Tomb Invader | Full Action Adventure Movie

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[Music] so oh my god truly amazing look at this place imagine the time it must have taken to build this oh my gosh there it is the podium of emperor chen what is this these must be the seven keys look over there is that text on the wall seven stones seven possible choices okay well seven stones just choose one but getting it wrong could kill us okay well let's uh let's take our time then you got it [Music] this has to lead to the heart i can feel it i know it where's peter oh he's probably sleeping peter i'm here we need water sure thing dr chang come right up [Music] where's that boy oh my god oh my god oh my god [Music] julie what are you doing peter is dead sorry there's nothing we can do about that right now wait a minute all right we're here it's here i know it the heart heart of the warrior part of the heart of the dragon that's it the heart [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] oh my god okay i don't think that worked it didn't come on i thought i knew it jules now what's a dragon the dragon heart of the dragon oh my god chills we have to go one more minute so [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] careful ally not too fast not too fast okay grab it really they had to do that okay okay okay yeah i think grounded thoughts there's not a hundred foot drop or anything you got this you got this you're almost there you are almost there come on ellie number one rule trevor traps on the way in check on the way out [Applause] well well well i told you this area was off limits well you know us women we never listen this attitude of yours is gonna cost you this chest and your life i don't think so hand it to me this chest belongs to chief abuseen and i was hired to get it and what do you get i'm the first archaeologist from the west to have access to these caves and it's amazing architecture and drawings i'll send you pictures you stupid girl you're being taken advantage of my dear now hand it over to me now oh man i really didn't want to have to do this this is [Music] i believe that's mine [Music] and for being as old as it is this relics condition is truly a phenomenon and even more fascinating is the region it was uncovered in as you can see here and that's actually all the time that we have today thank you everyone see you next week ally ready for lunch i mean of course you don't realize this system is rigged it's rigged in your favor you two are phd candidates while i'm still struggling for my masters okay i'll give you that great now that that's settled how about a nice quiet lunch wait i want what no benny i would quit while you're ahead no you didn't win you changed the subject changed what subject you're the exception to the rule the rule still stands rules what rules women have to work twice as hard as men to get any kind of recognition and that's why we were so adamant about getting our phds everybody can argue with doctor as much as i love both of you as colleagues and friends i would love it more if we could table this conversation yep that's me mind if i take a moment of your time sure do you do you mind if we take a moment sure sorry uh take a seat so what can i do for you i'm a writer for the paper and i wanted to ask you as a field archaeologist with your professional opinion how you justify stealing and appropriating artifacts from other cultures um what's your name isabelle villanuev that's a good question isabel uh there are a few crucial distinctions that we need to make between theft and discovery in this field i think that the real thing we need to consider is that none of us own these artifacts i personally believe that a country of origin should have them on display for the public and share and that nobody has the right to conceal or keep an archaeological find where are you going what is this open it you'll find out [Music] so alabama i'm keeping the daily log of our expedition just for you we've arrived in china and will be heading for the dig site in the morning i miss you so much [Music] jim parker [Music] hello alabama channing i hope who is this this is tim parker i'm a huge fan of your mother's work how did you find my mother's journal you see i know your mother's work quite well and i've been following you for a long time why have you been following me and you didn't answer my initial question miss channing ali if i may call you that i'd be happy to answer any and all of your questions but i must insist that this conversation happen in person um what does that even mean as i'm sure you're aware lington is home to the famous tomb of china's first emperor chinchihuang yes well if you're as big a fan of my mothers as you say you are you know that i am aware great let's meet there in linton yes i've arranged for a private jet to get you there by morning wow you mean you mean like now i do and your plane leaves in three hours the choice is yours ally could i bring a couple people [Music] driver let's go to the airport [Music] i can't believe that we're here already private jets must be much faster than commercial airlines this is so awesome i've never been on a private jet before yeah you mentioned that like 20 times on the way china is incredible did you see how long the wall was it looked like it never ended yep i think our ride's up here did you know that china is home to roughly 302 unique soils oh my god benny are you going to do this the whole time i not leave the country in real stories but jejune isn't far behind you're taking fed yep that's penny people here walk so much closer together but they never bump into each other did you notice that it's like a totally different level of special awareness and the food on the jet was incredible seafood would have been my absolute last choice but really pulled it off guys i'm so excited tell me if i'm talking too much okay i might all right the driver said that mr parker was meeting us at these campgrounds just keep a lookout alabama channing [Applause] welcome to china got to be kidding me nathan carter i know exactly who you are sorry i don't believe we've had that freelance creep who sold the maharajah scepter last year in delhi yeah that was me um yeah scumbags like you are the reason that i keep almost getting arrested all right hold on a second i'm here to talk to you about mr parker's proposition thanks but with you involved i'm not interested all right listen alabama i've got better things to do than follow you around all day but mr parker was pretty adamant about speaking with you yeah well he chose the wrong messenger don't you want to know how we found your mother's journal what does my mother's notebook have to do with any of this look i'm obviously the wrong person to tell you why don't you just come here what he has to say yeah i mean we're here and you might find out something about your mom you didn't know and then there could be snacks fine good enough for me there better be chocolate just a heads up mr parker doesn't travel light what does that mean can we write this out for coachella please sit down [Music] welcome guys it is my sincere honor to have you all here and you are geologist benny blum at your service mr parker please call me tim we're all friends here thanks tim i'm very excited about the expedition what expedition i i just assumed that i'm joking have a seat so you're a geographer i'm a geologist really so what can you tell me about this stone it's fake fake you mean fake well i mean it's quartz but it's painted i believe it's called australian jade it's common i'm sorry did you not no i knew of course i knew i was just testing to see how quickly you could spot a fake and he passed tim you just flew us halfway across the country to come here to whatever this is care to tell us what this is all about what is she doing here good to see you again professor isabel unless of you to join us no but really why is she here all questions will be answered in due time i'm not going to play this game with you you know what why don't we all sit down for lunch i insist you're not eating everything the body needs mmm you're a nutritionist too how'd you get wrapped up in all this parker's a frequent employer of mine likes to send me out everywhere he also pays quite well what's your excuse to preserve the pass so we can learn from it the past is a commodity sell to the highest bidder and they do with it whatever they want sounds a little opportunistic don't you think absolutely am pragmatic i don't believe in living in the past well if you improve your social skills you'll have something to look forward to in the future features now um what's your deal this expedition has the potential to be an expedition beyond compare it needs to be chronicled that's what isabelle is doing here she's our official documentarian this pretty much guarantees me a position at the washington post she's a page for them freelance reporter actually for now at least so why should we trust you i assure you that our methodology and philosophy concerning antiques is quite similar look it's important that i remain anonymous i don't want the world to know that an american billionaire is trapping through the chinese wilderness looking for a lost artifact until isabel here tells it on my terms what lost artifact well i'm continuing the work of your mother and fighting the heart of the dragon [Music] it only seemed right that we reunite you two even if only in spirit by returning the notebook to you professor channing with this notebook we really have a shot at finding the heart of the dragon and returning it back to the people of china after emperor chin stole it and buried himself with it this was your mother's life work was it not it was well then i can't do this without you allie there's stuff in that notebook that i don't understand and you might all right we're in great how about a toast to the success of our endeavors to the past cheers cheers what in god's name are you doing i'm not positive but with so many unknown soils in china this could be unique i just don't want to miss the opportunity to study or document it right document it or name it you're the one to talk mr carter all right that's fair can i ask you something yeah sure why do you do this are you really just in this for the fame and a paycheck man it didn't used to be that way what happened well let's just say history has a funny way of biting the ass if you're not careful i thought history was only supposed to repeat itself yeah and i explore ancient temples so after a few too many run-ins with history trying to repeat itself i just started selling to the highest paying customer figure if i'm gonna put my life on the line i might as well get paid for it allie was right then yeah it looks like it huh how about you what are you in it for not sure really i've always been labeled the smart guy or the nerd if you will yeah i could see that but i guess i just wanted to do something more an adventure seemed like the kind of thing that would give me a story to tell other than how hard i studied benny blum globetrotting adventurer actually that's got kind of a nice ring to it yeah i don't know maybe it's dumb nah don't be so hard on yourself it's not like we're saving lives here they're relics well i'm getting tired it seems like we have a pretty big day ahead of ourselves tomorrow so [Music] [Music] okay so what's the plan it's gonna be difficult because we're gonna see some of the most incredible untouched artifacts of ancient chinese culture but we have to hear wits about ourselves because we need to look out for tripwires and trap doors and probably some really nasty surprises i know we're here to find the heart but i think there's something else going on you know how tim mentioned something about my code with my mother my mother and i had this sort of language that only the two of us could understand you remember all that from when you were five it's like the only thing that i remember from my mother but i know she was looking for something like some sort of special key that she was sure existed to protect the heart it's kind of all that she talked about when i was little a key like to a lock she called it the mythical key so it might not be an actual key truthfully i think that she found it and i think she was killed for it emperor chin was the first and last unifier of china a relic from his tune could be worth millions and i don't think that we can trust nathan or tim to do the right thing if we find it i know that this is more than you signed up for so i understand if you want to leave what girl i'm not going anywhere i could be given a boring lecture right now i don't care what's that sorry come here jim is lying about isabel he's making out with turn by his tent not by his tent are you mocking me oh okay yes well i just i don't totally understand why we care i guess i'm just surprised they didn't seem like they were together earlier i want to let it get to you you've got plenty to worry about as it is night boo night [Music] [Music] [Music] yes [Music] oh stay with us where's him i don't know i don't know one of you guys got a drink oh come on i know one of you guys does what no english oh come on oh look who finally decided to show up oh my god isabel i'm sorry she's gone they took nathan we have to go get him or they'll kill him too [Music] no there's no reason for us all to die okay you can stay here but nathan needs our help well then i guess i'm going with you they weren't anticipating us following that's a good thing right no either they don't think someone's coming or they're really prepared for someone coming [Music] so [Music] [Music] so [Music] [Music] okay come on don't do that so was your little excursion successful well they know we're following them wait what do you mean and understand they're making really good timing but they're also being sloppy and you're sure that these are the same men who attacked us at the campground i'm pretty sure and what implies this certainty i didn't think people still spoke like that well first of all they keep moving away from us secondly i'm pretty certain that this is an alcohol-soaked beast of nathan shirt it certainly smells like him so you saw them i saw the one that wanted to be seen that implies that they're watching it yeah without a doubt matter of fact i'm pretty sure they started the campground if not sooner but why well that's a great question care to answer mr parker oh i have no idea what you're talking about all that talk about anonymity wasn't just about invading the paparazzi was it you really are as clever as advertised you gotta be kidding me what did you think that no competitors would come for this prize a little heads up would have been really nice yet completely irrelevant to our plan of action he's right what wait you agree with them they would have drawn attention you really don't need that right now but they already know we're here okay well who are these guys i can't be sure would you care to make a guess to be any number of groups trying to acquire rare antiques sounds like exactly the kind of people our friend nathan interacts with on a daily basis well let's catch up with him and find out i agree no leeway you've returned i see you've been successful yes sifu you should have never killed the girl yes mr carter in the flesh under different circumstances this meeting may have been more cordial well you know i'm hurt didn't even take the chance to get to know me yeah but your reputation precedes you which is nefarious treasure hunter dealer of lost antiquities and loyalty to the highest bidder extremely good looking should really be at the top there somewhere think lightly of yourself and more deeply of the world and if i'm not mistaken it should also say something about do not regret what you've done someone smitten what was the girl's name you will tell me her name alabama chanting they call a rally i must give this more thought well aren't you a cherry bunch can we move any faster you can track faster than me by all means never mind come on guys we really gotta press on actually benny come on you can do better than that okay stop maybe you should stay a point if you say so [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] not exactly what we signed up for huh no recovery ever is you know what's strange though creepy rich guy other than the highest city levels of my soil samples two thousand year old treasure nathan being kidnapped booby traps i give up i don't think that any of these traps are intended to be lethal maybe what happened to isabel was an accident look these traps could have been much worse yeah i actually agree with you [Music] feel better yeah i gotta go follow the guys or the trails gonna go cold meet back here [Music] so [Music] [Music] hey buddy okay oh my head all right good you're still alive get up we're gonna go meet ally wait where is she she went after our new super fans by yourself which is why we have to hurry come on oh boy with all the heads from oh are you grudging after you're napping be nice to me oh my god oh my god i need my samples it's a bag of dirt man come on are you guys always like this pretty much yes ah oh bravo you played it right into their hand you're welcome i'm sorry for what exactly rescuing you yeah this doesn't look exactly like a rescue you know for someone so cocky you really have little faith please professor alabama isn't it who are you i am just a person same as you not even closer [Music] [Music] [Music] hey thanks for the help oh i underestimated you wouldn't be the first time hey uh you mine so what's the plan we need to rendezvous with everyone else to get out of here all right and uh what about your expedition let's deal with these guys first fair enough [Music] it didn't break oh thank god helena oh my god [Music] you're okay it's not in your lifetime okay look i can't imagine the car behind so i only saw the 10 of them who are they i don't know they seem well trained for villagers why did i miss something tim hasn't exactly been um forthcoming about what he's gotten us into let's put him in molly so you know what whoa whoa whoa should have seen that one coming let's look at this damn they wanted said they would have killed us by now that would be ill-advised enough we mean you no harm you killed isabel that was an unfortunate accident you have your mother's eyes but you must tell me why did she name you alabama how do you know my mother she came here a long time ago very much the way that you are here now she was asking for a safe passage and she offered to perform a service that we have yet to complete finding the heart of the dragon it is more than just a simple treasure it is the power behind the qin dynasty and a tool for unification or tool emperor chen accomplished more than any emperor before or after him the legacy of his reign surpassed that of alexander genghis khan rome and even the early monarchs of europe it wasn't until world war one when the foundations began to crack he is correct and now the world is in turmoil once again people need to be unified if we are to survivors and you think that the heart of the dragon will help we know we can so then why did you need my mother to go get it she's an expert but you already knew that before you came here you see the tomb has seven keys only one of them leads to the heart you must choose wisely for if you choose the wrong one your faith will end the same as the people who opened it now we want to ensure that the next one who will attempt is truly worthy so you've just been chasing off anyone that gets close by yes something like that you knew about this you brought us in here knowing full well we could have been killed yeah that would have been unfortunate circumstances do you care about anything enough ally we're here now that's what matters so you're saying that my mother offered to help you yes what did you offer her in return safe passage and anything that she wants except for the heart of the dragon she was particularly interested in a jt nothing else come on ally you don't need these guys well do you know which the last viable key is well no but we could just try them all can't we no not willing to risk it i didn't put this whole thing together only to hand it over to a group of savages okay we don't need them oh you have kept us in the dark since the very beginning why should we do anything you say your presence here is a favor okay and you were rapidly becoming more of a problem than your worst oh i'm so sorry that you took me into a death trap okay okay okay this is a good time for everybody to just chill you know breathe in breathe out don't tell me how to breathe he is correct again we are all tired exhausted why don't we all get some rest and we'll talk about it in the morning can't sleep yeah once i'm on it's a little hard to turn it off yeah know what you mean okay more for me can i ask you something what's up do you think that we're getting into something really dangerous yeah probably yeah but i get paid regardless how this turns out so is it really all about money for you we've had this conversation nathan wait i'm sorry not here to lecture you i just really want to find the heart it's my mother's dream to find and return it to the rightful owners people of china it doesn't really mean that much to you it's the reason i'm an archaeologist the only reason i'm even here is because you found her notebook well look i think we find ourselves in uh the sooner we get out of here the better situation if that means helping you find the heart then i'm in 100 thank you [Music] cheers [Music] see in the morning [Music] i see a decision has been made yeah not by me we all need to work together to find the heart of the dragon or no one does i just don't believe that should be locked away forever okay a relic like that should be shared with the world not just its homeland you will see in due time why it can only belong to us is that a threat all right calm down getting a hot bothered is not gonna help us find the heart he's right let's do this spider what oh thanks stud oh yeah i do that sort of thing all the time spiders okay watch it with the macho talk you're gonna turn me straight really no not really but i'm happy to use your mind kid hold on what can you come help us yep having trouble with this symbol excuse me oh looks hey we need to talk oh you breaking up with me i saw you getting chubby with ali last night don't forget you work for me the heart and its payday are mine and uh what if i've changed my mind well then i'll just have to alert the authorities of your black market dealings every country in the world would fight for the opportunity to have you in their prison so you help me and only me take the heart i'm glad we could reach an agreement no this one yeah i think that's where we're going this way hey ali helena wait up john any thoughts i'm afraid the only pets that i know are the ones that are blocked up down all around which way will you go that which is above as so often as below this way look those are completely rusted through tread carefully little one look down at all you see three times you'll jump back and then be home free what on earth could that mean it's an old poem it means we made it [Music] i'll tell you ali you did it you found it i take back every doubt i ever had you doubted me great let's not waste any more time but wait we must let the heart know that you are not here for monetary gain ally you must recite from the dow the phrase of the heart of the warrior oh come on ali repeat after me perfect miss channing you may enter you're not coming with us i'm afraid our part in this tale has come to an end for now but i also believe that you and your team your parts are just unfolding [Music] [Music] good luck miss channing you're gonna need it onwards let's see one two which can it be choose wrong and beware the poison beneath and there's a question mark well that says poison so i vote not that way great you sure it's safe to be down here nope but he's the right entrance we should be fine this is gonna be a thing okay so given our only way forward now is through poison do you have any kind of strategy in case this gets worse yeah keep moving forward to the last available entrance because we can't stand around waiting to die what do you think simple elegant yeah i like it did we do it did we find the tune does this look like a tomb to you watch out for traps that door was labeled for a reason this cave might be old but poison is poison looking like a first-timer there carter it's just been a while since i've been in a place like this forgot what it felt like know what you mean this one's probably been on your list for a while you have no idea you can say that again every culture has elements of storytelling i feel like if i can decipher and record those stories for the next generation they can learn from them and be better for it it's what made me want to study linguistics what's the same about dirt are you serious every rock every tree ring they all have a story to tell you know yeah i mean oh let me guess you pay people to sit around your mansion and tell you stories hey i may not be an academic but i have traveled the world look if you must know i was just going to say that i find this place to be one of the most fascinating things i've ever seen in my life but excuse me i'm strong so besides the heart of the dragon i've heard there's some other treasure hidden in here somewhere don't get any ideas all relics belong to the rightful people you mean the people letting us risk our lives for them what about the history behind you what about the people who need and deserve these relics all right listen there's no difference between you and i okay you just think that people are deserving just because they're poor that doesn't make you a hero that makes you naive wow you are full of it i shouldn't even be surprised by now listen your majesty being smart and beautiful isn't always going to help you if you can't take care of yourself thank you so much for your veiled concern but i think i'm just fine [Music] smooth [Music] that's a close call woohoo [Music] careful benny it's gonna be okay stay with me do something anything it's too late there's nothing we can do [Music] i'm so sorry look i know that this is not what you want to hear right now but we really must press forward the heart obviously isn't here we don't know how many other poisonous darts around we gotta go [Music] [Music] this doesn't look right we need to go down how do we do that give me the notebook what no okay give me the map no way look i'm sorry about what happened to your friend okay but we need a clear head moving forward let me take point for a little it's bit a terrible idea maybe you should just give it to him are you serious come on give it to me fine columbo thank you let's move tim hold up it's not safe just let him go i can't believe benny's gone he's just a kid look you couldn't have known that was gonna happen to him none of us could she's right once the poison hits the bloodstream there's nothing you can do about it [Music] i miss him too i know he wasn't nervous but he was [Music] honored [Music] let's just go i can't do this anymore what do you mean [Music] tim set up the whole thing so that he can get the heart for himself he thinks that because it was emperor chins it's got some sort of i don't know like mystical power that's gonna make him wildly rich i that's crazy i called it i knew we couldn't trust him how long have you known about this ali why do you think i'm here so you've been helping him this entire time yeah but that's what i'm trying to tell you is like i can't do it anymore yeah sure this change is nothing oh did you heard me say that the only reason we're doing this is to make him rich like why would we continue yeah i heard you say though i was standing right here god you are cute for a guy but you are dense all right let me spell this out for you just because he commissioned us to collect the heart and give it to him doesn't mean that we're going to give him the heart of the dragon of course tim is just in it for himself guys like that always are all right so you two have known about this the whole time not specifically but i had an inkling okay can't fool the famous alabama channing got it why do guys always assume that they have more information than us thank you though but that confession was really cute though yeah yeah laugh it up real cool not glasses so what was your counter plan tim doesn't know that we need a key so if we find it before he does we have a leg up oh that's right this mythical key wait what my mom was convinced that we needed a key to get into the heart of the dragon so it might not actually be a real key that's helpful it could be a combination a code a tool something we can't want to go too far ahead [Music] it's like [Music] oh what do we have here first find come on let me see that [Music] ally is that your mom she was here i knew so little of her i was only five when she died she's been leaving traces of herself behind and i've been finding my whole life like what well she loves puzzles and games even more than i did every day i'd wake up and she'd have one for me even when she was going on a dig you know when she died more would come and i think that i used it to pretend that she never left but i always knew that she was gone well it sounded like she really loved you i like to think that she did i was so willing to come here and put everybody in danger well looks like she gave you one last puzzle to solve hey oh oh whoa i just found a locket are you okay yeah cool cause i think you're really gonna dig this come on okay so this looks like cantonese but it's way more primitive i think it's pre-cantonese the way that latin is pre-italian this isn't helping come on all this to say i think i've got it figured out stone storm fire sun warrior i think moon cause sun and get this heart the heart of the dragon last time my mom says not his ego nor pilsner vice little one little one not once nor twice north rice little one little one but four times as nice said the hawk to the mice and four times as fun the bird loudly enticed zayn's better advice was his most concise and she wrote my last gift she was also my goodbye the heart of the dragon it must be the heart oh wait wait wait wait wait wait are you sure about that what does she mean my last gift to you is also my last goodbye i don't know that's the last of the riddle also why did he have you recite the tao of the warrior if we're looking for a heart wait yeah the warrior is that warrior that's the same symbol my last gift to you is my last goodbye that i think she wrote this before she died [Music] [Music] uh [Music] uh oh my whole body hurts oh my god i'm sorry i heard you crying i got the wind knocked out of me i was like don't be sad oh my god don't do that to me ever again sorry this guy is about to be my only friend oh wait we're friends now shut up just help me get her out oh are you okay ah yeah oh shoot i think i hurt my leg i don't think i can walk on it well you have to i'm not just leaving you here oh yes you are that jerkface tim is probably got the heart of the dragon at this point i'm not leaving here to die like my mother did okay oh who's anything about dying i'm just gonna like i don't know hang out like read a book or something oh my god go please don't do anything stupid [Applause] you two love her boy now doesn't that say warrior yeah that's what i don't get every myth that i've ever heard has been the heart of the dragon that's why this might not be it well maybe they got it wrong no i think the heart of the dragon's still here somewhere shall we go find that time tim did you find it did you find the heart what that's it that's the heart we used to open the tomb you just have to repeat the phrase tim i think that we all should go it's really dangerous helen i just got hit by a bunch of rocks without going inside are you crazy hey tim why don't we just take a minute to calm down give it to me no i said give it to me what do you think that you're doing did you forget who you work for you work for me let him go this is not yours for the taking oh so that's where you're wrong it is night for the taking i've worked too hard and for too long to just let you walk out of here with it tim this belongs to the people of china and you know it what are they gonna do with it huh nothing they're gonna put it on display when it could be making them rich you're acting insane you're using me you're using them of course i used to what did you think this was gonna be an all-expense paid expedition so that you can just relive the dreams of your dead mother i don't have all day owl [Music] oh this just got weird we should go [Music] [Music] [Music] uh [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] is that what i think it is [Music] it's it's the heart of the dragon that is a cool sword i spent my entire life researching this here's the emperor's sword all [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] i think it's following the jan hart well i gotta choose wisely i've chosen one why is the grape shaking i don't know but look what i found is that the yes yes yeah yeah yeah oh you found it what's up let's not talk about it here come on [Music] [Music] [Music] i present [Music] the heart of the dragon [Music] and it really be [Music] this i must thank you for the sacred gift the people of china will not forget whatever you desire is yours what will you do next well that depends [Music] what other hidden relics you have around [Music] here [Music] so that's when we discovered the real key wasn't the heart of the dragon it was the heart of the warrior as you can see class dismissed [Music] i can feel your heartbeat racing next to [Music] me [Music] [Applause] [Music] deep inside [Music] as it can be [Music] [Music] foreign [Music] [Music] oh [Music] [Music] in the darkness waiting for the truth to set up [Music] so this is [Music] [Music] you
Channel: Movie Central
Views: 48,281
Rating: 4.7222223 out of 5
Keywords: watch, free, movies, online, Turner, TCM, youtube, download, full, movie, films, classic, 70s, 80s, 60s, sci-fi, horror, drama, latest, retro, b-grade, funny, comedy, hollywood, worst, ever, popcornflix, bigtime, goldmines, Free movies on Youtube, Hollywood movies, Classic, Movies, free full movies, Tomb Invader, tomb raider full movie
Id: dIBe61oSoLI
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 83min 4sec (4984 seconds)
Published: Fri Apr 30 2021
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