Trying To Start An Old Truck That's Been Sitting 12 Years

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well everybody how's it going got no little shimmy here I'm gonna take a look at and see if we can't get it right hand again story on this it was parked while was still running about ten years ago actually I was told that two years ago so it's been sitting for about 12 years and I've already tried putting power to it before brought up a couple batteries the starter didn't did make a single bit of noise the lights on the dash didn't even dim so I don't think I don't think anything's happening with this I'm gonna start with starter see if we can just get it to turn over did I missing radiator hose I borrowed that and chopped it up to put onto the Kubota it's gonna be a few things to replace let me go right now just to get to that starter and try to get it to turn over check the oil and make sure it's not all milky it's pretty good alright to get power hooked up let's turn the key and see what happens nothing however lights aren't lighting up this time first time I tried this is about a year ago and at least got some lights on the dash now there's nothing bad connection all right now we're got lights on the dash I'd like these older Chevy's stuff like this they're heating controls yeah yeah that's probably gonna do nothing from what I remember ooh actually I heard something go there right we just need a break loose the see if we could spin the motor and see if I can't help the spin by pulling these plugs maybe spray a little WB in there take a look at these and see what we get some chords are are done I just no matter what I do they're just breaking these sparkplug wires black and I've seen a little bit of moisture or is that just sparkly carpeting weird air box thing B nests total body injection a little better on fuel a little harder to work on I like them though okay cool all right got the little wd-40 sprayed in each cylinder gonna leave the spark plugs out so they don't build up pressure and let the motor spin over more freely and let's just yeah see if it'll turn over on its own if that starter that still doesn't go I might go down here since I took off this upper fan shroud I can get in here and put a wrench on that crank pulley and see if I can't just turn that by hand but get some power back on this and see what happens all right see if we can't turn this by hand [Music] three-quarter inch socket Tong break a bar now right taking off the crank motor definitely not turning too easy - all sorts of trustees on this thing chunka rust gobbed up there the belt just tuck up PISA pulley with it your poutine they're gonna have to see that start over that is to some degree good news Oh what's going on now as I'm popped off oh just loose now it's alright it built anyways this works all right spark plugs equip back in all the spark plug wires that I could put back on I did a lot of them oh I think maybe almost half of them broke trying to get them out so these first two and then maybe one on the other side snapped the connector off so those are just kind of shoved back on should be enough to get a to get the piston to fire probably won't run very good also these back to spark plug wires I got mixed up with before I labeled them so those might be swapped around but I think we should be good enough to spray some starting fluid or just pour some gas in there and see if it'll start [Applause] [Music] these batteries are not gonna cut it is there a little dead army batteries [Music] alright I'm getting the same response out of a new battery with lots of amperage I'm thinking it's the connection possibly on these or possibly down at the starter I didn't move the ground from the block here over to the actual battery terminal I think might be a little better connection they're just kind of hard to pinch around this rubber I do love these my Chevy boville had one of these 97 awesome all right see how that does with a little bit better connection there all right got a little more direct connection here without a long pair of jumper cables in between the battery and the truck just got those short battery cables clipped in there I wasn't really expecting this to start but holy that just ran even just for a little bit I'll put a big ol smile on my face I need to get the old fuel out of this no the varnish probably varnish by now yeah I think I got these plug wires crossed let's go ahead and pose few lines see if I can't get anything coming out 5/8 inch line right here take this dummy on their rent cheery see the pumps even still working all right I got those to plug wires switched around let's see if that one's any better you're also gonna be running bad since I've got torn way lose that varnish making its way up here I smell it all right you guys today might be pulling this TV I figure this thing spraying again first I kind of want to see what's in the tank according to the fuel gauge is full just like varnish he's the old guests just scraping the bottom of the tank really get anything wet on that okay get my camera probe in there it's some kinda that might be the float actually drink it up camera to turn down yeah I'm thinking there's nothing in there that's good news kinda means I'll have to try and drain a bunch of stuff out of the tank put about two gallons into the tank now I want to look at the startled body the throttle is seized I'm just gonna soak it with some DVD [Music] I hope that frees things up that's better but it's still pretty stiff [Applause] hey-hey-hey-hey-hey looks like some gas came up all right that's good that means fuel can get up to the carburetor fuel line's reattached let's see if see if we get anything to spit through that they're doing some weird air noises come through though what is that let's give it a little boost there is a TVI unit [Music] all right got the host of the grungy stuff off of this thing let's open up these injectors and see what I couldn't see I'm uncertain if these are adjustment screws or if that's how they come out but I don't I'm getting to a point where I don't really want to mess with these anymore there's any chance of salvaging this I gonna leave this somewhat intact and maybe just give it a soak but let's put some power today see if they're still operational yeah it's clicking power supply doesn't like it though just get up a new lab yeah they both click should get another power supply or get a battery on this someone I'm gonna run this out to one of the car batteries and just see if I can watch these work alright after you're working that for a little bit clicking these things on and off is able to finally blow through them backward it'd also be something with the computer of course if something's not reading right it's not gonna send a fuel or tell it to open up the injectors so I want to clean this up a little bit since I brutalized the co I'm gonna paste it up pool ultra black on there I don't think when I mess around with this too much more you got more seals here that I can ruin so I don't really want to take that apart it feels kind of springy must be a regulator um yeah I'll just put that back on next problem getting this freed up someone go take this outside as well and just just so good well I got some oil alright combination of three in one oil and PB Blaster so you gonna do the trick doubtful there it at one point so stiff and wasn't getting any better with the PB Blaster but mixing it up with some something oil feel great oh man that's nice alright go fix that let's go put the pieces back on it all right got the stuff all blown out on the compressor pretty good crunchies left on this gasket I'm just doing my best to get any grease or oils off of here before I put on the ultra black q-tips not the best for this because it leaves little fuzzies around but I'll pick them off I couldn't find any of my ultra blacks I'm just gonna use some ATV red here high temp should work okay just going to use a small amount to put on the parts where the gasket or these folks back in just snug and then we'll let the RTV read set let dry for one hour then tightened to torque specifications allow 24 hours to fully cure all right I got that keyring has gotten torqued down for its final tightening and we just can let that sit 24 hours alright I'll put in tightened down vacuum island vacuum lines are reattached the injection connections are reattached the injectors are attached well position sensor this air bypass valve looking good just need to put the battery back on it bunch of air up in there still a chance we got a bad fuel pump but let's put a little food in the Chevy [Applause] [Applause] it's also a lot of other things like the computer system that nobody reader I check it right now see if there's anything going on so don't have one all right I just cracked both these lines pretty sure the bigger one is the fuel line bureaus not heating up here somehow yeah there's nothing coming out these lines so next step would be I guess chicken if you pumped so I was just looking at some previous footage of this repair and there was a very distinct sound of fluid running through this might turn it on so at some point the fuel pump was working there's usually a fuse in a relay on the firewall but this truck seems to have its own little box here fuel pump fuse ground Junction block fuel pump relay optional relay ground plastic nuts down here start with the fuse here and that's not blow and see if it's getting power okay just got down here I went looking and it turns out this is an OPD one so I don't need a reader to get the codes off this nice the bug so I just need to short these two terminals turn the key on write down the codes makes things easy all right got that jumpered so I'm gonna take notes on I'll just check the key here a days 1 1 2 12 12 12 I believe is this is the start and stop of this sequence so it's saying there's no error codes I believe it's just flashing twelve twelve twelve twelve twelve I don't think there's any air code so I that's it let's get into that fuel pump okay I got two bolts two straps unbolted held on by these tie-downs so you can slowly lower it alright gas tank it out and there's a full wrap ten more fuel in there tonight I thought there was looking in there with the seesnake I don't think I was doing a very good job of pointing that downward there must have been just quite a bit more gas yeah that thing is freaking full as des will reek of varnish very old gas yeah that's some nasty old yes and there we should have drain this first all right so again I left with this nasty looking stuff here yellow looks like baking these sessions like amber nasty stuck on him breeze owner that's some kind of leakage from the old gas sitting so long kind of smells like the varnish stuff in the tank well it's more like a wax though varnish wax but maybe it just smells like varnish good sorry next to that cuz I'm right next to the tank here scrape this off and pop the fuel pump and just see if it's even works alright just confirmed we are getting power back to the fuel pump which is awesome that means that a very good chance I got a very good feeling that all I have to do is place this pump so we're getting power right up to it with no fuel pressure oh boy yeah no kidding oh boy that stinks too nasty float staring at oh yeah yeah it's like it exploded Wow so it's like I got pressure that's why I get pressure for only a little bit just just enough left on the hose to boom yeah that's a good reason not to get fuel dump this whole gas out here you know I kind of think this is some sort of wax weight all right mess with it more smell it thank you foreigner she smells just coming out the tank and this stuff is something else but I don't know maybe it is never really had to deal with gas this old before I'm sitting away I'm cleaning up this ring area really good before I dump it though if I drop anything out of the tankage wash out five gallon still got to in there all right some see an old guest can put into town and got a new fuel pump for 75 bucks that one on eBay for 35 bucks but I didn't want to wait two weeks for it to get here so I went into town and they have one in stock actually they had a couple different versions they had this one for $75 with a five-year warranty or there was I think one for one 140 or something like that for a life with a lifetime warranty you seal new ring [Applause] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] this part is no easy task Casa sure helped moving that vent line over but we got it I just need to put on the fill tube and the vent tube or the fill tube bent tube down the vent line and then there's the vent tube that goes into the filler so the pump nozzle knows when to shut off that's a breather line for that suite so both those fittings are tightened up the the fuel pump output and the return line so happy that was the hardest part right there it is good couple more hose clamps and a ground [Music] okay ground is connected power connections are connected support straps tighten your legs tighten that lines clamped need some gas [Applause] hook the lines back up hey this is working and I got all that old varnish purged out of there try that again first I'm gonna wash out this fuel I guess I'll cleaned up few lines reattach let's try that again yeah I think I'm gonna tape up this is a little electrical tape fix this vacuum line real quick look at that you guys is so happy we don't have coolants I can't run that too long [Music] so awesome oh my gosh it's running good news - he says he'll sign it over to me if I can take it off the property so I will have to figure that one out where to bring this clean up these pulleys put that serpentine back on or at least yeah it didn't look too bad I could probably run that serpentine for a little while but I'll probably get a new one when I go into town for new spark plug wires since half these are torn so I was running so crappy half of these are just kind of sitting in there is this one of the broken ones yeah you can see that wire kind of hanging in there it's not really there's no more connector it's just just kind of popped on there new wires new plugs cap and rotor make sure water pumps working when we put that all back together new air filter gosh new tires new brakes shocks oh boy we got some videos coming fun project and now I got something to take into town and give you parts for the RV supplies Smail stickers sell stuff on eBay opened up so many options I'll probably even go back and do some of my temp work temp jobs sometimes I have really good days I want to go work ah [Applause] and I am still hired on with the temp agency so I can I'd only have to show up now I can do that yeah those tires need to be addressed I'm gonna be having those popping can't have those popping on me big old truck never had a dually before about different patches I hear it's a really stiff ride because of that got beefed up springs and suspension apparently for the towing [Laughter] yeah oil change of course fact let's just stop writing that until I get the oil changed trans and you look at the trans it looks like a gym old workhorse gym Jimmy Jim I don't know you guys let me know what you think of that name it's really I'm getting attached so it's also a 454 just like patches it's a I forgot what he call it it's like a it's a Canadian made motor it's called a Tonawanda the ranch owner here keeps calling it like a Tahoe motor or something air like that I've got a funny name under a meeting with it supposed to be good engine I don't know what to say except stay tuned lots of videos coming up chuckle pear oh boy you guys know I'm gonna paint this thing maybe nothing too crazy maybe I can even yeah I'd be easier just to repaint the whole thing d Badgett get the stickers off I probably have enough rattle cam yeah probably not of any one color though all right you guys thanks so much for watching have a good day stay tuned bye bye
Channel: Class A Living
Views: 832,116
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Class A Living, rv living, boondocking, Alternative Lifestyle, DIY Repair
Id: 3EzDN3sp1JU
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 61min 53sec (3713 seconds)
Published: Mon Apr 13 2020
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