Fixing a Viewer's BROKEN Gaming PC? - Fix or Flop S2:E6

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this here is another viewer's broken gaming pc and apparently this one powers up the fan spin the leds light up but we get no picture out and that's kind of sort of a huge problem because without picture out this thing's just one large paperweight we're gonna try to fix it for this viewer in this video stay with me fellas listen up did you know that two out of every three men will experience some form of hair loss by the age of 35. yeah you heard that right 35 and some assume it's just a fact of life right what can i do it's genetics it's stress what have you but there are things you can be doing now to prevent it incomes keeps a licensed doctor with keeps will review your information online and recommend the right hair loss treatment plan from there your medications are shipped right to your door every three months and you'll have 24 7 access to your keeps doctor for any questions you might have keeps this the more affordable solution for hair loss and pattern baldness because they're able to offer generic versions of fda-approved medications and while it may take upwards of four to six months to see results those that have are so glad they started when they did because the best way to prevent hair loss is to do something about it while you still have hair left so don't wait visit forward slash greg salazar again that's k-e-e-p-s dot com forward slash this youtube channel's name or click the top link in this video's description to save 50 off your first keeps order hey there and welcome to fix or flop in this playlist we attempt to fix viewer systems in and around the orlando florida area for free that's right zero dollars and zero cents now there are a couple of caveats of course the first is that i can't technically guarantee that your system will be fixed when i return it to you it's just it comes with a territory we've had a pretty good track record so far on this playlist but you never really know the second caveat is that you have to be okay with me filming this process with your rig it takes a few days usually i'd say like three to four days and most folks are okay with that because again the service is free and of course i can monetize these videos on sites like youtube that's where i make the bulk of my money so i don't offload any of that cost to the viewer who again is already gracious enough to loan us his or her system now this system is it's it's a curious one because uh when you just you know you take a quick glance at it you would think that it's you know okay low to mid range right it's got a 1660 super in here which is pretty cool uh and it's got an intel stock cooler over a pretty modern looking motherboard mismatched ddr4 but that's not a huge issue but then when i read the spec sheet i had to i asked for this twice because i wasn't sure if it was a typo or not apparently in this build is an intel core i7 12700k yeah you're thinking what i'm thinking with the stock cooler and this isn't even the correct stock cooler for this generation of cpu mind you i'm pretty sure this came from a 9th gen platform which was what was previously in here so when he upgraded to alder lake he just migrated the cooler and there are a few problems with that and most notably i don't think this cooler can keep up with how much heat this cpu is putting out i mean at 12 700 k for crying out loud like you need at least a 240 mill aio a pretty decent air tower cooler in my experience with most 12 700ks i i've actually been testing i have a 12 900k my system now a 12 600k even the 12600k runs a bit hot and you do need something after market in my opinion to cool this a stock cooler is just not going to cut it and so unless he won the silicon lottery i think part of the issue here might be that his cpu was just running way too hot for way too long again i said he's got a 1660 super in here 32 gigs of mismatched ddr4 a z690p d4 asus prime motherboard and a prestige 80 plus gold power supply from ipva you know i can maybe see the case where like a viewer might think that just because it's a core i5 even though it has a k in the name it's you know you might be able to get away with the stock cooler but in 2022 any core i7 especially a k-sku should not be using a cooler this tiny and pathetic these intel stock coolers i mean they're garbage they really are they're not good for anything other than maybe like base core i3 and locked core i5 builds and that's if you're on a very very tight budget so i think i have an upgrade form it's not going to be the beefiest cooler in the world but it should be leaps and bounds better than what he currently has in here otherwise cable management seems to be pretty good this doesn't look like this person's first build uh the case seems fairly clean i'll check cable management behind the motherboard tray once we're uh once we're through this but uh obviously the elephant in the room the fact that the system doesn't work so with all that out of the way let's get to the troubleshooting process starting first with attempting to power the system on and replicating the issue described by the owner remember here again it is just a no picture out scenario so the system should light up the fans should spin at least some of them but we shouldn't get any signal to our monitor let's get this thing fired up power on at the rear and the power button i think it's dead center so as described so far the system does power on fans are working leds are on but i don't see a picture out we have a dr debug led on this board of course we don't of course we don't just makes our job that much more difficult graphics card fans are spinning so there's that i want to connect a speaker and see if we get any beats that's weird no sound at all from the speaker okay so because we don't get a sound from the speaker i'm going to focus a bit more here on the card i swapped out the hdmi connection with a displayport connection from the 1660 super we still got no signal so it tells me that it's probably not a bad hdmi port something i just wanted to roll out up front what i'm going to do next is swap this card for one that we know works in comes the gt710 and for those who haven't seen earlier episodes in this playlist this thing's an absolute champ it definitely saves the day more than one occasion because it doesn't require a supplemental pcie power connection just slots in connected to your monitor and you'll get picture out more than likely we know this card works of course and that's why we're going to swap it with the 1660 super in the build it would be so very unfortunate if this card was to blame for uh the no post issue i don't have a replacement 1660 super on hand in fact most of the boxes that many of you like to point out in my closet are empty so uh i'm in the same boat as most of you companies don't like sending graphics cards and i can understand why they're a scarce resource right now can i disconnect that it's a bit jarring and we'll slot in our trusty 710. will this work nah i don't think so but uh just want to get it out of the way up front so that we don't need to deal with graphics card swapping anymore same issue it's not doing anything so i guess i'm slightly relieved there but i'm also i've got the sneaking suspicion that it might be a dead cpu and that does suck because this is almost a brand new chip it's a 12700k these things just came out why is this one already crapping the bed does it have anything to do with the fact that he's using a stock older intel cooler probably now we must get ahead of ourselves i want to be consistent here i don't want to just swap the cpu out right because i think that's what's wrong i do badly want to swap it but i'm going to kind of restrain myself a bit because we do need to check a couple more things that i recommend you check as well if your pc refuses to post the first thing we're going to do is clear the cmos i'll show you how to do that in a second the second thing we're going to do is check the ram seating we're going to make sure that all of those modules are properly slotted in an improperly seated dim can cause what we're seeing here and then if those two things don't work one more thing i might try before swapping the chip is disconnect all these smaller connections here these are non-vital the only ones that we really need at this point are the 24 pin and the 8-pin eps up top first things first we'll make sure the system is powered off this motherboard as far as i can tell doesn't have a dedicated button for clearing the cmos instead we get two pins here at the bottom the old-fashioned way clrtc my cclr cmos clear cmos we're going to jump these two pins with our screwdriver we're just going to hold it here for a good 15 to 20 seconds or so now will this work i don't think so but again we have to check because it's so easy to do just kind of gets rid of that doubt in the back of the mind yeah no picture out okay so uh next thing we're going to check ddr4 i'm going to do that right now uh everything looks to be good yep all ram is seated properly we could also just try booting things with a single dim installed let's do that now i'm going to use one of my dims that i know works we're going to slot it into a2 which should be the first slot to populate and power back on here again just to roll out another simple fix we're going to be kicking ourselves in the teeth if all it came down to was memory right it's a very quick quick swap but still nothing again i'm not really surprised i am i am aiming for that cpu i just want to swap that chip out i've got a few other alder lake chips to to throw into here and uh we'll see i i it's looking like he nuked this chip with that stock cooler i don't think the failure rates on alder lake are all that high i've been using one for a good while haven't heard too many reports out of the gate so it doesn't seem like a qc issue although you could have just gotten a bad you know a bad chip it happens it is very rare though especially earlier in the product's life cycle so now again what we've done is disconnect everything non-vital with the exception of the 24 pin which obviously is vital and the 8 pin eps up top which powers the cpu directly we'll need to jump the pins here because we disconnected the cable and yeah still still nothing so now we're in hardware mode i'm gonna be removing this cooler which uh it's connected up top here there we go uh this this wasn't even bolted down this one is this one is but this one it doesn't feel like it's locked in at all which is a problem that's that's uh yeah you're not getting proper distribution of uh mounting pressure and yeah you'll get pretty bad performance that way look at the just another reason why you don't want to do this you've got large chunks of this ihs that aren't being touched at all by either the cold plate or the thermal paste and that's no bueno and we're going to check the underside of the cpu and we're also going to check the socket ooh ooh i think i know what's wrong i think a cpu is fine i see some bent pins in that socket not entirely sure how well this is going to be picked up by the camera but there are some bend pins along the back side of the socket here and they kind of spread out a bit it's a bit strange how this happened because i mean even if you just like drop the cpu in pretty rough usually you'll damage the pins along the edges of the socket not these random ones here toward the middle so i'm going to try my best to fix these we'll have to pull the motherboard out though because i don't feel comfortable working with it in the case i don't have the correct like angle of approach with it in the case now thankfully it doesn't look like any of these pins are missing that would be a total sol i think i again i think i can fix this uh you might as well try because otherwise this board is just bricked now what i personally like to use to fix these lga sockets is a sewing needle these have very fine points of course they're very sharp be careful but they're fine enough to where you can get under these smaller little contact pins in the socket i'm going to try my best here i can see where a few of them are bent one of them is really bent out of shape and i think that's what's causing the no post issue it just doesn't see the cpu fully because there are pins that aren't making contact so we've got to be very careful here i've never actually done this with an lga 1700 socket before and it's oh there's a lot of fine points in here okay i'm trying to bend this one back gonna be really careful not to snap the pin if you bend it too hard too fast oh that was close okay that one looks better i'm not sure like how this happened possible something may have just like fallen on it while the socket was exposed and that's just another reason to be super careful around these now i think that might do it it might be one other pin that's slightly out but i kind of want to try it as is because if i go any harder in the paint here i might end up snapping a pin and of course that's you know that's worst case scenario the board's the board's bricked at that point so yeah i kind of want to try this here's the finished product again you can obviously see at the bottom left-hand side of the socket where those pins are still slightly misaligned but i think this is good enough it's definitely better than it was when we pulled it out of the case so i'm going to go ahead and kind of situate this in the case again we'll wire things up and hopefully we'll get a post this time and just so we're on the same page before we kick this off the underside of the cpu looks mighty fine so we've got primary stuff reconnected i'm gonna go ahead and flip the switch here behind the power supply and we'll need to jump the two yeah pardon my really shoddy camera work there i'm gonna jump the two pins for power hoping we get a picture this time it would be pretty sweet come on come on dang i even tried wiring the hdmi cable directly into the motherboard to use the cpu's integrated graphics i forgot that these chips had integrated graphics because i'm so used to ryzen i'm not sure why i didn't think of this sooner but uh still nothing still no picture i i don't know i mean i i thought i fixed those pins i mean they they look pretty darn good i would have put my seal of approval on them but maybe they're just too recessed and i need to like pull them up or something who really knows now i've spent a good minute trying to rework these pins yet again i'm determined to get this right and this looks pretty much stock now i mean i i was pretty good before but now this is you're not going to get much better than this without machining it and i'm not trying to toot my own horn i'm just just objectively looking at this i would be more than happy to move forward with this i wouldn't expect there to be any issues at all so unless there's improper contact on the underside of the pin with the board in the socket this should work so we're going to try this now outside of the case just because i'm kind of tired of doing this if at this point it doesn't work what i'll do is swap motherboards because i don't expect anything is inherently wrong with his brand new virtually core i7 so here we go uh yes this all looks a bit jank i just i'm lazy i don't want to put the motherboard back in only to find out that it doesn't work and then remove it a third time it gets very old after a short while i hope this works i'm not getting anything wait did it just power cycle oh excuse yes okay i am so happy about that wow okay um that's awesome i'm i'm super related now uh usually you know just replacing boards in these scenarios but uh reworking pins in an lga socket let me tell you friends it is a pain in the butt if you've done it before you know exactly what i'm talking about and the risk of breaking a pin is fairly high so you want to be very very careful looks like whatever we did the second time around did finally fix it and uh that's that's terrific news so uh coming off a high there that was uh that was really exciting we are in day two now and i want to do the next logical thing in this process and that is swap out the cooler this stock cooler from a couple generations ago does not belong over a 12 700k it's a bit ridiculous so i'm hoping that when we swap out that cooler for this one courtesy of msi we don't end up you know screwing up the socket or the pins or anything the mounting pressure can affect the the contact with the pins i i just you know it's not the cooler's fault it's going to be the socket's fault if it happens but this core liquid s360 from msi is a beast it's a 360 millimeter all-in-one liquid cooler it has a fan over the block for active vrm cooling which is really nice it also has an integrated display so you can have it pretty much show whatever you want temperatures you want to put a crazy image on there what have you um it's fully customizable that's what i really like about this thing and another thing this is natively compatible with intel's lga 1700 sockets you have to worry about whether or not it'll fit the latest and greatest it says it right there on the box we're gonna be good to go here just look at how puny this thing is it is definitely not doing the core i7 justice i understand why the viewer did this again it looks like it just migrated it from his older intel platform just to save cost effectively but uh it's it's it's effectively cutting off this core i7 at its knees and uh it's it's a bit of a shame to see it there so that's again why i want to upgrade i'm very grateful that msi is willing to support us in this one and uh i think that you know what you're gonna see from this is kind of threefold first off your core temperatures will drop dramatically and as a result of that your cpu will last a lot longer that's something i can't really prove on paper but theoretically if the chip is running a bit cooler it should last longer and we're also going to get a much quieter operation because the fans don't need to spin as hard to displace more heat because a lot of it's already being absorbed by the radiator and kind of just passively uh convecting to atmosphere of course the fans help that tremendously but you don't need to be running them at 100 rpm if you're not doing insane overclocking or anything i am moving around a few standoffs this board doesn't take up the full nine that uh typical atx does it's slightly narrower so we've got these extra ones kind of hanging here and actually he had blanks where you would need standoffs to get this board situated properly so i'm going to move these around just before we get the motherboard in here i think actually he's only going to need five plus the center one which is uh included in the case and then we can go ahead and get this situated the stock cooler is obviously removed at this point and we'll work on getting the i o mounting hardware installed from the rear once this is tightened down uh i mean it's it's not terrible except for this rat's nest down here which you really can't do too much about i did need to get back here though because i want to reroute some of these smaller cables coming through cutouts in the case that really don't make sense for me these front i o cables need to go somewhere over here there should be a cutout that yeah right here now i moved some things around as you can see it's ssd is now right beside his power supply it's not an issue that this isn't like mounted to a little tray these things have no moving parts we'll just use some double-sided tape and make sure it stays right next to the psu i had no choice really because we had this rats nest that was in front of this tray and this is where our radiator needs to go over the 360 ao from msi so i moved this ssd over there cleaned up cables just a bit trying to change where things were routed and i think it looks cleaner now it's not perfect i didn't really spend too much time with this but again the main issue was just getting this to work and it wasn't like it was completely trashed back here so now we can get the aio installed and then we'll attempt to power this thing on hopefully it still works at the end of this now core liquid s360 installation is pretty straightforward especially for intel just use this bracket and these included standoffs and with some thermal paste applied we'll get this block installed i've removed the cover for the uh for the block so it looks a bit weird right now so we'll situate that there and then get these thumb screws on it's kind of awkward doing it standing up again for the sake of the video and there we are now we just gotta route these cables and uh we can get this cover installed let's see it just clips right in and i think we are just about finished cable management looks pretty tight on this side we cleaned up things just a tad behind the motherboard tray as well and uh everything you know everything's wired up i think it's time to fire it on i'm going to be crossing everything i got in hopes that that socket is still intact let's wire things back up hdmi cable back into the graphics card this is his card again not my uh gt710 i put his ram back in here as well literally the system is as is ready to go at least it should be and uh we're gonna go ahead and power it on oh there we go sorry it's slightly delayed all right looking for a post come on give me a post let's go post post come on come on come on yes it works my brother's on the phone it still works that's awesome already i won't lie i'm uh i'm a bit shocked i was expecting that to be something super simple or just you know a brick component a brick cpu or a brick graphics card which is why initially we started investigating the card because that's kind of what it looked like was happening this just goes to show you that uh even having a few bent pins can result in a no post the system will still turn on right a cpu is kind of sort of still detected so it does try to post but when you get that no signal it's just you know it could be a plethora of things and that's that's another reason why i love this series because you never really know what you're gonna get even though the symptoms you know seems to be the same one over and over it could be totally different solutions to fix the same problem so with that i hope you've enjoyed watching this one play out this one was especially interesting because i was led to believe it was one thing and then very quickly pivoted and i was ready to just completely swap out the cps but i'm glad we looked at the socket because that was where our issue was and ultimately this fix costs us zero dollars and zero cents even if i was doing this as an official service like for charge um the fact that i don't have to call the viewer in that case right and tell them hey i got to replace your 400 500 cpu um i mean that that's always a a preferred outcome right uh so i i would have replaced it for him anyway if the chip had been you know if the chip was fried i can get these from intel rather readily i think so i would have just swapped it for him but still it is nice to know that that it really didn't require all that much effort i was trying to be very careful with the pins again i'm not sure if this is going to be like a 100 like surefire solution it's possible that we might have issues with contact in the socket later on but for now it appears to be running i've left it on for about 30 minutes and uh no issues so far so we're just uh crossing our fingers hope it stays like that now if you've enjoyed this season of fixer flop so far be sure to let me know by giving this one a thumbs up i would greatly appreciate that if you haven't subscribed yet smash that red subscribe button and click that notification icon that's the bell right next to it so you get notified when videos like these go live we're uploading fixer flop episodes at least a couple times a week we also mix in some pcdc and gcc stuff you don't know what those are uh check out our recent playlist here on this channel i'm also curious to know in the comments section below what you guys would have attacked first given this symptom that you were seeing the no signal symptom is like a universal one like i said it's it's it could be so many different things right that's causing that and i just happened to go after the graphics card first i figured that was the most obvious thing of course you know clearing the seam also checking ddr4 seating and stuff aside i just felt like the graphics car was the next big thing to check and then shortly after that i pivoted almost all my attention to the cpu and ended up being cpu related it it wasn't the chip specifically it was the socket but still kind of in the same boat there so i think i handled this one okay i you know i didn't really i didn't really have anything else to to go off of there's no doctor debug here there aren't really any leds indicating what's wrong when the system doesn't post so you kind of just have to play it by ear start part swapping that's that's really you know the gist of it starting with the most obvious stuff the stuff that's easiest to check first and then work your way down to the more complicated stuff involving the platform you know swapping motherboards swapping cpus etc with that again check out our troubleshooting gear in the video description all with our cleaning gear and other stuff like that i don't think there's anything else i really want to plug right now you can check out my social media channels if you want to uh you know subscribe if you're not subscribed to us but follow me on twitter instagram follow the channel page on facebook uh that would all be appreciated we also have a new shorts channel and i kind of made note of this somewhere where did i make note of it i think it was i don't remember there's another video i'm pretty sure but uh the shorts the shorts channel essentially is just going to be like a 9x16 format very short videos what i'm probably going to do is open it up to questions and i'll dedicate individual videos to questions that i think are valid and that i think many people would appreciate uh hearing and answered too and and then we'll go from there so if you have questions that you want me to answer specifically in dedicated videos be sure to subscribe to our shorts channel it's just called greg salazar shorts and i'll have that linked in the description as well thank you so much for watching this for another video my name is greg and thanks for troubleshooting with me
Channel: Greg Salazar
Views: 257,498
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: fix or flop, fof, fix or flop pc, greg fix or flop, greg fix, how to fix a pc, broken pc, pc no post, pc no picture out, pc doesn't post, pc gaming, pc doesn't turn on, computer, how to build a pc, gaming pc, how to troubleshoot, how to troubleshoot a pc, Tech, pc gaming build, how to, pc wont turn on, no post computer, how to fix, gaming pc under 1000
Id: UA37fElFVhs
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 24min 52sec (1492 seconds)
Published: Sat Mar 19 2022
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