do my best [Music] [Music] [Music] my um what what's going on hello hello ma'am excuse me man [Music] ma'am can you hear me [Music] the lock override is stuck i can't open the door from this side [Applause] can you let me know that you're okay please [Music] [Music] yeah please [Music] please okay um someone's coming to help okay please just stay calm if you can hear me stay calm what's up um i i think that there's a woman trapped inside she's stuck uh but yeah um the locking mechanism isn't working properly all right here let me try okay yeah ma'am ma'am this is the u.s air marshal i need you to open this door right now you're right the lock override switch seems to be jammed i need something to pry open the door with oh okay we have run [Music] oh great ma'am on the count of three i want you to push the door open [Music] one two three [Applause] oh my god oh my god okay come on come on come on okay okay okay okay okay just this way yeah can you take a seat good good good what happened there what about the mirror [Laughter] can you can you stand up for me it's okay it's okay all right thank okay [Music] [Applause] so what is going on seriously we're never flying this flight again is what's going on no i'm serious man okay that guy freaks out there's maggots in the food no no people are throwing up the lights are going out on the planet okay people are getting hurt in that poor woman i don't i don't know what's going on i know i don't i don't know either we're in a hell of a hey we're in a hell of a storm okay and storms pass all right are you okay i thought we were gonna die you're not gonna die the the air marshal said that the crazy one was a terrorist okay ma'am man he didn't say that i think he actually said the opposite hey what are we supposed to do when there's a crazy person on the plane i mean what if he hurt somebody okay well maybe we shouldn't call him crazy yeah and what's this talk about ghosts okay nothing all right it's just we're just all a little frazzled right now it's a malfunction it's a malfunction with the plane that's it look all i know is you better keep that man away from me because i just want to get on the ground you know maybe maybe we got struck by lightning you know i mean that explains the power going out lightning hits planes in the air all the time what are you a mechanic i'm a teacher and i watch the news okay you know what cool it all right we're in a storm okay we're on a plane the plane is a machine if you someone just use your cell phone the signals get jumbled all right so if we're this high up covered by clouds surrounded by lightning of course some shit's gonna go wrong so please stop making accusations that you guys don't even know it's true you're gonna make everyone panic exactly everyone just take a deep breath sit back and try to relax are you sure everything's normal no i'm not sure but it's not supernatural we're on a plane and and planes have problems something's not right brent i know look how about we take our mind off this like music maybe you you still haven't listened to the mixtape that my brother put on your phone in la yeah right i don't know i don't know it feels weird okay okay okay babe hey we're in a storm storms pass okay now if i open my carry-on and snakes fall out i'll be the first to let you know okay okay okay hey listen to me you're really stupid if you think i'm letting you out of my sight relax [Music] did you say something to me what i um thought i heard something okay did you not hear that hear what there's someone trying to to call me or speak to me or something what what am i trying to hear i don't hear anything brandon what oh nothing or something no oh my god did you sit on it or something jesus are we you're spleen danica what's going on you're scaring me on this captain what the alice there's procedure for a reason you can't just barge in here like that look three hours and some change will be on the ground that's what i'm worried about that's what we're all worried about we're losing this flight i need you to take control now sorry so far we've had a lightning storm rotten food people having panic attacks and then losing power i don't know what this is but it isn't normal she's got a point look alice i need you to calm down okay it's a rough flight but you've been doing this long enough you should know all right i don't know what's going on back there i have no idea what the problem is but i can't be back there to fix it personally i'm doing everything i can to keep us in the air yes sir no i know you're trying and you're doing a great job it's just we're doing all we can up here sorry alice yes sir i understand look i'm trying to be a hard ass here it's just we can all make it through this flight without losing our minds drinks are on me you seeing this see what what is that up there in the clouds those birds uh that's impossible birds don't fly at this altitude well then what in the world are those people what are you talking about captain i i don't see anything you're not seeing this right here right right i swear to christ people uh you want me to take over for a minute maybe uh you know i think a break might do some good maybe some coffee or a break no i don't need a break [ __ ] bottled water please alice jack there's no shame in being exhausted it's a red-eye direct we're flying in i know i just i'm scared yeah me too yeah maybe a little i don't know something's not right something just doesn't feel all right your hands have been shaking are they i didn't even notice a sign i guess i just get a lot on my mind thanks what'd you see i don't know uh [Music] [Music] make sure this stays open okay [Music] danny [Music] [Applause] [Music] what i don't feel well what's going on would you think it was weird if i thought there was something else on this flight is it like your frankenstein thing no i'm not following danny danny honey hey danny are you okay [Music] do you have aspirin uh yeah i think there's something my carry on [Music] which um [Applause] hey hey hey hey you're okay you're okay look at me look at me you're fine you're okay you're okay come on okay come on you're okay come on come on honey it's okay it's all right get water away from you there's this there's nothing there there's nothing baby look there's nothing there look at me look look there's nothing out there hey how about you two quit freaking everybody out we're not trying to freak anybody out guys keep your voices down man this is not making it better in fact it's making it worse this is some [ __ ] sir i'm just trying to calm her down better what did you see a woman i think she was dead in the bit and stuffed in there i opened it and she grabbed me and and i know there's nothing there but it looked and it felt so real i believe you you do yeah something's going on here we just need to find out what should i uh yeah i think so i'm fine i promise i just don't know what's going on all right i'm done look excuse me i'm gonna go to the bathroom all right you really don't want to go to the bathroom oh great mr crazy man's awake but please don't say it okay there are no terrorists on this plane look mr marshall come here why don't we just tie our ass to a chair no one's gonna get tied down to anything okay you can keep your calm you got nothing to worry about i i just i just don't understand okay i don't understand what's going on i don't understand what's going on with my wife look nobody knows what's going on but the one thing that i do know is that i trust the man with the badge and the gun look there's a lot of crazy unseen [ __ ] going on on here and i don't know what it is but i do know that this woman here is he enough listen to me we are just trying to get back to our families just like everybody in this place get your seat let me get you in your seat hey no i know i stand in your seat now sit down hang in your seat now now listen up i need everyone to keep their head on their shoulders let's stay calm okay no i don't think it's terrorism so let's stop using that word that word just gets everyone worked up yeah but what are we in north korea now we can't express ourselves really are you look look i'm sorry i'm not usually this much of an [ __ ] i just want to get on the ground hey hey look it's scary when the plane malfunctions it is we are people who do this for a living so let us do our job and we will be fine see it's exactly what i was saying malfunction so what are we talking about here gas leak also cabinet pressure i didn't say that how much longer until we get to new york are we gonna be okay it's just gonna be a couple more hours okay we're almost there miss would you please check in with the captain make sure all the mechanical issues are in order please what do you think is going on here we are losing electricity often it's a good place to start i'm no mechanic and i'm sure the captain's doing everything he's supposed to be doing on his end most important thing is we're still in the air we got that going for us fantastic fantastic finally somebody that knows what the hell they're doing hey you keep talking like that the two of us are gonna have a real serious problem so i need you to sit here and keep your mouth shut you got that i'm so sorry about all this hey hey hey don't be sorry okay you didn't do anything wrong i don't know what's happening did you take the aspirin of course but if i wouldn't don't don't worry sweetheart you all do realize that if there is a major malfunction in the air during a storm that's worse than ghosts right because that can actually kill us okay the plane is not haunted it's an insane theory why don't we just land the plane and check for problems on the ground look as the captain mentioned anything about when and where we're gonna land from what i can tell we know the storm's making it hard to get anywhere yeah at this point trying to land in this we're safer up here [Music] excuse me what about the storm do you have any idea when it'll be behind us no i mean at the moment the storm's blinking everything and it seems to be tracking with us excuse me what do you want it's not electrical [Music] oh we need to do an emergency landing now it's real what's real look we can't land until the storm clears up alice you know that we need to land it now jack alice what's going on the plane is haunted again with this ryan look we're all tired no no no no no no do you need to listen to me i did you don't know we just saw this lady down in the aisle and you're the only ones that didn't see it you should maybe sit down for just a little bit okay i'm getting worried about you here we're gonna be on the ground in like 95 minutes no but then the longer that we're up here the lottery with the lives of everybody up here in jeopardy yeah and where do you want me to land alice huh our columns are out the storm's been on since takeoff we're on our own with nowhere to go the plane's haunted would you listen to yourself we're not going to land the plane because you're superstitious i mean why would ghosts want to hunt this plane excuse me ryan leave your belt on brian what are you doing uh okay oh you're not flying autopilot no oh we lost over the plane lost power what the hell [Music] jeez oh i'm so sorry ryan all right i don't know what the hell we just saw but something's definitely wrong we agree on that right i mean he said there's something physically wrong with the plane right no not not anything that's going to cause hallucinations or visions i don't know what would cause us to see the things we saw okay well let's start from the beginning uh so this one started soon after uh takeoff um pre-check was fine luggage was fine uh mr peck in 25a yeah poor guy yeah and mr pecky claimed that he saw something not unusual on the wing of the plane and uh then he went to the bathroom to cool off and then he got spooked again well i know what i saw in the bathroom was real the woman in the bathroom she was in the mirror and she was reaching out for me and then i fell through the floor i i couldn't get the door unlocked i mean either i tried but it couldn't it did it felt like it was being held from the inside but i checked it though i mean there's nothing physically unusual about it okay then the plane lost power and we fell and then the food was spoiled somehow i heard a woman scream through my earbuds it's great screaming what uh at first it was whispers then it got louder it sounded like she said murder well and that's when my phone stopped working mine too i thought i was the only one and there was something really weird on my screen what was it it's a sonograph a what you know like when you take pictures of babies from a pregnant lady that woman in the aisle and then ryan going crazy and attacking jack and then the corpse and the river had been and uh now someone's written murder on the outside of your window okay so what are we looking for and where do we even start okay i mean it has to be coming from around here somewhere well it all started in the front of the plane but i already checked the bathroom though and we've been up there most of the flight well that wouldn't explain the phones or the overhead bins or what happened in the cockpit we're so scripted oh no we're not screwed guys okay listen we just need to find the source to what the hell is going on right now oh ryan where am i giving my hands that's on purpose kid what happened you attacked jack what you got crazy eyes and went straight for the throat i mean why would i do that all right listen up i know it's been a crazy night for all of us but there has to be a perfectly reasonable explanation for all of us there are only so many places to look if not the cabin the front or the back what else is there okay well we decided that it started on the wing and now we have that word written on his window yeah but we can't check outside in the wing right now we're in the middle of a flight what about the manifest is there anything on board that's out of the ordinary nothing that i know of no special packages from museums no dead soldiers being transferred home from afghanistan brandon what do you say i mean objects could be conduit for spirits okay maybe there's something on the plane that's traveling with it okay so if there's nothing on the manifest what do we do what were you saying when um when you said you fell through the floor where did you go um i don't know the cargo hold i think why because i saw that too when i fell back against the seat and then i was in the cargo hold babe there was someone there and i don't i don't know but i felt like they needed my help wait what do you say bran there's something something happened something bad [Music] we have to go down there babe if we're having visions of the same thing in the same location something is telling us to go down there the luggage speak up the luggage i i don't know what's going on but talking about it isn't going to solve anything like she said we need to go down there and see for ourselves if i find out you have something to do with this you are in a big world of her do you understand that how how you tied me and put me in a chair cut them loose yeah cut up loose any one of us would have freaked out in that bathroom i miss what you happen to have any scissors please yes thank you don't make me regret this you won't okay here's what's going to happen next you're all going to go back to your seats and i'm going to go down to the cargo area i'm sorry sorry guys uh no one can go down to cargo do you want this to come to an end or not because i got to cover all my bases here i'm going with you danny no you are not going with me no it was speaking to me i saw it i'm not gonna sit up here and wait for someone else to figure it out i'm going no you're not going look i'm going to i didn't travel this far let's get back to my wife and my kid let's not get home now now if getting down there finding out what's going on it's gonna help us all get home then i'm gonna help you i have your six man i appreciate that but i'm doing my job right now and i'm going down alone danny you stay here and i'm gonna go with the marshmallow nobody's coming with me please stop just follow me okay you guys are gonna have to be quick you can't see anything down there that light won't be strong enough what is that baby guys what's happening sorry i thought i saw something but it's gone this is a nightmare this is bad oh it's leading to that bag yes do you want to grab that yeah sure that's blood souvenirs typical cereal color holy [ __ ] what ah okay her are they all here where's the woman that ran towards us and disappeared holy mary this bag belongs to someone on the plane a killer look okay whose bag is this that's easy to figure out no way [Music] [Music] no disrespect marshall but can we do this another time i don't know if you've noticed but i'm flying this plane by myself and we haven't really been having a great night are you sure you want to do this right here do what talk about the women you've murdered murdered are you serious cut the [ __ ] you whoa you can't talk to me like that look marshall whatever you think's going on i can't have this many people in the cockpit i'm sure you know protocol i'm afraid i'm not going to be able to follow protocol right now captain neither are they what is this look we're almost on the ground whatever it is can wait till we're on the ground no can't wait we're talking about this right now where did you get these what did you do to her i don't know what you're talking about but what is this good god what's wrong with you people i don't know who this woman is don't lie to me what did you do to her what did you do to her baby it's funny how the women in these photographs are the same women causing all the problems on this plane tonight also very funny how all the pictures ended up in your bag jack captain i don't these are my oh come on tell the true captain okay oh [Applause] uh uh [Applause] oh wow hey come on come on what happened i didn't do it i swear what did you do i don't know what you're talking about tell me what you did i didn't do anything you tell me what you did right now or i will end you where you sit look nothing i didn't matter it's okay okay none of it matters you're gonna get everyone killed come on okay come on no not everyone just you [Applause] dude [Music] oh i didn't need it the first time it was an accident i just she liked it rough you know i did too so i i thought it was okay we were role-playing and i guess i just got a little too into it and i did i was scared the first time i felt guilty i did down inside i liked it [Music] i didn't know how to stop i just oh god i'm so sorry please i'm so sorry i just [Music] i don't know how to stop it forgive me please forgive me ah ah [Applause] [Music] oh [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] um [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Applause] everybody please dammit [Applause] ah [Music] [Music] so baby come on come on so oh [Music] okay we're good back here [Music] it's okay it's okay [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] so [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] my [Music] [Music] [Music] you
Channel: Movie Central
Views: 5,312,688
Rating: 4.6330652 out of 5
Keywords: watch, free, movies, online, Turner, TCM, youtube, download, full, movie, films, classic, 70s, 80s, 60s, sci-fi, horror, drama, latest, retro, b-grade, funny, comedy, hollywood, worst, ever, popcornflix, bigtime, goldmines, Free movies on Youtube, Hollywood movies, Classic, Movies, free full movies, Classic Movies Channel, CMC, CMC YouTube, Flight 666, airline disaster movie
Id: E1-AY2Zh6ok
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 89min 13sec (5353 seconds)
Published: Mon Feb 15 2021
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