Pandemic | Coronavirus Movie | PART 1

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[Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] already gonna go man get an eight-hour drive to Sydney gotta catch a plane in the morning it's too bad you gotta split waves are gonna be awesome like tell me about it man I know but the old man he already sprung for the tickets can't argue with that did you ever uh did you have to find that man gee muddy yours nah sorry right off we found a mate or something all right all right next month Abajo drive safe huh all right this is dispatch we have a reporter beyond deceased male location five three two motion please don't arrest he'll get used to that smell what the hell happened suing learn people's Maxima be easy check for ID his name's Charles Williams Michael he's Americans American bad interest everything holiday let's get out even call the CD Baby [Music] I'll come look at this fellas dog good evening ladies and gentlemen this is your captain speaking for about nine hours in the flight making good speed flight attendants you prepare for landing in about Oh five hours and 20 minutes when will touchdown Los Angeles as for the rest of you I've turned off the seatbelt sign now that we're past the balmy weather you're now free to move about the cabin but I'd keep the breakdancing down to a minimum oh that's funny for the first twenty times or so the first-class bathroom my friend wears glass this this guy can do something to drink excuse me miss could you get this kid some help now sir here you go maybe this will help [Music] [Music] [Music] then we'll go in but we should wait till they could be out right alright [ __ ] something look yeah he took Atlantis landok from Sydney to Los Angeles boy nothing like free booze what would you fly first-class happen oh yes blowing somebody else is footing the bill anyway my private security contractor Gibby small egg alright so you're like a bodyguard what kind of about you I'm a photographer I've seen anything year's faces that's my thing very nice [Music] it's your doctor on board excuse me a doctor on board could you come here please quickly we clear out this area please Center for Disease Control Los Angeles is dr. Kayla Martin yeah can you run this I got flight 182 incoming from Australia we've got major symptoms on board captain Salter wanted to be on the safe side cuz he got the memo about the bird flu yeah I know that that's good the first thing you need to do a vien or not is separate him from the rest of the passengers we did as best as we could what's his name named Smith he's having trouble breathing and he's coughing up blood I'm gonna put you on speaker so you can talk to my colleague he's gonna ask you a couple questions all right hi this is dr. Ratner what are symptoms he's got a terrible fever he's got the chills he's having trouble breathing and like I said he's he's coughing up blood okay Lindsay tell your captain that will have the CDC response team meet him at LAX and have that doctor on board stay with him okay I'll call you back in ten minutes all right thanks let's round up the local team tell them it's just precautionary [Music] sounds like shock long you agree it could be alright meet that plan alert the Australians will get Los Alamos working on simulations I want to be apprised of all developments on the hour on the hour yes sir Ratner CDC LA yeah yeah could you hold on just one second hey it's the Aussies what was the name of the kid on the plant Eames Smith why you're gonna be doctors meeting the plane you're gonna be fine please tell my parents I'm sorry you're gonna tell them yourself when we get to LA okay promise me [Music] Tendo kiddo [Music] slight 182 City to Los Angeles like 180 to over 180 operations go ahead operations we need to report it definitely just had a very sick 19 year old boy died could be a virus flu or something you suspect a biological agent or was there a pre-existing condition all I know is I have a plane load of passengers who wish they were breathing the same air 182 please change your heading to zero two one zero following emergency medical protocol you are being diverted to runway two five left ladies we have been in touch with the Centers for Disease Control and as a precautionary measure we have been rerouted to a secure runway don't worry about the folks meeting you transportation will be provided for them if it is requested I want to prepare you for what lies ahead we'll be circling until they give us the okay to land once down the CDC will come aboard and instruct us on all matters concerning your safety I know this has been a rough flight but hanging do all that we can to get you home as swiftly as possible [Music] what's your hurry the rewriting the plane to a secured area I'm putting it in quarantine you were okay but two men dead dog couple of dead birds doesn't automatically mean a pandemic what's the worst that could happen if I overreact doing too much give me freaking people out and I can kill a career you might want to keep that in mind how ready is the Emergency Response Center it's a work in progress if some beds are in we push okay overtime maybe two three hours we could get it up and running open it we're gonna be the city's approval it's their operation feds haven't given them a penny for it yet call them are you sure about this know what happens if I add or react huh I mean if it turns out to be major than doing too much that could be a career wipeout - well thank God I can count on you for comfort and support yeah well I mean if things go south there's always the Ice Capades [Music] and although I love visiting my friends and relatives Michael Los Angeles is now my home it has been so good to my family both my parents have good jobs now and one day I'll graduate from college and be a doctor I hope you Berkeley come by dr. Belinda last year when I ran for mayor people would ask me what is Los Angeles's greatest asset well it is our people it is our children I'm sorry but I assume city business I have to attend to but our school superintendent Barry can answer any questions you might have regarding our initiative have a good day that was wonderful and you Barry thank you she's my daughter the one who just read and you must be a very proud man mr. Luis Roberto Ruiz and yes I am I'm sorry the mayor has a pressing engagement it's a pleasure to meet you it was great everybody thank you no no no let's go [Music] dr. Park Chris Pontius Airport manager of course I have a car waiting outside oh great so what's the flight status should be it on the ground in a few minutes we need to lock down the plane that's a big step I know yeah just give me a second okay case agent good luck FBI what's the story the agency's interest well for starters finding out why the planes been rerouted to a secure runway there was suspicious death on board so we're holding everybody until we can figure it out there's no way I have a federal prisoner on that plane I have to pick up you're gonna have to wait like everyone else wait doctor put me on the guest list well you're gonna have to suit up [Music] hello Kelly it's me I know that voice Troy don't do this just tell him I might not make it tonight okay look I don't have time for this right now you never have the time so that's why we're divorced just tell him I'm sorry don't please I'll make it up to you and Kelly what try not to make me out to be the bad guy please you're doing a pretty good job of that yourself tell her we're in final approach to tell her but security can you help I'm clearing info as we speak we got classy it's the mayor faster we get those teams in place we followed him to LAX he drove up under the tarmac oftens the mayor do that got a visual on everyone's attention we need everyone seated respecting the CDC to come in any minute to talk with us D'Allesandro is down there with a bunch of people can you see what they're saying nope still can't read lips who's dr. Martin I am this airport is city property understood however technically it's CDs don't invest technicalities you opened up the city's Emergency Response Center without even consulting my staff actually I have the emergency authority here we have the authority for nothing unless I okay at first I just wanted to be prepared for the worst I appreciate your concern the next time you want anything from this city you go through my office understood mayor why do we compete on this conversation inside find us a place to talk sure follow me come on [Music] it still doesn't work big deal maybe there's no service on this runway yeah people can make phone calls from the middle of Borneo but not LAX whatever's going on here they don't want anybody to know [Music] [Music] captain we need to speak with your passengers excuse me everyone I'm dr. Kayla Martin this is dr. Carl Ratner we're from the Center for Disease Control we're wearing these bio suits only because it's protocol not necessarily because you're in great danger now the first thing we're going to do is remove and test the body of the young man who died on your flight and buses are coming to take you to a safe place while we wait for the results an emergency centers being opened as we speak I got an important business deal closing sir your family and friends will be notified of course but until then why don't you want a my phone so we can notify them ourselves folks the airline and the government have given CDC the authority to do whatever it thinks is reasonable to protect us sooner they do their jobs the sooner we could all go home doctor back here I was treating him [Music] he was a very sick young man [Music] oh my god [Music] [Music] it's about last night's polls I've seen them it's not the polls governor something's going on in LA something's always going on in LA my problem John air Atlanta Icelandic reported the mysterious death of a 19 year old boy on a flight from Sydney to LA today and they blend at the aircraft at a secure runway at LAX what but are we talking about some kind of quarantine situation here possibly they're keeping the passengers until they get clearance from the CDC well then we'll wait and see what the CDC says agreed agreed all right excuse me everybody if I could have your attention please we're going to disembark the plane by seed assignment two reasons first of all we want to keep track of who you are but secondly we want to know where you were seated in relation to the young man who passed away and he's told our index case and your proximity to him may eventually have something to do with what kind of treatment you'll receive if any now we're going to start with rows nine through twenty nine through twenty thank you [Music] okay okay fine this time for everything right straight this way thank you I'm Lindsay Mustapha light-attack I was with him when he died yeah Pete Sampson 10:00 a.m. be and you sure he's with me Edward Center Emily thank you [Music] Troy I got bad doing come just like CDC's got a lot of regulations like we do federal agency you know they're not gonna let me take him off your hands what are you if it's a flu they got the stuff you can take if you need to that's all on the bus big night okay exactly where in the Constitution is it say it's cool to treat us like this don't you do something about a tough guy but I will sir you have to be on the best for own safety no one yes sir you do sir you have two choices you can walk to the bus so you'll be shackled in Barry do you understand I'll remember this yeah so will I sir get on the bus [Music] [Applause] okay all right everybody listen up Fox Owen and I are gonna start right here at ground zero with the victim the rest of you I want to get the food in the garbage often incinerated ASAP after you get the samples from what about the baggage we're just gonna have it inspected and returned to them as soon as possible should be fine and the cargo section doesn't share any air flow over the pass that's my understanding all right everybody let's get going and be really thorough okay by the book [Music] don't drink out of the bottle what's the big deal hey yes because you were angry at your dad do not take it out on me fine come on kill your father why doesn't he act like it he does it's just that sometimes he doesn't always know how to prioritize mom he's an FBI agent he should know better all I'm saying is maybe you should cut him a little slack exiting an isolated aircraft those bio containment suits usually indicate a level 4 threat which applies to bioterrorism or an infection situation we've also witnessed an unidentified body being removed from the aircraft and being placed in a biohazard container we don't have any information yet as to the person's identity or cause of death all I can tell you is the mayor is busy getting exactly the information you want when he gets it we will call you okay Melissa I've got a call coming in I have to go I have to go it's at channel 8 reporter Melissa low he's relentless I know the CDC hasn't said anything yet you don't want to be out front of this I'm not hiding Ken we ran on a promise of transparency in government I'm not taking them back I understand I understand I do but don't be worrying people unnecessarily people start dying ken they're not gonna find it unnecessary at all hey Tendler listen my salesmen down I just want to make sure that you confirm my 1:00 p.m. for tomorrow sure it's at 1:15 outstanding by the way I heard about your flight 182 is everything okay yeah I heard about that flight no was it mine no I took Qantas yeah last-minute change listen here's the deal I need you to call me tomorrow at 1:15 exactly tell me we've got another offer all right that should close the deal quick no problem talk to you there [Music] [Music] big square bunker it looks exactly like that gives me the Beverly Hills fast [Music] we have to counsel your practice on Thursday mom child's really cook weeks I can't be there to pick you up I have a presentation in La Jolla great sorry well I guess I'll just ask a candidate come image who says it was a lot on her plate right now I think she's just gonna be too busy she's never too busy for me excuse me excuse me those of you waiting for flight 182 I know you deserve an explanation at this time I can confirm that an incident has occurred on flight 182 that prevents us from having the passengers contact you yet your questions will be answered shortly in the meantime we have entry passes for an airline lounge it's located nearby it has coffee sandwiches and TVs we have staff there who will assist you in any way they can one more thing does anyone here to meet Ames Smith games oh my god Ames that's us we have to go to LA why has the situation changed not yet but consider this Giuliani's national profile went sky high after 9/11 and if this turns out to be a big deal you'll want to be honest I suppose you're right you know I'm writing governor D'Allesandro is an ambitious man he'll use this to beat you or try to beat you that's what I thought you said Henry when I got into politics I thought the job was to govern I was wrong you like it Lilian your job is to cover my job is to make sure that you keep your job would you guys have a seat I want to see him Matt look whatever it is you have no right to keep him mr. and mrs. Smith your son passed away on the flight I'm so sorry are you sure that it was Ames what are you talking about yeah it's not possible he's young it seems that he suffered from extreme respiratory distress we're not exactly sure we're asking the passengers to receipted around him I'm sorry I want to see my son I'm sorry everyone's been quarantined I can't do that no I don't care if everyone has been quarantined or not I want to see my son please as far as we can go my god [Music] Oh [Music] what's happened it's what we're trying to figure out so please we think he contracted a viral infection in Australia [Music] [Music] [Music] this is the view from channel 8 sky chopper as buses loaded with passengers from air Atlanta Icelandic flight 182 make their way slowly through the LA freeway destination unknown but shuttle eight has obtained information from confidential inside sources that bioterrorism experts from the Centers for Disease Control are being dispatched to Los Angeles from facilities across the nation they have no right to do this they're not telling us jack they're probably taken to some kind of internment camp telling you first time they leave a door open I am gone if you want I'll take you with me what are you doing you don't look too good Pete well whatever happens to me will only time [Applause] [Music] don't mind later when things calm down I like to make sure that it's secure [Music] [Applause] please have your passports and ID's ready all right if you want to make it inside whatever you do don't look back sorry we're checking her guests excuse me who's in charge is there anyone you can ask a few questions uh yes I'm dr. Caleb Martin of the Los Angeles center of Disease Control I can answer a few questions Melissa low Jake Laramie Channel 8 News can you confirm that this is a bioterrorism attack we can't confirm that is it a bee and flu then we're not sure excuse me okay okay in trouble I can do some help inside yes I'll be right there okay I'm sorry I'm needed inside but I can't confirm it's a young white male that died on flight 182 our protocols are now in place someone else will be outside to answer more questions and give you a full update thank you very much Thank You grace Richard how are you oh thanks how's the job working out great one of my faves give me a $20 tip oh that's wonderful you know I found a nice little place to rent pretty soon I'll be able to move out oh I'm so happy for you sister Grace this time I started giving back thank you now go sit down we've got some beautiful pea soup [Music] we have three basic areas of isolation this one we call area one these are for people who haven't been exposed straight closer fine over here down the hall and through the doors we have area two those are for people who have been exposed but have no symptoms that's down close up the stairs and through the containment doors we have people who have been exposed and have symptoms people who are sick the ones who get the real bad news those are full suits the first thing we do is a triage so we can figure out where everybody goes you're planning on staying long excuse me go for Troy hey we got everything pretty much secured great hey you got a head come from here yeah we might have a problem what we've got 184 they have 185 I don't know if it's our mistake or the airline jet are you sure you kidding I have to cross reference from the airlines and our own counts but first you've got me designing a room plan where people are housed by seat number you have any idea how things like that is when do we have it just the filtration breached as our people calm down it's just a test we're testing the bio security breach relax man down after all we've been through you're just gonna leave me here like this what am I supposed to do take getting used to solitaire one thing no the guys's nobody really knows anything my buddies don't know why I'm in here come on I feel fine nobody's sick here whatever you should be in front of the camera instead of behind I used to be then I had 30 if you don't mind my asking why you're doing this it's what I do I take your picture why would you want to do that for your family look a mess great smile Kayla Martin hey it's me Brooke sweetie I I can't talk right now what's up well I'm out with Lisa I'm Becky and Becky heard from her brother all that weird stuff that's happening on that plane and she says that we could all get the plague you tell Becky it's not the plague okay well I told them that you would tell us if we're gonna die or something sweetie I have to go right now I'll call you back later you're okay okay talk to you later hey market Richie how'd you do crazy busy out there oh let's hope it keeps up and head now for a double yeah okay yeah it's got a scratchy throat oh hey okay I have some of these Thanks can I borrow 20 I got nothing to make change with I'll pay you back tomorrow no problem [Applause] thanks and the problem hey hey sleep yeah what's that we got eight folks showing symptoms in an isolation started in a month therapy with the TANF flu and he wanted to know about the autopsy yeah what's going on well if you want front-row seat County coroner's on his way we're starting in 45 okay I'll be there you sure don't waste any time excuse me my boss just told me the CDC requested FBI security is it assigned to your team oh that's me hope you don't mind it's fine as long as we're sending my partner still here I'm not going anywhere oh great thank you so sorry took me longer than I thought do you think our bureaucracy is bad you should see the airlines it's bad news we really have lost one are we sure the name is Jack Hendler he's a real estate agent where does he live Brentwood send out a team actually I want you to go with them on my way Thanks ready to take a look absolutely made YouTube mr. Schmidt people to pull along rape it on say to respiratory distress with fever combined with blood on a plane with almost 200 passengers that would get my attention these lungs they they look more like a bloody steak than normal tissue cuts the priority for your pathology guys body fluids tissues blood samples fixed and fresh cultures this is a problem come on this side wealthy dongs are supposed to be pink and fluffy he's only named tan no time to abuse himself enough to do really big damage broke three ribs or that cough abysm your time line is right this is one of the fastest progressing diseases I've ever seen did you believe he pushed the meeting in Seoul tomorrow I don't even like the guys movies no not coming to the office today no fines just a cold yeah talk to you later Cayla so there's no sign of her missing passenger he's not at the real estate office is not home yeah Hendler soon-to-be-ex-wife was there he's been staying in one of his properties til he finds a new place she has no idea where I I told her that he might be sick it made her smile okay I'll call the mayor's office we'll get the police involved sounds like oh man [Music] look at this mess forget this press under control we have a media frenzy going on here sure you want to do that so well somebody's got to do it okay sir is your calling ito Atlanta CDC dr. Carl brightener I'm dr. max Sikorsky of the Centers for Disease Control I just arrived from Atlanta but I've been in constant contact with my LA staff so I'm up to speed on the situation and I'd like to make a few things clear I think you're all overreacting this is simply a cautionary investigation all due respect dr. Sikorsky the media didn't quarantine a couple hundred people the CDC did the point is you're trying to make this a bigger story than it is wait we're hearing rumors that this is avian flu can you confirm or deny that we do not know that this is a B the flu then why the quarantine when we have identified the cause of death mr. Smith we will either let everyone go or move into an actual quarantine excuse me you're saying that this isn't a quarantine I would prefer to call it a preventative action now responsible news coverage should make it clear that there is absolutely no need for public panic if this isn't a contagious disease then by definition there's no problem and if it is we have taken the appropriate actions to protect the public but what's the cause then if it's not a being flu any number of things such as Ross River virus and dengue please don't write that down you asked for examples I gave you examples I'm not saying that's what it was yeah geez you people in the media you have everybody expecting bird flu but there are plenty of other diseases out there believe me are you prepared with a vaccine if you need one vaccines take months to develop if this is something new the chance that there would be a useful vaccine on the shelf right now is small now don't go off writing that were defenseless here the way you people are inclined to do whose idea was it to put him in front of a news camera he's the guy calling the shots at the CDC Sandra on the phone now if this is some new form of influenza or bird flu or something else the first course of action is to prevent its spread and then watch in the press conference does it sound too happy don't shave her mayor Diller Sandra how are you would be better if I wasn't watching the CDC blast the media on national television I know we're watching it too yes shameless display to be misconstrued as our position our stance needs to be won affirm leadership I agree I'll speak to start koski myself do that so all about big profits for the drug companies just proves the government's in bed with bleeding us dry for years don't you ever get tired of talking to yourself never I'm my own best company I bet you are I've told you everything you need to know sir doctors Ratner and foxholes and dr. Radner darkovan sir [Music] portable set central controller varus a declared el Centro de morangias serene look at the coral decor antenna I'll be right back just in case it starts with a cough next thing you know you're gonna be puking up blood my friend [Music] oh boy ken are we ready for this you don't have to have the answers just remember to stay on a message a message [Music] hey go just give me a minute I know you're all here because you want some answers and quite frankly so do I in a few minutes I'll be meeting again with the CBC authorities and I'm confident the situation of flight 182 will be handled responsibly I am your representative but I'm also your friend and as your friend know this I will hold your welfare and your trust is sacred I promise thank you very much issue a statement offering support to the city tell them that you are ready to call up the National Guard if needed to maintain order looking to me for answers you're only doing what's best for them Henry did you see any riots on television because I didn't if I start calling up the National Guard we'll start them what a panic people we wait meantime get me that sarkoff ski character from the CDC on the phone I need to know everything firsthand yes governor I can tell you this the Smith boys autopsy was inconclusive but it has shown us what this virus does to the body now we're keeping close watch on the other passengers I have my best team on this I'm confident we'll be able to find out what causes this virus before the situation escalates I will keep you informed I hate politicians excuse me dr. Martin dr. Sikorsky the mayor will see you now [Music] Martin who you met and this is dr. sacani mr. man dr. Sarkozy what can we do for you do we have any idea what we're up against medically yes we do have a seat thank you I'll give you the short version the autopsy demonstrates the young man had arts or shock lung it's usually seen in influenza pneumonia or other infections the speed of this illness which resulted in death is remarkable and it indicates that it's mutated for very rare unique virus the virus enters through the respiratory system then goes into the lungs where it attaches itself to receptor hooks on the lungs lining it then moves inside the cells where it kidnaps the genetic factory and duplicates then the cell burst and the process continues all the while the individual who's infected is infecting other people and the process end cycle is continuing so they have to show symptoms before they're contagious that is our present thinking can we contain it well we were trying to do exactly that when we were summoned here well then I suggest you back to your job dr. Martin thanks for the explanation please agent Samson yeah there's a possibility you're contagious we're gonna have to move in I'll think about that wasn't a request hey Samson over this matter you don't look too happy to see me I didn't ask for the help like I really want to be here yes sir madam fine Doc's orders big man please agent Samson [Music] as you can see I've already alluded some of the specimens to pull out proteins messenger rna's and genes we're loading our libraries of microarray chips while we are doing some NMR to begin seeing the structure of the creature the bottom line is you can only look through libraries of recognize pathogens right it's easier to look for something we already know that it is - something to you yes anything else if we find similar structures between fragments of the RNA we might be able to reconstruct the likely virus any positives us far too early but here's what we have so far this is the avian flu and this is what our young victim had it's not a match exactly we've got a thousand libraries cooking so we might be able to identify could serve domains and perhaps start building a model well if the index card is any indication of this infection we're not gonna have a lot of time and pray that we get lucky are you feeling like hell you know it takes me off what Santi Bachelor looks good it's not your problem anymore people you're a patient now be a patient you hang in there [Music] treats you like you're nuclear waste doesn't every society had the right to protect an Kayla hey I was just wondering if you could give me a ride home from the rink oh honey I'm really just kind of crazy right now now she's Malaya well it's Lisa there today [ __ ] the Today Show is showing pictures of you from last night he's that smart thank you everybody's talking about it I know this flu can be a kind of scary stuff not to me I know there's a real problem you tell me I would sweetie I've got to go Oh real quick I nailed the triple this morning I knew you could Lisa your first time in the taxi by yourself yep and I do have Mason sir don't you worry about a thing honey I'll have you home in no time buckle up here are the latest details regarding the riptides virus crisis officials in Australia have raised the death toll to 14 and in Asia reports are now coming in of four suspected cases in Japan meanwhile several positive test results have been announced in Paris Amsterdam and Berlin health officials are focusing on curbing the spread of the disease I remain confident that we will be able to contain the negative effect of the disease skaars this try thank you listen um now it's not really a good time I just need a minute Kelly if you're worried about gal I explained it to him I didn't editorialize about what a crappy father am you said it not me I just thought I'd drop in school hey buddy listen I'm I'm so sorry I there's a lot of stuff going on right now Troy Frank thank this is Troy this is awkward good to meet you yeah Troy can I talk to you for a minute hey I'm gonna be late just a minute sport listen this helluva board you got out there yeah I know I know it's not my place but you're right it's not your place and let's get something straight Frank I am Gil's father you're just a guy sleeping with his mother Troy that's enough [Music] you need to move on [Music] I know y'all having trouble breathing so we're gonna put a tube down your throat it's gonna be a little uncomfortable but it's gonna help you breathe I'm gonna take this off now okay [Music] how are we doing not good tell me here's the h3 n7 virus or unknown virus now here's an example of how quickly it spreads we have found that it depletes the immune system in two different ways now so some of the people's immune systems have slowed the replication of the virus down as compared to how the virus infected aims Smith that's good right no not really although it seems there are two kinds of reactions to the virus one faster one slower the end result is still the same death considering our one rogue passenger is still out there infecting the public with a [ __ ] effect we can hit critical mass making this uncontainable in just three days CDC efforts in Los Angeles and around the country have become focused on finding you know the people on the airplane they'll have it soon at school honey I'm recording the whole thing don't worry all right I gotta go where you going oh I'm meeting Alan and Carlos at the National Guard post but before go to work love you [Music] people ask why God has brought us to this place this time Mayim smith mistaken i don't believe in a God who plans all events God has given us a beautiful home on earth but he's kept it as struggle just because that struggle makes us human [Music] one show so I say to you thought we did to look to the divine for your strength your comfort there's a maxim that suggests that with every curse there's a hidden blessing and I pray that one day you find whatever that blessing may be in this tragedy and it brings you peace hey hey how's it going I got a call from a girlfriend at County she said their yards packed so as UCLA's and st. John's pretty much anyone who has a cold thinks they have the flu why don't you take a few letters out of pandemic you get panic hmm I stole that from one of his four cows Keyes lectures get hold down the fort hi I was just actually coming up to see you anything captain Salter died three hours ago he was a diabetic and his immune system was probably compromised to begin with now we've got 29 symptomatic 18 critical how's Lindsay my dependent she's not doing good I want to see her a flatline dropped out of nowhere one milligram of epi come on No [Music] [Music] [Music] right away dr. skocy what's wrong well dr. Ito hasn't been able to identify the virus but you know it's not avian oh we have a mutated virus it seems to move faster than avian and if it's more deadly - we're losing people here these are the people who received the ten foot yes well they're not gonna work for everyone you have others aren't on antivirals who are getting say we're only talking about a couple hundred people who we know have been exposed it's not a supply issue everybody starts now we split them between the Tanna flu and the Katoch so we're treating them like guinea pigs I just don't understand why not give them both meds because we need to know what works and we need to know for certain so what am I supposed to say that the families are the ones who have died we gave them the wrong meds it's the only way killer and we both know it [Music] don't forget to call me back in a few minutes I gotta run he's here mr. Turino great you ready take a look yeah throw one of these yeah I used to have a 30-footer married no divorced girlfriend yeah absolutely outstanding wow this is sweet what do you think 600-mile range top speed of 30 knots sleep six full radar GPS package that's 41 feet of good times my friend she's a lot sweeter than my 30 footer you know what they say science counts you've got that right you know I'll bet you like her just allergies please Wow I talked to the estate yeah they're looking to sell everything fast they want to sweeten the deal I thought we could put together an offer for the mansion that includes the yacht you like getting yacht for free huh yeah I'm sure excuse me yeah Edler yeah oh you're kidding oh yeah okay all right thanks I appreciate your call what's up somebody just put in an offer really don't worry it's through my office I'll put you in first position so what you're telling me is I gotta make a decision right now it's your call my accountant doesn't want me to go over ten mil for the mansion on the boat tell me you can swing that try to make it work mayor Los Angeles may be your city but the entire state of California is my responsibility I want to know what's going on down there governor when I know it you'll know with the CDC we caught your speech yesterday I liked your approach thank you go let me know everything keep me updated I want to know every detail hour by hour she's gonna show up unannounced she's gonna want to take charge you know we'll do let's just hope this thing doesn't get too out of hand [Music] party hey mr. Hanlon right the police 104 year parking tickets no it was about the plane that was quarantined I told you it wasn't on that flight I took Qantas must be some sort of computer scrubbers of them first of all if I was on that plane how could I get off at second I'm honestly a little hurt that you think I would lie to you about this grab everybody bring in to my office we are gonna crack these open hey one the king is back I have a little announcement ladies and gentlemen a colleague of mine once said there is an ass for every seat and yours truly is just filled one of the biggest yes who just closed the deal on the ten million dollar John all my mistakes [Music] and not other than Michael Torino producer mr. Kareena has graciously invited me to attend the screening of his latest film [Applause] [Music] it is definitely not the h5n1 strain that we expected but what we call now the h3 and seven now instead of antigenic drift where our population has some immunity this is antigenic shift where our population has no immunity I'm afraid this is a true pandemic pattern pending data of its morbidity and its mortality well we now have 62 passengers all showing symptoms of the disease they're all on antivirals how many Fidelity eight I've got ten in free fall they could be going any minute any word on our rogue no he's still out there [Music] thank you okay thank you thank you very much you're gonna love this movie let's go over there make Michael she look pretty hot Detroit Michael Michael this is fantastic congratulations this is my real-estate agent Jack handler the okay Jack looks so good don't find a pun just about your screening yeah yeah got Hendler oh that's great yeah he's on a respirator now there's one other thing we got a call someone who's symptomatic but won't come in I said cause he thought you might want to check it out uh you know have dr. Fox Odin go the man's a taxi driver you work the airport when the flight arrived okay all right tell us our house cabin on my way [Music] give him this and tell him what I could be great thank you welcome sir the building apartments rough real estate you're holding tax receipts are solid now this found a guy that ran away endler dead how many do you think we affected I don't know he walked around for two days could be in the hundreds only in LA we've been to riots fires earthquakes we've always come back we'll come back from this to this thing blows up on us would you want to live here today mayor D'Allesandro announced that the lone unaccounted for passenger of flight 182 has been located and is now in the ERC the passengers name is Jack handler a Los Angeles realtor at Bellwood real estate he collapsed during reception for a private screening of a Michael Torino film if anyone has been in physical contact with mr. Heller it is imperative that you call the ERC at three one zero five five five one two three four it is possible that you may have been exposed to the riptide virus and need immediate medical attention [Music] he's right down there he's a good boy [Music] mr. greevy I'm dr. Martin I need to ask you a couple questions if that's okay can you tell me when you first started feeling sick and you're a taxi driver right have you been to the airport lately [Music] [Music] we'll cut the lights down there God be ready for anything he's gonna be heavily compacted ain't gonna help let's go to work [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] please put your gun down I will shoot her do you want her to die put the gun down three two lovely hero don't you you're coming with us stop calling medical issues wish we had more time sweetheart let's go in place all right copy that over all right I made some calls I got people meeting this let's move [Music] let's go back to your rooms everybody [Music] [Applause] that [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] take him in now the sentece man busted a mouth killed agent Horvath and a security guard once yeah anything for possible oh my god Kayla 38 patients just walked out the door Elliot just got turned into a hot zone [Music] [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] you
Channel: Movie Central
Views: 9,607,418
Rating: 4.6730576 out of 5
Keywords: 80s, Turner, free full movies, online, popcornflix, free, ever, b-grade, latest, French Stewart, Classic Movies Channel, Free movies on Youtube, 60s, Pandemic movie, classic, youtube, movie, CMC YouTube, outbreak, full, Faye Dunaway, CMC, Tiffani Thiessen, download, funny, drama, Classic, movies, worst, sci-fi, horror, hollywood, films, 70s, comedy, Movies, goldmines, TCM, watch, apocalypse movies, bigtime, retro, Hollywood movies, coronavirus, Pandemic, contagion, coronavirus outbreak
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 85min 41sec (5141 seconds)
Published: Fri Feb 14 2020
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