One Night at Flumpty's - Fangame Review

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[Music] so most of these fan games aren't critically acclaimed for their visual flair more from the night you'll just have fan games that attempt to replicate the look and feel of any one of the official five night's games rather than trying something new of course there are exceptions to this with games like super fan alpha in the upcoming project box but oh yeah back in 2015 one night at flumpty's was the game that broke the mold in not looking like this this hot wet poo nugget was released on January 29th so for the time it was an especially unique little fan game that Canada's dropped out the stratosphere into what was at the time a pretty visually uninteresting melting pots of fan games apparently what began as an in-joke between friends creator John Akram turned into a fully fledged fan game now this dude has actually been making games and stuff for about 15 years with a pretty extensive portfolio actually with one night at flumpty's being one of his later games basically it's five nights Freddy's one except it's a cartoon fever dream where you're fighting an ache chibi-robo Pennywise gigas can't forget gigas and and a beaver taking a [ __ ] all in all this game makes zero sense and the game does not mess around you click start you survive one night and you're finished game is over no extra content remember what I said in the last episode of the series the game definitely had its flaws with the glaring issue being just how similar at plates of that original Freddy's game I myself look to do more of like an intentional parody rather than a unique fan game yeah yeah let me just get back this is the definition of parody it takes the whole concept of sitting in the middle of a haunted restaurant with no way to defend yourself other than a pair of power-driven doors and not only does anything to change it because what a friggin ridiculous concept in the first place right Delonte stakes the heightened reality from Freddy's and just drives into the ground from a non locust perspective yeah the concept is dumb and flumpty's very appropriately takes that dumb concept further and injects it into something that doesn't take itself seriously in the slightest and you know what that totally works now usually I'd bring up how the gameplay is different from for now for it borrows and all that but other than a slightly smaller map it's essentially the exact same gameplay well okay it's slightly different you don't have Windows this time around if you want to check out there's anybody outside you gotta open the door which leaves you vulnerable to whatever may be lurking behind which is a good way of ramping up the difficulty but other than that yeah it's pretty much one-to-one with Freddy's one the beaver essentially acts as foxy and he's really the only camera you ever need to check there's even a golden flumpty that behaves pretty much identical to golden Freddy except you can get rid of him by flipping the monitor but even then that's taken from fran after the only real difference is that at 4 a.m. cam 3 is unlocked and you got to deal with the red man as he's referred to but he plays identical to flan tiem birthday boy blam so like whatever oh and also I never had any trouble with him personally but good golly if he didn't nearly indirectly kill me during the last two hours of my first playthrough Grunk fuss the clown will crawl out the wall in front of you getting closer and closer the more you check the cameras I think I never die to him so ya deal with all that survive until 6 a.m. and feel accomplished in the fact that that was 10 minutes while spent yeah 10 minutes is a very short game my biggest complaint for a lot of these fan games is that the difficulty balancing makes things way too easy in the early nights and far too hard in later nights but flumpty's legitimately doesn't have this problem I imagine it's far easier to perfect the difficulty for one night than having to account for newcomers and also making things interesting enough for replay value but the problem is Fire nights Freddy's games are nothing but replay value because you're essentially playing the same game 5 times in a row in turn giving them terrible replay value what but hey one night flumpty's doesn't have to deal with this and plus this means as a hell of a lot less burn out on the players in I definitely think that there are some decent fan games out there but the ones that aren't the same game every night are the ones that are the most interesting to me flumpty's only has one night but it uses it to its advantage by cramming everything it's got into that one night instead of drawing it out for 5 and for that I definitely appreciate it though and I should mention that this game yeah again it's brilliantly stupid of course of course the outro part of this thing is that flumpty bumpty has kidnapped you and wants you to survive the night in order to become friends but if you don't he's your eyes man that's mildly concerning but while we're on the topic of this game over screen it's pretty well drawn in fact I'd go a tad further and determined that this entire game is really well drawn I mean it's one thing to have an unorthodox art style in a game like this but to have it look as good as this certainly takes skill some of the jump-scare animations here too uh really decent and the fact that the moment they get you their design switches to looking fast-food here is actually a helping hand in making this ironically a tad scary everything from the warning splash to the dumb references plastered everywhere the game is played off is nothing but a dumb joke but I don't know making the drumstick is actually scary in comparison does get you so overall flumpty's 1 it's not much but what we do get is a glorious mockery of the first Freddy's game and for that yes pretty awesome in all honesty I do assure there's a bit more to it like an extra mode or something but for what it is I had a good time with it and yet this is one hell of a short review but really there's not too much to discuss with it now flumpty's still on the other hand there's definitely a bit more going on which I'll definitely go into a bit further but yeah that'll be the next fan game review but yeah flumpty's 1 yep also the game isn't the 9 aspect ratio thank God [Music]
Channel: gomotion
Views: 279,894
Rating: 4.9745569 out of 5
Keywords: gomotion, go motion, one night at flumptys, onaf, flumptys, flumptys markiplier, onaf review, onaf fangame review
Id: OR7VzekXaGs
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 5min 51sec (351 seconds)
Published: Sun Feb 02 2020
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