Fixing a Viewer's BROKEN Gaming PC? - Fix or Flop S2:E5

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this here is another viewer's broken gaming pc and this one is a bit larger than normal barely fit in the front of my car it has an rtx 3070 in it i believe a ryzen 7 5800 x i mean all around a very well-balanced very powerful gaming pc and the backstory to this one is that uh well it was assembled with new components this owner waited quite a while to find a 37 at a good price to kudis him for having you know patience in this market and he went to turn it on for the first time and things lit up but he got no picture out and believe it or not this pcs set like this with this symptom for over a year i just cannot wrap my head around a build this fresh this good looking this new this powerful never having been properly turned on and used it is never gamed a single time because it has not worked since its assembly how on earth does this viewer sleep at night i just don't know how he waited over a year to fix this thing i mean when i was talking to him in person he said you know life life just happens and things that are a bit more important obviously have to take precedence i understand that but just you know as a pc builder uh it just kind of hurts a little bit to know that this build hasn't been properly used yet so uh hopefully we can fix this thing up for him in this video stay with me crucial brings 40 plus years of quality and expertise as a brand of micron to their new external ssds the x6 and the x8 they bring an ideal price to performance ratio with reliability you can count on when you're on the go they're compatible with pc mac xbox playstation and more so if you're a frequent traveler working remotely or just don't want to fuss around with a screwdriver simply connect a crucial x6 or x8 to your favorite device via usbc and transfer away you can learn more about crucial x6 and x8 ssds via the link below hi there and welcome to fixer-flop season two there is an entire first season that you might have missed check it out it's also in this playlist but here what we attempt to do is fix viewer systems in and around the orlando florida area for free that's right we charge zero dollars and zero cents all i ask in return is that they allow us to film these troubleshooting processes i can make money by monetizing videos like these on youtube and elsewhere and i don't feel like offloading any of that cost to the viewer who's already gracious enough to loan us his or her system and who often has to drive at least 30 minutes to an hour heck in orlando traffic if you're coming from tampa or coming from lakeland or even jacksonville miami we've had that's a pretty pretty big commitment so i appreciate that from these viewers now when it comes to this build i have a couple of ideas to what could be causing the no post issue it's either more than likely i think an incompatible bios you know maybe just plugging in again if it's a 5000 series then 3 cpu and put it into an x570 motherboard some of those boards don't have the most up-to-date bios to support zen 3 architecture so that could be a possibility also could be just something very simple like maybe a cable's unplugged possibly on the power supply side or some other connection that's either plugged into the wrong port let's say or maybe there's just like a cable that's not plugged in at all um he also told me that some of his fans his fan text fans in particular are not lighting up uh so obviously the system was getting power at some point he was able to see some of the fans spin but again no picture out means your bill is practically a paperweight so yeah the other obvious thing i want to tackle is cable management it does look a bit rough here in front of the motherboard and i imagine behind the motherboard tray it also looks quite rough so there's that so three things i want to tackle here first off obviously the no post issue uh second we want to address the rgb functionality here with these fans from fan techs uh apparently those aren't working uh and then three we're gonna clean it up cable manage and then this build should be a-okay so with all that out of the way let's get into the troubleshooting process first thing we need to do is plug this thing in and attempt to replicate the issue or issues described by the owner in this case again it's a no post so when we power it on we should get lights from at least some of the fans maybe lights in the graphics card but no picture out should say no signal on the screen so with everything plugged in let's give this a shot power on the power supply push the power button up front oh yeah we've got some like yeah we've definitely got some issues with these phanteks fans so this one's spinning but not lit up the front ones are kind of i don't know some of them are lighting up and some aren't so it's a bit strange and no picture like at all actually we have a dr debug led on this motherboard d0 d0 that is a well that's a start we've got another debug indicator up here and this top led is for the cpu so i'd be willing to bet at this point that this is a bios incompatibility of some sort so i'm going to remove this graphics card just so we can identify the motherboard a bit better i think this is an x570 unify uh i mean i hate it when these boards don't make it apparently obvious i can't tell them i have to look it up but i don't expect anything is wrong with the graphics card just because again we're getting a bunch of signs from the motherboard itself from the debug leds uh that it is a cpu issue instead now i did already check that his ram is seated properly so no issues there and i've also checked vital connections namely is 24 pin his two 8 pin eps is up top that power cpu and his two supplemental pcie power cables those were all connected properly both in the component side and the power supply side i've also manually cleared to cmos this motherboard has a dedicated button for it that did nothing so at this point i am about 95 sure that his bios is incompatible with a cpu a lot of x570 boards came out around the same time as these 5000 series chips or when they were announced at least and by that point usually most motherboard vendors are pumping out the latest bios so that you don't have this kind of issue that we're having here where all of your hardware technically works they're just not able to communicate properly with each other so because this system was built so early it sounds like if again it was built a year and a half or so ago that sounds like it was before 5000 series chips were released that's why this is happening at least that's what i expect so i am on the vendors page here and we're going to download the latest bios for the x570 unify now this point you might be thinking well greg we're stuck between a rock and a hard place because even if we know that the bios is what needs to be updated we can't get into the bios to update it because the system won't post that's where certain boards like this one here this msi unifi board come into play with their bios flashback utility now some vendors might call it certain things we have a video dedicated to this exact procedure we're about to uh to run through here in this video and i will have it linked in the video description it's how to update your bios without a cpu or without a compatible cpu uh you actually don't even need to turn your system on to update your bios if your motherboard supports this bios flashback function i'm going to show you how to do it right now so what we've got here is the msi rom sorry i could be screen capping this but it's only going to take a few seconds this rom needs to be dragged onto the root of a thumb drive fat32 formatted and it needs to be renamed to msi.rom now this is only good for boards that are from msi obviously and that support bios flashback which it should indicate somewhere on the product page or on the box that it does support this feature now once your drive is safely removed you're going to connect this into the back of your motherboard in the specific usb slot that is designated for the bios flashback function this port here highlighted in red is labeled flash bios this is one we want to connect the drive to and you'll see this button up top here flash bios button this is the one we're going to want to click once our drive is connected so we'll go ahead and get the drive installed let's see if i can get it in one shot yes correct orientation okay and then what we're going to do is connect the system to power but we're not going to turn it on so connect to power and simply flip this switch you may see things light up on the board but again we're not powering the system on then simply press the bios flash button you should see an led light up indicating the process has started do not touch the thumb drive or the pc while this is happening now your pc might actually fully turn on as if we had pushed the power button even though we didn't because again you're not supposed to touch anything during this process and i think it happened here because there's already a cpu in the socket you could perform this procedure without a cpu and socket at all and it should still work although your system wouldn't be able to power on obviously ours is and i've done it both ways i don't think technically you're supposed to have the cpu already installed but most of the manuals don't tell you one way or the other that's why i do it both ways if it's in there already to begin with then i just attempt to bios flashback uh with it in there it's just a bit more work to have to remove it so everything should be good to go now i just noticed that the led at the rear has stopped blinking so what i'm gonna do is power the system back off i'm going to remove this thumb drive i'm going to power the system back on at least at the power supply level and we're going to attempt to power the system on i'm going to be checking the docker debug led down here at the bottom to see how things are faring hey would you look at that the system now posts and actually we're in windows so i think this is booting into an old volume from one of his older drives that he put in here he told me he has a fresh nvme but it has nothing on it obviously because he could never get into a system uh beforehand so uh that's a great news it literally just came down to it bios update and folks this is why it is so important not as much now as it was back then but it's still good to know going forward because amd might do this again or heck intel might do it or whoever if you are unsure about whether or not your motherboard will support your cpu out of the box do a bit of research plan ahead because then you won't run into this issue and potentially suffer down time of upwards of a year or two oh my gosh and if you're in the same boat as this person where you have a motherboard that supports the bios flashback utility you don't need to borrow a friend's cpu or go onto ebay and buy an older cpu that's already compatible with the board in question you just need a usb flash drive and an internet connection also be sure to reference your motherboard's manual before beginning this process because your steps might be a bit different than the steps for this board here especially if you're using a gigabyte board let's say or an asus board they still have an equivalent bios flashback utility a bios flashback function but those steps to get it started might be a tad different so again reference those if you have this exact board though just follow along as is you shouldn't have a problem updating your bios without a cpu but we're not quite finished with this one yet remember we still want to cable manage and we still want to fix the led issues with some of these fans you can see the cable management here is a bit rough again we showed that earlier in the video but what i also want to show you that i didn't show you earlier is the rear of this build and uh yeah it's it's pretty it's pretty rough this is a borderline rat's nest so i think what we're going to be doing is unplugging everything and reconnecting things just in a more orderly fashion trying to cable manage as we go so we don't end up with something like this it'll be a lot cleaner if you need to get back here and add or remove components later on now i did find some pretty obvious issues this is a fan cable and it is completely disconnected from the board it was actually hanging outside of the case through one of these holes here at the bottom so uh this will be a quick fix just connect this to the board it does seem like there's a bit of a loop here of cables for rgb for some of the fans as well as the front panel and i don't think these actually are connected anywhere i think i think they're receiving power or at least the front panel led strip is but this cable should be plugged i don't know this is kind of it's one big loop like none of these cables are actually connected to the motherboard which is why i don't think any of them are turning on a few moments later at this point we've pretty much disconnected everything the 280 dps are still connected but they're kind of out of the way these are all for the rgb functionality of the fans as well as powering the fans front i o we've got our usb 3.0 etc etc usbc so a ton of cables over here we're going to try to clean these up reconnect these and then we'll focus on these power supply cables these are larger so installing these last makes a bit of sense because these are going to help press down on those smaller cables keep them nice and tidy 2 000 years later well uh it's it's not my best work uh usually i'm a bit better than this but uh you know i've got some zigzaggy lines and things just because these cables aren't long enough for some reason this board has a type c header at the bottom of itself where it's usually on the side so this cable doesn't traditionally need to be super long i don't really blame fantex for that but it's just kind of frustrating i like to stick with horizontal and vertical lines for cable routing and you know we've got a bit of a clutter down here there's just so many different rgb devices we've got this like rgb like hub type thing from liam lee for the laylee fans up top so it's a big mishmash and uh yeah um it does look a lot cleaner than it did though so there's there's that but perhaps more importantly the front here it does look significantly cleaner this is what you'll be seeing most of of course and i think we did a pretty good job cleaning it up you can see i read a pcie power through the dedicated cutout here this is specifically what this is for that's why it's here so i went ahead and took advantage of that that cleans up the front a bit i've also got the 24 pin tucked in a bit more cleaned up some cabling up here there was a lot of clutter underneath and that's just because we have all these different connections for all these different things like usb 3.0 we've got our fan splitter here we've got two different rgb connections down here front i o so it's just it's kind of a mess but i think we did a pretty good job working with it the way that we did and i suppose one of the last things to do then make sure that these leds now work and that the fans spin because they weren't spinning before yes okay our leon lee fans aren't spinning now so it's flip flop now our phanteks fans work and our lean leaf fans are not wow they are not even they aren't even spinning i wonder if that's just a power issue maybe i forgot to connect a sata power that's kind of worrying aha was this little cable here it actually powers all three fans because these unifans link together from landlady so that makes uh that makes a lot of sense all right i think the build is now fully good to go check dr debug yep showing cpu times now so that means the system has posted this build is uh it's ready to go and we fixed the cable management problems we fixed the uh fan led problems and we fixed the no post issue which perhaps was the most important issue of them all i'm sure the viewer is going to be super happy with the way this one turned out again the fact that we can get it working after it being down for so long is going to be just the icing on the cake you'll actually get to utilize this really good hardware and now that we've cleaned up cable management and stuff i think that it's a really well-rounded build i mean it looks really nice i like the the combination of hardware here i really like this case from fantax and uh i think he'll be set going forward i don't think he'd run into any issues now one thing i'm kind of sorta confused about i was under the impression that there was more than one storage drive in this build but there appears to be only one and i think it's an m.2 because there's no two and a half inch ssd or anything there's no hardness drive uh in the basement i i i thought there was more than one i was actually going to upgrade him to a really fast nvme from crucial but uh seeing as though he only has one storage drive i don't want to touch that because there might be sensitive files on there of course i'm just going to leave it as is the only issue though is that i think that this drive came from a previous intel build so migrating all that to an amd build could cause problems down the line we've talked about this in older videos but you tend to have driver conflicts and things what typically happens is when you transfer the drive right away you'll see windows is repairing drive or updating drivers yadda yadda but a lot of those older like intel drivers will still remain on the drive and as a result you could run into blue screens of death uh games crashing randomly all these random just like program freezes and things i've run into it personally just from migrating drive so i don't recommend that i will let him know that what he should do is take important files from the drive put them on a thumb drive and then wipe the drive and start fresh that's what i would do personally or you could clone the drive or whatever but then you're still kind of carrying over those potential driver conflicts to the new uh storage device so uh it's yeah a bit finicky that's really the only concern that i have going forward everything else though about this build is ready to go cable management like i said is good all the fans work actually the build runs fairly quiet as is at stock although we could tweak things a bit more in the bios and he's got a really healthy combination of hardware here i'm excited for him he can finally utilize such a powerful build deep cool's latest cases the ck 500 and ck 560 boast modern clean designs in both black and white versions like you're seeing here you'll find excellent hardware support including 360 millimeter aios eatx motherboards and graphics cards up to 380 millimeters in length and depending on the type of build you're after you can opt for the basic higher flow version in the ck ck500 or the extravagant rgb packed into the ck560 airflow still included you'll also find usb type-c port integration tool-free drive mounting and more check them out today via the link below now if you enjoyed watching this video be sure to let me know by giving this one a thumbs up that would be greatly appreciated if you have not subscribed for whatever reason smash that subscribe button that's that big red button there right below this video and i can also hit that bell notification icon as well if you want to be notified when videos like these go live we're uploading picture flop videos all the time this tends to be a pretty popular series so don't worry it's not going anywhere i do appreciate your support in the comments section as well leave constructive feedback if you don't like things if you want to see other things in the future i'm all ears especially within the first hour or two of this video or other videos like this being published and uh yeah you know follow me on twitter follow me elsewhere if you want to reach out personally twitter tends to be a pretty good way to communicate with me uh instagram not so much facebook not so much but they are available as well and they're also linked in the video description uh with that yeah thanks for watching and thanks for fixing a build with me
Channel: Greg Salazar
Views: 443,649
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: fix or flop, fixing broken pc, broken gaming pc, pc no post, pc doesn't post, pc turns on, pc turns on but no display, pc turns on then off, pc turns on but no display or keyboard, how to fix a pc, tech, how to troubleshoot, broken computer, how to build a pc, dead pc, no post, pc gaming, computer cleaning, computer, gaming pc, pc doesnt turn on, how to, fix or flop season 2, season 2, S2e5
Id: BoRhNtSQ7w8
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 17min 21sec (1041 seconds)
Published: Fri Mar 04 2022
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