Fixing a Viewer's BROKEN Gaming PC? - Fix or Flop S2:E9

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this here is another viewer's broken gaming pc and yes i'm in my sleeping pants today because i work from home you'll be okay so just a bit of backstory this system has actually been featured on the channel before in a fixer flop video yeah it's back to round two and i can't recall what episode a fixer flop it was but it came here for i believe a no post issue it would turn on but you couldn't get a picture to display to the monitor and the fix ended up being super easy right all we had to do was just reseat a ddr4 module so once that dimm was slotted correctly in uh the system worked and that was it it was actually a pretty short video and thankfully we didn't need to replace anything so had i been charging these viewers which i don't but had i been i probably wouldn't have even charged this person anything because it literally took 10 seconds to fix this case however is a bit different so again exact same pc but it doesn't power on at all which could be could be really bad could be something very simple but imagine this thing being plugged in pushing the power button literally does nothing so i'm as in the dark with this one as you guys are i'm hoping we can hash it out fairly quick i'm going to narrow my search in on these cables could be something again very simple just with wiring i'm also going to focus on the power supply specifically because i think that um if it's not a simple wiring issue it's probably a dead unit which would be unfortunate but we need to find all that out in this video stay with me if you're tired of running multiple rgb software suites to sync up your pc build check out signal rgb a free application that unifies control for multiple devices from multiple brands say you're running corsair ram and an evga graphics card no problemo control and sync both through signalrgb they even have game integrations for cool effects performance monitors and a community driven discord channel signalrgb's product support list is growing every single day and you can download it for free by clicking the link below hey there welcome to fix or flop this is season two if you haven't heard of this playlist before we have an entire first season that you've totally missed i think 20 super interesting episodes you might learn a thing or two as well uh so give those a watch if you want to catch up to speed here although each of these episodes is independent of one another so you don't have to watch a previous episode to know what's going on here uh each episode consists of a totally new system and in this case the system again doesn't turn on at all so we've got um we've got a pretty big issue potentially on our hands this system needs to be a kind of sort of cable managed just a tad this is the nzxt h1 the original now it does have the fully updated riser cable so there aren't any potential fire hazards crossing crossing my fingers but other than that i don't see too much wrong with this thing i might clean it up just a tad form before we give it back but uh i'm i'm really interested in trying to figure out what's wrong with this we do have our ps2 tester from passmark we also use if it ends up being something a bit more complicated than just a simple wiring problem i did kind of again glance over in the parking lot when i picked this up his primary connections 24 pin ap epps again usually if you have nothing coming from the power supply and you've plugged your primary cables in correctly right to the wall you flip the switch at the rear of the unit it could come down to just simply not connecting a 24-pin all the way or not connecting an 8-pin eps etc i checked those over just to be sure it wasn't something super simple and i didn't see anything wrong but then again it is a bit hard to see all the way in here everything is super compact so i can only see a bit um i i don't know i'm really thinking this is going to be a psu issue probably we'll need to swap this thing out so uh i don't know let's give it a shot so with all that out of the way you guys know the routine let's get to the troubleshooting process first off we need to attempt to replicate the issue described by the owner in this case it doesn't power on at all no fans no lights nada so if what the owner of the system says is true we don't really even need to connect our monitor because it just refuses to turn on at all i'm going to flip the switch to the on position at the rear of the power supply and we're just gonna have about it oh it does turn on i'm kind of weirded out by this this is not what was described maybe i should get my monitor a few moments later oh okay okay yeah so you're so it does turn on just don't get a picture out and you said the power supply fan doesn't turn gotcha okay all right um whoops so uh that was my bad i must have misunderstood him that or i just got it confused with another fixer flop entry we have literally dozens in the queue right now and i'm trying to prioritize the most serious ones so if you have like an issue where your system doesn't power on at all or it powers up but you get no picture out those are the ones i try to prioritize first because those are unusable right the infrequent blue screens of death and whatnot while they're also a pain to troubleshoot so that's one of the reasons why i try to stay away from them it also implies that your system does work at least partially so the folks that can't use their systems at all those are the ones that take precedence for me so um i'm gonna continue doing that moving forward this one still obviously is it's it's still in that boat where it doesn't send a picture out but um i'm still kind of sort of focusing my attention on this power supply i still feel like there's a power supply issue i don't see the graphics card fans spinning i didn't see them spin even the beginning when i first powered it up the power supply fan itself in the unit is not spinning either that could just be because it's not under load but i didn't see it spin when i first powered the system up either so i don't know i you know there's kind of mixed signals with this one unfortunately there is no doctor debug there are no debug leds so we're kind of just shooting into the dark here we're going to see what sticks first thing i want to do is take this case apart a bit more so that we can see the wiring on the inside double check make sure there's nothing obvious that we can fix you know what's also interesting is that when i attempt to hold the power button down to turn the system off even in systems that have improperly seated dimms this will still work it will still turn itself off whether i hold it down or just press it very quickly especially if you're in the bios you just push the power button once very quickly and the system will immediately shut down it's not shutting down at all i've been holding this down since i started filming this clip it still hasn't turned off i don't i don't know what's going on the only way to kill power is to actually cut power at the power supply which is just i don't i don't understand what's going on there so let's see what we're working with here remove these two screws and now this entire aio assembly should fold downward all right and we get much better view of our motherboard so we can check vital connections 8 pin eps looks good 24 pin looks good maybe we can check the power supply side as well because this is a modular unit all right and all of these cables well they are a bit crushed something i never really liked about the original h1 just not enough space here to route these uh very short cables and yeah they're all connected and they are all running to the correct peripherals as well so this doesn't look like a simple wiring issue not that i really am all that surprised because he hasn't touched this since the last time we worked on it i've looked over literally everything else in here and all of these connections look fine i checked the front i o wiring as well because sometimes that could cause the system to behave oddly if like your power pins are plugged into your hard drive led pins etc but all of that was wired fine i double checked that he hasn't taken this apart since the last time we worked on it so i have now disconnected everything non-vital we have one stick of ddr4 still in here in the first slot we have the eight pin eps connected up here on the top left we have the 24 pin connected and we have the graphics card connected or pcie power that's it nothing else i want to see if it'll post now because maybe it had an issue to do with the peripheral we'll turn power on we'll also need to manually jump the power pins on this board okay and there we go the system is on i know no fans are spinning uh the pump isn't on either the system won't be on for very long i just want to see if we can get a post although i still kind of doubt it right yeah nothing so far i have a really bad feeling now about this power supply i'm i'm starting to think that the uh clues are all pointing in this direction we're going to connect this to our passmark tester see if everything checks out so let's see what we've got power supply switches back on and go ahead and turn the unit on let's see what we get here gotta hold it down i forgot there we go all right so power's on 24 pin looks good 12 volts to the cpu 12 volt pcie ok so it doesn't look like it doesn't look like our unit is defective well uh that kind of sucks one last try then but this time with a different power supply this is going to be the last attempt uh before i move on to another component i i still have my doubts about the power supply in here i don't know why i just feel like the symptoms we're seeing are reminiscent of a power supply issue so let's give it a shot we're going to jump the pins here okay and system is on i know it doesn't look like it but it is and we are looking for a post i don't think we're gonna get one look at this point again it's a shot in the dark because the one thing that i thought it was clearly is not the culprit so i'm going to shift attention to the platform here uh it's probably not the cpu i say that and now i'm second guessing myself because this is an amd platform i'm just gonna throw this out there i'm not saying this is a definitive thing but uh in this playlist so far we've run into if i recall correctly a few more dead amd cpus than i was really expecting a lot of them are like ryzen 5 3600s and 2600s the 3600 though for some reason is just that's the one that i think we've had like two or three of those die already and i don't know why that's the case um well i mean we'll need to check the cpu anyway when we swap boards it's not ram we've tried both dimms i've tried one of my own dims i did that off camera i apologize i just i feel like you guys don't want to see that same thing over and over in each one of these videos but i did check that the cmos was cleared i i mean we have to swap i don't want to swap the platform because that's a pain in the butt but it's the next logical thing to do i think i don't think this is a graphics card problem but even if it was it's not like we could just disconnect it and run off of integrated graphics because this is again a ryzen cpu most of those don't have igps i mean we could swap the card i guess it would be easier than swapping the motherboard i wish i could actually talk to you guys live maybe if we had a poll um i i i'd assume most of you would say swap the card first because it's easier and i agree with that i think i should practice what i preach um so we'll swap this out this is an rx 580 or rx 480 we'll swap it out for our gt710 see if we get any picture out i also just realized that slot one is for whatever reason the outside slot so i went ahead and just put my dim back in to make sure that we didn't get a post and yeah still nothing so let's get this card out of here and slot in our measly gt710 it's a trusty gt710 because it has saved us more than once it's a very quick check for uh a dead graphics card let's give it a shot now jumping power pins all right our system is on any picture i'm kind of hoping it's not going to send us a picture out because if it does it implies that the card is likely dead and well this thing despite being a few generations old this is an rx 570 by the way not a 580 is still pretty expensive in today's graphics card market so i'd like not to replace that and it doesn't appear as though it's fixed the issue you know we could rule out the riser cable because i know this was upgraded and i i don't think it would be bad but we we need to rule it out before we move on because it is one extra variable at play here you know just realize though this motherboard has leds on it underneath just to kind of give it like an underglow i don't think it has a debug leds i haven't seen any of those yet maybe it's like maybe there's some wedge between the 24 pin and the outer dimm slot but there are leds that kind of give it that under glow effect when it's in a case and those aren't lighting up at all and they definitely should be this i still want to double check the riser cable first again just to be on the safe side but i'm really starting to think it's the motherboard now which sucks let's see what do we have here just in the cpu it is a ryzen 5 yup ryzen 5 3600 x i'm kind of not surprised based on previous builds that we've had to fix that this is the cpu in here if the motherboard is fine then it's probably a dead cpu which again that's that's such a rare thing typically but for some reason these 3600s and 3600 x's they just love to kick the can so i've cleaned up the chip and i don't see anything out of the ordinary if you check the pins on the back here uh all of them are where they should be no bent pins no missing pins so physically things check out and in the socket things also check out nothing clogged in any of the pin holes it all looks pretty clean visual inspection of the motherboard also checks out looks to be in pretty good shape no blown caps no missing smds or anything like that so yeah nothing obvious now one last two raw before we move on to replacing the motherboard we've eliminated the riser cable variable by slotting the card directly into the board we've eliminated a potential shorting to ground scenario where maybe the motherboard was touching part of the case where it shouldn't i checked visually it looked fine but uh this will just keep us on the yeah on the certainty side now i don't have a cooler on the cpu it's not good to run this long term without a cooler of course so don't do that you'll kill your chip we're just gonna be running it for a few seconds i've got my thermal cam we're just gonna see if the cpu even heats up because if it doesn't then yeah i mean that just would make a lot of sense so let's see where's the power pins okay so the system is on okay so the chip is heating up a tad we're still not getting picture out we're going to go ahead and kill power yeah i want to replace the cpu first to the motherboard it's probably easier to replace a cpu although i still think it's a motherboard just going to swap them out just because it's a bit quicker so i'm going to replace his 3600x with mine because i know that mine works and if we still don't get the post obviously it's not the cpu right and uh the only remaining component is the motherboard yep so motherboard's still heating up and we're not getting any picture oh we did okay i'm killing power that chip is pretty hot again don't do that it's not good to leave these chips running without any cooler attached at all um i i really shouldn't be showing you this on video it's just for a few seconds it's fine and we kept it on long enough to see that post so a dead cpu what was i saying earlier in this video i mean i'm i was ultimately wrong about the assumption of what's bad but i did say did i not that some of these 3 600s and 3600 x's that we've run into in the past just die they just they literally just kick the can which i have not been accustomed to with other older amd cpus and even older and current intel cpus for whatever reason we've had like three or four of these chips these specific chips from amd this sku specifically die what's up with that i don't i don't i don't even want to give him a 3600 x i don't want to give him mine because i feel like mine's probably going to kick the can too at some point what what's going on dead cpu ah geez that's because i still have a tiny bit of doubt now again cpus shouldn't really die like this but we've run into a few i'm going to attempt to connect this to another system that i know works with a different cpu in it it's still a ryzen based platform obviously it needs to be the bios is compatible with the 3600x so um yeah let's swap it in there let's power it on so this is that rig with the working cpu and i'm not even sure what cpu it is but obviously it's a ryzen cpu so we should get some post and once we confirm that it works like so then we'll turn it back off and we'll swap cpus that's literally the only thing we're going to do again we know the bios are compatible because well this is a b i think it's a b550 board pretty sure it is i'm gonna triple check that but uh i think the cpu in here is actually newer than the 3600x anyway so that should be an easy swap and if the system doesn't work then that means this thing's bad because this is the only variable we've we've touched right everything else is exactly the same so this here is a 5600g okay well that makes sense we have so many builds around here i get them confused i'm not sure which uh which computers have which chips in them so uh that's why i always have to find out on my own and we're gonna swap in 3600 xs by the way yes is a b550 motherboard so we should have native zentu support regardless of the bios revision here we go if this works then uh i'm gonna be awfully confused but it shouldn't right it shouldn't because of what we just saw with the itx platform i think the chip is dead oh that didn't sound good that was like that's like the power supply tripping it tripped like four times in a row i should probably connect the fan although i doubt that's what's causing this to not post wow was really weird the power slug made that sound but nothing nothing at all we can try one dim in all four slots in both channels i don't think this is a memory channel issue from the cpu and we found that to be an issue before with these trips as well but i yeah we're not getting picture out i i suspect it's just all around dead and there's nothing i can really do about it here in the studio except replace the chip outright which i suppose we can do again i don't really want to give him another 3600x because if it is a skew-dependent issue what we've been running into recently i he's just going to run into this problem again i'll see what i have this is a b 450 board yeah so maybe i can give him like a 3700 x now this chip here is from a previous video and you can see i've labeled this one bad it straight up does not work and uh you know this this is also a ryzen 5 3600 or 3600 x whatever ryzen 5 zen 2 chip it's you know i think it's just a coincidence i don't think it's it's skew-dependent that would be a huge stretch based on the very very small sample size we have but this is one of what three now that we've run into in this city alone right three bad ryzen five cpus all within a few months i also just realized i don't have any ryzen 7 3700 x's anymore i think i gave my last one away i do however of course have the 3600x a direct replacement again i wasn't really trying to give him the exact same chip just because this might happen down the line again but i know this and i know this guy personally he's actually a good friend of mine so it won't be an issue if i need to swap it out again for him i suppose i do have a 3900 xt but i think that's a bit overkill especially for a compact case with only a 120mm aio baked in so we can set this build back aside it has served its purpose and we can focus on getting this viewer system back together of course with the new cpu installed it's not a new chip i should say it's a it's a used one but it at least works whereas his does not wow it is like super finicky trying to get this motherboard in position holy guacamole the freaking tolerances here are super tight i like the v2 of the h1 because it has a bit more space to work with and with things cable managed a bit more go ahead and fold this upright always a bit worried about pinching cables here but i think we've cleaned things up cable wise enough yeah it closed pretty easy there a couple screws they're gonna lock this in place and we can get this rx 570 reinstalled just slide right in more or less already and we'll connect supplemental pcie power has eight pin here side panels going on oh it's kind of weird getting these on the h1 but i like that it's tool-less oops i completely missed one of the rails it's the only frustrating part about it is trying to get it all lined up here i think that'll do it all right nice and let's give it a shot this thing should fire right up and all i'm looking for here is a post that's it i don't i don't care about anything else i just want this thing to actually send a picture out it was all we were tasked with fixing so let's uh let's hope this works yes okay that's it i shouldn't be surprised because we did confirm that swapping chips worked but uh yeah we're good to go so this system can be used again this is actually uh his name's thomas good friend of mine like i said and uh he uses this for work so it was important that i got this back to him as quickly as possible uh good to hear that it you know wasn't anything too severe in the sense that like we'd have to wait several days for a part to get here if it was a dead graphics card that would have sucked but uh cpu i can swap out pretty easily and there are those motherboard lights i was talking about a bit earlier they are on now and uh well we were kind of fooled by this symptom i was initially thinking it was because of the motherboard that these weren't coming on but it's actually because of the cpu who would have thought well another day another dead cpu who would have thought and i and i started this playlist out a while ago stating that most of the time the cpu is not to blame it seems like this is just as common as every other symptom we've run into in this place and again i have no idea what i'm getting myself into most of the time when these systems come in if they don't power on or they don't post i mean it could be a number of things and in this case here we had no doctor debug led we had no debug led indicator at all of any sort on this board so we're kind of just shooting in the dark hoping to you know find something that sticks i started with the power supply then switched over to the graphics card still got it wrong then we swapped the cpu and i saw cpp before i swapped the motherboard just because it was easier to do it took a few seconds versus a few minutes and look at there dead chip and we verified it right in a different platform i don't i don't know it's just it's strange that i now have three instances where something has gone pretty wrong with the ryzen 5 zen 2 cpu in this playlist just this playlist three broken zen 2 chips i don't know i obviously think it is way too premature to jump on the oh amd produced a bad batch of zen 2 chips bandwagon i think that our sample size is far far too small to make any claims like that however i think if i can get a hold of one more of these because i have two now right two totally bad ones the other one that i had that had a dead memory channel i think is still in there but we have two that straight up will not post at all and if i can get a hold of one more like this i might reach out to amd i do have contacts there i'll see if i can get them to look at these and maybe they can shed some light into what exactly is going wrong with this particular skew like the 3600 3600x why are these the ones that seem to be breaking more than any other i've never even run into a dead 3700x 3800x 3900x uh it's only these now it might just be because these are way more common right these are way better value i think um six scores 12 threads you know 200 bucks thereabouts so it's a really good value proposition and maybe that's just why because there's more of these in circulation the chance of running into a defective one of these is higher uh but i don't know i mean for there to be three of these now just i'm just pointing it out that's all i'm doing here and i i don't really know what else to say um i obviously don't want to jump to any conclusions it's just uh way too way too early in the game but that if you enjoyed watching this video be sure to let me know by giving a thumbs up that would be greatly appreciated consider subscribing if you have not already and like i said leave a comment down below letting me know what you'd like to see next and what you think about this video and our findings my name is greg thanks for fixing another pc with me
Channel: Greg Salazar
Views: 334,840
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: fix or flop, broken pc, broken viewer pc, fixing a viewers broken gaming pc, fixing a viewers broken pc, fixing a viewers broken gaming pc - fix or flop, pc gaming, fixing viewers pcs, pc no post, computer, how to build a pc, pc doesn't turn on, no picture to monitor, tech, gaming pc, how to fix a pc, how to fix a broken pc, broken computer, dead computer, fix or flop season 2, Fix or flop s2, amd, amd ryzen
Id: TZNLpk5o1vE
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 25min 26sec (1526 seconds)
Published: Wed Apr 27 2022
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