The Worst JHS Pedals Ever Made

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i just want to prepare you that today's episode is a bit weird it's kind of a shameless plug but it's drenched in self-loathing and sadness so join with me as i complain about how some of my favorite jhs pedals don't sell and how you really shouldn't buy them because at this point who cares i started jhs by accident in 2007 and i've made a lot of pedals over the years i've had a lot of success had a lot of heartache i've had a lot of failure and i've had some pedals that just people don't like so today i'm going to show you several petals that are not successful but i love them i spent a lot of time on the designs i think there's some of our best designs and most original circuits for the most part but you know nobody likes them so they must suck and the whole point of today is that i'm going to play these horrible pedals for you to convince you to never buy them you're already not buying them and today i'm going to seal the deal on that i'm approaching the elephant in the room staring it right in the eyes and just saying you don't want these here we go the first pedal that you never ever need to buy because it is horrible is the jhs lucky cat the lucky cat came out in 2017 but it really started in 2010 as the pink panther these are pretty rare i've seen them go for prices that are quite embarrassing five six hundred dollars so whatever and here's the deal we put this out but it originally came out as pink panther and it was technically a version two but then one day i came to work there was a manila envelope said urgent it was rushed to me by dhl it was from mgm they didn't like the use of that name so right off the bat my new release had to change its name which spiraled it into a black hole of chaos and oblivion and that wasn't good because i had to redo all the marketing and branding people got confused we do have another black color that equally confuses people and it just makes it a horrible product so here's the thing i'm gonna play it it's uh it's a digital delay with a tape delay mode as well and it harkens back to the dd5 which is one of my favorite delays ever and the de7 i love both of these they're really cool rare pedals and i think this does a really good job of these um the analog components here i designed and then robert keeley wrote the code for the digital portion so i'm really proud of it but people just don't buy it and obviously when people aren't buying stuff it means it's really bad so let's jam on it [Music] that was a fun jam it's kind of a pink floydy bouncy kind of thing i liked it it was nice i don't know why it doesn't sell that well maybe it's pink there's a lot of you watching this and you're scared to put something pink on your board and i understand pink's a tough color it says something about you or it says something not about you maybe that's why it hasn't sold maybe you don't like cats maybe you're a dog person i need to move on the next pedal is from 2014 it is the twin 12 overdrive there's two versions the first version didn't have the toggle here so let's focus on the v2 uh has a red remote switch so you can remotely activate that now what this pedal is is awesome to me i'm really proud of it i took the silvertone 1484 amplifier and we basically built that exact amp circuit in here but replaced the valve tubes with fet transistors and we hand bias each one it is an amp in a box it's a really nice cranked original feeling amp sound because that silver tone amp is pretty special you hear it on a lot of jack white white stripes records uh coldplay has used this amp beck uses this amp so it's really nice so i'm just going to turn it up and it's really touch dynamic so with this strat when i play light it's going to sound clean and when i bite into it it's going to sound more distorted so yeah let's check it out but don't buy it [Music] so [Music] that was fun you know i don't know why it doesn't sell i've had some huge artists tell me they love this a lot of people love it on slide as well i don't know maybe it's the icon originally you know the icon idea was silver tone 1484 so a silver dollar but the lady on the silver dollar it didn't work right so we ended up with lady liberty from the statue of liberty and it's this weird crossover and it's complicated and confusing maybe you see the icon and you're like i can't handle this oh my gosh i don't know whatever it is just don't buy it it sounds great i'm really proud of it but i need you to stay away from it let's move on the next jhs pedal that you definitely should never buy is the spring tank now spring tank is a play on spring reverb tank the tank that's inside your amp and you know there's a tank here i don't know maybe tanks offend you maybe people have been offended by this and if if a tank has offended you i'm sorry um i could change the icon i still don't think you'd buy it either way i'm gonna play it and here's a feature i love of this pedal it does spring-ish style reverbs but honestly it doesn't do them that well and i say that as a positive thing it's a quirky lo-fi reverb it has more of a slapback sound than a reverb so it's different really unique and i'm surprised people haven't caught on to it and the best feature is this jack for effects loop so what you do take any pedal i'm going to use an old blood noise dweller which is this crazy ambient device and i have this cable that is trs stereo on one end and splits it out here so in and out i'm going to plug that into the effects loop now when i do that when i play this the reverb only will have this in its effects loop meaning the clean guitar is still clean but the echo the reverb being produced by the spring team will be affected by whatever's in it you could put a wah pedal in it a fuzz pedal another reverb octave whatever i'm putting this in here i'm going to turn this up really high so it's crazy ambient and you're going to hear it inside of this reverb and then another cool feature is you can choose do you want this on both tank modes because the way this pedal is made is you have one knob for a spring tank setting one and when you hit the switch you get a second level it's almost like having two reverb presets well i have chosen on the side to only activate the effects loop when i'm in tank two that means i'm in tank one you're gonna hear the normal spring tank reverb when i hit this you're gonna hear that reverb plus this so you have this wild ability to use presets again i don't know why it's not popular and technically it's a v2 of the alpine people don't want to come to terms with that some people say the alpine sounds better this is the exact same circuit the exact same circuits same circuit it's just smaller with a different icon and name let me say that again this does not sound better than this this and this is the same thing so this is aversion to alpine and what's weird is the alpine is technically a version two of the cloud nine that i bought from jim who made this pedal back in the day so in a way the spring tank is a version three of a cloud nine that's confusing maybe that's why but let's jam and let's understand together why you don't want it [Music] [Music] sounded great to me but you know it probably sounded horrible to everyone watching because no one's really buying it so i guess it doesn't sound good maybe i'm wrong the next ghs pedal you definitely need to not buy like i know you've been thinking about it a couple of you probably two of you don't do it don't buy it it's the cheese ball this is from 2019 and it is an exact replica of the big cheese now the big cheese is from love tone i've done an episode on this this petal is so expensive probably around a grand uh i have this whole set they're amazing they're iconic no one had replicated it correctly in my opinion i'd never seen anyone replicate it right there's a schematic that floated around on the internet had some errors compared to three units that i have so reverse this got it perfect and released this at 179 which is cheaper than our other pedals again i don't know why anybody i don't know i don't know at first it did sell okay it sold okay and then it just it just went downhill i think you know maybe what i need to come to terms with is a lot of guitar players are lactose intolerant and this is about cheese and you see it and you go i can't do that i don't know it's sad i'm just going to play it it has this cool switch which changes the tone profile can make a gate i'm going to put it on like a kind of a big fuzzy kind of distortion sound i'm going to add in some delay with this lucky cat that you definitely should not buy i already said that but i feel like i'm rambling i'm just gonna play this and just remind you don't buy this pedal [Applause] [Music] foreign [Music] i really like that i feel like that jam was kind of like grunge andy timmons like if andy had chosen another road the grunge road let's go the next pedal i'm gonna close off with a pedal that's related to probably one of my most successful pedals ever it's expensive this is the version one there's a version two now but people buy it all day right now somebody bought one and again it's super successful um but they don't buy this this came out a bit after this so in 2015 i released the crayon and let me break it down for you in case it's confusing and maybe that's why you don't buy it so the crayon is one crayon from the color box just imagine being a kid here at the crafts table and um you pull a single crayon so what do we pull in here what does the crayon do well see those three red knobs it's that red section of the color box it is the dirt distortion fuzz section preamp what this means is this is the original idea for the color box when i first envisioned it this is all i ever saw and then when we got into the design i started learning more we saw what we could do it turned into this so this is actually what i always intended the color box to be you know what's crazy it just doesn't sell like the edge has this in his rig you too the edge it's been like seen people still don't care it does everything clean boost preamp overdrive distortion fuzz spitting gating fuzz has a high-pass filter and it has the best and coolest roll off with your volume on your guitar clean it up and it cleans up this bright shiny beautiful sound i'm going to demonstrate that but i just want to warn you just don't buy it you know nobody's buying it now and i need to keep it that way um and the irony is this is one uh this is probably the most original distortion pedal design we've ever done and i would go as far as to say in the pedal market in the last 10 15 years one of the most original designs ever but it doesn't sell and that's okay i'm gonna jam on it and you're gonna understand and then we'll move on [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] so [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] that was pretty cool how it went from sparkling amazing clean tones to sputtering madness i didn't have time to demo all the other sounds it does in between um but just don't buy it you know it's not selling so far so we definitely don't want to start selling it while we're at it there's i've disallowed is more good amp we've had it for a while there's actually some in stock at sweetwater um could you roll asking can you roll that over that you know the amp that nobody really buys anymore yeah here's the deal it's a good amp uh but i think there's obvious glaring problems it's made really well it has a weird name loud is more good i understand it's not you know dramatically correct or whatever the word is one channel yeah no channel switching no effects doesn't have reverb or trim all the power goes straight to the tone of the channel and that's sun called for you know you don't want it to sound too good the speaker's really nice it doesn't have any color i should have made it red but i messed up with that that's fine no master volume no effects loop no fancy endorsements either can i have it like a kleenex to wipe my tears what kind of kleenex is this now it's time to watch josh i just wish stuff sold sometimes i mean other stuff sales i'm we're doing fine we're actually at our best year last year but it's not all about money sometimes you just want people to buy the stuff that you make you know you just want people to love the things that you designed my blood sugar is plummeting is there like an apple or something some coconut water it's like really hot in here these are like my best circuits people just don't care i can only do what i do you know and if nobody here likes that that's okay because the end of the day i lay my head on the pillow and i know these pedals are exceptional but i also don't want anybody to buy them because it feels like a burden now the last thing i want to do is cause a burden i don't want people to think of jhs as the product they need to buy i never wanted that i just want to i just want people to see these cool things that i see as cool that we worked really hard on you know it's totally fine it's totally fine i hate everything i can't stand it i can't stand it are you going i can't get away from me today's record time is brought to you by a record from 2020 a very weird year it was a very good record it is spoon's album called all the weird kids up front and here's why i chose this for today because spoon's a band that i have a lot of friends and people say i can't get into them you know or they say that and then they become obsessed with them what's cool about this this is a fan picked a fan picked greatest hits record so it's all the tracks that the fans really love that aren't considered radio hits and you know a lot like pedals that aren't successful these songs weren't technically successful but a lot of people love them honestly this purifier don't make me a target fitted shirt beast and dragon who makes your money my favorite spoon song is track one on site two paper tiger yeah check it out spoon all the weird kids up front you need to know about it because you know sometimes the things that aren't popular are really good sometimes they're not this is really good though thanks so much for watching this episode and enduring this pain with me i know it got weird but you know if you watched it this far it's kind of like we're family and family is weird so hit like if you liked it subscribe and click the bell icon to get notifications of future episodes and a new thing you can click in the link in the description below and go to a band lab site for the jhs show download every jam we do and even a lot of past jams and jam with us all the time create your own music along with our riffs drum grooves all that stuff it's fun do that and just remember don't buy these pedals don't buy them don't do it i know you want to stop it stop stop you
Channel: JHS Pedals
Views: 229,299
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: JHS, JHS Pedals, The JHS Show, Guitar Pedals, Guitar Effects, Guitar Gear, Guitar Pedal Demo, Music History, overdrive pedal, chorus pedal, distortion pedal, boss pedals, compressor pedal, univibe, delay pedal, octave fuzz, reverb pedal, reverb, eq pedal, boost pedal, behringer
Id: oQRmDtIfodU
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 20min 29sec (1229 seconds)
Published: Fri May 07 2021
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