Alien Siege | Full Sci-Fi Action Adventure Movie

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[Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] no i'm good i don't like the crossfade [Music] you want it maybe later you know independence day should actually be july 2nd that's the day the continental congress decided to break from england well yeah but then they also formally adopt the declaration on board today okay if you want to go that way then the declaration wasn't signed until august 2nd so technically august 2nd would be independence day so what you're telling me is that tomorrow is not the 4th of july well it is the 4th but not the fourth if you're done with john adams may the fourth be with you i am declaring my own independence day independence from parents and teachers in school and it's everything do you feel like that maybe when i was your age okay you were three months older than me look at that there's no way that to come to a meteor it's moving too slow hey what are you doing that's my song there has to be something about this online well yeah everyone in cumberland is posting about it must be like a missile test or something no that's dc there's no way they're testing missiles over there [Music] like giving us my family land in vermont yet they just landed sir good i want to report women in a secure position yes mr president have they said anything new same thing they want it back are you sure your translation's right sir this comes direct from the asset we'll be in position shortly sir sorry to keep in the darksmith but i need you focused on deciphering that thing [Music] is everything in order it is sir the rocket is ready to launch waiting on your command [Music] i'm not getting anything from any of the commercial sites pentagon has to know what this is good luck getting any info from them i know about wayne it's encrypted from within their site let me see just override the digital certificate no that's not gonna work i got this okay and here we go everybody's on high alert but nobody's saying what it is they launched a missile i've got the nose camera on screen now i could tell you one thing mr president you're about to see the biggest goss dang firework show you've ever seen next message we get from those boogers if we get one at all we'll be a sos if of course colonel smith can translate that information i can handle it are we in war [Music] whoa we gotta get out of here [Music] come on yeah 15 seconds to impact sir [Music] how's this for handshake did you see that visual's lost with the missile sir sir we have picked up the signature of the object again what do you mean it's moving towards us which direction is it headed washington dc and sir we've picked up the transmission again same message as before the mommy decoded yes it's identical they want it back [Music] air force and air national guard we grounded air force one is too big a target so we'll go with marine one standing by sir that's not what i think it is this is colonel smith sir this is the device i thought it was on the way to lake groom it was but we've had a new development if that's what's been bringing them here maybe it isn't wise to be toting it around the case shields it from all spectrum interference detection should be impossible if it is impossible to detect then what was it that brought him here in the first place sir it wasn't in case when we first obtained the device we only did that when we discovered it was transmitting information you were at that briefing sir colonel what is the new development in layman's terms the arrival today has caused a change in the device's operational status spit it out colonel the device is now active [Music] sir i recommend an alteration in flight plans we need to visit the asset it might be our only chance to get on top of this mr president it's a quick diversion on the way to raven rock i agree with the colonel [Music] okay destination mr president i'm bunker 45 on the outskirts copy that colonel we'll be there in 20 minutes buckle up we're waiting for the all clear command from air control mr president we brought in advice when they made contact despite the full spectrum shielding we did notice some activity that coincided with their arrival so what you're saying is not only do we have a threat from above but there doomsday device can initiate its final sequence at any moment sir i wouldn't exactly characterize it as a doomsday device this device that you're carrying girl has the capability of ending our world as we know it if it hasn't already by bringing a full-scale extraterrestrial invasion so don't tell me it's not a doomsday device girl yes sir this is why we're going to see the asset no one has more knowledge of it's working sir what are we waiting for then let's go we're waiting for the confirmation on the clear airspace mr president copy that general that's gotta go oh my god so [Music] hey rachel what take a look at this never seen anything like it where's luke i don't know he left with his friends [Music] [Applause] let's go we have to get out of here the airspace is not clear mr president air traffic command has issued a no-fly zone over dc until it's all cleared that's a direct order request air support you have some kind of evasive maneuvers of your sleeve i suggest you use it i'll take you i gotta get back home too okay well we'll see you okay okay [Music] here's page with him okay we'll drop her off at home okay here's what we're gonna do we're gonna pick up luke we'll go to the mountains and stay at the cabin by the lake i think we're being invaded hey you better call your parents what about you it doesn't matter yes it does no it doesn't they're not even in the country they're in france on some holiday for like a month wait so you're alone well i have them made during the day but no why don't you come to my house parents don't exactly like me shut up they like you better get that [Music] mom yeah i'm i'm sorry i didn't answer yes i saw it i'm coming home we'll be there in 20 minutes okay okay love you they're coming to the church to pick us up [Music] we got the first lady on the blind mr president hey wanted you and the little one to know we out of harm's way we got out a convoy's on his way to pick you up to take you to raven rock yeah i understand yeah of course i want to be with you but that can't happen right now we'll be there soon no no you have to stay where you are this doesn't make any sense what they're saying the us capital is gone i don't know everyone's freaking out the whole military's going into action [Music] what's wrong i just lost signal does anybody have service about what you can do when you open this thing up now it's the time to go for it you got it mr president hang on it's going to be a bumpy ride where's the air support you call for air support is on route you stick to our flight plan with the vp now can i get a light on her sir i want to check her status [Music] they can't get a clear shot with that thing on our tail we have to do something hang on we're going low it'll be chin up i need our help [Music] i got it stop right there don't you we're americans stay where you are they're kids they're coming back [Music] [Applause] [Applause] that means you two on your feet we have to get out of the open mr president it's the president of the united states it's a bad zeal for service luke is supposed to be here where is he don't worry we'll find him let's uh let's head towards the park [Music] i've never seen main street so deserted new arrival must have scared a lot of [Music] people [Music] people acting crazy because they're scared right we're not gonna want to happen working together that's how we're gonna do this okay okay oh my god patrick stop oh my god wait rachel [Music] oh my god it's ryan wasn't he with luke [Music] we don't know that for sure [Music] rachel stop it's not safe i need to stay at the truck no i'm coming with you [Music] [Music] [Music] so [Music] patrick stay back oh don't look it's not luke wait stop we gotta break it stop the invasion what about luke where is he no but we'll find my promise okay but if i don't do something this town's gonna be crawling with these things it won't be safe it has to be done okay so go back to the truck and i'll be there in a minute no if you want to act like an idiot someone has to watch your back okay but if one of those things come close you pump a bull ladder all right there there's seven rounds in there another seven here okay if things go down you keep firing you get back to the truck okay okay [Music] [Music] [Music] so [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] uh hmm [Music] uh [Music] ah [Music] oh [Music] okay [Music] what is this thing [Music] ah hold on he can't stop sir i need a break what's the status of that i don't have an answer now excuse me then draper our president sure looks like him doesn't he he's a decoy we've got dozens of lookalikes running around it's a tactic to confuse enemies i'm not buying that it doesn't matter if you buy it oh so then you're just some fake decoy military officer and the guy back there that got killed he's a decoy as well i hope his pay is good enough i'm the president is someone tell us what's going on who is attacking us is are we a war they're aliens aren't they thank you for your bravery most people wouldn't fault you for running in the other direction when they see a helicopter crash but you came to our aid i want to thank you according to our last position we aren't far from our objective here until we have an extraction point we continue moving forward we don't have a choice we'll need communication do you guys have a phone uh i have mine but none of our phones are working we have to figure out another way i do have a mesh network it's a network that's off the cellular grid electronics can work in proximity but only with others that are on the network we use it to talk to each other sometimes i built it in ninth grade i helped we built it together rigged up all the transmitters this could help tell me more about your setup up [Music] [Music] [Music] uh ah i'm not leaving [Music] uh [Music] all right look i need you to breathe okay here's what we're gonna do we're gonna take care of your leg we're gonna figure out what we're gonna do next okay we need to find luke [Music] gonna he's gonna find some place to lay down low [Music] under here look i'm paige how loud of an area did you say your mess network coverage um a good three miles to mr president i think their mesh network could be useful in establishing a lot of communication good idea you both been very brave here today braver than most people like you are the reason i remember officers [Music] [Music] [Music] [Applause] what's the status there's no change wait there is something looks like it tried to deactivate did it work no something's happening to it but it's not deactivated what is it we need to get to the asset asap come on let's double count [Music] this way [Applause] [Music] wait they're human come on we've got to get off the road [Music] you look like you need some assistance ma'am oh you hear the president mr president it's an honor to serve you sir let's get inside take a seat over here i'm fine sir uh mr president stay quiet uh so those uh those things out there mr president i think from uh there six years ago doing the term of my predecessor mr president we will receive first contact from a being from another planet you mean aliens that's right six years you've been hiding this for six years i wasn't given the intel until i took office this being was a refugee from a distant world it was injured but we brought it back this refugee told us he was an engineer wait it spoke english they knew how to communicate with us it seemed to know everything about us the engineer told us its world had been taken over by warmongers their leaders irrational and full of hate what do they want with us the engineer is part of a program to build a device that would dominate the universe the briefcase right there when the aliens are trying to steal it's part of this isn't it what is in there it's classified that's what the alien refugee gave us alien technology probably the most powerful in the universe and the only one in existence and they want it back i think that's enough information sir mr president how did you end up on the edge of the city we fell from above and thankfully your son and his friend here found us how are you man how are you okay i didn't hit an artery it's stable for now but it's not gonna be for long can i take a look look you don't need to see this it's okay you can see it look are you okay we have to remove it the leg no son that bit of matter oh we need to get you somewhere with some first aid supplies you're a vet right marine corps 22 years what's your mls marine raider reconnaissance corpsman patrick glad to have you with us right now we're on our own our land is hostile territory the president and i got shot down on our way to a top secret location nearby you need to get first aid supplies and your family to safe cover that syncs with our current objective so we will accompany you there and then be on our way colonel mr president be my honor to serve you but my duty is towards my family first son i wouldn't have it any other way and what may i ask is your objective your house we need to access your mesh network it's a network it's it's set up for uh emergency times and this is at my house in the vicinity uh luke here pointed us the way now if it's still operational we'd like to put it to use yeah okay whatever you need okay let's go we need to stay off the road we can cut through the woods it comes through at fairview gas station okay let's see if we can feel some painkillers okay [Music] [Music] guys get down get down yeah [Music] is how much ammo you have nothing enough for this one smith smith what are you doing smith get back get that smith we're clear let's go that must be the weak spot i tried stabbing one back at the bar and that was the only place i could penetrate i'm fine colonel we need to get her home and take care of that leg copy that you got whatever meds you need [Music] we got to get off the road guys what to [Music] expose [Music] oh this is gonna hurt but we need to do this okay luke luke can you show me your mess network okay just breathe relax be strong okay go upstairs and get the rest of the ammo okay breathe for me okay breathe relax [Music] [Music] breathe [Music] it'll run for nearly a week on this okay how big is your network we have 10 spots up on it now it goes nearly to the point but people keep stealing our setups over there so we've kept it closed can you hook it up to your laptop yeah do you have one on you yeah do it let me know when it's done stay strong when i go upstairs breathe for me okay breathe all right hey rachel how are you feeling this will be quick so patrick you know i don't drink it's for me [Music] that looks good your mom's gonna be fine [Music] how's everything on your end um the network's up connections are shaky but we're good okay let's get this set up the original internet was military you know that we gave it away but we kept something for ourselves we maintain an alternate internet over high band radio frequency thanks to your mesh network we're accessing it right now mr president we need to figure out an extraction point i'll tap into two-way radio comms [Applause] [Music] this is eagle one i repeat this is eagle one please respond mr president will you keep an eye on that patrick let's go check on your wife's room [Music] this is eagle one over can i take a look yeah okay if it starts bleeding again let me know but it looks good painful but we're lucky it didn't hit an artery thank you mom is one tough cookie luke i see where i got your moxie you should get something to eat from the kitchen i know you're hungry thank you we made quite a spread for the fourth of july it would be a shame for it to go to waste you do tech for the army my team decoded the language the help of a classified source we were just starting to understand the software when they showed up is it a linear binary code who's the classified source it's classified [Music] let's check the artillery son you'll get a medal for what you've done today yes i will [Music] the device is connecting to a mesh network it looks like a duplicate operating system like they made an off device copy but it's connecting [Music] pascal don't what don't use high school try something imperative no people use haskell it's too risky [Music] [Applause] they're surface-to-air missiles they're close we can't stay here wait wait slow down that looks like some kind of an initiation code that's a trigger don't touch that it's not a trigger it is something else do you see that it's an alphanumeric code we can disable this thing let's do it together thank you when your team copied the operating system they left the link open it was still connected and it let us back in and you thought it would be a good idea to touch any of it what if that accidentally triggers it we didn't trigger anything it's a manual trigger we didn't touch that you were about to be in a world of river i got no idea [Music] [Music] oh [Music] okay everybody out come on out come on let's go let's go let's go come on go go go go go go there's more coming more ammo [Music] this won't stop okay go go go go [Music] oh wow [Music] uh [Music] unique fireworks [Music] [Music] keep the device safe keep that family safe too please [Music] [Applause] [Music] so luke it's under the bed guys there's more coming do you not use one of those things here i don't know how to use this hold it like this this is the safety are you ready to shoot aim by lining up the sights did i teach you this yeah [Music] thanks ready so so oh huh but we can fix this stop it if we don't stop this then who will stop we don't have a lot of time you need to tell me what you did it's linear coding it's an opening sequence tell us what it does and we'll tell you we don't have the time for this you two made the situation exponentially worse you need to tell me what you did now colonel ma'am you and the president haven't been straight with us since we met you hid this from the american people we need to know what this is and what we're dealing with and then we can help otherwise you can go on your own we don't have much time from what we've gathered it's an anti-matter generator antimatter and matter destroy each other turning into pure energy it's many times more powerful than even a hydrogen bomb then what is this it's countdown [Music] i'll clear for now but no guarantee when i'll come back luke get me that relay backup fireworks reacted their armor i think it's the potassium nitrate potassium nitrate is an oxidizer in basic gunpowder it's highly reactive are you in a secure location we're tied down out here i'll have to get back to you with an eta for extraction standing by in captain b of eyes their armor reacts to potassium nitrate potassium nitrate you copy over what's that colonel sir i'm sorry to report the device is now armed i can fix this up wait look you did this we did this together i leave you alone for one minute what do you mean armed it's a a countdown a countdown to what it's a bomb how much time do we have less than an hour an hour less than one hour you have to stop this calm down that's what we're working on right now your son and his friend here will have to come with us where are you going to see the asset patrick is that your truck outside yeah we're gonna need it [Music] [Music] uh [Music] uh okay [Music] [Music] smith is it safe it was clear [Music] [Music] don't make any sudden movements why i don't want to startle along to who call him l okay okay guys you guys stay back does this be rudimentary but we're afraid to translate her to its armor al this is the president of the united states if you don't know already your kind are here now they're coming for the device you gave us we need your help we need your help stopping them can't even hear us got your attention now remember this this is what you gave us we need your help in turning it against them it can only be used once we know that if we use it it would destroy everything by activating it now you risk destroying your blood i want to activate it we know that's why we brought it to you we want to turn it off no it cannot be done you are the expert in this thing there must be some way to turn it off you shouldn't have taken the device from me i brought it here to destroy it wow that's why we took it from you you brought a weapon to our planet what do you expect us to do your people turned on the device that's what sent out the beacon that's what brought them here maybe you should have given us some type of warning i did warn you mr president i communicated with your scientists i communicated with your colonel smith i told you everything i know about the device and what it was designed to do i warned you that we must all work together to dismantle it and most of all that it should never be turned on excuse me we didn't mean to activate it it was connecting to our network on its own we didn't mean to start it we were just trying to take it out can it be deactivated it cannot once the countdown has begun there is no stopping it you're certain of this that is correct i designed the timer that links to the trigger it's a complicated device each of us designed a small section of its development it was designed in such a way in small sections that no single individual could create the whole device or deactivate it there must be something something you must know to help us something you may realize that is important i need your help [Music] it is too late it cannot be stopped better for your planet to be destroyed than to give it to them now help us to stop this better for your planet to be destroyed than to give it to them 20 degrees colonel smith i am sorry [Music] so so we can't stop it is that what you're saying [Music] we need to get out of here we can't go back to the house now they know where it is i got an idea it doesn't matter where we are when this thing goes off it'll take out everyone the only way to stop them is use it against them can't you strap it to a missile or something shoot it at the mothership i tried that so that's it it didn't work man we're not giving up please can we just focus on figuring out how to deactivate the device we don't have to deactivate it we can use it again we tried that no mr president listen please rachel and i saw a way to get to their mothership right when we first encountered them we there we saw them using some kind of vice that beamed them back and forth to their ship i took part of it off to disable it i thought it might slow the invasion maybe we can beam it back up to them you remember how they worked it yes sir absolutely i saw how they did it i saw their interface had a bunch of symbols maybe together we can make it work yeah but isn't it dangerous that the bombs will be exploding that close to the earth what other option do we have [Music] a person takes on the white house to make a difference you hope for that defining moment when the world is on the brink and that you'll make that right decision no president can ever imagine this problem no president could ever want this trouble but here it is and it's not me who's gonna save the world it's all of us it's up to us maybe the last best hope humanity has no one can do it for us let's make the world proud [Music] let's go kill these suckers [Music] without fireworks we're going to be in serious trouble if we run into them we need to get more uh i still have these i know bottle rockets are kind of lame but better than nothing right thanks they'll be safer here than out in the open like we'll be back in the chief i'm coming with you no no you got the weapons here i want you to stay here and look back i want us to be together listen there's no point in separating now i'm the commander-in-chief and i'm giving you an executive order we're all staying together and that's that well if that's an order it's a direct order soldier [Music] you go up front with the device [Music] [Music] oh mankind for all mankind [Music] so how does this thing work you just beam it up and that's it i wish it were that easy one of us needs to be there to make sure they don't deactivate it the one part of this device that we really understand is the trigger i got him we can't stop the countdown but we can trigger the device i got him nice it's the only way we don't have much time [Music] it's up this way we have to hurry how much time do we have minutes [Music] [Applause] [Music] teleporters back here great [Music] what are we waiting for when i disabled it i didn't actually take the part with me but we can find it just it's in this wood somewhere and threw it down there we're running out of time okay well let's go [Music] we had to use this right okay got it government mr president [Music] okay so i got it from right here [Music] okay all clear ready yeah so just grab on top and then push down that's it i think so smith i want to thank you for your service to our country you will be remembered something's coming through it's no use the shot didn't have an effect on so so maybe not okay well i'm going show me how to do it we only get one shot at this i'll go it's my responsibility no mr president somebody has to restart this country when this is all over it has to be me show me how to do it no there has to be another way let me do this you are not going up there mom i need to fix this i am not letting you go i i can bring you back this is not happening we're running out of time i'll go and i'll go with you luke show me how to set it off we're coming back okay [Music] luke [Applause] how are we doing how are we doing i'm almost ready don't mess with humanity i think they did it [Music] [Music] uh [Music] [Music] now these are some fireworks [Music] happy fourth of july mr president [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] you
Channel: Sci-Fi Central
Views: 49,261
Rating: 4.5656109 out of 5
Keywords: full free movies on youtube, latest sci-fi movies, science fiction movies for free on youtube, Full Action Sci-Fi Movies for Free, latest hollywood movies for free, SyFy channel, The Asylum, hallmark channel, Sci-Fi Movies, Movie Central, full free sci-fi movies, classic science fiction movies, old school sci-fi, Alien Siege, sci fi, alien invasion movies
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 85min 25sec (5125 seconds)
Published: Fri Apr 30 2021
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