Fixing and Driving the Revival Trucks

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[Music] [Music] it's a little behind-the-scenes story on this is the struggles actually rolled early at one point Oh the truck was rolled which is why is this a dump in there's a box in this [Music] I'll be I did not know that the hydraulics are still there I don't see a pump anywhere I don't know where that would be maybe there's a PTO off the transmission the cap to the tanks missing I'm sure this is shot but this is a dump bed that's awesome also someone put a hoist on a dump bed interesting you need to come in from that direction as you can tell there's a bit of a dogleg we went up the ramp straight I need to overcompensate well the old man did say it had a rear main leak and that's why you got parked but that is its blood that is a rear main geyser can you stop playing with your nuts made it the straps only feel awfully 10 times what we're doing MOOC you had a manual car going up right oh you're fine it's like riding a bicycle you can always fall off those true has no brakes don't worry don't worry there's this brake you just don't control them I will does an emergency brake so this is a f-350 from the revival and we're gonna bring these trucks home today and moves gonna take him for a whirl take the old girl for a whirl go up all right you ready for this it's a four speed 352 big old they go and didn't no brakes you got this I don't got more clutched your clutches in it all the way that good old granny low you're some gas don't put forth [Music] that weird region bouncy [Music] where the screaming woods what will you screaming what was that I thought you were making that noise we did 30 possible they rise when I don't work [Music] we'll turn around in this driveway you drive this up in the city's not a good day [Music] we're going soap yeah alright go ahead just start coasting we're going so crooked down the road this thing toggling I might not even need to [Music] you can put in gear ghosts in there or Drive in there let's do it quick there's more metal coming out three more yeah all right second stand on it did it [Music] this has been awesome it's a little worn out it explodes a bunch everything's fine here are some beans stig grand fourth do it sunny days day temperatures and pressures all look good the rear main sleep ezel 15 grams second [Music] yeah well park it out there there's f-250 the dumpster Firebird little behind-the-scenes here I guess look I hope you guys are enjoying this you should definitely subscribe to see more of this yeah just plug it right here for now okay Wow let me get out and watch that explosive for outside [Music] good stuff all right we'll leave her here let's go get the next one there's a fluffy little bunny behind me go I will dispute on this so we might not end up keeping this but if nothing else I can get it back to the original owner and get it from the woods [Music] they kind of run it's kind of got a radio so let's see if we can get this all off the original gas tank and then once again you move to drive it what did he just drove all the revival tubs in this video did you just call me loop call loop over here to drive the truck I'm all your way now are you you're supplying the scenes watch Kevin kill me yeah [Music] I got you chop your favorite service I hooked up the old fuel line and on the air compressor put it in the tank and blue in it until Phil came out chastity and a firestarter 300s run really good believer now cleaning yes no you can't really put you know this but there are no viruses found in this incoming message every car with this kind of new 2005 it just confirms an even more okay so we're up here under the 78th and looking at the shift linkages on the transmission now this was not a floor shift transmission but it's been converted to it and I believe this pin here in the middle go ahead and rock it in neutral babe and see that in move okay try to grab a gear yeah see the problem here so I think what I need to do is weld that pin in the middle go ahead and grab whatever the opposite gear of that is okay now try to grab like third or second yeah see the pin stays stuck in that linkage so I think if I secure the pin in the middle of that I go to neutral yeah it should be able to move between that hole and that hole so that pin just flopping around all willy-nilly it's what's given those issues with shifting everything's fine so do you see this pin supposed to be crimped into position and it wasn't so we're gonna Center this the best I can tap it and then love it this is level it is we'll weld that sucker in and all that works back in there without touching it cause it's really hot so you should be able to do like we should potentially have gears terrible we'll hold up this time you'll see okay our pin is welded and finally holding everything's adjusted done here this thing is pretty worn out but I will have Mook go through the pattern now starting with reverse all the way to third there's reverse there's first it's just got to come back to neutral slide over second and third then back to neutral then she go back to first or whatever she wants she's got to be really deliberate about the transition to neutral in the middle which is kind of dumb that it's like that but it's just so worn out that you can't kind of slide over you got to be really deliberate about your age pattern with the shifter and where else did I not catch that right there so perfect and neutral everything works let's take you for a drive I think might be running out of gas though or need some host laughs on these oh there's a kid the brakes are pretty bad now go ahead and grab second nice nice very nice that's probably all the more we need really he can grab third if you want speed even over here [Music] hey y'all alright okay - of the safe choice this this chick knows how to drive a manual right here so run it not easier with working transmission give her some nuts thank you girl okay go ahead engine braking first just pull hard yep all right turn and brakes push hard yeah they're way down there oh okay roll forward till it's balanced and it's rolling there you go all right you got another two inches it's starting now oh wait you're in third [Music] [Music] you're good to fasten your okay it's a really touchy clutch all right go for it yeah good like a boss this is what the second time you driven an old vehicle with the old manual vehicle the old vehicle the manual trans don't forget to check the rearview mirror you dark well what'd you think then before yeah we tried this earlier when it uh yeah the transmission wasn't working so we're like alright let's just stop and fix this in the morning and then we got at work and so Luke was finally able to rip through some gears and the old 78 here so okay rebels thanks for joining me on another adventure of chaos where we drove the two new survival trucks along far away but make sure you don't subscribe and I'll see you next time
Channel: Junkyard Mook
Views: 1,114,489
Rating: 4.8905225 out of 5
Keywords: truck, farm, trucks, ac/dc, junkyard, mook, junkyard mook, digs, junkyard digs, manual, cat, kittens
Id: _IzJRL2xO7k
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 22min 19sec (1339 seconds)
Published: Sat Dec 21 2019
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