Quarantine LA | Full Horror Sci-Fi Movie

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[Music] [Music] thanks [Music] i got a door [Music] in the kitchen [Music] did you lock the door yeah i like the window they're shut i'm almost finished with dinner i have something for us too it is exactly six months i know you wrap up and i'll freshen up okay [Music] so [Music] um [Music] it's time to eat sami i'm not hungry we interrupt this program to bring you breaking news free granny it's dad about two hours ago our studio received a very special recording it's a content made from inside the infected and isolated area of los angeles is it on okay my name is jake miller i'm a joint special operations command sergeant exactly two days ago that is november 22 2017 together with six other commandos i've been assigned a special covert operation inside the isolated zone of los angeles i'm the only one from the squad but still alive yes okay okay that'll work okay goodbye sorry to interrupt man what is it i'm busy you might want to turn on your tv it's miller jake miller is on channel 5. our orders are to rescue an important scientist in a secret lab located in apple valley within the isolated zone that order was given by chief director jsoc aaron rezner inside this lab were held researchers their purpose was to find a cure for the virus that spread about 95 days ago causing death to the los angeles population the government officially stated that there were no survivors in that zone well that is not true i am still here as if they have this recording inside the isolated zone with a group of others we try to last but we're short of water food we've been denied communication from the outside and left on our own this recording is probably the last chance to tell the world what's really happening here how could this possibly happen i don't know get out of here you're not wounded right no i'm fine i didn't get infected if that's what you mean that's not my blood either you need to wash it off quickly if these blood cells contain a virus it might get to your immune system you think someone survived the attack what was your name again balrik dr arlene [Applause] listen arlene nothing went according to the plan you weren't in the plan so what's the plan now i didn't manage to rescue dr samuel and my entire squad is dead so at the moment i don't have a plan dr samuel just before he died give me this what is that bioresearch on the virus but i need more time okay on the back seat in the backpack is my phone take it out i'm gonna call my contact at the emergency event that inside the zone you won't be able to call anyone that's not a normal phone it's got a fixed line with one number where's the meeting point it's just me and one of the scientists from the lab so contact resner we need to be evacuated and we need it fast okay okay send me the coordinates [Music] [Music] so [Music] bingo um [Music] so [Music] i'm gonna count to five and i'm gonna fire every bullet i have in this rifle into the closet five four three two one just pass it you shouldn't risk the infected only hunt at night right and we need some gas you know how to use this what the she seems okay not infected got the evacuation point coordinates [Music] don't come close got an infected one here you won't make it before the night it's justin my boyfriend what's your name kim arlene take kim back to the gym no no i won't let you hurt him there's not a way we can't help you love you boys you don't have to be afraid my name's flynn jenny when was the last time you had something to eat not since my parents left i'm not going to hurt you your parents left long ago yeah they had to travel how old are you 12. i have a daughter she's about your age is she here she had to travel too okay goodbye the rescue squad was wiped out by the infected we lost all of our research data any survivors our evacuation contact received a call from sergeant jake miller he alone survived with one of the minor scientists they're making their way to the la evac point as we speak they're traveling with a random survivor he took civilians with him sergeant miller called that an evac for all three of them erased the evacuation point immediately ordered the contact to retreat from the zone as soon as possible and what about miller sergeant miller from now on officially died during the lab operation we're cutting off any communications you're just going to condemn that's an order davis we can't risk civilians getting out from there not after the government's official orders is that clear yes he broke the procedures and left us no choice i hope i don't need to remind you about full confidentiality no chief director great we're out of gas [Music] are we far from your meeting point two three hours walking distance we won't make it before sunset look at this shoot anybody it's just for protection [Music] so uh [Music] shut the door and check the locks something happens my phone is in the backpack with the coordinates [Music] done more thanks what he's one of us the name's jared quinn one of us we're i was just defending myself i didn't know if you guys were those crazy things out there or not have you been here alone it's been two days since i got out now i'm trying to figure out how to get out of this place you escape from the northridge that's a barcode isn't it yeah yeah i got out of there two days ago what were you in for well i didn't kill anybody if that's what you're getting at you don't have to worry about me at least not one of those things out there kim arlene i need to talk to you both in the other room you can't leave him here he's a criminal i think it matters now plus he might help how i don't know isn't it always safer in a group he can't be trusted i'm not saying we should trust him we shouldn't leave him i'm not negotiating with you two you can't leave him here to die that's not my problem we're not taking him to the evacuation point period if you don't like it you can stay with them you have that little respect for human life if we take them with us we risk everyone else's safety i would advise you two to get some sleep we are leaving early tomorrow i wish they were more like the slow walking really barely moving types you see in the movies what's your name clinton quentin i want you to help me barricade this door get some shelves some of those bits [Music] so for the last two years i've been working this movie rental house i've seen a lot of bad movies i know i can do a lot better so when i get out of here i'm going to start directing full time even when you quit i think my parents i don't think so ready i think i deciphered it this is the virus antidote formula what they found the cure it's 99 complete they were almost there that's great look it stated more than three weeks ago they had the care back then it seems so i never heard anything about finding the additive formula why didn't they start the production well they weren't finished with the research right yes but with so much done already they should have developed it in no time this all doesn't seem right [Music] we'll take the notes and hand them over to the safe zone [Music] we're going to my emergency evacuation point you can join us i can go too right i hope they have enough space in the chopper i'm gonna change my uniform not like it makes a difference here short on supplies let's get some food i'll go with you i'm gonna film [Music] [Music] i wouldn't do that if i were you drop that gun when easy we're not here to hurt anybody we didn't mean to scare you it's all good just wanted to take something to eat this your store it used to be my store all right i'ma lower my gun your order ma'am it's done did you clean the extraction point no one was ever there very good also i have some important it's about the second lap they finished finally good news let's move on with standard procedure this is denev i have some good news same place in four hours my wife and daughter died a week ago they were the last members of my family sorry to hear that and this little girl i found her about two days ago her parents were dead i just couldn't leave her that guy outside i don't trust him keep your eyes on him are we ready to go jenny are you ready i want to stay here we got to get going we're going to a safe place there'll be no sick people there i want to call my parents let's see what we can do but right now we have to go come on i'll show you how the camera works around [Music] that's not good cute dog what breed is it let's cut to the chase i need to check you first she's clean that was necessary i understand i guarantee my company wants confidentiality as much as you do let's take a walk we finished is it 100 yes it's been tested within the zone my company will need to test samples on our own you will it will be practically ready for mass production that's quite a lot we both know it's a very reasonable price and it's not negotiable i'll need to consult it you've got one day you're not the only interested corporation i understand and we're short on time i'll contact you tomorrow goodbye mrs denever [Music] there's got to be another way out of this place there's no way out the military's controlling the buffer zone you got a cut in mind believe me i've tried to get through what about a helicopter no use gas we could take a boat gas is no good in most cases they're patrolling the sea too they won't let us get out of here we're normal why won't they let us out nothing seems to work what are we going to do they'll come to us eventually there's another lab we just have to hang out long enough 30 miles from here still in the zone they used to provide fresh food and water to our laboratory are there still people there possibly let's get moving right away there's nothing wrong with accepting help jenny so you want to hear a joke what starts with an f and ends with a fire truck it's from a zombie flight in the middle of nowhere we need we need to find a safe place to sleep for the night i know play smile from here should be safer there than here i used to live here before the virus spread [Music] i think this will improve the mood the skewer nodes they're useless why couldn't even get the needed ingredients they have value outside of here in the safe zone sure let's find something to make a fire in zombie movies they hate fire it's a sure way to kill them same with normal people nobody likes to get burned i'm really sleepy flynn i know sweetheart we need to set up shifts i can be first me too okay arlene kim and i will take the first shift where are you going i'm just going to take a piss just don't go too far [Music] i hope you have a good reason for calling me at this hour [Music] what okay call him back and put him through [Music] who am i speaking to this is jsoc chief director aaron resner who's this jared quinn are you the one that just spoke to sergeant miller yes i don't have much time but i'm ready to make you an offer you can't refuse [Music] [Music] jay [Music] [Music] ready are you there anyone there [Music] [Music] jenny you okay please don't move jenny we need your help don't move now you look like a real lady hey shouldn't we get going what's wrong i don't want to talk about it we need to be strong arlene all of us or we fail it's easy for you to say we all have difficult moments it's my what about husband he's here in the zone listen arlene we don't have stand your son is not here you see i don't know if he's even alive i wanted to escape last night and go find him but i was too scared that's how weak i am there are mere chances that he's still where will he be quentin stop where is he her home is not far from here about three miles northeast you don't even know if he's still there i'll go with you what thank you we need to split up you're joking right booting up is not a good idea this is ridiculous what about the laughs wait we're all dead they're only twice this is insane stop filming me don't hurt all him you go to the lab and organize the rescue arlene kim and i will meet you there how far is that lab about 20 miles northwest from here small city of palmdale i know where that's at if you hurry you should reach the lab by tomorrow afternoon no time to waste go i need to borrow it for just one day just take care of it that's some oscar material on there hey guys i don't like this idea i don't have a weapon but it's your choice hey everyone i need a gun i found this in a military store it's got pretty good range trust me now we all have some ammo use it wisely it won't last for long morning director isn't there a confirmation was received that all operations went smoothly at lab2 thank you you need to extensively check the person who contacted us last night jared quinn right i want to know everything about him and if it's safe to trust him that's all davis [Music] this is denev we're ready let's meet at capitol hill park in an hour [Music] goodbye this is it this is where i used to live seems like i'm telling the story how he found jenny's parents i want to enter alone oh it's not safe arlene i'm gonna be fine maybe it's the last time i see patrick show me your pistol it's ready to go just unlock the safety here it's just in case it's ready to fire we're waiting right here for you just shout if you need our help i'm gonna be a big time director i'll date all the hottest actresses yeah right people eat up this kind of bloody and gory stuff this material will be my big break maybe my parents will even come to you better hurry up if you want to make it before the sun goes down where are your parents clinton is that you [Applause] you all right what's going on here don't cry please don't cry i just do anything you could i'm sure you did everything you can you gotta stay strong it's gonna be all right oh my god patrick i'm so sorry yeah get it out i'll be here i can beg for you i'm going to help you get out [Music] oh no i shouldn't have left you here it's okay now we have to get you to the second lab as fast as possible there's there's probably a cure there or our way to the safe zone so we can make it an hour i'll begin to change the virus gets stronger give me the gun check don't i don't want to put but what after i seen patrick go through patrick and i will sleep in the same room again uh so we need to find a place where else we're dead i don't think there are any infected such a dump [Music] okay look let's try it how much ammo do we have oh [Music] watch out what's wrong does it hurt it's nothing it'll be fine what the hell were you thinking went out there for that backpack could have been over would you ever do that again jenny you understand me don't you ever do that again [Music] the god you hesitate one more time i swear i kill you in my bare hands enough don't ever hesitate it's upstairs give me your gun clinton shoot the break kill the brain and you kill the girl you all stay here i'm not gonna die in this dump hole bring me the backpack jenny this is a pepper spray you don't go anywhere without it you understand ah anyone else [Applause] where'd you get that flynn we're too far away from them wait ow wrong the notes arlene gave me notes from the lab they're missing she gave them to me before we split up [Applause] i need to find a house for tonight [Applause] do you have any feelings [Applause] [Music] do you have any emotions at all are you human no [Music] [Applause] not until i get us out of here you see my [Applause] we should hide over there it's safer than staying out here so how is it outside [Music] pretty normal what do they say about us they lie to the public officially there's no survivors in the area you flynn quentin jared jenny none of you exist according to the government well we'll prove them wrong wake up kim they will do everything to not let us out of here we have become a problem i have a plan let's have a seat how's my proposition straight to the point i'm not here for a social chit chat mrs nev my company needs more evidence you don't trust what you've seen so far at this price tag surely you know it's not a matter of trust right the formula full documentation and samples are already in a safe place all in all this report here shows 90 percent of antidote formula you will receive the full structure with samples as soon as the money appears in my bank account fair enough that's not all we've been conducting research on the nature of the virus the pattern of it keeps evolving that's why you need both things the pattern of the cure and a specimen of the virus one without another quickly becomes clinker here saying the cure changes as the virus mutates correct that's why my offer changes and how is this good news excuse me for a second this call concerns our matter want some do we have enough i think so tomorrow we'll have more in the safe zone thanks these creatures are hungry and they're not vegetarians you know you're weird you know that it was a quote from a flick the virus evolves and that means you will always have a demand for its every mutation to be able to produce the cure you need to do research on the evolution of the virus all the time and that means you need a virus and how is this good news for my company i didn't say it was good news for your company i said it was good news let's presume the virus spreads your company has the cure it's worth billions of dollars we won't have the new mutated virus to work on the evolution i can have it and i could give it to you the report shows the virus won't survive in experimental conditions you can't simply freeze it or put it in a test tube it needs a host a living person fresh cells that's why it still exists because people in the zone infect each other i can give you one of the infected excuse me no one is allowed to enter or leave the zone besides government strategy personnel for example jsoc chief director would they let the infected leave the zone no i would take one survivor from the zone into the safe zone to infect them just after the inspection and hand them to you that to keep developing new cure you need someone with the early state of infection someone who is already dead to the public that was my previous offer tomorrow evening your company can obtain the current antidote formula with full documentation and the virus inside a host in an early state of mutation you could do research on it and control its evolution process in your labs are you serious director resner what if something goes wrong and the virus spreads in the state i trust your company is a responsible one but if it happens won't it increase the demand for the cure [Music] i'll contact you tomorrow now i've got a plane to catch [Music] [Music] it says jared quinn have you thought about my offer yes do you have the lab notes i'm willing to give them to you in exchange for getting me out of here i want a fresh start i want a new record mr quinn what makes you think you can leave the zone if you are who i think you are then you know who i am and you're familiar with my professional resume i managed to escape a maximum security prison this zone is nothing compared to that you have a deal mr quinn if you try to screw me lady you're gonna regret it i read reports on you jared quinn no one will screw anybody here good where are you now is sergeant miller with you there's three of us we're out of food and we're out of ammo sergeant miller if he's still alive is headed to the second lab do you want to meet there jared hey look i forgot to go what do you want i heard some noises were you talking to somebody no you crazy [Music] mrs denev what's your final decision great as for instructions i'll be entering the zone tomorrow at noon i'm waiting for the first bank transfer and you're waiting with the appropriate equipment for my call at the appointed place yes goodbye you don't think we can build a fire do you wouldn't be the smartest thing to do [Music] that boyfriend of yours from the car the one that turned justin are you very close we worked together six months longer than either one of us expected to survive i wanted to tell you i'm sorry about what happened with him yes there is battery life left i used to be i mean i'm a journalist are you ready ready for what the truth all set what am i supposed to say from the beginning hold on okay is it on ready to go okay my name is jake miller i'm a joint special operation command sergeant exactly two days ago that is november 22nd 2017. together with six other commandos i've been assigned a special covert operation inside the isolated los angeles zone i'm the only one from the squad that's still alive as of now did you hear that [Music] at the moment six survivors people that are left in here and forgotten by the government are struggling for life there might be more in here fighting for life that need help i only hope that this recording finds its way to the safe zone and it starts starts a change people don't deserve to be locked in here like animals if i don't make it out of here i love you sammy they're coming when i tell you run okay as fast as you can i'm not leaving you there's no time to argue kim i'll be right behind you okay i'll slow them down move it now [Music] [Music] day [Music] wow [Music] oh house of lake it's better i think i can walk look flynn i found some good food and water we got a bigger problem i don't think we have any more ammo we searched the place during our shift but we found nothing the second lab is not far away right let's get moving every second counts it might come in handy it's better than nothing i'll go look for something else just hurry up flynn it's sergeant miller do you copy over hey flynn it's sergeant miller do you copy the longer you're in the zone the more you start to miss the little things that you used to take for granted like a normal meal a hot shower car cell phone chocolate i should try flynn again flynn it's miller do you copy [Music] flynn everything okay what is it we don't have time for that right now i used to have a car just like this back before they isolated the area okay let's go okay [Music] don't make me ask again give me the keys listen we gotta get out of here too i'm taking the car are we going or not let's go we shouldn't stop what's what's that [Applause] [Music] jake can you hear me since when did we have a walkie-talkie dammit the signal's too weak well at least we know they're still there [Music] flynn can you hear me flynn nothing [Music] this is it where are all the people should we wait for sergeant miller it's too quiet here let's check it out what if they won't take us without jake [Music] this is it not again what does this mean i don't get it they left us jake and arlene were wrong they can't just leave people like this what you're still surprised i want to call my parents you need to stay in the present are you are you mine this is the end quentin stop it we're not gonna give up now i don't think that's gonna be necessary i wouldn't answer that why i said that's not a good idea put the walkie-talkie on the floor and kick it to me don't be insane don't hurt him jerry [Music] now step back where'd you get the gun from unfortunately you can't be a part of my survival plan you are out of bullets it's all loaded don't even try just leave us alone i'm afraid i can't do i'm taking jenny with me the rest of you are useless to me from now on don't even try i still got bullets left clinton clinton don't worry just try not to move so much quentin please will get a doctor for you okay i'm here i get the notes okay i will try for it slowly don't push it can't we help make it as fast as possible i went out of this zone immediately well now looks like quentin's problems are finally over quincy jenny move away from the body quiet [Music] look we're safe [Music] it's chief director jsoc my boss the widow bailed out on you well mr quinn that's not what i expected i'll get everything under control where's the research data you take me for some kind of fool i'll give you the data when i'm in a safe zone sold us out look it's nothing personal but i get to survive quinn at this moment you really have no choice i need to have the papers confirmed if you want to be rescued you need to trust me are you going to take us too we're not infected sadly i have just one place left in my car is that all yeah those are all the notes that dr barak had with her now you're part of the deal of course i can only take one of you you decide there are more survivors in the safe zone you need to send some help and get them out of here i'm not armed well well sergeant miller chief director oh no where's arlene [Music] are you okay i really don't have time for this drama i'm an important plane to catch i'm willing to take just one person order a chopper to pick us all up that's not going to happen sergeant you had your chance to get out of the zone before you decided to play a hero and take civilians cover me you grab the girl you need to go with this lady she'll take you to the safe zone your parents might be waiting for you in the safe zone you both know that's not true go jenny and remember what i told you to do i want to stay with flynn i need to go sweetheart go [Music] this is denev everything went as expected please prepare for the second transfer can we do something my time was that long ago with my family hold on flynn let's proceed with the injection [Music] you seriously didn't lock the door you idiot did you hear me is that your son little sam very close to the buffer zone kim we need to be strong a little longer we have many miles to go but we're closer than before it doesn't matter how slowly you move as long as you don't stop walking right so [Music] we could not find her excuse me well she had pepper spray i could barely see anything [Music] you really should go will it ever end i will get us out of here do we have any ammo left no isn't it too early this recording is probably the last chance to tell the world what's really happening in here how could this possibly happen i don't know get out of here [Music] man [Music] so [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] okay [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] you
Channel: Movie Central
Views: 591,791
Rating: 4.5471368 out of 5
Keywords: watch, free, movies, online, Turner, TCM, youtube, download, full, movie, films, classic, 70s, 80s, 60s, sci-fi, horror, drama, latest, retro, b-grade, funny, comedy, hollywood, worst, ever, popcornflix, bigtime, goldmines, Free movies on Youtube, Hollywood movies, Classic, Movies, free full movies, Classic Movies Channel, CMC, CMC YouTube, Quarantine LA, virus movies, corona virus movies, virus outbreak movies, Sci-Fi Movie, Horror Sci-Fi
Id: 40dW-Nd5ldA
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 75min 9sec (4509 seconds)
Published: Sun Feb 21 2021
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