Flea Market Selling Inventory & Getting Told NO at an Estate Sale

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all right wow night before the night before the flea market season actually going ahead not the flea market is like the third week go ahead throwing my uh flea market money bag in here um for those wondering generally bring about fifty dollars in change that's between one dollar bills and five dollar bills don't bring any twenties because that would be kind of pointless um but if you're thinking about selling a flea market every single time i brought fifty dollars i've done all right get that uh water off there every time i brought 50 i've never run out of change i used to bring a hundred at one time and i was like this is just stupid so i went down to 50. it seems to be like the right number but yes the van is somewhat packed i can hold it like this and it looks like it's way more packed than it is but there's like one dead space right there right there it's really packed up front this is enough for one spot uh but yeah it is flea market day it's what i got i'm bringing all this lead i was going to scrap it but i don't know i feel like someone out there might want to buy it and then i was thinking well maybe i'll just buy it from the scrap yarn and sell it but usually whenever you go to scrapyard it's not this nice it's uh it's really messed up and discolored and has different stuff on it's never really that clean so we'll try it we'll give it a go and yeah uh might be able to hear the raindrops on the roof but arnett catch up you guys in the morning early morning flea market day let's do it this is interesting no turkey hill i'm switching it up dunkin donuts didn't think they'd be openness early in the morning but they are all right well yeah welcome back decided to switch up here decide to be a little bit more like civilization and get a coffee for the morning rather than a red bull so dunkin donuts is open i guess because it's still spring and i don't get there at 4 30 4 45 in the morning it's 5 30. um they're actually open so i know what i usually leave in the summer they are not open so back to silver's leash impact the civilization and back to selling at the flea market another day let's make it a good one early morning we'll do all right all right this guy over here has some really really cool bottles um he seems to be like a bottle guy it is still pretty dark out i kind of wanted to show you get a 12 gallon there comes the wind get a 12 gallon pyrex like a laboratory bottle which is definitely worth if you're going to try to find someone to sell it to he's asking fifty dollars first time i've ever seen one very cool good stuff it's all good stuff orange slices it's right there when i get to it two for a dollar [Applause] you're kind of neat [Music] [Music] oh boy i remember one night oh my gosh yep all right it's about 7 45 8 o'clock down to the pair of minimums so one thing i like to do when i sell here is i like to keep things flat it looks way more appealing than if you just put this on the ground in terms of just like if i just laid it out like that she made a line you can put it in flats it's usually better so like boxes like this that way you can see everything like when you have all these deep boxes you can't really see at the bottom you got like loose stuff which i don't like that i thought was kind of nice oh you know i'll put this on the table i think i sold two prints today those are ones that remain this one i thought was really neat and i realized it was water damaged whenever i picked it up it's all water damaged but starting to rain as you can see the rain drops not the best and every year every year i do these videos i guess we have new people watch a channel i got raindrops all over the camera i got new people who watch the channel um the reason why i don't put out all tables is because this is kind of like a pickers flea market and people who are like and when i say pickers i mean the people who buy from me generally like are the early crowd the people who are going to dig through boxes try to find stuff um and that's why i kind of put stuff in boxes because that kind of appeals that crowd the later crowd of day likes to buy off tables but i don't stay around for that crowd what's going on bubbles i really don't have that much it looks like a lot but in reality you start smashing into bins probably have like four bins of stuff out there four or five bins and i come here with literally half a van load of stuff which is nice oh it's good the only thing so i just put this back in because i'm starting to pack up the only thing i'm shocked that no one bought was this longer burger basket put it back in the collection it's broken that's not gonna help but sold everything from hats to glassware to clothes tools i'd probably a box or two boxes of tools nothing really too spectacular that uh plastic that plastic bin out there that's old that blue or red yellow blue bin i got three bucks for that those things always sell i had one last week a big blue one that sold so i got one more of those find them in the trash everywhere all right lady across has some baseball bats okay all right thank you i'm just looking i know a little bit about you know just one sweatshirt thank you all right got u.s air express wow i remember when i don't even know if u.s air is still around i don't think i fit it's a medium but vintage mediums fit different it's a gridlock jersey tag i'll run through a wash and see what happens if not it's like a probably like a 10 or 15 sweatshirt on bump i etsy as well just add it to the collection of stuff um i actually stopped by to see if uh was this guy over here in a great truck stopped by to see if he still had that bottle cause i wanted to show you guys he didn't um but he said it was chipped anyway i didn't even notice it was tripped that early in the morning but that kind of takes uh take some of the value away it was kind of cool though it was pyrex it was a 12 gallon jug if you looked up on ebay they're like 200 bucks with the chip in it i don't know what it's worth he ended up selling for 45 he wanted 50. i was going to offer him 30 just because i thought it's going to be really cool to have you know i don't know how to do with it but yeah uh we're heading out here all packed up i sold box truck guy the rest of my stuff except for the scrap metal and we're out of here no days off stumbled upon a yard sale it's more like a state sale a lot of stuff here no idea on the prices [Music] all right so i paid inside it they had a dumpster out here for the longest time i meant to stop here because i was literally thinking like oh they brought a dumpster out they're probably going to do a clean out or something it was here probably three or four months ago and the story is i guess they are cleaning out the house uh it's so dark in there i can't film but i got this i picked up it's like hey what do you want for and they're like you can have it i just end up giving them two dollars because like i'm not just like stealing your thing i thought it was kind of cool 1983 he-man masters of the universe so i'll go back in there and look around a little bit just tough to film i also didn't want curious around i stepped in a stone there's literally stacks upon stacks of these mason jars and bottles there's probably some good ones in here too kind of sock one palmerton i don't know what they want for these models looks like one of the ones that you find like a really good one i'm always looking for blob tops you can see all these are down here holy smokes so many uh yeah that's unfortunately there's certain bottles that aren't for sale and those are some of them all right and these are some of them they have to all right no problem sorry that's fine i mean there's bottles here but not these all right so we made it back warehouse it's kind of getting empty here i was trying to buy some more inventory i would have loved to buy that uh the contents of that house um lots of old stuff lots of i wouldn't say like antiquey but old stuff and stuff that would sell most definitely but it seemed like a lot of other people had interest in buying the content and as well as that i had a whole box of like bottles made up and they said oh that's not for sale so i guess he's probably taking the stuff to an auction afterwards that seems to be the general consensus i got from it um kind of a shame because i spent 15-20 minutes going through the bottles and made up a box and you know i brought it up there and they're like oh you know we're not selling those i don't know kind of got me a little salty there but you know what are you gonna do that's you know that's one of the things with estate sales you know some people don't want to get rib stuff even though they want to get rid of it and they think about it later but who knows um kind of cool a little bit too dark in there to film got that one he-man bottle or a ball so that's pretty cool uh other than that though flea market is done with for today i do have to do so what i really want to do is get this place completely cleaned out and do some sweeping and cleaning because i sure do have a bunch of stuff just cluttered everywhere cluttered everywhere but yeah another fun day at the flea market always a blast always a pleasure you know it's it's great to get out there and someone else could definitely enjoy this stuff rather than just sit here and collect dust uh but yeah another fun day hopefully you guys enjoyed if you guys enjoy hit the like button subscribe down below plenty more treasure hunts to be happened in the future i think tomorrow we're going out flea market again so be doing some flea market buying we'll see what happens with that catch you guys next time until next time have a great day keep living the dream peace [Music] you
Channel: Taco Stacks
Views: 26,252
Rating: 4.9427862 out of 5
Keywords: Flea Market, buy and sell, resell, reseller, resold, sell flea market, video game hunting, video game find, found video game nintendo, estate auction, garage sale, yard sale, garage sale find, make money yard sale, estate sale, ebay, eBay sold, amazon fba, eBay seller, car boot, antiques, american pickers, antique roadshow, flea market flip, Columbus flea market, blue bus dave, what sells on ebay, vintage, antique furniture, American picker episode, frank fritz
Id: n7CO1E_SsVQ
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 15min 14sec (914 seconds)
Published: Tue Apr 20 2021
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