Flea Market Selling - That was a Quick Flip

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all right everyone welcome back uh another day out here i'm currently going ahead and packing up for the flea market i have an abundance of items here i realize i've been really picking up a lot of a lot of dollar stuff 50 cent stuff two dollar things nothing really too traumatic i make up a lot of words on this channel traumatic in between tremendous and dramatic taco stacks vocabulary um but yeah i might end up packing up a lot of this stuff right now i have a lot of the box slots from the last auction day i guess i'll take this very large frame i am going to bring shutters but not these shutters i think i bring the other three that i grabbed in the trash and we'll see if they sell i also went ahead and combined some boxes and we will see what happens so uh yeah it's flea market day hopefully a lot of the stuff will go because i have nowhere to go with it after that but yep packing up flea market day let's make it a great one sell some merchandise socialize and enjoy the beautiful weather i think it's supposed to be cold in the morning but can't be too choosy lots of stuff here thought we were empty not too long ago but filled it back up all right look at that beautiful van it's uh a little after 5 30 i feel like it's seven o'clock in the morning i'm really late in reality i'm not really late it just gets so light out so early there was a couple stops on the way here where i thought i was going to find some trash treasure that did not happen so on to the flea market hopefully i can get a spot all right well i made it [Music] and uh there's like no one here which is hilarious and depressing but i got my favorite spot which is this corner spa i don't know where everyone is when i say like no one's here i mean like no one's here all right no one wants my lovely five dollar family dollar is actually good i mean if you need wrapping paper brand new sealed wrapping paper this thing's broken nita need a garbage box need a guard these are good flats i don't want that's my scrap box someone bought all this for ten dollars oh i forgot to get these out i can't let them hide oh these are nice these i think i got from the auction yesterday be nice like you paint this wood gray or you paint it black give it a very modern look be honest if you should maybe even keep it thing about uh doing my decoration my house to a modern farmhouse i'm like halfway there oh my neighbor here mark neighbors and neighbor right here it's a good friend probably understandable all right thank you appreciate it he sold that uh that rail cart very very nice real car i don't know what it got for you probably let me know but i think he was asking 200 gorgeous thing never seen one like that you don't see him at all i don't know if he works at scrapyard i don't know if he got it at the scrap yard very cool all right so i'm all packed up here and today's the day we're on today's the day today is right now we're leaving that's what we're doing but all packed up that spot's empty uh it kind of filled up a little bit i don't know maybe three or four more cars my rope picked up um but yeah we are heading out of here let's see what else today has in store going home with nothing which looks like a beaut stack on [Music] what's happening all right so made it back the uh the ladder didn't sell uh taking out all my flats and putting all my flats into the warehouse and in this corner um but yeah another successful day i guess i have enough stuff maybe for like one more week i was hoping maybe sometime this week i'll pick up some box slots at an auction and i put all these little smalls and stuff into different flats like all these garfield cups i was just at an auction where i think there was 12 of these and they sold for like 15 or 20 i think it was at les's uh consignment auction i don't know why i'm thinking that's what happened but i'm pretty confident that's what did happen insane it's just like like i said with a lot of things with auctions you really never know aside from that i mean i got housewares on housewares i ended up selling a ton of housewares today which i was extremely shocked about like plates and cups i was really shocked about it because for the last i don't know how many years i've been selling them and they just don't move but today was the day that they did sell i also grabbed this at the auction yesterday it was in a box slot i think i'm going to probably hang it up back there i always felt like i needed at least one thermometer in the warehouse i have one in my garage and uh during the summer wow you can really see how hot it is and during the winter you can see how really cold it is so we're sitting here about 52 degrees right now or 51 degrees fahrenheit um the only other shocking thing that happened today was i did not sell my uh my shutters these are the extra ones these are the pair a pair of white ones that are the larger ones and then that was the odd one that i grabbed but the two small ones that i brought today did not sell i had one person asked me in the morning about that i was like i don't know how about five bucks for the pair they're like all right and they just walked away um which five dollars is kind of cheap i was thinking maybe five a piece but you know i said you know i have so many of these things let's see if they even sell and they didn't which was kind of unfortunate because i thought they were cool same with the wooden ladder wooden ladder another thing it's kind of a trend thing sometimes they sell sometimes they don't it amazes me now like in the back of my head i'm like well now if i see a wooden ladder do i pick it up or i just leave it so we'll see what happens with that maybe i'll run it again for another week but another fun day all around yeah another fun day all around hopefully you guys enjoyed yet another fun episode i think uh this week i might end up hitting up lee sport to go treasure hunting there but uh the next video without the trash picking because that is happening in about t-minus an hour and a half so stay tuned for that stay tuned for that treasure hunt if you guys enjoyed the video hit the like button subscribe down below for more treasure hunts until next time have a great day keep living a dream peace [Music] you
Channel: Taco Stacks
Views: 16,975
Rating: 4.9263239 out of 5
Keywords: Flea Market Selling, Flea Market Sale, buy and sell, resell, resold, sell on ebay, sold on ebay, what sold on ebay, selling on ebay, etsy, amazon fba, make money at flea market, flea market flip, treasure hunting, antiques, american pickers, episode, antique roadshow, blue bus dave, blue bus Dave ebay, taco stacks ebay, eBay seller, where to buy stuff for ebay, thrift store haul, thrifting, thrifted, resale, reseller vlog, reseller podcast
Id: GncgIYrfO5Q
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 10min 11sec (611 seconds)
Published: Thu May 13 2021
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