fixing democracy by creating total anarchy

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all right so we're checking out the only game where you can turn everyone into an alcoholic past the absolute worst laws and probably burn the entire country to the ground getting yourself killed in the process it's democracy three more sociopathic democracy dammit in democracy three you play the president and your job is to make people happy balance the budget and pass laws that strengthen the country that's not gonna happen from what I understand you can do damn near anything in this game and so of course we must simulate an economy where people are allowed to drink as fetuses all drugs are legal and I probably end up cloning the entire population to make a human meat farm so that we can have better international trade relations I like I'm at the bottom here it gives every country its own little kind of extra stat for the United States it's beef consumption for Germany it's sausage and beer consumption for friends it's cannabis suits and crisp on consumption I'm not gonna lie after seeing all these things down here that are complete stereotypes if this does not say maple syrup when I click on Canada I'm gonna be really sad it is totally got the moose population as well Wow when like 140th of your population is moose Australia is obviously Vegemite consumption and the United Kingdom is T I'm so proud that out of all the countries of the United States over here has the lowest life expectancy let's see if we can bring this down hurricanes earthquakes hell yes political apathy please tell me you get to name your own party oh sweet Jesus yes whenever I make a choice for the different laws in this game I'm just gonna ask myself what would Satan do welcome to King Satan's party sounds like a DBZ character the opposition party name please don't do this gray we know what you're thinking oh god you keep going it just goes right through the menu alright I think we're ready to wreak some political anuses congratulations on your election victory I like that I haven't even started and crime is through the roof I'm kind of curious if I can torture the people to the point where they just don't even want to assassinate me anymore from what I understand you can absolutely get killed in this game welcome to the screen of pain where people projectile vomit on the ground I like how anti-social behavior is effectively what looks like a dude coughing on another dude although this totally makes sense in today's world notice the very first thing that's moving toward antisocial behavior is alcohol consumption to alcohol consumption damn it right how can we mess with this ah the alcohol loss so right now the minimum age for alcohol consumption is 21 how low can you make this oh god 16 no less I love that this only takes like one day to get implemented my entire cabinet is like what full liquor bars in every elementary school why wouldn't we do this that's right kids no more 2% milk for you it's Jack and Coke time alright that's only the first step where's the drugs at should drugs such as cannabis and heroin be legalized I'm gonna go ahead and ignore the rest of the problems here and just read this one sentence that says legalizing narcotics would reduce crime so we have outlawed legalized cannabis legalize LSD I love how it shifts from cannabis to LSD legalize everything this is how we're gonna balance the budget I'm gonna tax the hell out of all the drugs just getting rid of the military here I don't want them to turn on me look at how much you can save by allowing people to have every type of gun they could possibly want right now it's no machine guns but machine guns are awesome have fun guys good news the economy is doing well see that I'm fixing the whole country our credit rating the death penalty mass murderer homicide homicide and Ray violent crime serious crime for most crime see this is a big check in balance here since we've already legalized all drugs and anyone any age can drink supposedly all that stuff leads to more crime but if we're killing everyone it's a win-win situation anyway ban alcohol advertisements this is a proposal for a law to outlaw the advertising of alcohol on television why would you want to do this this was crazy either you have to ban on a product that you do not alcohol is perfectly legal and enjoyed by millions of ten-year-olds without effect get this out of here oh god I pissed off the church see what kind of new laws we can import here this game is amazing there's like a hundred taxes you can tax people with a merit allowance tax I love it it's a tax break for married couples just when you think your relationship can't get any worse remember you may be eligible for a tax break recreational drug tax absolutely like I said if we're moving our country toward alcoholism and drug addiction we might as well tax the hell out of everyone for it organ donation can you like force this upon people presumed consent universal no opt-out everyone's organs are gonna be so shot anyway it's really not gonna matter but what the hell let's apply it our credit rating is now in AAA there has to be a way to make things worse legalize prostitution hell yes I honestly have no idea what maximizing legalized prostitution does over-medium i's legalized prostitution but this is a game play of extreme so why not mandatory microchip implant torture usage oh my god this policy theory is amazing the needle exchange program the needle exchange program will help addicts get clean needles for their needs I love that it's an exchange program it's like we're gonna make the goodwill of needles alright we're bringing in the needle exchange program quarterly report superhero new stations are buzzing with reports of a caped man who has been fighting crime it's a sign of how bad things have become on our streets that our citizens are turning to superheroes for help oh I can make things a lot worse where's the police force Adam I gave them all submachine guns but honestly I'm just gonna get rid of them completely okay the antisocial behavior is starting to go up what else can I get to increase this unemployment a country of alcoholic drug-addicted prostitution alized antisocial people we're getting there man I can't believe I'm still alive quite honestly I think just no one has the motivation or the competency to kill me at this point the retired people are so happy right now they're like we got out before all this unemployment benefits less than none free education kind of goddamn thing so wouldn't school Hut's this is book it now you can go from student laptops to wooden school I have to appoint a UN ambassador let me see here we got Joan Sanders a well-known Patriot ah someone who's popular someone who's not popular not popular crimes going up uh health services you can give people anything from excellent health provisions to damn near nothing I think you know where we're going child labor law you say I want to get this microchip implant I just got the achievement and II breeded society forget the Illuminati say hello to the inebriated country enjoys a drink now and then or in fact all the time hell yes Oh failed assassination attempt some bastard tried it you were woken in a panic this morning by news that an armed extremists had made an attempt on your life our credit rating by the way is now triple-a alright everyone get ready I'm removing all the taxes except for the alcohol and the narcotics tax income tax 1% sales tax 1% listen white-collar workers need tons of drugs to corporate tax 1% alright can you run a country solely taxing narcotics and alcohol oh and tobacco narcotic economy I just got achievement colder other countries may look at narcotics as a threat but congratulations you've seen them for what they are a lucrative source of government income I need more capital in order to microchip everyone so I'm just gonna hire the most loyal people it doesn't matter if you're good at your job you just have to follow my directions mindlessly you ask my minions oh my god the unemployment is starting to go completely nuts look at the crap so one of the things that I can do to possibly get elected again while I'm torturing everyone is give the kids fries school meals that they can enjoy inside of their uh Nair conditioned wooden huts apparently someone's attempting a suicide attack against me I'm sure it'll be fine oh my god I like how the country goes into crippling debt and all of a sudden my approval rating goes from like a 12 to a 19 percent I think I can make this work if I like every bit of spending that I give to the humans that live in this country we may be able to balance the budget on the side note no one's gonna be able to have anything and it's gonna go ahead and cancel our entire space program we just we need the money Elon Musk on your own now I just got an achievement unlocked survivor is this because I've been people have tried to kill me so many times they say some politicians or political survivors but you really define the word with the way you keep dodging those terrorist plots have a shiny medal I'm pissing off so much of the country that I they attempted to kill me so many times I got an achievement for it got a rail strike and get crisis good good things are going well I've gone further than I ever thought I would go with state schools not only can we condemn people to wooden school huts as we've done I can literally just cancel school education is overrated actually I've kind of decided I want to see how low I can get the education to go you know another failed assassination attempt was that like seven all right technology colleges you guys don't need that either all right let's get rid of school vouchers completely back to dip I appreciate that education is not just literacy but a general understanding of everything honestly if everyone doesn't understand what I'm doing maybe I can stay in power sovereign wealth what the hell happened there oh how we look upon countries with debt problems and laughs now we have you as our astute and dare I say prudent leader I like that I got this achievement by ruining the entirety of the educational system of America I'm all about equality since we've completely destroyed schools for the state level we might as well destroy schools in a private level to make sure that kids learn the right things and are not influenced by strange ideas banning all private schools may be the right thing to do the idea is is that no more elite schools exist but after I do this no more schools will exist at all a total ban sounds good I knew one way or the other I would finally be able to implement synthetic meat the best part about this is it doesn't say what kind of meat we both know what kind of it's human meat i'll throw tons of money at this i want the highest quality human meat andrew gonzales is currently working as your transport minister and he is displeased with the current government policy it's unpopular with retired people and trade unionists andrew it should be unpopular with everyone Andrew do you understand how difficult it's been to max out both crime and unemployment hell I got a little bit left to go plus side the environment is going up because everyone's too dumb now to screw it up stress epidemic the sound effect doctors have warned that our businesses are working people too hard oh really their calls for limits on hours that people work allow change the hours that people work to all of them apparently I can increase the overall temperature of the entire country by increasing co2 emissions by getting rid of any type of pollution control another failed assassination attempt we also have ghettos and street gangs now I've actually managed to max out crime unemployment's next so you can check out like a focus group of people who are voters and see how they feel about you Katherine Thomas over here is fanatically opposed the fact that he's just carrying around his scoped rifle isn't that is a little bit unsettling as well wait the guy with the rifles name was Katherine and this girl over here with the short skirt is named Keith you know what whatever they're both fanatically opposed so solid it really matters you got shaggy from scooby-doo over here after the divorce he is also fanatically opposed he changed his name to an Walker it was not easy maxing out unemployment but we're finally getting there that's what I like to see our workforce is extremely productive producing a higher amount of practically everything in comparison with our competitors this is great news for the future of our economy how no one has a job it's taking a long time but finally I can mandatorily microchip everyone I love how popular this is with all the voters a medium amount of microchips the microchips science funding anything from particle accelerators to test tubes this is all you people get road maintenance none of it space program no technology grants none of them no food stamps for anyone haven't legalized all gambling yet capitalists are pleased it looks like the extremist group the moral crusade has finally gotten their wish those gunshots you heard were from one of their members who somehow got into the government building and opened fire on you you drunken drug-addicted unemployed microchipped bastards how could you but we did it we basically maxed out crime unemployment and eventually got ourselves killed right before the election - that was almost four years of pain that ever folks hope you enjoyed this episode of democracy 3 - likes time stay Fox hit much love
Channel: GrayStillPlays
Views: 1,156,853
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Simulation Games, graystillplays, gray still plays, greystillplays, simulator, and this happened, tycoon funny, simulator funny moments, funny clips, funny moments, business simulator, built a city, management game, the political machine, the political machine 2020, the political machine 2020 game, the political machine gameplay, government simulator, govenrment sim, political simulator, political sim, political sim games, best laws, crazy laws, democracy simulator
Id: d3iOoobj2oI
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 14min 4sec (844 seconds)
Published: Mon Apr 06 2020
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