Updating the BIOS bricked this PC... You'll never guess what the issue was...

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okay guys we got a troubleshooting video for you uh coming up this is the computer i just recently built uh i think it was january or somewhere around there uh for my friend chris and he over the last couple days has been having really sporadic really odd no post problems after updating bios let's just hope asus hasn't struck again with its updated design offering support for large gpus the all new h1 from nzxt brings big performance to small form factor gaming the new h1 features larger ventilation for improved cooling and a new exhaust fan to increase air exchange efficiency helping it to keep even the most demanding components cool taking the guesswork out of parts compatibility the new h1 features a pre-installed fan controller 750 watt power supply gen 4 pcie riser cable integrated aio cooler and pre-routed cables to see the full list of features of the all-new h1 from nzxt follow the link in the description below okay so it's another one of those troubleshooting videos like i said where we're just going to kind of take you guys along for the ride for some of the methodology on how we're going to approach this so to fill you guys in on what he's already tried it wasn't one of those hey james careers and turning on there's a burrito no he he tried a lot of troubleshooting steps he's not like a beginner noob at setting up computers he is capable of you know doing some troubleshooting steps so things he's already tried removing uh all but one stick of ram cleared cmos tried different uh monitor cables unplugged his peripherals let me back up a little bit here so after my one of my first questions to him was okay you updated the bios did you ever get a post after the update to the bios he said yes he got you know when you update the bios you end up landing on like press f1 to continue because of you know checksum error or whatever that's going to happen after a new bios or now they don't call it checksummer basically it's like settings have changed press f1 to enter setup so he did that and it worked he also did a um restore factory defaults so one of the reasons why he was doing the updates and was in bios even you know poking around is because he was trying to install windows 11 and he was getting the error even with the standalone windows 11 installer not the update built into windows 10 that his system was not ready for windows 11. so he had to go in and turn on trusted platform module 2.0 and secure boot now he installed or turned on tpm 2.0 and still got the error and he found out that secure boot was not enabled it was after he installed or turned on secure boot when at that point he no longer was able to get any sort of post until he decided to take an hdmi cable and plug it into his monitor and plug it into the motherboard because remember this is an 11 900k and 1100k has an internal gpu on the cpu die itself he's able to get a video post or get a post and video with that specifically on the usb 2.0 header or not usb but the hdmi 2.0 but not the 2.1 so no display port output on either motherboard or gpu no hdmi on the gpu showing but hdmi working on the motherboard that's where we are i have not tried to post this yet for the love of god don't let this post right now because if it does even though this is his monitor and his tower because i want to create the setup here with if there's an issue with the monitor i don't want to use ours and be like well you know it's everything's fine it could be a monitor issue please don't post because i need to be able to figure this out this is going to be like the auto mechanic issue like my car is doing the thing and it stopped doing it when i got to the mechanic it doesn't do the mechanic and then it does it again on the way home or he gets home and it doesn't post there's a lot of things that could cause a system to hang and that's why he went through the unplugging all the usb plugs you know what i i can't remember exactly what it was but i had a peripheral once that i think it was a corsair uh cooler master mouse actually that if it was plugged in my system would sit there for like 40 seconds before it moved past it it thought that the mouse was like a bootable drive it was like hey you got something on there we can load hello the mouse is just like because it's a mouse right so there's a nine okay you mentioned a9 is where we get stuck right all right so we've got a green light green light although sounds like good is a good thing is not we want white light so green is just what it's most recently like stuck on if that makes sense red would be just a straight up fault green means it's currently checking that particular component and we want it to turn white that's when it actually clears and and gets past its post does the button respond yes it does okay so that's a good sign i can't read it my old eyes now are too old for this the next thing i want to try because i know he did it is i'm just going to do displayport into motherboard okay it's testing memory look display port so the cable is fine which you guys the bios okay primary display is set to cpu graphics see how we have auto cpu graphics peg and pcie so we want auto technically now with it plugged into the gpu we're stuck on a9 so here's our test unplug it from here plug it back into the motherboard because it's on auto right let's see if we get a video signal this is also one of the nice things about intel cpus yeah see it's working having integrated graphics is you can't do this on amd you'd have to have a second graphics card to test this unless you have a g true see i went back to cpu graphics i set that to auto and it went back to cpu graphics okay so i'm going to restart now primary graphics is now set to p e g and then swap this if it does it again and i go back in and it says cpu graphics again the next thing i want to do is roll back the driver one version there's usb we have no video 98 is memory a2 a9 okay so looking up code a9 it says once the motherboard completes all power on self tests the lcd display will settle with the steady a9 readout code a9 signifies the start of setup so that means we're sitting there at the bios before i resort to changing the graphics card which is face it this would not be the first time a 30 series graphics card has failed um it's unfortunate but it's kind of commonplace fortunately it's an evga card they will stand by this product and replace it but i want to roll back one version because he had no problems at all until he did the bios update and this is not the first time we've seen settings in bios screw up because right now i bet you right now if i boot it again it's going to say cpu and not be on auto and not be on peg so one of two things could be happening here it could be just not saving the setting like it's supposed to or it's going if the graphics card did somehow die in a manner of which it's not communicating with the pci express it could just be defaulting back to c to cpu because it's like bro there's no there's no graphics card installed the bios should allow you to force it to a setting that has nothing there and then just not post that's the way it should work so if i go back to advanced then go system agent cpu graphics all right we are currently on version 1301 i'm gonna go right now download a bios that is a previous version of this and see if we get any different behavior anyone that's updated in asus bios knows it does multiple restarts it does the main bios first and then it will do like the me which is the management engine next and then it will do like aura after that there's a few restarts and some of those restarts don't give you an image right away and it can make you think like it hung and you can turn it off and interrupt it so i asked him i said can you remember if it did multiple restarts and um you know he was like uh honestly i don't remember he's like i could have interrupted it i don't blame him for that because i've myself been like why isn't it posting oh yeah it's doing me flash and that pops up like way late in the post process and i'll show you guys too what that second post looks like when it's not done flashing yet if he did interrupt it then he would actually be very lucky that uh it didn't brick anything there's a version of that oh yeah right there so we're in 201202 perfect graphics okay set the cpu graphics i'm gonna try p e t or p e g and p e t g we go p g again so all right now we're moving on to the next troubleshooting step which is graphics and that's terrible news if that's the case one other thing i didn't do before i unplugged this or took it out but i did verify with him is that has he tried other display port ports on here and he said yes so if this posts now with the 3050 in here the next thing i'll need to do is take that card put it in an own good system and see if the problem pers like if it follows the card if so then that's bad news but also the good news is the fact that i will be able to get him a replacement card it just sucks you know the other possibility here is that it's the motherboard the motherboard for some reason is no longer oh yeah there it goes blue light that's not looking too promising all right so the 3080 ti is on our test bench known good platform for obvious reasons as a test bench and we just use it for testing so what we are in uncharted territory this is good and bad gpu would have been a lot easier to replace the motherboard if needed all right so we're throwing our 3090 ti in here because we again know that it works because we just tested it a whole bunch 3080ti has leds that will light up if one of these power cables isn't working my first thought was like maybe one of the pci express power cables is loose or something and it's not giving power to the gpu and but and maybe the one i plugged in here i'm just gonna put the 3080 ti back in there no still stuck on a9 with 380 ti 3050 works 30 90 ti works 3080 ti doesn't work 380 ti works on our test bench so all right we have got a 3080 ti tuff installed right now and i'm curious as if this will boot if it is then there's some weird conflict between the vbios in the evga card in this motherboard because we know the card works the card worked just fine in our test bench so we are now in a very weird the screen just triggered so it sent something let's see i have a feeling this is going to work just fine really does it just hate 3080 ti specifically how 3090 ti booted 30 50 booted what the actual this is this is why we make these videos because this is the kind of frustration you know a standard user would just be like ah what's happening you know especially when it works from one boot to the next it's like the motherboard just forgot what a 3080 ti was well i fixed it so story time to troubleshoot this i had i had to be very diligent what did you do last like what was the last known working config and it was when he updated the bios i have a theory on this 1301 potentially somehow created an update in a deeper portion of the bios that handles display id which basically says okay motherboard motherboard goes okay graphics card you're up the graphics card says okay send a signal i'm using h i sense an hdmi cable let's send a cable like a signal down the hdmi or display port and then the monitor says oh incoming and then it turns on that's auto on and auto display switching and all that sort of stuff i found a post from nvidia on the nvidia website uh like in their forums deep in their forums that specifically talked about a display id uefi update for this graphics card and the 3060. now that goes back to october and it's like what what the heck this card has been working since october well until we updated the bios so this is a very similar problem to when we were showing you how we thought we had a bad graphics card and ended up being um like we just switched the card out to a 20 series and it would boot right you guys specifically even told me like guys jay there's uefi updates that will handle this sort of thing but to have a card working in a system to suddenly stop working means what triggered the uefi update for the v bios to be necessary or the the uefi right firmware was forced obsolete by the graphic or the motherboard update which is odd because i've never had that happen i've never had a motherboard update make a vbioslash uefi and a graphics card no longer work now we're fortunate here that we had extra hardware right and then the other the other clue was the fact that the tough wouldn't boot so we then no longer were able to like we we expanded beyond this card with the same tier card which started making me think there's something specifically with the 3080ti uefi bios because remember the nvidia uefi bios for the 3080ti is the same on every single one that is the root like base layer of the firmware which the manufacturer v bios has put on top of to tell you know boost clocks fan speeds all that sort of stuff so this is why these videos are important because all intents and purposes led me to believe the card was bad until i tried it with a 30 50. right well the training with the 30 50 is what told me the card's probably bad try to 30 90 ti okay the card is definitely bad because it's working put that card in the test bench and it works goes wait a minute why is only that to your card not working 380 ti from asus going in there same thing didn't work the oddness here and why we show you guys this stuff is the fact that the motherboard update is what caused this so i feel i firmly believe because the bio or the bios that was on the motherboard was so old that updating it moved the display id portion of the handoff to the video video card passed the compatibility of whatever the initial launch 3080 ti uefi bios was or firmware was so we essentially took compatibility with the motherboard and scooted it beyond where we were i have other graphics cards and other systems i can test with most of you do not so this could have led to a rma of a card that's not bad all it took was plugging this in my test bench going to the nvidia website downloading the display id updater popping in here and it works the last thing we need to do right now is i need to just double check that displayport is working because that was hdmi and if the displayport's working unfortunately for him we are up and running and then he can go back to trying to get windows 11 installed if he still wants to do that and one in windows 11 is what started all of this can't blame them i mean i'm running windows 11 myself because i need the long-term user report for personal reasons and obviously telling you guys whether or not you should do it yep there it is so i have now spent four hours no three hours on this no two hours two and a half hours time on what actually took 25 seconds i guarantee someone watching this video right now just had an aha moment and i promise this video has just helped someone like have a better day because maybe their stuff that they thought was broken is now working so this also could lead people to thinking the bios update on the motherboard work the motherboard but it motherboard's fine it's the graphics that needs to be updated thanks for watching guys hope these videos have helped you if you know someone whose graphics card suddenly is giving a black screen after doing updates take the card out put in another system that's working see if it boots if it does download the nvidia display id updater and you'll be up and running thanks for watching guys we'll see in the next one
Channel: JayzTwoCents
Views: 1,204,491
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: broken PC, bios, bios update, is it safe to update bios, motherboard, motherboard bios update, bios update broke computer, bios update broke PC
Id: LQG153s1NIM
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 17min 8sec (1028 seconds)
Published: Tue Apr 12 2022
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