Brilliant Idiots: The Marathon (Feat. Wayno) (Full Episode)

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it's so stupid Solomon to God and results we are two brilliant idiots in today's episode of brilliant idiots is brought to you by Showtime in the critically acclaimed series the shy I'm all-in for the shy this season cuz I watched the season 1 and I thoroughly enjoyed it I actually uh said to myself I want to go back and catch up on season one before this Sunday just to see if the show holds up ok cuz when I when I saw it last year I thought it was really good man but the heart and soul of Chicago Southside lies in this community but when your world is a deadly struggle just to get by can you rise up and stand tall to realize a better tomorrow watch this Ronnie Brandon Eman and Kevin confront the tough choices that will shape their futures in this I created of an executive created an executive produced by Emmy award-winning Lena Waits and Academy Award winner comment not a new season of this shot from it Sunday April 7 at 10:00 p.m. only on Showtime to try a free demo for Showtime go to Showtime calm and enter the code idiots this office for first-time subscribers only and expires May 6 2009 teen now let's start the show we got a guest we do have a guess one of the greatest hip-hop commentators Wow you wouldn't consider yourself dead I'm still getting used to it you know I'm not just a new thing for me well here's the things my man we know from everyday scroll go I don't like to say from every day's girl because I'm in no way know for so long I didn't ever like ten years now yeah why new we don't use managing artists and before that before that he was selling hats I had some hoodies and shirts and couldn't eat used to come in Breakfast Club cuz we have food can we end this now listen I've offended everybody on The Breakfast Club we're all closed so they have this joke that every time I come through is because I was hungry and that's not the case so people really see me in the street and be like your way no man the breakfast club held you down when you ain't have nothing they used to make [ __ ] Charlamagne in them is real they hold you down whenever I used to see pictures whenever we post pictures of food or Angela it was really you you always text 'we know like yo know you're gonna do it right now come up wade always come to eat you know what it's my story i'm gonna table Oliver Twist machine the windows on every day struggle now yes you manage artists before - yes yes I managed artists I mean I stuck I might start any game with working I Rockefeller you know working in the mailroom delivered middle of Rockefeller and then getting a job Jay and Dan broke up got regular jobs started managing artists out of my own management company managed Davies for a little bit that was the the more notable guy managed managed produces I would say broke Davies yeah to me anyway I mean I didn't know about Davies until we know you started talking about him he started picking off people's radars oh yeah we did a lot of work together very very early young and I mean we did a lot of working up there very early on oh did that and then uh just start doing other things yeah that's got manage artists oh is it because hold box throughout the paint in the management game hole vein if it wasn't for home eh not never be doing management really he's the person who told me that I was too talented to not be managing talent why so I credit whole vein for that because I didn't look at myself in that light like I just was you know me I was just trying to make whatever I couldn't make happen you know I mean so you go into management because no I want all right so I started out doing A&R yeah Jay and Dame split up I didn't know nothing about keeping relationships I was very young right um I couldn't like years went by and I wanted to get an hour job again but I didn't know who's running off this whole buddy system thing well everybody's rights well so you basically find talent not just fine kind of curate sound like I was in this different levels of and also you have the you have the annoys who like the executive ones who oversee budgets and everything then you have like the guys who are more on the ground right who they sign the talent but then they pass them off to somebody else that could actually do the work and get all of his [ __ ] done I was that guy right you know and um I wanted to get an hour job and I couldn't so I was like y'all I might as well just start a company because I wanted to have a space where I could do an R but still like be kinda in charge of the situation that's triangle management triangle offense management and also the offense triangle which is a production company we have artists on there to the major labels as well and you what did you use rocket boat I was a well I was I was an intern and then I started out as an assistant and on so I did I worked with the young guns me and my man Ramsey Francois we found a beef against I won't stop we got nominated for a Grammy or for that I did that at 20 years old I even know what the Grammys really was stuff like that um I was an assistant in art so I worked on like administrative stuff like the blueprints ooh album I did everything I risk my life for acafellas yeah you came up in life I mean I was I was being being a rockefeller we look cool but I you know I used to think he was from Philly yeah everybody know joj thought I was from Philly too because I was the thing was when I when I got the job they assigned me to Chris and Nick because we all were the same age so I spent so much time around on them the people really thought I was from Philly people that didn't think I was from there was like Jim Jones Jim Knox from Harlem yeah in high school together I mean came as well I but not even go to school cam but they knew me from being from Harlem being a kid from Harlem but everybody thought from Philly because I was around Philly guys all the time I spent the last time I did well if you go to school in the city yeah yeah I mean I was born I was born and raised in the Bronx I moved to Harlem when I was 12 yeah so I went to like I went to a lot of different schools but my high school ones who was Martin Luther King 66 and like yeah I went there you know me I dropped out of there unfortunately believe it yeah Tobias Eagles good I'm not gonna answer that question this is beatdown you ever saw beanie sigel deliver let me count the ways um no I will say this about beanie sigel man like he was just like a really live wire man he wasn't a person to play with and he had very short fuses so hit the I think that me cuz I actually used to live with beans when he was on house arrest so and when I got his chance to really know him like yeah this is crazy what happened was that this is the becoming so every third album yeah and you alright so you know you know was that the public enemy number one mixtape yeah that was my whole idea I came up with the whole idea me and beans I learned how to record in his career because he's on house arrest so he was facing the attempted murder charge and he's facing the gun charge from the feds I lived with him for that like a year and a half while he's on house arrest so me getting the no beans I feel like a lot of times he got caught up into the persona of him because he's a very nice person but he got he's a very nice person but he had a very very short fuse he don't tolerate disrespect he doesn't tolerate intolerance so the moment with you spark his fuse is nothing you could do about there's nothing is you can't do nothing you telling me that if I to interviewed being 12 years ago so you think having one long changed his his life in a way you think that it made him more you know I'm sorry I didn't he said having one long made him less temperamental now he started to change a little bit after that like he started I mean before that he started changed a little bit before that um because he kept getting in situations we kept on going to prison I mean also I've seen him do a lot of great things like you guys familiar with the boondocks of course right we also have the little guys so my man called Jones that's the executive producer the boondocks was working on the playpen which was the state property cartoon before Aaron McGruder got will call Jones so like being said that he had the clothing line he did a lot of great things but um he just got caught up in a lot of the shouldn't experience alone yes ha yeah it's hard no it's not you know it's hard for a person that thrives off it's people that thrive off that [ __ ] like the same way like you like to go put jumpers up is people who like to knock [ __ ] out like that's the driver for that go box I gotta say other way to take that anger and that frustration or pain in a different way man you come from the street to like you know just think about the mindset of a person who may have not like and I'm not speaking specifically just for beans but I'm talking about the whole state property Oh though it was like him and then the babies which is all they all would just dangerous people I always keep it on it yeah and they did not play and like that's what fueled their careers them you never heard I mean as of late people was having problems with beans but around that time nobody did yeah I think this I think it's the filly aspect to it it's almost like living in Chicago if you come from the hood of Chicago - hood of Philly you got to get out of Philly live in Jersey you know I mean like you absolutely had to a bit the thing about Philly I equate Philly to Harlem and a lot of senses and I feel like Harlem artists they shoot very low for the careers and what I mean by that is a dude from Harlem it's cool we're having a crib in Jersey a nice car and being able to [ __ ] with all the girls that was curving him in high school yeah all they care about Kim hasn't tried to be bigger than he is I think I I don't think Kim understood how big he could be I think that Kim had that he did a lot of things but I think that I wouldn't put that one specifically on cam yeah I just think Kim he's so used to getting money he just don't care about me like when again I don't know I don't know Kim too well but like when I when I look at him I find him in almost this Buddhist state where he doesn't need more he likes hosting a one-on-one basketball tournament and Hani likes what he has he's happy with his he's happy with his community and he's happy with this place there he's the mayor man man why it's like camp does a lot of things people don't know about like yeah got mad franchises know his business acumen is yeah it has always had I'll talk about like the old Golden Corral or I hop he's always here too even back in the day back at that I think he had like a liquor store right yeah so it's like I think he always had his mind set that way but it's he's an interesting he's an interesting figure because I wonder if he's happier than most guys who are constantly craving more or traditional acceptance because I think cam might have found what he wanted I see all the time in academies to work out of the same Jim I think he's still good I don't see him as often but cam is good he's accomplished so much though like when you think that Kim think about this look I quit a lot of these artists still I think about the air they came from when Kim was an artist putting out music as a new artist Kobe Bryant was only two years in the league yeah you know I'm saying like he's accomplished so much over so much time he might feel like what else can i do and i think at certain times if you don't touch certain plateaus as you don't do certain [ __ ] you just kind of move past it I think came kind of did that yeah cam walked into the gym one time in a full suit yo you'll be yo yo go get at the MV tomorrow right Todd if he talked about our over $1500 all right do that to him tomorrow it was like 1,500 [ __ ] that happened years ago that NVR I was talking about yeah and he gave me the money to get used to work look I said when I was a tracking for that I worked for cam 2 for a little bit I used to burn CDs out of his crib right so cam head it was the cam I got locked up I couldn't get in contact with him for a while and I had I think I had worked for like a few weeks mark my pay was like $800 so I seen him one day in Rockefeller office he's like yo you got paid I said someone's like I haven't been pay he say you ain't been paying all that time I'm like no he dug in his pocket pulled off $800 and gave it to me woven like he's a piece like that though I hid I I wonder could be a force ocular right so growing up I was watching Dipset [ __ ] were superstars us they superstars to me to it all right I feel like they they did it to me like they how much more do you want no absolutely the franchise I'd like the demos like I don't want to say like wu-tang but you like that brand you know what that Dipset me absolutely I'm saying it's I think that cam enjoys being the mayor not the president and I think that oftentimes you can affect like we've even said it on this park I thought you could affect your community way more from the ground level yeah so it's like I don't know and I can't speak for Kent by Majan Feist if I talked to him I was like what would you rather do like change the whole country he's like no I like to just change Harlem I like Harlem he's definitely and he's done a lot for Harlem I can definitely say like me being a kid cuz I mean I'm I got a chance when I was when I first moved to Harlem I mean my used to go there when I was a child cuz my grandfather lived there but when I moved in I was moving around seeing him playing ball at Manhattan sending him in and Mays like even when they got on like I watched them doped or two minutes in the neighborhood cookouts for the kids back to school I seen them do a lot of different stuff so I can't say they didn't do things but I think and wrap everybody equates if you ain't do with jay-z did you failure and you set yourself up for failure in that regard because there's only gonna be one jay-z at a time yeah you're gonna have multiple jay-z right I will say this though if we're talking about just culture just culture in J and cam like not too many rappers affected culture too way those guys did I mean don't you reject the coaches to you know make people take off the jerseys like [ __ ] on you take [ __ ] off pink bra like that he did you know she's mo you gotta come with to have dudes in Harlem no homo capital of the world yeah pink broke over the funnies think we can went platinum or come home me right he came up to the rocket he's just a person that's comfortable in his own skin he came up to the office with a role born right with a role and he took the platinum plaque he went down to Def Jam got the Platinum plaque and he put the plugging lines that wire he put it on his on his chain so he was walking around the whole office within slippers and a robe and his drawers with a big-ass plaque just walking around cameras buck touts who he used to walk around with disguises on what used to walk around with used to wear like you know that Jamaican hats with the dress no [ __ ] he will walk around he will put the Jamaican hat on with the dreads and with glasses we'll walk around the people be like yo camera like my name is Livingston do I remember time some do caught up in the lobby of the building cocking shoulder grab got your controller grab he's like my name Livingston I'm not from here I'm from Jamaica and the dude was like yo you got a diplomate chain on he's like all right you know what I really wish camera did more acting more acting and if he would have had like um like spoof shows like if he could get [ __ ] like hi Tyler create a headlight lunar squad nobody believes me but if you ask him he'll tell you back in the day I was remember all hip-hop calm was the website right so we all go to rural report and that's all we had it was like Robin Soh a hip-hop game calm sue hip-hop game the forums was lit yeah yeah but hip-hop game was with it you could get this diss song from all in the rumour report it said Cameron is coming out with his show where he's going to be catching pedophiles yeah well he's going to be setting people up and catching pedophiles and I was like yo that's a crazy-ass idea like but it never happened with the [ __ ] catch the predator came out yeah and I'm like why the [ __ ] did you never do this [ __ ] that was like it was afraid of they came out BAM - gets better like 50 years old came out like mid-2000s but I'm saying this was like 2002 it was like oh 102 I don't think they took his body in the first Breakfast Club interview and he was like oh that's happens all the time with me you know people steal my idea bus in a room like nah this [ __ ] was like oh 102 no we got no it was after I know is now over it's a lot of what is a lot of shows from rap what that rappers came up with that white people so you know what else punked remember who had the first pumped ohit's from the street no man you thinking that Punk'd was the first prank show no but it was just like boy you've been pranking people for a hundred years but it was no you're not say the same thing it pumped was just like the method read show where they have famous people pranking someone else it was me I think it was in the car like it was some Chow but a lot of show do you ever see masterpiece show here on vh1 recipe have you had a show on vh1 where he was like going to the hood and like getting with people who had dreams and he would like help them get they dream that give us some [ __ ] he had a show and I only seen like two episodes of it I think Elvis implies it I never saw that I think MTV love the idea but it may be at the time he didn't think methyl red was broad enough so they goes red had a big movie out Method Man Brad where's process might have been before it wasn't this might have been like right-wing Def Jam started that whole month for the mansion it might have been like when they had those albums out when it was Doc's the name into cow 2000 it might have been around that time 2000 came out in 99 I remember I was in high school yeah so I don't think that's made it that's in the hard-knock life toy that's my first thought is right into Metro red black out our parents huh yeah I don't think blob was out it wasn't so long NBA 2k in 2000 so it definitely came on rent wallet Yeah right while I came on Riley hmm I remember I was the only I rap song on and B to Karen Dreamcast that's what can ready in my ass dream whose dream caps Sony yeah so Sega just done now take a been done for a while Oh Sega's been love who took them out I don't know Sony or X ba what is it Microsoft stung it was yeah yeah so they were already popping it was poppy it is I mean nothing Redman papas is 92 yeah yeah yeah I think you underestimate how popular wu-tang was amongst white people fanatic yeah but it gotta be a reason you give methyl red a pilot called stone right it didn't say no blue bring ass didn't call it pause actually just happen to be one of the most famous people in the world but it was this when I say it was the same concept you know when they had Ludacris and making a song about the Frog I need you to repeat I need you to really and they had another one with a [ __ ] they used to put the money in the diapers but they melted chocolate inside the dice and they have the guy was sitting outside and so people will walk by some people be like and it would jump out on that's good yeah that [ __ ] was good all right what time is it good let's pay some bills and then when we come back we need to talk about the [ __ ] streets alright calm we all know stress is a worldwide epidemic I'm stressed right now but we're working long hours we're an undated with the constant news cycle and we're more connected than ever before I keep telling y'all people are not wired to be this wired it causes more stress stress is a part of life and it can easily affect our overall health and well-being that's why we're partnering will come the number one app to help you reduce your anxiety and stress and help you sleep better more than 40 million people around the world have downloaded it and if you head to calm calm slash it is you'll get 25% off a comprar me or subscription what does it include Schultz man this column premium subscription includes guided meditations on issues like anxiety stress and focus including a brand new meditation each day sleep stories which are bedtime stories for adults designed to help you relax - the magical lavender fields of southern France with Stephen Fry or explore the moonlit jungles of Africa with yealt Leona Lewis they also have they could get like and anyway isn't Leona Lewis from England Leona Lewis she's a singer right yeah yeah they also have soothing music and more right now brilliant ADA's listeners get 25% off a calm premium subscription at calm calm / City it's that CA LM calm slash idiots get unlimited access to all of calms content today at calm calm slash idiots get calm and stop stress and I heard an interesting point a comic and Rami Yousef and I were talking and he said he goes I wonder if in the future we'll look at our phones the same way that right now we look at cigarettes 100% right like the absolute quality like I wonder if in 30 years we're gonna go back like what they just let kids look at their phone all day absolutely that's why that's why that's why they talking about coming making phones have warnings now same way it was cigarettes yeah like warning people of the side effects of being on your [ __ ] this corner this could be our generations tobacco now we would need some sort of disease to happen because of it did like kill this I think that's the only way we pay attention to stuff is when we die right like so many people caught from cigarettes and their voice change from cigarettes and their health would be decrepit but it wasn't still until like cancer kicked it's got to be frayed it's gotta be favorite thing else I can do it nobody get hurt so to be texting and driving so well that's the first that's the first initiation of it right to say hey looking at your phone while you are driving and the fact that we're looking at a phone while we're driving he's [ __ ] bananas the fact that we can't stop if we tried I've got I got to put my [ __ ] in the glove compartment I'm dead serious it's just like I'm looking at it for no reason crazy I have some certain points I felt like I've I could drive and I've gotten better like we're driving with a phone but then I'm still running a person like two times like tapped a person before paying attention about for just a little when you get out of there on the phone they all my bad I was texting if you get into a wreck the police can tell it was on your text times I thought it was something on your seat in the in regards yes you know they look at your phone records and they've done this through people who've been in accidents and they've seen oh [ __ ] he was texting at 500 that happened at five forty actually got a ticket before from a cop for having my phone when I wasn't using and brought my phone records and that [ __ ] did not matter I still got to take it because I was driving and I had like my arm like in the middle I got and I leaned like this oh he was like yo he said why'd you have your phone in your hand I said I just was driving like this I said I'll show you my caller hello how crazy is that and this and I've noticed this that is something I've been doing lately I used to keep my phone in my back pocket okay I used to put in my back pocket I wouldn't even look at it now I put it in the front pocket of the hoodie or my jacket someplace I'm always holding it you're driving your car alright you could put your phone away but you need it right there don't worry for no [ __ ] reason bro we're [ __ ] did we really no I noticed something all right so my six-year-old is out to dinner like recently my six-year-old she's sitting in and I told her no tablet while we eat right so she sneaks it and she's sitting it and then I put it to the side we took it from put it aside it's like she was itching like bone but she was just sitting in she was moving around she started like knocking [ __ ] over I'm like yo just cuz you can't touch a screen like I don't play that [ __ ] like what daughter ten and it's like she only gets to use her phone on the weekends or if she's like away from the house like if you go to cheerleading practice she can have it on her you take a message from her like I saw her this weekend she's just walking around a house with a give me a phone yo right now and I put that [ __ ] away like I don't want her to have to be addicted to that [ __ ] the way we addicted s United she just [ __ ] our minds up it is ruining our critical thinking skills what do you mean by that it's ruining ruining our critical thinking skills because we have enabled we have we have let the smartphone's become smarter than us and not only the dictator not only the dictating what worth what we thinking is dictating what we feeling especially that access to social media because only on social media can you get conspiracy theory started that Nipsey Hussle is now deceased because of a because he was creating a doctor CB documentary yes only you could only make somebody oh you could only make somebody believe that via social media I think people would take this [ __ ] a little bit more serious if it was like episode The Twilight Zone like if we were watching like all the things that we're actually talking about because we're in real time doing it I think if we were watching it we'd be like oh [ __ ] that's kind of crazy like you keep doing this you keep doing this and then when you're watching a movie they're doing that they're like oh that's kind of Wow black mirror really is as your phone's gonna kill you right yeah every episode kind of boils down to the same yeah but you know back to what you're saying about about Nick nipsey and dr. seve there is a lot of interesting stuff about seve when I was removing [ __ ] from my diet I started to look into him and I think his whole thing was if you live if you eat a completely alkaline diet you'll kill cancer he said you could kill aids right herpes anything but either thing but he it was an interesting thing now I don't know if that's 100% true but what he's essentially saying is eat foods that you can digest what's alkaline diet like what alpha lines based foods right so there are certain foods that in his mind it's like that are completely natural so haven't been like morphed by man so like corn for example we've put so many so many GMOs and so much kind of you know even technology into the corn to yield as much corn if we possibly can't we can't even digest anymore he's like what why comes out in whole kernels exactly you ever think about that I never knew that you you're not getting no nutrients if you see the kernel in your [ __ ] they've got it right this pasture your body exactly now it's not the worst idea okay because you got 300 million people to feed in a country so the people it'd be go alright how the [ __ ] we gonna feed everybody we need to pick one crop you could choose tomatoes you get two cucumbers they chose calm they've got all the yield that they possibly could get out of corn and then we fed a lot of people no one is tasty though let's not act like I'm not gonna front it's not good for you it's not good for you so some old bay so so yes it was like Sebby is an interesting guy because I feel like there's a lot of truth to what he's saying in terms of eating the foods you can digest what you think it's gotta be and the reason it's gotta be is because that's how people used to eat back in the day all this [ __ ] is process they shut out bread refined sugar immediately change meat immediately changed mental health not just physical mental health yeah yeah that's the thing about that's the thing about American food that nobody realizes they put sugar and everything yeah the milk got extra sugar in it milk is not from the cow yeah they take it from cow then they put sugar so it's like we wonder why there's so much anxiety in America it's because you're pumping kids full of sugar right and then expecting them to sit down in class and just listen or expecting us to just kind of hang out when I was a kid playing ball four hours a day I could use that sugar right right now I'm an adult I'm sitting down the whole day you know being a manager and being on the road I've seen some crazy food the government one time I was in North Dakota I seen a burrito like wrap with a pizza of course I know I'm amazing I'm not just know this is amazing death right like food yeah I seen a burrito and the [ __ ] was wrapped with like pizza cheese and a half pepperoni on the outside of it but it had like rice and beef inside of it it was like I'm like if somebody would actually eat some [ __ ] like hundred percent of like the Luther here yeah Wow cream donut is a cheeseburger cheeseburger bacon all that [ __ ] like that but the bun is - Krispy Kreme donuts how about the UM remember the KFC sandwich that was the own with the chicken is the bread the chicken is right did you see the chicken with the hotdog in it like they molded the chickens to be like the shape of a hotdog and then they put a hot dog in it and put cheese and all that [ __ ] on top of it yeah this is crazy the illest thing about dr. C B is that he [ __ ] won that case in the 80s when it was suing him because they said that his he was lying about the things that he could do so he was like yo you give me $50 $100 I'll cure you AIDS and he actually what I think he went on the Supreme Court and he's in actually won the case all right so I don't know what that means that'd be no it this is not wide nipsey was killed at all not even nothing bro isn't not even close and it's actually very disrespectful and insensitive to the family and friends of Nipsey Hussle to say that and the reason it's disrespectful also to me is because it's like you can't solve a problem if we're not even acknowledging what the real actual problem there is actually the problem is oh my god bless dr. seve but I would like the government right if my I'll humor everybody and say you know what hey government had nipsey killed why doesn't the government take all doctors seventies videos off YouTube right why doesn't the government stop the sale of dr. SEVIS books you know not to semi has a whole family out here right you know he's got a son alright I know he's got a whole thing that's out here still pushing the things that he wanted to push so why would you get rid of nipsey because he's making a documentary that hasn't even come out yet yeah and it should we pray for Nick Cannon now and I just say this speaking specifically specifically from the hood I always say that like we got all these superstitions all these thoughts of [ __ ] that really don't matter like there's no superstitions for dudes who don't take care of their kids right like this there's no there's all these things that we use to keep ourselves in line or we tell ourselves these things or why things are happening and we never tack on a real problem which is this dude who had a dispute with nipsey and could have walked away decided to take his life let's say his name Eric Holder Eric Holder and his creeps I think his name is shitty cuz shitty cuz a baby shitty or something like that you know I'm gonna be honest with you man and me and Wayne I was talking about this earlier this nipsey situation it's really different yeah like this ain't the first time we've seen somebody he killed and hip-hop we weren't old enough I wasn't old enough Pakistan even in the past ten years we've seen people get killed we've seen people die this nipsey situation it's very very different I don't know if it's because I knew nipsey or also because I knew what if C stood for right and what if C was about if you're talking about everything we need to be doing as community right as black men Nipsey was the embodiment of every all of that everything from ownership to buying black his back his block to hiring people from his community to bring things bring it resources to his community that can benefit other people like this guy was a co-founder of a goddamn stem stem project freakin Slauson and specifically for the underprivileged kids in Crenshaw to get into Silicon Valley and just the tech world in general this dude was about to build low he's about to build a low-income housing right in that same Plaza right what was this dude not doing right he also is building like a wework type space so that like people could get their own offices you know I mean and it's crazy because this is the the first person I've known like when biggie died and Tupac died I think I was in the 8th and I was in the ninth grade when both of them died right so I mean yeah it kind of hit me but not as much because I actually knew nipsey and like no one nips yet I just his presence every time you've seen him you smile instantly you see him you smile he sees you he smiles actually what you're doing how you're doing if you got something going on how he could help very welcoming like very very welcoming very calm yeah you know number one no rah rah [ __ ] no say hey go to play with him right but I don't know he wasn't no [ __ ] y'all ISM oh here's something never never like so it's like did she hit me in a difficult know why but it made me question my own mortality would you be my mother I just feel like if they could get do this to something would anyone can of their community yes someone who seemingly care to help and uplift specifically the people of his community yeah even the person that ended up killing him write this in tipsy tipsy the type of person and this oh I keep saying about the hood a lot of the times we keep hurting the people that God sent to help us right so so here's a here's something and this is a buddy of mine ffs brought this point up right like you have somebody who was a pillar of their community practicing everything that the common person preaches but maybe doesn't do it uplifting black people hiring black people supporting black business and then he gets killed right this guy who killed a miracle Durr and there's a lot of other Eric Holder's out there no one that really famous no former attorney general no no I mean like Eric Holder's who do this these good people in the community at one point at what point do do we start calling them white supremacist mmm-hmm because the actions of Eric Holder are completely in line with white supremacists you're taking out a black man that's worn in black business employment black community supporting black Economic Development like the black the white supremacists that see this happen they are jerking off at this opportunity their [ __ ] hero and it's like why don't we start positioning them like that mmm I say I think for my like it's a trained behavior with a lot of this hood [ __ ] yeah this this hood because it is white supremacy that's absolutely and I think if we start labeling it like that like I don't care where you if you're in the hood mmm there's obviously you have to live by a certain code to survive there I don't know the code I'm not from it but I understand it's a different life right right but once you start equating that life to whites oppressor subsidiaries once we start labeling putting that once we put putting that stank on it right I think people are gonna start going well [ __ ] I want to be a licensed real Andrews right but I mean the crazy thing is like every historical leader we've ever had has said that right we're doing the work of our oppressors that we're crazy Kay that one little sequence where she's telling him like they trying to rebuild kriti really build a crazy K and they're telling them about like all the people he's killed and all of that and he says I don't give a [ __ ] I don't give like because he's I think that there was such a genius part that they put in that movie only because they were telling them like black America about themselves right I'm pretty sure like just between gang wars more people I remember I seen something like more people died between the Bloods and Cripps between um the 70s up until like the late 90s early 2000s then the Vietnam War Iraq war Iraq was it was unfathomable to be the amount of death these community it's a crazy train behavior like for myself me being a young kid being in the streets or trying because I was trying I ain't gonna front I was it was a point in time where I wanted to be a tough guy I thought that was the [ __ ] I thought that I the only thing that would make me a man was catching the body at one point in time of my life like I believed that because I'm around [ __ ] every day and nobody's educating one another nobody showing us anything so for me I just I had a mom that always believed in me and told me I could beat things and do things and I wanted more for myself but how do we break the other I think you just put it in perspective for me because it's like when you grow up in a certain environment certain things have been normalized they're not normal but they've been normalized so we've seen a lot of murders we've seen a lot of death it's Nipsey Hussle thing don't feel normal are normalized yeah at all like it's not supposed to happen to a brother like nipsey not that not not in that way and if you look at it like and maybe this is me because I've been going to therapy and stuff like that it all happened because of a fragile ego young like it literally it literally all happen of a fragile ego is often the reflection of the people you are around so an insecure man around a confident one will feel his most insecure yeah especially if there's rejection like exactly and we that was the ultimate rejection from this guy right oh you totally yeah would you tell me about the video who was telling me about the girl the girl played a prank on her boyfriend yeah and the girl was like beat up a beat the dumped girl breaking up with you he's she's joking before she can say a joke a dude just beat the [ __ ] out of her but fragile ego it was just a guy who wished she deleted his 95 player on 2k no no just that we have in multiple conversations about it she deleted he was like a professional streamer she deleted his 95 player 2k and my man lost it like be you're up but at one point he put his hands around her neck and goes you know what I could do with all the social media [ __ ] that's what the now the social media kind of did sensitizes people from it like before I remember like the only time I ever seen a person I remember those tapes called faces a tough yeah and so I still like me and my friends we get together smoke and watch them shits wheeze like teenagers yeah but now you you got 10 pages that show you you got cheating death all the types of [ __ ] or people dying on social media at the tip of your fingers you could watch somebody die so a kid growing up seeing that they don't think twice because it's like not a thing like you get to see it every day yeah I think we been desensitized let me but it's just even like the social media [ __ ] is later work its magnifying it a bit you know yeah but it's like oh man this dude I mean the story's apps your environment I think that's what you guys are trying to say and like now I don't know no no no I'm saying like you don't only adapt to the environment that is bad you also adapt to an environment that's good for example if you grow up in luxury and you have all this different type of silverware that you can eat you're gonna not eat a salad without a salad fork because that's the culture that you are raised in it's just normal tea like that you go to these like island communities right where like there are people who they've loot there physically adapted to be able to hold their breath longer because they hunt fish underneath the ground right you've seen human evolution happen within a certain amount of generations right so we're malleable people if you grow up in a place where violence is normalized and often rewarded that's where you got this feeling that you're not a man so you catch a body in because it was rewarded when people caught a body so we've got to stop rewarding it when we see it and that also happens with us we got to stop propping up these guys that maybe come into music they're like I'm killing everybody we got to stop going oh that guy's real now but y'all but growing up man you couldn't just commit crime and get scrapes yeah it was but it was a reason it was like oh you're just a killer to be a killer like you know I'm saying like Freddy Krueger when you know proximal it's like white killing all these [ __ ] ready like you did you're not doing that into you I mean but you a certain extent right it's like if you're just robbing people like there's there's you know I also feel like there's no um and I can say this specifically I feel like there's no people don't care right like for myself I was I had a time where I was trying to be this tough guy and I had like I said it on my show today it was my man's uncle his name is uncle gene he's a warden or he's the CEO on Rikers and he told me he's like I'm not gonna say your mother none and [ __ ] out in court you do him but I'm just lettin know when you get the Rikers there's nothing I could do to help you so do you want if we gonna see how tough you is when you get over there and knowing that in the back of my mind when I was making decisions on my tough-guy quest cuz I was really trying to find myself I always had him in the back of my mind and I always had people in my community that was like yo do something with yourself right and i think i think that now people always say well it's not my kid it's not my cousin it's not what or even with a person like an FC i do to feel like to do something like that because or he ain't doing nothing for me so quickly like it like somebody has to specifically do something for you in order for you to take heed to what they're trying to provide for you as far as like knowledge listen oh what you said though you said find yourself I was trying to find myself that's my point about the fragile ego I think a lot of these dudes have fragile egos because they have not found yeah themselves yeah so when you when you truly find yourself and you know who you are and you're secure with who you are can't none of that [ __ ] officially takes years we're talking about different peers I mean there are some people that catch it early but I would say the average person but that kind of rejection shows think about it was a kind of rejection where if I tell you I don't want you around here you get so upset that you go get a gunshot and come back and kill jongmin what did every one of these kids shoots of a school say what every single one said all these girls won't [ __ ] me this that but that's what I'm talking about what I'm saying is these kids don't know themselves right yet he nature's don't know themselves and especially when you got people in the hood there's stunted emotional growth right when you it's same thing as like when a girl they say a girl gets molested like she stays that age with her voice often like these girls they get older but they still talk like little girls because they're both emotionally stunted if you're a little kid you see someone get shot in your [ __ ] 14 years old well you think you just grow past that yes regular to you no you stop growing at these moments and now you're a [ __ ] child running around but you're 30 years old but you have childlike impulses which is oh if you hurt me you know I gotta come back and hurt you and I gotta shoot you in front of everybody I don't know that's a class thing that's why I gave the girl example okay so even with the hood or anything I just feel like men our egos are so [ __ ] this fragile is is ridiculous thing about growing up don't call me no [ __ ] yeah tell me something like somebody think about Back to the Future don't call George McFly chicken right you know I'm saying like our eagles are so [ __ ] it's the pressure of feeling like you have to do something about it yes I mean like that's the thing that's why do you have to yeah why the answer that question like now that I've gotten older like I've gotten into situations with like alright a younger dude might say something and I look at him be like I will break this kid in half but I'm like you know what I might do something to him and then he does something to me like one of my friends who's a bouncer right he's a bouncer he literally was walking bumped some kid by mistake he's like 6 4 3 something the kid almost fell right he goes to grab the kids or the kid doesn't fall the kid instantly pulls out a gun my man start running he shot my man four times that quick boom he could have lost his like my friend is still alive but here the loss is like and it's they just look as the kid I don't know in his twisted mind must have felt disrespected cuz my man bumped him by the way I never understood that I don't a New York people used to bump into each other in step one he says nobody you jump into someone in Arkansas then that you really hate them I mean we just have this this constant attitude because everything is on guard because the thing in New York is people always shine finish you well this is a good point all right they try to finesse you but it's also why are they trying to finesse you because they don't have anything themselves it's like the people that the most ego have the lease right so it's like you don't care if someone bumps you now because you have a career you have financial backing you Ark set in your life same with you right you could tell me I'm [ __ ] you could tell me suck my dick I own a home do you know say like you buy them to your house [Laughter] so there to work we are in situations where we have something that balances our ego outside of being tough when you got nothing yeah all you got is tough and then someone checks you're tough yeah now you're zero somebody somebody got it's enough something not me but someone there has to snuff someone shoot something do whatever to maintain the only thing they got and it makes you feel better as a person somebody asked me yesterday they said um how do we stop the violence in the hood and I said the only way to stop the violence in the hood is to make sure everybody good to make sure everybody got something to actually live for that's the only way it's the only way to stop the violence in the hood is to make sure everybody is good is everybody eaten does everybody got a good place to stay can everybody play de Ville redefine values redefine values like instead of valuing that there has to be a pride and Sensibility that can't be extracted from you this pride and toughness and it exists across all cultures right like you bump an Italian dude the same shits gonna happen right of course right like there was that whole Eddie Murphy skit about it right so it's like you see this in cultures especially cultures that don't have right cuz that's the one thing that they get to hold on to their masculinity yeah right so if you redefine value right like that's why religion is so beautiful in a lot of ways you know or even martial arts it's like you ever noticed that the dudes that can fight the best never need to fight yo let me tell you something boys so crazy but about started taking in jujitsu like two years ago yeah and if people that know jujitsu but at least expecting people you ever mean in your life and it would wash your ass they would rope you how bad three seconds and but they're the most humble people because it's basically like knowing that they're they are a weapon except there's two things they know they're a weapon and two they know they can [ __ ] you oh no no this is the other thing that people realize they respect that someone else could be a weapon absolutely you know how like when two countries both have nuclear warheads and they watch how you talk to each other it's like once once you're this little jujitsu do-right it was like five six but it's nice and control got anybody and then you see another do is five six you're not looking at like food yeah right you're absolutely right but that goes back to they both know they could possibly lose something right so it's just like when you look at a situation like what if she would put this error code to do you know what the speech is saying I think everybody knows this by now the dude was a known informant and he was just a hater like he was somebody that people didn't Rockwood yeah and nipsey called him out right yeah he was just having a conversation I guess who got paperwork on you who's like yo cuz I don't want you around you know whatever that could have been it yeah right yeah no dude left came back started buses cause a history change the cause change the cost of history like [ __ ] she cannot go back to the way it was after this one this ain't one of those ones just like oh and if she did I oh so when is it one game throw something no not not nipsey man Nipsey meant way too much the community was just a special spirit a special individual and in that and by the way that guy who killed him Newton that guy who killed him is from this result right but I guarantee you he said [ __ ] nipsey before oh the Grammys and but somebody in Slauson big and nifty like him ain't nobody [ __ ] this man cuz you don't snap that easier and when he shot an obscene kick nipsey yeah after he shot I'm like yo but that's that's a different level of evil I think people level of hate that's hate because that's hate that comes from within that's like hate fit for oneself it's like to not be able to show compassion I feel like at different instances in my life I've I felt like no compassion I felt heartless at different times but like to grow compassion it like to really show humanity like that's very inhumane and you have to hate yourself to do some [ __ ] like that there there's a hundred percent there's a you guys ever watch like MMA yeah okay we're watching MMA you've seen these guys punch each other face kick each other in the face there's blood everywhere right and then all of a sudden one guy lands a really good punch and the guy gets knocked out cold right now we were having a fun time watching MMA all of a sudden the guys knocked out cold and the other guy jumps on top of them and lands one blow while he's completely knocked out cold and immediately we're like bro what are you doing are you crazy watch it before it was totally fine that there is that moment where he kicks nipsey right is that same thing in MMA it's like dude you are [ __ ] a psycho person after you shot him in the head exactly that's what I mean when I say like if everybody's good if everybody's good that will come violence in the hood if you have to worry about it the Psychopaths and sociopaths like so so this is a good point everybody can't be what did what I think that's why and I say this is someone who was raised with no religion I think the beauty of religion is it gave something to people who had nothing because they're always gonna be people who have nothing right like you get bumped and you have nothing but your masculinity you don't want to fight you get bumped and you got God you think that you truly believe in this person who loves you no matter what even if you are even if you feel like a coward in that moment God forgives you and loves you just like that's easier to walk through the rest of your day we have a back in the day God had manna fire coming down from the sky when people got hungry for myself I'm a Muslim and um I like my way of life is just taught me it's taught me compassion has taught me peace and it's taught me patience and I think a lot of times with um we're religion people taking is such a literal sense when you read in it it sounds like a like the x-men like you're not mean it's like powers where did our super powers go but I think a lot of those things would be they were written to be taken in metaphorical sense so you can take it in digest it and push it out however you feel fit as opposed to trying to do everything in a literal sense that's why it's so much like friction between everybody because we are reading books to tell us go to the sky one day right everybody every book but the thing about it is is how that's why I say a way of life because it's how you treat people I have compassion for people based on what I believe in my faith no regardless to how somebody may feel about my faith right and you feel like you may lose your eternal happiness after death if you could do some ill oh [ __ ] to somebody you know it's so true like I think what people don't realize is the book is the book is actually a kind of a trick it plays a trick on you in it like you think that you're doing these things for the afterlife but they're actually improving their now life right now that's that's how you treat people boom and all sudden you start feeling better you start feeling happier when you when you're practicing these things and in your mind you're like oh just don't forget to go to heaven and then guys looking down like you dumb [ __ ] but once you see yourself smiling but once again it boiled down to thinking you're going to lose something gonna lose the [ __ ] you lose that dude who did that the nipsey had nothing to lose he didn't give a [ __ ] like anything would have set him off that day especially when it came to nipsey because he's looking at NIF and he's like his brother eating everything I'm not everything our [ __ ] wannabe has all the respect I don't have but has the nerve to still be around here with us yeah I'm telling you man that plays in a lot of people's psyche man like when they see somebody moving yo yo this dude if she really never left dude if she really just built oh I got the whole planet he owns this [ __ ] he's still walking around here this basketball shorts in this do-rags but pulling up in his role but the thing is I think it because he wants to be an example right like we have to have like examples and we have to be able to see ourselves in things and see ourselves in order to like project that success you have to be able to see it like a person could tell you everything you could be but if you don't see somebody that looks like you or somebody that you feel inspired by you can't they're not saying that you can't but it's a little bit tougher and um like with nipsey's case i think that's why he also always stays so close to his neighborhood so that everything you might you might drive by be like yo that's Nipsey Hussle and he knows that when he goes home he might have changed the course of somebody's day just by being able to see him for five seconds in front of his store but should you be that relaxed meaning like and i can see it both ways cuz if you and your if you and your hood your you in a place that you grew up you don't really want to be walking around it with security because now it's almost like you're making people feel like I'm a bug them yeah and away the only way to really blend in and be of the people is to just be moving like that by yourself but that she can cost you because people are threatened by his success I was like you always joke on have you say because he he did people shy around because he goes to the hood and finally thousand not a car right what it's like should you not bring your five hundred thousand dollar car to the hood so no you can see inspired oh they got Instagram now no now I really feel like that now I really feel like that because I've seen with my success that I've had and I'm not I'm not a millionaire I'm doing okay for myself okay I spent some time you know I mean but I mean how often do you tell the time on your watch be honest I've seen people that I've known my whole life change how they treat me based on what they think I have boom that [ __ ] is really crazy like people will change like it's like okay instead of you just reaching out to me directly you try to reach out to me through somebody because you feel like I'm too high-profile listening to but the problem is is even sometimes when the people get to me they don't be talking about [ __ ] it kind of makes me reluctant to even want to talk sometimes but I think a lot of it in this case is 50/50 because I don't want it like of course I'm not chilling on a black I used to and drinking them like I on the corner with my homies but I do always want to stop through and I do give them five minutes of conversation but it might be that one day where's this one [ __ ] that feels like [ __ ] way no he don't live over here no more not now here with us yeah and try to harm me and I don't think there's no right or wrong way if she could lived his life it's a tough situation I just feel like you get to a point in your career especially if you're an Ipsy type where it becomes bigger than you where your influence is more and for important than your proximity to the hood where initially it's nice to see a guy like that who made it walk around the hood but you've already bought the block you've already put businesses there they're already an inspiration you've already changed the lives of multiple people and will continue to do that at this point time you might get your rocks off by walking around the hood and feeling connected to these people these this place where you grew from but you're so important did for these people and for their kids and the generations under them did I feel like you need to remove yourself so this can continue even if you don't remove yourself man just make it difficult for very difficult and I understand that you don't want to feel like you above your people you know I'm saying but yo you are something's on sorry to cut you but like the don is not accessible to anybody like if you look at these mafia dudes how they move nobody gets to talk to the Don right Donson had a table in the back of the restaurant if you even want to walk in a restaurant a site can I help you like kind of moves like he was moving like that a bit but my man cave no no snitch right no snitches just walking up to that camp so do you remember the thing with Jay Z I think it was Harry Belafonte and he was saying something about Jay Z being president some Jay Z was like who I am as presents enough a lot of people took that the wrong way and I'm like yo Dawg like you have to think like if you knew if you can actually look and say jay-z used to live in that building that is enough inspiration where he don't have to come sit in front that building yes we know every song what do you want yo Jay stopped remember what we used to do the UH the toy track the toy drive every year he stopped doing that yeah I don't think he stopped doing that because he was afraid to go back but it just became too much cuz he became too much you gain so much you got a [ __ ] lousy and people people gonna feel away you just got to let them feel away man like at some point just people just have to you know even I see a mix ain't like me had roast something about like I know about him being in his neighborhood and it's like what he say he was basically was like I mama still he said I know they'll kill me in my hood but imma still pull come through or something like no no because I than you you can't be at this point you can't be selfish at this point make that selfish this is bigger than you you are no longer just a person you're an idea and the idea is I can make it out the idea is I can go to prison just like me I can then change my life maybe change the way we look at prison and how prison works right and I can be an inspiration right once you enter that rare air which is what I think we agree nipsey was you have to protect yourself so you can protect everyone beneath you meek meek they see us sixes games you know what I'm saying you can you can pull up and do your toy drive and your bookbag giveaways with mad security like there's different ways to give back without always going back and just being at a betta and beyond this is not like just a big thing but the whole masculinity conversation and ego is having about how if you have security or you have people with you then that makes other people make you make you feel like you solve you know refused to run with that whole thing like you love you can secure your own neighborhood Mike Tyson had security right Boyd Mayweather got security for the people in your neighborhood yes for the people who might be coming into your neighborhood is they can access you and it's like anybody and anybody who criticized there's this great there's this great sayings like broke doers will go broke trying to impress broke dudes mmm I think we've seen that going around right and it's like that's the same thing it's like you know you could end up dead trying to impress the same people that won't yeah absolutely stop living for the negative comments on the gram no I'm with you and but I think it's very important to note I don't feel like if she was trying to do none of that I feel like if she was truly giving back to his community Plaza he gave a [ __ ] like he was he wasn't he wasn't dad just hanging out it's a Sunday his business is open his tennis business is open you know I'm saying he wasn't doing what any entrepreneur business person would do at the Plaza that they owned you know I mean like nipsey wasn't the person that's the problem kid president the problem is this dude Eric [ __ ] hold the 100 you said drew about like like care more than yourself like knowing this beyond you I think he's truly he's the epitome of knowing this more than hundred percent like he's the epitome of that because I mean you could accent if see anything and he would even tell you how to do it or he be like yo my man do such-and-such you want me to connect y'all whatever like he knew so that this world was so much bigger than him and I think like from now on whatever I see that hu s SLE it's always gonna remind me of that like for me to do that to know that my purpose is is more than me you know like I want to uplift people in my neighborhood a lot of things that he was doing these things that I want to do myself for but it's just like it's such a slippery slope because it's like you damned if you do damned if you don't yeah you just gotta find which is less damned right and it's always less damn to helping people yeah you just got to protect yourself because and protect yourself is actually unselfish thing to do it's like what do they say in a plane when it's going down it said put your oxygen mask on first and then you take care of the kid next to you right because you can't put his [ __ ] on if you can't breathe yeah and and that's the way I think we got to look at all these preservation self bright like self preservation is preservation for all of us right because it's like we got a look at the nipsey's and all these people if you see them remove from the hood a little bit okay like if Duval isn't back in the hood in Jacksonville maybe Duval is doing something this uplifted more than just Jacksonville you know I mean as much as he mut might love being in than their energy he gets from it he also got to make sure that he can continue change in the world you know it you know what when you think about athletes right everybody always says you know of course Michael John was born in Brooklyn right Michael John will be chillin in Brooklyn yeah I mean oh he's raised in Oh Caroline he was born in Brooklyn but you see everybody from Brooklyn no matter what they always take claim to that which is Michael J if a child dude I don't know why do we open make us do [ __ ] like that Papa's born here - nobody claimed no we Baltimore didn't live down he went to school in Harlem Parkman - they went to like elementary school and middle school you wanna clean Park well I'm not claiming I clean I clean truck parking hip-hop belt okay absolutely but I'm just I'm talking about like the idea of the inspiration it's like just you thinking Michael Jordan was born here is enough for you to get it might be enough for that little kid to get up and shoot some more jump shots yeah every day I mean just just say it just saying damn he was born here I'm here every day and that might be enough so like you said self-preservation we just got to take better care of ourselves a little bit and I'm not saying that he did I'm just saying and generally speaking yeah I go from man this nipsey situation bothers me in a front way like I'm disappointed I'm frustrated I'm sad I'm a little bit scared yeah you know cuz it just really makes you question your own mortality and like you know you hear people say things like oh well you know he did what he was supposed to do on this earth like you know it's not I get did he know you got a choice you know me like I don't like when people say things like that because certain things are kind of out of our control you know I mean like we give a high up our credit for things that we always shouldn't give a higher power credit for you know I mean like that dude Eric Holder submitted his will to his lower nature he submitted his will to the devil in him and the devil in him caused him to do what he did to nipsey I don't know it was easy this I don't know if God wants you to go out like that I don't know I don't know I can't yeah I agree what you did because it's like if she was seven years away from his fortieth man not big that is like you know I was outside one time I was having dinner with Nas and I was saying how he said he was trying his fifty if he said yo nobody's gonna mess that up for me like I'm not letting nobody mess that up for me so he's just all the in-between he's already at the top but all in between he's gonna live without you know I'm seen he's like I'm not letting nobody much think about that I mean when you got a 10 yo I got a 10 year old daughter your daughter six-month-old daughter I'm thinking about when a 21 a 27 year old I'm thinking about me being 60 you know me like I'm like I want that now what the grandkids I want to see the graduations I want to see the college graduations like I want that I wanted not like your [ __ ] husband right I'm serious like that for me I want that I'm like all that live fast die young [ __ ] Yolo [ __ ] no man don't nobody deserve that because when you look at a guy like me think about we know if like a decade yeah I known it for like teenager so no think about it twenty ten years ago where he was now what do you think he too big we would've been and everything what started fast-tracking at this point yeah like the people he was getting involved with like your Gary Vaynerchuk was in tears when nipsey got killed he was he hit me like y'all I got my heart broken like he was like do they understand what that man was yeah hey this is Gary Vaynerchuk do they understand not even not as our artists anything he was like his my yeah do you want do they understand who he was why would you do that to something like him and if you're not from that environment you don't get it but guess what I'm from that environment and I don't understand it either I'll be honest with you I don't get it I don't understand it like it fit and I'm not putting this on nobody and I'm not gonna say no name if it was certain rappers that this happened to I'll be like hey I see that he was kind of putting that energy out there not nipsey bro yeah not nipsey man like not nipsey in no way shape or form like that's 10 April to having the guys like mixing man so so we're at this place where we recognize that people are a product of their culture of the environment they're in right this guy Eric was a product of it right the worst parts of it the worst parts of it right but if we recognize that people are a product of their culture then people can change if the culture changes good I'm glad you said that this is why it's very important it's why stress mental health just watch Chris going to therapy this wise crass dealing with trauma because we all have internal issues right right and a lot of times a lot of us are in pain a lot of us have trauma and all we keep doing is redistribute in that pain to other people and what we keep doing is we keep passing off trauma from generation to generation and we can call any culture no man we hurt talk about her head if you hurt go find some healing and talk about that you passing off his culture what do you mean by then you pass it off as cops you're like you know Street Coach Street coach you're like oh yeah yeah shot like that's yeah that's that happened they got into a fight oh they jump such as such such as such got stab you that's just the weight it is no [ __ ] not hurt people hurt people why do we continue to hurt each other it's because we all have we all have trauma that we need the [ __ ] here when we can heal ourselves we can heal a whole nother new generation you know hood culture is really hurt culture in a lot of ways it is yeah I didn't even understand a word trauma so like a few years ago mmm I'm serious I didn't like I seen I seen a person get murdered when I was like 14 and like every time I walk past where I happened I see it like on this day I'm 36 I see a sorrow and I and it just was a regular thing to me I never like I didn't even know I didn't know to do but it's like I seen it and and in living in Harlem I lived in Harlem in a crazy time with gangs hit New York and like crack was still a crazy thing and there's so many different things that I've seen that I never really dealt with because I just thought it was a regular thing like look about how you said social media desensitized you imagine how that desensitized you at an early early age absolutely it made me that's why I'm saying like it it mean I remember one time I went to an alternative school and it was just like a like a room maybe a little bit bigger than this like 15 of us in the school and I had a counselor that would come in like every month to come talk to everybody and I had a conversation with this woman she said we did I see myself by the time I was 21 I don't think I'll make it to 18 but the reason why I said that was because it was a young girl who had just died I was around every day she lived on my block and she had just got killed like somebody tried to shoot her boyfriend and shot her and she got killed so that made me have no hope like knowing that this lady was crying I couldn't understand why she was crying mmm like he was crying I'm like what are you crying for and she said you know what she sent some [ __ ] to my house for me just to talk to somebody and my mom is that you don't need to tell nobody yeah you ain't crazy yeah that's what she said but you had a trauma too you don't even know what trauma is Rama was rare is I didn't I didn't really have it I'm really grateful for the position I'm in in life because I didn't really I just I just worked hard for it I really shot low like I never really like push myself right when I was a kid it'd be very easy for you to be in different positions I got friend right now life another one doing eight they did eight got six more to go another one doing seven he's not on year five they're like tons and tons of friends and it's not just a regular like you said it it's cool to go see your man and take you would post a picture up yeah I'll be saying free none of my friends not because I don't want them freeze just because it's like it's a tough thing to even deal with knowing that they in there for certain [ __ ] that they did I don't know if they really supposed to be like nod you need a 12 or you say y'all such so that's a great now I understand what you were saying by assess by addressing the trauma I didn't get it initially I was I was watching your donkey today thing but the idea is that this behavior the root of the behavior is trauma pain and then repeated behavior becomes culture right like it doesn't matter if you're a pirate if everybody around you is robbing other ships then you just are robbing other ships that's the culture that you so that your cause your existence so if the root is the pain and we start acknowledging the root and addressing the root you have a chance to change the behavior because you're not dealing with that trauma absolutely and then when you change the behavior you change the culture absolutely so no I'm a tease that's it you know what beatings were so vicious when we were young like when used to get beat yeah by your parents or your grandparents just because everybody I got timeout no you got because everybody was going through trauma like my emotionally beating right no like really pops beat me with an extension cord one time I made me take a bath hmm now and I thought about this the other day like I mean my pops you know he dealt with him in tough issues he had alcohol problem problems but he was at work all day yeah right probably being told what the [ __ ] do yeah comes home leave that your mom was like wait here daddy you know him you know I didn't beat used to be so bad when your daddy used to getting in that [ __ ] yeah daddy was taking that [ __ ] out on you the white man was kicking his ass every [ __ ] day and when he came in that house he did wrong I literally sparked the carpet once I wasn't even like Jason and [ __ ] us it was like one spark one little two sparks like my mom's melted it wasn't that no fire no nothing he beat me with an extension cord and made me go take a bath right cuz the whelps once they hit the water they hurt again so and that's my body the carpet on fire again that's um no effective but that's the decimal miki-san sir you're gonna told me that's in the water Scorsese does it it's re distributing pain now imagine if that wasn't my dad mmm imagine the dude in the hood who's going through that same type of pain yeah and now you don't bumped him in the wrong way well he done told you get the [ __ ] off his block cuz you you know what with the police or whatever the [ __ ] it is there's a there's a thing if you go down on Wall Street right when the market is doing bad you can you can see these Wall Street guys they walk down the street and they bump into people on purpose just white guys in suits right and everything look like but you don't understand they just lost fifty million dollars in an afternoon yeah so they'll walk around it's not everybody but that walk around pumping people because they need to distribute you know so crazy I just say that so my son recently he's having an arm little situation in school and I'm like well my son like I don't I'll hit him but more like I make him jog and do push-ups like that make him do push-ups plant [ __ ] like that physical stuff like he he was what happened was he was messing with some kids in his class like [ __ ] with them and then I asked him I said you need to talk I was wrong with you and he broke down crying and he said like it was these kids that was older than him that was [ __ ] with him yeah and redistributed but I had to tell him I'm like yo dawg ever since she was a baby you always been so loving so so like you gotta we gotta find that again within you because you now you're not being yourself like you hurting on you you trying to do [ __ ] the people that smaller than you because you smaller than them and that's not who you are right I'm trying to nip that [ __ ] in the bud now are you never in the bud love you know that's why yesterday when I got on Instagram and I was like yo man my brothers I love all you like dude like I was literally hitting my brothers like you I love you I love you cuz I want us to feel that like bro we are not alone out here Charlotte it is so hard to love to give love when you're empty you don't even love yourself right when you're operating at a place of half-full right you don't have any more to give to someone else but when you're operating from a place of excess the first thing you want to do is give someone else so we got it it's like and I think when I look at it I think this is why why like in your community why black women are held so high it's because especially older black women like the grandma type typecasting unconditional lates unconditional love to more than just the kids right it's it's the lady right there kegs of its mama right there every time we walk into the radio right she's doing given loves Hans right people listen right now don't even know exactly what to it but there's one there's the secretary imagine it's imagine grandma right so it's like there's this and there so there's this like appreciation is great appreciation now when a guy gives a way love like that there's like a question of his sexuality they're like what the who the father you trying to send me so we need this we need to change the way we look at those figures the only people allowed to look give love like that if you notice in certain communities are religious folks right that we trust you know if the deacon or the preacher to past or something like that and this is not just black moving all community it's a man who can unconditionally give love and listen and care to other men and we accept occurs like I know he's with God nothing Bad's gonna happen you know it's very interesting about what you said I mean this is why and this is a different conversation but this is why I understand why black men don't me like him black women like like I'm being [Music] [Music] [Laughter] because it bums me out because it's like you know we hold our mother so near and did we hold our sisters and our cousin so near and dear to us but then it's like I hate to hear a black man call another black woman a black [ __ ] I hate it I hate to hear that I grew up I mean I was when I was born I was my skin was very light like very lighter than I am today my grandmother was dark-skinned my mom is brown I never looked at skin color as a flaw in my household I actually wanted to be dark-skinned because Michael Jordan was dark-skinned Kadeem Hardison his dark skin so that goes back to that self hate conversation and the trauma with the I feel like a lot of dudes they don't love other black women because they've never seen their mothers be loved yeah you know and I see a lot of dudes project like how they feel so women I'm like yo that's exactly how your pops felt about your mom's that's why you never met him yeah if you hear your baby daddy I mean if I said you've been daddy if you hear your mother's baby daddy talking [ __ ] about the mom right you gonna look at women you know saying if you hit your dad talking [ __ ] about your mom beating on your mom how you gonna look at your sisters you know you're not gonna want a black woman anyway if you grew up in a certain era where having a white woman was like a sense of validation like crazy but there was a time where having a white woman was a sense of validation and then we started seeing out of age the crazy thing 18 every day I see my dad put my mom through [ __ ] I seen my little sister 'father put my mom through [ __ ] I seen like different dudes my mom dated put my mom through [ __ ] that may only make me want to protect my woman more or I mean that may only makes me want to protect another woman more another black woman more but it kills me when I see brothers do [ __ ] like that I'd be like it's like oxymoron like you if you say something negative about her you hate yourself I never wanted anything but a black one you've made a human interesting point it's like we need examples of how to people it's not only how to treat each other you need examples of how to treat a woman right and if you don't have that example then you end up doing what a lot of us do you know is trying to hustle women out of some [ __ ] really bra right instead of instead of really show some love we were raised wrong I can only speak for me I'm a black man I grew up in a certain environment so not only did I see my dad and my uncle's not doing right by their women when you put when you're just looking at the media and you're looking at entertainment and you grew up in the era of [ __ ] ain't [ __ ] but holes and tricks and Cam Ranh saying [ __ ] think that the teacher [ __ ] you gotta treat a [ __ ] now you stupid [ __ ] got a betta [ __ ] that's how you reach [ __ ] you think see all that Whipple one time ten minutes will come back with the [ __ ] like we were raised into that don't camp ahead flow that's how we were raised wrong and now I said this to somebody the other day like yo you know what I'm doing most you know what I'm doing at 40 years old more than anything she didn't shut up not learning yeah but unlearning yeah that's what I've been doing for the past four or five years unlearning all the [ __ ] that I was raised on yeah I hate that I was raised like this I was like with your note no [ __ ] when when like when I became Muslim and like my aunt found out a lot of pork for my family from Fayetteville North Carolina did some poor [ __ ] race to my aunt one time like I told my aunt I tell my aunt that's my kid I'm like you don't get my son oh poor she's like what [ __ ] used to eat [ __ ] that's the problem yes but everything is that everything is what we used to do it I'm like I'll be looking at my family now like man none of y'all's is none of y'all is successful my grandma got one leg with yourselves y'all want me older listen to y'all yeah herb said but I really incident now and learning and learning man the whole like like we was talking about just being about empathy like when it when is my for my son told me [ __ ] about what he was going through with them kids immediately I didn't say let me go to that kid I wanna talk to him and I wanna talk to that person I had empathy for the kids cuz I'm like I don't know I know that my son got both his parents I know a lot of kids in his school probably don't and and it made me immediately think more than myself to say what are these kids going through what they feel like they gotta start breaking them shits and it's impossible for us to you know solve a problem with the same mindset that created the problem that's why even when it comes to like what's going on in LA right now I'm here in a tent I lay the [ __ ] up yeah and what I would say to all the brothers out there man it's like yo ok how many people y'all shoot I don't care how many people y'all stab on how many people y'all kill it's not gonna bring nipsey back it's not you know I'm sayin so we cannot it's gonna put them further underneath the ground actually it's gonna keep this cycle go because what if you clap somebody's mom I'll clap somebody's family member you know that that those people might have other kids they might have other family members annatee gonna come back and do your like it's just gonna keep going over and over and over and his crew that are gonna continue doing what nipsey was doing right hopeful that he was mentoring right I mean he had people that his brother salutes his brother Adam I imagine these people are continue what's going on right so if you go around right now shooting everybody up right you got the chance of getting shot back and you make it out for them not only do you make it out for them you stop you stop those people that nipsey was mentoring from growing into nipsey you know what that's that's very interesting point because i feel like you know we like the Malcolm's and the Montes and all that these people was ripped away from us in front of our eyes and it was meant these things was meant to discourage us to not try to attain these levels now we have um we have somebody from the community that did something an obscene for a kid that's growing up and seeing him as the example I hope that instead of like continuing the chain we could break it as far as the mindset to where it doesn't discourage him it makes him even more want to get out there and make change and carry on his message and that's like that's the gist of it with me when it comes to me when FC is like for me I'm I always make sure like I said this before I'm gonna run a marathon like he was holding with marathon I'm around my marathon I'm gonna do I knew that he was proud of me for certain things I'm gonna do all of these things with him in mind knowing that he would congratulate me knowing that this is what he wanted want me to do and I think that everybody should do that we know you're absolutely right but the problem there's no problem but it's just like right now what you got in LA has a bunch of people that's in pain so now everybody's just trying to read this tribute to pain everybody's angry and they don't know why and that's why I hated this whole conspiracy conspiracy theory [ __ ] cuz you being mad at this [ __ ] mythical government again you know what I'm saying yes we know what the government has done systemically to black people in America but this ain't one of those times now so instead of pointing the finger at the government we got a point to finger back at our own communities and ask ourselves why do so many of us have these internal issues right this internal pain its internal trauma that we keep passing on the other [ __ ] cuz I don't know about y'all yeah Charlamagne God wants to pass on more to his kids than trauma yeah I want to pass on more to my kids than pain like that's what we got to look at when we look at these generational curses we gotta say to ourself banish it stops with me yes you know saying I understand what my pops went to understand my grandma might have went through I understand what all of you people might want to before me but this [ __ ] gonna stop with me right my kids gonna be better hey that means that kids gonna be better and that's the only way to fix this [ __ ] better their kids gonna be better it will be a generational increase in humanity right that you start yourself going out and doing what Eric Holder did it you're shooting something is someone impulsively or going out and you know maybe looking for Eric Holder or the people around Eric Holder shooting him impulsively that's a sprint Nipsey was about American Marathon okay the marathon is not where you run today right is where your kids gonna run and where their kids are gonna run so it's like now is the hardest time to do it before I'm just saying I can't believe it make crazy may offers you like right now I'm telling you I'm sitting here I'm like you're Nipsey Hussle is dead Nipsey Nipsey Hussle is dead he's dead for nothing yeah like literally like I'm like man did somebody sent me the [ __ ] video salute to Lisa and I wish I wish I know the work before I click - cuz you know she sent me the video in this I'm just watching now I'm like what is this yeah you know I mean and then you realise what it is and I'm like yo this [ __ ] is exactly how they described this [ __ ] to me man I'm like oh he kicked he kicked he kicked my man after he shot her like nipples on the ground with his hands up like and you got it like why does she couldn't stop there yeah I why you had to shoot him in the head and then kick him like for what and what do you think your life is gonna be like yeah whatever whatever try Eric Holder they don't but they don't so that's the thing that's the marathon that's what's so beautiful about the marathon it's like people like nipsey choose words for a reason hmm he didn't throw out marathon marathon was a specific example right a guy like that who just shoots impulsively does not have marathon thinking he's not thinking am I gonna be tired at Mile 14 I'm better paced myself now cuz this [ __ ] is a long race he's not thinking what happens after he kicks him he don't know where he's gonna go he don't know where he's gonna either than have any money in his pocket you don't know how he's gonna gather this situation that guy right there is the antithesis of Nipsey Hussle and that guy right there represents everything that's gonna hold any community back well you're right and whatever trauma whatever pain whatever hurt Eric Holder head it's only multiple if he's still alive it's only multiplied Oh times 100 right now yeah it's literally only multiplied times 100 so you've got that's why I mean if he's not dead already you got to get guys like him off the street cuz all he gonna do is just continue to go hurt but whatever trauma whatever pain whatever hurt he got is multiplied times 100 right now and all he gonna do is go out there and cause pain other people you know me so you gotta get guys like him off the street he no good to nobody no more luli it [ __ ] hurt man I ain't gonna front and you know it's still too early right now but I do want to have conversations about nipsey standing in the culture but I don't think people gonna even realize what nipsey meant to the coaching until later you know I'm saying like you know like we know that we know that it was a big loss but I'm talking about in a year from now you're gonna be like man you know they took Nipsey Hussle out cuz you know next year we is yes yeah I'm not think about stupid yeah I think about y'all gonna be able to watch in game in game come on in a couple weeks I think about that can't go see the turn at a new decade and if you ask me this is my personal opinion 2000 to 2010 we're talking about that decade when I talk about when I think about the best rap albums that came out my two favorite rap problems that came out in the past decade right from 2010 to 2020 yeah 2010 to 2020 is good kid maad city hmm in victory lap those are two of my favorites as well those are my two favorite albums in use ITEX be dot maybe like three weeks ago I was driving to Philly and I was just I was running victory lap back and I was like I say it might be a classic V died he said Mike he said this is definitely a classic and this was three weeks ago this is a month after he passed like it like he only made it a month after his debut album I said I mean I mean I said all that [ __ ] all that [ __ ] I was like victory lap is the best rap album on here victory live at the Best Rap Album in a victory lap as a potential classic I was saying that since last year like that was my that was always my favorite rap album buddy here but I think over the past decade my I'm just saying my two personal favorite albums really three actually Kendra got two of them while I'm bullshitting damn a butterfly for me come up day I love damn no damn is insane I go back the good kid maad city and a butterfly a lot and I listen to victory lap a lot yeah but that's all West Coast [ __ ] I so I'm just saying like when we next year we having these conversations about what the best albums over the past decade yo Nipsey gotta be up in that category would nipsey what would nipsey want what would nipsey want to happen what would the marathon play be for nipsey had nipsey left I think people to ride ride how I definitely think if you would all view right for him if he was if he got taken out the waiter he ride for him meaning I think he would want no I think you would want I think you would want that dude to get Clinton I don't know I mean I don't know that the guy said if nipsey said in the interview with tarik machine if they kill me for doctor seve that's by the way death with fuel a lot of heat if they killed me for the doctor semi-documentary I want y'all to arrive for me right which means different ride for you is like continue what I'm doing right it's like promote this interview get this information out there in the world it's like if they're killing me because I'm exposing this information you continue to marathon race I'm passing you drunk exactly so it's like I think I think in these moments is really hard to do it to process it right now and maybe it's something you process in a couple months but you go okay what was he doing how is he affecting the community and then how can we continue if she was moving like a Muslim right let's be for real like if you if you've ever read message to the black man by Elijah Muhammad fi used to way too big you know Elijah Muhammad I mean the big yes so his whole principle is do for self you know I'm saying his old principle is own your own build your own love you people love your woman like if there's nothing if you ever read message to the black man by Elijah Muhammad Autobiography of Malcolm X or anything that got to do with the NOI you'll know exactly what Nipsey Hussle was about period so he of course he would want that to continue on it's just like a it's a dual tea almost because of the environment that he comes from so you got the gangbanging culture you got that aspect of it too but then you've got this clearly divine human being and sometimes those people do meet those people often only come from those places yeah yeah those places need them more than anything yeah those places these people often do not come from the elite parts of society because those the elite part of society people are not looking for a savior they feel saved every single day hmm right what is it a rose grows in concrete or never that it was a group of mcconkle rose a group of concrete right it's like every once in a while you have a special person that understands the culture they've grown up in and how to potentially change it you know and that's why those people get taken out we've seen it so often it's because it's [ __ ] frightening imagine someone like the guy who shot him right this is frightening to see a guy like nipsey shake your whole core your whole foundation cuz it cuz it's scary because number one year you go is fragile and number two it reminds you of everything that you're not and you realize this guy comes from the same place I'll come fast Amir same opportunity that I had is us yes you're looking at you're telling mmm like y'all came from the same place but this guy did this and you chose to do that you know why cuz nipsey chose to submit his will to the God in him you chose to submit your will to the devil in you so you got what the devil gave you I don't know man this [ __ ] really [ __ ] with me in like I'm hearing all of these people talk about the encouraging words that nipsey gave them and I'm just like yo that's just who Lipsy that's who he was cuz he's gonna say anything with me you know saying like yo yo yo Charlemagne I really appreciate what you're doing with your books you know I'm saying like like and I love the messages you put out there like you know people be trying to give you flak but real [ __ ] see what it is like that those the kind of conversations mean it would have yo nip you should read this book Charlie should read this book like I posted on the gram a few months ago about this book I read last year the soul of the superior man I only read that cuz nipsey and Lauren London recommended it to me and it's all about the sacred masculinity it's all about embracing the divine femininity in you and I remember reading this [ __ ] like but that shows you shows what kind of person who he is that's also why he was able to just walk around his hood and not feel like anything was gonna happen to him cuz he had no plans of doing nothing to nobody right and that's what hurts even more when you know what kind of energy this person is putting out but he got that kind of energy back and she's not supposed to happen to people like MIT man and that's it just makes me question everything that [ __ ] makes me question everything that I believe about life there in a lot of ways like they say you what you get back what you put out but do you know no here's the here's the thing I think that we're under estimating the ripple effect of of nipsey and I think when we look back at this in 10 years mm-hmm I think that we're gonna see a massive ripple effect you know often what happens is like you have an earthquake and then there's a tsunami that comes from it like there's an underground earthquake in the ocean somewhere then you see the tsunami and this could be the tsunami event you know and we might look back for this in ten years and be like holy [ __ ] like they tried to take out one nipsey and they just made a hundred y'all pray so that's the other thing too all these people like this saying like yo this is a government conspiracy about dr7 except you trained it all day yesterday right so it's math you would I was googling doctor semi and watching those videos I got he said be online so if you do think it's a conspiracy well doctor sebas heightened in a way that he's never been heightened before now people are reading about alkaline and you know mucus causing foods that can that can hold cancer so it's like even with nipsey people are studying his interviews listening to what he's saying like yo this your death puts a microphone or what does it allows megaphone a Megadeth puts a megaphone on your life and on your purpose yes and if that life and purpose is negative we'll see you for how negative you are if that life and purpose is positive we see if our father's a lot of [ __ ] out here they had no clue about nipson that's why we can't let that's why we as a community can't let Nipsey Hussle die in vain cuz I yeah I hit my head brother down yesterday from the nation Islam is the frag kind of like yo we need another Million Man March is something like there's got to be an opportunity to really bring people together in a different way because like we got to continue what nipsey was doing but what if she was doing was just what all of us should be doing which is unity and group operation and loving each other and empowering each other because this ain't one of those ones that like we can just move on after this yeah not like now like this you don't feel right this [ __ ] weighing on me like this [ __ ] feel like yeah I feel dark you feel a heavy like yeah I really feel afraid like man what the [ __ ] like yeah I feel I feel naked like like I'm out here a long time [ __ ] like yeah like that's it just feels wild I can't describe it is ill I said like you know his past and show me exactly how much he meant to me mmm like I always I always had in me like I'm like damn I loved him I never chance to say that song you're not mean but it's like I'm not gonna wait to turn them by I love them no more don't you know I'm in favor cuz I seeing everything how it transpired like how you said it's just like damn in that moment I'm like you and I spent the be spent maybe a couple like 30 minutes a couple hours around each other I was in : married a was a calling me but just the energy he gave me I loved and I loved him for it and it put in the perspective of like life it really put that [ __ ] into perspective for me that's why I told that's why I put on the gram yesterday what I put on the gram like yo black man I love you I value I support you and like it was weird cuz I really was hitting up a lot of my brother's like y'all I love you man and like nor he called me and I'm like so therefore I said Nuria I love you he goes y'all I was calling to tell you I love you like it wasn't even I appreciate you tell me you love me I love you I love you I love you I promise you that's the only way we're gonna heal what the [ __ ] is wrong with our community because I'm telling you is just a lot of pain and nobody's dealt with a lot of trauma nobody's dealt with it's a lot of [ __ ] that don't have love and we got to start being the change you want to see and giving that in it yes it takes the people who have the confidence and who have the love to start that cycle though mmm-hmm you know I mean there's a lot of people who operate on empty so they just can't do it so you do have it if you have it in your heart to share it [ __ ] share it man there's a lot of people they need it and the second you give them a little something all sudden they'll be maybe full enough to give a little themselves but it's like it's not everybody who can go there but you can start the trend to go start the trend man tell your man I love you man I love you and mean that [ __ ] ya know saying that's all I got bro I don't even I'm beyond with Johnny one love you show me I love you to love my people my people like even like one thing I can say I always told nipsey how I felt about his music might close to Luke to my homegirl Debbie Debbie Debbie Deb put me on the nipsey in 2008 2009 and he had the bullets ain't got no name and that's that song hurts now hearing that [ __ ] yeah you know I mean like but I love I've been [ __ ] with MC music for a long time and I've been able to express to him like I love ya I appreciate everything you're doing in the community I love what you're doing in the community man like we've had those conversations and it's like I'm glad I got to tell him that I ain't get to tell him I love you nipsey right you know but I got time I love what he's doing absolutely so if you love what somebody's doing tell them if you love a person tell them it don't make you gay unless you slap date nuts and cuff them [ __ ] and say I love you why you cuff still debatable it might cause okay you guys are about to get on my level all right black people are gonna be cup and nuts in Santa and all that god man you could find me at way no one-one-nine the one one-night stands 419 for Lexington my block that I love but um Wayne a woman on Instagram Twitter snapchat LinkedIn Facebook are you to commit and I'm on everyday struggle Monday to Thursday word man listen as always if you listed his podcast you think we're smart you think we're intelligent you think we're brilliant you're absolutely right if you listed his podcast and you think with just a couple of idiots who don't know [ __ ] you're right to is to bring you this podcast thank you for listening
Channel: The Andrew Schulz
Views: 177,697
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: brilliant idiots, podcast, comedy, comedian, stand up, sports, entertainment, pop culture, commentary, comedy club, near me, jokes, andrew schulz, andrew schultz, charlamagne, charlemange, breakfast club, interviews, power 105, wayno, everyday struggle, complex, joe budden, joe rogan, jre, nipsey hussle, marathon
Id: XuD-ywAsEFk
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 98min 53sec (5933 seconds)
Published: Thu Apr 04 2019
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