No Fault Found Turns into No POST Hell - LFC#333

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hello interwebs welcome to the editor's desk uh I had nothing to make a video out of this week because of various reasons uh things were um could just bust repairs or videos that got delayed because I ran into a spare parts requirement um however on Saturday morning a gaming PC came in with a no post and while karadog and I were doing our Saturday podcast two guys talked Tech which is LinkedIn down below um we thought we'd take a look at it uh it initially looked like it was going to be a no-fault found and then it turned into a bit of a rabbit hole that I thought was interesting enough to share so I've edited together the highlights from that stream into something that is kind of coherent so let's go on an adventure uh good right excellent um okay what are we doing in the meantime do we have anything to do in the meantime the white PC are we gonna look at it why not sure all right um I I'm not going to try and do any kind of formal recording just because we just we just haven't prepared for that so we're just going to look at it and we're just going to see if we can fix it um and I'll just see if I can edit anything together afterwards uh so yeah this thing apparently is power cycling I have not looked at it at all I've not done anything I have not confirmed that it power Cycles so as per tradition we should plug it in and find that it just works first time and it'll be a no fault found also how many USB do they need yeah it's it's got a USB 3 breakout on the bottom of it is that a card oh it's a natural controller board yeah it's got a lot of USB on it like this motherboard has got eight USBS as well it's got eight and eight USB motherboard and another five USBS at the back all right it's turned off and on I'm gonna try it again oh there we go it works excellent it Power Cycle once and it's booting best repair Channel on YouTube okay however the username is gaming I love it uh okay right however what this might mean if um we may still have a foot it has booted into Windows um yeah there's there's no customer it's booted into Windows okay um however what we might have here it did power cycle once before it started up so it might be that it just never starts first time that's still a fault so we'll still look at this anyway hmm okay so um so this yeah this looks like it might be a no-fault found I'm going to shut it down so now we need to do the very boring bit of systematically testing to see if we can find a fault with it because it might have an intermittent fault or a fault that turns up under certain circumstances because as I say anyone who was watching when I switched it on it did power cycle once before it posted uh off the top of my head I'm thinking it's got a flat CMOS battery which means it's the BIOS is resetting on every single boot um or every time it gets turned off so um that's not exactly a significant fault this might be a case of we swap out the CMOS battery and that's it um this is I this is what my whole week has been like I you know imagine that you just spent imagine that I've just spent 20 minutes turning on the lights getting the camera ready aligning it make sure we're in Focus start recording hello interwebs welcome to let's fix computers we've got this computer talk about computer talk about the story about it turn it on and it's a no-fault found it just needs a new CMOS battery that's been that's why there's no video this week it's been like this all week and I'm like I bet it's something just break for me like or like something breaking away that is fixable in an entertaining video this has been my week Okay so I shut it down it's still on at the socket I'm just going to power it on again let's see if it starts first time um [Music] I'm expecting it to start this time because I didn't power it off with the socket yeah it's starting I'm going to interrupt and then and then it didn't start ah however look at this it started on the screen it says overclocking failed please enter setup to reconfigure system interesting that that supports my theory that um the BIOS is getting reset or it's somehow unstable um so yeah this supports my idea that there's a problem with the BIOS and that is causing it to do uh RAM training or a CMOS reset or something like that on every boot so I'm now going to turn it off at the socket okay I'm going to turn it on again in a sec what were you going to say just to see if there was a dodgy overclock in there yeah it's worth checking I guess yeah because if there was one in there then it's a case of oh that's why it's not booting yeah all right I'll turn it on so what I want to see now is if it power Cycles again now it haven't been switched off at the socket so again I'm trying different turn-on situations I'm trying to Repro I'm trying to figure out how to reproduce the fault again look at that it just power cycled again so yeah it power Cycles after it's been switched off of the socket not uncommon to find people who turn off all of their sockets at night or turn off their computer at the socket at night um so customer might be thinking it's not starting it started on the second attempt yeah I think I've just missed it yeah it's going into Windows now so fair enough interesting um so are you going to get your multimeter and go I will yeah what are you right let's lay this down this is a Zotac GTX 960 two gigabyte so it's a 960. that's not too bad for a someone's cheap gaming rig the 2gig model not so good these the 2gig model just doesn't hold up these days the motherboard is a p8 p67m and the CMOS battery is five volts wait hold on yeah oh no uh 2.8 volts that's low yep that's your problem no no I don't want any of these These are Chinese probably too low anyway yeah 2 2.8 is low enough that it's probably that that will be causing some issues that's not completely flat so that might be high enough that it's not sort of like throwing up any kind of errors but it's going to be enough that you're going to start getting weird Behavior I thought anything less than three was pretty much it causes an issue anything yeah in my opinion anything less than 3.1 is replace it anything less than three could be causing a problem 2.8 you know that's not flat you know that's not like one volt where you're where it's a matter of yeah that's Stone dead 2.8 is not catastrophically low but it's probably low enough that we may well be having problems with it so um but what I want to do though since we've got a really basic problem here let's just do a deep dive on this to explore things interestingly so what I want to do now cow dog's having fun trying to zoom in and out I'm going to plug this in again and I'm going to do a I'm going to have a look in the Bios reset the bios and I want to confirm that we can keep reproducing the problem I want to confirm that it's not just a bias configuration issue and I want to keep reproducing the problem then replace the CMOS battery and prove that that is what has fixed the problem um and like I don't think theoretically you know in in a surprise to no one it's going to be that battery I just want to demonstrate that because otherwise someone might go oh 2.8 is not that low I want to prove conclusively that that is too low because that is it just it there's now and then like I I say anything below three could be causing a problem I want to prove that this is causing a problem in order to prove that assertion if you see what I mean yeah so yeah I don't think I remembered to um switch it off at the socket before I started pulling stuff apart so let's just do that again because the problem now is that if the problem has now just disappeared after having a couple of restarts then we can't prove anything what do you think would you like to use socket meaning a single module in any slot B meaning a pair of modules in either the blue or the black slots or C meaning modules in both the blue and the black slots oh so okay they're referring to configurations then rather than yeah uh the problem is evaporated that's really boring okay yeah that's a shame I was it's not power cycling anymore the problem has just disappeared um so yeah my my guess is that the BIOS reset probably because the CMOS battery was flat and the customer just panicked and brought it in for repair without actually trying it properly um which surprised me because it didn't take like it power cycled once but we weren't waiting that long before the screen lit up yeah they must have just not tried this thing I guess and [Music] um I can't think of any instance in which it would not have started for them within 30 seconds unless there was a bad overclock on there and it just wasn't recovering yeah yeah maybe yeah annoyingly now it's had a couple of reboots and it's come good we'll never know um I mean I guess we can check if there's anything actually yes yeah we've got a manual overclock yeah yeah I think it was that yeah uh do you want to get uh let's get capture up just so people can have a look like I say this is a note this is basically a no-fault found um which is incredibly boring however um we may as well just get set up just so people can just look at the kind of stuff you see out in the wild I guess uh now there we go we should have capture now there we go excellent can you tell me which version of the BIOS you have okay we have version version 3701 but there is a 37 a three if you care uh cool okay uh however yeah in the AI tweaker we have got some manual stuff dialed in here where we've got a little bit more on the base clock and we've got an all core uh we've got an all chord turbo 3.9 turned on what's the stock for this CPU then so for those of you who don't know you're overclocking very well you have the bait um on on old school stuff like this this is before floating floating boost and stuff like that you have your base clock which is typically 100 megahertz and then the multiplier and the multiplier gives you your final so it um a standard um so let's have a look at this we go to auto no it's not going to tell me um what's so what's the default for this CPU so the max turbo frequency is 3.8 3.8 okay so the default for this CPU would have been 100 with a turbo of a turbo multiplier of 38 so 100 times 38 gives you 3.8 gigahertz boost clock for a single core for a single core and the the overclock we've got dialed in here is all core um all core multiplier of 39 that gives us 100 times 39 which will be 3.9 gigahertz all core but they've also uh bumped the base clock up to 103 so 103 times 39 gives you in this case 417 4017 so 4.01 set 4.017 so 4 gigahertz so that that's this overclock explained it's a very very basic overclock and my understanding is is that these kind of overclocks are really easy to do on early core I CPUs like um uh Intel second and third gen my understanding is you could easily just dial in big all core overclocks like this and just set and forget 4.1 yeah and on that point there's a good possibility that this overclock is completely fine it's just where the CMOS battery has died it's gotten upset that's still what that's still my assertion of this yeah absolutely um so yeah okay yeah but it is a case that base clock overclocking certainly on a non-overclocking board like this yeah it's generally a bad plan yeah because the base clock will change the rate that the Ram's running at yeah will change the PCI link speed and it'll change the um SATA link speed as well apparently so it's a case that whilst the CPU might be stable at four gigahertz it's possible that the PCI link isn't or the starter isn't or something like that the other possibility as well is like why didn't they just do a hundred and a hundred by forty yeah you know can you was actually just knock him 40. yeah was it unstable at 40 because if so if it was unstable at 100 by 40 going to 103.39 on a computer that you're selling that's a terrible idea because that's still redlining and what you want to do is go to the point of being unstable and then walk it back a bit but what they've done is go to the point where it's unstable and then just acquire that speed slightly differently and it's like no no no no no you should have pulled it back slightly I think they just wanted that big four gigahertz number yeah so yeah um I'm gonna grab a uh another CMOS battery we'll change that out and then I guess we'll just um we'll just play around with it can I not change uh did I set it to manual again or I don't know yeah oh well that's the auto tuner oh I see oh well see you in 10 minutes yeah thanks um might be worth aborting this before it gets going on that and it's just like oh hello why are we at 43 now I don't know I mean if that's what the auto tuner shot for maybe you just hadn't stability tested yet do you want to just dial in I've put that to 100. 100 on that and I'm just gonna see what it does all right here we go here we go looks I want to see if it was the case of the idea that it was an unstable overclock because 43 by 100 is much higher than yeah sure if it goes straight to Windows on this then maybe it wasn't a million miles out of what it was capable of I mean yeah it's booting yeah yeah odd I don't know why that was in there then yeah unless someone was trying to memory over clock foreign yeah maybe they were looking for a little bit of extra member like this this is second gen Intel it doesn't care about memory speed yeah I don't know yeah fair enough all right let's shut it down to uh swap out the CMOS battery um and then uh I guess we'll back in we'll we'll bash in one by uh 100 by 40. run some stability tests make sure it doesn't fall over and that's us done basically yeah um yeah I'm actually glad that I didn't set up for a Mainline video on this because that would have been another another no-fault found waste of time kind of thing and like I said I've had bloody too many of them this week and just for posterity if you want to show the TV is overclocking hold on a minute uh bench come with face yeah okay so as you can all see with the new battery in there we're now at 3.36 so the excellent so yeah um so yes three 3.3 is is what you should expect to see from a brand new battery um so yeah essentially anything that is anything that's less than 3.1 I would just replace anyway because like if it's at like 3.09 it's still good but it's getting low and you have to work on the assumption that the computer might not get another service for X many years and if it's if the battery is getting low it's probably going to run out before it gets to its next service so you can prevent that from being an issue by doing preventative maintenance um cr2032s are cheap they're really cheap so just change it what are you thinking that's for the front panel yeah there's no USB 3 on the board oh maybe that's why they put it in so that's possibly why that's there yeah I get the feeling you know credit where it's due I get a feeling that the the person who built this machine actually cares because like it's don't get me wrong it's not a high spec machine and like this is a Lexar SSD um yeah you know like it's a lexile 128 gig SSD they tried to put in like they were really stretching the budget but they still put an SSD in it it's got of course scx power supply in it when they could have used five yeah they could have used a a CIT 500 or something which probably came with the case exactly it's in a cheap ass case but you do that it's got Corsair Ram in it Corsair value select sure um you know the the case has a USB 3 front on it so they've stuck in a USB 3 card so they can that can actually be used yeah you know I'm not I don't 100 agree with all of these decisions but this feels like some this feels like it was built by someone who actually cares yeah you know compared to a lot of the cheap gaming PCs you can buy on um Facebook Amazon and eBay yeah yeah I feel like the person who built this was actually trying to build the best that they could on the cheapest possible budget that doesn't mean it's good but it means that they did what they could with what they had available to them which I think is worth mentioning considering the absolute garbage that you can buy I just hope they haven't bought this this year yeah I'm not sure I try not to ask because a lot of the time when you say when you actually ask the customer you know how much did you pay for this the answer is usually heartbreaking and there's there's no like I don't trust myself to not Grimace when the customer answers that question yeah just to go you know when they turn around be like oh we paid about 600 pounds for it I'm just like oh no okay we'll try and get it working for you mad Madam you know so yeah and they're like was that good I'm like it is a PC you know it was a PC that you spent 600 pounds on yes therefore in a way it is a 600 pound computer yes oh God oh I Cry right um HDMI uh okay right so yeah uh let's just bash in 100 by 40. stability test this and send it on its way I think uefo bias there we go uh so there we go everything is on the BIOS has actually reset because I popped the battery out so now we're all everything is on automatic now um okay right I'm just gonna cycle it through Windows uh actually no we don't need to we know it's going to work time for manual right time for Manuel 40 uh right let's just Smash in 100 by 40 and just see if it works uh cinebench is not a true test of an overclock we should be doing like Lin pack and stuff like that however cinebench is a good uh sanity check it's a good confidence test all right the CPU fan certainly spooled up all right it sounds like 76. yes 7677 yeah temperatures aren't great although we have we are overclocking I don't know what these things run at I mean it the cooler isn't great um it's a it's a push pin cooler so it's going to be cheaper nasty I guess we could do the thermal paste on it while we're here because yeah that's looking for 80. did they by default really run it 1.4 volts I have forgotten it's been so long oh it's it's pulling 100 Watts this CPU yeah that's about right it's a 95 watt TDP really was it I assumed it would be a 65 watt yeah right no it's okay it's a case ski the case the case key though and they did well to reduce the TDP to 95 because the first gen i5s were 130 yeah yeah these temperatures are still climbing other than that even if even if it's got more Headroom I don't think you could put any more overclock into this without putting bigger cooling on it anyway I mean I guess you could try pulling down the volts a little bit and see if it can do it that would take out some of the heat but this is where it gets like man sometimes the old stuff is the most fun to play with isn't it no messing around with floating okay oh grip tempted to write to read only memory excuse me that is not a CPU error it could be a memory error I guess I might not be out the woods with this thing yet it's working but that doesn't mean it's stable this is the thing I I said sort of well this is a no-fault found nothing to see here folks but this might be what the customer is experiencing it doesn't start up and it crashes um the customers are really bad at explaining the problem and this is why you can't just immediately say it's a no-fault found uh okay well I guess we'll we'll drop it um we'll put it into stock run the test again see if it falls over again because if it falls over at stock CPU speeds we might have memory problems yeah and in which case we move to Ram test is there a label on the other side of that there is what are you PCI USB 3 card could do that too I agree um I have very little faith in adding USB cards um so yeah if we if we get this thing stable it will be very interesting to try the same overclocks with and without the USB card change the slot yeah we'll start going through these things we'll get it stable first and we'll narrow down what the actual fault is this has not posted yeah that was a really bad crash then wasn't it so again this this might be where the customer landed it like if we turn this off and on see what might happen now is it takes like three maybe four attempts to get it to post and the customer tried it two or three times then we came in and tried it the fourth time and on the fourth attempt it worked which might explain why as soon as I plugged it in it worked first time no issues doesn't mean it's not broken so this is turning into a slightly more interesting repair now yeah there we go I think it's just recovered from the failed overclock yeah so now the question is will it run at stock speeds if we just take off that overclock entirely take out the USB card ah not yet not yet uh one thing at a time we know it'll recover again one thing at a time like it's not it won't be difficult to make this thing work but what we want to do is we we need to figure out why it doesn't work and if we change a bunch of stuff at the same time we won't know why it didn't work for the record uh in my opinion the true CMOS reset is always to remove the battery however in this instance a jumper reset will be good enough since we're 99 certain that it's a bad overclock that's causing it there we go give it another spin if it doesn't boot this time then yeah we'll um we'll do a uh a battery out reset also if we have this much yeah well yeah no we need we need to get it back to stock speeds and see what it does this is starting to feel very very bad memory-esque but much being said we're having trouble getting anything out of it now well CMOS battery out uh yeah give it a few seconds then CMOS battery out I'm just surprised that it's this upset considering it made it but considering it got most of the way through um cinebench because like yeah cinebench doesn't care about your RAM like in the slightest yes yes but I mean if the overclock was unstable is what I mean oh it's so much the memory what can you just quickly pop in some no good Ram we can we can do all of these things that you guys are suggesting but you do them one thing at a time otherwise you won't know which it is the fixed it if we pull out the USB card and we put in different RAM and we change the graphics card and we change the CMOS battery and we unplug the power supply and then it works we won't know which of those actually did it and we'll be back to square one because then that time because the next time if you know at that point if it falls over again we'll have no idea what the actual fault was it's also a case of obviously you don't want to go to the the owner of a computer and go well you need a new graphics card a new power supply and new Ram yeah this is really this is a really long-winded way of fixing it but it means that when we actually get it to start theoretically we should 100 percent know what it is that was causing it so yeah the board just doesn't feel like it's resetting yeah it's really upset considering it was running 10 minutes ago it's really upset isn't it um it is did you read the did you read jumper the jumper did you un pull it low or whatever it is yeah I did yes it's it's in position one to two so it's definitely not in reset okay oh I see what you mean about the dram lights yeah yeah yeah um yeah okay what's going on with this um so just as a just as a quick thing let's just pull the USB card just to make sure because I have seen these USB cards just completely troll everything and everyone don't trust them as far as I can throw them then we're gonna I'm gonna go and get some known good Ram I I don't think the USB card is going to be blocking post um but yeah we'll just quickly try that I'm gonna go and find some DDR3 um oh I can rob some out of the GPU test rig that's DDR3 yeah stay yeah absolutely yeah just pull the power cable on that I would okay it does still turn off um we need the Magic Smoke tension I don't think we're gonna get that is the ram in the correct slots yes yes it is yeah I did double check that yeah although that that goes without saying because we've seen the computer run the motherboard will accept this configuration even if it's not the optimal configuration so stop chanting for the Magic Smoke it's not going to blow up what's confusing me about this is the fact that it was working 10 minutes ago yeah you know it's like people are saying oh I might just need the ram reseating I agree these are all valid strategies but it was working a moment ago all right there's a power cycle so Ram training [Music] disconnect the hard drive I mean sure we I mean considering we're having considering we we are stuck in no post hell now we are actually reaching the point where we might actually have to do our okay discount bare boot disconnect everything that's not needed um I can't see how it could possibly be anything like that however we are very much stuck in no post hell now which is not like it was working I don't know whether to be mad or relieved like I'm mad that it's that it was working and now it's not working but also now I'm just like oh now we've got content you know I mean at this point I may as well take the board out of the system and start doing uh bear boot however yeah what's up what's happened there that's thermal paste that's fine okay you are uninteresting you half therapist oh I see yeah was it someone rude in the chat you were just being really dismissive about their personality or something okay um yeah you know what I will uh we start like we we're changing a bunch of things however um we're we're actually in no post hell so at the moment I'm just like I'll change everything I just want to see it start now just so we can get back to some kind of method so yeah um previously I was saying oh one thing at a time however if you're stuck in if you're actually in no post hell then you go in guns blazing and get the thing to start and then you start working backwards again yeah all right um if it doesn't start this time motherboard out different power supply um right that's definitely in and Slot one um eight pin is in yes eight pin is in all right all right power at the back go go that's definitely not the other word we're not allowed to say ignition anymore yes all right maybe the power supply is giving up because this all of this can be explained by a bad power supply and these cx-500ms like I like these but they do fail that's everything yeah um all right I am yeah and Tech we should have been having fun dying outrageous overclocks into this thing for the giggles by now and now we're stuck in no post hell I hate everything yeah all right different power supply that should be enough for a go power supply on at the back ignition [Music] it didn't start the power supply so that's a good start still got the memory light yeah I don't get it stick it in another random slot yeah I will I don't get it it was fine it was running power off donk I think we need to take the motherboard out as well just to make sure there's not a Shard of metal jammed through the back of it or something like that because the moment you know the moment you take stuff like that for granted is the moment when that happens we dream please we're on the antec power supply which has the biggest output capacitors you can imagine so five vsb stays on forever there it goes don't foreign so if it's not slot one then slot two would be a valid config next all right activate I'm rapidly moving into the mindset of check CPU next even if it's just to reset it uh sorry to reseat it um because uh what I'm like I'm going through what have we done with this computer yeah and one of the things that we did do we did rag it and we we threw it up to the high 80s which will thermal cycle it so maybe the CPU isn't settled nicely and a thermal cycle has upset it I'm grasping at straws here but we don't have anything we're deep in no page do we uh I don't think so we probably do actually in the vast selection of CPUs we probably do I'm going to check these CPUs yeah but we don't have another motherboard no 99 sure we don't have another motherboard the oldest board is second Jen isn't it sorry is fourth Journeys that one and that one I'm taking the board out like a 13th gen Celeron maybe but at the same time I'm just like or you could just have like a fourth January 7th yeah just for another 20 pound you can put the I3 in it and then you've got something that's actually respectable all right GTFO I am pleased to not have experience of the Intel stock cooler all right thermal paste is kinda cooked it's not awful it was worth replacing but you know it's not completely baked 2600k just as it said it was oh I see trees are great I see Guff on a CPU pin on two CPU pins on three is that one slightly out of alignment yeah that's where there's some Guff it's not Avalon but there's something there the socket isn't great um I don't think that's a problem it's not moisture that might be residue from thermal paste or something but there's some kind of residue on the bottom of the CPU odd these are very weird things that I'd not expect to see um however I'm just I'm looking for problems you know let me just grab some sharp tweezers oh I just push that in so that's awesome I guess how's that going to do this with a blade however sharp your tweezers are they're not sharp enough and knife is sharper yeah I doubt this is causing something to the right oh yeah next to the plastic lump this guy here yes whoa that's a pin now I think that's got thermal yeah that's thermal paste I'm just going to get some alcohol and a toothbrush and it's time for the gentlest of Brushy brushes the that looks okay that's fine I think yeah none of this is screamingly obvious like none of this is making me go oh that's it no doubts you know but again it's also just convenient there's a bit of schmoo there on the second row up from the corner hmm that's a fiber of some kind like maybe someone's been in here with a Q-tip at some point and left some fibers behind will you pick up there's also a brown bear yeah I see it that needs it's under the pen foreign also good work working monofocally on this where did it go where did you go I caught the pin and the pin flicked it like a spring and it just disintegrated well it's not resting there it is there it is there it is nobody breathes that's hard whatever it is I don't know what the hell that is I have to say though it's quite nice being able to look at it on like a 24 inch monitor yeah that's one of the nice things about these and on style and and on Star Scopes is it's very quick and cheap to get a picture onto a big screen um you know however yes I have no depth perception here which is why when I come in with the tweezers I'm just like lower lower you know foreign all right all right I think that's a lot I'll just grab that bit of thermal paste just for good measure luckily this thermal paste isn't electrically conductive no not like hacking while did you see Wild floor lamp post that picture of that laptop or whatever it was oh yeah it's just got liquid metal everywhere yeah and just yeah just liquid metal had just gone everywhere and she's like oh it just stopped working hmm activate power cycle that was a quick power cycle yes apparently you bent two pins did I now say yes that wall be worth investigating I'll do a double check nope it posted all right there we go it lives no keyboard detected plus F1 sure um excellent oops I will just to settle that will have because it takes 30 seconds we'll pop the CPU out and have another look uh I I am 100 certain I didn't bend anything because I'm pretty certain I'd have spotted that but I have had a pint of cider so we'll double check just in case because what the hell was that um bent CPU pins sometimes they won't stop the CPU from posting it might be a PCI line in which case randomly one of the PCI Lanes won't work or you know just random things won't work even though the computer starts and runs so just because it's posted doesn't mean that there's no Bend pins down there yeah so we will check that just for posterity um also because I'm like no I didn't bend the CPU pin I would have seen that so we're going to double check and if there's any bent pins then I will quite happily eat some Humble Pie and so was it Guff under the CPU what do people think like none of those things that I picked out from that socket looked screamingly wrong to me but did the CMOS battery was in the entire time though wasn't it yeah unless it was just a fact of the board literally wasn't resetting yeah we we had it has been off for a long period of time while I around with the CPU socket yeah and in addition to that we have taken it out of the chassis we have messed it around a lot so it may have just come good I'm not convinced that me around in the CPU socket is what fixed it yeah however the the thing that has changed from the last post attempt was that we did try it out of the case first no we didn't no okay um however I however we have tried it out of the case that's the that's the two variables yeah I mean there's no chunks of metal in the case sticking into the back of the board in my experience like everyone always says I'll try it out of the case I've never seen that actually work unless you've got a case that's like not perpendicular you know I'm not saying it's not worth the trouble no but it's also just messing it do anything but it does just mean that everything in the case has been unplugged yes true yeah however also when I try when I first tried it with the amtec it was still in the case and I had disconnected the SSD and everything else we were on a 100 bare boo so yeah um so just yeah yeah attempting to backwards account for variables agree I'd work something out but yeah whatever right we'll check that socket and then I guess we'll start rebuilding it Until It Breaks again basically so or well hopefully it won't break yeah um yeah I'm a bit sad at the moment just because it's what this is exactly what I didn't want to happen it's working and we don't know why all right let's do a quick tour of that socket again I'm gonna go anti-clockwise because I'm hectic nice uniform land grid array oh there's a guy that looks wonky is that what you guys are talking about yeah yeah okay I'll uh I'll take that one on the chin yeah I'll um I'll take egg on my face for that one because even if it whether it was me who bent it or not I didn't Spot It yeah okay I think it's just that guy that's not outrageously Ben oh that probably went sideways when I when I was um jamming the Q-tip in yeah that's how that happened yeah all right yeah that's fine all right I'll um yeah uh yeah yep all right fair enough whoever called that well done the problem is if you reset this so it's in position and it stops posting I I would probably just have to throw this thing out the window immediately retire and go to live in I would go to live in Nepal as a goat um idea um is possible that the hard thing that you removed yeah under the pin stop the pin from going down yeah it could have been unsettling it possible yeah please come with a bench there we go yeah that's an odd one yeah I mean as I say the whatever that yeah it works um but then yeah maybe it was just unsettled so it was intermittent and we just got really lucky and then at the moment we started jostling the PC and moving it around we upset it again or something perhaps bizarre yeah like any other time when it's being an issue in the CPU socket there's been like a chunk of thermal paste or an obviously bent pen or something like a proper like a proper red flag where you can be like that's it that's your problem you know but yeah oh well uh we'll start it one more time so we're expecting this to work oh there's the beep there we go um HD yep HDMI did work there we go uh very good okay uh cool um we'll build it back up again and then we should be back onto the original plan which is should we just put everything together other than the power supply prove that this works GPU works oh yeah Etc just so when it goes back in the case we're chasing fewer variables agreed yep okay yep agreed um we'll Chuck everything else in there um yeah cool and also replace the CPU whilst it's out yeah I'll actually pay I'll put these I'll put the customers cooler back on now just because as far as we're concerned we're done with the CPU so yeah foreign posted maybe all right yes cool groovy um right okay I'm gonna throw all this back in the case as fast as I possibly can we can get back to actually uh testing this again now must have been the CPU socket I don't know yeah it's the only like we did a lot of stuff trying to get it to post before we took it apart I can't believe that I cannot I cannot believe that the board had not reset you know like when we took the battery out we didn't like normally when I take batteries out I'll take them out for like five minutes I'll take the battery out and go and make a coffee kind of thing and we didn't do that however I don't genuinely believe you need to wait that long I think it's like 30 seconds a minute tops okay we're good we're good it was it was a little bit slow on the post there and I'm like don't do it oh don't do it it did it um it it gone done it right uh well okay so we're into Windows I'll just take that for a moment um I'll just check that we're at stock settings and we'll just uh we'll just send a bench it again and just make sure it gets through cinebench and everything looks fine and so help me God if it has the same issue exactly that's what I'm concerned about so we'll make sure it gets to cinebench and then after that we can start building up the we can start dialing in the overclock again because at this point I don't think the overclock was ever the problem um so but we kind of want to like we don't I don't really want to give it back stock because it's going to be down on power compared to what it was I mean if it's unstable then fine soapy here but um yeah uh let's see clocks clocks all right uh wow we have very high single core boost the hell is that 4.4 uh I think the motherboard is doing a lot of exotic Auto stuff we know that the BIOS is going to be at stock settings at the moment so whatever I'm just going to smash it and see what it does multi-core we are all core boosting to 4.4 so I don't know what the hell the BIOS thinks it's doing right now however we're doing that at 75 degrees C so temperatures are certainly under control uh we're at about 100 Watts so um uh our temperatures are still Rising I think that's heat soak however I mean if it gets through this then it's as further than it was before anyway so um okay and it's scored oh we're on 10 minutes yeah yeah okay all right that's enough of that we get the idea however yeah that's not awful will that give me the best score that it got on the Run and that more or less wraps that up so we had a look at it we did spend another you know half an hour or an hour tinkering with the overclock settings to get as much out of it as we could uh if you do want to see more of that then the original podcast episode is LinkedIn down below and I've done my best to time stamp it just so you can jump to any parts that you were particularly interested in um the main thing that had us hung up at the end was um there was that uh TPU switch on the motherboard which was essentially a automatic overclocking switch and what we hadn't realized was that that basically overrides bios settings um however once we switch that off we stopped getting seemingly random default settings from bios and we were able to nail down a consistent overclock that we were happy with however there's no reason to believe that that overclock switch was actually the cause of the no post uh that seemed to be something else entirely anyway thanks for tuning in and I'll see you guys next time bye for now
Channel: Adamant IT
Views: 48,021
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: adamant it, adamantit, computer, repair, shop, custom, gaming, modding
Id: v96LvvVmQIc
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 51min 50sec (3110 seconds)
Published: Wed Nov 30 2022
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