Fixing a Viewer's BROKEN Gaming PC? - Fix or Flop S3:E6

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this here is another viewer's broken gaming PC I usually walk these into frame but this one's uh pretty heavy I don't want to take any chances this was actually built by the viewer in question for his son for Christmas so a bit of an early Christmas present he wasn't going to give it to him until that day but uh he wanted to build it assemble it make sure that it powered up and worked before giving it to him right because you don't want to run into these issues two three months later especially if you can RMA things within 14 30 days or so on Amazon it depends on where you get your parts but you know going through a distributor like that's usually a bit quicker you can get a replacement very fast going through the manufacturer sometimes I gotta test things and shipping is never really that quick so I don't blame them for wanting to to have that peace of mind unfortunately it doesn't power on at all it literally gets no reaction from anything in the rig no lights uh no fans spin NADA when I saw this entry in our form which is linked in the video description by the way if you live in or around Orlando Florida and have a broken system you like us to fix or potentially fix for free check that out I knew right away I wanted to try to fix this because I mean brand new parts there's no reason why it should be acting like this right I mean it's essentially doing this right here there's the power button yeah I mean whether it's plugged in or not it it doesn't react at all to being powered on or what should be powering on so it seems like hardware and something Hardware wise is wrong maybe something's wired incorrectly it could be a very obvious thing that he was overlooking I've been in that boat many times so we're gonna give it the rundown and hopefully we have this thing up and running again just in time for Christmas for a bit early but uh definitely want to have it ready before Christmas right so at the very least I can tell them what's wrong so he knows how to address it because these components are all new but uh I think we'll be able to to figure it out I mean for a system not to power on at all it's probably either a power supply issue or a wiring issue maybe whatever Wally plugged into wasn't sending power either I mean who knows so we're going to do our best to narrow it down here are you ready stay with me nzxt's H7 series cases offer plenty of Hardware support and a clean aesthetic sure to complement any build choose between white or black variants as well as standard flow or Elite trims for the right mixture of airflow and Beauty there's plenty of room up top for a fan ride combo larger than than just a single 120 or 140 and support for up to a 360 mil up front exists for beefy cooling wherever it's needed you'll also find several fans included depending on the model if you choose a white one you'll get white fans so that's nice in sexy cases our overall great values as you'll find and you can learn more about them by clicking the link below hey there and Welcome to our fix or Flop playlist I'm not going to bother running through the same things I always do just remember that you have that link down there if you want to submit your PC to potentially be fixed if it has an issue when you're local you have to be local no exceptions we do this stuff for free long story short so uh you know I can make money on YouTube creating videos like these around these PCS and I think it's a pretty worthy trade-off for those who drive out to to meet me so let's get straight into it I'm going to fire this system up or at least attempt to with our portable monitor it's important that the owner and I are on the same page and that's one of the reasons why you want to check the the symptoms you're seeing match up with what they're describing we also can get a good Baseline by doing things this way so power on at the rear I don't see any reaction by any of the components so far sometimes things will light up let's try power yeah this uh this thing's dead as a doorknob and I know for a fact that my Outlet's sending power so I think the first place I'm gonna look is wiring at the rear mainly the power supply itself we'll also try swapping out the power supply seeing if that gives us anything because this looks totally bricked and it just it reeks of a power supply issue so let's see what we're working with back here I was told Cable Management wasn't the best it's not the end of the world so uh we might I mean it actually looks decent I mean the cable management bar here really helps let's see if we've got anything unplugged on the power supply side everything looks good so far I really want to get this panel out of the way yeah it looks like everything is okay here everything's connected where it should be nothing loose so I am inclined to test this unit next we're going to use our PSU tester we've got the 24 pin APS and the six pin pcie connected this little extra two pin here is just additional grounds for higher uh Power draw let's go ahead and hold down the power button oh okay so this is interesting because when we bypass the main board in the graphics card we actually get power to our peripherals um that is that's that's very interesting because it means there's probably a short somewhere in and around the main board and the graphics card not what I expected this power supply is perfectly fine so yeah um at least it kind of points Us in the right direction now so not the power supply let's try the graphics card I doubt that's what shorting the whole rig but I've seen weirder things before by the way I did check all of his major connections on the component side prior to this as well as what you saw with the power supply itself everything was connected where it should be it was all slotted in completely so um you know what I just noticed these are extensions they look fine but I'd really like to bypass these because you just never know these don't look to be very premium either so let's run a PCI connectors directly into this card and see if these are the issue although I will say I don't see any physical damage anywhere now we've just got one Daisy chained original power supply pcie supplemental cable connected so that's it and we're gonna swing around here to the back I know it's a Rat's Nest ignore that power supply switch here and let's see if she works yeah nothing in that case let's remove his graphics card and we'll slot in our trusty xfx1 so new card and bypassing pcie cables but still nothing even after manually jumping the front panel pins and after disconnecting all non-vitals this is looking like a motherboard issue I think if the CPU would be bricked the the system would still try to fire up just wouldn't post you get code zero zero or something like that even a doctor debug LED I think something is shorted on the motherboard itself and that's what's keeping the system from even firing up in the first place the power supply notices right away that something is very very wrong here by the way because we have so many folks ask after each one of these episodes yes we have already tried clearing the CMOS we also tried different sticks of ddr4 those are both very very easy and quick to do quick to check so getting those out of the way up front makes a lot of sense of course it changed nothing about the fact that this rig doesn't even power on so we're going to swap the motherboard first normally I'd swap the CPU but for the reasons I just discussed I this really smells like a motherboard Problem by this point which is surprising because I was pretty confident it would be a power supply issue at first but I think the power supply is actually what's saving the rig from further damage here we'll also take this opportunity to check the pins for the CPU this is an AMD ryzen chip and we'll check the socket to see if there's any major interference and I don't see any indication that there was any shorting of the motherboard by the case stand up so where they should be no metal bits sticking out from behind let's see what CPU we have here does a horizon 9 3950x nice so that should work natively with b550 motherboards I was told by the owner that he attempted at one point uh updating the BIOS via the BIOS flashback function this board supports he didn't do it the right way though he left the power on and did a few other things that probably shouldn't have done but I don't think that was the issue to begin with though if you have a biosystem compatible with a CPU you'll still get some sort of reaction by the system things should still power on you just won't get a signal to your monitor I looked at the CPU pins very closely I don't see any issues here and his motherboard socket is also clean I mean it's a new product new board so it shouldn't have any filth in it but I do think there's still an issue with this so we're going to sort this out for one that gigabyte send test for this very playlist this is a gigabyte b550 aorus Elite ax V2 I know long name but this sticks with the same chipset as when he already has in his rig and has pretty much all the same features his has as well I've got things sort of just mock fitted for now nothing tightened down yet except for the cooler so the CPU doesn't overheat and I think that is okay let's flip the power at the rear ooh right away saw some flashes on the board that's weird is it could it be the chip ain't no way it's the chip what are you serious so it looks like this board here is trying to tell us that there's something wrong with a CPU this is so odd I was dead set on this being a CPU problem I'm pretty shocked that it's not let's see I'm going to get front panel connected here just in case I'm not jumping correctly or if I'm crossing pins our ah there's nothing just a flashing motherboard what on Earth alright then so we'll get another CPU in here this thing is still flashing all right I've just I don't know maybe that's just the way the board indicates there's a CPU problem I've I've seen I think that flashing once before and I think it was a CPU problem I think it was a gigabyte board that the CPU was was connected to so that to me is the only other option here again it's not the ram we already tested that it's not the graphics card it's apparently not the motherboard unless both the motherboard and the CPU are bricked because it's still not posting there's no power at all at least we're getting some lights here but the system's not powering on so I think we're cornered into swapping the CPU again and this would be another Zen 2 chip with an issue and this one is virtually brand new according to the owner so now just through process of elimination we're going to try a replaced CPU with his original motherboard I've got a pretty good feeling this is going to work now that we pretty much have nowhere else to turn so now the only change component in his rig is the CPU everything else is back to stock I didn't connect the uh extension cables yet but I don't think those are the issue so let's go ahead and power on I think I think this is going to work got a good feeling this time yes let there be light all right so CPU CPU I I really didn't expect this um like I said most of the time if the CPU is to blame you know the system will turn on it just won't post it won't send a picture out it's kind of a kind of a tease so to speak but in this case the CPU is completely breaking the rest of the rig it would not let anything power on at all I'm not sure if there was just something uh some kind of Fail-Safe something was tripping in the power supply maybe the motherboard could tell there was some sort of short in the CPU it's probably an internal short because we can't we have we haven't identified any broken or missing pins or anything so I'm left to believe it's just yeah and internally fried chip which is a shame because this is brand new and I don't have another 3950x I have one 5950x but I really want to keep that for recursive testing in the future and they're not cheap they're still like five six hundred dollars so I'm going to reach out to the owner there's our post I'm going to reach out to him and triple check that that CP was brand new I'm going to see if he can get it returned and if he is outside the return window for the vendor for the distributor I should assist people from Amazon if he's outside their return policy window then what I'll do is reach out to AMD directly I'll send this into them and get them to send a replacement pretty quick form so we can get them up and running well before Christmas now while I'm waiting for him to respond I was just looking over his rig we've obviously got a lot of stuff still disconnected I don't think this is going to impact uh the the rig really at all the storage drives and whatnot but I noticed that one of his fans isn't rotating and so if we come back here it looks like yeah this one right here so that'll be a super quick fix day two I ran a few tests off camera overnight just to confirm that this 3950x was in fact bricked that there was nothing we could do about it I ran a totally independent system b550 gigabyte board uh our old XFX graphics card a totally different power supply and a different stick of ddr4 and nothing there was no reaction from the platform at all no rgbs of course it would not power on oddly enough switching in at 5500 known and working resulted in not only a system powering on but we were even getting LEDs on the dram even before we powered it on just by flipping the power supply switch and kind of having that auxiliary power run the dram was lighting up we weren't getting that with this 3950x in the rig so something is terribly wrong with this I am certain that this is the culprit and at this point we're kind of at a Crossroads I've been thinking a lot about how I want to approach this because what I usually do is replace the component that's defective and I keep the defective one because there there is an off chance I'm able to get this thing returned to the vendor and they'll send me a replacement and I really have to watch my inventory levels because doing this for free means that we get a lot of inquiries and we we have a lot of parts moving in and out all the time the problem is most of the parts moving in are broken because that's kind of the point of the playlist so um I was thinking about this you know his 3950x if what he's telling me is true about this only being about four months old he bought this on Amazon apparently um he's outside the Amazon return window yes but this is clearly well within the AMD warranty service that they offer so we might be able to get a replacement for this it's just not going to take it's not going to take two or three days it's going to take probably two or three weeks maybe even two to three months I've never gone through the warranty service on amb site so I'm not sure what all is involved although you can see here the form you'll need to fill out I I I almost want to just tell them go this route but I you know there's there's not a hundred percent certainty involved they might end up returning the chip and claim that we did something to it who knows um but I would have a higher chance probably of getting a replacement just because of the position that I'm in and I don't think that's fair to the to the viewer um to the owner of this rig who who might be left hanging that's just how companies are so what I'm going to do is keep my known and working 5500 in this rig for him so without a doubt his rig is guaranteed to work that is clearly a downgrade even though it's a new architecture it's got significantly fewer cores and I think the frequency is actually lower as well so uh core for core this might be just the better trip all around but that aside at least the system works again and then he'll have this I'm going to give this back to him and he'll have a chance to get this replaced by AMD and I'm already in talks with AMD at least I've sent a message to them they haven't replied back yet so that's not really us talking back and forth but hopefully they were why and they can get this this gentleman set up with a replacement because there's there's no excuse for this it arrived DOA I'm I'm almost certain on that on that part I think that uh I mean if his story is true I don't see why this owner would be lying to me about this because he was convinced it was something totally he thought it was a motherboard he had a replacement motherboard on order and I told him hey just cancel the order don't worry about that I can replace the motherboard for free so if it is the motherboard there's no need for you to order one anyway so we canceled that he was grateful but yeah I mean it it was the CPU he thought what I thought at a certain point I thought the motherboard was to blame um I thought the power supply was to blame before that so this was a roller coaster but uh yeah this thing's bricked and because I can't guarantee on amd's behalf that uh he'll get a replacement chip I at least want to have a 5500 in here for him so that if the time comes and he can't get a replacement for this uh higher end chip at least he'll have a working rig to give his son for Christmas last thing to do then with all of the smaller cables and things wired up this system should be ready to go I want to fire it up make sure that we didn't uh do anything wrong in that rewiring process oh there it goes okay always a bit of a delay at first we'll make sure all the fans are spinning everything up top looks good we fixed that metal fan there at the back and the bottom fans are spinning all the RGB looks to be working and uh I was making sure that thing that one fan stopped for a second of course their IQ does that occasionally yep all the RGB looks good I think we've got everything wired up and uh and now we're just looking for a post give me something there we go all right so uh should be up straight to the BIOS now he hasn't installed Windows in this yet it's brand new I don't even know if he's gonna install Windows if he's going to install something different like like Linux or if it's even Windows 10 or Windows 11 he prefers so I'm going to leave it as is again it's a brand new build to let him customize it from there we have video tutorials plenty of others to do as well on YouTube to guide him through the remainder of this process so yep looks pretty darn good with that thank you so much for watching Jeremy's gonna kill me because I just like read his entire option you probably thought the first take was was going to be a good one but uh no I'm redoing it because it didn't end very well sometimes I slur my words and it just doesn't doesn't work out but uh yeah I'm glad this this uh system is back up and running again I think it makes the most sense giving him back his original broken CPU as well just in the off chance he's gonna be able to get that replaced to buy AMD free of charge and then this will give them the quickest turnaround as well peace of mind all around if you enjoyed this one consider giving a thumbs up I would appreciate that consider subscribing if you haven't already let me know in the comment section below what you thought about this one I know my troubleshooting um MO is a bit unorthodox there's usually like a recommended list of things you should run through step by step check this then that then that then that and I mean yeah that can work and it will make sure that you cover all your bases for sure but I enjoy just trying to sniff things out myself pin and pinpoint things as quickly as I can maybe I get it totally wrong maybe I don't but I think that makes for a better troubleshooting process here on on camera um and I can treat it more like a puzzle instead of just uh check this done nothing that it just gets very boring that way so I'm trying to get better at sniffing out the issues and clearly I was off here I was totally off hindsight's always 20 20. why didn't you check this first you should have checked that I mean apart from you know swapping Ram um checking Ram seating clearing the CMOS and those are the really quick things you can get out of the way in literally seconds but uh part swapping that uh yeah that you kind of just have to play by ear I thought it was a power supply I was wrong and then I thought it was a motherboard I was wrong his original motherboard is back in here working just fine it ended up being the CPU yet again another CPU issue how did I start this playlist off I remember saying something along the lines of CPUs usually don't just randomly die I am eating severe Crow for that statement and um it's it's it's turning out a lot of AMD CPUs especially have made their way into the into the studio a lot of Zen 2 chips in particular have been kicking the can so we'll see what we can find there other than that yeah if I haven't already said it like subscribe if you haven't already comment down below and remember that if you have a broken system them and you live in or around Orlando Florida you have a chance to have it fixed for free click the link in the description and uh yeah submit that form with some photos brief description of the issue and your parts uh list specifications that would be greatly appreciative try to get back to you as soon as possible there's a lot of inquiries but uh give it maybe six seven days and you should hear back from me whether I approve or reject the uh the form itself or if I reach out to you directly with my burner number all that should happen within the course of a week or so so yeah I think that's all I have to say okay now thanks for watching this part of this one and stay tuned for the next one my name is Greg thanks for learning with me
Channel: Greg Salazar
Views: 342,200
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: fix or flop, fixing a viewer's broken gaming pc, broken gaming pc, how to fix a broken gaming pc, how to, how to troubleshoot windows 10, how to troubleshoot pc, pc troubleshooting tips, greg salazar, greg salazar fix or flop, greg salazar pc cleaning, Pc gaming, s3:e6, fix or flop S3:E6
Id: ndhXksx5qLA
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 21min 51sec (1311 seconds)
Published: Sun Nov 13 2022
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